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Everything posted by Kitty
[quote name='chaseotaku']quad i kno you got that from that t shirt[/quote] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]*cough*totalspam*cough* You could at [i]least[/i] pay a LITTLE attention to the topic of the thread. Oiy. Anyway. I was bouncing on my cousin's new trampalene. (I am 14, you know. Not too old for it yet. ^_~ ) He had the neighbor kid over, who is visiting from Canada for the next week, and when he went inside to get a soda, he must've seen my dad watching the news with my uncle or something, and ran out (soda in hand) telling me and my cousin all about the earthquake and tsunami(s). I was actually quite surprised. I'm not sure why, after all, I don't know anyone who lives there, nor have I shown any interest in such areas (no offense). But I just felt.. well, shocked. Later today, around an hour or so ago, I was watching TV as well as surfing the web (yes, I can multi-task quite well) and stumbled upon CNN and they were showing footage of the water flooding pools and streets and docks. They were a little scary. I was very startled when they showed a clip of people grabbing children out of a hotel swimming pool as the wave approached. I saw a few make it, but the clip ended quickly. Maybe the others didn't make it? Probably. Why else wouldn't they finish out the clip. Ugh. This has been a horrible year. Can't wait for '05.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]And we thought he only [i]ate[/i] people.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Unfortunately for me, I just got the book from the library today. (I'm still surprised as to how every last copy was out last week. :bawling: ) But since I have it now, *holds it up*, I'm going to start reading today and hopefully be done with the first five or six chapters by the same time tomorrow. Shinmaru [i]did[/i] say the chapters were short, afterall, lol. ^_~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='jedite']Yup, it's only for the GBA.[/quote] [color=blue][size=1]Actually, you can also play it on the DS*. The DS can play both GBA** [i]and[/i] DS games. Pretty neat, eh? Oh, it can also play GBC***, and GBP**** games. But that's not the subject of this thread, though, is it? ^__^;; But anyway... KH:CoM is really new to me (literally. Got it Christmas day). The card system is turning out to be a pain in the butt. Though it is kind of interesting, and I might just master it yet. Heheh. :D The "Quick Save" ability is a [i]God send[/i] (I say this, even being an athiest). I can't COUNT the number of games I've had (portable or no) that I've had to shut down after hours of gameplay [i]without[/i] being able to save. My mother's a *****, so she'll threaten to throw my game (and system) out the ******* car window if I don't turn it off that instant... o_O;; Um.. Yeah. I like that "Quick Save" thing.. >_>;; The bosses are difficult. Some take me three or four tries. I'm currently stuck at the stupid [spoiler]Monstro level, and I'm right in front of the door where you enter and end up having to save Pinocchio from the Parasite... thing.. I haven't even beaten it once! And, after playing KH on the PS2, I'm pretty sure I'll have to fight it [i]again[/i] after I take an hour or so to beat it![/spoiler] I swear, this is a VERY frusterating game at times.. >_
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Dratini!" Nikki cried, her pokemon flying to her feet. The Spearow circled round, Nikki not knowing their intentions. She bent down, carressing him gently. "I'm sorry. Just wanted a little experience for you, that's all.." she whispered, pulling out another pokeball. "Growlithe!" she called, the pokeball opening to reveal her second pokemon. Her fur around her snout and down her chest was a fire red rather than its normal yellow color. The small firey dog jumped around excitedly. She hadn't been out of her pokeball for a while now. The swarm of Spearow suddenly scattered. Nikki looked in the sky, startled by its sudden calm emptyness. "Um... Growlithe? Come over here.." Nikki motioned a hand to her disappointed pokemon. She hopped over, and pushed her head under Nikki's arm. Growlithe looked to her, as if asking her a question. "I don't know where they went," she answered. Startled at first, Nikki wondered why she understood. But before she could think more about it, she heard the cries of even larger pokemon. ".. Fearow." The first Fearow came into view quickly and, Nikki decided, must have been the one crowing. The next few Fearow approached from behind her house. And the rest of the swarm flew up and circled around her backyard. Nikki stood up, clinging to Dratini, and watching her Growlithe take a fighting stance. [i]"How can she take all of those Fearow? Maybe one, and possibly two. But not at once. This doesn't look good,"[/i] she thought to herself. But she convinced herself to put a little faith in Growlithe, and give her a shot. "Growlithe! Ember!" Her pokemon eagerly jumped at the closest Fearow, small flames popping from her mouth and soon engulfing her. The small tornado of fire rushed at the Fearow and burned it severly. Nikki and her pokemon cheered as the opponent fell to the ground. But she soon learned that for every one you defeat, four more take its place. "Growlithe! In the house!" she shouted, slamming open the back door, waiting for her to catch up. "Hurry!" she cried, seeing several Fearow attempt to pick her up, and miss barely. She watched anxiously as her pokemon bounded in between the large beaks of swooping Fearow. But Growlithe was knocked off balance by a Fearow swooping too close. As she fell to the ground, Nikki ran out to her, though she knew she couldn't make it before the swarm. "Dad!! Mom!!" she called. But they didn't come quick enough. Just as she was about to loose hope for her Growlithe, an Arcanine jumped in, grabbed her by the fur, and walked calmly over to Nikki, dropping her at her feet. "What the..?!" Nikki began, but stopped to check on her Growlithe. She let Dratini down, since he seemed to be able to balance on his own, and checked Growlithe for injury. "She's fine!" Nikki smiled to Dratini. She looked up to thank Arcanine, but it and the Fearow were all gone. "Huh..?" she asked. She turned to hear her mother shouting, "I'm trying, dear! I'll be out there in a second!" She turned back to see a young man kneeling before her, petting her hyper Growlithe. "Who are you?" He smiled and stood up. "My name's Gary. Gary Oak. My grandpa is asking to bring everyone I can back to his lab. And I noticed you were in a bit of trouble," he explained, sounding almost as if he were bragging. "Thank you," she smiled, standing up as well. She returned her Growlithe to her pokeball, then watched her mother and father rush into the backyard. "Nikki!" they shouted in unison, "Who's that?" "This is--" "Hi, I'm Gary Oak," he boasted, as if they should know his name. "Ah. The professer's ego-maniacle grandson?" her father spoke out. "Michael!" "Oops. Sorry, honey," he chuckled, scratching the back of his head. Nikki sighed, embarrassed by her parents' behavior. "Well, Gary, I remember you," Angelina smiled, sending an annoyed look at her husband, then looking back at Gary. "It's been a while. I met you when you returned after you took on the elite four. You lost, didn't you?" "Yeah. But that's not the point!" he sneered. Nikki's parents smiled at eachother. "He's taking me to the Professor's lab," Nikki spoke out. "Oh? Should we come, too?" her mother asked. "If you want. But Arcanine can only carry two." "That's okay," Michael smiled, "I have a Gyrados." Gary raised an eyebrow, but said nothing more. He released Arcanine again, then held out a hand for Nikki. She crawled up, then held out her hands for Dratini. He jumped up happily, and slithered into a circle in her lap. "Hold on tight. He's a bit fast," Gary smiled. Nikki wrapped her arms around him tightly, then prepared for Arcanine to leap away. Even though she was holding on, Arcanine's speed nearly jolted her and Dratini off. [center]~[/center] "Nikki?" She turned to see Noelle. "Oh! Hi Noelle. How'd you get here? Gary take you, too?" "No, Ash came to get me," she pointed to the young man speaking with the Professor. When Gary came in, Ash glared at him. [i]"Old rivals?"[/i] Nikki thought to herself as the two shook hands. Both seemed to want the other to let go first, as if they competed at everything. [i]"Yep,"[/i] she chuckled as she thought. She glanced to the window. Her parents were outside, fighting off swarms that attempted to enter the building.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Actually, M.Ali, some of those shows are still shown on Nick. Just... really early in the morning. o_O;; As for me, I frickin' WORSHIP Invader Zim. And I'm 14, damnit! (Not that old, but eh.) Ren and Stimpy was [i]always[/i] stupid in my opinion. I hated the way it was drawn and the way the characters acted. I watched four episodes max. But weren't there only five? They showed repeats [i]constantly[/i]. I've got all three discs of Zim. Hell, I was watching one at five in the morning. I've got shirts, wallets, wristbands, and plushies of Zim and GIR. To me, Hot Topic is good ONLY for it's Zim stuff. ^_^ [U]Note:[/U] The above is [b]MY[/b] opinion, and [b]MINE[/b] only. Don't yell at me. >_>;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Kitty? Would you read the next exerpt?" Kitty stood to her English teacher's request, her book placed gently against her stomach and held in her hands. As she read, she realized how horrible a job the writer had done. Some parts were just silly, and others were nearly impossible to understand. She paused several times, not sure what to say. Her teacher would often urge her on, ordering, "Keep going, Ms. Valentine." Kitty would glance up at her, then continue reading the awful piece of wannabe literature. When she was finished, her teacher asked her to remain standing and answer questions. [i]Damn..[/i] she thought to herself, dropping the book on her desk and hiding her face with her hair. "First, Kitty, what did you think of it?" Kitty, being the shy person she was, had no idea what to say. Should she be honest, and risk starting a debate with her teacher? Or should she lie, hoping to please her teacher? After several long moments of silence, just before her teacher was going to ask her to answer, she lifted her head and spoke. "I think.. the author is a terrible writer. The story made no sense.. And the grammar and spelling was horrible. I paused a lot, not knowing what it was I was reading," she spoke out, a small tremble in her voice. The teacher muttered a small, "Ah.." and paused. "Well, I see where you're coming from, Kitty. But this [I]is[/I] one of the greatest writers of all time we are talking about, and this [i]is[/i] one of his earlier works. You may sit down," she replied calmly. Kitty floated happily into her chair. No more questions for today. As her teacher reminded them of an assignment, the lunch bell rang. She grabbed her bag and was one of the first ones out of the class. She let out a happy sigh as she approached her locker. "What's this..?" she muttered, pulling a folded piece of paper taped to her locker into her hands and unfolding it. [i]"Hey Kitty! It's Kat. Wanted to see if you wanna hang out a lunch again today. Come by my lunch table. You know, the one closest to the door on the right side of the cafeteria. Meet me there and I'll by you lunch. After all, I do owe you three days worth of lunch money. ^_~ Hope to see ya at lunch!" - Kat[/i] Kitty smiled, then finished putting away her books. She shut the door and rushed off, note in hand.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Rebecca stood up, glad she wasn't the first to go. "My name's Rebecca Linne. I was born in the U.S., then my father moved to the U.K. and I went with him, then I moved back with my mother because.. well, I didn't like it there to much. I was real happy I didn't get an accent. Even though I was there for six years. I still see my dad, though." "How long have you been in film?" "Throughout my years in highschool. From my freshman year to this year," she responded, already growing tired of her, so far, short introduction. "And why did you join film?" Senpai asked her, his small smile broadening. "My mum gave me the idea. I was bored, and I'd always question stories I saw in the theater and on TV. The summer before my freshman year, we had just seen a movie that I didn't really like, but my mum did. When I was tearing at the story line, she said to me, 'If you don't like it, write your own. You are a good writer, and I know how much you love to. Besides, your work would please you more than the others you've seen,' or something like that. Then when registering for classes, I saw the choice for "Film" and took it." Rebecca turned to sit down. Senpai smiled. "Have you enjoyed film?" he asked her, making her pause and turn to him. "Well, if I hadn't, I wouldn't be here right now," she laughed, sliding into her chair. "Good, good," he continued to smile, "Next?"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Here's my attempt at your Spawn avi/banner. Hope you like them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Writing Random Writings [PG-13 for crude subjects and language
Kitty replied to Patronus's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Very dark and depressing. A very interesting style indeed. Not one I've done very well in, mind you, but I have a little experience with it. What I want to know is, how you came up with all that? Did you get it from previous experiences? That's kind of what I used. Or did you think it up after hearing/reading/watching something? But still, very well written and personal. I like them. And that excerpt was quite well done. ^_~[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Art Syk3 The Corroded Reindeer [Special Animation For All OB]
Kitty replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Time for naked!" "Haha... No. Well... Yes." "YAY!" That was teh best. Ever. One of your best works, Gav. I enjoyed it. Too bad I, once again, was no where in sight. Well, maybe I should see that as more of a blessing than a curse... o_O;; EDIT: Crap. >_ -
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Dad!" Nikki cried, slamming the back door. "They tried to attack me!" Her father, Michael, ran up to her, checking if she was okay. "Did you lock the door?" he asked her. She nodded silently. "Alright. I'll make sure they don't--" He was cut off by a loud thud coming from the living room, followed by the crash of some tables falling over. "They're in the house!" they heard her mother shriek from upstairs. "Go upstairs and stay in your room!" "But--" "Trust me. It will be safer that way," he insisted. She sighed, watching him run to the living room. "Get out of here! Shoo!" she heard him yelling. She knew trying to get the pokemon out that way was not going to work. "Go Jolteon!" Nikki heard him cry. She paused, then remembered that she was to go upstairs. She ran up, jumping a step or two, all the while the sounds of a battle going on downstairs. As she rushed through the upstairs hallway, she passed a window. Outside herds of pokemon, flying and earthbound, attacking everything in town. What was going on, nobody knew. Nikki flung open her bedroom door to see Dratini curled up peacefully on her bed. "Com'mon. We're going to help Dad," she instructed, her pokemon happily slithering to her feet. As she went through the hallway, she stopped abruptly as her mother, Angelina, rushed out her door.. "Nikki, dear!" she cried. "What?" She paused. "You coming to help?" Nikki nodded. "Where's-?" Nikki began, cut off by her mother's Sealeo appearing by her side. "Right here," her mother smiled before all four of them rushed downstairs. OOC: Sorry if it's short. I wasn't sure what exactly you wanted to happen yet. >_>;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"This still sounds kinda stupid," Rin thought aloud. [i]Rin! Don't be so dismissive. Besides, this would be a lot of fun for me,[/i] Uindo scolded, curling up in a ball around her feet. "Knock it off," she ordered, nudging him away. [i]Aww! I'll just go with Max, then. He treats me better, anyway.[/i] "Hey!" she called after him as he wrapped around Max's feet. He stared at her, oblivious to why she was yelling at him. "What'd I do?" he asked timidly. "Not you," she said, glancing at him. "Com'mon. Stop acting like a baby," Rin muttered, moving his tail with her foot. He stuck his tongue out, but returned to her feet. [i]But please! Everyone else is going![/i] Uindo cried. Rin paused, giving it some thought. "Com'mon, Rin. We all need your help. Yours and Uindo's," Sakura pleaded. Rin looked at her feet, Uindo, and back to Sakura. "Alright." Sakura smiled happily, while Uindo started jumping and frolicking about. "He's embarrassing.." she sighed, most of the group laughing at her comment and Uindo's silly behavior. "Hello." Rin and the others turned to see a boy with a monster wrapped around his waist. "Uindo?" [i]Hmm?[/i] he asked, stopping his odd movement and stopping at her heels. "Who's that? Ask its name." Rin noticed the monster's eyes move to Uindo, then returned to stare at the person the boy was speaking to. [i]Her name is Ryusei. His name is Paul.[/i] "Okay. That's good to know," she spoke out, making the others look at her. "I was talking to him," she added, pointing to Uindo.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Ah. Freaky dreams. A subject I'm all too familiar with. When I was six or seven or so, my dad rented "Mars Attacks". That bizarre movie with the big-headed aliens and Pierce Brosnan (lol). I was freaked out. I swear. At the time, I thought it was the -pardon my French that isn't so French- scariest ******* thing I had ever seen. The night after, I had a dream where one of those aliens (which I now consider quite hilarious) was in my apartment. I remember it very clearly. It was so vivid and frightning at the time that I can't forget it. It was rummaging through my fridge in my very small kitchen. I heard it throwing things down on the tiles, so I crawled out of my room and slowly tip-toed towards the kitchen. When I arrived at the counter, I got on my knees and leaned forwards so I could see it, but it couldn't see me. I noticed my cat (now dead, rest her soul), Pepper, eating some food. She then began sniffing at it, when it turned to her and picked her up. He then bit her head off. I jumped up screaming and hit my head on the counter. I fell back down, holding my head, crying. It saw me and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, my four year old cousin pops in the room screaming, "MOMMY!" The alien grabbed its gun and fried him. He fell to the ground, a green skeleton. I let out another shrill shriek. My father came rushing in, wondering why the hell I was screaming (and cursing a bit, too) and stopped abruptly when he saw the alien. He pointed and said, "Hey! I know you! I dated you in middle school!" At that point, I was confused and frightened and crying, and I ran around the living room until I fell on the ground and it brought its gun upon me. I woke up before it fired. I was freaked out so bad that I didn't sleep for the next two days. I, now, think that's really hilarious. But at the time, I was traumatized. And to think. All of that was caused by a movie about big-headed aliens from Mars that bit people's fingers off.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Actually, I did two different pairs. I wasn't sure how you wanted it done... >_< Hope you like some of them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"You're going to be late again!" "Mom! Get away from my door, already!" "Not until you get out of bed!" "Fine, fine..." Rin cursed her under her breath and sat up in bed. She changed quickly and quietly, not wanting to wake up her tired friend. But he was already awake from her yelling with her mother. When she finished putting on her left shoe and was about to put on the right, Uindo asked, [i]Rin?[/i] "Ahh!" she yelped, jumping back into her door. [i]Did I frighten you?[/i] "Yeah, damn it! What the hell!?" [i]Sorry. I didn't know you had forgotten me.[/i] "I just didn't know you were awake, you pain in the ass," she snapped. He stuck his tongue out in retaliation, then crawled towards the door. [i]Well? Grab your bag. It's about time we got some food. I'm starving,[/i] Uindo smiled. "You and your stomach.." Rin chuckled, pulling on her other shoe and grabbing her bag. [i]Guess what?[/i] "What?" she asked, pulling open the door. He ran between her legs and too the stairs, looking back and letting out a little laugh. [i]Nice pink underwear.[/i] "Why you!!" she cried, running after him as he fled down the stairs. At breakfast, Rin threw some of her toast at him, but he caught and ate in. "Damn." "Rin! Language," her mother added. "Sorry. Damn's not that bad a word, though, you know," she told her. "Quiet or you can make your own dinner tonight." "Fine," Rin sighed. She hated cooking. When she had finished, she grabbed her MC and placed it in her bag, then ran outside, followed by Uindo. "Shouldn't he go in your... controller, dear?" her mom called from the front door. "Nah. I don't really mind people seeing him," she called back, running down the street to the bus stop. ------- [i]When will the bell ring?[/i] Uindo moaned. "A few minutes. And if you keep whining, I won't share my lunch with you," Rin threatened. She then heard a few beeps and immediatly recognized them as her customized ring for her MC. Her teacher turned around, looking for the source of the sound. He looked at Rin for a while, then turned to a girl who was, up until that point, using her cellphone behind his back. "Mary? Please give me that," he ordered. The girl moaned, then reluctantly walked down to the front and handed it over. [i]Why was that man staring at me?[/i] "He disapproves of pets at school," Rin explained. [i]I'm not a--[/i] he started. "I know. That's what I tell them," she laughed quietly. When the bell finally did ring, she pulled out her MC when she was out of sight of the teacher and examined her "Inbox". "A message?" she muttered. [i]Ooh! Is it a challenge?[/i] Uindo cried excitedly. "No. I would have said, 'A challenge?' instead of a message you dolt," she muttered, still reading the message. [i]What does it say?[/i] Uindo asked impatiently, strolling behind her. "Someone who knows about that 'Platinum Monster' stuff the guy was talking about last night," Rin told him, her tone growing serious. "Hey Rin!" she heard a familiar voice call. She turned to see Max. "Max?" "Hey! I got this message... Did you?" "Yeah," she said, holding up her MC. "Hey, Uindo," he smiled. "You keep him out of the MC at school?" he asked her. She nodded. "I don't see why not." "You could get in trouble." "Eh. Screw 'em," she laughed, walking on. "Hey!" Max called again. "Huh?" "You wanna have lunch with me and Frost?" "Sure," she smiled. "I'm sure Uindo would like that. Wouldn't you?" she asked him. [i]I guess so.[/i] "Shut up," she laughed, nudging him with her foot. "What he say?" "He wasn't sure he'd accept your invitation," Rin laughed. The three of them headed over to where Max was going to have lunch. ------- When the final bell rang, Uindo and Rin headed over to the entrance stairs. "Hey. You think one of them sent the message?" Rin asked Uindo, pointing to two girls with monsters in their arms. [i]Probably. It wouldn't hurt to check,[/i] Uindo suggested. The two walked over and introduced themselves.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Dragon Warrior']But I don't cyber, so don't AIM IM me for it ;^D[/quote] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Like anyone would. =P Well, Annie. That was teh sexahnesh. That was fun! And what the hell does Kane have against my hat?! *protects* And poor Chaos.. Though he deserves it, lol. ^_~ I can't wait for future chapters!! Make more now! >.> .. Seriously. :p[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Name: Samantha "Sammy" Lange Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: See attachment. (Didn't feel like typing it up.. >.>;; ) Relationships: Sammy has been looking for a while, but never found anyone that really understood her. Most avoid her, but she's confident that there is [i]someone[/i] at Carrol that is compatable with her. Bio: Might come back to this. Might.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Yes, they are very nice. But there are several problems with them. One, they are too big. The dimensions they [i]have[/i] to be under to be usable here on OB are 500 by 100 at the [i]most[/i]. Two, no borders. Images just seem.. cut off. I'm not sure how to describe it, but a border makes them seem more like framed photographs instead of small drawings that weren't finished. And three. Use better text. Or at least change the text from banner to banner. Seriously. And make sure it fits reasonably well with the picture and background. But, other than that, they are fine. ^__^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=blue][size=1]"Wait!" Rorohiko turned. "He wants to come, too," Rin told him, motioning to her Absol. "Okay. He can come along." He hopped on his own Absol and they ran off, followed soon by Aria on her Pidgeot. "Ready?" she asked the pokemon at her side. He nodded. "Then lets go," she smiled, hopping on. He sprinted off after the others, leaving Joy and Chez to care for Kira. The tunnel curved and went on for what seemed like the entire Network. Rin would manage to see the tails of Pidgeot and the other Absol every once in a while. But they'd disappear just as quickly. Rin urged Absol to hurry. To quicken his pace so she could catch up. He struggled and pulled ahead. Now they could see Pidgeot in full view, except when they went around curves in the tunnel. More she urged the pokemon beneath her, and more his pace quickened. "Com'mon.. I can almost see 'em.." Rin encouraged him. But he was tiring quickly from his sprinting. "That's okay... As long as there are no parts in the tunnel.." she began. But as he stopped, they came to a large intersection of tunnels. "Shit." She walked up to see Aria and Rorohiko deciding over which tunnel to take. "Damn it," Rorohiko shouted. "We'll catch up," Aria told him. "Sorry," Rin muttered, walking up to him. "For what?" Aria asked her, Rorohiko still looking at the many different tunnels. "For holding you up those few seconds. Maybe you wouldn't have lost him if I hadn't--" A large roar was heard. "The one on the far right," Rorohiko cheered eagerly, all three of them pointing to the tunnel. "Let's go!" Rin switched out Absol for Flygon and hopped on as the other two did the same. They all sped off to find the legendary pokemon.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]OOC: I just noticed that I called myself "Yuki" in most of my posts... >.>;; Fixed it, but woah... -- IC: There was a knock at the door. "Rin? There's someone here for you," she heard her mom call through the door. "Coming!" she called back, gently placing the doozing Uindo on her bed. She left the room and continued down the stairs. "Hello?" she asked, walking into the hallway. She walked to the front door. It was wide open, and outside there was a storm. "What the hell?" she muttered to herself, walking forward. "Where is your monster?" Rin spun around. She said nothing, but her eyes searched frantically for the source of the voice. It repeated, "Where is your monster?" "In my MC," she lied, holding it up. "Summon it." "No." "Summon it," it repeated. "No," she insisted, returning the empty MC to her pocket. "I order you. Summon it." This time, Rin shook her head and stood up tall from her defensive position. "No. Now come out of hiding you freak," she growled. Out from the shadows emerged a boy, no older than her. "Who are you?" she asked, standing her ground. "You needn't know my name. All you need to know is that I am here to destroy your Platinum monster. And rid the Network of you, Kitty," he smiled at her. "Don't touch me," she recoiled as he reached towards her. "Fine," he said rather sullenly. He pulled out a dark red MC and its screen flashed before a tiger emerged. She once again held up her metallic blue MC and waved it at him. "Now, I'll repeat myself one last time. Summon it. It must be destroyed." "What are you? Some fucking retard? Like I'd [i]purposely[/i] summon him after you've told me you're going to destroy him," she spat, tightening her grip. "Fine. Rex?" he nodded his head. The tiger lunged at her. She barely managed to avoid it by jumping to the right, but it grabbed her MC from her hand. "No!" she cried. "Let's go," he instructed, running out into the rain. Just then, Uindo lept into the hallway, running up to Rin. [i]I heard most of that.[/i] "Good. Now I won't have to explain it." [i]Will we follow?[/i] "No. They'll come back," Rin reassured him. They heard a shout from outside. "Stay here," Rin instructed, rushing outside to see what it was. "You filthy slut!" "Ex-[i]cuse[/i] me?!" she screamed. "You filthy liar! Hand over the monster! Now! We must retain the balance!" he cried. "You've fucking snapped, you asshole!" she shouted back. "Well... I'll just have to use force, then!" he cheered in glee, motioning for his tiger to attack. It bounded and leaped and charged at Rin. "Shit," she whispered. [i]RIN![/i] She turned to see Uindo running at her. "Uindo! Stay inside!" [i]No![/i] He rammed her in the leg, sending her crashing into the hedges. She wasn't hurt. Just a little startled. But because of this, Uindo was hit head on by the incoming force of the tiger. "Uindo!" Rin screamed, trying hard to hold back tears. "Haha!" the boy laughed. Uindo, hurt and unconcious, was trapped inside the tiger's jaws. "Uindo!" she repeated, lunging at it, punching and scratching its face. "LET GO OF HIM!" The tiger, surprised by the attack, dropped the small lizard and leaped away, growling furiously. "U-.. Uindo.." she whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks. [i]I've never se-.. seen you cry before. It.. doesn't suit you,[/i] Uindo smiled, trying to cheer her up. But she dug her face in his shoulder, holding him close. "You idiot.." she muttered, tightening her hold on him. [i]You might break me.. in half, at this... rate,[/i] he warned her. "Sorry." She released him from her arms and watched him rear up on his hind legs. [I]"I won't let you harm her!"[/I] he cried for the boy to hear. "You.. talked to him?" Rin stuttered. It was the first time he had talked to anyone other than her. "Rex!" the boy began, wary of Uindo. When he began to change, he screamed out attacks. "Uindo!" Rin cried, backing away. Uindo grew to four times his usual size. Large wings sprouted from his back, and the wings around his ankles grew as well. His tail lengthened to almost as long as his entire body twice over, then spliting into three seperate tails. And his pearly white fangs popped over his bottom lip and large horns sprouted around his head. But his eyes stayed the same. Those slim green eyes of his didn't change. "Uindo.." Rin whispered. [I]"I won't let you hurt her [b]ever[/b] again!"[/I] Uindo yelled, lifting up a paw and slamming it on the tiger. "Rex!" the boy cried. But it was in vein. His monster wasn't capable of anything under Uindo's claws. "Grr... I'll return. I swear it," he cried, returning the tiger to his MC and running off. Uindo fell, the exhaustion and strain taking effect. Rin ran to the once-again small Uindo, and held him in her arms. [i]Hey... I won...[/i] he laughed. "You.." she paused. "You idiot." She then began laughing and crying, Uindo joining in. After a few minutes of this, they quieted. And after a few more moments of silence, Rin muttered, "I want you to promise me something.." [i]And.. what would that be?[/i] "Don't [i]ever[/i]. [i]Ever[/i], [i]ever[/i] lose to Rex. And I won't lose to that boy either. Can you promise me that?" [i]I promise.[/i] And with that, she stood up and carried him up to her room to rest and heal for the coming days.[/size][/color]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Rin smiled as she walked through downtown, Uindo at her heels. After a long silence, Uindo finally sighed, [i]I'm sorry.[/i] "For what?" she asked, looking down at him. [i]I've failed you. I was too weak to finish my first battle...[/i] he moaned. At this, she stopped and kneeled down to face him. She held his head up to hers and said, "You did great. I'm very proud of you." She smiled, and stood up, walking off. Uindo paused, startled by her happy attitude. He smiled, then sprinted after her, startling and tripping a few others on the sidewalk as he went. ---- "Oh, hello dear!" "Hey, mom," Rin sighed, walking into the kitchen. "How was your afternoon?" she asked, standing at the counter, cutting some fruit. "Good. We had a battle. We didn't win, though. But that's oka-" "You had a WHAT!?" "A battle? You know. My game? Monster Network? Uindo?" Rin listed, holding up her MC and then Uindo, trying to jog her mother's memory. "Oh! Oh, you had me worried," she sighed. "Nah. I'm over that," Rin added, waving her hand and grabbing a soda out of the fridge. She then walked out and up the stairs to go to her room. Uindo tugged on her mother's pant leg, and pointed at some of the cut food. "Oh.. You want some, dear? Here you go!" she smiled, handing him a piece of apple. He smiled, took the food in his mouth, and followed after her. "That girl.." her mother smiled, pausing for a moment before resuming what she had been doing. --- [i]Mm... What is this again?[/i] Uindo asked, sticking his head back in the box. "Those are little valentine chocolates I got a while back," Rin said, turning back to her computer. [i]Val-en-ti-nee? What's that? Is it some food-giving game?[/i] "No, it's a holiday. People give eachother things." [i]Why?[/i] She paused. "To show someone that they love them." [i]So someone loved you?[/i] "My brother sent me those. I guess you could say that," she smiled, looking at a picture on her desk. [i]Aww.. No more,[/i] Uindo whined after finishing them off. "You're gonna get fat with all the stuff we give you," Rin laughed. Uindo crawled over and hopped into her lap. She stroked his scales gently. "You sleepy?" she asked him. [i]A little..[/i] "Then rest. You've earned it." [i]Thank you..[/i] "For what?" [i]Not being disappointed...[/i] They were quiet. Uindo soon fell asleep, and she sat on her computer chair, stroking him gently. "You're welcome."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[size=1][color=blue]I'm in the 11-15 age bracket. And yes, I'm an anime fan. But not an outgoing one, anyway. I watch whatever I can find on TV, but I rarely go out and by the DvD's. I do [i]sometimes[/i] but nowadays I await them as gifts. (Why waste time buying something I'm not going to watch much? Santa won't mind me adding a few things to my list. ^_~ ) But really, I come here for the interaction with others when we discuss things [i]other[/i] than anime. Actually, I avoid a lot of anime threads. >.>;; Yeah.. I'm not as big an anime fan as I used to be, you could say. But I still read lots of manga. ^__^[/color][/size]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]OOC: Oops. Took a while to get this up. >.>;; --- Mech Name: Griffin Rank: AA Griffyns, though not AAA ranked, are some of the best and rarest mechs out there. Their bases come pretty expensive, and upgrades and suitable weaponry are just as hard to come by. But if its owner finds the right equipment, their value doesn't matter. The Griffyn becomes four times as deadly with two skilled pilots. One for movement, the other for weapons. And Griffyns can have nearly [i]ten[/i] times their base weight in armor. The Griffyn, having four limbs, is not capable of hand-to-hand combat. This particular Griffyn has been equiped with three times itself in armor, enough to protect it plenty and not hinder its agility one bit. It's equiped with advanced radars and weaponry visor, a cloaking device, large shoulder cannons (including hind legs), and claws capable of being fired out of its "paws". It also has a large particle cannon in its mouth, but it doesn't fire for long, and the longer it goes, the weaker the beam gets. But it still does quite a bit of damage. And the weapons can be fired in any direction, no matter where it's going. -------------- "Com'mon Gray. Don't freak out over the stupid wallet thing," Kitten urged him excitedly. "I need you to keep focused." "I know.." he muttered, "But I'm still gonna kill him." "Riiiiight," she laughed. The Hunter circled, preparing for something. "They're obviously planning something," Kitten thought aloud. "Yeah? I don't care," Gray interrupted, "I'm going for Drake, and [i]only[/i] Drake!" "Gray!" Kitten called out. But it was too late. The Griffyn was already charging at the Falcron. "Watch it!" she cried again, firing the left-side cannons at the incoming Hunter. It flew back, now knowing a little about its weapon capabilty. "You idiot!" Kitten screamed. "What? You got him, didn't you?" he retorted, skidding the mech to a halt. "Next time, we might not be so lucky! Keep your attention on the Hunter, too," she ordered. "I'm not going to let you screw this up!"[/SIZE][/COLOR]