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Everything posted by Kitty
[color=blue][size=1]Okay Geist, you're in. We've already started the RP in the Adventure Arena, so you'll just come in where we are. Read most of the posts to understand the story so far, okay? Well, you don't [i]have[/i] to fill in the 'Other' section. I forgot to put it as optional. Oops... That's all for now, thanks for signing up!! ~A Fellow Role-Player~[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]I got FF X-2 for Christmas (I had to beg a lot). I haven't played it a lot, only about twenty hours total. I'm in Chapter 2... somewhere... Just a few tips from me: 1. Leave Paine as a warrior. Once you get that to 100%, then you can start switching her around, but that's her best garment for boss fights (in my opinion). Use the Still of Night garment grid for her, too. That usually helps me. 2. Use Gun Mage for Rikku. I find Scan useful against enemies that just won't seem to die. And it ups her health a bit... I think... Equip her with the Menace of the Deep garment grid. She's good with Black Magic. 3. Yuna is best as a Black Mage. Make sure you learn Black Magic Lv. 2 and 3 to make her faster. Use the Heart Reborn garment grid while using the Black Mage. That way you can use both types of magic!! I find that [i]extremly[/i] useful when I'm out of Pheonix Down or Potions. Okay, you don't [i]have[/i] to do that, but it's helped me so far. I'm a little stuck right now, though. How do you use their special dresspheres? I've gotten them for Yuna, Paine, and Rikku, but haven't been able to use them. What buttons do you press?! Either I'm using the wrong buttons or I need a new controller. Whoever answers the above question, thanks in advance. Laterzez!! ~FF X-2 Player~[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Might as well. (I'm in way to many of these >.
[color=blue][size=1]Oh, I know this one. Answer to G/S/B's question: Adament, bashful, bold, brave, calm, careful, docile, gentle, hardy, hasty, impish, jolly, lax, lonely, mild, modest, naive, naughty, quiet, quirky, rash, relaxed, sassy, serious, and timid. I believe I got it right. If I did, here's a new question. Q: Name the eight legendary pokemon from the Ruby/Sapphire games AND their abilities.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]First kiss, huh? Like so many before me, I will repeat it. [b]I have not had a true first kiss yet[/b]. There. I've said it. Right now I'm getting excited. I've got a boyfriend (my first *squeals*) and we've gone out on one... uh... TWO dates. I'm anxious and nervous, being the thirteen year-old I am, so I might screw up the first 'real kiss'. *crosses fingers* Wish me luck! Uh, if you want to, that is... I'll repeat it once more, I haven't had the luxury of a 'true first kiss'. It sounds so [i]wonderful[/i] doesn't it? Ah, alas. I must end this post before it becomes a mere broken record. Meh. ~Broken- Broken- Broken- Record~[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Amity, just to let you know, I solemnly believe, everyone who has signed up is quite ready for this to begin. I've been anticipating it's start up for some time now. Of course, I may be wrong and the others [i]aren't[/i] ready. But I am. I await it's arrival to the adventure arena. ~Sincerely, Impatient~[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Reveille dreamed about spiders that night. She woke up first, around 5 A.M. She looked at the map, but it was too dark to read. She walked outside and saw the car covered in daisies. "Okaaaay.... This place is frea-ky. Man, can't wait to get outta here..." Reveille mumbled to herself as she walked back inside. Felicia had woken up by now and had tried reading her book, but it was still too dark. Reveille sat down and realized there was a light on her night stand. She turned it on and looked over the map while waiting for Paige to wake up.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Reveille was getting annoyed with all the crickets and their chirping. She looked out the window and became very curious. There were thousands of crickets outside. They covered the sides of the road and the trees entirely. "Uh, Paige? I'm starting to get worried. There are [i]way[/i] to many crickets outside. I mean, look at 'em!!" Reveille said. "What are you two talking about? There aren't that many crickets!!" Paige said to them without looking out the window. "Just look already! You'll see what we mean!" Reveille, annoyed as ever, heard a sudden splat. "You two are just parranoid. Stop worrying about the bugs," Paige said, her mouth full of chocolate. Reveille turned her head to look at Paige then away again to see at least ten dead crickets on the windshield, along with their guts. She turned on the windshield wipers and looked towards Felicia and her map. "Lets see... Yeah, I'm goin' the right way," Reveille assured herself. Felicia looked out the window again and was now a little worried. "Paige, are you sure--" "Yes I'm sure! Stop bugging me," Paige scolded. Felicia kept quiet.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Nikkie entered the building and looked inside different rooms. She was really bored and didn't want to wait outside. She passed a room with several people inside talking. She hid below the window and listened through the door and waited to hear something like "How can we save the reputation of this town with all these skeletons running around?" But instead she heard them talking about TV shows that parents didn't like their children watching coming from the local cable station. "Wow," Nikkie said to herself, "Either they're blind or they're trying too hard to keep their mind off of these skeletons' raids." She continued down the hallway when she saw a different man, followed by Xeo, walking after her. She slowed down and waited for them to catch up.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Sounds cool. Name: Nikkie Age: 16 Home Town/City: Lavaridge Starter Pokemon: Bagon Other Pokemon: Blaziken, Flygon, Absol, Umbreon, Dragonair Appearance: She is 5' 9" tall with long blue hair tied in a ponytail and green eyes. She wears a dark blue t-shirt that says "Bite Me", frayed blue jeans, and sandals. Personality: She is a very quiet person and very close to her pokemon. She battles once or twice with each pokemon a day. She has gotten each of them to a high level and each one cares for her deeply. She's anti-social but very kind to those who know her well. She's a wonderful artist and carries a drawing pad around in her backpack all the time. Other: Can be very rude and cruel when angered and never shows any mercy while battling an opponent. Her interests are very strange making some view her as an outcast. Other 2: Her Bagon is now a Salamence. She keeps it out of it's pokeball most of the time, but in small houses or when superiors tell her to, she either leaves it outside or returns it to it's pokeball. Hope that's okay. If there's anything wrong, let me know, 'kay? ~Pokemon Trainer~[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]KOALA!!!!! I TOLD everyone they were evil. Nobody listened... KILL THEM ALL KOALA!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...haha...ha..... *stares at wall* Oops, sorry 'bout that. It's just, nobody listens to me when I predict the doom and end of Earth by creatures that seem harmless. *sighs* Anywayz, I like this banner and it's bannernez. Very coolie. *does a happy dance* The only improvement I can think of is if you add Moe from DC. That would be awesome.... *drools while thinking about Moe* Uh... um.... Cookie? Koala Banner: 10/10 Very nice. Meh. ~Laterzez~[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Okay, I'm not the best at .hack RP's, but I'll give it my best shot. [i]Logging in:[/i] Name: Kitty Player Class: Blademaster Player Type: Newbie Level: 10 (I've been here longer than Daisuke) Looks: Kitty has long blue hair that comes down to her knees in a braid, she's 5' 7", she has bright green eyes, and cat ears and tail with silver fur (like Mia's except a different color). She wears a light blue belly shirt with funky patterns on it, black shorts and black sandals. She wears grey chains around her neck and on her wrists. Weapon Name: Dragon Blade Weapon Level: 1 Weapon Skill: Dragon Dance Hope that's okay. Oh, and if you want my level lower, let me know, 'kay? Thanks.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]The further they walked on the bridge, the more cars seemed to appear. It was only natural, since the wave didn't cover the [i]entire[/i] bridge, but merely a big chunk. And the further they got, the more Reveille thought about how this world has almost everything to do with luck. Where you are at the right or wrong time can decide whether or not you live and the more she thought it the more it angered her. [i]All those around here are simply lucky fools. If they had speed up, they would've been pulled down into the depths of the ocean like those behind us.[/i] she thought to herself. Felicia continued to open and close her book along the way, and Paige walked faster and faster the further they got. Reveille looked towards the sea, then at the sky, wanting to see something of interest or of hope. Nothing came. Not even the planes of terrorists. Paige suddenly spoke up, "I think I can see land! We're almost to the end of this stupid thing!" Felicia looked up and Reveille turned her head. Paige smiled and began to run. Reveille started off as well, leaving Felicia to catch up. They began weaving through the cars on the section of the bridge. A couple honked at them and others yelled with their heads out the window of their cars. After another twenty minutes of running and resting, they walked off the bridge and stood on the sidewalk. "Well, now what?" Paige asked Reveille. Reveille looked around to see a rest stop called the "Beach Side". They walked in and felt an instant breeze. "Ah... It was hot out there. I'm glad they've got air conditioning!" Reveille thought aloud. Felicia sat down and stuck her head in her book. Paige sat next to her and started asking why she was always reading. Reveille didn't listen. She looked out the window at the vast amount of cars in the parking lot. [i]It's been a long time since I hotwired a car, but I'm sure I could do it. Heh. Hopefully no one's going too far, 'cause it'll be hard without a car.[/i] Reveille thought as she walked outside and towards a small car. As she looked through the window, there were five seats and it had a stereo along with some bags in the back that had food inside. She walked back towards the rest stop and motioned for the others to come outside. They went back to the car she had been looking at before and were lucky enough to find the doors unlocked. The others climbed in and 10 seconds later, the car's engine was running and she hopped in and drove off.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Honestly, I don't think my opinion can count for much since, after all, I haven't been here all that long nor have I posted as much as many here on the boards. But, I fell that I'm entitled, therefore I post. Back when I first started (being the newb I was) I thought this site was already big. In fact, the only time it was 'small' was when it was in the developing stages of creation. The hustle and bustle of OB is natural for all the members here. A monster indeed. This place has become quite large, and it's sister sites (such as MyOtaku) have grown popular as well. The more members it gets, the more like a 'monster' it shall become. Simple, my fellow OBers, simple. So, to answer the question straight out, I prefer it nowadays, as to the formerdays. Wait... is that a word? Oops. Off topic. That's all I believe I need to say. ~Looks Toward The Rising Sun~[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Nikkie speed towards City Hall. She was still wondering whether or not the man and woman had heard her. There weren't any other cars nearby, and she was driving quite fast. Plus, her landing on the roof of that building should have been loud enough for [i]somebody[/i] to hear. After about five minutes of thinking she came upon City Hall. The man and woman were standing out front. But now there was another man, but he had beard and was talking to the younger man. "Great. These must be the 'others'." Nikkie stopped the car and walked out towards the group outside the building. "Hello Nikkie. This is Ja-" "The name's Xeo," he interrupted. The older man eyed Xeo, but kept quiet. Xeo continued, "And this is Selena." She smiled at Nikkie, but her face was blank. The man with the beard explained that he had been the one calling her and that more were still coming. Nikkie grew annoyed that she had to work with people. She was used to working on her own. She leaned against the wall and kept quiet. Xeo glanced at her occasionally, but never talked to her.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]It was nice, but like the others said, the rhyming got boring and it seems confusing. It is still pretty good. In my opinion, I like short poems. You know, about 8 to 12 lines, but probably because those are the only ones I can actually write well. ~Short Poem Maker~[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]"Great, just great. We're being chased by a cop and we're about to be pulled underwater by a huge wave," Reveille said. She patted her car and said, "Good-bye. Okay girls, abandon ship!!" The others were surprised but Reveille stopped the car and walked out. She began running through the traffic, looking behind to make sure the others got out. They were carefully weaving through traffic as the wave hit the bridge. Tons of cars were pushed off the edge, but the girls had clung to seperate cables just in time. Reveille held her breath the best she could. She opened one eye to see how Paige and Felicia were holding on. They had their eyes closed and bubbles floating out of their mouths. [i]This water better shallow fast. I'm runnin' outta air, here!![/i] Reveille thought as she held on tightly to the cable. After 10 seconds, the water shallowed and Reveille began climbing up the cable. She reached the surface and yelled for the others. Shortly, they climbed up their cables and reached the surface as well. After the water drained and those left on the bridge had regained their composure, everything went back to normal. To lighten the mood, Reveille said, "Well, at least we don't have to worry about that cop. Heh. Aww! My backpack's soaked!!" She had turned around to check on it and found it and everything inside quite damp. "Crap. Hopefully nothing's damaged," she complained. Felicia looked startled, but she clung to her book in her arms. Paige was annoyed and said, "Great. Now we have to walk. This is gonna take forever." Reveille glanced at Paige and shook her head. She just started walking through the streets. Not many cars were left. "Hey! Wait for us!" Felicia yelled after her. She looked back at Paige and started off after Reveille.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]When I'm bored....... well, normally I bug the hell outta those around me. But, since that wasn't on the list, I said read, write, and surf the net. Why? I read stupid books about a centimeter thick, I write poems and stories about death and devastation, and I surf the net coming here or look for 'kawaii' pics from different sites. Oh, and I play video games, but that wasn't on the list either. Well, I think I've answered the question. ~Bored Outta My Mind~[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Reveille looked across the water as she drove by. It reminded her of her home because she had a huge pool. She remembered being little and jumping in for the first time. She smiled but heard a bunch of complaints from the back of the car. She turned her head to see Paige whining while looking out the window. [i]Why should I have to bring her? Its not like she wants to go, and I'd be happy to kick her outta my car...[/i] Reveille thought to herself as she continue to drive. After 10 minutes, there seemed to be a traffic jam. Then the shapes from the sky began to decend upon the bridge. "Great. Just great. More cannons and gunshots. I'm gettin' sick of this," she grumbled loudly. Felicia, being very quiet, suddenly chimed in, "Well, that's why we're going to Central Haven. To stop all this." Reveille merely shrugged as water fell onto the car. It was awfully loud and it came down a lot. As she put her head out the window momentarily, she saw almost twenty of those planes in the air. She quickly pulled back into the car as lots of water fell onto the car. She grumbled some more and rolled up the window. Now her feet were wet.[/color][/size]
Sign Up The White Lasin [PG-13] {For Violence, and the such}
Kitty replied to Dmitri_Dragoon's topic in Theater
[color=blue][size=1]I'll join. I like these mythical-medieval RPs. Name: Known to humans as Nikkie and known to elves as Nienna Age: 79 (Looks around 18) Race: Elf Class: Fighter Weapon(s): A double-sided broad sword and a dagger Affliation: Moon Personality: She is quiet towards any race other than elves. She dislikes humans for their greed and intolerance of other races, so she plays pranks on any daring enough to come into the Forrests of Troglinar. She has made quite a reputation for being sneaky and unpredictable. She feels that she has to take charge in a situation, making her sometimes run into battles or dangerous things without thinking. Description: Long brown hair and piercing green eyes. She wears a long blue shirt with a knee-length skirt and sandals. (Do elves dress like that?) She also has long ears and pale skin. Bio: Nienna traveled to the human city of Talisov with an elven negotiator when she was only 3. She had been mocked and threatened when left alone, and when with the other elven man humans threw tomatoes at them. The negotiator then left her there with two humans who would act as her foster parents. She never knew why until she turned 12. She found out her parents were royalty and that she would be in danger if she stayed in the Forrest. When she was 13, she moved back to the forrest and was treated like an outcast. That's it. Sorry if anything's wrong. I'll fix it if there is. EDIT: Oops! Forgot the class! Oh, and I upped the age, too.[/color][/size] -
[color=blue][size=1]The girl continued to drive over skeletons until she reached a part of the foresaken city that had been cleared out. She turned off the car and walked into the middle of the street. She glared around, knowing that someone else had to be around. "These streets don't clean themselves..." she mumbled to herself. She held her sword ready to attack and looked around the buildings. She noticed a man and a woman standing around a motorcycle talking. She slipped closer, unbeknownst to them. She pulled her sword to her side as she scaled the side of a nearby building. They didn't hear or see her as she quietly got into a position to eavsdrop on them. But before she had the chance, all three of them began to hear the sound of skeleton footsteps. The girl withdrew and climbed to the roof. She jumped towards another building and landed clumsly on the roof. She looked down to see if the man or woman had heard her. Apparently not, for they hopped onto their motorcycle and headed in the opposite direction of the skeletons. The girl climbed back down and hotwired a different car she saw parked in the street. She shifted it into gear and headed the same way the others had gone. She heard a ring coming from her bag. She rummaged through it while keeping her eyes on the road. She pulled out a cellphone and answered, "Who is it?" A man on the other end said, "Hello Nikkie. Have you had any trouble?" She responded, quite irratated, "An army of skeletons. Until I saw this guy and a woman. They seemed to have gotten rid of 'em for an entire square mile. By the way, who are you?" The man didn't answer her question. He simply said, "Go to the City Hall building. The others should meet you there." Nikkie objected, "Hey! You didn't say anything about 'others' before!! Hello?!" He had hung up. She grumbled as she stashed the cellphone back in her bag. She began wondering why she had accepted his offer of becoming a 'gunfighter'.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]OOC: Sorry. I was at school. Plus, my computer sucks where I live. I'm on vacation now!! IC: Kitty was busy studing when she heard her mother scream in the living room. She looked up with a bored look on her face and she put down her book. She walked out to see her parents on the couch watching TV. "....Well? Why did you scream?" she inquired. Her mother looked up with a timid look on her face. "The-there's been a ki-killing at the mall!! It's just s-so scary in a small town like th-this." Kitty looked at her mother. She wondered why there was a killing, but it wasn't scary. Just a bit strange. "Fine. I'll go to the mall and check it out. Such babies..." she mumbled to herself as she grabbed her backpack. The storm outside had settled a little, so she decided she didn't need to use a spell. As she got outside her hair became almost instantly damp and water rolled down her face. She simply ignored it and headed towards the mall. She now was a little interested about finding a murder in this town, though.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Hoards of skeletons were sent flying as a girl ran through the seemingly endless army. Her sword cut several skeletons down to size. She laughed but quickly jumped into the air to avoid being piled on by the mindless bones. She ran over the skeletons, sending one at a time to the ground. The skeletons were too brainless to realize that she was running atop them, so they ran around trying to find her. She eventually came back to the ground and entered a nearby building. She pulled out a handgun and held her sword steady. As she neared the end of the hallway she kicked open a door revealing a stairwell. She ran in and shut the door. She went up about three floors (there were 14) and then ran towards a room. She unlocked the door and headed towards the bedroom. She pulled a bag out from underneath the bed and slung it over her shoulder. She heard the feet of the skeletons on the floor below, so she quickly ran towards a window and jumped onto the fire escape. She hurried down as fast as she could and jumped to the ground. She ran into a group of skeletons about a block later and made quick work of them. She saw a car nearby and found it was unlocked. "It's been a long time since I hotwired a car, but I've got to give it a shot," she said to herself as she pulled out some wires. In 10 seconds, it was up and running. "Yes! Here we go!!" she yelled as she drove into more skeletons. ---------- OOC: Hope that's okay... Do we still have cars?[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]OOC: Nice name for the man Inuluvr! ----- IC: Reveille raised an eyebrow when the doctor said 'adventure'. This was more like a suicide mission. But she was going either way. "Well," she began, "Now that you're here, what now?" He stared at her blankly. "Reveille, right? You need to be patient. Anyway, I'm here to go over what you have to do AND give you something to help you with you're adventure." Reveille grew an interest as he talked about giving each of them something. She wasn't paying attention to his talking anymore, but the others did intently. Her mind wandered over several possibilities of what it could be. A book, a map, a weapon, an umbrella. The ideas raced through her head as she stared out the window. Slowly, her mind returned to her surroundings and the doctor's voice became clearer and clearer to her. "...And make sure you are in range of a radio station. That's how I'll contact you. So-" Reveille interupted him and said, "Wait, you're giving us radios? That's it? How's that gonna help us?!" she asked rudely. He pulled three radios out of his coat pocket. Then he reached into a bag he had, pulling out three swords, three handguns, and three pocket knives. He handed one of each to the girls. These weapons made other people in the waiting room stare. "Happy now girls?" Reveille blushed and put everything except the sword in her backpack. "Well now, I'd say you've got plenty to get you started, wouldn't you say? Oh, and Reveille, you'll be driving everyone. You won't be able to bring a car onto North Haven Bridge, though. Cars are to big a target. You'll have to walk," the doctor told them. Reveille began whining about leaving her new car on the outskirts of North Haven Bridge because it would probably be blown up or stolen or dismantled for parts. She agreed, nonetheless. ------------ OOC: The adventure begins!![/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Reveille looked up at the girl, who looked quite young, and nodded. She quietly noted how the girl was a little drenched, and realized she had to have come by foot. "Don't have a car? That's a bad idea on these bridges. You usually get wet or trampled by the fleeing pedestrians. So, you're... uh... Felicia or something, right?" Reveille asked her. Felicia nodded. She sat back down and opened her book. Reveille picked her back pack off the floor and rummaged through it, finally pulling out a small note. It had the place to meet and when with a couple names on it. She looked around the room, hoping to find a man who was supposedly going to set them on their 'mission'. [i]Still not here...[/i] she thought to herself as she placed the slip of paper back into her bag. She sat the bag on the floor by her feet and looked out the window. More water fell against it. The sound of cannons and gun shots could be heard, but not many cared. This type of thing had been going on for so long, it was hard not to ignore it. Everyone hated the noise and the death, but they didn't do anything about. And here sit two girls who will soon be sent to do that very thing. It confused Reveille. She didn't know quite why she had been chosen by her country. She tried to put it out of her mind, but more gunshots came from outside. [i]Stupid terrorists. Why don't they go attack a country. This bridge shouldn't be important enough to be a target,[/i] she thought to herself.[/color][/size]