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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. [color=blue][size=1]Just like Crusader, I was in Kingdom of Spirits, too. Not sure quite what happened to it... and if that isn't good enough for you, I'll send you a post sample via PM. Name: Nikkie Yukishiro Age: 17 Birth Place: Liroe Side: Good Gender: Female Job: Warrior Who Are You Guarding: Ace Wallace (but not at the beginning) Weapon: Double-sided broad sword with a Dragon Carved handle Character Description: See attachment except with out the ferret. Character Abilities: [b]Dragon Summoning[/b]- A large dragon of a random element is summoned from her sword after a short chant. It can't be hurt, seeing as how it is merely the essence of an element brought into a dragon form. It lasts for random intervals, depending on her energy, endurance, and strength at the time. [b]Element Break[/b]- She can use different elemental attacks with her sword, such as Fire, Watera, Blizzaga, etc. She can also cause status problems with her sword. [b]Cure[/b]- Able to recover health during or outside of battle. [b]Copy Cat[/b]- She mimics the attacks of her opponent in a different fashion with her sword. Depending on how much energy she has, the attack could do more than usual, or less. Bio: In her hometown of Liroe, Nikkie was a lot more advanced than those in her school. She was pushed forward four years, making her an outcast in the views of many people. The one friend she made was killed in what seemed like an accident when Nikkie was only 12. This sent her into a state of shock, grief, and hatred. No one could get her to say a word. Her parents eventually gave up and left her alone. Everyone else thought her friend's death was merely an accident, but Nikkie knew it was an attack towards her. They had gone for Nikkie, but somehow gotten her friend. Determined to get revenge, she ran away from home a year later. She trained in secrecy and taught herself how to fight, steal, and kill. She remained in Liroe until she was 15, when she finally got revenge for her friend. Now, she travels on her own, still using her self-taught techniques to fight and kill, along with steal what she needed to stay alive. She distrusts everyone she meets. The one thing that reminds her of her 'home' is a small picture of her at the age of 10 with her friend. This she shows no one, nor does she talk about it. That's it, so tell me if I'm in, 'kay? Later.[/color][/size]
  2. [color=blue][size=1]This'll be fun. Me likey Madlibs!! (Sorry if my incorrect grammer offends anyone. My insanity does that.) [b]Noun (plural):[/b] Underpants [b]Verb:[/b] Kill [b]Adjective:[/b] Disgusting Got a problem with those words? Too bad. I'm done. ~Always Stuck In The Closet~ EDIT: Well, it seems Gav here, has a problem with MY words. Sooo, I've fixed 'em. Don't bother me. *walks into a wall*[/color][/size]
  3. [color=blue][size=1]OOC: Sorry it took so long for me to post. ----- IC: Nienna ran through the forrest, trying to get away from guards. "S**t. If mother finds out what I was doing, I'm dead!!" she said to herself as she began panting hard. After about half a mile of running, the guards seemed to have lost her. To make sure they wouldn't find her, she climbed up a tree and began jumping from tree to tree. "Heh. They won't find me now," she chuckled as she pulled a small stone out of her pocket. "I wonder what the big deal is about a simple little stone with a regular symbol carved in it?" she asked herself as she examined it. She heard the footsteps of the two guards coming, and she decided to jump in a different direction. Currently, she was going east, so she turned and went north. The guards continued to run along the path. As soon as they were out of sight, she hopped to the ground and began running north. She stopped and rested below a tree when she started getting cramps in her stomach. "Stu-stupid guards," she panted. She again examined the stone, but this time the symbol was different. [i]It.. changed?! What the hell!! Maybe that's why it's important![/i] Nienna thought. She got up and began walking down the path towards the town. As she neared, she heard talk of a man trying to impersonate a member of the Imperial Army. "Imperial Army," Nienna whispered, "What business would they have here?" Suddenly, a large grin came across her face. A human was a perfect target for a prank. They were too unsuspecting and forgiving. "Hehe. Easy pickin's," she cooed.[/color][/size]
  4. Kitty

    Lost Worlds

    [color=blue][size=1]Sounds like fun!! Name: Nikkie (unknown last name) Age: 15 Description: See attachment Bio: Abandoned by her parents when she was very young, she grew up hating almost everything about life. For her appearance, she was ridiculed and taunted by humans, until one day she killed a boy for making fun of her. Now, very few gather the courage to talk to her. That is why, whenever you normally see her, she's alone. Her one great passion was fighting. She enjoyed it more than anything, especially a fight to the death. She became a Fighter For Hire at the young age of 10. Now, her stealth, speed, and strength are her best qualities. When she gave mercy to a young boy of 12, she befriended him for four years. But on her 14th birthday, he betrayed her and sold her in to be a slave. Once she found the portal, she promised herself never to befriend anyone again. Weapon: Dragon Blade (a double sided broad sword) Gender: Female Occupation: Fighter for Hire Race: Cat Demon Side: Good (but it doesn't seem like it in the beginning) That's it. Hope it's okay. Later!! [url]http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/catgirls/nekomi_1.jpg[/url] EDIT: Uh.. oops. Thanks for reminding me. It's attached now.. I think...[/color][/size]
  5. [color=blue][size=1]Nikkie, still avoiding everyone else, heard a Team Magma member call to her. "Hey, you there. Try and beat this!" She threw a pokeball, releasing a Charmeleon. "Are you kidding? That's it?" Nikkie asked her in a rude voice. The Magma member grumbled and ordered her pokemon to attack. "Are you nuts? I haven't even sent out a pokemon!!" Nikkie yelled to her. But, in a flash, a Dragoniar appeared and blocked the Charmeleon's charge. "What the-?!" the Magma member shouted as the Charmeleon nearly hit her when he was hit back. "That's it. Charmeleon- FIRE BLAST!!" she yelled. "Dragonair, Dragon Rage," Nikkie said in a calm voice. As the Charmeleon charged, her Dragonair charged quicker, sending a huge blast that hit Charmeleon full force, sending it into the wall on the other side of the chamber. "NOOO!! I lost?! Stupid Charmeleon, well, whatever," she said returning it to it's ball," But you won't be able to beat THIS!" she yelled throwing another pokeball. Suddenly a Gyarados (sp?) appeared. "Dragonair, let's leave this one to Salamence," Nikkie said as her Dragonair returned to it's pokeball. "Okay Salamence, Dragon Claw," she said as it walked in front of her from the back of the room. Salamence charged and attacked it's opponent full force. The Gyarados let out a large roar as it fell to the ground unconcious. "O-One hit? You're pokemon's a freak!!" the member yelled as she returned her pokemon and ran. "Good job," Nikkie said as she patted her Salamence on the head. [i]Only two pokemon.. either she's a newbie to the pokemon thing, or a really bad trainer.[/i] Nikkie thought to herself. She had a high expectation of trainers, whether friend, foe, or total stranger. She walked back to the wall and her Blaziken, her Salamence following. [/color][/size]
  6. [color=blue][size=1]As more trainers came, Nikkie found it harder to be left alone. Almost everyone tried asking her name or asking what pokemon she had brought and so on. She didn't know anyone nor did she want to get to know anyone. Well, at least not now. Her Salamence had 'caught' a lot of Corsola and Chinchou on it's head. There was a group of at least twelve water pokemon giggling how pokemon giggle. Salamence let out a happy roar as several hopped down and started playing with it's wings. Nikkie let out her Flygon and Blaziken, seeing as how they hadn't been out of their pokeballs the longest out of her six. Her Flygon let out a happy squeel (or whatever sound it makes) and flew around in circles. The Blaziken just kneeled down and stared into the water, when a Remoriod surfaced and spat into it's face. Nikkie had to calm it down as it tried to grab the fish pokemon and get 'revenge' for being squirted in the face. Her Salamence got out of the water and played with the Flygon. Without it knowing, a couple Chinchou had held on to it's tail and were flying around with it. Several of the trainers looked up and laughed as Salamence realized the stowaways and played with them in the air. It was quite a show, when suddenly Latios and Latias, in their human forms, called for everyone's attention. "Wonder what it is?" Nikkie said to her Blaziken who was now staring intently at the two legendary pokemon.[/color][/size]
  7. [color=blue][size=1]I wanna do a happy dance!! Oh, can I still join? Name: Lazi Who You're Making Fun Of: The Elvin woman whom Aragorn is in love with. Her name escapes me at the moment. Species: Hippie. YEAH!! Description: Long blue hair with green spots (most likely her snot), a dress with bright/neon colors (like pink, orange, light blue, ect.), and shoes that belong to only those from the seventies (they make her seven inches taller). Bio: Does drugs... a lot... Kicks men in the nuts... a lot... Cheats on her boyfriend... a lot... A total catch, don't you think? Oh, and she lives in the town of elves or whatever and pulls pranks on everyone who lives there. I mean [i]everyone[/i]. Okay... that's it. Hope I'm in. Oh, and one more thing, I've got school from 8 in the morning till 3 in the afternoon, and I've got a piano lesson *tries to break piano* so I won't be in the beginning... if I'm in. So... if I'm in, put my character in the story and I'll start playing her as soon as I can.[/color][/size]
  8. [color=blue][size=1]As Nikkie and Salamence sped through the air, they saw two trainers on a small island in a pokemon battle. Salamence slowed and hovered in the air, trying to see them clearly. "It's the shadows!" Nikkie announced. "Sorry Salamence, but we've got to follow Latios and Latias. We just have to find out what's going on," Nikkie said patting Salamence on the head. It let out a sad roar, but began flying at an intense speed. They quickly caught up with the two legends. "Salamence, try talking to them," Nikkie whispered. It nodded and flew close to Latios. Latios turned it's head and acknowledged Salamence, and then began 'speaking' with it. Nikkie tried to understand, but it was difficult. She watched as the two pokemon exchanged roars, and finally quieted. Salamence slowed down a bit until it was a couple feet behind the legends. Nikkie wondered why, but decided to wait until later to ask Salamence to explain.[/color][/size]
  9. [color=blue][size=1]Nikkie and her Salamence were flying quickly towards the research facility. Nikkie continued to reread the message, making sure they were headed for the right place. Salamence, being bored, desended to about three feet above the ground. The people traveling along the road were quite startled as they flew down the path. Some had to even jump out of the way. Nikkie occasionally yelled a 'Watch out' or 'Move aside', but the people normally heard the Salamence because of it's large wings. After another three minutes, they reached the city of Lilycove. They flew upward, not wanting to get in trouble with the residents. As Salamence hovered high in the air, Nikkie looked below trying to spot the facility's entrance. She spotted a floating platform, the only one in the bay, and thought to check it out. Salamence dove downwards and abruptly pulled up, making their landing safe. She reread the note one last time, then put it in her backpack. "This is the place Salamence," Nikkie told her pokemon. [i]Hmm... the note said there'd be others coming. Maybe I'm the first one. Great. Now we have to wait.[/i] Nikkie thought to herself. She patted Salamence on the head, then it began flying a few feet above the water, playing with the fish pokemon. Nikkie laughed as several tried nipping Salamence on the face, making it roar and scramble up in the air. It then roared and dove in the water, coming up with a Chinchou on it's head. Nikkie began laughing even harder.[/color][/size]
  10. [color=blue][size=1]*blinks* Have you been stalking me? How else would you know my mom's a monkey?! *stares at you accusingly* Well, whatever. Very funny banner, dude!! *continues to laugh* I really enjoyed the insults. The advertisments were good.. but you needed a little more 'umph'. I'm not sure what, but just a little something more... That's it for mezez!! ~... :< Meh!!!!~[/color][/size]
  11. [color=blue][size=1]As Nikkie and Salamence continued to fly, they entered mist. "Speed up, I can see shadows. Try to stay out of their sights, okay?" Salamence nodded and lowered so it was nearly four feet above the ground. The further they flew, the thicker the mist. They were still trailing the shadows. Salamence and Nikkie spotted Blaziken ahead. They hurried and stopped right next to him. It was tired from running after the Charizard. Nikkie knelt beside Blaziken and listened while her two pokemon 'talked' to each other. After they finished, Blaziken was returned to it's pokeball, and Nikkie hopped back onto Salamence. "I thought something powerful was behind all this. Let's go. We might even catch those two legendary pokemon," she said excitedly. Salamence sped up to a speed where Nikkie had to shield her eyes from the force of the wind. The shadows they had been chasing earlier were back. Salamence flew closer to the ground again, but this time it was around ten feet from the ground. As they flew, they passed the shadows only to see more. They were going very fast. "Okay Salamence. Let's see what you've got. Full speed!! We gotta catch up to those guys," Nikkie said pointing to the shadows. Salamence let out a happy roar and zoomed forward.[/color][/size]
  12. [color=blue][size=1]Nikkie had been following her Blaziken for about half an hour now. Now at the pier, she continued to ponder the weather and all the weird things that had been happening. She didn't like the looks of it. She looked into the sky when suddenly a Charizard flew overhead. Blaziken let out a high shriek then began running after the Charizard. "Blaziken?! Where are you going?!" It looked back, letting Nikkie know that it heard her, but that it had something very important to do. "Well hurry back!!" she shouted to the Blaziken, now out of sight. She shook her head wondering what was so important. She pulled a pokeball off her waist and out popped a Manectric. "We have to give the signal now, okay?" she asked it. It nodded and she stepped back. Manectric used Thunder, then was returned to it's pokeball. A few seconds later, a large Salamence landed gracefully next to Nikkie. "Great, you're here. Did you have fun?" she asked it while scratching it's chin. It let out a small roar and then turned, signaling Nikkie to get on it's back. She did and they lifted off the ground. "Blaziken ran off after a Charizard that flew by earlier. I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with the strange things that've been happening," she explained to her pokemon. It gave another soft roar and sped up. ----------- OOC: Sorry it took so long for me to reply. I haven't been able to get online for two days...[/color][/size]
  13. [color=blue][size=1]Sorry it took me so long to reply. I was away from a computer all day yesterday. Oh well... Anyway, Turkey and doukeshi03, you're both in. Start posting in the RP. Later!![/color][/size]
  14. [color=blue][size=1]Reveille was startled by this new girl's sudden appearance. In response to the girl's question Reveille said, "Not really. What's your name?" The girl's name was Maki. She was very softspoken, but seemed kind. She didn't stay long. After she told them her name she went back to her room in the building. Remembering her conversation with Felicia, along with being annoyed and confused, Reveille put her hand on her head and decided to go back inside. But before she stepped in, she turned to look at the others. "How does a person lose part of their memory?" Reveille asked. They didn't respond, so she walked inside. Victor walked up to her. "Where are you three headed?" he asked her. "To the Central Haven. Why, you plannin' on joining us?" she responded. He nodded. Surprised to find someone who actually [i]wanted[/i] to join them on their trip, she said, "Well, sure. I don't mind. You might want to ask Paige and Felicia, though. Oh, but don't worry," she reassured him as she saw his dissappointed face, "I'm sure they'll let you come." He brightened up and walked outside to ask them.[/color][/size]
  15. [color=blue][size=1]Nice job Dragon Warrior. Just one thing... where is the setting? Earth? Or.. someplace you created just for this story. *re-reads it* I'm confuzed.... (like always). Well, I can't wait until Chapter 2!! *does a happy dance* ~A Fan Of Your Writing~[/color][/size]
  16. [color=blue][size=1]Okay Toorima, you're in. Like I've said several times before, find an appropriate way to join the RP in the Adventure Arena. You can use the others' as examples. ~Thanks~[/color][/size]
  17. [color=blue][size=1]That scene you were talking about, I've seen the 'behind the scenes' on my Two Towers DvD. (I have the regular one disc thingee. Not the four disc thingee.) He had to repeat it several times. I forget why... Poor him, being wrapped up in aluminum foil. That stuff gives me hives... I think.. *scratches head* Anywayz, I've been planning on seeing LOTR: ROTK, but I haven't gotten a chance to yet. *places a curse on her mother* ~Waiting To See Return Of The King~[/color][/size]
  18. [color=blue][size=1]I agree with Shinji. The CG effects used for Smeagle must have been very difficult, seeing as how they had to replace the actor for the final production. How do those people edit?! I apologize... I've never seen the extended four disc thingees for either movie. Smogg, the dragon, was/is awesome, but all dragons are awesome to me. I'm a dragon fanatic. *hugs dragon plushie* Hey.. maybe [i]that's[/i] why I'm so obsessed with Dragon Warrior..... No. It's his sexy bod for sure. I still don't think Legolas is hot or anything. *hides in a box of Lucky Charms* ~Still Running~[/color][/size]
  19. [color=blue][size=1]Okay wiccansamurai, your in. In the adventure arena, find a reasonable way to introduce your character into the RP. Use Geist's as an example. ~Later!!~[/color][/size]
  20. [color=blue][size=1]Just lil' ole me again. Thought I'd announce that were I am, it's less than half an hour until the new year... *plans to murder someone* Who should it be.... *picks little brother* Mwahahahaha.... *hides under his bed* ~New Year Murderer~[/color][/size]
  21. [color=blue][size=1]So, you're trying to make another thread like the Star Wars one, huh? Actually.... I only [i]read[/i] that one. I wasn't here early enough to actually participate.... or understand it... If I'm correct, I believe that in this thread I have the option of discussing my opinion on the LOTR stuff. Am I right?! *looks around for any recognition* Yeaaah... The movies are good. Not great, just good. The animation for Smeagle is cool, too. I'm weird, but I [i]don't[/i] like Legolas. *runs away from Legolas fans with weapons of mass destruction* That's it, from now on I'm keepin' my mouth SHUT!!! ~Scared To Speak Of Legolas *still running from insane Legolas fans, Deedlit in the lead*~[/color][/size]
  22. [color=blue][size=1]Reveille was a little confused. She had never met this boy before and now he handed her a picture of herself. She scratched her head and handed it back. She shrugged and said, "Sorry, uh, um-" "Victor! My name's Victor," he answered energetically. "Well, I'm not quite sure I know what you're talking about." He seemed disappointed. "Sorry Victor. How'd you get a picture of me anyway?" she asked him curiously. Felicia turned away and began reading her book from the light of Reveille's lamp. ------------ OOC: Sorry the post's so short. Geist, I don't quite know where you're headed with this.[/color][/size]
  23. [color=blue][size=1]Well, I'm on the Pacific coast. I can't wait for the Otaku Awards. I've never been to 'em before (I registered in July of 2003!!) so it's exciting. Right now it's around 5:20 PM... six hours and fourty minutes baby, yeah!!! When the big ball in New York Square drops, I'll probably jump in the air and then get back to typing here. I rarely leave the computer unless forced to. *glares at parents* ~Ready To Greet The New Year~[/color][/size]
  24. [color=blue][size=1]*laughs hysterically* Very nice DW!! Syk's always a monster, huh? I liked how you randomly put sesame street in there..... or WAS it random.... *thinks* Well, I REALLY enjoyed that. Princess... uh.. Prince-thingee-whatever OtakuSennen was hilarious... *wonders about spelling* Keep up the good work!! ~A Fan~[/color][/size]
  25. [color=blue][size=1]Like Wasabi said, it depends on the person. I never cry in those situations. I laugh. I love deaths of main or sub-main characters. That's always cool. Call me cruel, go ahead. I hear it a lot from friends of mine. I enjoy death, or at least fictional death. I'm weird. So sue me. ~Interested In Death~[/color][/size]
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