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Everything posted by Kitty
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty was dreaming now, laying on the floor. She was still talking with Asaku, back where she had first run into him. She couldn't move, but neither could he. He floated in front of her, not looking her in the eye. "Why?" "Why what?" "Why won't you believe?" Asaku asked her. "Believe what?" she snapped, glaring at him. "Hello? Do you hear me?! What do you want me to believe?" she continued to ask. But he wouldn't say anything. Soon he began disappearing; fading away bit by bit. First the tips of his fingers and toes, then his forearm and calves. On and on this went as Kitty struggled to break from whatever kept her in place. "Asaku! Tell me! Please! I want to.. I [b]will[/b] believe you!" she shouted at his head, which was all that was left. Just before he evaporated completely, he looked to her and winked. Then poof. And he was gone. Kitty continued struggling, shouting his name, wanting him to answer her. But as she was shouting, she fell silent as she heard her name being called. "Kitty... Kitty!" It was Aida's voice. At this realization, she woke up with a start. She sat up quickly saying, "I'll believe you!" This startled the other angels who all had somber looks on their faces. She turned a little red of embarrasment, looking at Aida. "What happened...?" "Asaku brought you here. He-... He took your gem." "Damn it! I shouldn't have.. I can't believe... This is all my fault!" Tears began to roll down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around Aida suddenly, who was blushing a bit.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][i]How the hell am I supposed to get a gem from someone aside from killing them?[/i] Kitty wondered, still flying towards where she thought she might find her gem. She argued with herself whether or not it was worth it to kill someone to get the one thing that could help her beat Orion and his demons. [i]And what if I choose wrong? What if I kill the wrong person and have to kill more and more to get the damn gem?![/i] She stopped her flying and floated in place, desperately trying to decide. "I'll have to risk it," she said, suddenly speeding off in another direction. She flew for almost an hour, finally stopping after sensing a strong pulse coming from a small home. "Is it.. my gem?" she wondered. She knocked on the door, hiding her wings. An old woman answered the door, holding a tray of cookie dough. "Uh.. Hi.." "Hello, dear! May I help you?" The old woman's kind attitude made it hard for Kitty. "Ma'am? I was wondering.. Do you have a gem, perhaps?" The old woman seemed startled by the question, not knowing what Kitty was talking about. "No dear.. I'm sorry. But I'm about to make cookies! If you waited for a few minutes, you could have some!" "Oh no, I couldn't impose on you like that..." Kitty said, beginning to walk away. "Don't be silly! I won't take "no" for an answer!" the old woman chuckled. As she pulled Kitty into the kitchen, the pulsing was getting stronger. [i]I'll need to stab her heart. Quick and clean.. If she has it, it'll be in her heart,[/i] Kitty thought, summoning her sword. As the woman finished putting the cookies in the oven, she turned just as Kitty sent her sword in her heart. The woman went stiff, but there was still color in her skin. "She's not dead?" Kitty said, startled. As she pulled her sword out, a small glimmering blue gem fell out as well. The woman fell to the floor, but she was alive. Kitty hadn't taken her life, but merely "paused" her life, apparently. Her sword disappeared as she bent down and picked up her gem. A burst of light flashed through the house for a second, then disappated, leaving Kitty standing behind the woman who was getting herself some milk. "Would you like some dear?" "Uh.. Umm.. No ma'am. I must apologize. I have to leave now," she said. "Hm.. What a shame.. You'll miss the cookies," the old woman chuckled. "Yeah, I'll bet they're delicious. Well, good-bye." With that, Kitty rushed out the door and into the air, holding her gem close. As she laughed that it was so easy, she flipped on her back and flew without looking where she was going. She bumped into something as she continued flying. She flipped quickly, hoping it was a bird or something. But it was in fact Asaku. He stared at her for a moment, then looked at the gem in her hand. "You have it!" he said suddenly. "Yeah, and I'm going to use it!" she yelled, slamming him in the chest with a sudden beam of blue energy. He went flying backwards, closely followed by Kitty. Her sadness at him for leaving was now overcome by her anger at him for exactly that. "You bastard! How could you?!" she shouted, once again hitting him with a stream of blue energy. He slammed into the ground, panting and holding his arm. "Kitty..." "What?! What do YOU want?!" she shouted, streams of tears falling from her eyes. "I.. I.." he stuttered. After a pause, he said, "I need your gem." "That's it? That's IT?!" She was waiting for something else. Something the old Asaku would say. She now ran at him, not even caring about the damn gem. All she wanted to do was to hit him as hard as she could over and over again.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=blue][size=1]OOC: Sorry I haven't been on lately. My computer died.. >.< But I'm back now. ^__^ --- IC: Kitty was in her room, sobbing relentlessly while pounding on her closet door. The thought of Asaku working for the demon tore at her. She didn't know why or how or anything except he was an enemy now. And if he was an enemy, she would have to bring him down. But she didn't want to. Kitty wanted to help him, to change his mind, anything! As long as it got him back on their side. Back on her side. She did not want anyone to hurt him, but she knew they could not be swayed. They were determined to kill him, and she knew it. Her knuckles were bleeding, but that did not stop her. She wanted to slam on that door until the pain of her fist overcame her pain of losing Asaku. But she heard a crash downstairs. [i]It's Asaku![/i] was the first thing that crossed her mind. She stopped slamming and sobbing and stood quietly in front of her closet. "I need my gem," she said suddenly. She opened her window and flew off, not knowing where she was going. A few seconds after she had left, Aida ran into her room to try and save her from Saio, who was downstairs ripping apart the living room looking for them all. "Kitty...?" he whispered, noticing the open window. The others ran downstairs past him, calling for him to follow.[/color][/size]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]As Kitty sat down at the kitchen table, she noticed Asaku going upstairs. He seemed rather sad, and she thought about going over to ask him if she could help, but she turned red at the thought and looked back at her food. "I need to learn how to cook.." she told herself, sighing at her cold poptart. "Well, I can at least use a toaster." She walked over to the toaster and popped in her snack. It took only a little while, and once it had finished, she put it back on her plate to discover that it was too hot for her taste. "Damnit..." she muttered. Leaving the plate to cool, she walked over to the couch. "Hi Aida!" she said happily. He looked to her and blushed a bit. "Hi Kitty. Um.. Wanna play?" "Okay." "You've gotta wait 'till Saio's done, though," Aida told her. She nodded and sat next to him. Soon, Saio went up to his room because he was getting tired, leaving Kitty and Aida to play. "HA!" she shouted happily, having beaten Aida. "Nothing to this game," she said, nudging him with her elbow. "Yeah.." he said. They played another few rounds before Kitty decided to go check on her poptart. She brought it back to the couch and watched Aida play a few rounds against the computer. "Why do I keep losing.." he sighed. Kitty laughed a bit, smiling at him. "You're face is.. uh.. covered in crums," Aida laughed. "Really?" she asked, turning pink as she wiped her face off.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Quite glad you like the idea, doukeshi03! And your banner is TOTALLY awesome. :p I might just turn this thread into a foundation. XD .. If I get to two pages. Heh. Oh well. And "This Chick is a Guy" isn't that bad a title. Well, here's another one. This one I did not make. In fact, a friend of mine that used my computer a few days ago, tried to make a banner. It's not bad, I don't think. Though it is only a cropped pic.. And she could use some work. But, then again, I need practice, too. :rolleyes: [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"[B]What the hell did you do THAT for?![/B]" she shouted, limping over to the door. Yojimbo laughed a little, but was suddenly up against the wall, Kitty poking a very sharp finger into his chest. "Well?" she asked, trying (and failing) to mask her anger. "Sorry. Couldn't resist," he chuckled. But Kitty merely pushed her finger harder into his chest. "Ow! Could you stop that? I've got injuries, too ya know," Yojimbo protested. She finally pulled back her arm and limped back into her room then began trying to lift the door back up onto it's hinges. She wasn't doing a very good job with it though. "Need some help?" Yojimbo asked cheerfully. She looked at him, a very sinister look in her eye. "No," she said calmly, but she sounded so angry that Yojimbo backed away and to his room. "Stupid Yojimbo.. Knocking down my god damn door. I should--" then she stopped what she was doing, realizing that she had just done what Saio had said she would do. She cursed herself under her breath and limped to Yojimbo's room to apologize. But once she got to his door, she decided against it. "I'll apologize some other time.." she said, about to limp back to her room. But she was stopped by Yojimbo. "Whatcha doin' here?" he asked. [i]Might as well..[/i] she thought. "Look, I'm sorry for getting so mad at you about my stupid door. But it IS the only thing that keeps.. Nevermind. Can I just get some help puttin' it back up?" she asked, hoping he got the point. He laughed and nodded, helping her down the stairs. They got her door up after several minutes, Kitty thanking Yojimbo in "her own way". (As in she slammed the door in his face after whispering a quiet "Thank you".) "Uh.. You're welcome?" he said, chuckling to himself as he walked up to his room. Half an hour later, Kitty emerged yet again from her room to go to the kitchen and grab some snacks. She noticed Asaku and Aida playing video games and turned red as she passed them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]I just can't wait for it so I can run people over like I've done in the past couple GTA games. >.< .. And people wonder why I can't wait to drive. :devil: [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty was loudly slamming on her door, raming it with all her might. But it wouldn't budge. "Why the HELL won't you open?!" she shouted, continuing to hit it. A sudden shiver went down her spine. She paused and her eyes widened. "Shinoshu.. What has he done to this place?" she asked, noticing a strange aura surrounding the room. [i]What does he want with me...? And am I the only one being trapped in my room? Or are the others trapped as well?[/i] she thought. But she decided that she wouldn't just let him trap her. She continued raming the door, unable to summon her sword. She tried the knob once again, but it would not spin. She cursed horribly under her breath as she decided to give it one last ram. But before Kitty flew at the door again, she noticed the aura starting to fade. "Something must have happened! This is my chance!" she thought aloud. She then flew straight for the door. But before she hit it, Shinoshu's spell evaporated. He had left. But she didn't know this, she was looking at the door and the door only. As it came closer and closer, she leaned so that her shoulder would hit the door with as much force as possible. The door slammed open as she hit it, but she did not stop. She flew straight into the wall across the short hallway. "AHH! .. Shit that hurts.." she moaned, slowly falling down to the ground. Tears formed in her eyes as the pain from her shoulder and arm joined with the pain coming from her leg. She slowly got up, wincing again as she accidentally put some of her weight on her left leg. "Why won't you seal up, dammit?!" she asked her wound in her anger. Suddenly, Aida and Asaku came rushing down the hallway, flying at her. "Kitty!" they shouted in unison. "What?" she asked, not looking at them but at her hands now placed on the wall. "What happened?! What did Shinoshu do to you?" When the name of the demon was spoken, she turned to them and realized that she had missed a fight. "Where did he go?!" "He's gone. So you did not see him?" Aida asked. She shook her head. The three of them stood there, an awkward silence falling between them. Asaku and Aida were both turning red, though Kitty did not know why. "So... what about Saio?" Kitty asked suddenly. "I don't know," Asaku said, a bit of anger lingering in his voice. Another pause between the three of them. "He was right, you know." Kitty said, thinking back to their last arguement. "No he wasn't!" the two boys said. "Yes he was.. I do push people away. But I'm glad that you two stood up for me.. Thank you." Now she was turning red. She leaned forward and kissed both on the cheek, then leaned back and scratched her face, looking at the ceiling. "So.. Um.. I'm gonna go.. uh.. Check on Kouken.." she said, rushing back into her room. Aida and Asaku were left standing in the hallway looking at the door to Kitty's room.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty sat on the couch still, the TV playing dully in front of her. Whatever was on, Kitty didn't know. All she heard was the dull hum of someone talking to another person or something like that. But what she heard crystal clear was what Saio had said. And also what Asaku and Aida had said. "I... I [u]do[/u] have friends.. He doesn't. Who gave him the right to lecture me on friendship and attitude. What an ass.." she said to herself, hugging a pillow. She pulled her legs up on the couch and dug her face in it. Normally, she would have either gone up to her room to do this, or wouldn't have shown any "emotion" at all. But this hurt her badly. She didn't care who saw her anymore. She wanted someone there again. She didn't know what for, she just knew she wanted someone. Saio's violin music finally reached her ears. She stood up and walked outside to see him there. She had the powerful urge to walk over and kick him in the back of the head, but she resisted, not wanting Sakura to scold her or Saio to lecture her. Instead, Kitty floated back inside and up to Aida's room and knocked on the door. When there was no answer, she tried Asaku's door. Again, no answer. She then sighed and tried walking down to her room, but she was forced to float again. She floated in and was greeted by Kouken who had been hiding most of the day. "Hi there. Hungry?" she asked her fat cat, but he just meowed and curled up in her lap as she floated over to her bed and sat down. She grabbed her pillow and laid down on the bed and once again shoved her face in it. "Thank you.." she whispered, knowing the ones she wanted to thank wouldn't hear her.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]You showed me the original version over AIM. I still think it is teh sexah. I like the background and how the picture of Stuie fades into it. And the text, or quote or whatever, you used is FUNNAH. 9/10 If it had GIR in it, it'd be perfect. XD[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Well they're MY cookies! Give 'em!" Asaku said, grabbing for the bag. Saio pulled them away, but Kitty took them. "Stop being so damn stupid. It's annoying," she said, becoming snippy again. She gave the bag to Asaku, but not before taking a few more oreos for herself. "I saw that!" "Please, Asaku? I've had a rough day.." she said, faking an innocent voice. He sighed and said, "Fine," taking his oreos and walking back to the couch. "Well now what's to eat?" "No more eatin' the food I've got. You just got my oreos t-" "HIS oreos." Kitty raised an eyebrow. "Okay, HIS oreos. You just got HIS oreos taken away.. Phht," she said, getting annoyed. She limped over to the fridge, carefully standing so that all her weight was shifted onto her right leg. "So what's in the fridge?" Saio asked her, leaning back so that he could see the contents of the fridge over Kitty's head. "Shut up and go away. You're startin' to bug me real bad," she said calmly, still rummaging through stale and expired foods. She sighed and mumbled about sending someone off to buy groceries. "Ah ha! Cheetos!" she cheered, grabbing the bag of still fresh junk food she had found and dancing around on her one good leg. Saio, still sitting at the kitchen table, grabbed for the bag, but Kitty took it and pulled it up so that he was now standing. "[B]Didn't I tell you to leave?[/B]" she asked him in a now angery voice. She looked a bit awkward, though, since she was using the table as a crutch and she was leaning on her right leg. Saio looked at her, pulled his hand away, then resumed staring angrily. He finally gave in and walked to the fridge to find something himself. Kitty laughed a little to herself, then floated over to the couch and sat next to Aida, turning on the TV and digging into the bag of cheesy goodness. The two boys were startled after she had sat down. "Um.. Uh.." "Hmm? What?" Kitty asked, not thinking of it as a big deal. "It's just that... Uh.." "It's nothing," Aida finished for Asaku. "Okay then.." Kitty said. Then she ignored it and went back to watching TV, her left leg on the small table in front of the couch. Asaku and Aida started whispering about something before watching TV with her. Eventually they began fighting over the remote and cheetos and oreos, just like a "normal" group of teens. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty wiped her face quietly, then looked up and smiled at Yojimbo. "Thank you," she whispered, leaning on him. She was glad someone had come. She hadn't expected Yojimbo to come. She was almost positive that Sakura would stop him. "Well, isn't it about time we left?" Yojimbo said after quite a long pause. She nodded, and tried to stand up. But she instantly fell back down. "Damn leg.." "Need some help?" "Thanks Yo--" It wasn't Yojimbo. Instead, Takahiro stood before her, holding out his hand. Yojimbo was already standing next to him. "And how long have YOU been here?" she asked, not looking him in the eyes. "Just got here. Com'on. Don't be sorry. It wasn't that big a deal really," he said, knowing that she was still thinking of the book. Kitty laughed, then took his hand. She kept her leg off the ground, and grabbed at Takahiro's arm. It was hard to stand on one leg. "Let's go back to the dorm," Yojimbo suggested, lifting off the ground. Once all of them were in the air, Kitty no longer needed help since she wasn't trying to stand anymore. In fact, she flew faster than both of them, reaching the dorm first. She noticed the hole she'd made earlier. She coughed and hid her face, opening the door and floating up to her room, waving politely at Asaku and Aida, who sat on the couch, on the way. She shut her door and sat back on her bed. But a few minutes later she went back downstairs and got something to eat. She finally put her wings "away" when she sat at the kitchen table, eating Asaku's oreos.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Azalee quietly look around. Surely SOMEONE would speak up. Apparently, nobody wanted to ask a question, afraid that they might sound amatuer or stupid. Azalee, on the other hand, had no questions. But if she did, she would probably have kept it to herself. [b]Andrus:[/b] "Is there no one with a question? Or no one with courage to ask a question?" There was a slight shift in movement from most of the crew standing in front of the Captain. He raised an eyebrow, slightly confused as to why he seemed so frightening to the new crew. [b]Andrus:[/b] "Come now, shouldn't someone here have a question? What about you, Lieutenant Watterson?" [b]Azalee:[/b] "Captain sir. No questions about our mission, sir." Azalee spoke truthfully. She understood the mission the crew was given. Her task was even more clear. She was to keep the ship in tip-top condition for her entire period onboard. She was not going to let it fall into disrepair nor was she going to let the crew meddle in what was her job and her job alone. Of course, she would be in charge of the crew that worked in the operations "department". She snapped out of her deep thought to notice a young nurse pipe up. She hadn't heard most of the question, but she heard enough to know that the young woman wanted to know if she would be able to visit Earth occasionally on this vessel. Andrus thought for a moment before answering. --- OOC: Sorry for taking so long Jokopoko. ( :sweat: ) I hope this is okay for a first post. >.
[color=blue][size=1][b]Real World[/b] Name: Kitzume Akiyuna Age: 15 Gender: Female Occupation: Student/ Intern Description: Kitzume has long hair, down to her hips, that she dyed navy blue. It was originally a golden brown color, but she hated having "normal" hair. Her eyes are a natural green, but they appear grey in bad weather. She's quite slim, but average height. Her attire consists of baggy cargo pants (blue or black) and t-shirts that go down to her knees and say rude things on them. Bio: Kitzume hates school and parents and, basically, rules. Her enjoyment of "breaking the rules" led her to become a hacker. And when she's not playing video games or being on the computer, she's hanging out at game shops with her friends (who are mostly guys). At school, she gets passing grades like C-'s, which disappoints her parents, and gets into fights. Her "reputation" makes her an outcast, so she usually disrupts class or ditches. She finds that playing "The World" is theraputic, so she plays as often as she can. [b]'The World'[/b] Character Name: Kitty Character Gender: Female Level: 1 Class: Blademaster Weapon: Sword of the Guardian Weapon Lvl: 67 Abilities/Spells: MeRue Kruz, OrGan Don, BiVak Rom, GiRai Rom Description: Kitty has long dark blue hair, just like in the real world. But her eyes are blue. She has a long gun metal black cloak on, covering a skimpy warrior outfit. Her face is painted with a mark that resembles a diamond on her forehead and two lines on her cheek in blue paint. Her skin isn't tan, but it isn't pale. How long you've been playing: 1 year, 7 months, 18 days Just a note, abilities are seperate from spells.. >.> Hope I'm in anyways. :sweat: EDIT: Forgot to put in the rest of the description.. >.< And I just gave my character all spells.[/color][/size]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty heard shouts and thuds coming from another room, but she just lay on her bed, wincing as the occasional twitch of her leg caused lots of pain from her gash. "Damn dogs," she winced again, "They fucking bit me.." She began muttering about wanting a TV in her room so she wouldn't be so bored, but then noticed a book on her bedside table. She grabbed it quickly and aggresively, annoyed that reading was her only possible option. After a while, though, the book became interesting to her, and she relaxed and stopped complaining about having no TV. A sudden knock on the door startled her from her reading. She looked around and shoved the book under her bed as if she didn't want anyone to know that she actually liked to read. "What the hell is it?!" she shouted. "It's me, Asaku. Sakura wants to know what you want to eat. Most of us want a pizza. That okay with you?" "Yeah, fine. Whatever," she said, not so snippy. As she heard Asaku walk downstairs, she waited a few moments before pulling the book out. But the sudden leaning over the side of the bed put pressure on her wounded leg, causing her to shout out in pain for a second. She quickly sat back up, book in her right hand, waiting for the pain to numb and hoping that no one had heard her. Unfortunately, everyone did and suddenly Asaku, Aida, and Takahiro came rushing into the room. "[B]What the hell are you doing in here?!?!?[/B]" she yelled, holding up the book as if she'd throw it. "We heard a shout! What's wrong?" Aida spoke up, looking around the room for a source of trouble. "Nothing's wrong! GET OUT! ALL OF YOU!!" she shouted, throwing the book, hitting Takahiro in the chest. It didn't hurt him, but it obviously startled him. "KITZUME!!" Sakura shouted, walking in upon hearing even more shouting and seeing the book hit Takahiro. "How DARE you be so immature as to throw a book at someone!" "Oh shut it! I want you all OUT!" she continued saying, beginning to hover over her bed looking quite menacing. But Sakura would not budge. "You will apologize now!" "Don't talk to me like you're my mother. You're just another angel. Another girl. I don't have to deal with this. And besides, this is MY room! I just want you all to leave me ALONE!" Kitty grew angrier and angrier as each moment went by. She wanted to be left alone, but no one seemed to care. [i]They never care,[/i] she thought angerily to herself. Asaku and Aida walked out, sad and confused looks on their faces. Takahiro was about to follow, but Sakura held his arm. She was not going to let Kitty get away with this. "I want you to apologize!" she demanded. "No, it's okay. Really. She was just--" "No, it's not okay!" "It was just a book.. Don't be so angry. It's fine." "No! Listen to me, you can't let her do that!" But as the two of them argued with eachother, Kitty lost her patience. She flew rapidly out her door into the hallway, then down the stairs, then literally through the door, leaving a huge hole where she had hit it. It hurt her a little bit, but she refused to stop. "Don't you DARE follow me!" she shouted behind her. But in truth, she really did want someone to follow her. Someone who would sympathize with her and tell Sakura off for being so demanding and rude. But she told herself that no one would come, no one would care. She just flew high in the sky so that she wouldn't be noticed, then just flew until she couldn't fly anymore. When she touched the ground, she quickly hid her wings and looked around. She was in a parking lot across the street from a park. She ran through the street, almost causing three accidents, and deep into the park. Again, running until she couldn't anymore. It was quite a large park, but she ran through it all the way to the other side. She sat down on a bench, clenching her teeth. She was struggling to hold back tears of anger. --- OOC: I've had a bad day..[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty's arms had several bruises, but nothing hurt more than her left leg. One of those demonic dogs had bit into it and she had to cut part of her own skin to remove the head, leaving an open gash that was bleeding profusely. She quickly ripped off a large chunk of her sleeve and wrapped it around the wound. The bleeding slowed, but there was still a red puddle below her feet. "D*mn.." Kitty winced, leaning against the wall. But as another dog lunged at her, she managed to deflect it. But her sword seemed to grow heavier and heavier with each passing moment. [i]Sh*t! If the bleeding doesn't stop soon, I won't be able to fight,[/i] Kitty thought to herself, falling against the wall for support. Still standing, but wincing, she noticed the other angels comming. But as they approached, tossing the dogs every which way, Kitty was having a harder time standing up. Soon she was on the floor, cringing as she touched her wound. As the others approached, Kitty couldn't stand. She was now hovering in the small hallway, her wings touching the ceiling and lockers surrounding her. The pain from her leg dulled since there was no pressure put on it at all. She then resumed attacking the dogs when the others reached the two of them. "Well, glad to see you're okay," Aida said to the others, pulling his sword out of a dog's head. "You too. But Kitty--" "Got bitten," Kitty explained quickly. The others quieted because they could tell that could be terribly painful. "Well are we off to the fourth floor?" Sakura asked, slamming another dog across the hallway and into a window. They all nodded and sprinted off to the stairs together, gliding over the startled dogs. As they passed the door to the stairwell, Kitty turned back for a moment to lock it shut. She then turned back and followed the others, making sure her leg didn't touch anything.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty was startled by what had come from Yojimbo as if he, himself, was not saying it. She was speechless. Utterly and totally at a loss for words. She walked back to the couch and sat down, her bangs hiding her face. "What the hell does it mean, though... That's what I can't figure out!" Asaku said, walking over to Yojimbo. A sudden burst of energy seemed to come from the half-dead looking angel. "It means he's going to kill hundreds of humans! We can't sit here and let this race be destroyed!" "You're right, but what can we do? He nearly killed you alone, and us together did not fight well enough to stop him," Aida said, trying to reason with Yojimbo. "What are you saying?!" he snapped. "I'm saying, we have a very slim chance of getting rid of Shinoshu.." Yojimbo calmed, realizing that there was no point in being angry. But he still sounded frustrated. "Well then what ARE we going to do? Evacuate them?" Asaku and Aida shrugged, and Kitty and Takahiro were quiet. "What's with them?" Asaku whispered to Aida. "I know Takahiro's bummed about Sakura, but I'm not sure what's up with her.." he explained quietly, glancing a concerned look at the quiet girl on the couch. "We should tell the others. Who'll go tell Sakura?" Asaku asked, looking at Takahiro. But he didn't say anything, so instead, Yojimbo ended up going, being helped up the stairs by Aida.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][i]I've been giving too many pep talks..[/i] Kitty thought quietly to herself, taking a seat on the couch in front of the TV. She eagerly turned it on, wondering if there was any news about the gathering of dark clouds and shadows. Oddly enough, as she flipped through the channels, she found only one station that was talking about it. "Weird..." The news anchor was talking about some sort of message written in the sky. But Kitty had already gotten off the couch and was in the kitchen and not paying attention anymore. Asaku, on the other hand, was quickly calling all the angels back in the room. Only Aida seemed to hear him. The two noted the message read from the sky, then ran to notify the others. Kitty, quietly eating a box of Cheez-It's, was grabbed by Aida and dragged into the living room, where Asaku had managed to gather only Takahiro. "Only two?" Aida said, Kitty taking her arm back from his grasp. He laughed nervously before turning back to Asaku. "Yeah. Sakura's locked in her room, Saio's asleep, and Yojimbo won't be waking soon and even if he was, he wouldn't be up to it." "Up to what?" Kitty asked. Takahiro was quiet, still thinking about what Sakura had snapped at him. "Yojimbo was dragged from that d*mn box barely alive. Obviously, Shiro-whatever is waiting to finish us off." "He 'wrote' a note in the dark clouds," Aida noted. "Well what does the note say?" Kitty asked them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Azalee Watterson [B]Age [Terran Years]:[/B] 34 [B]Date of Birth:[/B] August 15th, 2353 [B]Marital Status:[/B] Single [B]Height:[/B] 5' 6" [B]Weight:[/B] 138 lbs. [B]Hair Color:[/B] Blonde [B]Eye Color:[/B] Green [B]Species:[/B] Human (All the way, baby!) [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Miranda_5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Place of Birth:[/B] Jacksonville, North Carolina, Earth [B]Languages:[/B] Federation Standard English, Vulcan, Trill [B]Interests:[/B] Inventing, tinkering, art [B]Postion Applied For:[/B] Chief Operations Officer [B]Education: [/B] 2358-2363 Primary Education, Alpha Centauri 2363-2368 Secondary Education, Trill 2368-2372 Starfleet Academy, San Francisco [B]Service Record: [/B] 2368-2369 1st Year Cadet 2369-2370 2nd Year Cadet 2370-2371 3rd Year Cadet 2371-2372 4th Year Cadet 2372-2378 U.S.S. Illusion, Materials Officer 2378-2383 U.S.S. Highwind, Operations Officer 2383-2387 U.S.S. Gale, Asst. Chief Operations Officer 2387-PRES U.S.S. Brightstar, Chief Operations Officer [B]Background:[/B] Azalee was born into a family that was quite wealthy and successful, her father being on of the executives of a large company that developed modes for transportation. Her mother had worked as a nurse for several years, but quit early to raise a family. Azalee was the third child born to Myra and Phillip Watterson. Along with her older sister and brother, she would grow up to be the older sister of two young boys and a young girl. Her father, being quite busy with work, would rarely come home, but when he was on a vacation, he would take the whole family on splendid vacations, as if to make up for his absense. Though he was not at home often, he was a great father and his kids missed him dearly when he could not be with them. Azalee's mother was also a kind woman; always donating to charities and helping a family friend start her own little shop in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Being indoors as often as she was during her childhood, Azalee learned about her fathers work and dreamed of doing what he did; inventing for the good of the people. Her desire to invent caused her to take things apart. Not something her mother liked very much, but she still encouraged her daughter since she could manage to put it right back together if need be. Soon her desire to invent turned into a hobby of tweaking and fixing things around the house and soon the neighborhood. During secondary education, Azalee's hobby became a habit. She would fix things around the school that seemed impossible to fix. She would set up new classrooms using her own hand made lamps, desks, chairs, and chalkboards. She would even be pulled out of class to help other teachers, and on rare occasions, even the principle to help them with a technical problem. She also picked up on the Trill language, seeing as she was in Trill. In her first year as a cadet, her passion for technology grew even more. She had gained access to things her educational schools could not give her. Several of her fellow cadets enjoyed watching her tweak with things, but others felt she was just going to break something important. As the year went by, Azalee met her first real love. A young man she had met once before when he was visiting his cousin in Jacksonville. His name was Trenton Norquest. The two recognized each other and found many similarities. But the fact that they were both into inventing, and fixing things really made them a great couple. The two of them would spend as much time as possible together until their third year in cadet training. But as their fourth year together came by, Trenton left Azalee suddenly and without warning. Several days later, he was seen with another girl named Corrinne Roesser. The sudden broken heart made Azalee's fourth year a grueling one. Her studies were interuppted by her sudden depression. But the few close friends she had helped her pull out of her depression, but it still was tough for her. In 2372, when she was first assigned to the U.S.S. Illusion as a Materials officer, Azalee met another man, Leonel Wernz, that she hoped would replace Trenton. But Leonel soon was caught cheating and she quickly got him out of her life. But aside from Azalee's problems in love, she spent some of her best years on the Illusion because that's where she met Joya, a young woman that would become her best friend. The two became inseperable. They were seen on double dates, assignments, and just strolling down the corridors of the Illusion with each other. The two later were assigned to both the U.S.S. Highwind and the U.S.S. Gale, but a tragic even would not allow the two to go to the Gale together. In 2382, before they would trade off to the Gale to become Asst. Chief Operations officers, Joya was killed on an assignment that Azalee could not attend. Joya was on an assignment to transport a few immigrants from San Fransisco back to Mexico, which really was not that long a flight, but their aircraft crashed for unknown causes and it is believed that their plane was highjacked. Azalee suffered another deep depression. She had no other friends on the U.S.S. Highwind, but she seemed to get several condolences from the crewmates. When she was transfered to the U.S.S. Gale, she was almost demoted because her depression kept her from working well. But she found a way to let out her pain; art. She would often draw or sketch things that embodied what was going though her mind at that exact point and time. Her drawings were often not understood, so she kept them to herself. Her assignments were easy and done quickly as her depression began lifting. Her work improved its quality and the quality of the Gale itself. By the time she left the Gale, it was in the best shape it had been in since it was made. She eagerly awaited being transferred to the U.S.S. Brightstar, since its reputation was so great. [B]Personality Profile:[/B] Azalee is usually a gentle woman that enjoys company and a good book. But other times, she can be rude and painfully honest. She hates being critized in anything but her work. She enjoys having her work rated. Even if the one rating is actually ranting about how she didn't do exactly what he wanted, she pays attention to every word, wanting opinions from every point of view as to improve her skill. She is usually shy and kept to herself, but when she is annoyed or angered, she will speak her mind and the facts. She doesn't trust easily, especially with men since her past with men hasn't been that pleasant. She does whatever she's doing to the best of her ability. [B]Special Notes: [/B] Azalee's habit of tweaking things can often get her in trouble as she might tweak something she's not supposed to. She also has a cat with silver fur, white spots on his mouth, stomach, and paws, and black stripes and swirls all over his body, that she has named Skipper. And she has a sweet tooth as big as the state of California.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty, now safe with the others a few miles away, stopped and looked back to where Yojimbo and Shinoshu were still fighting. Sakura was looking around at the somber angels. Takahiro had had to pull her away since she wouldn't leave. "We have to go back and help him!" she said, grabbing at Takahiro's shirt, but he didn't budge. He just stared back at the dark clouds. Seeing as how he would not be swayed, she flew to Kitty, hoping she might want to go back and fight, seeing as how she was so violent. But infact, Kitty just made her feel worse. "We can't go back. He's willing to die for our-- YOUR life, and all you want to do is go back and die?" "Why are so mean to me? I just want t-" "I'm not trying to be mean right now, I'm trying to help. You're better judgement is being blinded by emotion," Kitty told her. "I get it! I'm the only one "blinded" here because I'm the only one WITH emotions!" Sakura shouted, enraged and on the verge of tears. She flew off towards their dorm, not wanting to risk going to Paradise and getting captured again. Takahiro looked to Kitty, then said, "Don't be sorry. She's just really upset." "Yeah, I couldn't tell," Kitty snapped, not looking away from the battle scene. Takahiro sighed, then flew off after Sakura. Aida and Asaku looked from one another, to where Yojimbo was still fighting, to Kitty who looked both angry, frusterated, and sad. "Oiy. Girls," Asaku muttered, taking one last glance at the darkened clouds before flying off to the dorm. That left only Aida and Kitty. "I shouldn't have left," Kitty said suddenly. "It doesn't matter if I die. I could've helped. Now we won't know if Yojimbo makes it out of there, and maybe if I was there, he could." "Don't say that. Of course it would matter if you died!" "To who?!" Aida was silent. "Yeah... Thought so." The two of them were left floating there, quietly thinking.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty heard Sakura's shouting through her mindlink, and as she slashed at two demonic dogs that were after her, she quickly glanced at the others, and they had heard it too. "I'm not leaving you here!" Yojimbo was the first to respond. "Screw that," Kitty stated rather crudely, "I'm not gonna let a bunch of stupid DOGS kick MY *ss!" The others also voiced that they would not leave. "You're all a bunch of idiots!" Sakura shouted again. "Leave now! I'll be FINE!!" The angels once again, ignored her command. To avoid being jumped on by six different dogs, Kitty took flight, only to be knocked down by another. "What can't these things do?!" she shouted, getting up quickly and sliding her sword through one of the dogs. "Ah, my now. Haven't you figured it out?" the booming voice chuckled. A thought shot through Kitty's mind as she tried to get off the ground once more. [i]Can they... Can they mimic us?![/i] As she ascended, she finally managed to get out of the range of the dogs. But the demon Shinoshu wasn't going to let her miss all the fun. A split second before he was about to grab Kitty, Takahiro glided down and grabbed Sakura from the demon's shoulder, startling everyone. "Glad to see you made it!" Asaku shouted, chuckling a bit. "Let's get out of here!" he shouted back. They all began flying high, dodging the dogs that jumped in the air at them. As Kitty began to ascend, Aida knocked her out of the way of an attack she didn't see coming. She was sent flying several yards up in the air. When she steadied, she saw Aida being trampled on by several dogs. "Aida!" she shouted, zooming back down to help. Asaku also noticed Aida's perdicament, and slashed at several of the dogs as Kitty did. The three of them took off in unison as the small group of dogs were temporarily subdued. As all the angels seemed in the clear, the demon laughed hysterically. "Did you really think it would be that easy? HA! You are but children, and you dream of childish dreams. But ah.. This is no dream. This is your most dreaded nightmare... And it is only just beginning!" His hysterical laughing continued as a section of the sky turned pitch black and shadows fell from the sky creating a black box in which the angels were trapped with the army of demon dogs and Shinoshu. "Sh*t!" Kitty shouted, her wing burning with pain after merely scraping the dark wall of energy. "You all right?" one of the angels shouted. Her eyes would start welling up with tears soon, the pain was so bad. Aida rushed over, grabbing her arms as she began to fall. "What the hell is this thing?" he shouted. All the angels floated along the wall, staring frightened at their opponent. Takahiro undid Sakura's bonds, allowing her to fly on her own. "Glad to have you back..." he whispered to her, Sakura turning pink, even in their situation. "Well NOW what?" Aida asked. "We fight," Kitty said, the pain numbing. She pulled herself out of Aida's grasp and smiled before charging at the dogs again, shouting a fearful cry. The others soon followed suit.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Art Rate the Sig and avatar of the member above you.
Kitty replied to Burori's topic in Creative Works
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]7/10 for the avi and 8/10 for the siggy. RATE MAH PENGUINS! >. -
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Well, I'm starting this thread as a place for all members of Otakuboards that were mistaken to be the opposite gender (boys AND girls) to post banners that TELL people that. Now, I'm gonna start off with one I made. And others can just post theirs' anytime. The one I made was done quickly and, to be honest, quite badly. I didn't put much effort into it because my attention had been pulled into six different directoins. But here it is anyway. >.
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]OOC: I just noticed that my last post is in a different style than all my others. That's the style I'm going to write in for a while. Just lettin' ya know. ^__^;; --- Nikki and her two pokemon playfully strolled down the street, heading back to Mamimi's house. "It's gonna be awkward going back..." she muttered to herself, reviewing how she had left in her head. She let out a sigh, then went back to watching her two pokemon play. After a while, Bagon seemed to speed up, running over a hill in the road so that Nikki and Aron couldn't see where it had gone. "Bagon! Bagon!! Come back he-" she stopped, reaching the top of the hill and seeing Jake and Andrea watching Bagon play with Vulpix. "Hey! How's it goin' Nikki?" Jake shouted, seeing her. Nikki was quiet. [i]How did he manage to get here? Andrea must've helped him,[/i] she thought, slowly walking down the hill. When she was eye level with Jake, she asked him, "Jake? Have you seen Timiko?" Jake opened his mouth to answer, but Andrea stopped him. "Let me tell her. No. She left soon after you did," Andrea explained. Nikki raised an eyebrow. Why was Andrea preventing Jake from talking? Was he really that weak? Questions like those swelled up inside her head, though she wondered why she even cared. She shook of the odd feeling, and continued saying, "She must have gone after Mamimi. I ran into her after fending off two of Kyle's goons." Jake's expression turned from worry to anger as Kyle's name was spoken. "She shouldn't have.. Kyle might get her, too.. And he's mine." "She knows, Jake. I told you, she's probably just trying to find Mamimi." There was silence as Jake thought angrily about his brother, and as thoughts of Timiko and Mamimi in trouble flashed through her head. [i]Why the hell do I care!?[/i] she asked herself, getting frusterated as to why she kept caring. Andrea broke the silence. "Well, lets find all three of them. We'll leave Kyle to you Jake, but I won't leave your side when we run into that snake." "Thanks Andrea. What about you Nikki?" Jake said, turning to face her. "Me?" Nikki was startled again. Jake's kindness always startled her. "Uh.. Yeah. I'll come.. I'll help Timiko and Mamimi when we find 'em.." she said quietly, looking at her feet. "Then it's settled!" Andrea said happily, "It's off to find them! Vulpix? You have Mamimi's scent? We find her, we'll probably find the others." Vulpix nodded, and ran off in the direction that Kyle had taken Mamimi. Bagon followed close behind Vulpix, and Aron rested on Nikki's shoulders as the three of them ran after the two pokemon.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]OOC: Fine.. >.< ----- Nikkie finished her turkey and walked off, sick of all this "romance". [i]Stupid horny b*stards..[/i] she thought to herself, walking swiftly through the trees. It was dark and cold away from the fire, but she ignored it. She didn't wanna sit around a bunch of freaks that she's been stuck with for what seemed like an eternity. She found the lake her and Mokuba were at earlier and dipped her feet in for a second, then pulled them out with a sudden yell. "Holy F*CK that's cold..." She calmed herself and lay on her side, out of reach of the tide on the sand. She looked at the moon and began thinking of home. "What should I do when I get off this f*cking island...? Well first I'm gonna eat a COW burger instead of this turkey sh*t.. Then I'm gonna see a movie with a friend," she started saying to herself. She paused for a moment, then reminded herself, "Oh wait.. I have no friends. There IS Holly, but she's just a friend of my sister's.. Dammit.." Nikkie said frustrated. She rolled over so that she was on her back instead of her side. "Stupid moon. Can't wait 'till I'm back in the city and I can't see your stupid craters." A sudden snap of twigs startled Nikkie, making her jump up, and take a fighting stance that she somehow learned in an instant. "WHO'S THERE?!?" she shouted, angry that someone might have heard her. Out stepped Kat and the Mexican. Nikkie raised an eyebrow. "What are you two doin' here?" she asked, lowering her clenched fists. "I got sick of watching Miatatzu get all sobby over Seto, who's just bein' horny." "Aren't we all." "Mm." The two girls then looked at the Mexican. "Why haven't you said anything? And why'd you come?" Nikkie asked him. The Mexican just shrugged. "I think he just followed me.." Kat said. "Ha! You've got a Mexican pet," Nikkie laughed, walking back to the edge of the water.[/SIZE][/COLOR]