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[color=blue][size=1]After the bus dropped her off at her house, Kyra immediatly locked herself in her room. She pulled out a bag of Fritos from underneath her desk, turned on her computer, and sat down in her comfy chair. She looked around, noticing that she had almost everything in her room. "All I need is a mini-fridge and a T.V.," she said to herself. It was a boring afternoon. There wasn't anything important on any of her websites or anything, there wasn't anything on the radio, and she didn't get any calls (not that she wanted any). She sighed and looked out the window. It was nice outside. Not to hot, not to cool, there were few clouds, and her neighbor had let out his dog. "Luffy!" she said, opening the window. He ran to her happily. She jumped out of her window (luckily, she lived in a one-story house) and began playing with him. After an hour went by, Luffy had to go back inside, and it was about time she started on her homework. She wasn't bad at it, really. Kyra's grades were A's and B's. She never got anything below that, which was satisfactory to both her and her parents. "If you ever get a C or below on anything, you're grounded, and we'll take your computer out of your room," her parents had said to her a few years ago. She sighed again and pulled out her math book. "Ughh..." she moaned. Math was her LEAST favorite subject. She only did half the work, as long as it filled up the front side of her paper. Her teacher was so idiotic about that. He'd only check the front side and assume you did the rest on the back. But, Kyra was glad he did that. It meant less math homework. Her phone began ringing all of a sudden. She had her own line, so if HER phone was ringing, it was definatly for her. She picked it up, hesitantly. "H-hello?" she asked in a shaky voice. She hated talking on the phone.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Kyra waved "Good-bye" to her friends when she stopped at her locker. She opened it hurridly, hoping to see another note. "Nope," she said, disappointed, "Nothing today..." She exchanged books and zipped up her backpack. She noticed one of her folders was quite full before shutting her locker. "What's this?" she asked herself, reaching in to grab it. It was full of drawings she'd done. She let out a soft giggle, realizing how long ago she'd made them. She never thought they were any good, so she never really showed anyone. She put the folder back, locked her locker, and walked outside. [i]"I wonder where they went...."[/i] she thought, referring to her friends. She noticed a boy looking maliciously at a table of donuts. She laughed aloud. Her face turned pink, a little embarrased. She wasn't sure quite why she was embarrased, but she was, so she walked off towards the bus stop quickly. ------------ :D I hope that's okay.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]I'll join. Why not? ^_____________________^ [b]Name[/b]: Kyra Travis [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 16 (Like SO many others..) [b]Crest[/b]: Crest of Offense [b]Personality[/b]: Quiet and shy, she's not quick to trust others around her. She's quite emotional, but it's hard to tell why most of the time due to the fact that she keeps to herself too much. She's quite generous and lighthearted around those she feels are her friends, though. Though she looks and acts weak and timid, she's quite strong (due to her crest, I guess). [b]Appearance[/b]: See attachment. (I don't feel like describing it... -___-;;) [b]Basic Info[/b]: She enjoys drawing and reading, mostly. Strangely, when around friends, she begins acting really weird and goofy. She has lots of courage when with those she really trusts. She'll do things even her friends won't do. When not goofing around with eachother at the mall or something, her friends are talking about boys. They always make fun of Kyra because she rarely talks about the subject, and when she does, it's about a "mystery guy" that leaves notes in her locker at school. Hope that's okay.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]OOC: HEY!! Why am I flirting with Tristan?! >_
[color=blue][size=1]With all these spots being saved, I'm not sure if there'll be room for me!! Well, I'll sign up anyway. :P Name: Katzumi Rikoshin, but known to many as "Devil Cat". Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: Okay. Check out the attachment. It's just like that except longer hair and her outfit is dark blue instead of orange. Side: Assasin (This is a very popular one, I've noticed) Origin: Fighting Styles: Ninjitsu (like SO many others), and Kempo. Weapon (s): Katana, Shuriken, and Kunis (^___^;;) Personality: She's quiet, distant, and hateful. Never had any friends, so she doesn't trust anyone. She's quick to judge sometimes, though. Anything that hurts another is enjoyable to her. She does have a pet cat, though. He's the only thing that she refuses to kill for reasons unknown. Bio: Raised and trained secretly. Then, after completion of her training, she seemed to go insane for an hour or two, and succeeded in killing her master. When his death was discovered, she was discovered as well. Her master was a well respected citizen of the town, so immediatly, they decided to kill her. She escaped, killing half of the town's population. After that, she spent a few months traveling along roads. Several times, a few people traveling the same way she was would take her with them. They'd feed her, give her fresh clothes, and the like. Then she'd either leave them during the night, or slaughter them on her way out. With one particular group, a boy her age had a cat with him. The cat seemed to like her almost immediatly. When she was choosing whether or not to kill the entire group of people (which was about twelve), the cat crawled into her lap and began purring. She left the group with a note that warned of their soon coming death and walked away with the cat, whom the boy had named Chaorro. Hope this is acceptable. ^___^[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]OOC: Uh... ignored much? Did you people even READ my post?! Shame, shame! >=O ------- IC: Kara was still in the backroom, looking for one of her two favorite instruments. "Where'd it go? I can't find it. That's the last time I leave it in here on Sundays. Ah! Here it is!" She pulled out a violen. It was full size, too. She walked up, said a short "Hi" to William, and sat down on a chair beside him. Since he'd already started a tune with his flute, she decided not to start yet. Instead, she waited, roasening (sp?) her bow, and listening to the conversations in the room. It was nothing special. It never was in the morning. But then a man caught her eye, as it did Bryony's on the other side of the room. As he looked around, he spotted Van, and rushed up. [i]"Always Van. Always, always,"[/i] Kara thought to herself quietly. [i]"What's it this time? A cat up a tree, or a store being held hostage?"[/i] she asked herself sarcastically. Kara's attention returned to the music as William ended his first tune, and began a second one. She chimed in quickly with a harmonizing melody from her violin. While she played, she kept her eye on the man and Van.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Before she knew it, the school bell had rung, her teacher dismissed her, and off she went. Kat didn't pay attention, but it's not like she would anyway. She walked out of school to see a bunch of kids at a tree. "Freaks," she said for no real reason. She looked around the parking lot and found a car she liked. She checked inside and noticed a student I.D. "Hmm. This belongs to one of those bullies. Cool." She opened the door, glad that it was unlocked, and hotwired it. Off she drove, nearly rear-ending a teacher. But before leaving the lot, she heard shouts of "Where's the car?!" She laughed as she drove down the street. She headed towards a small gas station. She used the bully's money to buy a large soda and a couple snacks. Then, she headed towards the mall to pick up some things. On the way, she heard a phone ring, and it took her a few moments to realize it was hers. "Hello?" she answered. It was her mother. "Where are you? I thought you said you'd come right home? Wait.. are you in a car? You didn't bring a car to school today! What's going--" "Mom! Calm down. I'm just riding with a friend. Look, I have to go to the mall to pick some things up. That's all. I'll be back soon," she told her mother, trying not to get impatient. "Well see that you do," her mother added before they hung up. "God. What a nag." At the mall, there were lots of people, as usual, but this time, it was all adults. She saw a few teens scattered here and there, but not nearly as many as it should be. "Yo! Kat! Over here," she heard. She turned to see a friend from a different school. "Hey, 'sup Jay?" she asked him casually. "Nothin'. I see you've noticed the adult herd." "The what?" "Ya know, the tons of adults and, like, fourteen high school-ers." "Oh, yeah. What's up with that?" "Dunno," he told her, "I guess there must be some sale or something." "Weird. Whatever. Well, see ya," she said. He nodded as she walked away. "Where is it?" she asked herself. Suddenly, she remembered where she last saw it and ran in that direction. "Ah, here it is," she said happily, standing in front of a game shop. She went up to the clerk, showed him an I.D. and a piece of paper, and he handed her a box. "I see you like the--" "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I don't care about what you have to say right now," she said, ignoring him completely and walking out of the store. On her way out, she noticed some of the kids from school who were hanging out by the tree. "What are they doing here?" she asked herself. She was bored and had time to kill, so she decided to talk with them and walked towards them. As she got closer, she thought she had known them before. Not just seen them, but known them and talked with them. It was a weird sensation, like deja vu. But she shook it off and came closer.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Well, to be honest, I've never gotten one of those game making programs... My parents won't let me!! :crying: BUT, even though I've never used those programs for longer than an hour (my friend let me try his), I'd still enjoy to visit a "Game Maker" forum and view the latest from those who do use those programs. That'd be cool... So, in the end of all my.... strange rambling, I'd have to say I agree with DW. Bye bye. ^___^[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Kara woke up with a jump, almost hitting the ceiling. "Damn nightmares... They keep comin'," she complained to herself, checking the clock on the nightstand. She sighed and walked into the bathroom. "It'll be a quick one today. I bet at least three other people are already up and working. Hmph," she told herself, walking into the shower. Ten minutes later, she was drying her fur. That took another ten minutes. She got changed and set out for the inn. She never really worried about being late, though. Most of the time, the men who come in around this time aren't yet in the 'mood' for music. She always takes her time setting up, too. As she arrived, she noticed Van, of course, Chi, Bryony, and Lysander all around the room. "Mornin'," she said, walking towards the room where the instruments were held. "Nice to see you," she heard a few of them say. "Hey Van?" she called to him. "Yes?" he said, still cleaning glasses. "What should Will and I be playing today?" She never liked making the decisions at the inn. She left that up to Van and Chi.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Kat quickly stood up, running away from the worried crowd. "Damn... I attracted an audience again. Well, it's about lunch time. I should get back," she said to herself, grabbing her bag out of some bushes on the way back to school. She wrote herself a quick "late" note and signed it with an identical immitation of her mother's signature. She walked into the building and handed it to the woman at the desk. "Late again? Oh, you have a note. You were.. vomiting? Why'd you come to school, hun?" she asked, with a worried look on her face. "I was feeling a lot better. Honest. It's lunch already, right?" She nodded, and let Kat enter. "Heh. Got away with it again," she whispered, walking through the crowds of students. As she walked through the hallways, she noticed a bunch of students in ballet costumes or something. "Weird. Well, whatever," she said walking towards the cafeteria. [i]Maybe eating will get rid of this weird feeling in my stomach,[/i] Kat thought to herself, pushing aside several students on her way.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Kat sat quietly on a bench in the park. "Ditching school yet again, huh?" She turned her head to see a boy, about her age, behind her. "Who are you, and what do you want?" she asked, irritated. "I've been ditching school, too. I always see you here. Why do you come to [i]this[/i] park?" he asked. "You didn't answer my question." "Fine, I'm Nobody. I go to your school, and I wanna know why YOU come here," he said. "Good enough. I come here 'cause I want to. I don't have to, I just do." This didn't seem too good enough for Nobody. "That's... it? No deep reason? No wonderful memories here? Nothing? Just... it's here? Hmph. I thought there was more to it than [i]that[/i]," he said, walking away. [i]What a nutcase,[/i] Kat thought to herself, [i]Anyway, at least he's leaving me alone. If I'd told him the truth, he would've NEVER left....[/i] Her eye's widened it happened again. People all around her; crying and screaming. But.. they didn't make a sound. It was quiet and dark, but so colorful. *This.... is so.... familiar...* She fell to the ground. She saw a puddle of blood. Her blood. She tried lifting her arm, but it merely dragged along the ground. *W-what... is this? Blood? My blood...?* She dragged her hand up to the puddle, then to her face. It was her own blood. Then, just like before, she heard the scream. She woke up, sweaty and shaky on the ground infront of the bench, with several people looking nervously down at her.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Uh.. can you say, "Spam"? Lol. Anyway, here they are. One's withOUT text, and the other is. I wasn't sure what font you wanted. Oh well.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Thanks callmegoddess04. I'm glad you liked it. ^__^ Well, in honor of the latest Harvest Moon game (which I'm going to buy soon), I've made a banner and matching avatar. I hope you like them, too.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Oo! Exciting-ness!! Name: Kara Nogard Gender: Female Race: Cathal Age: 49 Fur Color: Brown Size: Tall, Skinny Clothing Style: Simple top and pants Eye Color: Green Weapon: Broad sword Life Style: Lives in own home Job: Musician Personality: Carefree, Strategic Hope I'm in. If I have to fix the age or something, let me know. ^__^[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Honestly, I have a story line for an anime (but it will most likely become a manga) all written and completed. It's got a variety of characters, creatures, and events. Sure, the entire thing may seem completely strange and farfetched, but aren't most animes like that? Well, it's got a lot of similarities with video games, oddly enough. That surprised my friends (who, so far, are the only ones to have read it) who were all expecting a story similar to that of Shaman King and so on. The basic story line involves a girl in high school. She was held back three times from graduating high school and she's on the verge of expulsion (sp?). She does a lot of different drugs after school with her college friends. Then there are a few bizarre accidents, a plot twist here and there, and viola! She fuses with a stray cat. She then becomes a cat-girl... thing. Heh. Confused? You aren't alone. If you want to know more about it (though I doubt it), PM me or something. I've yet to act further on my story. And, just for closure, I'll tell you how many pages it is. 249 pages of it, and there are about... seventeen episodes there. Give or take a few. I know it seems short, but I used small fonts or something.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]"Grr..." Shadow mumbled as the creature turned to face her. It wasn't that big, really. Only about a fourth her size. Shadow had taken a hunched over stance, but stood up with a look of confusion on her face. "A big... rabbit? Ugh. What a waste of my time," she started, turning her back to the large bunny. She began walking back into the shadows of the forsaken corridor, only to be jumped upon by the long-eared fuzball. Shadow, pinned to the ground, melted into the shadows, gaining the advantage in the bizarre face-off. The rabbit had short breaths as it looked around. Suddenly, it grew several more legs and grew bigger. It's eyes turned an odd yellow as it's black fur turned purple. Shadow watched from her hiding spot among the darkness with certain intrigue. "Come out, come out, you annoying vermin," it said in a squeeky voice. "Who are you calling a vermin, freak show?" Shadow retorted. "Enough is enough, though. I'm not going to hide from mutated dog food," she said as she jumped down at it from the ceiling. It squeeled and squirmed as Shadow began to strangle it. It's eyes began fading to white as the life flooded out of it. "Wh-who you c-c-callin' 'dog f-food'?" it said. Using the last of it's strength, it grabbed Shadows dark arm and flung her at the wall. She didn't react quick enough to meld with it, so she felt the powerful blow. The rabbit-like creature, though, had used up all it had left and fell to the floor. Shadow slowly stood up, clutching her side where most of her pain was concentrated. She could tell the weird.. thing was dead. "Now... where to hide it..." she said to herself, looking around for a room she could place the dead rabbit in. "Ah!" she whispered, noticing a door. She opened it and took a quick look around. Nothing but a chair and a loose floorboard. "Nothing of importance," Shadow reassured herself. She picked up the body, hesitating for a moment while holding her side, then threw it into the room and shut the door behind it. She looked at her arm and side to see only minor bruises and scrapes. "How could this.... hurt so much?" she asked herself, sliding down against the wall.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Name: Kyra Ishuki Age: 19 Gender: Female Class: Crusader Race: Mithra (Cat-person from FF) Magic: Cura- Basic healing spell. Can remedy any status affects (or whatever they're called), too. Dragon Call- She can summon a dragon made of any element. They don't last very long, and can be destroyed easily with an attack of it's weakness, but it's quite powerful. Wingra- She can temporarily fly. Element Burst- A random element takes a physical form around her sword, making for a very nasty attack. Cameo- Can make her tail and ears invisible for a limited amount of time. Weapon: Shurikens, a gold encrusted daggar, and a double-sided broadsword with a dragon sculpted handle. Appearance: Kyra has long, golden-brown hair tied back into a ponytail. Her tail and cat ears have dark brown fur and she has piercing green eyes. She is skinny and about 5'10". She wears an outfit completely different from a normal crusader. She wears a navy-blue blouse with short sleeves and shows her stomach, saggy pants that hide most of her feet, and brown boots. She has a metal chain around her neck. Bio: Kyra trained with her friend and three brothers under her father. She became a very powerful warrior quickly. Her friend soon completed his training, too and they became crusaders together. Than the blight returned and both their families disappeared. They went seperate ways to find them, but promised to meet each other again. Kyra's only keepsake is a ring her friend gave her. She has a very tomboyish attitude. When she wants something, she gives it her all to get it. She can be very violent and rude, but she's very kind underneath. Starting Location: Balmora Sounds fun.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Name: Katzumi "Kat" Hiriguma Age: 17 Identity on Lowne: One of the Queen's Knights Powers: Controls the element of air (or wind), enabling her to glide and fly, create tornadoes and small hurricanes, and summon a small bubble which acts like a forcefield. She can't fully control her attacks, so she tends to stick with gliding, flying, and using her bubble. Personality: Very quiet and disobediant. She keeps to herself a lot. She is also quite violent. Although she dislikes people, she helps others when she thinks they need it. This makes her likeable by young children whom she saves from being bullied and such. Though she is very dislikable, some still have befriended her. Kat spends most of her time practicing her artistic and musical skills. She's been playing the guitar since she was five, and she's a great artist. Many are surprised when they discover her talents because of the way she acts.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Thanks. Oh, Altron? What the in the hell is "revelry" or whatever. I don't get it *looks baffled*. Anyway, I agree with you about the avatar. I should've fixed that. Oh well. Um... Kyokokeiji... didn't you read Syk3's previous post? He just got through scolding Tix. [color=teal][color=#30415d][Deleted] -Syk3[/color][/color] Whatever. Thanks again for all your comments and stuff. I'll add some more banners later.[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=1]Thanks. Not sure if you were being sarcastic or what, so.. thanks. Here's a new one. And, since I might as well, I've included an avatar. The banner doesn't say anything, but the avatar says, "Kitty". They're both rather simple, though. ~Kitty[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Shadow had left the dining hall at the same moment Roland seemed to disappear. Of course, she did hear shrieks, cries, doors being slammed, and at one moment, she felt the tipping of the boat as a sudden weight was added. In the tremendous hallways, large oak doors, and many little servants running about, Shadow was hard to be seen. Sometimes she'd sink into the floor and get a ride from a passerby's shadow and travel all the way across the ship, and other times she'd just melt in with the dark rooms. Either way, she couldn't seem to find any peace. Finally, she came across a deserted hallway, filled to the teeth with cobwebs, roaches, and a rat or two. "A place to myself at last," she said, bursting into shape from the floor. Now that she was alone, she had time to think. First that came to mind was the form of elimination. "Voting is ridiculous. Why can't we fight eachother? That'd narrow it down a lot faster. Very few on this rickety piece of metal are meant to be fighters... Huh?!" Shadow's train of thought was interupted by a sudden noise from the corner. "A rodent perhaps?" she asked herself. Then the small rushing noise occured yet again. "No... That'd be too easy...." Shadow lurched at the floor, instantly disappearing into the dark hallway. She kept her eyes open as she swam around the corridor. She stopped briefly, noticing movement, but it was only a bellboy on the other side. [i]Damn ship workers. Always interupting,[/i] she thought to herself. After the bellboy walked out of view, Shadow returned to the matter of hand. Once again, she swam across the the floor and walls, searching for the source of the noise. Then it struck her. "This has GOT to be what Roland was talking about earlier," she thought aloud. Then the source of the noise stepped on her. Shadow was angered. She HATED being stepped on. She engulfed whatever it was as she rose furiously off the ground. She became a lot bigger in order to hold it. She wanted to know what it was, but she didn't want to release it in the dark and let it escape. So she.. kinda slithered like a fat snake after eating large prey into a lighter hallway. Then she released it and prepared to fight it.[/size] Okay, part 2 will be up shortly[/color]
[color=blue][size=1]My old banner thread dissappeared. So, I thought I'd make a new one. So, onto my first banner. It's very simple. No biggie. Just thought I'd post it. I think I have a matching avi *goes searching for it*. Oh, if you can't tell, there's a word in the upper left-hand corner that says: Kitty. It would've been easier to see, but STUPID ME added the effect AFTER saving it with the text. Stupid! Stupid! *Whackes self with keyboard*. Rate it? Critique it? Whatever you prefer. ~Kitty[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Anxiously, Reveille's time to meet Dragon Warrior grew closer and closer. She was extremely nervous. This was like a dream come true. She had been waiting to meet him for soo long. She decided to take out her ponytail, just to make herself seem more... attractive. She put her scrunchy(sp?) around her wrist and let her long, golden brown hair fall across her shoulders. She continued patting her dress as if trying to keep the wrinkles out. It was a dark blue color that shone beautifully in the moonlight; or that's what everyone says it does. It feel down past her ankles, so far, in fact, that you could barely see her feet. Unfortunately, she couldn't stand it. She hated dresses. As her time to walk off the bus and meet the dreamy bachelor arrived, she tried to muster enough courage to keep herself from fainting. She walked out towards him. There was an awkward silence for a moment, but then she held out her hand, smiling, and said, "Hi Gavynn. I'm Kitty, or Reveille. Whichever you want to call me is fine." He smiled and took her hand. "Well, it's nice meeting you Reveille," he said, still smiling. Reveille walked away beaming. She really hoped her first impression was a good one. After all, she wasn't sure if her voice had stopped shaking. [i]He's sooo dreamy.... I really hope he likes me,[/i] she thought, looking back over her shoulder at him. She saw his head turn towards her, he gave her a smile, then he turned towards the next girl who came off the bus. As she returned to walking into the backyard, where others had previously gone, she thought, [i]He looked at me. He really smiled at me!! I can't believe it!![/i] She felt confident about herself now. And she even felt a little special. She walked to the backyard beaming.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Actually, I was just making an avi for you. Heh. But, really, you should've put the request in the art request forum. Whatever. He headbangs? Cool. IT'S FUN!! Guys whip off their shirts and adore themselves? Now THAT I've yet to see. I'll attach your avi here for once. Later.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]DUDE! I love that picture. It's kick *ss!! You showed that to me at school, huh? I like his clock. His clock is awesome. Why is it... 3:00 AM? What the HELL would he be doing?! I noticed this at school, and I'm not sure anyone ELSE will notice, but he's got a ponytail. He looks GOOOD in a ponytail!! Lol. And..... O_O ... his PANTS are falling off/down/whatever. Freakah. Laterzez...nez..[/color][/size]