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Everything posted by Kitty
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty had noticed that Yojimbo hadn't come to school today. She laughed to herself when the teacher marked him absent, and later she waved to Asaku in the hallway, signaling that Yojimbo had fallen for their prank. But as the day went by, and as Kitty was bored as ever, a strange feeling kept her from falling asleep.. like she would normally have done. [i]Yojimbo could've stayed home.. or something else. And Sakura's gone, too. It's not like her to miss her classes.. Maybe something's wrong, maybe--[/i] Kitty's thoughts were cut off by the sight of Yojimbo literally zooming in the air above the street outside. She stood up suddenly, making the whole class stare at her. "Ms. Hijimoro, may I ask that you please take your seat?" her teacher asked her. But she didn't answer. She just stood there, hands on her desk, staring out the window where a few moments before, she had seen Yojimbo flying, not even trying to hide himself. She grabbed her bag and sprinted out into the hallway, leaving the class to mutter about her for the rest of the day. The others must have seen Yojimbo as well, because when she went outside to take flight, she noticed everyone but Sakura and Takahiro following her to the parking lot. They all took flight in unison, soaring at different heights and speeds in the direction Yojimbo was headed. Kitty sped up, trying to catch up to Yojimbo, not noticing where the others were in the sky. As soon as she was in hearing range, she shouted, "Where are we off to?" Yojimbo didn't say a thing. "HEY! You want help or not?!" "Easttown mall." [i]Why are we going... Sakura! Takahiro! Something bad must have happened to one of them![/i] Kitty's face showed no sign of panic when the realization struck her. But inside, she felt nervous, panicky, and worried. She did her best not to show it, and sped up even more and began gaining on Yojimbo, though she doubted that she could get next to him since he was flying so fast.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Nurse Joy held out a tray with Nikki's three pokeballs on it. "They all did quite well in their check ups! Except for..." "Trapinch? Yeah.. What'd he do?" Nurse Joy let out a nervous laugh as a Chansey peeked its head out from behind her. At first glance, you couldn't tell that anything was wrong. But upon looking closer, Nikki saw a large purple bite mark on its arm. "We were just heading towards bandaging," Nurse Joy laughed nervously again. Nikki took the tray quickly and walked to the front desk, quickly grabbing her pokeballs and running out the door. She walked for three more blocks before letting out Bagon and Aron. They were happy to be outside of their pokeballs again. "So, how'd you guys do?" Nikki asked cheerfully. They squeeled happily, and Nikki knew that they had had fun. She looked quietly at her belt where Trapinch lay in its pokeball. Her face turned grim for a moment before looking back to her two playful pokemon. She started laughing joyfully again.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]OOC: I'm sorry. *hugs Oreos* I hope you feel better. :P ---- [i]It's not bad. Slightly devilish but not immensely cruel.. Might as well. I'd probably get expelled if Yojimbo reported me for dragging him out in the middle of nowhere. But then... It wouldn't be that much of a loss,[/i] Kitty thought, letting out a small laugh. Asaku nervously looked towards Kitty, wondering why she'd laughed so suddenly. He was worried that she was planning to strand both him AND Yojimbo. "Okay." Asaku jumped as she spoke out suddenly. "Why are you so jumpy!?" Kitty asked. He merely shrugged. ".. Well, whatever. Anyway, I've decided that we'll go through with your plan. But if we get in trouble--" "Blame it on me... Yeah, yeah..." Asaku interupted, thinking that's what she meant to say. But in fact, he was wrong. "No... Say I thought it up," she told him, eying him curiously. "What? Why?" "I want the credit. Duh. I don't want people finding out that I needed help from YOU," she explained, poking him in the chest as she said "YOU". Asaku scratched his head. He was thinking when Kitty grabbed his arm and pulled him out the door. He stood on the steps while she stood behind her door. "You get the laxitives and I'll see you in the morning." "Alrig--" Asaku began, but Kitty shut the door on him. "Sheeesh. What's up with her?" he asked himself, walking back down to the common room to see a pacing Sakura. Back in Kitty's room.. "Hmm.. Maybe it is too dark in here. And I haven't been getting much better sleep anyways...." Kitty thought aloud, jumping on her bed to pull down the blankets that covered her windows.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Nekouk pounced on a Therosaon that was running towards Rakaloma and brought him down to the ground. She sliced at his neck, leaving him on the ground, blood spewing out his neck. She then grabbed a human and threw him at the wall of the house, leaving him unconcious. [I]I'll come back to him, if the others don't kill him first, [/I] she thought to herself. She saw the other Therosaon charging at her. She easily dodged him as he was quite clumsy and slow. "17% below average'll have to do!" she said, congering up a fire spell to blast her current opponent with. --------- OOC: Sorry it's short. Writer's block. ^_^;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty sighed, a little disappointed that Aida wasn't going to help. But she quickly rid her mind of him and grabbed Asuka's collar. "Com'on, pal. If we're gonna get Yojimbo, you're gonna get off this d*mn couch and stop eating those stupid Oreos," she said, dragging him towards the stairs. "Where are we goin' exactly?" Asuka asked, a little frightened of where she'd take him. "My room." Sakura and Aida looked at each other. "HER room? No one's EVER gone in her room.." Sakura told Aida. "Maybe I--" Sakura stared at him menacingly, practically daring him to finish his sentence. "Uh- er- nevermind," he finished quickly, slowly starting to edge away from Sakura. "Boy, have I had enough of pushy girls today!" Back upstairs.... Kitty slammed her door open, revealing a very basic room, but that had no light, aside from the light coming from her computer monitor. Her windows had thick blankets nailed in above them, and her lamp was in pieces on the floor. "Is it... always so dark in here?" "No. I nailed those blankets in because I haven't been getting any sleep, so I thought that by blocking the window, the something outside I thought was keeping me up wouldn't." "What about the lamp?" Asuka asked, wondering what had happened. "Kouken. He broke it four days ago and I've been to lazy to do anything about it." "Then why don't you get someone to help you?" he asked her. "Oh, shut it. We aren't talkin' about my room and how I need to fix everything. We're talking about how to get Yojimbo!" "Right... And why exactly do you need my help again? I mean, I'll gladly do it, I just want to know why you asked us downstairs," Asuka asked, hoping to get an answer that didn't give him more questions. "I don't know. I said down there that I wanted to do something big this time.. You know... I'm not sure why!" Asuka sighed. That answer gave him nothing but a headache from trying to puzzle Kitty together. "Now no more questions," Kitty said strictly, "Time to start plotting." As she reached for the door, Asuka yelled and fell back to the wall. "What?" Kitty asked, startled by his yell. "I forgot about your cat..." Asuka explained. Kitty laughed suddenly. Kouken ran over to her legs and began rubbing against her while Asuka was once again confused about how Kitty was acting. "What? Haven't you ever seen me laugh before?" she asked, still giggling a bit. Asuka pondered for a moment. While he was thinking, Kitty shut the door, making the room almost completely black.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Once she shut her door, Kitty went back to her computer for a second to get offline. She then went back down to the common room, leaving Kouken asleep on her bed. She walked towards the couch where Asuka, Aida, and Sakura were. As she approached them, they quieted and stared at her. "What?" Kitty asked, wondering why her presence seemed so.. surprising. "Nothing," the three said in unison. They looked at each other for a moment, then started laughing. Kitty's patience already grew thin, and she didn't hide it well. They stopped laughing abruptly. After a long silence, Asuka finally asked, "What do you want from us?" "Ah.. Thought you'd never ask," Kitty said, grinning mischeviously. -- Half an hour later... -- "So... This thing's been going on for weeks?" Sakura asked after Kitty explained what she wanted the three to help her do. "Yep. We've been pulling simple tricks on eachother for weeks now. It all started when Kouken stole one of his shirts and he thought I did it." "That sounds like fun!" Asuka chimed in. "Shut it," Kitty snapped. "Why are you always so snippy to me?" he asked. Kitty was quiet and looked at the floor. "Um.. So what did you tell us this stuff for?" Sakura asked quickly, covering up for Kitty. "Huh? Oh. Right. Well, I wanna get back at Yojimbo. Big this time." "Why big?" Aida asked. "I dunno. I just feel like being 'mean' today," she explained. Sakura looked at her sternly. "I don't think this is a good idea." "Do you think I care? I'm just keepin' the game goin'." "Ahh.. I'll help," Asuka said. "Well I'm not!" Sakura said sharply, turning to Aida, "Are YOU going to help with this.. this.. ridiculous practical joke?!" "Oh be quiet. We're just gonna have some fun with Yojimbo. Don't get so uptight, jeez? Com'on Aida, don't be scared by [i]her[/i]," Kitty said, staring angrily at Sakura. Aida looked from Kitty to Sakura, then looked to Asuka for help. "What do you want me to do? You choose," Asuka said, continuing his eating. Aida laughed nervously as both girls leaned in closer, expecting his answer to please them and upset the other.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitty sat on her bed, Kouken in her lap, reading a book about myths. She heard somebody storming up the stairs and looked up from her book for a moment. "Wonder who that was... Oh well. Doesn't matter." And with that, she resumed her reading and did not ponder it anymore. A while later, she grew hungry. She got up slowly and walked over to the closet. She ruffled around in it for a moment before walking towards the door mumbling something about her stolen Oreo's being stolen. She walked downstairs quietly, her cat at her heels. "Well well well. Finally out of the cave aren't we?" Asuka commented, seeing her come down to the common room. "Got my Oreo's back," he snickered. Kitty snorted, walking to the fridge. "Any junk left?" she asked the two on the couch. "You're actually talking tonight? Wow. Must be hungry, huh?" "Shut it. Any junk food or what?" "Well, if you promise not to steal and hide 'em again, I'll give you a couple Oreo's," Asuka offered. Kitty sighed, shaking her head. "Fine. ... God d*mn.. I AM hungry," she said, walking over to the couch, holding out her hand. Asaku gave her six Oreos and smiled. "You aren't going to make a HABIT of this, are you?" Kitty gave him a sharp look before saying, "You better believe it." She walked off, followed by Kouken, leaving Asuka with a look of confusion on his face. "Darn her.." "You shouldn't have offered. She can be a moocher ya know," Aida laughed. "She better not take my d*mn Oreo's again, though..." Asuka commented. Kitty smiled as she walked towards the stairs. She was happy to have gotten something today. She looked back at Asuka and gave him a smile before going back upstairs to get on the computer.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]OOC/EDIT: D*mn.. I thought I made a mistake. Well, fixed it Takuya... (I think) ----- Nekouk sat on a rooftop, listening to the groups' conversation about "beings". [i]Interesting....[/i] she thought to herself. She learned the names of them all and that the one named Rakaloma was a mercenary out at Vanduo for two missions. One that was also hers. She noticed that the one named "Mizu" would sneak glances at her every once in a while. [i]She knows I'm here...[/i] "Well, time to say 'Hello'," Nekouk said quietly, jumping off of her "perch" on the roof. She landed quite gracefully, and immediatly walked over to the group outside. "Who are you?" Mizu asked, wanting to know her name. "Nekouk." "Well? What have you heard?" Anzunden asked, looking at Nekouk's ears. "Everything, really," she said calmly. "Do we know you?" asked Henna from behind Nekouk. "No. I wouldn't think so," she answered quickly. "Well then. What are you doing in the city of Vanduo?" asked Rakaloma. "Is this the last question?" The Raslomaon nodded. "I'm here for the being. You aren't the only one who has heard of them..." They all nodded as if they were approving Nekouk's answers. Just then, Hyuga approached and snickered as he and Anzunden's eyes met.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Yojimbo was interrupted by Kitty's entry. She slammed the door behind her and ran to the stairs, not speaking or looking at anyone. "Kitzume! Where were you today?!" Sakura shouted after her. Kitty said nothing. She just walked upstairs. "Do you know where she went today?" Sakura asked Yojimbo as the sound of Kitty slamming yet another door was heard. Yojimbo shrugged. Kitty had snuck out when the gargoyles attacked her classroom. She didn't have any friends in that room besides the other angels, but she knew that they could've handled that room fine without her. Instead, she had ran to a different classroom that she knew had no angel in it and fended off the attack there. Of course, she didn't really care what the other angels thought; whether she'd ran away, ditched just to be lazy, or whatever. All she wanted to do was talk to Kouken who was patiently waiting on her bed.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Art Rate the Sig and avatar of the member above you.
Kitty replied to Burori's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Your avatar is very nice. The font you used is PERFECT! (Or... at least I think so). The colors and everything are well done. I really like it. 8/10 Your banner is cool, too. I like the shapes to the left and the lines, that also were on the avi, a lot, and how the pic you used blends in so well. Once again, good font. 9/10.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Lol. Sorry 'bout that. It kinda hurt my head to look at it at first, but now I'm used to it. (I've been looking at it for a while 'cause it's soooo cool!) Well, glad you liked it! [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Woah was this one easy. All I did was crop and add a border on PSP, then on AS I animated it quite quickly. I never knew banner animation could be so easy! I also had a matching avi that was also animated, but it's too big a file to work on OB, so I used my still one. Here's the banner: [IMG]http://img67.exs.cx/img67/2416/OBpandabannerAnimation2.gif[/IMG] Tell me whatcha think. ^____^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Name: Nekuok Gender: Female Race: Therosaon Age: 23 Personality: May edit in Bio: May edit in Ability: (I'm not sure what I'm supposed to put here, so I'll just put a percentage for now.) 17% Below Average Area of magic: Wind and Fire/Offensive --- I do hope that's acceptable. And what exactly is the percentage for? I'm still not clear on that whole thing. But, other than that, I think I got it. EDIT: Oops. :sweat: Well, I fixed it. Is it okay now?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]OOC: Sorry 'bout that Juusan. And foxtu? Did it... FALL on ME!? Oh wait. OOH! I gotcha. *wink* .. I think.. oO --- [i]Kyle had sicked his goons on Nikki. They each grabbed an arm and began pulling her behind the bushes.[/i] Nikki: Lemme go you f*cking morons!! Thug #1: What'd you call me? Thug #2: Hey, she called me it too! Thug #1: I dun care! Thug #2: So you don't, ey?! [i]The two began fighting over it, forgetting that they had let go of Nikki. Kyle began shouting and pointing from behind the bush. The two OBVIOUSLY weren't very bright.[/i] Kyle: WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!?! GET THE GIRL IDIOTS! Thug #1: What did you call me?! Thug #2: Hey, he called me it, too! Thug #1: Not this again! You idiot! Thug #2: You BET it's this again! Nikki: Hey guys. Thugs: Huh? [i]Nikki had grabbed a nearby branch and slammed it against their heads. She then yelled a command, summoning her pokemon (who seemed to come out of nowhere).[/i] Nikki: Bagon! Headbutt! Aron! Metalclaw! [i]The pokemon each attacked a thug, sending them unconcious to the ground. Kyle, who still stood behind the bushes, began running away. Nikki didn't follow. She didn't trust him at all. Maybe he'd set traps or something. And plus, even though she thought he was a jerk, she felt, for some strange reason, that she should leave him to Jake. Just then, Timiko arrived.[/i] Timiko: What the hell happened? Nikki: Kyle. Timiko: Where's Mamimi? Nikki: Haven't seen her. She's probably where Kyle went off to. Timiko: You didn't follow him? Nikki: No. I'm not that stupid. I'll let someone else find her. [i]And with that, she walked off, Aron and Bagon not far behind. "Why should I care? They can do it without me," Nikki thought to herself, walking down the street. She hadn't been to Viridian in a while, so she just walked around. She ended up at the Pokemon Center.[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"Meow!" "AHH!" Kitzume yelled, swirving suddenly. She almost hit another car, but recovered quickly. Kouken, her cat, had been sleeping in the backseat. "D*mn it! Don't do that Kouken! You know I hate that!" The cat just mewed and hopped into the passenger seat. Kitzume sighed as she reached the school parking lot. "Finally... I might not be late today." She parked quickly, then ran out, Kouken following her. She didn't realize he had come after her until she was at her locker, rushing to get her books. "Damn bag... It's so full of junk it--" "Meeew." "It meew? What?" She looked at her feet. "Kouken!! The bell rings in a minute! I can't take you back to the car and get back to class in time!" She shut her locker and looked at her cat, then her bag, then her cat again. "You'll just have to be quiet today!" She removed her books and a notebook, then gently pushed Kouken in, then zipped it up leaving a small little hole for air and light. She put it over her shoulder gently and picked up her books and notebook, then walked quickly to class. She sat down in her seat just as the bell rang. She put her bag down on the floor and continued to check on it while her teacher, Mrs. Mirosaka, talked about the day's lesson. Since she sat in the back, she wasn't as worried about Kouken making a little noise. But she still didn't want to let the teacher's pet, who seemed to hear and see everything in the classroom, know that there was something alive in her bag.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]OOC: Sesshomaru...? That post made no sense whatsoever. Did you read mine? *sigh* I'm gonna TRY and work around that one.. --- IC: [i]Nikki, Mamimi's mother, and Timiko (along with their pokemon) were left at [B]Mamimi's house[/B] after Mamimi had left. Nikki, for some reason, had begun worrying about Mamimi. Constantly, she thought, "Please be ok..." or "What's taking her so long!" When the door finally opened, she hoped it was Mamimi, back in good health. But it was Andrea and Jake's family. Jake was helped through the doorway. Still, Nikki was relieved that he could make it out of bed.[/i] Andrea: Hey.. Where's Mamimi? Nikki: .. She went looking for Kyle. Jake: WHAT?! Why'd so go and do THAT?!?! He's mine, you hear me?! Nikki: I got ya, hothead. Nobody cares. Andrea: What did you say!? Nikki: You heard me! Timiko: Relax! All of you, calm down! We're all a little stressed, but we have to be calm about it. Jake's Mother: She is right, you know. You all should listen to this girl. She's making a lot of sense. [i]Andrea, once again, felt a resentment for Timiko. She wanted to impress Jake's parents, not Timiko. Nikki began to dislike being in the group again, and Timiko turned red in the face after Jake's Mother's compliment. Jake wasn't himself because he was so angry, so he didn't try to make things right at all. He just looked at the floor. Nikki walked through Andrea and Jake's Father to go out the door. Bagon and Aron followed quickly.[/i] Andrea: Oh, and where are YOU going?! Nikki: To look for Mamimi. I want to be anywhere but here with you... Andrea: What?! Why yo- Jake: Let her go. It's my fault. She'll come back, though. Timiko: Are you sure? [i]The group was quiet. Nikki stormed down the street, grinding her teeth. She shoved a mailman into a yard where a Rhyhorn was napping. Nikki was out of earshot within seconds, so she didn't hear, see, or care what happened next.[/i] Nikki: Mamimi! Mamimi? Where the hell are you? Mamimi!? Bagon: Bagon! Bag bag! Nikki: What? .. Oh! Aron! [i]Aron, with its small little legs, had fallen behind. It was panting on the sidewalk as Nikki ran back to get it. She picked up her small pokemon and apologized over and over. When Aron was happy again, she sat it down and leaned against nearby shrubs.[/i] Nikki: *Sigh* ... It's no use. I'll never be able to find Mamimi. Bagon: Bagon bag! Bagon! Aron: Aaaaair! Nikki: Hm. Thanks for cheering me up guys. Lets go. [i]The three of them began walking slowly down the sidewalk. Nikki's mind was off the previous arguement, so she cheerily shouted Mamimi's name as they neared the place of Jake's attack.[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Kitzume was quietly typing away at her computer in her room when her roomate Yishi (who Kitzume calls "goody-goody") knocked on the door. "Kitty? Would you like some breakfast?" "Already ate." "Oh. Okay... Kitty? What's that sound?" her roomate asked her, hearing the 'tap-tap' of the keyboard. "It's called typing. And would you stop calling me Kitty! I never gave you permission to call me that," Kitzume said. "Oh... Sorry..." she whispered beginning to walk away. But then she stormed back, realizing what Kitzume was doing. "You're on that computer again? Honestly.. You spend more time on that thing than anyone in the world!" the girl scolded, trying to get Kitzume out of her room.. for once. But Kitzume said nothing. She only rolled her eyes and continued what she was doing on the computer. Yishi sighed, then said, "Well if you aren't going to come out for me, would you look at your watch?" Kitzume let out a moan, but looked at her watch anyway. She gasped. "AH! I'm going to be late!!" she shouted. She was dressed in yesterday's clothes, so she felt it would waste time if she attempted to change now. She scrambled around her room, looking if she'd forgot anything, and grabbed her bag and rushed out into the kitchen, grabbing a piece of toast. "Iff fere any toaft on fis fing?" she said, shoving it in her mouth. "I thought you said you ate?" Yishi pestered, raising an eyebrow. Kitzume quickly swallowed, rushing over to the door where her shoes lay. "I did eat," she explained, still struggling to fit her sneakers on over her socks. "Well it wasn't very filling, I'm assuming," the girl continued. "No, it wasn't. It was a bag of mints and a Fun Dip, ya happy? Now leave me alone. I only got three hours of sleep," she said as she got her shoes on. "You were on the computer all last night, weren't you?!" "No, I was out," she said, running out the door and hopping into her car. She closed the door and started the engine, then used her garage door opener to start the big door's slow opening. "Wait for me!!" Yishi shouted, while trying to quickly put her shoes on, since Kitzume was supposed to give her rides to school. Kitzume mouthed 'I can't hear you.' since her windows were shut. Of course, she could hear her roomate, but she didn't want to, let alone listen. As the garage door opened, she back out and zoomed off towards school which was only six minutes away if you drove quickly. ---- OOC: Oops... ^___^;; Fixed the dorm problem.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][i]Meanwhile, Timiko and Mamimi sat in the living room, talking anxiously about Jake and his "condition", purposely avoiding Nikki who was in the kitchen with Aron and Mamimi's mother who had driven back to leave Andrea and Jake alone.[/i] Mamimi's Mother: Why don't you go and join the other girls? You are friends aren't you? Nikki: Jake, I think, is the only one in the group who really cares if I'm there or not. Mamimi's Mother: Then why are you sittin' here with me while I clean dishes? Go make friends with Timiko and my little Mamimi! They won't bite. Nikki: No, but they'll gossip. [i]Nikki muttered. She didn't feel like 'making friends'. She also didn't know why she was still here. "I bet Jake doesn't care that much either," she thought to herself, once again wondering why she hadn't left yet. But then she saw her Bagon playing with Ookamikun and Torchic. "That's why I haven't left yet..." she thought again, realizing she had stayed for her pokemon. "I've become more attached than I thought.."[/i] Aron: Aaaaair! Aron aair! Nikki: Hm? What is it? [i]Her Aron was pointing towards Trapinch who, of course, was making trouble. It had latched onto Pidgey's wing and was trying to, well, eat it.[/i] Nikki: Trapinch! Let go! Don't EAT Pidgey!! Timiko: Wha- Oh my! Mamimi: Get it off of poor Pidgey! Nikki: I'm tryin'! [i]Nikki had rushed over, picked up Trapinch, and began trying to pry it's mouth open. The two girls had noticed and began panicking. Mamimi had gotten her mother, who, instinctively, grabbed the nearest broom and started whacking Trapinch.... who was in Nikki's arms, so she got 'broomed', too.[/i] Mamimi's Mother: Let go of that Pidgey this INSTANT you little monster! Nikki: Trapinch doesn't know any better ye- OW! Watch where you're whappin' that thi- OW! Stop it! Bagon: Bag! Mamimi's Mother: AH! Mamimi: Mom!! What's wrong?! Mamimi's Mother: It hit me! That little blue one hit my leg! [i]In defense of its owner, Bagon had headbutted (but gently) Mamimi's mother's leg. This made her stop whacking Nikki long enough to pull out Pidgey's wing and get Trapinch back in its pokeball. The girls helped Mamimi's mother stand since her leg was temporarily immobalized from the hit and Nikki rushed Aron and Bagon out of the house.[/i] Nikki: What a mess.... I shouldn't have let him out yet! I knew it! Now what am I gonna do? Aron: Aron aaaair! Bagon: Bag, bagon bag! Nikki: Lets stay outside for a bit. [i]And that they did. The three walked behind the house to the backyard where there was a large tree. Nikki sat on the roots with Aron in her lap while Bagon attempted to climb it. Aron began playing with a Caterpie that happened to be wiggling by. Inside, the stirring event was over and the three people sat on the couch, trying to figure out if anything had been damaged and if Pidgey was alright, which it was. Ookamikun and Torchic were in the kitchen eating.[/i] --- OOC: Glad you gave me time to post The Nameless.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=blue][size=1]Andrea: I'm still choosing... Timiko: Me, too. Mamimi: I'll have a salad with ranch dressing on the side. Waiter: Alright and... And what'll you have, ma'am? Nikki: Top serlion steak with steak sauce on it. No gravey, thanks. Jake: I'll have the chicken. Dark meat only with no gravey. Waiter: Okay.. And for you two? Have you decided yet? [i]Andrea was quietly thinking, "There's so much! Um... Oh. He's getting chicken? That sounds okay.." Timiko, on the other hand, was thinking, "Why is all this stuff covered in gravey?!"[/i] Andrea: I'll have the chicken, too. Um.. White meat with no gravey. Waiter: Of course.. And for you? Timiko: Is everything SWIMMING in gravey or what?! Oh well.. I'll take.. A.. Um.. [i]Timiko kept looking over the menu, humming "Um.." and constantly saying "No" after seeing almost every item. The waiter, becoming impatient, took away everyone else's menus and began to walk off.[/i] Waiter: I'll just bring the drinks. Maybe by then you'll be done deciding. Timiko: ... Ooops.. Sorry. Hehe.. Jake: No problem. We aren't starving, so it's not a big deal. That waiter's just short tempered. [i]Timiko felt better about stalling their food after Jake had comforted her. Andrea was quiet, a secret resentment growing for Timiko. Nikki had quietly released Aron and Bagon under the table. She wasn't sure if they were allowed outside their pokeball in the small cafe, so she hid them. The waiter came back and put a plate of bread down for the "appetizer". Nikki quickly grabbed two handfuls and began feeding her pokemon. The others hadn't realized her pokemon were out, so they wondered why she was taking so much bread and wasn't eating it.[/i] Mamimi: What's with her? Timiko: I'm not sure... [i]The two whispered to eachother. Jake and Andrea had figured it out. Partly because Bagon and Aron had rubbed against their legs once or twice after the bread had arrived.[/i] Waiter: Here are your drinks. Okay now. Are you done ordering? [i]Timiko blushed from embarrasment and picked up her menu.[/i][/color][/size]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Sounds great. ^___^ Name: Kitzume "Kitty" Hijimoro Age: 17 Sex: Female Value/s: Power and Innocence Earth Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Girlwithwhitecat.jpg]Clicky[/URL] Angel Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Golded_Sword.jpg]Clicky[/URL] Weapon: The weapon she is holding as an angel. It is normally a silver bladed sword with an eagel-wing engraving on the handle, but it turns golden when Kitzume is either furious or devastated. Note: The cat she is holding is her pet, Kouken, which is Japanese for "guardian". It's a he.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Jake: Hey Mamimi? We're all about to head off towards Viridian City. You want to join us? Mamimi: Really?! You wouldn't mind me coming along? Andrea: Not at all! Timiko: Of course you're welcome! Nikki: Glad to have another coming along. [i]Nikki decided that having another trainer along wasn't all that bad. She'd just have to get used to so much company since, normally, she traveled alone.[/i] Jake: Then it's settled! We're all heading off to Viridian City! [i]The others all cheered happily, even Nikki. The five of them all began walking down the path that would lead them towards Viridian City.[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][i]Nikki was quiet. She hadn't planned on going on a journey with anyone but her pokemon. She saw all other trainers as rivals, not friends. But she had already accepted their offer to travel with them, though she still did not know quite why, she felt it would be rude to change her mind so quickly and disappear. And now with Timiko joining the "group", she became even more annoyed, though she did not show it.[/i] Cyndaquil: Cynda, cynda-QUILL! Jake: Oh. Sorry about that Cyndaquil. Timiko, Nikki. This is my Cyndaquil. Andrea: And this is my Vulpix! Vulpix: Vulpix vull!! [i]The two pokemon jumped around Nikki and Timiko's feet. They were glad to meet new people. Timiko was smiling, but Nikki was quiet as the Cyndaquil played with her shoe laces.[/i] Timiko: This is my Poochyena, Ookamikun. Jake: Nice to meet you Ookamikun! So Nikki, what about you? Nikki: What? Me? My pokemon? Andrea: Of course. What did you think we wanted to see? Your socks? [i]Andrea's snootyness didn't bother Nikki, just made her curious as to why she aggitated her so much. But besides that, she was taken aback, and slightly pleased, that they wanted to see her pokemon.[/i] Nikki: Well, this is my Bagon, which I think I've introduced to Andrea and Jake, and my Aron. And I just caught a Trapinch, but I don't think it'd warm up to you just yet.. [i]Nikki released her two pokemon from their pokeballs. She didn't want to let out her Trapinch since it hadn't been tamed yet. Bagon rushed over to Jake's Cyndaquil and the two began playing. Aron, being a shy little pokemon, hid behind Nikki's leg.[/i] Jake: Heh. A new friend already, ey Cyndaquil? Cyndaquil: Cynda, cyndaQUILLL! Vulpix: Vul vul! Timiko: They all seem to get along so nicely! [i]Nikki was still quiet. She edged her Aron on to meet with Vulpix and Ookamikun. Andrea, still resentful of Nikki, looked towards a wall on the other side of the room to avoid eye contact with Jake and Nikki. But soon, her eyes snapped to the floor where Aron and her Vulpix were playing what looked like a game of tag around her feet. She couldn't help but feel happy that her pokemon was having fun.[/i] Andrea: So, where to? Jake: The next town! Nikki: .. Obviously.. Timiko: But what IS the next town?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Nikki: Almost got it.... [i]Nikki's legs trembled with excitement. Was today the day she'd finally catch that Trapinch she was after? Aron stood at her feet while Bagon struggled to keep standing a few yards ahead of her. A great ball lay shaking in the middle of the path.[/i] Nikki: Come on.. Just a little more! [i]The great ball continued to shake. It seemed like an eternity before.. it finally stopped. Nikki sighed for a moment, then jumped in the air.[/i] Nikki: YEAH!! Finally! I got 'im, I got 'im! Aron: Aaair!! Aron air! [i]She picked up her tiny pokemon and twirled it in the air while she danced around. She heard a sudden thump, then turned to see her Bagon had fainted from the battle. She put Aron down and the two rushed over to the dragon pokemon, picking the great ball that contained her new pokemon up on the way.[/i] Nikki: Bagon! Oh no! Let's get you to a PokeCenter! [i]She held the small blue pokemon in her arms and ran towards the nearest town, Aron sharply at her heels. Upon arrival, Nikki noticed no PokeCenter or PokeMart. Only a few houses along with a large building. She decided to head towards the large building because it looked more likely to have something there that could help her Bagon. She knocked on the door rapidly and panicky.[/i] Nikki: Hello!? Someone, please! I need to get my Bagon some help! Oak: Hello! Oh my! Please, come in! And hurry! [i]Oak brought Nikki and her pokemon inside. Nikki was instructed to return all her pokemon to their pokeballs, so she did, then Oak put them on the healer. A few moments later, all her pokemon were as good as new.[/i] Nikki: Thank you! Thank you very much! I'm so glad they'll be okay. Oak: Don't mention it. You should be glad you brought that Bagon in when you did. It'll be just fine, now. Jake: What's all the ruckus Proffessor? [i]Jake walks in with his Cyndaquil, followed by Andrea and her Vulpix. They came after noticing that Oak had left while they were talking.[/i] Oak: Why, this is Nikki. She came by with her pokemon. It needed to be healed, so that's why I left you two. Sorry about that. Andrea: No, it's okay. You don't need to apologize. [i]Andrea turned to Nikki.[/i] Andrea: What pokemon did you bring that was in such an urgent condition? Nikki: My Bagon... [i]Nikki was quiet. She thanked Oak and began to walk towards the door.[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Yay! Hey.... has this thing started yet?! *goes to scout out Adventure Square*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]OOOH! Pokemon!! YAY!! Must sign up!! [CENTER]~~~[/CENTER] Name: Nikki Yushi Age: 11 Appearance: Clicky ---> [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Girlwithwhitecat.jpg]Nikki's Pic[/URL] Hometown: Lavaridge Town Goal: To Complete the Pokedex Profile: Nikkie is the second youngest of five children with three older brothers and one younger sister. All three of her older brothers became pokemon trainers and traveled all over the world. But they had all been partial to one particular type. Her sister planed on running a make up store or a salon for pokemon instead of being a pokemon trainer. Her parents, when they were young, fought the Elite Four with their teams. But Nikkie wanted to be different from all of her siblings. She didn't want to have only one type of pokemon! She wanted them all! And when she first met her Bagon. She caught it using one of her older brother's pokemon, Vigoroth. Later on, she caught an Aron with her only pokemon. The three of them are a great team. Nikki is very quiet and kept to herself. She doesn't usually enjoy company unless it's a pokemon. She enjoys battling a lot, and is concentrated on making her pokemon unbeatable. Nikki rarely keeps in contact with anyone but her father, and even with him, she doesn't write to him much. But she is very close to those who she trusts. My Team: Bagon-- Lvl. 18 Aron-- Lvl. 13 [CENTER]~~~[/CENTER] Is it okay that my hometown is in Hoenn? And that I have two pokemon on my team instead of one? And that I put down their levels? (Hehe.. I know, I did a lot of things I don't think I was supposed to.. :sweat:[/SIZE][/COLOR]