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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. Kitty

    Surfboard Boys

    [color=blue][size=1]Nikkie sat next to Mokuba who was quietly whimpering while watching all the insane girls go at it over guys. He turned to her and asked, "Why are girls so crazy over guys?" She looked at him blankly. "I wouldn't know. I gave up on guys," she sighed. Mokuba lay against her arm as they sat together, bored with the constant bickering and cat fights. "I'm thirsty..." Mokuba said suddenly, now ignoring everything else. "Hmm? Oh, well, do you like salt water? There's a whole bunch of it," Nikkie said, pointing to the surrounding ocean. "Eww... Yucky. I want fresh water!!" he said gleely. "Fine," she said, slowly standing up, "Let's go find some water for the wittle boy." She began walking away. "Hey!" Mokuba rebelled, running after her and hating being called "wittle". They walked away, completely ignoring everything else. After about twenty minutes of walking, they stumpled upon a small lake. "YAY!!" Mokuba cheered, excitedly running towards the water. He took a sip, then decided to go swimming. He took off his shirt as he jumped in the water. "Come on!! The water's real cold! It's awesome!!" Mokuba yelled to Nikkie. "Why the hell would I wanna go swimming?" she yelled at him. "Aww..." Mokuba said, beginning to have a fit. Nikkie quickly tired of his constant screaming and whining. "FINE!! Fine, jeez. Shut UP already," she scolded, walking into the water. "Aren't you gonna take off your shirt?" he asked, obviously not knowing how perverted his question was. Nikkie turned red and shouted, "NO YOU TWISTED LITTLE PERVERT!!" "What... it was only a question..." Mokuba whimpered. "Hmph!" Nikkie said, standing waist-deep in the water. Mokuba swam off, leaving Nikkie standing there. "This is boring.. Hey kid! Wait up!!" she shouted, swimming after him. --------- OOC: Sorry if it's a little long and descriptive. Somebody's gotta have good grammar around here![/color][/size]
  2. [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1][color=darkred]No Kitty, the avatars are 150x80. Right size.[/size'][/color][/quote] [color=blue][size=1]Oops... silly me. They just looked a lil' big for me. Eh. Silly brain!! I still agree with Baron Samedi, Kyoko. You need borders to make the banners look good. And... uh... I could barely understand your last post dude. Fix the grammar. PLEASE!![/color][/size]
  3. [color=blue][size=1]Not bad. But.. aren't those avatars a little big? Or is it me? Anyway. The banner's nice, but it needs an border or something. The color is nice, too. But in all honesty, I never did see Gothika. I just thought it was a stupid movie. Eh. I'd give it a 7/10. Nice effort.[/color][/size]
  4. Kitty

    Assassin Rebirth

    [color=blue][size=1]OOC: Sorry Hatake. I meant to post sooner but I didn't have access to the internet for a while. ^_^;; Oh, and "sen" is the correct currency, right? ----- IC: Katzumi was covered in blood from the night's huntings. She was lucky; no one was out near the pub that night. If there had been people outside they might have called in the authorities. Then she'd have been even more bloodstained. Her cat, Chaorro, was quick, and he kept up with Katzumi even at her brisk pace. They were walking down a forest path. They'd been there for a while, and it was quite dark. "This place seems endless. Well, I'm due on the other side, so I might as well," she told herself. When she saw a lighter area ahead, she quickened her pace. Now Chaorro, speedy as he was, couldn't catch up with her. After all, she has to be quick for her job. She ran out of the forest, stopping abrubtly to wait for her cat. While waiting for him to catch up, she noticed a small roll of paper on the ground. Since no one else was around, she knew it was for her. Sure enough, it was. It gave directions for where to find her pay (it was hidden in some tree). "Hmm. No mission. Guess I get a break," she sighed, ripping the paper and hiding it where she had found her sen. "Satisfactory," she said, taking one last look at her sen before putting it in her coat. Chaorro had been at her feet for a while, but she just noticed him. "Come," she ordered, but in a friendly voice. Katzumi and Chaorro walked for at least an hour before coming across a village. She saw a tall man walking away from the gate. "Chaorro? Chaorro! Get back here!" she yelled, watching her cat zoom off towards the man. "Ugh..." she groaned, walking slowly over. Chaorro began playing with his feet, which stopped him from walking for a moment. "Chaorro, you bastard, get over here," she scolded. The man gave her a sharp look, which annoyed her. "Who are you?" she asked, not apologizing for her cat's interuption.[/color][/size]
  5. Kitty

    Surfboard Boys

    [color=blue][size=1]OOC: YO!! Tina?! What teh hell?! >.
  6. Kitty

    Assassin Rebirth

    [color=blue][size=1]Katzumi sat in the middle of a bloodstained room, filled with bodies, her eyes closed. The only sounds she heard were the low and gentle purring of a cat from outside and the slow dripping of blood. She smiled as she remembered the earlier screams, the smell of their fear. She slowly stood up, opening her eyes. "This was fun..." she whispered, walking out. "Come," she ordered, immediatly being followed by a small black cat. She sat in the shadows for a few moments, checking to make sure that the hunted's head was secure in her bag. When she was finished, she slung the surprisingly light bag over her shoulder and began walking down the road. Some people stared at her, mostly because of her odd form of dress, and the fact that her bag was half red, half brown. [i]"Damn head... It's still bleeding,"[/i] she thought to herself. She reached the local pub and entered quietly. A few moments after she entered, the smell of drunken men filled her nose, almost making her gag. "You... stupid.. PIGS!" she yelled, making everyone stare. "Much better," she said. She walked up to the bartender and showed him a picture of a large man with a very strange haircut. "You seen 'im?" she asked. The murmer began growing louder, but Katzumi was busy and didn't give a damn. The bartender, a little nervous seeing the blood on her bag, nodded and pointed to a man in the corner, flirting with random waitresses. She didn't thank him, but not killing him was a good enough of a "Thank You" that she'd ever give. She walked over to him and stood in front of his table. "Excuse me, but I'm a little busy right no--" he began. But she interuppted him by throwing a few of her shuriken at his vital points. As he began drowning himself with his own bodily fluids, he managed to attract attention. Several bodyguards tried to jump Katzumi, but she dogded all of them and dragged her katana over each one's back, making them scream in agony. "Good-bye," she said, pushing her katana through each one's throat one at a time. "And now... for you," she whispered, looking back at the hefty man, "You, Hiyo, will die." With a flick of her wrist, a two shuriken went straight through his throught and heart. He fell to the ground. She pulled her various weapons out of the dead body and wiped the blood on a rag she grabbed from a waitress. She turned around, an insane smile dawning across her normally bored face. "Now for you all!" she shouted, going into a frenzy and slaying every person in there.[/color][/size]
  7. [color=blue][size=1]Sorry if I'm interrupting you two, but I, also, wanted to comment on this movie. At first, I wanted to see this film only for the fact that Jim Carrey was in it. I had seen the commercials and had been told by others that it was a very serious film. I doubted this soley(sp?) based on my experience with other Carrey movies. Since all my other friends had either seen it and didn't really want to see it again (though I don't know why), or hadn't seen it and didn't want to, I was taken by my dad. It was very... awkward going with my dad. Most of the time, especially during the parts in Joel's mind, he was confused. He didn't understand some *cough* most *cough* of the movie, which really disappointed me. I, on the other hand, actually understood what was going on, even when things weren't fully explained yet. I think what was most confusing was the way the movie jumped from the characters' present and the characters' past. And yes Dagger, I, too, was surprised during that particular twist. All in all, a great movie. A step up for Jim (who rarely escapes his character stereotype), and a film that most people (those over 10) can enjoy.[/color][/size]
  8. [color=blue][size=1]BOKIZZLE!! Awesome!! Another great creation from teh mind that be: Dragon Warrior. Lol. Okay, onto the "reviewing". Bokizzle Banner #1: Nice job!! I like the dagger in the middle (what's that yellow stuff around it; a ribbon?). Great fonts. And the background's neat, too. ^__^ Rating: 10/10 Bokizzle Banner #2: This one's funny. I like the stickguy who's upset (is he constipated... o.O;; ?). I'm impressed at how you managed to get his head in three different places and make them look different from eachother. Awesome. And what do you mean you were trying to make the bottom text not easy to read? I can read it just fine... O.O ... Nice colors. Rating: 10/10 Love 'em Gav. ^__________^[/color][/size]
  9. [color=blue][size=1]Yay! More!! Well, cover 2 is different. Teh shadow of "Rapskallion" is very nice. I like the... "lines"? I'm not sure what those are (XD) but they're cool. I like cover 3 better. Teh font (and color) you used made it stand out from teh background, which is a GOOD thing. I like the background color, too. Teh SPIKES around most of teh border (are those spikes?) are coool..... Very nice, DW. Very nice. ^______^[/color][/size]
  10. [color=blue][size=1]Her mother was "creative" with dinner. She just cooked up some ravioli with extra cheese on top, but stuffed it with a secret ingredient. When Kyra arrived home to the awkward smell of her mother's experimenting, she knew that she'd end up ill if she ate dinner (she can't [i]stand[/i] her mother's "secret ingredient" because she always gets queezy). "I've already had dinner, mom, so I'll pass," she said, opening the door to her room. Her mother leaned into the hallway just enough for Kyra to catch a glimpse of her disappointed look. "Yeah... Thanks for the guilt trip.." she whispered to herself, locking the door behind her. Since, in reality, she [i]hadn't[/i] eaten anything since lunch, her stomach was growling. She jumped onto her bed and pulled out a Butterfinger from her bag. She engulfed it quickly, but it was enough to satisfy her tiny appatite. The CD she'd used in her car was now placed in her stereo and played at a low volume so she wouldn't disturb her parents. She pulled out a comic from her bag (yes, she has almost all the necesities in there) and lay up against a pile of pillows. It only took about half an hour for her to become sleepy. She got up, changed into PJ's, put her things away, turned off the stereo and lights, and fell back onto her bed. But before she could fall asleep, she heard scratching at her window. "...Huh?" she said groggily. She went to the window and saw a cat. "Hello there," she said in a tired voice, opening the window. "Meow." Kyra smiled and hopped outside. She began petting the cat and it curled in her lap. She fell asleep outside against her house, a purring cat in her lap.[/color][/size]
  11. [color=blue][size=1]Thanks for the feedback. Truth be told, I wasn't quite fond of the ending either. I'm not sure why I kept it. I should've changed it. Oh well. The girl's situation is actually based on one my friend is dealing with. Her grandpa DID die a few days ago, but her family isn't as screwy as the girls. I just added that to make it more interesting. Well, I must depart. My mom's kickin' me off this computer. Bye bye.[/color][/size]
  12. [color=blue][size=1]Nice job, DW. Not as good as DC (because Mo isn't here!! WHAA!), but still, a very funny lil' animation. I agree with Boo, though. It was too short.. FOR MY TASTE! Don't worry, I don't really mind. As long as it's funny and has that ol' Gavynn flare, I'm happy to watch it! One more thing... It was hard to see Darth George's face. Either he was too dark.. or I need to ajust something on my computer screen. Eh. Keep up wit teh nice animations! *Tail wags*[/color][/size]
  13. [color=blue][size=1]I stumpled onto this site looking for anime quizzes. Yes folks; I used to be an anime geek. I landed on theOtaku.com. They had (and still do) great quizzes on some of the most creative things that I had come across. Me, being teh curious cat I am, couldn't help myself; I clicked the links above. :P After checking out greetings and such, I clicked on the "Boards" link, leading me to none other than Otakuboards.com! When I registered, I started getting the hang of things. I realized that the OB was more than just a place to talk. It was a place to explore. Since I joined during v6, there were many old threads and old members that were quite interesting. I couldn't help myself but return more and more often. I started off in the lounges, seeing as there were several different topics that intrigued me. Then, I slowly stopped hanging out in there as often. I then found a new home: The Adventure Arena, and their sidekick, Recruitment!! I couldn't stop! I was in at least four RPG's at a time and I even started a few of my own. Then I eased myself towards the Art Forum, or whatever it used to be called. Nowadays I stay for the role-playing (of course), to see what Dragon Warrior comes up with next, and to make new friends from all over the country. ^__^[/color][/size]
  14. [color=blue][size=1]Before I start this, realize that it's about no one inparticular. The character I'm portraying is a teenage girl who lives a basic life, day to day. I wrote this when I had nothing better to do than to torture a person in my immagination. Eh. [center]~~~[/center][/size][/color] [size=1]I had planned on going to my grandpa's funeral. I really had. I got all dressed up and everything! My mother was a wreck, my step-father had just recently disappeared, my real father had lost custody of me, too; I had no choice but to go. My mother had written something and had planned on reading it, but she couldn't stand for five seconds without bursting into tears and start mumbling instead of talking. When my aunt had offered to read it, my mother's tantrums grew worse; they were currently fueding over some ridiculous statements she had said in court. So I was given the duty of performing the speech. At the time, I thought it an honour; now I look back and realize it was a responsibility that I shrugged off. I missed my grandpa. After all, he taught me about all the things I love and use now. And even in his will, he favored me. He gave me loads of his earnings and valuable possessions that I'd had my eye on. Tears still form when I remember the reading of his will. That day is something I can't forget- no- won't forget. I can't let myself loose the feeling of shame I had. If I did, I wouldn't believe it happened. The day of his funeral, right before I drove off in the car my grandpa left to me, my old boyfriend showed up. He was drunk. So drunk, in fact, that you could smell him before you saw him. I couldn't just leave him there. I didn't trust him. I sat with him on my front lawn, letting the guilt slowly and painfully engulf my conciousness. When he'd begun to sober up, I tried to leave. As hard as I could, I tried to leave the one I thought loved me alone, half-drunk, half-sober, alone on the grass. But I couldn't. My love (which now I realize was lust) prevented me from leaving that pig's side. Still the guilt of missing the first hour of my grandpa's ceremony of death tore at me from within. I was near the breaking point. Pulled in two directions; one of a beloved and dearly departed family member, the other a shameless pig who rarely showed any care for me at all. My anger of realization swelled up, my 'love' of the heap on the ground gone. I stood up immediatly, yelling things I can't recall. I left towards the cemetary, tears streaming down my rosey red cheeks, the wind nipping at my face. "Please..." I whispered, "Please wait for me..." Of all the things, I wanted my grandpa to wait for me so I could say good-bye one last time. But it wasn't up to him. He couldn't wait. No one would wait. I missed the sobs and moans of loss. I missed the final words of my dear grandpa. I missed his coffin being buried. I missed.. everything. My tears blinded me. My self-hatred choked me. My shame drowned me. My love disolved before me as I fell. Falling endlessly it seemed, until I landed on a soft and pillowy bed. I woke, dazed and confused, surrounded by people. I sat up-- but no.. My body still lay in the hospital bed. I was even more frazzled. I became anxious and scared. "This is a bad dream. Just a nightmare. Nothing like this could be real..." But alas. It was real. I turned my head and saw a monitor with a green line slowly flying across it. "Gone. But not alone. Grandpa... here I come," I said rising towards the ceiling.[/size] [color=blue][size=1][center]~~~[/center] Sad, huh? Yeah. Please tell me what you think of it.[/color][/size]
  15. [color=blue][size=1]You have a CD?! Already?! O_O You work fast... Rapskallion, huh? Nice name. Hey... why didn't you tell me over teh AIM?! >:O But, I forgive you 'cause you ish VERY shexy. ^____^ What secret image?! I think it's.. [strike]Barney[/strike] the flag from The Pirates of the Carribean. Am I right? Am I?! Let me knooooow!! *Takes a "Chill Pill"* Okay, I'm all better now. *Continuosly bumps into things*[/color][/size]
  16. [color=blue][size=1]Thank you both very much. I'll probably be using Kinetic's banner and avatar first, then switch off to Ruby's. But, once again, thanks!! And.. they're WAY better than anything I could do. I'm still learning how to use PaintShop Pro.. -___-;;[/color][/size]
  17. [color=blue][size=1]I'd make a banner and avi for myself, but sadly, I'm on vacation, using someone ELSE's computer, and it doesn't have PSP or PS. So.. I must rely on you; the pro's of banner/avi making. I've got a pic for you to use, too. It doesn't have to be a large banner, either. Just.. make it nice. You can add any touches you want, as long as the banner says "Kitty" on it. The avatar can too, but I don't really care. Here's the pic-- [img]http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/catgirls/Thumbsup3.jpg[/img] Please & Thank you!![/color][/size]
  18. [color=blue][size=1]Twice as many customers were leaving as were coming in. Business was really slow. Kara kept hearing shouts of upset townsfolk and crying of little kids and the like from outside. Why, to her, it seemed like chaos. Her ears were being overwhelmed. At one point, after a woman started screaming, Kara had to stop playing and run into the backroom. She lay against the wall, holding her ears, wanting the noise to stop. Eventually, it died down, but she felt uncomfortable coming out. [i]"Sometimes good hearing sucks..."[/i] she thought to herself, still holding back the tears from the pain. When she came out, though, instead of resuming the music, she went outside to see what was the cause of the horrible noise she'd heard earlier. But what she saw was normal. There was no screaming, no crying, no shouting; it was normal. The townsfolk acted like nothing had been happening. She went from confused to utterly lost. What had she just heard? Was something wrong or not? What was going on!! She rushed back inside and sat next to William once more. He gave her a worried look, but he couldn't say anything because he was still playing. She resumed playing the violin, but she kept an eye out for anything suspicious.[/color][/size]
  19. Kitty

    Surfboard Boys

    [color=blue][size=1]Nikkie and Mai started scarfing down a bunch of the food, getting in an arguement over who was eating more. Nikkie, still glaring at Mai, looked out one of the cabin's windows. She pulled Kat to the small window and pointed at something. "Is it just me, or is that Seto watching us?" Nikkie asked her. Kat's eyes widened. "It is!" She turned a bright scarlet and stomped outside to where Seto was standing. Even though they were about fifteen yards away and hidden behind some trees, all of the girls could hear Kat scolding Seto. ".. And of ALL the LOUSY THINGS!! You just HAD to be lazy and sneak off to WATCH US?! What kind of PERV are YOU?! If I..." "Who wants to watch?" Nikkie asked. The others stared at her. "What? It's a once in a life-time opportunity to see Seto whimpering at the feet of a girl. This may not happen again," she started. Suddenly, she realized that as long as Kat was his girlfriend they'd DEFINITLY be seeing Seto whimpering at the feet of a girl. But, still, Nikkie was having too bored to stay on the boat. She jumped off the boat and onto the sandy beach, running to the place where the shouting was coming from.[/color][/size]
  20. [color=blue][size=1]Actually, DW, I KNOW I've replied to many of your creations in the Art Forum, but not in the LITERATURE forum. I read them, then plan on replying, then.. just forget I guess. But I'm glad I replied to this one. ^_____^[/color][/size]
  21. [color=blue][size=1]Kyra reached the court and saw a student from one of her classes. The game was in time-out or something; Kyra wasn't paying attention. She tugged at the boy's sweater. "Huh?" "Hey Josh, remember me? I'm in your English class," she told him. "English... Oh! Yeah, I know you. What's up?" he asked her, recognizing who she was. "Do you know who Mrs. Issacs? I've got this to give her and I'm not sure where to find her," Kyra told him. "I think that's her. She came just a few minutes ago," he said, pointing to a tall woman with a sharp nose and tight suit. "Thanks. See you tomorrow," she said, waving as she walked away. He waved, too, and started watching the game again. "Mrs. Issacs?" Kyra asked anxiously. The serious woman turned towards her. "Yes?" she asked in a strict voice. "Uh.. One o-of your students didn't t-turn in a report, and she couldn't come by. So... she gave it to me to g-give to you," Kyra said to her. The teacher took the folder Kyra held out to her. "Thank you.. uh.. Ms.?" "Travis. Kyra Travis." The uptight teacher suddenly softened, thanking Kyra and smiled. She went back towards the main building; Kyra assumed that's where her classroom was. Kyra checked her watch. "It's already 7?! Where'd the time go?" she asked herself, squeezing through the crowd. She reached her car parked in the street and quickly drove off, not wanting to anger her mother by missing dinner.[/color][/size]
  22. [color=blue][size=1]O_O ..Tina... are you.. okay? Oh wait. You're always like that. Nevermind! ^____^ So, nice story Dragon Warrior. Puss in Boots used to be one of my favorite fictional characters when I was little. It's probably been... nine years since I've read something about that lil' mischievious cat in boots. Yeah. I thought it was HILARIOUS. Just like your others, I loved it. But.. I think this is the only one that I've actually replied too. O_O *Starts backing away slowly*[/color][/size]
  23. [color=blue][size=1]Kyra had spent at least an hour driving around, stopping at a couple gameshops. When she'd found what she wanted, she started towards her car only to be stopped by a girl who recognized her from school. "Hey, you! Yeah, you. I've seen you around school. Do you know who I am?" she asked. Kyra knew she was popular at school since she was surrounded by snickering girls and wore skimpy clothes. "Yeah. I-I know you. What do you want?" "I want you to take this to one of my teachers. It's a report that I didn't turn in today. I just found it in my car, but I don't want to go back to school. It'd be wasting valuable shopping time," she explained, dropping a folder in Kyra's hands. "I-I see. But why not one of your friends? Wh-why me?" Kyra pointed out. "They don't feel like it either. And, since you aren't as popular, or normal, as we are, I think you'd have plenty of time to run back to school and hand it in for me. So, give this to Mrs. Issacs. Please and thank you," the popular girl said, walking away with her 'possy'. "Great. Just... great." She dropped it sullenly into the passenger seat and drove off towards the school. As she arrived, she realized that she didn't know what room Mrs. Issacs was in and whether or not she stayed this late after school. She walked past the gates, holding the report in front of her, and looked around. She noticed a large crowd near the gym. "Huh? I guess there's some sports event or something. Hey! Maybe Mrs. Issacs is watching!" she told herself enthusiastically, heading towards the mass of cheering classmates and staff.[/color][/size]
  24. [color=blue][size=1]"Hey Kyra. You okay? You sound anxious," said a familiar voice over the phone. Kyra breathed a sigh of relief after recognizing the one on the other end. "Hey Molly. Yeah, I'm fine. Why'd you call?" she asked. "I went home sick today." "Oh," Kyra said, "I wondered where you were during lunch. Well, you doing better?" "Mmhm. But.. my mom's making me call a few of my classmates to get any homework I missed. So, any science?" she asked, a little giggly. "Nope. You didn't miss anything. He went over exactly what we did yesterday. It was sooo boring. He didn't get to the homework, so he didn't give us anything," she told her friend. Molly thanked her, said good-bye, and hung up. Kyra picked up her mathbook and opened it to the homework page. "Hmm..." she mumbled, resting her hand on her pencil. [i]"Should I..?"[/i] she asked herself. [i]"He probably won't check it. So what? It won't matter if I miss one assignment,"[/i] she thought, packing up quickly. She pulled out a portable CD player, headphones, a book, and a mini-backpack, and set out. On her way outside, her mother stopped her. "Where are you going? Didn't you have homework today?" "Uh.. I finished real fast. It was only a few math problems. Yeah, well, bye!" she said quickly, running out. "Wait a minute! I'll use dad's car!!" she realized, almost about to walk downtown. She ran to the garage, made sure she had her license, and turned it on. She pulled out of the driveway carefully, but drove quite fast down the street. "Downtown, here I come!" she said, pulling out a CD. She popped it in and turned the volume way up. Driving was a thrill for her.[/color][/size]
  25. [color=blue][size=1]Everyone in the inn quickly became quiet, anticipating a battle between the strange man and Van. Kara didn't really care. After all, the man probably overestimated himself, thinking he's more than a match for Van. Too bad he was wrong. Van's blade, still at the other's throat, stayed steady. "Fine then. I'll take my business elsewhere," he said, trying to sound bored with Van, but his voice was still shakey. "The cowardly response," Kara thought aloud. A few stared at her, making her blush. "What?" she asked. As the man exited, Van withdrew the blade on his scythe and put the rod underneath the counter where it previously lay. Kara and William, who'd stopped playing during the 'excitement', resumed their music. The others went back to their jobs as well, and the customers dug into their meals or nearly drowned themselves in their drinks. A crash was heard outside, making the inn quiet once more. "Do you think--?" Kara heard someone ask Van. "Yes... I'm sure it was him," he said in a tired voice. "Who gets to go?" Kara asked. Van raised an eyebrow. "What?!" she asked, wondering why everyone kept reacting strangely to her comments. --- OOC: Sorry, this is a little late. ^____^;;[/color][/size]
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