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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]It's definately graffiti...-ness. I live in LA and have for a while, so I've seen a lot of this stuff. But... like MOST graffiti, I can barely read it. And the second one is a red X. So.. what does it SAY?!? *needs to know for no real reason* Oh, lemme rate it! *likes to rate* 1st Graffiti pic: 9/10 -- Looks real. Good thing you didn't ACTUALLY graffiti anything other than that paper. 2nd Graffiti pic: .. Can't see it.. oO;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B] Caiyou [B]Role: [/B] One of Suffieciency [B]Age: [/B] 23 [B]Gender: [/B] Female [B]Weapons: [/B] Twin daggers, and a double sided broad sword (like Cloud's, but a lot thinner). [B]Abilities: [/B] Enhanced speed and reflexes, and a little stronger than an average person. [B]Appearance: [/B] See attachment. But she doesn't have the big cross or the wings. [B]Personality: [/b] Quiet and gentle, she'd rather read a book on a sunny day than fight demons. But in battle she's serious, strategical, and determined. Once she's chosen a goal, she won't stop until she's reached it. [B]Bio: [/B] I'll edit this later.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='Joey Killer][COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Remember, Reveille, you don't have to draw exactly like the original artist.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] I know, but this time I wanted to. I just felt it was easier than roughin' it. My next pic is of Horohoro... again. (Ha ha, Tina..). I tried to draw like the artist..... again ('cause I felt like it!!!). Here it is.
  4. Kitty

    Surfboard Boys

    [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]*cough*Youknowit*cough* Who can deny a sexy evil Mexican?! -------------------- "You can't sing worth sh*t," Nikkie said, "But what the hell? Sure. I'm in." Kat nodded, obviously having no other choice than to sleep. Mokuba, who woke up screaming from a hangover-like nightmare.. thing, woke everyone else up. "What the hell is that noise?" snapped Miatatzu. "Shut up you little brat," the Mexican said in a sudden burst of correct English. But he fell asleep anyway. "Okay, everyone wanna sing along to a crappy, cheesy ninety-eighties rock musical number?" Seto asked the now awake people. They all nodded, bored out of their now awake skulls. "OOOOOOH!" Suddenly, the Mexican got a drumset, Kat got a snare drumset, Joey got a base guitar, and Nikkie got the other guitar. Seto already had his guitar. The others (including Mokuba and Tristan) all became backup singers. "Workin' like a dog for the boss man Workin' for the company I'm bettin' on the dice I'm tossin' I'm gonna have a fantasy But where am I gonna look They tell me that love is blind I really need a girl like an open book To read between the lines Love In An Elevator Livin' it up whn I'm goin' down Love In An Elevator Lovin' it up till I hit the ground..." they all sang. Joey sang so badly his head exploded, Mokuba's voice was so high-pitched and irritating that they had to stop in the middle, make him shut up, THEN continue, and Tristan's leg nearly came all the way off. The others played.. "okay". Afterwards, they all got drunk again and danced.. again. --------- The song they sang is "Love In An Elevator" by Aerosmith. Just thought you ought to know. And if anyone's upset with the position I gave them... oh well.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='Dark Necrofear']I can't beat Riku for the second time![/quote] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Hmm... That one was difficult for me, too. It took me almost fifteen tries before that annoying.. "guy" finally went down. I finally beat him using, as others have said, Arcanum and Guard a lot. Also... :blush: I ran a lot. Everytime he began attacking, I'd use my ability Glide to dodge him. Then I'd attack him a LOT right after. When his moves start getting tougher to dodge, just block them or figure a way around 'em (like I did). But just keep attacking him with Arcanum right after one of his attacks. That should do it. Oh! And, if you have her (which you should), use Tinkerbell! I think you can use her. *tries to remember* Hope it helps.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='klinanime1']It's rather nice. I believe you over-emphasized the slouch on the guy, as his head and neck seem a bit too wide, and his right shoulder looks awkward. Good job otherwise.[/quote] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Too wide? Really? Maybe the head, but the neck is just as I saw it in the manga. Oh well. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [QUOTE=Assassin][SIZE=1][COLOR=slategray]Kitty, Great Drawing, the shading and techniques you used are very promising in the image. The slough seem's to go with the Character's personality's. The snowboard attached to his back, instead of being layed on the ground, looks very well, aslo. Both character's, Kororo's and Horohoro's, seems to be down and out. You drew the Image great, I like it.[/size][/color][/quote] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Thank you! I hope you know this scene isn't one I made up. It's actually one in the manga! Reincarnation 38 to be exact. But nevermind that. At least SOMEBODY liked it![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]It took me about... a little more than an hour to draw, another three minutes to shade with a black color pencil, and another TWENTY minutes to scan since my scanner was being evil. Well, tell me what you think of it. It'd be very appreciated. (I need to hear opinions of people OTHER than my mom... :rolleyes: )[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. Kitty

    Surfboard Boys

    [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]While the Crazy Mexican continued to watch all the drunk people in aww of their odd behavior, and Tristan sulked against a tree, the other guys and girls danced around a fire that happened to be on the beach. Nikkie partnered up with Joey (God D*MN was she drunk), Seto danced with Kat, and Miatatzu teased Mokuba for not being as drunk as she was. Nikkie, tired of dancing with Joey, ran over to the Mexican leaving the blonde dumb*ss there to dance by himself (which he did horribly, by the way). "Com'on. Dance with us. You ain't gotta be drunk to dance... right?" Nikkie asked him. ------ Sorry it's short. I've gone insane at the moment.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Is this gonna start soon, DW? I know you've got other things to do, but it's already July, man. What WERE you thinkin'?![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. Kitty

    Surfboard Boys

    [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"You did, moron," Nikkie said suddenly. "What did you just call me? And if I did, what the hell is he doing standing there?" Miatatzu snapped. "Must I explain? Fine. If you paid any attention at ALL, you aren't the only one that's killed Joey. Kat and I, and maybe Seto, too, have all killed Joey at least ten times each. He just won't stay dead. I don't know why, but he can't be killed for good." "Uh... Okay..." Miatatzu mumbled, obviously still confused. "Hey guys. Weren't we bounded and gagged a few minutes ago?" Kat interjected after Nikkie's explanation of Joey's dead-but-not-completely-dead attribute. "Huh.. Yeah.. Oh well. Yo! Joey! Get your scrawny *ss over here and untie us!" she said. He did as he was told, then the girls thanked him by killing him... again. "So why were you thinking about your stupid horse?" Nikkie asked again. "Don't you dare call Crimson a stupid horse!" Miatatzu growled. "What? It's not like it's anymore important to me than Joey. I don't really give a d*mn." "So.. what are you saying?" "I'm saying 'Make me', horse face." Miatatzu and Nikkie were about to lunge at eachother, but Kat stood between them. "Knock it off. Let's find the cabin the guys are being held in and leave," Kat instructed. "Whatever," said the two girls, now looking away from eachother. As they walked around the ship, they avoided the occasional watch-pirate-guy, quietly manuvered around the common sleeping-pirate-guy, and checked each cabin for the boys. Kat eventually stumbled onto them and motioned for the others to quietly follow her. "There you are!" she said quietly. "Okay, Nikkie, you untie Mokuba and the Mexican, Miatatzu, you untie Tristan, and I'll untie Seto." Miatatzu resented Kat getting to help Seto, but reluctantly untied Tristan anyway. Nikkie didn't really care who got who. All she was pissed about was that she was the only one who had to untie two. "Lazy b*stards..." she grumbled, untieing the Mexican.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]WOOOT!!!! *cheers for the latest episode* Ah... Nothing to do with Charles? D*mn. I thought that it might because your works USUALLY (and I do mean always) make fun of at least [i]one[/i] Otakuboarder. Eh. FUN-ness. What was that thing at the end? No Sunday bonnet will make that thing pretty. *Doesn't know... seriously. What was that thing?* IMP DIED! Yay! MORE DEATH! MOOOOORE DEATHHHHH!!! Wise Old Fart... MAN that's funny. Cannot wait for the next one. Seriously. Speed it up Gav-man.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [color=blue][size=1]OMG! That was, like, PERFECT!! *watches it again, and again, and again, and again, and.. you get the picture* I think Deedlet took it a little far by calling it better than Daily Comic. It's NOTHING compared to Mo's.. uh... funny-ness. Yeah. That's it. Call it a hunch, but.. I think you called Charles the Black Mage "Charles" to make fun of Charles!! (Did you get that? I sure don't..) Well?! DID YOU?! -Kitty P.S. Oops. One more thing I forgot to add.... MORE SOON!!!!! *runs off to Murray's to buy a black mage costume*[/color][/size]
  13. [color=blue][size=1]I love the new siggy DW. -------------- [b][u]Human Sign-up[/b][/u] Name: Michaella "Mic" Christian (Is that medieval enough?) Age: 22 Gender: Female Occupation: Inn/Tavern Waiteress (That's a choice... right?) Style of Living: House Residency Time: 2 years Personality: Quiet and shy, very distrustful also. She doesn't like most of the people she waits on because, well, they're mostly old men who act like pigs. Very friendly to those she likes, quite rude and mean to those who anger her. Hair Color: Golden-brown Hair Style: Held back in a ponytail. Skin Color: Peach Shirt Color: Light blue with a black star on the bottom-right corner Pants Color: Dark blue (like jeans) Boot Color: Black Eye Color: Green/Blue (It's hard for anyone to really tell) Other Belongings: A brown bag full of notepads and her diary, her cat named Skipper, and her big knife... which she keeps in her bag. Information: Mic always keeps to herself. Her passions are drawing and writing, but to pay for her food, house, etc., she has to work at the Inn (or is it tavern?). She dislikes most people because they're mean or rude to her, but when someone acts nice to her, she immediatly develops school girl crushes on them. Though it's hard for her to make friends, the few friends she has are the greatest she could possibly ask for. She used to live with her parents, but when she turned 15, she left them behind and went out on her own. She'd lived in several different towns and cities, but stayed the longest in Black Haven. She had planned on leaving a lot earlier, but several things kept her from doing so. Even though she has it great, she still plans on leaving someday soon. I hope that's alright.[/color][/size]
  14. [color=blue][size=1]"Be home by eleven!" Ben heard his mom call from the kitchen as he walked out the door. "Sure you old bat," he whispered to himself as he walked toward his car. He started it quickly, eagerly awaiting the grand roar of its engine. "Ah.. Purrs like a lion," he thought as he drove out the driveway. It took Ben only ten minutes to get from his house to Paul's, where all his friends waited for him. Paul sat shotgun while the others hopped in the back of the flat bed. "Come on, man! If you don't speed it up, we'll be late!" one of the boys from the back said. "I know that you moron. Zip it," he snapped. He didn't feel like getting instructed on what do to that night. "What movie are we gonna see again?" Paul asked Ren, one of the boys sitting in the flat bed. "I dunno. Which ever one most chicks are gonna see," he snickered. The others all laughed happily, getting their hopes up for an "active" night. Three blocks from the theater, Ben saw someone crossing the street. "What the f--" he began, cut off from the screech of the skidding tires. The person crossing the street was frozen on the spot. Her pale white face became illuminated by the nearing truck's headlights. All of the boys began yelling, "OUTTA THE ROAD!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STANDIN' THERE FOR!? GET OUT OF THE F*CKIN' ROAD!!" Too late. The car came to a hault soon after hitting the pedestrian. The bump jerked the car so badly that four of the six boys sitting in the flat bed were thrown from the vehicle. When the car stopped, the four boys remaining all ran over to their friends. They were bruised and very shaken, but alright. "What happened to the chick?" Ren asked, looking behind him at the lump on the ground near the car. "Oh *****!" Kevin said, running to her. After a few seconds, he screamed, "She's dead! She's really dead! Ben! You.. killed her!!!" Ben walked over to Kevin and the girl, took one look at her, then said, "She ain't dead. Leave her." "We can't leave her here! If she ain't dead, we gotta take her to the hospital!" Paul said, walking up next to Ben. "I ain't gonna waste my time takin' her to the hospital. I say leave her! And if you won't leave her where she is, drag her over to the sidewalk or somethin'," he shouted. The others looked at him in disgust. Some of the people on the block came out of their houses to investigate the commotion. "What's goin' on?" a lot of them asked, looking at the several boys surrounding the girl. "Somebody! Call the paramedics!" Kevin yelled at those watching the scene. "What are you DOING?! She's not dead! She'll be fine, now let's go!" Ben insisted. The others ignored him and helped carry her into an old woman's house. She'd offered to let them keep her in her house before the paramedics arrived. Ben began laughing hysterically. "What are you laughing at, young man?" the old woman asked, quite baffled at the boy's behavior. "I can't believe you all are so uptight. What if she's dead? Big deal! It's not like she's really important for anything!" he chuckled, walking back to his car and driving away. The old woman, who's name was Rowina, said, "After seeing the way he acted and the way you fine young men are acting, I can't see why you were ever friends with him." "Neither can we," Paul said, beginning again to take the girl inside. As it turned out, the girl was not dead. Her name was Holly Nielson, and she'd been out in the middle of the road chasing after a soda can she'd dropped that had rolled away. But, in the end, she never regained conciousness. She was kept alive for the next few weeks by her parents, but soon the realized that she was gone and nothing could be done. The seven boys who'd tried to save her stopped hanging out with Ben and moved on to bigger and better things. Three of them even became paramedics. That night, Ben had gone to the movies, but failed in picking up any girls. He returned home angry and drunk at about one in the morning. He began breaking things in his living room, then was kicked out by his father. The day Holly died, Ben died as well. It was only a few hours after Holly's death, too. He had been killed in an alley, then his body was driven out to some lake, and finally dumped by the water. His body was found a few days later. When the murderer (who had also killed four others after Ben was killed) was finally caught and brought in for questioning, they asked her why she had killed all those people. "Why did I kill them? Why, I'm Karma. It really is quite simple. They all laughed at my death. Now I will laugh at theirs." She began cackling hysterically. She suddenly disappeared, but her laughter lingered. ----- Karma. It (or should I say "she") has a funny way of sneaking up on you.[/color][/size]
  15. Kitty

    Surfboard Boys

    [color=blue][size=1]Nikkie continued to storm through the trees, wanting nothing more than to leave the stupid island where she felt no one cared if she was around or not. She stopped briefly when she saw Miatatzu, Seto, and Mokuba in a clearing. She stood hidden, watching them be cheerful. "Lucky little..." she said as she began walking again. Scattered through out the forest of palm trees were tiny clearings that contained different things that constantly made Nikkie regret ever talking to Seto. After all, it was HIS fault she was there. She finally found a river that stopped her temporarily. She walked in (still in her bathing suit, mind you), instantly shivering. "D*mn it's cold!!" she said to herself as she waded across it. When she got out on the other side, she looked back once, then continued walking, drenched up to her stomach.[/color][/size]
  16. [color=blue][size=1]Nikki quietly walked through the large town of Goldenrod City, completely bored after defeating the gym leader. "I really should call Professor Elm, but I can't seem to find the Pokemon Center. We were there just yesterday, too.... And my PokeNav's missing!" she said, walking with her Bagon beside her. "Well, I might as well go visit the park for a little bit. Maybe someone's found my PokeNav by now. And someone might want to battle!" Nikki said with increasing excitement. The thought of a battle got her pumped. Even her pokemon could sense her extreme anxiousness. "Come on Bagon, lets go find us a map and a battle!" she said, looking down at her pokemon. She returned it to its pokeball, then ran towards the bike shop to pick up her bike. At least she knew where that was. When she got her bike, she zoomed off towards National Park. It only took her about a minute. She quickly collapsed her bike, stuck it in her pack, then went directly to the ranger. When he spotted her, a smile grew on his face as he called her name. "Ah, Nicole! Good news! We finally have located your PokeNav," the boy said. "Thank you! May I have it?" she asked politely. "Well.. that's the bad news. Many things lost in the park are found by bullies. Their pokemon are very strong, so no one dares get the items back." "So.. I have to go find the bullies if I want it back, right? Okay, thank you A!" she said, running towards the trainers in the grass. A held out an arm to stop her, but he was to late; she was gone. "That girl..." he said, returning to his station shaking his head. "Hey you!" she heard someone say to her. "What?" "You're the one who's PokeNav we got, right?" "Hand it over and no one gets hurt," she said. The boys around her all pretended to be scared, then laughed at her. "I'm serious. Give it to me now." "What if we don't wanna?" the boy who seemed to be the leader said. "What do you want your punishment to be? Me beating the living snot outta you, or my pokemon kicking your pokemon's butt?" she said. "I'll take the pokemon battle. Just so you don't end up hurting yourself," the leader said. "What a wuss. Okay, fine. One-on-one pokemon battle rules. You know what those are?" "Yeah, yeah," he said. "Get ready to lose." "Keep talkin' jerk," Nikki said. "Go Donphan!" the boy yelled, sending out a very tough looking Donphan. One of its ears was scarred and bent oddly, and one of its tusks had half of it missing. Nikki sent out her Bagon without saying anything. "Aren't you gonna tell it to attack?" the boy asked, the sound of cockyness in his voice. She didn't say anything. All she did was move her hand in a certain pattern, and as a result, her Bagon let out a furious and devastating Dragon Claw. "Good job," she said, patting her Bagon on the head as the opponents pokemon struggled to stand up. "Give up already. Just give me the PokeNav now and the humiliation will stop-- Well, nah. I'll keep makin' fun of you. But still, I want what's mine, so hand it over." The Donphan barely stood, but it stood. And it looked ready to battle more. "My Donphan's tough. Way too tough for your little 'Bagon'!" he said in a taunting voice. "Fine. Don't give it to me now," Nikki said. "Bagon, Headbutt!" It seemed to bounce off of the Donphan, but the attack made it hard for it to use its front legs. "What are you doing?! Fury Attack it NOW!!" the boy yelled in aggrivation. "Not so fun to lose, is it loser boy?" she asked. "Bagon, finish it on my signal." Nikki didn't seem to care what happened to the Donphan. All she wanted to do was teach the boy a lesson. "Will you give me my PokeNav before my Bagon finishes your Donphan for good?" The boy handed it over quietly. As much of a jerk he was, he didn't want anything horrible to happen to his pokemon. "Good choice," Nikki said, returning her Bagon and pulling out her bike. She hopped on and rode back towards Goldenrod, leaving a stunned group of boys behind. Back in the city, Nikki used her PokeNav to call Professor Elm. "Hello? Is that you Nikki?" the Professor asked. "Yeah, its me." "Good. I need you to come to New Bark now. There's something I need to give you that can only be given in person. Do you have a pokemon that knows fly?" "No," Nikki told him. "Oh... Um, try and look for someone who does. The train doesn't come by New Bark today and I can't send you a pokemon at the moment, so you'll just have to find someone quick. See you here," he said rather quickly. "Yes, I understand, but, but--" she didn't finish because Elm had hung up. "He seemed uptight. I better hurry!" she said, beginning to ask random people in the streets if they could fly her to New Bark Town.[/color][/size]
  17. [color=blue][size=1]About two and a half hours later, the reporters left from the past four or five conferences gather, along with a crowd of new reporters. All the "newbies" look around excitedly, waiting for their chance to interview some really stupid girl that wanted to become vice president because she had an interest in politics. A long, long time ago. The more "educated" of the reporters huddled in groups to protect themselves from the next insane otakuboarder who wanted to seriously injure (or kill) them. Of course, what they did not expect was the short, skinny, brown haired thirteen year old that walked up to the podium in guy jeans and a shirt that read "Knowledge can INJURE you and make it seem like you're getting better and then you DIE! Tell your parents!". Kitty: Hello. I'm sure most of you know what to expect. *shoots a sharp glare at the three groups of reporters whimpering in terror* For the rest of you, I am Kitty and I shall be running for the position of Bandit Joeykuba's Vice President. And now-- Reporter #7: Are the rumors true? Kitty: Uh... what rumors? Reporter #7: The rumors that you are an ex-con and a drug dealer. Kitty: Uh... no... Where'd you hear that? Reporter #7: Well, Bandit Joeykuba read us that part about you being a drug dealer in that letter/PM thing, and the other has been circulating around Otakuboards since Bandit Joeykuba's last conference... So, are they true? Kitty: What are you talking about?! I already told you! They AREN'T true! NEVERMIND! You interupted me! You die now! She immediatly throws a (now) rock-hard oreo that she'd tried to eat, but was just to dang old for her to even bite into. The reporter is hit. Kitty: Well.... are you dead yet? Reporter #7: No. How could you think that an old cookie coul-- The reporter dies while speaking. Apparently, the power of the cookie's impact was delayed for... as long as it was that reporter #7 stayed alive. The new reports begin panicking and running around the room in wide circles screaming "ME CHINESE!!". The others stay huddled in there weird little groups. Kitty: Calm down. *they don't hear her* Calm DOWN *she is ignored*. CALM DOWN! *they keep yelling "ME CHINESE!!", but stop running* SHUT UP!!!!! *it finally works* Silence. Kitty: *regains composure* Thank you. I'd like to finish my sentence now. *clears throught* And now, it is time that you ask me questions. Fire away. Silence. Kitty holds up an oreo as if it were the button that, if pushed, could blow up the world. Or.. at least that tiny little conference room. Reporter #4: *reluctantly speaks up* What are you going to feed us after this whole ordeal is over with? Kitty: NOTHING!! MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha... ha... ha...ah... I ran out of donuts.. I was hungry... The reports make strange faces. Reporter #11: How many donuts were there? Kitty: Six boxes. Now, can you ask questions related to-- Reporter #9: Can you eat four steaks in one sitting? Kitty: Yes. Actually, I've eaten five in one sitting, but that's beside the poi-- Reporter #5: If you were forced to cannibalism(sp?) and you were stuck with all the members of all the parties running, who would you eat first? Kitty: I WON'T ANSWER THAT!! Now, please ask some reasonable questions. The reports look at the ground and scratch their heads. Kitty: Anyone? Does ANYONE have a question that isn't about my eating habits? A lone reporter raises his hand. Kitty: Yes, you. Reporter number... uh.... 54? Reporter #1: It's ONE!! ONE!! Why can't ANYONE see that? Kitty: Your name tag says 54. Reporter #1: No it doesn't. I wrote this mysel-- *looks at tag* Oh... It DOES say 54... Man my handwriting sucks... Kitty: That's all well and good, but can we start asking some questions about me now? Reporter #Said was 1, but is now 54: And my ma used to say I had such [i]pretty[/i] writing.. *rambles on* Kitty: This is just to frustrating... As the Vice President candidate begins walking off stage, a reporter yells: Reporter #Magenta: Where's our donuts? Violent dogs are sent out behind Kitty as she walks back stage. Most reporters are shred to pieces, others slowly eaten alive. Evil laughter fills the conference room as Kitty stands there at the opening laughing. The other candidates stand around her staring weirdly. Kitty realizes that they're there and quickly stops laughing. Kitty: What? What are you all staring at? What? WHAT? They are silent. Kitty: Ah, you guys are no fun... *eats a donut* One reporter survives and sees her eating a donut that she had said had been eaten. Reporter #Yellow: Hey.. You said.. there were no more donuts... What the hell? Kitty: So I lied. HEY!! *sees the other candidates eating donuts* THAT WAS MY BOX!! *complains that there won't be anymore donuts left*[/color][/size]
  18. Kitty

    Surfboard Boys

    [color=blue][size=1]"Because you annoy me," the Mexican said. "We annoy YOU? How about the whole time where you were doing those STUPID chants all the time? How about when you tried to take over the world? How about ALL those times that YOU annoyed ME?!" Nikkie yelled. The Mexican was quiet. Kat heard some shouting, but she was too busy looking for her one piece of technology to care at the moment. "Well?" Nikkie insisted, this time quietly. "Me..." "Yes, you. Well?" "Me not sorry. You anger me and me do something about it. It's your fault that you no do anything," he explained to her. "Wha-?! Why you little--!" she said, lunging at him, hands around his neck. As he choked, she told him, "How 'bout now, huh? Is this what you wanted me to do? You WANTED me to act on my annoyance?! Well GUESS WHAT PAL! I act on ANGER AND ANGER ALONE YOU LITTLE *****!!" Her screaming grabbed the attention of everyone, and woke up the sleeping Miatatzu, Seto and Mokuba. Kat found her lazer pointer, but it wouldn't work. It had been drowned in water too long. She looked up to see the Mexican literally dying because Nikkie wouldn't let go of his neck. "Woah, woah, WOAH!! Nikkie! Don't KILL the guy!" she scolded, running up to them and trying to pull Nikkie off him. "Come on! Leggo already!!" Kat began yelling. "Don't MAKE me hurt you!" she said while the Mexican blacked out. Nikkie finally let go. She didn't know if the Mexican was dead or not, nor did she care. She walked off into the dark trees, wanting to be alone. Kat looked down at the Mexican who'd just woken up and was breathing heavily. "You really should learn not to piss people off like that," she told him.[/color][/size]
  19. [quote name='BlueGender][size=1][color=navy]Animal Crossing is a great game, now I know it might not look graphically great and you may be thinking that games for 5 year old but its really not. It will make you wake up a 5:30 in the morning to catch fish I know it sounds absusrd but it does, it also makes the chore of cleaning and decorating fun, only a company like nintendo could do it.[/color'][/size][/quote] [color=blue][size=1]Thank GOD. I was waiting for someone to mention Nintendo's Animal Crossing for the Gamecube. Although I enjoy FPSs and RPGs as much as the next gamer, I can't help but love the simple games that center around living in a neighborhood. Even if that neighborhood is full of talking animals. I enjoy the fact that there are so many different characters that can live around you. Of course, with so many different characters, their personalities are the same as many others. But that didn't bother me. I also like how your character's appearance differs depending on how you talk to Roger, the cat on the train. There are so many different ways you can decorate your house. And, by paying off your rent, you can get upgrades to your small one-story hut into a two-story house with a basement and two chimneys. This game is fun for all ages, not just 5 year olds. Another game for the Gamecube that centers around neighborhoods is Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. A great addition to the Natsume series that has sweeped through the nation. Believe it or not, there are many, MANY fans of the HM games (especially this one). There have been many cool changes to the game, and not just the townsfolk and set-up of the village. The graphics are better than any HM game to date and the way they used chapters in addition to years as you progress was impressive, too. And most important is that your son can actually grow up and help you with the farm in this one. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life is a must-buy for all those gamers who want a violence-free game for a change. And, like almost everyone before me, Mario Kart: Double Dash, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Skies of Arcadia: Legends, and F-Zero GX are great games for the Gamecube. All are filled with great game play and characters, and F-Zero GX has a great story line; better than a lot of games I have played. Finally, I want to recommend a PS2 game. Kingdom Hearts. For all those Disney fans out there, this game mixes many cute Disney characters in with some great gaming. The Heartless, the little creeps that are taking over the various worlds, are your enemy. Sora, the main character you play as, gets the Keyblade; a mysterious blade that can destroy the Heartless and can only be wielded by him and one other. At the beginning, the story draws you in, never letting go. Once you start, it's hard to stop playing. I know. I've beaten the game at least fifteen times by now (six times unlocking the special movie preview of KH 2), and each time I've gotten about twenty hours of game play. That may be just because I want to finish every little thing, but it's hard to beat if you don't level up enough by the end. The one problem I have with Kingdom Hearts is that in some of the cut scenes, the animators just got lazy. The characters aren't as detailed as the more "important" scenes, so only their eyes blink and their mouths flap up and down. Other than that, it's a perfect game. A must buy for the Playstation 2 is Kingdom Hearts. Look for the two sequels sometime in 2005, one for the PS2, the other the GBA.[/color][/size]
  20. Kitty

    Surfboard Boys

    [color=blue][size=1]Nikkie's watch pointed to 3 AM as the sky was black and full of stars, the Mexican lay asleep at the two girls' feet, and they were chatting up a storm. "You know who's the smartest person on this whole friggin' island?" Nikkie said to Kat. "Who?" Kat asked. "That girl who left. She had the brains to get off while she could. We were all too stupid to jump on with her," Nikkie explained. The Mexican let out a large snore and rolled over so that his tattooed back now faced the two of them. "Where do you think he got that?" Kat wondered, pointing at the card-related picture etched onto his back. "Some back alley on a drunken night. Weirdos like him do it all the time. You ever think 'bout gettin' a tattoo?" Nikkie asked. Kat was silent. "Well?" "Yeah, actually," Kat finally said after a long pause, " Seto wanted us to get matching tattoos. His would say "Kat" and mine would say "Seto". Glad I didn't," Kat reminisced. "How 'bout you?" she asked, trying to forget about her past with Seto. "Yeah. Bunch of times. Never had a real steady or devoted boyfriend, really, so I never wanted to get one for a guy. Nah... I wanted to get mine to show what I wanted to be," Nikkie told her. "And what did you want to be?" "Something that could fly. Something that could be able to escape the stupid hellhole I was stuck in. A dragon. I had it all drawn out an' ev'rything. The wings would span acround my entire arm. Its head would be held up in a domanant fashion, its eyes a piercing color. The flames it spewed would be amazing! Detailed as best they could be..." Nikkie went on and on about her dream tattoo while Kat kept thinking about "other" things. OOC: Sorry if that wasn't what you wanted to talk about, but I just watched a cheesy TV show and I can't get that kind of "rememberance of the good old times" thing outta my head. Eh.[/color][/size]
  21. [color=blue][size=1]Well, after all the good ones I've seen, this'll be hard to narrow down... But, hell. I'll give it a shot. 1. Monty Python and the Holy Grail- A stroke of comidic genious. Honestly, I'm not sure why someone before me hasn't mentioned this movie. It was made a [i]long[/i] while before I was born, and yet it makes me laugh to this day. It's a film guaranteed to make you laugh over and over again, no matter how many times you've seen it. 2. Ace Ventura, Pet Detective 2- The first one was funny, but it didn't interest me as much as it's sequel. The movie was full of comedy that's not for everyone, but it pulled me in. I am a little... grossed out, shall we say, at times in the film and I am forced to skip them since, afterall, I've seen them before. Why bother being grossed out again? 3. Matrix- Yes folks, I am a Matrix fan. The two sequels disappointed me after this one, though, but I'm sure I'm not the only one. Anyway, the plot was wonderful, the characters were very interesting, the graphics were stunning, and the thing as a whole was, well.. revolutionary and memorable. I especially liked how it included a bit of comedy. This instantly became a favorite of mine because of the fact that [b]no one[/b] had done anything like it. Ever. And, unfortunatly, it has yet to be surpassed. That's my opinion. It was hard to pick out only three movies since, afterall, there are so many to choose from. Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Shrek 2, Big Fish, and a few others are movies that are among my very favorite movies.[/color][/size]
  22. [color=blue][size=1][u]Normal Trainer:[/u] Name: Nicole Williams Age: 14 Nickname: Nikki [u]Starter Pokemon[/u] [b]Bagon[/b] Bite Headbutt Ember Dragon Claw [u]Pokemon[/u] [b]Dragonair[/b] Slam Dragon Rage Twister Fire Blast [b]Larvitar[/b] Thrash Rock Slide Screech Sandstorm Badges: Zephyr Badge, Hive Badge, Plain Badge Hometown: Blackthorn City (Johto) Appearance: See attachment Bio: Nikki was born and raised in Blackthorn City. Her older brother had gone on his own pokemon journey before she was even six years old. He didn't come back for four years. While he was gone, Nikki became known for getting in trouble a lot. She would often ditch school, get into fights, and spray paint "offensive" sayings on the side of buildings. She did it because she was upset. Upset that her brother had left since he was the one she loved and respected the most. When he returned from his journey, Nikki had just turned nine. He gave her a pokemon he had caught a while back. Joy filled her life again and she decided to become a pokemon trainer, too. When she finally became old enough to be a pokemon trainer, she trained her Bagon to a high enough level that she caught a Dratini. A year later, she caught a Sneasle, but traded it to a friend for his Larvitar. Her brother told her about Gym Leaders soon after, and she discovered that her neighbor, Clair, was the Blackthorn Gym Leader. Unfortunatly, her pokemon were too weak to face Clair yet, so her brother took her to New Bark Town on one of his monthly trips to Professor Elm. From there, Nikki went on to gain three badges, and her pokemon grew more levels. Now her goal is to beat all of Johto, Kanto, and eventually become better than even her brother. Leaguer: Makiyu "Zan" Zanmato Sorry if the bio's long. That's it. Tell me if I need to fix anything. EDIT: As long as it's okay with Vicky, I will accept G/S/B Master's offer.[/color][/size]
  23. Kitty

    Surfboard Boys

    [color=blue][size=1]Nikkie had heard "It's the Mafia! And look! They're killing Joey!" earlier, but didn't do anything. She figured it had to somehow be Mokuba's fault, then lost intrest. She knew what the stupid Mafia were doing, so why bother watching? "This island sucks..." she noted as she scratched her head. "So bored. Not tired enough to sleep..." she told herself, looking up at the stars as the night grew darker and darker. She noticed how easy it was to see the stars tonight. Back in the city, the lights and smog covered up the sky so you couldn't see anything but dull smoke in the air and maybe a small glimpse of the moon. She lay against a tree, bored as hell, tired as hell, but still awake. Then she began thinking about her cat and how much she missed him. [i]I wonder if he misses me..[/i] she thought. "Ay!" she heard, suddenly sitting up straight and staring into the dark wooded entrance. Out walked the Mexican guy, smiling proudly that he'd stolen back his Millenium Rod. "You tired?" he asked her. "Why the hell do you care?" she asked, grabbing a near by coconut and waiting for a good moment to throw it. "I not know. I tired, so I thought you tired," he explained in his annoying broken English. "Uh-huh..." Nikkie said, lowering the coconut. "Thanks. Me thought you were going to throw coconut at me," he sighed with relief. "I was. But I changed my mind." "Why you do that?" he asked, seemingly interested. "Come to think of it... I'm not sure. In that case--" she cut herself off by throwing the coconut at him. "AY!! HIJO DE UNA PERRA!!" the Mexican yelled. "I'd run from ya, but since you're you... I don't think I need to," Nikkie told the wincing Mexican. "Oh yeah! Well I show you!" he said loudly, running at her. "Big deal," she mumbled, standing against the tree again. As he approached, she held out her hand and he ran right into it. He swung his arms at her, over and over, but he was to far away to hit her. "I can't believe you fell for that you little Mexican moron!" Nikkie laughed. "Well, at least I'm not bored anymore." She suddenly remembered that she had a watch. While the Mexican continued wailing his arms at her, she checked her other arm (which had the watch on it). [i]It's past midnight. Cool,[/i] she thought to herself, looking down at the pathetic Mexican.[/color][/size]
  24. Kitty

    Surfboard Boys

    [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Nikkie and Mokuba swam around for a long while before she refused to stay in any longer. She quickly got out and sat on a rock to dry off, but Mokuba stubbornly stood shoulder-deep in the water. "Come on Mokuba, you'll start to wrinkle up if you stay in any longer," she shouted to him. "Wrinkle up? You mean.. get old?!" he asked curiously. "No, I mean your skin'll absorb the water and it'll wrinkle your skin for a little while," she explained. "Huh... Okay," he said happily, walking out of the water. Mokuba had gone swimming in his trunks, which were under his clothes, which he'd taken off. Nikkie, on the other hand, had taken off her swimming clothes before she'd met with the others on the island, and she just swam with her clothes on. So, she was drenched. "You gonna change?" Mokuba asked her, noticing her shivering. "Shut up..." she said. She wasn't angry, she was bored. "Hey kid. You go back to the others. I'm gonna go get my swim stuff." "But.. what if you get lost? What if [b]I[/b] get lost?!" Mokuba asked, starting to panic like a little kid would. "Stop whining. If you want, you can follow me; I know where I'm goin'. You just gotta promise you won't peek while I'm changing into my swimsuit you lil' pervert," Nikkie offered. Mokuba smiled and followed as she walked off. Twenty minutes later, they reached the lake. "We're almost there," Nikkie told Mokuba. "Why is it taking so long...?" Mokuba whined. "Well it [i]wouldn't[/i] have if you didn't take that stupid detour by chasing those bugs!" she snapped. He whimpered and stayed quiet for the rest of the walk. While walking, Nikkie noticed Kat, but she didn't care enough to stay and ask what she was doing. When the two of them reached Seto and Miatatzu, Mokuba rejoiced and ran to his brother. "I'm outta here," Nikkie told herself in a bored voice. "Wait!" She turned and saw Mokuba running to her and grabbed her hand. "What do you want? I got you the water and I got you back to your brother. What else could you possibly need ME to do for you?" she asked, a bit irritated, but also happy. "Seto told me to scram, and you're leaving, so I'm gonna follow you," he explained. "Just what I need. What a leech," she said loudly. But she was happy to have some company. "Hey, you wanna go find Joey and throw coconuts at him?" she asked Mokuba out of boredom. He happily nodded and they raced off to find coconuts.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]The punisher, eh? Never saw it... Yeah. Nice banner and avi, though. But still, a border would pull it ALL together. Since you don't like 'em, though, I won't expect to see any on any of your "works". Mmhm... Well, might as well rate 'em. Banner: 8/10 Avi: 7/10 Pretty basic, man.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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