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[size=1][indent][b]?So what do you have sixth period??[/b] Summer asked the older girl. [b]?Art,?[/b] Ana replied. [b]?Oh, well then it'll be easy sneaking you out of here,?[/b] Summer giggled, her eyes gleaming. She went over a simple plan with her new acquaintance. It involved the two of them taking the longer route around the game fields on campus, then walking a few extra blocks to take the back entrance to the Gardens. Though she didn't know Jonas, she knew very few people took the long way to the Gardens, and if he did she figured she could get Ezekiel to distract him with some nonsense conversation so they could get away. She found Ana's plight rather cute, and much easier to deal with than when she had been in a similar situation. The bell rang, forcing the two to say their good-byes and head towards their next classes. Summer told Ana to wait outside her classroom after school was let out, from where the two would meet up and head for the park. [b]?Hey!?[/b] she heard a familiar voice call. Looking back over her shoulder, she spotted the tall, white-haired boy coming towards her through the crowded hallway. She grinned and slowed down so he could catch up. [b]?Ready for Misses Zehner today??[/b] [b] ?She doesn't scare me,?[/b] Zeke replied. The two walked into their classroom and sat next to each other towards the back of the room. When class began, Summer almost immediately stopped paying attention to the lesson and instead started doodling pictures in the margin of her notebook. She was interrupted when a folded piece of paper landed on her desk. Noting the handwriting, she realized who it was from and rolled her eyes before shooting a glance over at the boy beside her. He made a face at her before pointing at the note, which she reluctantly opened and read. Normally, the notes she received from Zeke were full of secrets he knew about her that she would prefer weren't written down. The two had known each other since the second grade, when she moved to Boston-Two with her parents. They were lucky enough to get placed in the same classes as they went through school, and when they were allowed to choose their own, they choose to take the same classes, too. When he got bored, he would remind her of rather embarrassing things to get a reaction out of her. What was written on the inside of today's note was written in French, but she understood it immediately. The question on the paper made her eyes widen and her cheeks blush momentarily, before she quickly folded it back up and shot him an angry glare. He gave her an innocent look before turning back towards the front of the room. [i]?You pervert?[/i], she wrote simply before tossing it back, successfully hitting him in the head. Despite the unconcerned look she wore on her face, she wondered what he was writing in response, and was almost anxious for him to toss it back over. She stole several glances over at him before finally seeing him fold up the paper, and she quickly pretended to focus on her doodling again. [i]?You know you like it. And answer the question!?[/i] the note teased. The two sent the paper back and forth for almost the whole period, teasing, making fun of and sharing inside jokes with each other before they heard their names being called. Looking up, Summer saw Mrs. Zehner walking briskly towards them, and she was suddenly extremely glad that he hadn't finished writing a response to her last comment. [b]?Ezekiel, would you kindly hand me that note??[/b] the strict woman asked, a hint of malice in her voice. She loved catching students in the act of breaking the rules, even when they were simply passing notes. Without a moments hesitation, he gave her the piece of paper he held in his hand, and Summer could've sworn he was smirking when she read it to herself. [b]?You two. Principal's office. Now.?[/b] [b]?For what??[/b] Summer asked almost immediately, though she didn't really mind the thought of getting to leave class early. She wasn't really paying attention, anyway. [b]?[i]Go[/i],?[/b] the older woman insisted, the anger growing in her voice. Summer didn't press further, having seen and been almost frightened of her French teacher's angry side before. Grabbing her bag, she walked out of the classroom behind Zeke. Once the door was shut behind them, she smacked the back of his head before asking what he had written. [b]?I asked you again.?[/b] [b]?Asked me what??[/b] [b]?Quelle couleur est vos sous-vĂȘtements??[/b] he smirked, sticking his tongue out. She immediately smacked him again, though he only laughed and ran ahead of her. She fought to hide the blush on her face before chasing after him.[/indent] --- [b]ooc ::[/b] I do not speak French. >__>;; I used an online translator, so sorry if it makes no sense. XD And this is totally Engel's idea, by the way. :P[/size]
[SIZE=1]People seem to be picking up on my indenting style, I've noticed. ;D I guess I'm not the only one who's too lazy to make pretty graphics. o: Well, no sign up yet. But I'm posting to let you know I'm working on it, so expect it by tomorrow at the latest! >:3 [b]edit ::[/b] Went a little overboard with the sign up. >__>;; Hope it's not [i]too[/i] long. D: [indent][center]---[/center] [b]?It?s awfully cold in here, don?t you think??[/b] [b]?Suck it up, Robbie.?[/b] A man and a woman sat quietly on the cold, metal floor of an old hospital, badly worn down from bad weather and break-ins since its closing. The room they were stuck in looked like an operating room, but anything inside that would have alluded to it being such was either broken or missing. The younger, redheaded man rubbed his shoulders for warmth before a blithe expression made its way onto his face. [b]?Y?know, Ray, we could always [I]snuggle[/I] to keep warm,?[/b] he grinned. Visibly flinching, though still concentrating on the door?s window, Ray clenched her teeth as she thought over whether her partner?s comment deserved verbal retaliation, or simply a shot through the head. Deciding the higher ups wouldn?t appreciate [I]another[/I] dead cop, she went with attempting to talk to him instead. She knew whatever she said wouldn?t stick for very long, but she?d give it a shot anyway. Brushing the fallen strands of her long black hair out of her face, she turned to Robbie and growled, [b]?For the last time, Robbie, I am [I]not[/I] attracted to you. At all. And I?d appreciate it if you?d just drop it, alright??[/b] [b]?I know you don?t like me, but I hear you talking back at HQ with Officer Jansen a lot, and I figure you might be just desperate enough??[/b] [b]?Wait, wait, wait,?[/b] she interrupted, a look of horror slowly shadowing her already dark expression, [b]?You hear me talking with Lily??[/b] [b]?It?s not like I have to go out of my way,?[/b] he smiled, [b]?You two talk pretty loud, and you?re always leaving your office doors open, too. Practically [I]everyone[/I] knows how long it?s been since your last??[/b] [b]?Okay. Stop talking. Now.?[/b] The blush on her face was quite visible despite the lack of lighting, giving her partner more reason to chuckle. She eyed him furiously, but quickly pulled her hands over her eyes and let out a sigh. Seeing her sudden sullen look, he tried to spit out a sentence or two of comfort between his laughs. [b] ?I?m just kidding, Ray! I?m probably the only one bored enough at HQ to sit around waiting to hear people, like you and Jansen, start talking about anything interesting.?[/b] Despite his efforts to reassure her, she seemed unaffected, and his constant giggling didn?t help his cause. [b]?It?s not like I?m the only twenty-eight year old to not be in a relationship,?[/b] she began, talking more to herself than to the snorting redhead beside her, [b]?I just? Have this [I]thing[/I], and I can?t control it sometimes. When I get excited, particularly during? well, you know? something happens that I can?t stop.?[/b] By now, Robbie had stopped laughing, and was listening curiously. She took note of his gaze and stayed silent for a moment before he sighed and rolled his eyes. [b]?Look, I don?t tell people what I hear.?[/b] Narrowing her emerald green eyes at him for a moment, Ray figured it would be alright to tell him. It would be nice if someone knew, anyway. [b]?You want to know why it?s so cold in here??[/b] she asked with a sudden smirk. [b]?Why??[/b] [b]?Because I?m real damn scared of??[/b] A loud crash from outside interrupted her, as if to finish her sentence for her. The two of them shared a look of fright, and then a look of agreement, as they both stood up slowly, grabbing for their guns. Snarls, loud breathing and clumsy footsteps from outside meant that what they had been hiding from had found them before back up could. The two cops knew that they weren?t facing anything human, or any [I]normal[/I] animal, but they hoped bullets would damage the creature outside enough for them to get out alive. [b]?How do you do it??[/b] Robbie whispered suddenly. [b]?Hmm? Oh. My body is like an extreme air conditioner,?[/b] she responded in a low voice. Though the two of them were staring at the door, she could almost feel the look of skepticism she knew was now resting on her partner?s face. [b]?I know it sounds ridiculous, but when I get excited, like I said, I can freeze things. When I touch, or sometimes even just look at something, it will suddenly freeze over.?[/b] [b]?Damn. Where were you during the heat wave last month? I could?ve just hung out with you instead of trying to commandeer my neighbor?s pool with some made up law,?[/b] he joked quietly. She couldn?t help but let out a laugh at the comment, which she almost immediately regretted, as the furry beast from outside suddenly came charging through the door towards her. The two of them unloaded their clips in a matter of seconds, leaving the creature confused and bleeding. As the two of them fumbled with their next magazines, a loud howl from the beast caused Ray to glance up at it, and soon she was frozen in place, staring silently with her mouth hanging open. Robbie, however, wasn?t distracted, and had his gun held back up in front of him in a half a minute, though the sudden stillness of the creature made his trigger finger hesitate. Glancing over at Ray and noticing her state of shock, he tried to snap her out of it. [b]?Ray? Ray! [I]Ray[/I]! Wake up, dammit!?[/b] The creature, covered in long gray fur, was visibly shaking as it went from standing on all fours to its hind legs. Its golden eyes changed to chilly blue, and its long claws and teeth were beginning to shrink. It suddenly clutched its head and let out another howl, forcing the two stunned cops to wince and clutch their ears. Before they knew it, the ferocious beast had transformed into a naked and trembling teenage boy, whose left arm and chest was almost completely covered in blood from two very large wounds. [b]?Hey kid? You okay??[/b] Ray began, taking a step forward. Before she could reach him, he fell flat onto the ground. [b]?****!?[/b] Ray and Robbie cursed simultaneously. Robbie knelt at the boy?s side, checking to see if he was still alive, while Ray peeked out from the doorway to see if it was empty. [b]?I can?t believe I?m checking for werewolves,?[/b] Ray found herself muttering. Suddenly, the sound of thundering footsteps surrounded the three of them, and though their source was still out of Ray?s line of sight, she knew that back up had finally arrived. Putting her gun back in its holster and walking towards Robbie, she asked if the boy was alright. [b]?Oh, he?s alive. One of us- meaning, most likely you- pierced his left shoulder, but the big wound looks more like a bite than anything. I guess he?s new at the werewolf-ing thing,?[/b] he laughed, in an attempt to lighten the mood. [b]?Poor kid. He?s probably in for a lot of trouble for this. I think we?re the only cops he didn?t manage to maul to death tonight,?[/b] she sighed, a look of sympathy crossing her face as she looked over the boy?s bloody body. The footsteps, which had become merely background noise to their talking, had grown loud enough to grab Ray?s attention. Returning to the doorway, she stepped to greet the coming police force before a sudden force knocked her off her feet, sending her flying backwards in the hallway. As she collided with the wall, she heard the protesting shouts of Robbie, followed by gunshots and the mutterings of the men that had just arrived. Panic flooded her as she scrambled to stand up, but she couldn?t take a step away from the wall she leaned so dependently on before she saw someone leaving the room where she was sure two fresh corpses rested. A rather tall man approached her, his eyes hidden behind intimidating, dark shades. He flashed a badge in front of him to let her know they weren?t enemies, or at least they weren?t yet. But before he could say a word, Ray immediately asked, [b]?Did you kill Robbie??[/b] The man raised an eyebrow, before realizing who she was talking about. [b]?Yes, one of my men was forced to kill Officer Wells. He tried to stand in the way of our elimination of the threat.?[/b] [b] ?You mean the werewolf boy? You killed him, too??[/b] Ray felt so many things creeping up in her throat as she talked to the man; fear, guilt, anger, and even a little of her stomach?s contents. [b] ?Yes. Now, Officer Diamond, if you?d kindly come with me??[/b] he said, reaching a hand out to grab her, but she pulled away. When he attempted again, she cried out in protest, waving her hand at him as if it would magically make him stop. But, much to her surprise, it did. He was frozen solid right in front of her. Edging away against the wall and around the icicle of a man she had just created, she realized what had just happened. Steam formed as her short breaths escaped into the air, and she cursed at herself. It had never been this bad before, and she didn?t know how to stop it now. Rushing towards the room she had been in for the past few hours, she was afraid of what she?d see, but knew she wouldn?t be able to leave the building without observing everything that was in it. Sure enough, the first thing she spotted was Robbie?s body, and then the unlucky boy who had just had one hell of a night. But what she hadn?t expected to see was their bodies, along with the six or seven men that she had mistaken for back up, completely frozen. [b] ?Holy ****,?[/b] she whispered, stepping backwards slowly. She had no idea if this was permanent or not, but she didn?t want to stay here. No, she convinced herself, the further away from this damn place she got, the better. But before she left, she ripped off her badge, and dropped all of the equipment issued to her from HQ, including her pistol, on the ground around her feet as a sign of resignation. The man in shades wore a badge, and Ray refused to be associated with any kind of government whose officials would kill a defenseless, injured boy and another officer. [b]?See ya, Robbie,?[/b] she sighed, steam rising from her lips as she spoke. She then turned and ran off towards the exit, hoping she could just get home without running into any other supernatural creatures or freaky men in shades. Today was strange and stressful enough without her having to deal with even [I]more[/I] before she got a decent night?s rest.[/indent][/SIZE]
[size=1][indent]When the bell for the end of first period rang, Summer didn?t hear it at first, due to her headphones. When she finally noticed all the students filing out, she stood up and headed for the door, giving the substitute a teasing nod as she walked past, not bothering to see what he did in response. On her way to Geometry, which she had next period, she heard the hushed, panicked whispers of a group of girls running in the same direction she was headed. Curious as to what was going on, she picked up her pace until it was hard to keep her hip bag from slapping her back as she went. She knew she had arrived at the scene when she heard angry voices, but couldn?t see the sources of the voices due to the crowd of students watching intently. Pushing her way through with little regard for those she shoved past until she reached the front, she had to clasp a hand over her mouth to keep her audible gasp from garnering too much attention. [b]?Zeke???[/b] she muttered under her breath, shocked at the sight. He was never one for fights, yet here he was, on the brink of one, and with the notorious Zedidiah, no less. [b]?? Get it??[/b] she caught the larger senior growling through the clenched teeth he attempted to hide with a grin. [b]?Fine. You have a deal. Turn up on time.?[/b] [b]?Don?t insult me. I wouldn?t miss a chance to whoop your ass in a million years, freak.?[/b] When the two finally separated, Summer immediately grabbed Zeke by the arm and dragged him as far away from the scene as she could without leaving that particular wing of the building. [b]?What the [I]hell[/I] do you think you?re doing??[/b] she snarled at him, her fingers digging further into his upper arm, causing him to wince momentarily. [b]?What are you talking about? And would you kindly let go of me??[/b] After a moment or two of staring between the two of them, along with a slight tightening of her grip, the junior reluctantly released the young man?s arm with a dissatisfied grunt. [b]?Thank you,?[/b] he added sarcastically. [b]?Oh, shut up. Do you know how much trouble you just got yourself in??[/b] [b]?You aren?t my mother, Summer. Hell, you aren?t even older than I am. Who the hell do you think you are, scolding [I]me[/I]??[/b] he snapped, his irritation with Zed still negatively affecting his mood. [b]?Zedidiah Kiefers is possibly Boston-Two?s biggest prick, and you just went and gave him a reason to target you as his next bullying-victim. That was the dumbest thing I think you could have possibly done,?[/b] she cried, her worry pushing her to hysterics. [b]?Calm down already!?[/b] Zeke barked, not being a person that particularly cared for the shrill voice Summer could occasionally produce, [b]?I don?t really see why everyone thinks he?s so tough. I?m surprised that you do, too.?[/b] He eyed the shorter girl with suspicion before she sternly shook her head. [b]?I?ve just seen what a nuisance that idiot can be, that?s all,?[/b] she growled, waving her hand to dismiss the issue, [b]?But now that you two have an appointment, I guess I?ll have to go, too.?[/b] [b]?I don?t need a cheerleader.?[/b] [b]?Who said I was going to be cheering??[/b] she teased, a devilish grin spreading across her face. [b]?I?ll be organizing the betting on the fight, of course.?[/b] [b]?Of course,?[/b] Zeke chuckled, though he didn?t doubt that she?d actually organize some kind of way to make money off of his impending duel. [b]?Hey, I gotta head to class now, but I?ll see you later, right??[/b] [b]?Sure. See ya.?[/b] As Summer strutted away, a bit more show-offish than she normally would have, sure that Zeke would sneak a peak at her retreating backside, she spun around for a moment to call back to him. [b]?Don't come crying to me when you can't come back to school!?[/b] She saw him stick out his tongue at her before turning and walking away, leaving her satisfied with her excellent teasing ability. Walking towards her next class, she still wondered if she actually could manage to set up some kind of pool. She?d have to get to the park a bit earlier than the fight was ?scheduled?, so she figured six twenty was a good time for her to arrive. Though the fight was a good eight hours away, she couldn?t help but feel more excited than she had for the past couple weeks. [b]?It?s about time something interesting happen.?[/b][/indent] --- [b]ooc ::[/b] Hope this is alright, Engel. ^_^;;[/size]
[size=1][indent]Summer was careful not to be too loud as she walked slowly around the side of her home, not wanting to wake her slumbering parents. She was getting skilled at this new habit of hers; sneaking back into her room only three or four hours after first sneaking out. She knew she could have gotten into loads of trouble if she was discovered, but her trust in her parents? complete idiocy and ignorance prevented her from worrying about it. [b]?Four ten. That?s twenty minutes later than yesterday,?[/b] she noted, glancing at the clock as she climbed over her windowsill. Quietly removing her coat and other clothing and draping it over the chair in front of her computer desk, she tiptoed towards her bed, crawling underneath the covers with only small squeak of protest from the mattress. She set her alarm for half past six, and settled in for ?a good night?s rest?, as she liked to call her two-hour nap. [center]&&&[/center] [b] ?Morning, Bunny.?[/b] The nickname given to her by her father, which she found both childish and patronizing, made her roll her eyes as she poured milk over her cereal. She gave him a small grunt in response before pulling the spoon out of her teeth and heading for the TV room to watch the news as she ate her breakfast. Her mother didn't give her much more than a quick nod of acknowledgement before rushing out the door to head to work, though Summer didn't mind much at all. The less her parents paid attention, the better, most of the time. The same stories, with little to no new information, played over and over on the different news channels she surfed through, leaving her bored and slightly annoyed. She never found anything interesting happening in the world, no matter how hard she tried, and it left her rather bitter. She was sick and tired of the same old stuff, be it in the news or in her own kitchen, but there was little she could do to change it. With an agitated ?humph?, she turned off the television, dropped her dishes in the sink, and grabbed her school bag before walking out into the garage. As the garage door opened slowly, she hopped into last year?s birthday gift; a rather expensive, metallic blue roadster. With a turn of her key, the engine roared and she was off towards school. When she pulled into the parking lot, she looked around for a certain someone?s car, but to no avail. Sighing, she headed towards campus and first period. [center]&&&[/center] [b]?Summer? Summer Calurra??[/b] [b]?Here,?[/b] she answered as she walked through the classroom doors. [b]?It says here that this is your eighth tardy in the last two weeks. I?m afraid I have to give you another detention, on top of the ones you already owe your teacher.?[/b] Despite the substitute?s attempt at sounding authoritative, Summer couldn?t help but chuckle at the man. He asked her, with a hint of challenge in his wavering voice, what exactly was so funny. Students sitting in the classroom behind the two in front passed worried and confused looks between one another. Summer had never been particularly outspoken prior to the start of her junior year, and people were still getting used to it. [b]?You speak like I should care about what you say,?[/b] she giggled. Further expressing her blatant disrespect of the poor young man, she took the slip he had written for her, crumpled it into a ball and threw it away before walking towards her seat in the back of the room. Before she could reach it, however, the substitute called for her attention. [b]?Excuse me, Miss Calurra, but I?m not afraid of you, or your punk attitude, no matter what you may think.?[/b] His voice was loud and powerful, but the sternness he tried forcing into his words didn?t intimidate her. Spinning on her toes where she stood, she faced him with an annoyed expression. [b]?What I think, Mister Substitute,?[/b] she began, paying no mind to the name written in large letters on the board behind him, [b]?... is that college boys, like you, shouldn?t try bossing me around, because I can have my parents make sure that you never work again, leaving you to bum the streets for the next eighty years. So, unless you would [I]like[/I] to die as an unaccomplished, homeless, family-less bastard in the middle of an alley towards the end of the century, I suggest you don?t bother me anymore.?[/b] Without another look at the young man, Summer headed back towards her seat and sat down, ignoring the many pairs of eyes that were constantly glancing at her. Pulling out her mp3 player, she turned the volume up as to drown out the substitute?s voice, and began playing with her hair. [I]?God, I love history,?[/I] she thought to herself with a grin.[/indent][/size]
[size=1][indent]The smell of death permeated the air as Nikki sobbed, clutching tightly to the nearest person she had found. She was shaking, fighting hard to keep her nearly empty stomach from emptying itself further. Xavier was kind enough to comfortingly pat her head, and while it did help her feel a bit better, it mostly just embarrassed her. She hadn?t cried this hard for years, and she hated that the first people to see it were the ones she would be traveling with. No doubt they?d expect similar reactions later, and when she realized this, what little composure she was trying to retain was lost. She hadn?t seen the message written on the wall, but she wasn?t stupid. She knew what this man?s death meant for her and the seven magicians she had come with. This ?master? person, who had tried and failed to recruit them all, was not going to take ?no? for an answer a second time. As she was passed from Xavier?s care to Ivy?s soothing, she couldn?t stop the tears that were coming as she thought about the possibility of her own brutal death. [b]?It's alright, hush now, Nikki. It?s okay. Come on, let?s get away from this mess,?[/b] the older woman smiled, holding Nikki?s cheek in her hand and wiping at the tears as they fell. She guided the disheveled girl away from the scene and began patting her hair calmingly. Though her sobs had slowed, she was still far from calm. Deciding it best to get herself under control away from the others, she looked up at the older woman with a fake smile on her face. [b]?I-Ivy??[/b] [b]?Uh, yes??[/b] she replied, startled that the teen was suddenly speaking. [b]?Thank y-you. I?m going to g-get some air.?[/b] Without another word, she left Ivy to return to the others as a shrieking woman came towards the group of them. By the time Nikki had left, she noticed that only five of the others were still standing outside the dead man?s dressing room. As she headed towards the lit up ?Exit? sign, she noticed Darius returning through it, and a stressed looking LeCrosse following after him. She didn?t pay them much attention, continuing on past the two and through the heavy door. It led to a small alley, occupied by only a fire escape above and a dumpster and trash bags towards the end. A similar, but less potent, smell from the bloody scene inside passed through her nose. Running for the dumpster, she pushed herself up high enough so that she had her upper body over the side, and let out what had long been trying to escape from her stomach. She spat and wiped her mouth, a look of disgust on her face from the taste. She noticed she had stopped crying, and let out a sigh. [I]?We all know what we?re up against now? I?ll have to stop being such a baby if I want any of them to treat me like an adult,?[/I] she thought to herself, [I]?I can?t let this stuff get to me anymore. It?s not like I haven?t seen dead people before, just? not like that.?[/I] She grimaced as she remembered the corpse of Crowley, and had to shake her head a bit to rid herself of the image. [b]?That?s it. From now on, I show nothing,?[/b] she resolved, wiping the dried tear stains from her face. Just like she had to be strong for her grandparents when her sister had died, she?d have to be strong for the people who now shared her burden. No more tears, no more break downs. She was going to do whatever it took to not show that weak side of her anymore. Taking a deep breath, she gave herself one more moment to compose herself before turning towards the door that led back inside. Before she could even take a step towards it, however, the others burst through it, running from what sounded like gunshots. [b]?Get on!?[/b] she heard Cam shout, and before she knew it, there were seven people running to jump onto a flying, white horse. One by one, they all pulled themselves onto her back as she galloped through the surprisingly empty street. Nikki was the last of them, pulled on by LeCrosse, who still had a strangely serious look on his face. She didn?t know where they were headed to now, but she didn?t really care. Wherever they went, there was surely going to be some kind of trouble that they?d have to deal with. She was almost hoping there would be some confrontation, wanting to show the others her powers, instead of her tears.[/indent][/size]
[quote name='BKstyles][font=tahoma']Since we are short so many members this is definitly an important decision, so all points and possibilities should be brought up. So we should spend atleast a couple of posts talking it over (i know Sandy is waiting for our PM).[/font][/quote] [SIZE=1]Actually, I think you just brought up all the points needed, lol. In light of your opinons, I say you should volunteer instead of me. Go ahead and PM Sandy, 'cause DW already said he's fine with whoever we decided on. ^__^ I'm still extremely curious as to what the purpose of the volunteers is, and what our next challenge is, exactly. I really wish I could just peak into his mind to get around all this 'waiting' business. D: That would make things [i]so[/i] much easier, lol.[/SIZE]
[size=1]Like BK has already said, it's sad to see another team member go, but hopefully we'll be able to win the next challenge, and the ones after that one! Normally, I wouldn't volunteer myself for something like this (being the coward that I am, lol), but I feel like I haven't been doing a lot so far, so I'm asking you guys if it's okay that I volunteer. :3 Feel free to turn me down; it won't hurt my feelings or anything. In fact, I'm probably more worried about what's about to happen than both of you are. xP But if BK's theory that those who volunteer are, indeed, excluded from the next challenge, I'm positive you two would be able to perform fine without me. ^__^ If it rests on my shoulders, then... I hope I'm allowed to ask for tons of help. >_____>;;;;[/size]
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']So even though I was able to do my part last time, this time I was not, sorry team. And since I think I helped contribute to our loss and that I?ll be voted out this round, best of luck and no hard feelings on my part. Since I feel bad I didn?t do more. :animesigh[/quote] [SIZE=1]You're not the only one. >__> I barely even commented at all, and the only thing I really contributed was the (omgsuckybad) banner/splash. ): No matter who gets voted out (*cough*me*cough*), no hard feelings to anyone. :3 Go LOLs! [/SIZE]
[size=1][indent]Nikki felt overwhelmed. She hadn't been in the presence of other magicians since the day her sister was buried, and here she was, flying [i]on[/i] one of them, riding with six others, heading somewhere they were bound to meet even more, and surely would be using their powers. She had always been good at keeping calm and cool, but today her fear and anxiety oozed out of her, cementing itself into a constant expression on her face that told everyone what she didn't want them to know. The large bird that was Cameron underneath her legs was only about a year older than her, but she seemed perfectly content flying above Manhattan. It both amazed and infuriated her, mad at herself for not being able to control herself like the only other person around her age. Xavier was hiding the group of them with his powers, which Nikki didn't fully understand but admired all the same. And then the mysterious LeCrosse added his telekinetic shield around all of them to keep the strong wind from nipping at them as they traveled through the sky. Nikki was only familiar with Mugen, and had sat close behind him as they headed towards the theater house. As her worries and anxieties flooded her mind, she found herself clinging tightly to both Cameron's feathers, and the back of his jacket. Darius, who was peacefully admiring the buildings below, noticed and placed a hand on her shoulder that startled her. Her restlessness seemed to amuse him, as he let out a small chuckle before she gave him a glare. Though he stopped his laughing, he still had a smile when he leaned forward. [b]?Relax, kid. We're almost there.?[/b] Though she kept glaring at him until he let go of her and turned back to the cement and metal below, she reluctantly released Mugen's clothing and loosened her grip on Cameron's feathers. The rest of the trip was fairly unexciting in her opinion. She had resorted to fiddling with her newly acquired necklace to ease her nerves. [b]?There it is,?[/b] she heard Xavier mention to Mugen. Looking from the older man in front to the building below that he pointed to, she felt her heartbeat quicken. Despite the calming feeling she got when she used her powers or felt the others use theirs, she couldn't help but feel alarmed as they descended. She knew that she would end up using her powers when they met with this man Xavier wanted to get information from. [b]?This will be interesting,?[/b] she muttered to herself.[/indent][/size]
[size=1]Loving the story so far, guys. xD As expected, lots of DW's 'trademark' comedic style. Can't wait to see my debut, of course. And oh yeah! I finished the graphic, and DW has it, so you'll all get to see it when he adds the final draft of the script to the main thread. Be patient. ;D ... Now what could DW want with ladies underwear? >_>;[/size]
[size=1][indent][b]Name[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/Sweet_by_GrupoAcuarela.jpg][I]Summer Calurra[/I][/url] [b]Age / DOB[/b] Sixteen / August 30th, 1994 [Junior] [b]Persona[/b] [url=http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs11/i/2006/196/8/1/__ravenbeast___by_porkbun.jpg][I]Caliga[/I][/url] [b]Blood Weapon[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/fan.png][I]Pluma[/I][/url] [b]Snippet[/b] [b]?This is a strange game.?[/b] [b] ?But it?ll be fun. Trust me.?[/b] Summer nodded, biting her nails restlessly. When she finally dropped her arms to her sides, she was reminded of what she was supposed to do to win this strange game she had just learned about. She closed her eyes and felt herself being propelled forward. Her trusted friend was the force behind her, and though she didn?t know where she was going, she knew who would be there. [center]&&&[/center] [b]?Don?t even [I]think[/I] about it??[/b] a voice growled tauntingly from the darkness. [b]?Try and stop me!?[/b] Summer?s giggle startled her company before she ran right into the source of the voice. The two fell to the floor in a clumsy pile before their momentary surprise gave way to shared but stifled laughter. Pushing herself up into a sitting position, the teenager waited for the feeling of her friend?s long-sleeve shirt against her arm as he sat up beside her. [b]?Didn?t think you?d actually tackle me, just to win,?[/b] the boy chuckled. [b]?It was worth it,?[/b] she sighed in a teasing voice. The silence that fell upon them didn?t last long, as the door was slammed open and the lights flickered on. The two squinted against the glare of the florescent lighting before staring at the figure in the doorway. [b]?Good afternoon, Daniel.?[/b] [b]?Yo, Kurtz,?[/b] Daniel replied casually with a grin. The teacher rolled his eyes at the sight of the young boy. He had caught him skipping several times before with his buddies, but when he actually came to class, he was quite the student. Turning to the blushing girl beside the senior, his eyes widened as the identity of the girl registered. [b]?? Summer??[/b] The utter surprise in his voice both embarrassed and pleased her in the strangest of ways. [b]?Erm? Hello, Mister Kurtz. Beautiful weather we?re having, uh, don?t you think??[/b] The innocent tone of her rhetorical question sent the boy beside her into throes of laughter, and she couldn?t help but blush a bit pinker as she let out a giggle. It took the teacher a moment or two to regain his composure and order the two of them to get out of the equipment closet and head for his office. The two of them walked through the hallway together, chatting nonchalantly despite the hovering presence of the man following by no more than two strides behind them. They gained glances of other students as they strolled by, the two expecting news of their discovery to have spread through the entire student body by tomorrow. No doubt their linking fingers were going to help fan the rumor mill.[/indent][/size]
[size=1][indent]An older woman, somewhere in her late seventies, struggled to get out of her comfortable chair in the living room to answer the phone. Her husband was asleep on the coach next to the fireplace, snoring through the newspaper that rested on his face. She normally wouldn't accept any calls at such a late hour, but her granddaughter had yet to arrive home, and she was hopeful that it would be her on the other line. [b]"Hello? Nikki?"[/b] she asked eagerly, only to be disappointed when a male's voice responded. [b]"Um... No. Actually, I was calling for her. Is she in?"[/b] [b]"Sorry, but I'm not quite sure where she is--"[/b] The front door opened, interrupting the old woman. A sigh of relief escaped her, as she walked over and wrapped her arms around the teenager, the phone still in her hand. [b]"Grandma? What are you doing up?"[/b] [b]"Oh, just worrying about you,"[/b] she chortled, before placing the receiver in Nikki's hand with a wink, [b]"Phone's for you. Good night, dear."[/b] After kissing her on the forehead, she walked back to the living room to give her husband a gentle smack on the shoulder to wake him. [b]"Hello?"[/b] Nikki asked, watching her guardians move slowly towards their bedroom. [b]"Nikki? This is Mugen. Do you remember me?"[/b] [b]"Not really. The name is familiar, though. Can you tell me when you think we met?"[/b] [b]"Max's funeral."[/b] The mention of her sister's name startled her. She hadn't heard anyone mention her in a few years, and suddenly some stranger called and said it almost right off the bat. Making sure her grandparents were in their room, she turned towards the wall and spoke in a quieter voice. [b]"H-How did you know my sister?"[/b] Her demand didn't come out as forceful as she wanted it to sound. Suddenly, a thought popped into her head. [b]"Are... are you working with that cloaked guy?"[/b] [b]"Ah, so you had a run in, too? No, I don't work with them, but the reason I'm calling has something to do with their cause. Come to Central Park."[/b] [b]"What makes you think I can come? I do have a curfew, you know,"[/b] she began with a defensive snarl. She was always slightly edgy when her sister was brought up. [b]"I know you can get around it. Get here as soon as you can."[/b] And with that, he hung up. Nikki stood silently in the entryway, staring at the wall for a good five minutes before she ran through the kitchen towards her room. She grabbed her favorite hip bag and stuffed it with her cell phone, her wallet and a scarf from her room, adding a couple other things and a few snacks as she rushed back out through the kitchen on her way towards the front door. She paused by the phone and wrote a short message to her grandparents in case this meeting kept her through the next morning. She fingered the necklace she had acquired only a half hour ago while she scribbled as fast as she could. When she was done, she pushed open the front door and was headed for the train station. [center]---[/center] [b]"So I'm not the only one you called?"[/b] A few older faces turned and watched as the sixteen year old approached them. She stopped next to the only other person standing up, and noticed that her eye level was just above his shoulders. She was taller than most of her friends, but these were older men, most of them probably in their twenties. She felt out of place being so much shorter and younger than all of them, but she convinced herself that there were probably more coming, and that at least [i]one[/i] of them had to be around her age. [b]"I hope I'm not the only girl, either,"[/b] she thought aloud, causing the others to give her odd glances. She shrugged, pretending to be rather interested in a squirrel running across the pathway to hide the small blush on her cheeks.[/indent][/size]
[size=1]Apologies for posting so late! I am [i]extremely[/i] horrible when it comes to decision making, so I'll leave all that up to the big dogs (meaning DW and BK, seeing as Rach and I have similar takes on this particular challenge). However, I will comment on the story you have so far for us, lol. It looks like it could be pretty funny, especially if DW adds some of his oh-so-memorable comedic style. x3 I'm glad you have included Peanut as a character. It wouldn't have felt quite right without all of the original LOLs included. The rest of what you have reminds me of Shrek, though. Not that that's a bad thing, or anything! It's just the first thing that came to mind, most likely because of the being Knights for Hire part. Still is a fun sounding idea, though. :'D I see BK as a character that's rather unenthusiastic and generally useless for the most part because he wasn't originally in trouble until he ran into DW. And with a pessimistic/sarcastic DW who's used to failing at things, I can see the two of them taking jobs and doing them absolutely [i]horribly[/i]. How they'd keep getting jobs is beyond me, but I'm sure we can come up with something. xD;; So yeah. That's what I think. x3[/size]
[SIZE=1]I feel so honored that you all enjoy my banner and splash. o3o;; And there's really no pressure on me at all. These were very simple to put together, so they were fun to make. So yeah... Thank you so much! @__@ And an avatar is no problem. Here's one already. x3 [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/TheMagiciansavatar1.png[/IMG][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Thank you so much BK. :P I was on page 14 when I checked back and saw that you had finished my pages. >w
[SIZE=1]Holy crap, this challenge is weird. o___O Anyway, I don't have time now, and I probably won't until after 7 pm tonight, but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to do this sometime later today. Just letting you guys know so you don't think I won't be helping out or anything. ^_^;[/SIZE]
[size=1]Though I'm normally not very present in the OB Anthology, I'm always interested in your stories, DW. :P This one seems very different from your others, in that you aren't a main character, nor are you even listed in the cast (at the moment, anyway). I wonder how this 'twist' will affect the story this time around, eh? And speaking of the cast, I'm curious as to who the animal/pirate character is supposed to be. If it didn't have a tail and a pair of dog (or cat or whatever) ears, I'd say it was definitely you, being a well-known pirate fan here on OB. Then again, it could still be you. But meh. I'll let you reveal who he/she is (though I hate being patient >_
[size=1][indent][i]"Where the hell is it?"[/i] A young girl tip-toed about the study of a large home, quietly searching through all the desk drawers and file cabinets she could find. But after rummaging through every visible nook and cranny, she was still unsatisfied. She growled in frustration, slumping down on the floor to regain her composure. [i]"It has to be in here somewhere... It [b]has[/b] to be,"[/i] she thought anxiously. Suddenly she heard the creak of a door, and felt all the color drain from her already pale skin. She turned and saw the face of a man peering into the study from the dimly lit hallway on the other side of the door. The moment the intruder recognized her, he slammed the door open and opened his mouth to shout, but before anything but a breath could escape his lips, he was motionless. Her eyes widened, her arm still outstretched before her, as she suddenly remembered what she could do. She cursed herself, angry beyond words that she had broken her promise to herself and her sister. But at the same time, she felt a happiness and relief. She sat quietly for a moment, her arm returning to her side, before she rolled her eyes and pushed herself back onto her feet. She walked up to the frozen man and reached a hand into his robe's chest pocket. Sure enough, she had found what she was looking for. [b]"No sweat."[/b] She quickly cleaned up the papers and books that she had thrown on the floor before walking back up towards the eerily still man stuck in the doorway. She patted his cheek with her hand, herself wearing an expression of malicious content. [b]"Nice seeing you again, Uncle."[/b] With that, she grabbed her coat, which she had thrown on the floor carelessly when she had first arrived, and left the room. When she was back on the street, she looked back up towards the extravagant house and concentrated for a moment. She heard the yell of her uncle before he cut himself off, realizing she was no longer there. She knew he would pass it off as stress and return to bed, without so much as another thought for his niece. [center]---[/center] Closer to her own home, the girl's giggle broke the silence hanging in the cold night air. Wrapped in her black overcoat, she pulled one of her hands out of her pockets, a small bag with a strange emblem on it resting in her palm. She tossed it up and caught it before letting out another giggle. Her grin almost reached from one ear to the other as she beamed proudly at the bag in her hand. [b]"That wasn't so hard,"[/b] she told herself, [b]"I should start doing that more often."[/b] [b]"Come now, Ms. Landry. Petty larceny is no career for a growing girl."[/b] She stopped in her tracks before turning around slowly. Though she saw no source of the voice, she knew that whoever had spoken was still there. [b]"First of all, the name is [i]Nikki[/i]. And second, I'm sixteen and done growing, thank you very much,"[/b] she spat in rebuttal. [b]"It's not unusual for kids to think they are fully mature when they reach your age, let alone the gifted ones. But rest assured, you aren't as ready to take on the entire world as you may believe. However, I know someone who can help you to... hone your particular ability."[/b] [b]"Oh? Now who would that be?"[/b] Despite the calmness in her voice, she had returned the small bag to her pocket, and held it tightly within her trembling fist. [b]"My master. He'll show you how to use your gift in a much more useful way than--"[/b] the voice continued, but was halted mid-sentence. Nikki opened one of her emerald green eyes, noticing the sudden silence. A smile returned to her face, as the same feeling of relief and joy flooded through her. She examined the street, but could not find the source of the voice. [b]"Dammit,"[/b] she swore. Suddenly, she felt a hand running through her long, brown hair. Instinctively, she spun around and punched at the person behind her, but her fist was caught by an invisible force. She looked up and also noticed that whoever had put their was nowhere to be seen. The surprise faded quickly, and she let out a laugh. [b]"So, I can learn to be invisible, too? Oh wait! I can do that!"[/b] Grabbing the invisible arm that held her wrist, Nikki focused for a moment before the person was revealed to be a rather tall figure dawned in a black cloak with its hood up to hide their face. From the voice she had heard, she had figured it was a man, and the frozen figure now in front of her seemed like a perfect match. With the cloaked man now immobile and unaware, she easily pulled her wrist from his gloved grip. [b]"Just watch me disappear,"[/b] she grinned. She continued down the sidewalk, not even glancing back at the figure still frozen in the middle of the small road. As she walked, she pulled out the embroidered bag and opened it to reveal a small necklace with the same emblem on the golden coin at the center. Placing it around her neck, she let out a sigh before whispering, [b]"Sorry, Sis. Looks like I have to break my promise."[/b][/indent] --- This looks awesome! x3 I'm up for making any graphics you may need. Just give me the dimensions you'd prefer. ^_^ And just to clarify, Nikki's ability is freezing people in time. It's basically like pressing their 'pause' button, so their entire system is halted. They can't hear, speak, see, think, breathe or anything, but it doesn't hurt them. Whenever she wills it, they can be 'unfrozen'. But to balance it out, she can only freeze a maximum of ten people at a time, so if she has left anyone frozen, they become unfrozen the next time she uses her power on someone. [b]edit ::[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/TheMagicianspromosplash.png][i]Here's[/i][/url] a splash I just did. The stock image I used is (c) [url=stonethief.deviantart.com][i]Stonethief[/i][/url]@devART. Currently working on a banner usable in a signature. :3[/size]
[size=1]It looks like I get to be the first one to say CONGRATS TEAM! ^o^ We did awesome this round, and hopefully we'll continue to kick butt! xD As for your questions BK, I'm not the greatest question answer-er, so I think I'll pass for now. ^_^;; But I [i]do[/i] know that the answer to your first question for me has to be Jim Carrey. I just luff him so much, lol. x3[/size]
[size=1]Don't worry guys - I've already got a banner in the works! :'D I'll PM the first draft to you all when it's finished. ^__^ In regards to your question, DW, I do still use Photoshop for the majority of my graphics. However, I'm also a [strike]wannabe[/strike] artist, and since I've gotten a tablet, I've been using programs like OpenCanvas and Flash to doodle and color sketches in. But I'm definetly the most comfortable using Photoshop. :3[/size]
[SIZE=1]It's about time I post again since everyone else has, and they've also elaborated much more than I did, lol. (You guys trying' to show me up, huh?! ;3) I'll follow BK's format, as everyone else has and, like Peanut, I'm too lazy to come up with my own. xD [b]1. Name/Age/Basics[/b] My name is Reveille, but everyone calls me Rev, Revey or Kitty, on and outside of the 'Interweb'. Like I said before, I'm 16 and still in high school, which makes me the youngest member on the team, though that doesn't bother me at all. I'm used to being younger than all my friends/classmates/etc, hehe. As for where I hail from, I'm a North Carolina-born, California native who lives in New York. Yeah. Just [i]try[/i] and make that sentence make sense, lol. [b]2. Team Captain/Color/Flag/Name[/b] The [b]Laugh Out Louds[/b] is definitely the name I'd go with. It suits me perfectly, seeing as I've already said it twice in this post. O: BK's name is creative, but I've never heard of the game myself, so it didn't really make that much sense to me. A name that everyone would recognize, like Laugh Out Louds, seems like the better choice to me. It seems that my initial vote has unanimously deemed (aside from his own vote) [b]Dragon Warrior[/b] our Team Captain. So... congrats, Cap'n. ;D It [i]also[/i] seems like I've been announced our teams flag-maker, so I'll have to get right on that! I'll make a few different copies, assuming that our color is [b]green[/b] (though I was rooting for blue ? oh well) and our name is the [b]LOLs[/b]. If anyone is opposed to the color or name, please let me know. :3 [b]3. In Response to Matt[/b] If I ever make it to Japan (which, hopefully, I will fairly soon), I'm most looking forward to being able to master the language. My private lessons have certainly taught me a lot, but not being able to converse with someone who speaks Japanese fluently outside of my tutor's home makes it hard for me to learn as much as I'd like to. Another thing I'm looking forward to is the food. I'm a rather picky eater, but I've made a promise to myself that I will try anything and everything I'm introduced to anyway (except for fugu; I'm not about to risk my life for a piece of fish, lol). Finally, I'm looking forward to living away from family, which will be an especially helpful experience if I manage to go there before college as an exchange student for half a year or so. I'll be able to experience living with and getting to know new people, which I've been told by numerous people is an extremely useful ability to have going in as a freshman in college.[/SIZE]
[size=1][indent][b]"Uhn.."[/b] The groan had escaped from the mouth of a seemingly limp body laying peacefully on a beach. It was a young woman, her hair dyed an unnatural shade of electric blue. She blinked several times, until her eyes remained open to reveal them as a stunning emerald green. Rolling onto her back, she slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position, spitting out sand she had breathed in while unconscious. She tried wiping the annoyingly persistent sand from her face and arms, but there was still plenty remaining when she gave up. [b]"I [i]hate[/i] sand,"[/b] she growled to herself. She suddenly felt very warm, and noticed the sun was emerging from behind the few clouds that scattered the sky to target her pale skin. Her eyes narrowed as she looked up to the sky, and she decided it would be best to get into some shade. She instinctively wiped the sand from the back of her white t-shirt and tattered jean shorts, despite having decided it was futile only a minute or so ago. [b]"... Wait a minute..."[/b] It had finally dawned on her. Where the hell was she? She began to look around frantically, searching for something familiar, but to no avail. She was surrounded by unpromising ocean on one side, and an intimidating forest on the other. Tears began to well in her eyes as she slowly succumbed to her panic, the realizations piling up on her all at once. What the hell was she doing here? Where was her home? Why was she alone? Why couldn't she remember anything? And what was... What was her name? [b]"What is my name?"[/b] She stared at her hands, then at the flip-flops on her feet, and then at the hair that had fallen from behind her ear into her face. They were familiar. She remembered them. She let out a sigh, abandoning her attempt to figure it out. She convinced herself that it was useless, and she might as well get under some shade before she got a sunburn. Despite the indescribable feeling she got, she continued her approached towards the darkened trees. Climbing over a few fallen branches and through some bushes, she soon felt the relief of the shade. [b]"So... What now?"[/b] Another thought popped into her head as she spoke, and she realized she was talking to herself too much. She decided to keep her remaining questions to herself, rather than share them with the dark and foreign foliage. But as she examined the green bushes and trees around her, she noticed something out of place. Something that didn't blend in. It was a white envelop, with its flap poked through by a low-hanging branch. Immediately, she ran towards it, hoping against hope that whatever was inside it would tell her what to do, or who to look for, or, at the very least, who she was. In her excitement, she didn't watch her feet, and tripped several times as a result. Still, the scrapes and sand that now covered her skin couldn't stop her from reaching the envelope. Tearing it down with obvious enthusiasm, she stared inside to see only a small slip of paper, about the size of a fortune in a fortune cookie one received at a Chinese food restaurant. [i]Welcome to the game, Rara...[/i] [i]"Rah-rah... That's my name..."[/i] Her hands fell to her sides, still tightly clenching the slip of paper and the envelope that had contained it, as a smile broke out on her face. Suddenly, she was skipping about and dancing, shouting happily. She knew her name. That was enough to keep her happy, and sane, for the time being.[/indent] ---- This sounded like a really interesting concept, so I thought I'd sign up. :3[/size]
[SIZE=1]Yo! :3 Just makin' a quick intro post for myself, even though I'm late for school. xD;; Being 16, I'm a junior in high school. Most of the courses I'm taking are rather boring, except for Photo I and AP Chemistry. Lunch is pretty fun, too. ;D I spend almost all of my time with friends, except when I have crew practice or a choir concert or something. One of my favorite things to do is invite them over to my house and watch a marathon of movies. I know it sounds kinda boring, but you have no idea how much fun we all have, lol. We also spend a lot of time at the local pizza restaurant. Those who work there even know all of our names now. >_>; My captain nomination is [b]Dragon Warrior[/b]. He's good at being in charge. ;P My suggestion for a team color would be... some kind of blue! @_@! And you'll have to work out a team name on your own. Naming things is extremely difficult for me because I'm so damn indecisive, lol. But yeah. That's all for now. ^_^[/SIZE]
[INDENT][SIZE=1][b]1. What name would you like to be used for you during this competition?[/b] Kitty or Revey is fine. [b]2. What is your age and gender?[/b] I'm 16 and female. [b]3. What country do you come from?[/b] The good ol' US of A. [b]4. What areas of OtakuBoards you consider as your strengths and weaknesses?[/b] * [i]Strengths:[/i] RPGs, Art/Graphics * [i]Weaknesses:[/i] Discussion/Debates [b]5. Name one member of OtakuBoards that you consider your friend here.[/b] If you said make a [i]list[/i] of those I consider my friends here, this would be a far easier question to answer. I talk to so many people here on OB and have gotten close to so many of them (at least I have in my opinion; you never know what they think of you, lol) that it really is hard for me to put only one name as an answer, fearing that someone might message me about it and sound playfully upset but really are upset with me. And yes, I'm well aware that I'm over-analyzing the question. So I'll just say [b]Stuart[/b], because talking with/listening to/hearing about him always makes me happy. [b]6. What one thing would you take with you to a deserted island?[/b] A laptop computer. With wireless internet and a never-dying battery, of course. I consider the attachments part of the computer, so it counts as one thing. ( :P ) I wouldn't be able to live if I couldn't check all the forums, webcomics, and art sites I frequent. It may not be edible, but I figure it might help me got off that island quicker, or at least keep me from losing what little I have left of my sanity. [b]7. Why do you want to participate to OtakuBoards Survivor 4?[/b] RPGs are my thing, here on OB, though I'm not well known for it. Epic RPGs (ie. the last few OB:Survivors) are not things I thrive in, but I'd like to fix that. I participated in Game On and was barely active after the first round, and I can't even remember why. So, to make up for it (to both myself and the other players), I'd like to give it another shot, this time with much more dedication throughout.[/SIZE][/INDENT]
The OtaKuties- Critiques/Betting Thread [E]
Kitty replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1]Wow. Lots of absolutely gorgeous entries, everyone! (Unfortunately, this means I have no shot. XD) But I've gotta put 150 OBucks on Mistress Roxie. She's [i]beautiful[/i].