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[color=blue][size=1]Thanks jro13. Well, I know how to add a border, but I'm not sure what it's width should be... Well, I gave it a shot. It's colored black and semi-thick. See if you can spot it. ~Kitty~[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Well, eversince I got PSP 7, I gave 'banner making' a shot. I'm not very good. Seeing as how this is new to me, I've only made three, and they're all slip-shop jobs, too. First off, I get the images off of AdvancedAnime.com. They're easy to find. Just incase anyone thought the pictures used were good. Now, I've attached my very first banner.... ever. It's not very good, but eh. ~Kitty~[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Name: Nikkie Amika Age: 17 Gender: Female Description: See attachment Weapons: 24" Double-Sided Blade/Sword, 5" dagger, and throwing stars... except diamond shaped. Job: Assasin Bio: She was a quiet kid growing up. She never really 'rebelled', making her a perfect child in her parent's opinion. When she got in a fight at school at the age of 12, she wouldn't say anything. Not who started it, not why she did it, nothing. All anyone knew was that she killed the boy. Her parents literally disowned her. She lived on the streets, stealing food and money from people. She didn't go to school anymore, but she didn't need it. She was a 12 year old going to college. After three years living like this, she was taken into the care of a thirty year old man's house with his wife. There she's stayed for the past two years. They owned part of a major company, making them rich. The man was greedy and wanted the other owner to give up his half. When he denied, Nikkie was forced to assasinate him. She enjoyed it. The blood, the screams, the pain. She got the other half of the company and turned it over to the man in exchange for bail, if she was ever caught for the murder. Now, she is an assasin for hire. When her 'parents' need a person killed, or when a person comes to her in secret, she asks for about twenty thousand per kill. Mental Description: Sane. Even though she enjoys killing, she's still not a psycho. She communicates with no one except her 'clients', shall we say, and her cat, Skipper. Her only true friend. Okay, hope that's good. Sorry if the bio's a little long. I just like a detailed history on RP's like this.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]OOC: Black_Pheonix, I'm not sure if the girl you mentioned was Nikkie. If it isn't, I'll edit this post later. ------------ IC: There were at least twenty monsters laying on the ground unconcious. Nikkie weaved between them and found herself standing in front of a display case. "What are you doing?" the boy said, looking over at her. "I hide things all over school. Sometimes clothes, food, comics... and even weapons. This is where I hide my prized possesion," she narrated as she kicked the case open. The glass shattered and fell to the ground. She pulled the trophies and stuff down and lifted up the bottom. "So, it's a trunk? Or at least, stuff on top of a trunk?" the boy asked. Nikkie didn't answer. From the secret compartment, Nikkie pulled a large sword. "That couldn't have fit in there! Let me see-" the boy said as he walked up to the trunk. The bottom of the display case had been dug more than seven feet, quite big enough to fit her sword. "This school doesn't have basements in this building, or at least this side of the building. I dug this hole then used quick drying cement. I hid my sword there the next day," Nikkie told him, fondly remembering that day. "Well, my name's Kael. What's yours?" Kael asked. "Nikkie. So, where to now?"[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]OOC: Actually, Mage15, I was referring to Gecko's character. "Now this" in Nikkie's thoughts refered to you and your smoke bombs. Just thought I'd clear that up. :D ------- IC: Nikkie wondered why all these creatures appeared. "Enough's enough!!" she said, quite loudly. But, fortunatly for her, nobody was in the hallway at the time. They had all left. Nikkie ran through four more hallways, finally reaching a bunch of old lockers. They were rusting and falling apart. She climbed ontop of them and pushed aside a ceiling tile. From inside the ceiling, she pulled out several items, still with shopping tags on them. She ran to the nearest bathroom and changed. She now wore a black t-shirt with a dragon picture on it, long blue jeans with frayed edges and several pockets, and she took out her bow and replaced it with a black scrunchee. She tied her hair into a ponytail and ran outside. Strange creatures surrounded the area outside. Students were running away hysterically, and no teacher, or adult for that matter, was to be seen anywhere. Nikkie hid in the shadows, then saw the girl with wings, she claimed fake, attacking monsters with an axe. "This... is too weird. I need to transfer schools," Nikkie said, an awkward look on her face.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]After several seconds of silence went by, Nikkie looked back to the place she had seen the boy earlier. "He just dissappeared," she thought aloud. Everyone looked at her. She ignored it. As more minutes of silence passed, the easier it was to hear the ignored orders of teachers and the roar of the students. Nikkie looked out the window, then back to the place the boy had been. She saw him there again, but he quickly disappeared into shadows again. Nikkie glanced around at the others, but they seemed not to have seen the boy. [i]Damn... This school's getting really weird. Girls with wings, that 'ninja boy', or whatever, and now this. I better not be goin' nuts...[/i] she thought to herself.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Nicole's alarm went off, starteling her and her cat. Skipper hissed and ran downstairs. Nicole shut it off as fast as she could. "Stupid thing's way too loud..." she mumbled as she went over to her computer. Before she turned it on, she listened for any stiring. No one was up. She could only hear Skipper running around downstairs somewhere. She put on the virtual reality visor and started up the game. {On The Screen} Username: Dra Password: ******* You are now logged in. Message Boards Games Message System Now entering the game.... Welcome. {In The Game} Dra looked around for Nuro, but saw no sign of him. But, then again, he never really hung out around the root towns. She looked around and saw a lot of Moderators. [i]Uh-oh. They must be on the lookout for hackers. I guess I'll have to use the Chaos Gate to get to Nuro...[/i] she thought. At the Chaos Gate, she looked behind to see if the moderators were looking. Since they weren't, she decided to make it look like she was using the Gate, but instead, she was hacking. She dissappeared. Dra grinned as she saw the familiar landscape. Not many players (or hackers, for that matter) had been to this area in the game before. She stood on a hill, next to a rather large tree, and could see oceans, mountains, forests, cities, and deserts below. You couldn't really go to those places, but there [i]was[/i] a dungeon lower on the hill. Dra remembered when she discovered this place. She was only at level 10, and she had only just met Nuro. She tried out her hacking skills and somehow got them here, instead of their intended place. Neither can remember exactly where they wanted to go, but they don't really care now. As she snapped back to virtual reality, she looked around. She saw Nuro laying in the grass on the slope. "Hey!! NURO!!" she shouted. He grabed his wand and stood in an attacking position. Once he saw it was Dra, he relaxed. "Sorry. I thought-" "It's okay. What time is it at your place?" she asked him. He lived in a different time zone, so she normally asked him that. "About 10 AM. You're at 7 AM, right?" he asked. She nodded and sat down in the grass. They looked below the hill and saw a city. They could see tiny cars and people moving through it. "Wanna go in the dungeon?" Nuro asked suddenly. "You've always been afraid of this dungeon. Why do you wanna go now?" she asked, quite puzzled. He shrugged and picked up his wand. He stood up and walked towards the other side of the hill, Dra quickly following. "You [i]do[/i] know this is a level 22 area, right?" Dra asked, still a little curious. He looked at her funny, making her turn away. They reached the dungeon's entrance, and hesitated. They looked at eachother and slowly stepped in.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]A boy had beat up a bunch of bullies. "Impressive. Not many people do that here," she told herself quietly. She noticed him as she walked down the hallway, but another girl walked in front of her, so she went on walking. She reached her second period class and found yet another seat in the back. The teacher was astonished at how many 'late' people were coming in. "Half the class is late!! Well, since it IS the first day and all, I'll excuse it, but starting tomorrow, don't be late. Do you understand?" he asked the kids pilling into the classroom. They all nodded and found seats. Since Nikkie had been in front of them, she quickly found a seat in the back. She leaned on her chair and pulled out a comic book. The boy she had seen in the hallway took the seat next to her. The history teacher continued talking at the front of the class, scolding those who were late. Nikkie payed no head and continued to read, her feet on the desk. "Hey, my name's Ralph. What's yours?" "Nikkie," she said sharply. She was wearing a dress. It wasn't too bad, really, but she couldn't stand the fact that it made everyone think she was 'nice'. Or at least the new kids thought she was. [i]Tomorrow I'm wearing black. All black. And boots. That oughta get 'em to back off.[/i] she thought to herself. The boy continued to look over at her. "Can I help you pal?" she asked, now rather annoyed. "No, it's just... I was wondering why you're reading [i]that[/i]. Isn't that a guys comic?" Ralph said. She raised an eyebrow and looked at him strangely. "Kind of a sexist statement if you ask me," she said, starteling him. "Uh, no! That's not what I- I mean, I meant to say--" he began.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]OOC:Hey Egyptgirl2, you're not the only one who started late!! :P But anyways, sorry I'm late. --------------------- IC: "The desert sucks," Nikkie whispered to herself quietly. She was riding shotgun in a jeep to reach the excavation site. She was excited, but anxious. The driver, a friend of her fathers named Anthony Harris, noticed her boredom. "We're almost there. Less than 5 miles now, which'll be about--" "15 minutes?!" Nikkie finished excitedly. After the 15 minutes, he came to a stop. He helped Nikkie with her bag and suggested where to go. "Have fun!" Anthony shouted. "Whatever," she said quietly, though she waved with a smile. She saw trailers and people, but she wondered where she was supposed to go. She turned around and accidentally hit a boy, sending them both to the ground. She dusted herself off and picked up her bag. "Sorry pal. My name's Nikkie. Do you know where I'm supposed to go?" she asked him after helping him off the ground. "It's alright. The name's Kieth. Well, follow me," he said, walking away. Nikkie followed, a blank look on her face. [i]This doesn't seem so exciting. I miss Skipper...[/i] Nikkie thought as she walked behind Kieth. ------------------- OOC: I hope that's okay. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do yet...[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Nikkie was walking down the hallway when she heard a loud crash. "It must be another bully," she told herself as she returned to her schedule. It read: Period 1: English Period 2: World History Period 3: Triginometry Period 4: Physics Period 5: P.E. Period 6: Public Speaking Period 7: Art "Sounds easy enough," she said as she walked towards her first class. It was the first day of her 12th year. She hadn't expected to see so many people from last year in her grade. Most of them had gotten F's in almost everything. When she walked into her first period classroom, she expected to see a teacher keeping the students from climbing up the walls. All she saw was a wrinkled old man sitting behind his desk while fat boys roughed up a few 'small' kids. Nikkie found a desk towards the back and put her things down. Then she approached the bullies and tapped them on the shoulder. One turned and said, "What do you wa- Oh!! Terribly sorry!!" he and his goons ran to their seats and started cursing her under their breath. One of the victims asked her astonishingly, "How'd you DO that?!" She raised her eyebrow and walked away. "What'd I say?" he asked his friend. The bell rang and the old man slowly crept towards the front of the room. "Hello everyone! This is the first class of the first day of your last year!" he said with false excitement. "Now, you see the books in front of you? Turn to page 22 and read." Nikkie skimmed through the passage, then looked around at her classmates. [i]This'll be boring...[/i] she thought to herself.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Name: Nikkie Wolfe Age: 15 (like everyone else) Occupation: Duelist Bio: Nikkie is a high school student who has a crush on Seto Kaiba, above average grades, lots of friends, and a lot of Duel Monster cards. At home, she has two younger sisters and a cat. Her parents split up when she was young, so she lives with her father. He's an explorer and sometimes he brings her and her sisters on digs. On the latest one, though, he couldn't bring them, seeing as how it's in Egypt and they had school back at home. A few weeks after he'd left, he'd been injured while excavating artifacts. It was only a broken leg, but they had to send him home and replace him. Nikkie agreed to go once he'd returned. She wanted to bring her cat, but decided against it and brought her cards, instead. Her deck consists of mostly Dragon and Spellcaster monsters, along with the essential Magic and Trap cards. It does have a few random types in there, but they all fit into her 'Master Strategy'. Shadow Realm Monster: Seiyaryu Reason for going: To step in for her father. Tell me if I'm in!![/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]{In The Game} "You know, I find it hard to believe they [i]still[/i] haven't caught you. Being a hacker, and such." "Why are you bugging me so much about this lately? It never bothered you before. The fact that I'm a hacker, I mean." Nuro looked puzzled. He sat up and scratched his head. Dra sat up, a large grin across her face. The boy turned to face her, then stood up. "I have to go. My dad's gonna kill me if he finds out I've been playing this game for so long today. See ya when I see ya!" He disappeared. Dra then stood up as well. "Might as well log off. Nothing to do at this time of night," she said as she disappeared, too. {On The Screen} You are now logged in. Message Boards Games Message System Now signing off the game. Please Wait... Good bye. {In Real Life} Nicole looked over at her clock set on her nightstand. "It's 4 AM already? Crap... My mom's gonna kill me if she finds out..." She turned off the game and creeped towards her bed, but she caused several loud creaks under her feet. She looked around, but didn't hear any sign of her mother waking up. She set her alarm for 7 AM and turned off her lamp. Her cat, Skipper, hopped up onto her bed and curled up next to her. She then laid in bed until she fell asleep.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Well, I haven't seen any news of the new Spongebob movie, but, then again, my cable has been disconnected for the past four days and I haven't gone to the movies for a long time. To be honest, I'm a little excited about a Spongebob movie. My friends and I have always wondered why there were Rugrats and Fairly Oddparents movies, but no Spongebob. It always seemed more popular. Well, I hope I've answered your question.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]To be honest, I've always wanted to know my name in other languages. I guess Chinese will be the first. :D My first name is Reveille. It's pronounced: Reh-vuh-lee. People who know about the army/navy might have heard of it before. It's a song played in the mornings to wake soldiers up (or at least, it USED to be). Well, I'm excited to hear my Chinese name. Show me the bacon.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]I've always liked ones about high schools and such. Name: Nikkie Age: 17 Description: See attachment Skills: Flying/hovering (since my element [i]is[/i] air, afterall) and summoning dragons. Weapon: A small dagger and a large broad sword (hidden in secret places around school during her classes) Grade: 12th Element: Air Bio: She doesn't have any friends, probably because she isn't very friendly. Not many know about her past, except she came to Razzaria High and started during the middle of 10th grade. She lives with her father. He's a rich traveling businessman, so she rarely sees him. Since she's rich, she has a lot of expensive stuff. Expensive clothes, cars, technology, and an expensive house. And some rumors around Razzaria High say she even has weapons. Because she has no friends, she's viewed as an outcast by her peers. She has a cat named "Dra", but that doesn't help her image. She beats a lot of people up, but they never rat on her, probably because she's too intimadating. Well, that's about it. Tell me if I'm in!! EDIT: I added the bio.[/color][/size]
RPG Pokemon: Secrets of the Legends(PG13 for violence and possible swearing)
Kitty replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
[color=blue][size=1]Right before Nikkie let out her next pokemon, the Aqua and Magma members were being called back to their leaders. The boy was upset and said, "Next time we meet, we'll finish this battle. You won't stand a chance." As he walked away, Nikkie's Blaziken and Salamence approached. "He thinks to highly of himself. But at least he had more than [i]two[/i] pokemon. That Magma girl was an amatuer to think two pokemon could beat six," Nikkie said quietly. Her pokemon nodded in agreement. Nikkie chuckled and pat them both on the head, even though Blaziken had to kneel down a bit. "I bet I could beat a team of six with you two," she praised. Blaziken then began walking towards tunnel, where another trainer had just entered. Salamence, being too big to fit in the tunnel, was called back into it's pokeball. Nikkie caught up with Blaziken and walked swiftly behind.[/color][/size] -
RPG Pokemon: Secrets of the Legends(PG13 for violence and possible swearing)
Kitty replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
[color=blue][size=1]The Aqua member threw a pokeball, releasing a Blastiose. "You scared yet? Your Blaziken can't stand up to this!!" he laughed. "Maybe not, but this can," she said as she released her Flygon. "You ready? Wing attack!" she shouted. Her Flygon's attack was cancled by the Blastiose's Water Gun. "Not so easy this time, huh?" the boy asked her excitedly. "Like you said, this battle is far from over," she said calmly. "Flygon! Rock Tomb!!" she shouted to her pokemon. The Rock Tomb attack was dead on, making the Blastiose dizzy. It stumbled oddly as her Flygon used Wing Attack again. "DAMN!!" the boy shouted. He angrily returned his unconcious pokemon and sent out another pokeball. This time a Machamp stood opposing Nikkie. "This'll be an easy win, huh Flygon?" she said confidently. The boy ignored her comment adn yelled, "Okay, use Thunder Punch!" The Machamp charged, but Flygon flew up high to dodge the attack. "Flygon! Use Fly!" The Flygon, already high in the air, dived quickly, hitting Machamp on the head. The Flygon tumbled through the air, but the Machamp stood still and shook off the attack. "HA! My Machamp is my second strongest pokemon! You won't win!!" the boy laughed, thinking he had won. "Why won't you shut up?! I'm not finished stupid!!" Nikkie yelled.[/color][/size] -
[color=blue][size=1]This is a poem I thought up a while ago. Not very good, and I'm not imaginative enough to make it rhyme. Nothin' big. [i]I look around and see nothing but hate, I look around and see nothing but fear. Through all the fog I call for anyone, Nobody comes. I tell no one of my secret, little fears, I tell no one of my stupid, little dreams. Alone in a corner crying for comfort, Pain surrounds me. I listen for laughter and joy, I listen for tears but of hope, not of sorrow. Before you I stand, weak and afraid, You hold me. I follow you silently through all the screams, Coming from people you say don't understand. But it's I that doesn't understand, What am I?[/i] It's a down poem about being a 'freak' in today's society. I'm not quite sure why I thought it up, but I wrote it down, thinking it was an 'okay' piece of work. Any comments?[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]I'll join. -[b]The World[/b]- Name: Dra Position: Hacker Class: Blademaster Level: 30 Weapon: Fire and Sky Appearance: See attachment... except with out the wings... o.O;; Personality: Quiet and shy, but fierce. She prefers to be alone most of the time. Cause: To advance in the game and to have fun. -[b]In Real Life[/b]- Name: Nicole (Nikkie) Wolfe Age: 16 Occupation: High School Student Appearance: Long brown hair, bright green eyes, and about 5'9". She wears a light blue t-shirt, frayed jeans, and sandals. Around her neck and wrists are chains (not connected). Hope that's good!![/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1][i]It's strange... I know this guy for half an hour and he brings me here. If that Zia kid came back, I'd be in deep s***. Why'd he save me?[/i] Nikkie thought to herself as she sat on the floor. "You don't have to sit there you know. You could go sit on the couch," James said kindly. Nikkie's ears perked, but she didn't say anything. In the living room, she could hear some voices outside. "What was that?!" she said quietly. She headed towards the front door and put her head against it. She heard Zia again, along with three other voices she didn't recognize. She ran into the kitchen to see James, still eating. She grabbed his arm and pulled him into the living room. "Hey!! Whatcha do that for?!" he asked annoyed. She put her finger to her lips, signaling that he should be quiet. She then walked slowly towards the front door again. He followed her and he put his ear on the door as Nikkie had done before. "Hear that?" she asked him. He nodded and went upstairs to get his sword. [i]He's a fool not to keep his weapon with him at all times. Humans are so weird.[/i] Nikkie thought to herself.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]As Nikkie watched, she knew that James, even in his new... form, wouldn't be able to beat Zia. "This is pitiful. That's it, he's not getting all the fun!!" she said to herself as she jumped to the ground. Zia was busy bullying James as she jumped and used her blade to slice his shoulder. He dropped James and howled in pain. "A.. a mere [i]human[/i]-" he began. "I'm not a human stupid. Now, you wanna fight some more, or do you wanna go cryin' home to mama?" Nikkie taunted. Zia rose up, his shoulder bleeding, and charged towards Nikkie. She jumped in the air and landed on his head, making him fall to the ground. "An amatuer. You can kill a human easily, but not me," Nikkie scolded. Zia was angrier now and James was lying against a tree, trying to keep the blood out of his eyes. He sat up slowly and watched Zia tumble through the air trying to get an attack in on Nikkie. As Zia tired, he stopped and a large grin grew on his face. "You're a fast one. But not even you can dodge this," he sneered as his hands began glowing. Suddenly a ray of fire engulfed Nikkie and the trees behind her. As the fire faded, she kneeled to the ground panting, burn marks all over her. "Now that's a good kitty," he laughed. "No one... No one makes fun of me!" She began glowing as her eyes turned red. Her fingers became claws and her back sprouted wings. She flew at Zia, sending him backwards into the trees. Zia didn't come back. He had had enough and decided to take a break. Nikkie fell to the ground unconcious, and she returned to normal. James slowly wandered over to her. "He'll come back soon. I've got to get us out of here," he said to himself.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Sounds like fun. Name: Kitty Position: Hacker Class: Blademaster (is that right?) Level: 57 Weapon: 7 Star Sword Height/Weight: About 105 lbs. and 5'8" Appearance: Kitty has long blue hair that comes down to her knees in a braid, she has bright green eyes, and cat ears and tail with silver fur (like Mia's except a different color). She wears a light blue belly shirt with funky patterns on it, black shorts and black sandals. She wears grey chains around her neck and on her wrists. Personality: Quiet and kind to other players, but when fighting a monster (or whatever they're called) she becomes cruel, vicious, and merciless. Her hacking skills are advanced, but not the best. Very few players of "The World" call on her for help, but she will help them, for a price. Cause: Kitty plays "The World" for fun. She finds it easy and relaxing. In Real Life- Name: Nicole (Nikkie) Wolfe Age: 17 Occupation: High School Student Height/Weight: 127 lbs. and 5'9" Appearance: Long blue t-shirt, jeans, and sandals. She has green eyes and long brown hair. She wears a watch, bracelet with a key on it, and a necklace given to her by her father. Personality: She is kind and sweet to almost everyone. She does get into fights occasionally, but she hasn't gotten expelled from her school yet. She has good grades and does her chores, but she usually sneaks out to hang with friends after midnight. Bio: Her parents got divorced when she was only three years old. Her father was given custody when she turned five. Until then, she lived with her abusive mother and rarely got to she her father. When she finally moved out, she never spoke about her mother to anyone. She went through school an outcast and bully until 10th grade, when she finally made friends and was 'respected' by her fellow students. She was given 'The World' for her 16th birthday and plays it as often as she can. Hope that's good. EDIT: Oops, forgot the IRL!![/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Nikkie quietly strode along a path in the woods, looking for something to fight. Her tail twitched as she heard screaming. Her nose picked up the scent of blood, and she knew there was a fight. She ran quickly, avoiding trees and jumping over creatures in the middle of the path. She was excited and anxious as she neared. When she reached the town, she saw blood, lots of blood. "Strange... not many things could have done this," she said softly. Her ears picked up the sound of a human boy laughing. She ran through the town as the laughing became louder until suddenly, she saw a boy holding a girl, and the boy laughing. She saw a dagger in the boy's hand. "This'll be fun," she whispered. "You! Boy, who did this?" she shouted making both boys turn. One boy put the girl on the ground gently and stood up, rage in his eyes. "I am not 'boy', thank you. My name is James Wallace. And [i]he[/i] did all this," he said with hatred in his voice. "Yeah, whatever. 'Kay kid, you and me. One on one," she offered to the boy with the dagger. "Are you kidding? You're no match for me!" the boy continued to laugh. Nikkie now walked forward until she was a foot away from the boy. "Hey kid, you missed one," she said, pointing behind him. He turned and she knocked him in the back of the head with her sword. He fell to the ground unconcious. "That was stupid. Not even a fight," she thought aloud. James was now staring at her wide-eyed. "What?" she asked annoyed. "How-how did you-" he started. She stood there for a moment, then began walking away. "Hey! Wait, I didn't catch your name!" She stopped and turned to him again. "And why should I tell you?" she asked him. He stood there puzzled for a moment when she said, "Nevermind. My name's Nikkie. Now I'll be going if you don't mind." She began walking again when he ran up to her. She continued walking, trying to ignore him. Right at the border of the city, she shouted, "Why are you following me?!" "Well, since I've got no one here, I might as well travel with someone. And I was thinking... well, you!" he said kindly. She stared at him oddly then just shrugged and walked towards the woods, James sharply behind her. ---------------- OOC: Hope that was good![/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Sounds like fun!! I always enjoy your RPG's DW. [b]Angel Sign-up[/b]- Name: Nienna Appearance: See attachment Personality: She's very shy around... pretty much everyone. Once she gets to know someone, she will act very kind and friendly to them. When dragged into a battle, she becomes serious and very powerful. She prefers fighting alone, but will accept help when she knows she needs it. Hope that's good. Later.[/color][/size]
RPG Pokemon: Secrets of the Legends(PG13 for violence and possible swearing)
Kitty replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
[color=blue][size=1]Nikkie, staying around the wall, thought that none of the Aqua members would come and challenge her, but soon she was surrounded by five of them. "Whaddya want?" she asked cooly, still leaning on the wall. They all sneered and chuckled as they let out several fierce looking pokemon. The first one to attack was an Onix from an Aqua boy. It charged at Nikkie, but her Salamence jumped in the way just in time to deflect it's attack. "Good job. Use Iron Tail," she said quietly. The Onix grew weaker as Salamence used the attack several times in a row. After about eleven Iron Tails, the large rock pokemon fell unconcious onto the ground. "Next?" Nikkie asked. The Aqua boy returned his Onix and said, "Leave. All of ya, this one's mine." Apparently, he didn't take losing well. "I've still got four more pokemon, and if somehow you manage to knock three of 'em out, you won't be able to beat my Trump Card," he sneered. Nikkie shrugged, making the boy angrier. He sent out a Lanturn. "A Lanturn? Oh, I won't be able to beat [i]that[/i]," she said sarcastically. The boy grew even angrier as she continued to taunt him. "Lanturn! Thunder!!" he shouted. "Salamence, dodge it!!" she yelled. The Thunder attack barely missed Salamence, and it was quite a big attack, too. "Salamence, you oughta sit this one out," Nikkie said as it stepped behind her. "Oh, you scared?! Ha, I knew you'd give up," he said confidently. As her Blaziken now stepped in front of her, she said, "Who's giving up? I'm just playin' it safe, that's all." He 'grred' at her as her Blaziken prepared to use Flamethrower. "Now!" Nikkie shouted. Her Blaziken released a huge ray of swirling fire at the command, hitting the boy's Lanturn head on. It fell to the ground a few seconds later. "Two down, three to go," Nikkie taunted. "This battle is far from over!" the boy yelled angrily.[/color][/size]