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Everything posted by Kitty
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Put the gun down, Alex," Kitzume said in a soft voice. "Now why would I do that..?" he asked in a devilish tone. "If you don't want to die, I suggest you listen to me," she whispered again. "I'll kill you before you have a chance to flinch," he snickered. He didn't think very much of Kitzume, and he showed that off like a badge. Sefir noticed that the thunder barage had ended suddenly, not hitting him nor Kitzume. But the sky was still littered with pitch black clouds. Kitzume was not done with the lightning yet. "I'll tell you one more time.." she commanded in such a quiet voice, they weren't quite sure she had spoken. "I've got you right where I want you. I think I'll kill you know, thanks," the possessed Alex laughed. "... Then die," she said in a voice that sounded almost sad. The lightning struck fast. And hard. The two Desert Eagles were sparked from his hand; they flew into the darkness of the surrounding street. Alex also stumbled back a bit, leaving him stunned for a moment before he began clawing for a weapon. Before he could grab another one of his weapons, Kitzume had shoved her sword a bit into his stomach. She stood next to his ear, her face hidden. "The more you displease me, the deeper my sword will go.." He began to reach for his AK-47, but Kitzume dug her blade into him, just as she had promised. "Deeper..." Again he flinched for his gun. Again she further pierced his insides. ".. And deeper..." "You're... insane," Alex managed to spit out, a bit of blood dribbling down his chin. "No.. I'm not insane. Unlike you. And him," she whispered, looking at Sefir. "The two of you are engulfed, each by a different factor. I, on the other hand, have not given into the hunger of insanity nor the teasing of hatred. For the insane, I might appear unstable. But I am the one in the best condition here, you realize this?" More blood found its way to Alex's chin, and much more of it poured from his stomach wound. Sefir stood and watched, not sure how to react yet. "Now.. If you'll drop the guns, I'll let you live.. Just don't interefere again. You hear me?" she breathed into his ear calmly. But yet again, he pushed for his weapon. This time, Kitzume cut into one of his organs. ".. And deeper it goes," she muttered, watching him fall off her sword and roll over and bleed on the ground. "Enjoy it?" she asked, pulling his weapons away and throwing them into the air, soon to be gusted away by the wind to who knows where. "And to think... You could have replaced him," she said, her eyes appearing to be glazed over. She wasn't acting normal. Perhaps she, too, had given into the insanity that constantly knawed at her heels. [i]But no..[/i] she persisted, [i].. I won't be consumed.. Not yet..[/i] "Sefir.. " she whispered gently. "Would you like to die now?" She looked up, revealing blurred grey eyes. Her face was darkened by the shadowy clouds above, and her hair flew about from the sudden attack of wind that breezed in suddenely. As she lifted off the ground, she looked truely demonic, but her eyes held a little innocence that would soon be lost. Lost forever in an ocean of blood.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"I've had enough of being told what I am. I know what I am. I am just an obstacle for few, death for many. If I cannot defeat you, I don't care. At least I'll give you hell before I die," Kitzume explained, growing angrier and angrier at the way he was acting. [i]I don't dominate the wind, I flow with the wind. If he cannot see that, then he is clearly insane as well. What is it with all these people and loosing their heads?[/i] she thought to herself, pulling back to charge again. But as she ran towards Sefir again, she was attacked by a group of Crimson Shadow. They knew she had abandoned the Crimson, so she was nothing more than something to kill. But she cut several of them in half with a sweep of her sword and the others were blinded by the wind. She used it to cut out their eyes. As the blinded howled in pain, Kitzume laughed. She then ran for Sefir again. Her attack did not reach him, but she hadn't meant for it to. At the instant he blocked her, she jumped and landed behind him, and managed to leave a cut on his back. "Got lucky," she muttered, knowing that was easily dodgable. She summoned another barage of lightning, only to be hurdled into the surroundings by Sefir's spear. "If you know what you are, then what are you after?" he asked in the same toneless voice. "I'm after something I've lost. Something I want back. After I get it, I'll take everything else. And I'll destroy the Mystic and Crimson." "What would destroying us do?" She chuckled. "Make me feel better." She swung at him again, a near miss, but an unsuccessful attack all the same. She continued to swing, hitting the ground instead of Sefir. "Your technique is sad, and your plan is pitiful." "I don't care," she said calmly, watching the ground crumble under Sefir's feet. She had cut around him, and they were fighting above a sewer. The ground was only a few feet deep. He did not fall down with the tumbling rock, nor had Kitzume intended for him to. This just left him vulnerable. [i]I only have a few seconds,[/i] she thought, the skies turning black and the wind beginning to take shape. It took the shape of a tornado. "Not very original," Sefir mocked in that same dead-like tone. "Who needs original?" she said blandly, motioning forward. The tornado flew at the floating Sefir, the lightning coming down sudden and in large amounts. One of the bolts would hit him. No way he could dodge them all. Sure enough, as he manuevered away, one bolt struck him, sending him to the ground. As he hit the ground, the number of bolts increased dramatically. Thousands of streaks of white light fell from the sky in streams of painful rain. "You can't dodge all of that," she shouted at the running figure. "I'm not," he shouted back, turning right towards her. "Idiot!" she shouted at him, but she did not move. If he was trying to pull such a reckless manuever, she was going to stand her ground. "Come and get me.." she whispered, facing the running force of Sefir and the rain of explosions behind him.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitzume sat atop a high rooftop, watching the battle that could start a war. Crimsons were being slaughtered, Mystic were being masacared, and the Dead Moon had all but evaporated. She went over the situation in her head, thinking of possible options. "I can't trust Alex; he's gone. He gave into his own insanity. He's a lost cause now.. Yutarin has fallen for a Mystic, and his protecting Mystic. His joining with them isn't far off. Ivan.. hell, he's been a Mystic for a long while. No hope in him." She watched as a dragon rose from Yutarin, but it didn't interest her. Her focus returned to her pondering. "That leaves me.. The only Dead Moon left. Crimson didn't work out," she chuckled, watching as another Crimson fell spazzing to the ground, blood flowing from his many opened veins. "But I'll keep the car they gave me.. It will come in handy very soon." As she said that, Alex drove away. "He's still hopeless. No point in chasing," Kitzume reminded herself. Before she jumped down into the hell below, she thought over how the events had happened in her head. All the important people were below. She was the unforeseen detour, the one that would turn the tide. She was the one that would prove that Dead Moon was the only way to power. She was the one that would make "Kitzume" a word to frighten the world. Kitzume was out to take it all. From the rooftop, she glided swiftly down into the madness of fighting men and women, boys and girls. Every four steps, with a sweep of her blade, down came another lifeless shell, only a memory of the soul it had housed. A Mystic, a Crimson, a Mystic, a Crimson.. On and on it went. [i]Too much swinging of this heavy sword will make me waste too much energy. Might as well just finish it now,[/i] Kitzume thought to herself, sheathing her sword. She whispered a chant before the howling of the wind grew and grew. Its volume was enough to deafen a person, the strength of it enough to send them feet into the air. Left and right, young members, amatuers, of every group were blown away. The wind was not an opponent they had intended on facing. "No one can fight the wind.. How can they fight what cannot be touched?" she laughed, intensifying the nearly unbearable wind. "They will all die.. Tonight!" she shouted, wanting any and all to hear her. But as most were blown away, killed on impact with walls, sharp objects, and the like, a few were left unhindered. It was them. The ones that had caught Kitzume's attention. The ones that were not to be disturbed by her deadly games. They were concentrating on eachother, too much. Their opponents were all that mattered, they were all they could see, hear, touch, know. They were all and nothing.. nothing could take their attention away from the other. They were locked in a battle, a battle that one would not walk away from. Kitzume was angered that they were not paying her any mind, though she clearly understood. The wind pierced the skin of already soulless bodies, leaving gashes, cuts, and wounds that would only gather bacteria. She stood motionless, waiting for the battles to end so she could finish them off, then go for Alex.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitzume had followed Yutarin and Leya, she thought her name was. [i]What importance does this girl have? Well.. No matter. If she's dead, it's just a larger hole in the wall of the Mystic. It will crumble soon..[/i] Still following on foot (well.. rooftop) she watched as the two slaughtered a few Crimson Shadows. She did not step in at all to help. After all, she wasn't truely dedicated to the Crimsons. They were just a step towards what she really wanted. But since they had given her such a kick ass car, she was going to play along for a while. And if they gave her more stuff, who knew. She might even become a true member. But anyway, her stealthy chase continued. She wanted to take only the best possible moment to attack the girl. At last her opportune moment came when they had just killed a young Crimson. Not a Crimson Shadow, but a new Crimson. He was young and strong, but he was too headstrong and cocky. It was no wonder he died so quickly. After he fell to the ground, she slowly and silently flew down to the street. They were taking a breather after having used up more of their limited energy. Her strike was quick, but off target. She planned on toying with them first. She sliced the girls arm leaving a pouring gash. "Surprised to see me?" she asked Yutarin with a grin on her face. "Leya!" he shouted, grabbing her before she hit the ground. "Kitzume, get out of our way," he said calmly. Kitzume paused, then disappeared in the wind. Yutarin, believing that she had left, not wanting to fight a former commorade, turned his attention to Leya. But this cost him. As he looked to the bleeding girl, Kitzume took her sword and stabbed it through his right hand. Again, this attack was off-target. If she was to disable him permanently, she would have gouged his elbow and his shoulder also, taking away the use of his right arm forever. But just by getting him in the upper arm, she didn't take much time off his fighting, even if he was a slow healer. "You idiot. Mystic are going to be eliminated before anything," she laughed loudly. "Well it seems the Dead Moon have been the first," he smirked. "The Dead Moon aren't gone," she spat, kicking him and then Leya. At this point, Leya attempted to retaliate, sending shards right at Kitzume. But in a blink of an eye, they were headed right back at her. "Don't be stupid. I control the wind.. You can't touch me," she said, a cut appearing on Leya's face. "What the..?" she gasped. "I can use the wind as a weapon as well. It can cut through you like a knife through butter. And now, lady and gentleman, I believe your time has come to an end," she mocked, bowing at them. She then held up her sword like an executioner holds up his axe. But to her surprise, Yutarin used his left hand to attack, sending her off-balance, but not damaging her. "Watch it pal!" she snapped, using the wind again to cut his face all over. "I should kill you right now..." she began before getting a message from a Crimson psychic, ".. but I have other plans." And with that, she disappeared. That was the last time they would see her that night. Kitzume was back at her car, but she was being swarmed upon by Mystic members. "Don't touch the new car!" she screamed, blowing them all thirty feet in the air. She drove away, leaving a rain of Mystic behind her in the street. "Pitiful.." she muttered.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Ow.." Kitty muttered after getting shocked again. [i]If only I had my gem..[/i] she thought, looking through her pockets again. "Fuck it." She tried to summon her sword, but nothing happened. One of the guards laughed at her. "What are YOU laughing at, asshole?" she snapped. "You want your weapon? It's in our vault you idiot." "Childish angels think we would have left it behind. And besides, even if we had, you wouldn't have been able to summon it," the other smirked. "But ya know what, I'll humour you, angel. I'll give you your weapon," he laughed, walking towards the vault. [i]Perfect,[/i] Kitty thought. "Hey you," she said, looking at the second guard. She glanced to the first one who seemed to be struggling with the vault door then back to the guard in front of her. "What is it?" he growled, growing bored with the one prisoner. "Can you come here for a sec?" "Why?" he asked. "I need to ask you.. something," she said, turning red. He walked over cautiously, holding his weapon close. "What is it?" he asked, this time in a nervous tone. "Thanks," she said. "That's it!? You wanted to say thanks?! For wha--" he flew to the wall. "For the key, duh," she said happily, unlocking her gate. The first guard had just gotten her weapon out and was closing the door when Kitty rammed him into the wall. "Give me that!" she said, grabbing it out of his grimey demon hands and stabbing it through his stomach. "Stupid pig," she muttered, pulling it out and rushing over to the main door that would lead out of the citadel's prison. "Now how do I get this open?"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitzume had heard and seen the large geyser earlier, but she didn't do anything about it. In fact, she hopped into her brand new car with her large sword and drove in the opposite direction. Today was Mystic hunting day. "They'll be swarming after that," she thought aloud to herself, thinking of the eruption of water. Sure enough, after ten minutes of driving through red lights and empty streets, she noticed a group of Mystic talking to each other. None of them were recognizable. "Good. No Ivan or Yutarin," she muttered. She didn't want to deal with them. She drove up across the street and got out. They saw her and began chattering faster, pulling out several items that Kitzume recognized as weapons. "Pitiful," she said, leaving her sword in the car and just walking up to them. "Did you see the fountain of water?" she asked casually. One of them nodded slowly, but the others stared, their grip tightening. "Do you know who did it?" "An elemental..." one of them whispered. "Ah. Good. You know what?" They looked at eachother quickly, then back to where Kitzume was standing. But there was nothing. "What the--!?" the one in the back started, but was cut of by a ferocious wind sending him into the wall. "Ow.." they muttered. Next, the girl standing closest to the street disappeared. "Where'd she go?!" the other two asked eachother whipping around wildely. When they looked back at the boy that had been slammed into the wall, he was dead. Hell, his head was missing. "What's going on?!" the last girl panicked. "Where'd that girl go?!" "I'm right here.." she whispered in her ear, sending her sword straight through her stomach. She coughed up blood a few times before falling off the sword dead. "Now.. For you," she chuckled, staring at the boy that stood trembling before her. He died quickly. She laid all four bodies in a nearby ally. "That was easy. I'm surprised they have such young members..." she thought, hopping back into her car and wiping the blood off of her sword. Then she drove off, looking for more to kill that night.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]Here's my second sign up. [center]-------[/center] [B]Position[/B]: God of Destruction [B]Person you left in charge[/B]: Ichicko-- Demi-god of Disease [B]Name[/B]: Etemaii [B]Human Name[/B]: Joseph [B]Nick Name[/B]: Joe, Mono [B]Age[/B]: 23 [B]Occupation[/B]: Freelancer [B]Appearance[/B]: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Talk_about_splitting.jpg]Click[/url] [B]Personality[/B]: Joseph is the most likeable guy. Well.. To those that dig blowing ***** up, anyway. Mostly what Joseph does is destroy buildings, blow up street cars (with or without people inside) and attack freeways. As the God of Destruction he.. well, to put it lightly, he lives up to his name. His "buds" are mostly dumb*ss men in their mid twenties that get in trouble with the law. Luckily for Joseph, being a God, he uses his powers to keep himself either undetected or to force others to take the blame for him. Joseph, while juvenile, is very intelligent and clever. He doesn't destroy just any old building; it's usually one that will have a long-term effect on something if demolished. He steals things, like notes on a building's creation, so that when they begin to construct it, it crumbles and kills lots of people. Joseph has a sick type of humor. Death makes him fall over and laugh more than anything. People being squished is what he enjoys watching most. The way they squirm as they're being brought to their death tickles his fancy. [B]Bio[/B]: Etemaii has always been disliked by the gods and goddesses for his twisted outlook on everything. In his mind, all great works must crumble. All man has worked for is worth dirt. His worshippers deserve death sooner than any humans. Nearly being kicked out of the council of gods and goddesses, Etemaii toned down his troublemaking. On Earth, Joseph drinks, smokes, and does drugs. These small pleasures on Earth have made him wonder why he couldn't have them up in the council of gods and goddesses.And he does do the occasional (or rather, frequent) murder. Having avoided most of the other gods down on the tiny planet, he felt that he now had the right to do whatever the hell he wanted to. When bored, Joseph goes to a uninhabited area outside of wherever and summon earthquakes to destroy most of the area. When angry, he goes into the center of a large populated town and destroys everything within the city limits. [center]-------[/center] Well, that's him. An' when posting in the RPG, I'll be using this color for Joseph and[/COLOR] [color=blue]blue for Nicole.[/color][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Lucky me, I live on the west coast. And no, I'm not rubbing that in the face of those of you that DO live on the east coast (and Florida). .. Anyway, I have to agree. Being hit with three hurricanes and expecting a fourth must suck-*ss over in Florida. But then again, ask yourself. Why do people live there? They must know (by now) that it's a hurricane zone. Why do people that can only afford ONE home live there when they can live in other parts of the country where no more hurricanes can destroy their house. Sure, if someone rich moved there, they could have a home there and if a hurricane hit a blew it to pieces, they could have another one to fall back on. But, then again, that's just MY opinion... Well, mine and my dad's. (We agree on lots of topics). Please, [i]please[/i] do not get [i]too[/i] mad at me for thinking that the people living in Florida should move for their benefits and the countries benefits. (Or you could just help global warming.. but I'm not sure how you do that...) -Kitty P.S. Oops. Skipped over your post there, Captain Iuno. A fifth one, huh? ... America's gonna be payin' even MORE taxes THIS year... Ugh.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I'm gonna sign up with two characters. ^___^ [CENTER]------- [U]Sign up #1[/U][/CENTER] [B]Position[/B]: Goddess of Wind [B]Person you left in charge[/B]: Helliki -- Demi-goddess of the Sky [B]Name[/B]: Nilelea [B]Human Name[/B]: Nicole [B]Nick name[/B]: Nikki, Breeze [B]Age[/B]: 20 [B]Occupation[/B]: Takes a language and a few other college classes at night, but works at a restaurant in the afternoons. [B]Appearance[/B]: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/aitokiniki.jpg]Here![/url] [B]Personality[/B]: Nicole feels very bored with everything. She thought that the world was meant to entertain it's inhabitants, but she was proved wrong quite quickly. She hates taking her classes at the local college, but she does it anyway. But because she dislikes them, Nicole doesn't pay attention most of the time. She enjoys reading comics and playing games, making others think of her as quite childish. But she just ignores them. She hates being told that she needs to change her attitude and start caring for others; it annoys the hell out of her. People call her selfish, but she thinks of herself much differently. Nicole's sense of humor is quite cruel, but she doesn't care. To other's she's rude and violent, or just plain ignorant. It takes a lot to get her attention. [B]Bio[/B]: Nicole has dealt with lots of loss in her lifetime, so she never talks about anything. Many of those that know her well, even if she denies it, think that her personality strings from her past. But since she discusses her past with almost noone (and those she does tell are sworn to secrecy) it's hard to tell. Hurricanes always amused Nicole. She enjoyed watching them rage through towns, just after some horrid event happened to her. Tornadoes also were a joy for her to create. She's killed many people and destroyed lots of towns and still she has gotten prayers from the people. This always confused her, but she accepted their prayers and gave them gentle breezes until her anger or sadness lead her to create more dreadful windstorms. [CENTER]-------[/CENTER] Once Nicole is accepted, I'll post my second character. ^__^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Oooh. Breaking and entering. One of my hobbies," she said quite loudly. "What?" she asked when Alex gave her a puzzled look. "And look, even IF two of "your own" are now with the Mystic, I could still kick their asses. Don't doubt me, f-" "I'm not doubting you. I just have different plans that a conflict with the Mystic would ruin! You must understand.." He won her over yet again. [i]How he does it, I'm not quite sure.. I could pick him off easily. Here and now.. But.. Gah. Why doesn't he tell me anything!?[/i] she thought to herself, assured that Alex hadn't "peeked" into her thoughts. "Well, shouldn't we be off?" she asked in a tone not at all like her normal tone. "Yeah. Come on. This way," Alex instructed, grabbing Kitzume's arm as he walked on. If he hadn't, she'd probably have gone for some food or something. As they walked, Kitzume began thinking about random things like finally getting around to cleaning the bathroom and shaving again soon. She jumped suddenly, startling Alex. "What the hell?! A little warning, please?" "Somebody's being a little nosey tonight.." she said, feeling that the reader had left. "Was it strong?" "No, it felt weak. They were probably far away." "Not too far; it's near impossible for a Mystic or Crimson to be able to read from more than a few miles, even for experienced psychics," Alex explained. "Whatever. I don't care. I just want to be able to see my target, so I can impale their stupid little bodies with my sword.." "Nice image. Now let's keep going."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Calming quickly, Kitzume relaxed in her chair. "Why the sudden change of heart?" she asked him. "I've gotten an offer from the Crimsons." "What if I don't like the offer?" "Then you can walk away." They stared silently at eachother, but Alex felt her will weakening. "Fine," she spoke up, "I'll join them... IF I like their offer." "Thank you Kitzume," Alex said calmly, smiling at her. "Shut up.." she snapped. He chuckled a bit, then got up and headed for the door. "Come on. We're meeting the guy with the offer in half an hour," he explained, opening the door and motioning for her to come. "Ugh.. Do I have to walk?" she asked. "Yeah," he chuckled. She grred at him, but grabbed her sword and walked out the door behind him. They walked swiftly, not wanting to be late. "Where are we going?" "Jay Wong's," he said quickly. Upon reaching their destination, Alex looked at his watch. It was 12:00. "Right on time," he muttered. "Where is this guy?" Kitzume asked. The two looked around until they noticed a shady figure staring at them from base the tower. "Are you the one who called me?" Alex shouted to the figure. "Yes I am. Allow me to introduce myself.." Kitzume grabbed her sword hilt, preparing for any trap the man might be trying to pull.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty awoke finally in a small room on a soft bed. She noticed bars and two demon guards watching her from across the hall. She walked over casually to the bars and stuck her head and arms through. "Hiya," she said. "Quiet you," one of them snapped. "Damn, don't bite my head off.." she replied calmly. She walked back to her bed and laid down. She tried to use the mind link, but as soon as she tried, a shock got sent at her from nowhere. "Ow!" she yelped, holding her head as she nearly fell off the bed. "Damn... That stings," she whispered, laying back down. [i]Okay, lets see. The guards are bitchy, I have no idea where I am, and I can't talk to anyone because I get a jolt in my head everytime I try to use the mindlink... Lucky, lucky me..[/i] she thought to herself. "Damn.. I really wish they were here.." Kitty said to herself. Suddenly, she heard a gate open. Some muttering, and a loud booming voice commanding something. "Orion.." she whispered, her eyes growing wide as she edged against the back wall of her cell. "Are you the one they call.. Kitty?" the booming voice asked in a casual fashion. "It's Kitzume to you, pal," she barked angrily. [i]Nobody who keeps me in a fucking cell is gonna hear me be polite,[/i] she thought to herself. "I heard that.." the voice said. "Mind reader, ey?" The voice chuckled. "Well then, read this," she said, beginning to think to herself the rudest and crudest statements she could. The chuckling stopped suddenly. "Well, if you think THAT angel, you're staying here! And to think.. I was going to offer you partnership. Foolish girl!" "THE NAME'S KITZUME!" she screamed, rushing to the bars and staring at the source of the voice. She stared at him and said quietly, "Holy shit.. You're big, aren't ya pal? Got a thyroid problem?" she mocked. "You dare mock ME?! GUARDS! Release her..." "Kick ass!" she said, not even thinking about Orion's plans. As she strolled past the demons, she stuck her tongue out them. But as she continued to walk, her wings were grabbed fiercly and her legs got slammed into one of the bars as she was swung into the air. "AHH!" she screamed, trying to grab her injured leg as she was thrown around violentely in the air. As she finally stopped being flailed, she panted as she was held before Orion's face. "Damn.. you're... ugly," she managed to pant out. Even if she was weakened, she was not going to let Orion go without being "tormented" a little. "You little PEST!" he shouted, throwing her back into her cell with a sickening slam as she hit the back wall. "Oww..." she moaned. Her leg was hurt and now her back was injured. "What am I going to do now...?" she cried to herself silently. Tears of pain fell down her cheeks as she lay on the floor. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitzume opened the door rapidly to reveal Alex's disappointed face. "What, you didn't think I'd be the one answering the door?" she asked him jokingly. "Nah.. You think I'd go to the wrong house?" he asked her, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, yeah. You and your telepath-thing," she said in a rather demeaning tone, waving her hand and rolling her eyes. "Telepathy," he corrected firmly. She was silent for a moment before resuming her normal annoyed tone. "Don't get all touchy, damn." They stared at eachother for another few moments before Alex asked if he could come in. "Nope. You have to tell me why you're here, first. My rule," Kitzume said in a firm voice, mocking him. He let out a sigh. "Can I tell you.. inside?" "Why?" "I don't want to be where others can here," he explained. "They can always hear you," she said suddenly. "They can always hear you." Alex looked at Kitzume oddly. "Why do you say that?" "Because it's true. No matter what, if you're talking, somebody is listening..." she trailed off. She stared at the floor, thinking of something. He let out a fake cough, snapping Kitzume back from her trance. "Come in," she said hurridly, walking in. Her home was small; she didn't get very much money. It had a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen and a small living room. With a patio out back, overlooking the sewage. The bathroom hadn't been cleaned in ages, the bedroom did not look used at all, and the living room was cluttered with notes written to herself, ads, and a few pictures of some old connections. But the kitchen... Now, the kitchen was spotless. The fridge had plenty of fresh food, the pots and pans and utensils were polished, and even the floors and counters and a certain shine to them. Kitzume was grabbing the scattered papers and pictures off the floor and into her bedroom while Alex stood next to one of the three chairs. There was a small coffee table inbetween all the chairs, covered in coffee, water, milk, and other dried liquids that didn't seem distinguishable. Alex noticed a picture of Kitzume; the only one that had her smiling. She stood next to a taller boy, who looked about 20, 21. His hair was brown and he held a small box in his left hand. That's all Alex saw as she swiped it from his hands, glaring at him for a few seconds afterward. "Don't look at my stuff, thanks," she said in a sarcastic tone. When she finished, she offered him the second largest seat and sat in the large armchair herself. Kitzume then placed her booted feet on the table, making a thud and a clang sound. At this moment, Alex realized where she had hid her sword. "Well.. Why'd you come?" she asked.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitzume was as startled with Alex's speach as the others, but it sparked some interest in her. For what, she wasn't quite sure. Maybe it was to become more dedicated, or to go hunting again, or something else. But she was definately going to pay more attention. "I for one, agree," she spoke up suddenly, noticing the long pause. Alex smiled, then looked at the other two. Yutarin nodded, but Ivan was quiet. "Come on Ivan. Make up your mind. Do you want to go off and join the Mystic? Or do you agree with the rest of us?" Alex wasn't trying to be pushy; his tone sounded carefree and relaxed, actually. All eyes were on Ivan. He didn't know what to choose. Though he liked the ideals and intentions of the Mystic, he was also dedicated to Dead Moon. He was silent for a long time. "Hurry up, damn it," Kitzume scolded, getting impatient. Finally, he spoke up. "I'll sleep on it.." "That's it? Ridiculous. If you need to "sleep on it", you're definately not--" Alex cut her off with a hand. "Fine." "My, you sure are "understanding"," she said sarcastically. She did not enjoy being sushhsed by anyone, but she quieted anyway, looking at one of the corners of the room angrily. Alex let out a sigh, relieved that she hadn't stormed out again. [i]This is getting old.. If Ivan can't make up his mind now, he's a threat.. And threats should be eliminated...[/i] she thought to herself. She glanced at Ivan for a second, then looked back to the wall. "Is this meeting over yet?" she asked in an angry tone. --- OOC: Sorry it took so long. >.>[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Asaku?" Kitty asked, sitting on his bed. "Huh?" he muttered, not really wanting to talk. "I'm sorry." "For what?" he asked, still looking out the window. "Getting you mad at me." He finally turned to face her. She looked sad and worried. "I'm not mad at you.." he said, getting up and sitting next to her. "Yes you are.. I know you are. Don't deny it," she said firmly. "I-... I'm not mad at you. I'm just... frustrated." "Because I walked with Aida?" He nodded quietly. "I just needed someone to walk with. I wasn't feeling well.." "Why not?" he asked suddenly. "I don't know.. I just felt like something bad was going to happen. But the feeling went away." The two sat quietly together for some time before Kitty got sleepy and told Asaku that she was going to bed. "Good night," she said happily but in a tired voice. "See you in the morning?" She nodded smiling, then walked to her room. She fell asleep quickly, but woke up a few hours later after mostly everyone else had gone to bed. She wondered what had waken her when she noticed her window was wide open. "I don't remember opening that.." she said quietly, getting up to close it. But as she reached the window, she was thrown out the window by a violent wind. "What the hell?!" she shouted, spreading her wings just before hitting the ground. As she hovered above the ground, she heard a high-pitched laughter before once again being thrown through the air by a gust of wind. She was thrown into the hand of a large female demon. The demon laughed again, blowing a strong gust of wind at Kitty. "Let go!" she yelled, struggling to escape the grasp of the white demon. "Oh, I don't think so. Orion said you'd be quite useful.." she said in a soft voice. "Who are you!? And.. You work for Orion?! How'd you get here!? Asaku smashed his portal!" "Be quiet you annoying little pest! I've been here since Shinoshu, you idiot. I was Orion's back up plan, if you MUST know. And know that I've got you, I'm going to tear the angel's union apart.." the female demon explained, beginning to laugh again. She squeezed Kitty tight, making her faint from lack of oxygen, then flew her away. --- OOC: It was too boring without an enemy. =P[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty was surprised when Saio came in. Not that she wasn't pleased when he admitted what an ass he had been to her before. "Thanks.." she said, looking back out the window. "Well.... Should I... go now?" he asked, not sure what to do now that he had apologized. "I'll go too. This room is so bland," she stated. They walked out and down the stairs. Saio walked back to the couch and resumed the game with Aida. Kitty, on the other hand, began walking towards the front door. She was bored and wanted to see what was outside. But, after walking outside, she realized that there was nothing important or noticable outside. It was just cold. She walked back inside and sat next to Saio on the couch. "You wanna play?" Aida asked, seeing that she seemed bored. "Okay," she said, not really interested. Aida handed Saio a controller who handed it to Kitty. She didn't do very well, though. Even Aida beat her. "Wow.. You aren't very good at this game, are you?" Saio said. She shook her head. "Come on.. I know you aren't that bad," Aida insisted. "Let's play another round. You'll do better," he said, not wanting to win now. She did a little better in her second round, not wanting to be bothered for doing badly. Saio still whooped the both of them, but they didn't bother Kitty now. "I'm hungry... When is dinner?" Saio asked. "I dunno." Saio looked disappointed, then excused himself and walked to the kitchen, leaving them alone on the couch. "Aida?" "Huh?" "This may sound odd, but..." "But what?" he asked. "Can we go for a walk?" "Sure, sure," he said kindly. "Thanks.." she whispered, walking out the door after him.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]OOC: Just note, that you didn't sign up, therefore you shouldn't have posted. You should find the sign up thread, then wait to be accepted before posting. Since I can't delete your post, and I'm being too nice to report it, I just won't take it into account. (That means whatever happened in your post doesn't happen in the story). Just to be nice (not sure why, though..) here's the link to the sign up thread.[/COLOR] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38040]Clicky[/url][/size]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"I'm so bored.. I might just kill MYSELF..." Nikkie sighed, staring at the dead dumbass. "Well, it wouldn't be a waste," she heard a voice say. "Fuck off Miatatzu.." she snapped, knowing that it was Miatatzu. "Seto wanted to take a bath and said I couldn't stand there and watch 'cause I'm too.." "Too what?" Nikkie asked, happy that she had been rejected yet again. "I'm too ugly to be one of his.. whores.." she sighed, beginning to break down into sobs. "Can it, fuckhead. We don't care," Kat spoke up, tired of hearing people's whining. "I bet he said you were too fat, too," Nikkie suggested, smirking evily. Through her sobs, Miatatzu managed to spit out a yes. Nikkie fell on her back, laughing hysterically. "You poor, ugly, wannabe-whore!" she said happily, knowing she was damaging her self-esteem even more. The sobbing grew even worse. The Mexican didn't care, Joey was dead, and Nikkie was laughing herself silly. But Kat seemed sympathetic (and this confused Nikkie utterly). "Don't worry.. He's just a self-absorbed jackass," she said, trying to cheer Miatatzu up. But the sobbing continued. Nikkie, growing tired of the sound of her sobbing (even though it still cracked her up), got up and walked away, into the dark trees, leaving Kat with the hysterical Miatatzu, the boring Mexican that was picking his nose, and the dead Joey that would regenerate some time just to be killed yet again. "Hey Seto!" she yelled, seeing the naked guy waist deep in the water. "Huh wha?" he shouted back. "Did you really call Miatatzu fat and ugly?" "Yea'. Why?" "I think that's awesome. And soo fucking true, dude." "Really.. " He trailed off into thought, still looking at Nikkie, irritating her. "What the fuck are you staring at, pal?" she shouted, placing her hands on her hips. He walked up to her (he happened to be in his grass skirt that he retrieved from.. who knows where) and whispered something in her ear. She eagerly nodded and rushed off with him into a bush, leaving a sleeping Mokuba... to sleep. Back with the others.. Miatatzu had ended her crying fit thanks to an oddly sympathetic Kat, though her sniffing would not end... "I feel so.. soo... *sniff**sniff* USED!" she cried, almost starting her hysterical crying again. "SHH! Let the Mexican sleep.. You don't want him to wake up and bug us AGAIN, do you?" she whispered, pointing to the Mexican that had begun sleeping the moment Nikkie left. And Joey had regenerated several times, being killed instantly everytime. "Le-let's go find Nikkie.." Miatatzu suggested, wanting to find Seto instead so she could make up with him. "You just wanna find Seto, don't you?" Kat said, knowing that Miatatzu, being the whore she is, just wanted to get on Seto's good side (if he even HAS sides..) She sniffed a yes, then walked off, followed by Kat. About an hour later, they stumbled upon Nikkie's bikini top and bottom and Seto's sexy grass skirt. "You don't think.." Miatatzu started. Kat sighed, then signaled that what they both thought happened.. had happaned. They didn't dare peek, knowing that what they would see would either move them both to tears (Miatatzu's of frustration and Kat's of disgust) or to continues vomiting. But even without peering into the bushes, they could hear Seto's grunts and Nikkie's giggles. They ran away quickly, not wanting to hear anymore. --- OOC: You all knew it was coming. He was gonna fuck ONE of us. I just got the "courage" to do it first. P.S. My character's whorier than Kat's, but not NEARLY as whorey as MIATATZU. Jesus Christ... P.P.S. For those of you reading this that don't post in this thread, I apologize if it's "material" disturbes you. But I believe this was given an "R" rating (or M, or whatever..) in the Adventure Inn (even though the sign up was LOOOONG ago..), so you can't blame me. P.P.P.S. I laugh at you Woofer. Ha ha ha. You stupid little whore. ^___^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"You seem happy," Kitty said, smiling happily. "Huh? Me?" Asaku asked, pointing to himself. "No.. The wild duck flying behind your head," she said sarcastically, turning back to Saio who was just finishing his story. "I'm hungry.." Kitty thought aloud. She walked into the kitchen, wondering if anyone would follow her. Sure enough, someone did. But it was Saio that happened to enter the kitchen after her. She let out a disappointed sigh, then went over to the fridge. "Anything in there?" Saio asked her, taking a seat at the table. Kitty stood up, a soda in one hand and an apple in the other. "Only fruit. Want this apple?" she offered, holding up her left hand. "Okay," he said in a excited tone. He was obviously happy that he had gotten his gem. She tossed him the apple then grabbed a bag of chips from the pantry. "I thought you said there was only fruit..." Saio started. Kitty smirked. "You asked if there was anything in the [i]fridge[/i]. You didn't ask about any of those pantries," she told him, strolling out happily. She walked up and into her room, shutting the door behind her and jumping on her bed. She opened the bag and stuffed a few chips into her mouth, then used her right hand to roam under her bed for anything interesting. All she found was an old stuffed animal, a few old socks, and a lost CD she had been given by some girl at school that wanted to befriend her. "Poor girl," she muttered, remembering what happened to her. She shook her head, wanting to get the thought from her head. She didn't have many "good" memories from the school. Most students ignored her, made fun of her, or threw things at her. Even the teachers showed their dislike for her. Again she tried to remove her thought from school, this time by looking around her room. She continued to eat her chips as she observed the noticable things. In one corner, the broken lamp still lay on the floor in pieces. The other corner was lit up by her computer screen. Her drawers were quite empty; she hated shopping. Kouken lay in the middle of the floor, purring softly. Everything in her room she had looked over hundreds of times before. She looked out the window, seeing the moon shining over the grass and trees. The way it reflected off the grass always amused Kitty. She enjoyed thinking of it, it calmed her nerves when she was panicking. Then she remembered Asaku's shining. That put a damper on her already dim mood. She layed her head on the ledge, looking out at the moon still. [i]What if I could fly to the moon..?[/i] she thought, finding herself getting more and more depressed. "Gah.." she sighed, wondering why she was getting so sad. She grabbed the stuffed animal (that happened to be a penguin) and hugged it tightly. "I wonder what he's doing right now.." she said aloud. She hadn't meant to say it at all. It just.. came out. She stared dully at the wall, still thinking. Then she heard a knock on the door, stirring her from her odd concentration. "It's open.." she sighed, not bothering to ask who was at her door. [/color][/size]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Name: Kitzume Yoshiku Nick Name (if any): Kitty/Yoshi Age: 19 Gender: Female Nationality: Japanese/American Race: Elemental- Wind/Thunder (I'll PM you after this post) Group: Dead Moon Weapons: The sword in the pic. Kitzume (Kitty) calls it "Kouken", which is "guardian" in Japanese. Personality: Kitzume feels that she deserves a lot, having lived through what she has. She hates being around others unless they will help her reach her goal. She's rude, violent, and down right nasty to almost everyone. But underneath her b*tchy exterior, there's a kind young woman, looking for someone. Those who have gained her trust are what Kitzume calls her own "yasahii hatsu", or "kind hearts", and are treated with her utmost respect. Appearance: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/marianna2.jpg]Clicky![/url] Bio: Kitzume was born in Jacksonville, North Carolina to a Japanese man and an American woman. That's all she knows. They died soon after to unknown causes so she was taken in by her aunt who lived in Asoka, Japan, who never talked about her dead parents. She didn't even keep pictures of them. Her aunt was careless in raising the young Kitzume. She could get away with anything, except for being sarcastic and rude with her aunt or any of her aunts friends. While being free to do pretty much anything, this lead Kitzume to be very reckless. She got into trouble often, dropped out of school, and ran away. But running away at the young age of 11 was quite the foolish action. She wandered around, hungry and tired, for weeks on end. She could always find water. Parks supplied water fountains, giving her a perfect excuse to hide out there overnight. But finding food got difficult for her. She ran into small shops and would steal food, or even eat scraps she found. Survival was all that was important to her. Having ran away, Kitzume avoided people unless she was to put on an act to earn some money (which worked often since she was so young and believable). After three years of this, she finally got a part-time job, earning her 1000 yen a week. While working, she discovered a group called Dead Moon, which intregued her. The other two groups (which she had heard about from her co-workers' conversations with eachother) had causes that neither followed her personal beliefs or sounded rational. She saved up her money (along with stole some from the register at her job) and flew to America, where she was still a citizen. Hope I'm in. ^__^ EDIT: Fixed the bio.. *cough*finally*cough*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty held onto Asaku tightly. She wasn't letting him go this time. [i]I'll give him all the stupid oreos he wants.. This time, he isn't going anywhere,[/i] she thought happily to herself. That night, all of them did the "basic thing". Sakura scolded Takahiro for staying up when he really ought to be in bed, Yojimbo played his gameboy while bumping into things, and Aida lost to Saio while playing video games. Meanwhile, Kitty was being chased by Asaku for stealing his Oreos again. "Give 'em back!" "Nuh-uh!" "Come on! I'm hungry!" "Eat something else for once!" Asaku grunted as he dodged Sakura, Kitty getting ahead of him up the stairs. As she got to her door, she almost shut it when Asaku grabbed it and swung it open. "Gotcha! Hand over the cookies, and nobody gets hurt," he joked. "Nev-ah!" she laughed, faking left. She almost got past him but he grabbed her and pulled her back, ending up in a hug. Kitty hugged him back, just to realize that he had taken the Oreos from her hands. "Hey! I was gonna eat those!" she shouted, him walking out stuffing three or four into his mouth. "Foo baf," he said with his mouth full. If he hadn't already stuck those Oreos into his mouth, he probably would have stuck his tongue out at her before running off. "I'll get you for that!" she shouted after him, closing the door behind her. She sighed, just happy that everything was back to normal. She fell onto her bed, Kouken jumping on soon after. She lay there stroking the white cat until she remembered the picture in her drawer. She pulled it open and took out the pieces. "I shouldn't have ripped it up.." she said, noticing that she had lost several small pieces and that only the heads of all the angels and some feet and hands remained on the large torn pieces. "I wonder if I can get another copy..." she thought aloud, looking over the pieces.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty had almost forgotten Asaku's humped over body in the dark room after running into Takahiro and the new and improved Sakura. Sakura's transformation interested her most, though, seeing as how that was what she, herself, had been aiming to achieve. But upon realization that the group was leaving without taking Asaku, she ran back to the room to grab him. When she entered, there was a dim glow around Asaku's unconcious (and nearly dead) body. She was taken aback, so she stood still and quiet in the doorway for a few moments, the glow getting brighter and brighter the longer she stood. "Asaku," she said suddenely, not knowing why she said it exactly. "That glow.." she said softly, "Where have I seen it before...?" She pondered over it, looking at the floor to concentrate. But right when she thought she had the answer, Asaku rose from the floor, floating and shining brightly in front of her. "Asaku!" she cheered, at first thinking he had come back with the strength of his gem. She had it in the palm of her hand, and as she opened her clenched hand, she revealed his gem, shining a bright green. The light from both the gem and Asaku was almost blinding. But Kitty stood quietly, watching the light get brighter, and brighter, and brighter. Something struck her while witnessing the odd event. "That light.. I've seen it before.. I know I have!" "Kitty.." "Huh? Asaku? Asaku, is that you?!" "Yes. Orion hasn't gotten rid of me yet." Kitty laughed happily, tears falling down her cheeks. He was back. And he was okay. And he still had his witty humor about him, too. She had her old Asaku back. But the question about the light was eating at her. She had the answer on the tip of her tongue. She [b]knew[/b] she had seen it before. Once again, her thought was interupted. "Kitty, you have to go. Get the others out of here, too." "But why? You're okay! We came here to get you!" "I won't be coming back.. Ever, I don't think." Kitty's smile faded, her happiness going with it. Everything came back to her. The whole event. She knew where she had seen the light last. Lillyana had used it in her last attempt to spare the angels from Orion's grasp. It succeeded, but left the angels without the woman they had grown to know as their own mother. The tears of joy that once filled Kitty's eyes now turned into streams of horror. She had found Asaku only to lose him again. He had disappeared once before, and he was going to do it again. Except permantently this time. Kitty was struck with a feeling that no words could describe. The feeling of utter loss would be an understatement. She couldn't say anything; her throat was too choked up by her relentless tears. She fell to her knees, sobbing, but not removing her eyes from the shining angel. After minutes of the sound of Kitty's sobbing and the light still shining brighter, even though it was slowing a bit, she finally spoke up. "... Why?" "I have to help you get rid of Orion! Even if it means--" "Means what?! Getting rid of you, too!? I don't want you gone!" "I-I.." Asaku had a hard time responding. Kitty kept muttering "I don't want you gone" over and over again, her face buried in her hands. "Kitty, I have to do this!" he said sternly. Kitty stood up slowly, the sound of her sobbing disappearing. She dropped her hands to her sides, but her face remained hidden. "Well... If you have to, take these." She threw to him his shining green gem and her gem that was beginning to shine as well. She then lifted her head so that her tear stained face lit up from the light of the gems and Asaku. "I hope they help," she said, smiling gently. At that moment, the only thought in her head was that of seeing Asaku after the whole Orion mess was done. The only thought she could hold in her head right then was that of the two of them happy again. The thought of him alive. Kitty then fell to the floor, fainting at the stress of the whole ordeal. Meanwhile... Aida looked behind the him, seeing an empty hallway. He then looked about the four of them, not seeing the fifth. "Where's Kitty?" he asked, stopping. The others turned and noticed she had disappeared. "Maybe she fell behind to tie her shoes?" Yojimbo asked, trying to lighten up the very dim mood. He recieved no laughter, not even a scolding. They were all too worried that a demon had taken her or something. "Let's back track where we came from. Maybe she turned away for a second and is still waiting for us to notice her missing," Sakura suggested. The three nodded, and ran back the way they had came. While running, Yojimbo was worried that Kitty might blame him for leaving her behind. "I hope she's not in a bad mood.." he said, imagining her biting his head off. "Ow.." he muttered.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]The four of them walked through many hallways, some empty and dark, others filled with guards and lit up by the torches on the wall. The guard had done nothing suspicious as of yet, but Kitty didn't take her eyes of him. She knew he'd try [i]something[/i] to get them caught, but he hadn't tried anything so far. They walked for a long time, sometimes dashing to avoid being caught by guards, other times edging slowly against walls after hearing suspicious noises. But no matter what they did, Kitty's feet were killing her. At first she had wanted to stop, but she soon refused to let herself give into the pain. [i]I have to find Asaku... I don't give a damn about my feet. It's all about finding Asaku and getting him out of here,[/i] she continued telling herself. After hours and hours of walking through hundreds of corridors and hallways, the guard finally began acting suspicious. And Kitty was the first to spot it. They were walking down a hallway that had lots of big doors. Now, this wasn't the first one to have large doors, but the guard seemed shaky and sweaty and tried to rush everyone out of that hallway before they got a chance to examine the doors. Kitty stopped, making the others stop to find out what the hold up was. "Come on Kitty. Let's keep going," Yojimbo urged. "Really, Kitty. We have to find Asaku ASAP," Aida reminded her, though he sounded a little "off" when he said it. Kitty walked over to a door and placed her hand on it. "What's in here...?" she asked, glaring at the guard. He looked to the others, then at the walls and everything else; constantly avoiding Kitty's eyes. ".. J-just guard equipment..." he whispered. She laughed, then pushed open the doors to reveal a very dark and menacing room, home to only skeletons and jars. But there was a large lump in the middle of the floor that caught the attention of everyone. "AH! We musn't be here!" the guard screamed, finally struggling out of Yojimbo's grasp and running away. "What was that about?" Kitty asked, not really caring about the answer. She returned her attention to the lump and then instantly thought, [i]It's Asaku! It has to be![/i] When she took a step forward, Aida grabbed her hand and shook his head. "Don't go in yet. Let's find a light first," he said, looking around at the torches hung on the walls. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty ran as fast as she could, not stopping even if she was tired. She didn't know if Yojimbo was still behind her, but Aida was running beside her. "Damn this place is big," Kitty panted, still not stopping. Aida nodded. They ran for what seemed like forever, but was probably only half an hour, before they ran into some trouble. Two demons, patrolling the hallway, spotted them and shouted for them to halt. "You three! Come with us," one of them said, holding up what looked like very menacing hand-cuffs. "What are those for?" Aida asked, knowing the answer. "To keep you from escaping you idiot," the guard snarrled. As one of the guards grabbed Kitty's arm to cuff her, she blew him away with her gem. "DON'T touch me," she said, in a voice that made the other demon take a step back. She turned to him with a look of pure hatred and menace and held out her gem. "W-wait! Don't hurt me!" he shrieked. "Pitiful coward! Why should I?" Kitty shouted, furious that this annoying demon was stalling her from reaching Asaku. Aida then held out his gem and aimed it at the terrified guard. "I-I can help you! Y-You obviously don't know your way around the c-c-citidel. Just tell me where you want to g-go and I'll take you there," he stuttered, staring frightfully at Kitty's gem then at Aida's. "Yeah, like we'd fall for THAT," Kitty started, but she was interrupted by Yojimbo. "I think he can help." "Have you lost your MIND?! He works for Orion! We can't trust HIM!!" Kitty said loudly, her temper growing worse. "Kitty, we should make him help us. He can take us to Asaku quicker than we can find him ourselves. And we could run into a bunch MORE trouble if we go on without him," Yojimbo explained calmly. Kitty glared at him. She didn't want to trust anyone who would work under someone as evil as Orion. But she saw that he was right. "Fine... But if he does ANYTHING even slightly suspicious, I'll blow his stupid head off," she muttered, looking away. Yojimbo smiled and then looked sternly at the guard. "You will lead us to Asaku, and we will let you live." The guard nodded hastily. "You will wear those.. 'cuffs' and walk in front of us until we arive at Asaku." He nodded again. Yojimbo grabbed the cuffs and placed them around the demon's wrists, then walked him in front of him, keeping a firm grip on his shoulder. They walked a few more minutes until they reached another hallway. "Which way?" Kitty asked stiffly. The guard pointed right, so the group walked to the right. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]OOC: You forgot Yojimbo's. ----- IC: Kitty and Aida had flown home, cursing their inability to keep their gems. Aida escorted Kitty to her room before going to his own. The two didn't say anything to each other. When on her bed, Kitty pulled out a drawer in her night stand. In it was a picture of all the angels. She looked at it once, then ripped it up into pieces. "Damn you Orion," she muttered, a tear falling from her cheek onto the ripped piece that showed half of her face and Asaku's face. She grabbed the pieces and shoved them back into the drawer, slamming it closed and forcing her head under her pillow. She fell asleep a few minutes later, Kouken softly mewing next to her. Kitty had several dreams instead of one. They were all stupid and pointless, but she remembered them after waking up. Her last dream was the one she thought about most as she sat on her bed, staring at her wall for hours. Finally, she let out a sigh and walked down to the kitchen. She grabbed an apple and flew to the Sanctuary to think some more. When she arrived she noticed Saio. She tensed, remembering what had happened when he'd last encountered the others. But Kitty soon saw that his collar had been removed, so she relaxed and walked up to him. "Saio?" she asked softly. "I found this," he said, holding up a crest. It held three gems; hers, Aida's and Yojimbo's. And it held a rock. "My gem!" Kitty said in relief, pulling it out and holding it tightly in her fist. Then she looked over the rock again. "Wait a minute.. If our gems have been returned... That means Asaku gave them back.. But why would he.." she thought. Then a horrible realization shot through her, sending shivers down her spine. She grabbed the rock and flew off without another word. Once again, she didn't know exactly where it was she was going. She just followed the tugging of her heart. It kept pointing her in one direction. It kept pointing to the darkest cloud in the sky. [i]Asaku! You idiot![/i] she shouted through the mind link. She didn't know if he heard her, but she hoped. "Please.. Dammit, please!"[/SIZE][/COLOR]