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[size=1][indent][b]Name:[/b] Kayleigh Eva Barclay [goes by Leigh] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Nationality:[/b] Irish American [b]Rank:[/b] Captain [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs7/i/2005/226/6/1/red_head_by_Isari.jpg][b]Leigh[/b][/url] [art © [url=isari.deviantart.com][b]Isari@devart.com[/b][/url]] [b]Personality:[/b] Leigh is a teenage girl, and she acts just like it. She's hormonal, impatient, stubborn, impulsive and lazy. Despite the tomboyish way she dresses and carries herself, she is easily flustered and embarrassed, especially when it comes to men, triggering her fair, freckled cheeks to easily turn a crimson red to let the others know. While she is the youngest aboard the Crusade VII, a point often brought up when someone opposes the opinions or plans she shares with the others, she is not in the least bit excluded by the rest of the crew. She doesn't care whether they respect her or not, but she practically demands their attention when it comes to missions where she is needed, knowing well that she has a much better understanding of her duties than the other pilots. In battle, Leigh shows a level of skill unmatched by other pilots in the field of recon, and a patience her shipmates wish she had back on the Crusade VII. Her fighting skills are decent at best, but she rarely does any fighting when she goes out, as Slugga' isn't equiped with anything very powerful and usually has to stick to 'hand-to-hand' combat. Though sometimes she will pick on something to beat to a pile of a space dust when she needs to blow off steam. [b]'Knight' Module:[/b] Reconnaissance - [[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/Robot.png][b]Slugga'[/b][/url]] [b]Berserk Mode:[/b] Leigh and Slugga' are capable of becoming completely invisible, from both a pilot's eyes and a mech's sensors. In this mode, they can protect themselves, should they receive a fairly extensive amount of attacks, confuse the enemies, by attacking out of nowhere, and continue forward while the other Knights can't to get whatever it is Leigh was sent to find. However, depending on how much stress is put on the two of them, the amount of time they can sustain this mode varies widely. [b]Special ability:[/b] Leigh is, by this point, only aware that she can control electrical energy. She can suck the electricity out of objects, but only a small amount at a time. This strange ability leaves her dependant on "charging up" large stores of energy from electrical appliances frequently, lest she be rendered tired and weary when she needs to go into battle. Because of this, she is often seen on her computer, both charging and hacking at the same time. [b]Weapons:[/b] Leigh uses a [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/sword.png][b]Light Sword[/b][/url] when not piloting Slugga'. Her sword is, actually, just an old, beat up piece of metal attached to a new hilt, but if she's charged up before using it, and can concentrate, she can surround blade with electricity. This way, it packs more of a punch, but this also leaves her more exhausted depending on how long she keeps it 'lit'. As a result, she doesn't use it very frequently, though it is almost always attached to her hip. [b]Snippet:[/b] Leigh grunted as she struggled to move a rather large crate through one of the many corridors of the Crusade VII, which she referred to as "Sevvy". She quickly gave up on pulling, and then ran around to the back and tried to push, but to no avail. It wasn't going to budge any further. She was amazed she had gotten it this far all by herself, but now she was tired and flustered. Slumping down against the wooden box, she blew the few strands of red hair that had escaped her bun out of her face. She wondered how far she was from where she intended to go, and how often people came through this particular corridor. Leigh's ears perked up at the sound of footsteps, and grinned as she scrambled to her feet. It was a young soldier, a lower rank than she was, and he seemed extremely absorbed in reading a small notebook. So absorbed, in fact, that he walked right by her. She rolled her eyes before walking after him a couple steps and calling out to him. [b]"Oi! You lost?"[/b] [b]"Hmm?"[/b] the young man asked, sounding startled and glancing up from whatever it was he was reading. When he noticed her Captain's uniform, he instantly saluted, but she waved her hand passively and told him to relax. [b]"Care t' help me with this?"[/b] she asked, nodding at the crate behind her. His eyes widened at the size of it compared to the size of her, and she saw him stiffle a quick chuckle. She tapped her foot a few times impatiently, waiting for his answer, though she knew he would agree, as no soldier wanted to get on the bad side of an officer. [b]"Um... Sure, Captain,"[/b] he shrugged, pocketing the small notebook he carried and walking back towards her. [b]"Careful, it's heavy,"[/b] she warned, but he had already tried lifting it and immediatly dropped it. [b]"I said be careful! And we aren't liftin' it, you idiot."[/b] [b]"So then... what [i]are[/i] we doing?"[/b] he asked, biting his tongue to keep from calling her a name in return. He didn't find it fair that a girl [i]younger than he was[/i] was able to get away with bossing him around [i]and[/i] call him names. [b]"Pushin', of course!"[/b] [center]~[/center] The box slid reluctantly into a large, but bare room, with the two of them giving one final heave before relaxing. The young soldier glanced around, a bit confused. And by now, he had also become quite curious as to the contents of the crate, and decided to ask about it. [b]"So, Captain, if you don't mind me asking, what's in the crate? And why did you want it in here?"[/b] Leigh smiled brightly as she kicked the crate, which fell apart shortly after, to reveal a Billiards table, with several cue sticks, a set of Billiard balls with a rack, and a small baggy filled with blocks of chalk. He was pleased with the item the box had contained, but he was still baffled as to why she had him help move it into this barren room. [b]"Why, [i]this[/i] room, my dear Ashby,"[/b] she began, faking a formal tone and referring to his last name, which he had shared with her prior to the revealing of the room and the table, [b]"... is the new rec room! The first one they've finished for the Sevvy, too. So I thought it fittin' t' buy a new game table for it. After all, the only thing they ordered was some couches after they finished, which haven't even arrived yet."[/b] The two were very aware of the nakedness of the room by this point, but Leigh was now focused on setting up for her very first game of Billiards since she was a young child. [b]"Kick ***,"[/b] the young soldier grinned before mentally slapping himself and glancing at his commanding officer. He was used to being verbally harrassed for cursing in front of superiors, but Leigh was too busy admiring and setting up the new game table to hear him. He let out a sigh of relief and asked her if she needed anything else. Her concentration remained on the table, giving him only a wave and mumbling that he was excused. When she was finished, she realized she didn't have anyone to play with and growled in annoyance. She tried to reach some of the other pilots, but with little success. [b]"Isn't that just [i]perfect[/i]?"[/b] she asked herself rhetorically. She slammed her cue stick on the table in frustration and left the rec room to find someone who wasn't busy. [b]Notes:[/b] Despite her Irish name, appearance, and background, Leigh speaks with an American accent, having lived with her American mother and sister without her father.[/indent] --- [b]ooc ::[/b] Wow, I got here late. ^__^;; Here's my sign up. I'll finish the rest later tonight. (It's 1:30 in the morning for me right now, and I have school in a couple hours. xD;; ) [b]edit ::[/b] Added the snippit and berserk mode. Apologies if Slugga' seems to have stealth abilities. But stealth is a requirement for reconnaissance! @_@; And I feel like saving Leigh's background for revealing over the course of the RP, as long as that's okay. So yeah. The snippet is more of a look at her personality and behavior rather than her relationships/past/etc. Just letting you know so you can bug me over AIM/PM if I need to fix it. ;D [b]edit2 ::[/b] Changed her appearance picture. I'm done now! I swear! >___>;[/size]
[size=1][center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/PicchusofMeh/B-WOtakuties.png[/IMG] "wannabe"[/center] [indent][b]What's your favorite hobby?[/b] There are so many things that I love doing, that it really is hard to narrow it down to one. If I absolutely [i]had[/i] to choose (as I'm assuming I do now, lol), I'd probably say that my favorite is drawing. I don't think I draw particularly well, but it's rare to find me not doodling on something. If you flip through my notebooks/journal/random pieces of paper littering my desk, you'll find tons of doodles or completed drawings skattered throughout. [b]What do you think your best personality trait would be?[/b] My best personality trait would probably be my liveliness. It's real easy for me to get energized, so I'm always up for playing a game, jumping around/dancing to music, or just "chillin'" with friends. I'm a tad bit clumsy, too, so I have a tendency to run and trip over things (sometimes on purpose, too, just to amuse my friends). I do have a lazy side, but I'm more prone to moving around when with other people.[/indent][/size]
[SIZE=1]For some reason, I felt like doing this. Even though two other people have already posted before me. >__>;; So ja. Here they are. (Sorry if you don't like flowers; it was hard to find other pictures that conveyed the message I decided to take from your quote for this set.) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requests/RedemptionAvatar1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requests/RedemptionBanner1.png[/IMG][/SIZE]
[size=1][indent]Angie had gotten off the couch after half an hour of watching crappy cartoons that, for some reason, amused Song to no end. She used that as one of her main arguing points that Song was a little girl, despite how much the shinigami denied it. After a while, she emerged from her bedroom with a full, but unzipped suitcase, mumbling to herself. Song raised an eyebrow, but did nothing until Angie turned off the TV. [b][i]"I was watching that,"[/i][/b] she growled. [b]"We're going to New York City,"[/b] Angie grinned. [b][i]"Why now? Traveling there will be inconvenient. Most humans will be headed there for the party in Times Square that they hold every year, won't they?"[/i][/b] [b]"That's true... But we still have to go. I found something that might interest you,"[/b] Angie danced, pulling a folded up piece of paper out of her back pocket and throwing it towards Song, who caught it and opened it with little enthusiasm. Had she had eyes, Angie was positive they would've widened at the sight of the contents of the paper she had just been given. [b][i]"Alright,"[/i][/b] Song sighed, nothing in her tone hinting the surprise or excitement Angie was somehow convinced she felt. [b][i]"But may I suggest you take a train? You don't have the money for a plane ticket, and I don't care for being cooped up in that tiny car of yours for the twelve hours it takes to get to New York from here."[/i][/b] [b]"Sure! Now help me with this stupid zipper,"[/b] Angie asked, though Song made no movement from her spot on the couch. [b][i]"I don't think so. Now move out of the way,"[/i][/b] Song demanded in her eerie voice. Angie frowned, but relented, moving herself and her suitcase out of the way. [b]"You're no help at all sometimes, you know that?"[/b] [b][i]"I'm well aware."[/i][/b] [center]---[/center] Angie walked through the train station casually, pulling her suitcase closely behind her, and holding on tightly to her Death Note hidden inside her jacket pocket. She paused at a café to stretch for a bit. Being cramped in a train for several hours wasn't her idea of a fun time, and she was glad it was over. Song floated invisibly next to her, but Angie couldn't help but giggle at the idea of her being seen by all of the ignorant people walking through the station. The chaos it would bring would be so amusing, she was beginning to be disappointed that it wasn't possible without sharing her precious Death Note with them, even if only a page of it. [b]"Well!"[/b] Angie grinned, shaking the thought from her mind, [b]"Happy New Years Eve, Song. All I've gotta do is check in to that hotel and head over to that old theater."[/b] [b][i]"Don't say my name in public, you dolt,"[/i][/b] Song sighed. [b][i]"People will realize that you're insane."[/i][/b] [b]"Chill! People just avoid those who they think are crazy. They never do anything about the crazies themselves. They don't like dirtying their own hands,"[/b] Angie hummed, starting skip as she walked out the doors and across the sidewalk. [b][i]"It's scary how relaxed you can say that, being slightly insane yourself..."[/i][/b] [b]"Say somethin'?"[/b] Angie asked before opening the door of the taxi she had just waved down. Song shook her head and floated in after her. The two were silent from the car all the way to the hotel room. Angie decided to take a shower while Song flipped through the TV channels to entertain herself. When the brunette walked out of the bathroom, she sat down on the other bed and began speaking in a serious tone, which was very unusual for her. [b]"Are there other notebooks?"[/b] [b][i]"Why ask that now?"[/i][/b] Song retorted curiously. [b]"I watch the news sometimes. It's really boring, most of the stuff, but sometimes they mention these people who died. Famous or powerful people who died of apparent suicide. Why would people, with everything they could possibly want, decide to kill themselves? It doesn't make any sense."[/b] [b][i]She finally figured it out, hmm?[/i][/b] the shinigami thought to herself. Chuckling, she sat up and faced the human holder of her Death Note and spoke with the same expressionless tone she always used, hiding her emotions carefully. [b][i]"Yes, there are others."[/i][/b] [b]"Then that means other humans must have some, too... Are they followed, too?"[/b] [b][i]"By a shinigami, you mean? It all depends on the God of Death himself, but generally, I'd say there is a pretty good chance that they stick to their notebooks."[/i][/b] [b]"So... I'm not the only one, after all."[/b] [b][i]"The only one?"[/i][/b] Song asked, slightly confused. [b]"I'm glad!"[/b] Angie cheered, letting out a sigh of relief. [b]"I was starting to worry that I'd never be able to talk about this Death Note stuff with anyone other than you. No offense."[/b] [b][i]"None taken."[/i][/b] [b]"I bet a bunch of them saw that thing about the theater, too. That means I get to meet them tomorrow ? how exciting! Now I don't have to bother being paranoid! We'll all hang out and kill together. It'll be so fun, don't you think?"[/b] Angie giggled. Song suddenly felt very embarrassed to be around this young woman who was clearly unaware of how crazy she really was, but tried to push it from her mind. [b][i]"That doesn't mean you should stop being careful,"[/i][/b] the Death God warned. [b]"Oh, I know. But I figure one out of every five or so with a notebook must have made the deal for the eyes. Even if I didn't use my real name and acted really careful around them, one of them would still be able to kill me. A meeting of the owners of the Death Notes will be a very tension-filled one, that's the one thing I'm one hundred percent sure of. It's going to be either our paranoia of one of the others killing us, or our complete ignorance of that possibility that will leave all but one of us dead in the end. So, by not having to be paranoid myself, but being fully aware of the various elements that may cost me my life when meeting the other Death Note holders, I think I'm probably best off out of all of us."[/b] Song stared at the smiling young woman sitting across from her in disbelief. How could she, someone she recognized as both stupid and slowly losing her sanity, have just rambled so seemingly illogically that it was logical? She felt her head hurting. [b]"Hey!"[/b] [b][i]"What is it now?"[/i][/b] [b]"If you knew there were others, why didn't you tell me?"[/b] [b][i]"Didn't feel like it,"[/i][/b] Song taunted. She had said enough for tonight, she decided. [b]"You meanie!"[/b] Angie pouted. But she recognized Song's unwillingness to continue talking, as she had experienced it countless times before, and noticed her own tiredness, and figured she'd best go to bed. She set her alarm for six o' clock the following morning, wished Song good night, tucked herself in, and turned out the light, falling asleep minutes later. From the corner, Song's hollow eye sockets stared blankly at the bundle of blankets that was Angie. Despite her lack of eyeballs, she could still see the clock when it turned from 11:59 to 12:00, and had her mouth been visible, it would surely have formed a small smile as she wished Angie a happy new year.[/indent] --- [b]ooc ::[/b] Well, there ya go. Angie may be slightly insane, but she sure can be perceptive sometimes, lol. Can't wait to start interacting with the rest of you guys as the next day plays out. (And can't wait to find out what the hell's gonna happen at that theater! @__@)[/size]
[SIZE=1][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/PicchusofMeh/IceSkating1v2.png[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Revey[/CENTER][/SIZE]
[size=1]Well, I've been waiting for Sakura to post, but I guess I can post sooner if you'd rather someone put [i]something[/i] up. But it is the holiday season, so maybe we're all just a bit busier than normal? After all, I'm here in Boston visiting family, so I might have to wait until Wednesday (when I go back home) before I can type anything up, anyway. Hopefully that won't be the case, though. ^__^; I hope everyone else can still post after the holidays, though. D:[/size]
[size=1][indent][b]"Happy half-birthday Song!"[/b] Angie cried gleefully, snapping the elastic band of a party hat underneath the Death God's chin. The spirit turned to face the twenty-something college student, her solid black eyes giving her a quizzical stare. [b][i]"Shinigami don't have birthdays, let alone half-birthdays,"[/i][/b] Song's 'voice' echoed in Angie's mind. [b]"I know, I know, but it's been six months today since we met, and 'anniversary' is too big a word for a little girl like you, so I figured we could pretend it's your birthday!"[/b] Angie replied, unperturbed by Song's obviously annoyed state. [b][i]"I'm not a little girl, Angie."[/i][/b] [b]"Of course you aren't. Now eat your cupcake,"[/b] Angie giggled, shoving the cupcake into her company's tiny hands. Song seemed to be analyzing the strange (to her) food she had just received while removing the party hat she had unwillingly been wearing as Angie rushed out of her apartment's decent-sized kitchen and towards her bedroom. She grabbed the small black notebook hidden in her wardrobe and returned, flipping through the pages as she walked. [b]"Care to do anything special for your half-birthday?"[/b] she asked, totally forgetting about the conversation the two of them had a minute ago. [b][i]"The pages have more names on them since you picked up that notebook than I've put down in half a century, when it's not necessary for you but it's my job. You don't think you're using it too much? Or too carelessly?"[/i][/b] Song wondered. Angie was about to scold her for not eating her cupcake when Song pointed to the irremovable tape covering her mouth that prevented her from really eating anything. Angie rolled her eyes and took the cupcake back, taking a bite out of it. [b]"I didn't kill [i]that[/i] many people. Honest. Besides, it's mostly just relatives of mine, anyway. Nobody knows anyone in my family,"[/b] the brunette lied, taking another bite of the sugary dessert in her hand, her eyes scanning the page that listed names she knew all too well. Song's empty eyes seemed to bore a hole in the young woman until she finally mumbled under her breath that she may have been using the Death Note a bit extensively. [b]"But I've stretched them out! And I wasn't lazy and just used the heart attack rule. They died doing things they normally did,"[/b] Angie added, her pink cheeks hinting her slight annoyance at being called on her lie. [b][i]"It's not my place to judge how you use the Death Note. I was just curious,"[/i][/b] Song sighed passively, waving a hand as she floated up from her seat at the counter and through the doorway between the kitchen and the living room. She landed on the couch and started using the TV remote with one of her outstretched wings. [b]"Nobody will be suspicious. Nobody will miss them,"[/b] Angie continued mumbling to herself, shutting the notebook quickly and finishing off the cupcake. She dropped the Death Note on the coffee table in front of the couch before taking a seat next to Song. She glanced over at the shinigami and let out a sudden cry. The spirit of death looked over at Angie for a moment, wondering what she had made the noise for. [b]"You aren't wearing your hat..."[/b] [b][i]"... No, I'm not,"[/i][/b] Song replied nonchalantly, returning her attention to the random shows on the TV.[/indent][/size]
[size=1][indent][center][b]42th of Estembre; 3:15 PM[/b][/center] Monique and Syrus had spent the night together in his dorm room after their reconciliation, but the following week they saw very little of each other outside of class. Most of their free time was dedicated to studying and spending extra time with teachers, which was a first for Monique. When the two did see each other, there was plenty of giggling and flirting, mostly for the fun of seeing their friends' reactions. But while she had finally obtained the boy she had been striving for for so long, she had lost another. After her falling out with Alex, the two averted eyes and tried their best to avoid the other. While Monique somewhat regretted what she had said, as she understood it was only her taking out her frustrations on him, she felt he had brought it on himself. She didn't feel the need to apologize, and was fine with the uncomfortable-ness between them for the time being. When Monique heard the dismissal bell ring for the third class of the day, she slowly got up out of her seat and yawned as she walked out of Instructor Garle's classroom. She stretched her arms for a moment before realizing that she had her last private session with Instructor Algreis today. She jumped in the air before straightening out and gliding quickly down the corridor. Between extra sessions with Garle and Algreis and actually paying attention in her classes, Monique's abilities had improved immensely within the week. The spells she had already known advanced, and she learned quite a few new ones. One of her favorites was the summoning of a [url=http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs11/i/2006/176/3/a/Meep__by_shiari.png]baby dragon[/url], whom she had dubbed Lumen for his pure white scales, and eyes that lit up when it was dark. Despite his tiny size, Lumen was very vicious when he got riled up, making it extremely amusing for Monique and very surprising to whoever she sicked him on. [b]"Ah, there you are, Miss Tyriest!"[/b] she heard her professor call. [b]"Hello,"[/b] she smiled, landing in front of him. [b]"Ready to begin?"[/b] [b]"Of [i]course[/i],"[/b] she giggled, bouncing impatiently on her heels. [center]~ [b]5:33 PM[/b] ~[/center] Monique rushed down the staircase in the library, eager to check out the book she had finally found after searching for the past few days. It was something she had been told about by Syrus as a great free reading book, and since she saw so little of him lately, she needed something to pass her time with. She was shushed by the librarian when she approached the desk, having been giggling when she handed the book over the counter. She rolled her eyes when the older woman wasn't looking, but showed a fake smile when the woman turned back around, to which she raised an eyebrow. Leaving the library as quickly as she could, she wasn't paying attention to her feet and fell clumsily onto the ground of the hallway outside. Her crumpled heap wasn't noticed by a passing student, who consequently tripped over her and landed beside her awkwardly. [b]"Sorry! Sorry!"[/b] she cried apologetically, helping the other student off the floor after standing up herself. When the girl was on her feet, Monique realized who it was. [b]"Oh, hey Clyne,"[/b] she smiled.[/indent] --- [b]ooc ::[/b] Momo's a serious fighter now, what with all those private sessions. ;D Names and details of her new spells will be posted in the underground soon. And I left this off as an introduction for Sakura to post (as she hasn't in a while, and I don't want CAF losing more players).[/size]
[size=1][indent][b]Name:[/b] Angela "Angie" Ward [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Origins:[/b] Boston, MA, USA [b]Appearance:[/b] Green-eyed and slight, Angie has long been considered fairly attractive. She stands at an average height of five and a half feet, but sometimes wears heels or sandals that add two to three more inches. Angie is very much a fashionista, keeping up with the latest fashion trends and what all the famous celebrities are wearing, but has lately preferred to dress in very plain clothes, generally wearing tight shirts with cargo shorts and flip flops. She's always ready to put on the occasional skirt and whip out her heels, though. She keeps her shoulder length brown hair kept up in a bun, except when she wants to impress someone or is just too lazy to put it up. [b]Personality:[/b] Angie is a fun loving girl, who many have called a bit strange or even crazy, which may not be too far from the truth. If she isn't crazy, she's definitely bipolar, often going from happy one moment to angry and irritated the next, with little to no warning at all. She's also a bit of a hypocrite, but she pays very little attention to it, even when others bring it up. She was a vigorous attendee of night clubs and parties until her discovery of Song, after which she began cleaning up her act. [b]How acquired the Death Note:[/b] Angie discovered her death note in a bathroom stall of the club she had been attending one night. [b]Other Information:[/b] After meeting Song, Angie treated her more like a younger sister than a spirit of death, having lost her own younger sister when she was only ten. She had since felt that it was her lack of good role-model behavior that led her sister to die (the cause of which she refuses to tell anyone), but didn't do anything to change it until she became convinced that Song was her second chance. [b]Name and Title of the Shinigami:[/b] Song, the Voice of Terror [b]Appearance of the Shinigami:[/b] Song looks no older than eight or nine, and would seem like any other young girl if it weren't for her paper white skin, long gray hair, entirely black eyes, and what appears to be black tape covering her mouth. Despite her eyes being nothing but black circles on her round face, Song communicates through them, rather than through her mouth, using a strange form of telepathy. Song wears a small, bright green sun dress (which contrasts sharply with her colorless body). She also has a pair of small white wings protruding from her back, but look more like tree branches in the winter, barren and frail, than actual wings. However, she is still able to float, and prefers to do so over actually using her bare feet. [/indent][/size]
Sign Up Super Smash Brothers Melee: Reunion [PG - V, possible L]
Kitty replied to TheResplendent's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b191/Bklynstyles/Zelda.png[/IMG] [b]Princess Zelda[/b][/CENTER] [b]"You can't possibly be going... Right?"[/b] [b]"Of [i]course[/i] I'm going! Mario is a friend of mine, and I owe it to him to help."[/b] Zelda stood before a large mirror, fixing her earrings and making sure her hair looked alright. After all, she hadn't seen the others from her Melee days in quite a while, aside from Link, and wanted to be presentable, as a princess should be. The young toad that had delivered the letter stood anxiously by Zelda's feet, twiddling her thumbs nervously. When the princess was satisfied, she picked up the toad and held her gently under her arm. [b]"Princess! Where are you going?!"[/b] cried one of Zelda's attendants, watching helplessly as the young woman charged out of Hyrule Castle. She paused for a moment before transforming into her Sheikah alter ego, her face hidden behind a mask and some bangs, and clad in blue. She waved back at the Hylian man before disappearing in a puff of black smoke. She reappeared on the outskirts of the Kokiri Forest, quite a ways away from the castle. The toad she held under her arm let out a short squeak that startled her for a moment. [b]"Sorry about that,"[/b] Sheik chuckled apologetically. [b]"I should have warned you before using my Smoke Bomb techinque."[/b] [b]"N-No, it's alright. Really. I-It just startled me, that's all,"[/b] the rookie messenger stammered. She seemed to have calm down, but let out a loud shriek at the sight of a silhouette in the trees ahead. [b]"And where do you think [i]you're[/i] going?"[/b] [b]"Impa?"[/b] Sheik asked apprehensively. [b]"Of course it's me,"[/b] the Sheikah rolled her eyes, stepping out of the shade of the trees. [b]"You didn't think you'd get away from the castle without running into me, did you?"[/b] [b]"I thought I might have gotten away with it, yes..."[/b] [b]"Come now, Princess. You surely aren't that dumb. But let's hear your excuse for running away from the castle this time. You could run into Ganondorf if you aren't careful, you know, and I heard Link has left, so who knows what we'd do if he got a hold of you--"[/b] Impa rambled, but was cut off by the grunt of the messenger toad landing on the grass. [b]"Link has been summoned, too?!"[/b] Sheik asked excitedly. [b]"What do you mean summoned? I just heard he left for somewhere. It didn't sound familiar to me,"[/b] Impa replied, eyeing her curiously. [b]"Then it is even more important that I go as well! Impa, believe me, I wouldn't be running off I didn't believe this was probably one of the most important things I had to do,"[/b] the disguised princess pleaded. Her bodyguard seemed unaffected by her performance for a bit, but eventually caved to her will. Sheik picked the messenger toad up once more and waved to Impa before heading off towards Mushroom Kingdom and Star Hill.[/INDENT] --- [b]ooc ::[/b] Hope I'm not too late, BK. I'll be using the Sheik and Zelda from the Ocarina of Time game (and in this sign up, I also used the Impa from OoT).[/SIZE] -
[size=1][indent][center][b]Thursday, 34th of Estembre 5:12 PM[/b][/center] Monique seemed to grow more frustrated and tired the more she spoke with Alex, and had just about had enough. When he accused her of butting into his business, she nearly snapped. Instead of shouting at him, as she had been, she had reached the too-angry-to-yell stage, and spoke in a frighteningly quiet voice. [b]"I visited you because I was worried about you, but I guess it was a waste of time. I would say that you shouldn't invite me in next time I try to help you if you don't want me 'butting into your business', but I shouldn't get your hopes up like that. Trust me, there won't [i]be[/i] a next time. You're on your own as far as I'm concerned,"[/b] she spat before turning and continuing on as she had been before Alex had spoken to her. She left him standing there, not caring much for him at the moment. Those she walked by could practically feel the anger radiating from her, though her face was expressionless and she walked as if nothing was wrong. She was so close to breaking down, but she continued to fight it off, demanding from herself that she make it to her room. She would be able to contain it, unless of course, [i]he[/i] showed up. [b]"Mo-Monique?"[/b] she heard someone stammer. She immediately recognized the voice, and she paused mid-step, though she did not turn around for quite a while. The two stood silent until she turned to face him, her face blank but her eyes flooding with emotion. She walked towards Syrus, and he opened his mouth to speak before she cut him off with a release of all of her anger and fear and frustration in the form of a hard and swift punch to the gut. The hit left him on his knees, clutching his stomach and gasping awkwardly. His initial reaction was to ask her what the hell she did that for, but he stopped himself. No need to make matters worse, after all. But before he could do anything, he saw her kneel down beside him and burst out sobbing. She pulled her knees into her chest as she sat against the wall of the corridor, unable to stop her crying. [b]"Make it stop,"[/b] she blubbered. It was hard to understand her through her crying, but Syrus was listening closely. [b]"I don't want to hurt like this everytime I see you with someone else. I won't be able to take it."[/b] Looking up, her eyes were red and puffy, and she bit her lip hard to stiffle her sniffeling.[/indent] [b]ooc ::[/b] Ultimate CHEESE! Run with it BK! xP (Their romance has progressed rather far after only 2 days. >__>;; ) By the way, DH, Momo doesn't [i]really[/i] mean what she's saying. She's just freaking out at the moment. ^_^;[/size]
[size=1][indent][center][b]Thursday, 34th of Estembre 4:52 PM[/b][/center] [b]"Syrus...? What the [i]hell[/i]?!"[/b] Mo shrieked. She had run off to find Syrus, only to find him with his arms draped around the one person she didn't trust him with. [b]"Mo! There you are--"[/b] he began, unaware at first at what his hugging Aizen might have been mistaken for. [b]"Shut up! Just shut up! I thought that--... Dammit, I should've known this would happen,"[/b] she growled, a large blush forming on her face. [b]"What are you talking about? Nothing's happened, I was just--"[/b] [b]"Just trying to get Aizen to fuck you, too, right?"[/b] Mo interrupted. Syrus's eyes widened, and before he could say anything, the green haired girl had pulled away from him with a look of horror on her face. [b]"You were [i]what[/i]?"[/b] she asked meekly, tears forming. [b]"No! I wasn't! Mo, it's not what you think! Just listen to me!"[/b] Syrus begged, horrified at how fast he was alienating all the girls he cared for. He got up from the bench and walked towards her, the look on his face pleading her to believe him, but she was too embarrassed and angry to listen to him now. He reached to cup her face in his hand, but she smacked it away, tears of frustration forming in her eyes. [b]"Don't touch me! Look, [i]buddy[/i], I'm not interested, so how 'bout you go screw yourself instead?"[/b] she shouted. With that, she turned and ran off, tears streaming down her cheeks as she went. She didn't look back to see if Syrus was chasing after her, and nor did she care. In fact, she would prefer him to drop dead more than anything at that moment. When she was finally out of breath, she wiped her eyes to see the tower she had shown Syrus yesterday. She was silent for a moment before angrily crying out the spell and flying upwards. Landing awkwardly, she began throwing things around, including the chairs, her notebooks, and even the carpet, while shouting cries and profanities out of frustration. She slumped down to her knees when she had nothing left to throw but the table, which she didn't want to do, as it was mostly glass. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she sat there. She laid on the ground and stared up at the empty sky, weaving her fingers through her hair. [i]"Dammit,"[/i] she thought to herself, taking one last hit at whatever was around her, but hitting her hand on the base of the table. She winced at the pain in her knuckles, but didn't do anything about it. Several daydreams floated through her head as she lay there, some concerning the various horrendous deaths of Syrus, others involving their reconciliation in a fantastic manner, while the rest were mainly about what she would [i]actually[/i] be doing once she got up from the crumpled pile on the floor she had become for the time being. She figured she'd wait for a couple more minutes before fixing up her hangout spot and returning to her dorm room, where she would do whatever homework she had left for the day, shower, and lay in bed until she fell asleep. [b]"Sounds good,"[/b] she mumbled aloud to herself at the plan she had formed. Just as she had figured she'd do, five minutes or so later, she got up, fixed the carpet, chairs and other things she had thrown around and jumped off the tower towards her dorm room.[/indent] [b]ooc ::[/b] homygoodness, DRAMA. OO: Yeah. Momo's all emo now. xD She doesn't hate Aizen, by the way, in case that was unclear. She just doesn't trust Syrus when he's with her. ^_^;;[/size]
[size=1][indent][center][b]Thursday, 34th of Estembre,12:15 PM[/b][/center] Mo had, like usual during Advanced Sparring, slacked off from the actual fighting part of class, and simply conversed with friends until Instructor Shavers walked by to scold the girls. He dismissed the others to start fighting each other, but held Mo back. She rolled her eyes, knowing full well what he was about to talk to her about. [b]"Why don't you participate anymore, Mrs. Tyriest?"[/b] [b]"I don't feel like beating up the minors,"[/b] she lied with a yawn, referring to her younger friends and classmates. The truth was, ever since her dream last night, she hadn't been particularly eager to handle her rapier with the fear of it later ending up through her abdomen. The instructor held his forehead in his palm, the look on his face reflecting his headache. [b]"You'd rather fail?"[/b] [b]"You wouldn't fail me, would you Professor?"[/b] she fake-gasped, the sarcasm very apparent in her expression and tone. [b]"I would, but not happily. Come on, Monique. I know you better than this. You've taken classes with me for nearly five years now. Just because you're an upper classman doesn't mean you don't have to do what everyone else does,"[/b] he said sternly. She stared back at him with a blank face, blinking several times while he was silent. He finally let out a sigh and waved his hand. [b]"Go on, already."[/b] [b]"Thank you Professor,"[/b] she grinned, running past him. The friends she had been passing the class with were now sparring, leaving her to find someone else to bother. She spotted Syrus and headed over towards him, but saw him facing off against Alex, who she had beaten yesterday. She sat down nearby to get a good view, and watched intently until Instructor Shavers pulled Alex away. When he had gone, she jumped up and ran at Syrus. [b]"Syr-ee!"[/b] she giggled, wrapping herself around his torso. [b]"Oh, hi Mo. Slacking again?"[/b] he asked with a smirk. [b]"You know it,"[/b] she replied, sticking out her tongue. She returned her arms to her sides, leaving the two silent and tense. They hadn't seen each other since the previous night, and both of their faces had become beet red when the silence fell between them. Mo stared at her feet while Syrus looked everywhere but at her. [b]"Sooo... Where'd that Alex kid go?"[/b] [b]"Hm? Oh, I don't know."[/b] [b]"Then lets go find out!"[/b] she grinned, grabbing his hand and pulling him after her. She headed the way she had seen Shavers leave with Alex, and when they caught up with them, Alex was already knocked unconscious. There were some kids around him that had also followed to see why he had been pulled aside by their instructor. Across from the beaten Alex was a boy Mo did not recognize, but Syrus left her side at the sight of him, his hand ready on Aludra's hilt. [b]"Hey, you okay?"[/b] Mo asked the boy, placing a hand on his forehead to try and get the sweat out of his semi-closed eyes. [b]"That?s Alex, he?s never okay, what are you talking about? He?s such an idiot,"[/b] one of the students around him blurted out. [b]"He flunks everything. No wonder he got his ass whooped,"[/b] another added. [b]"Shut up!"[/b] she growled at them. They had no right to talk about him like that, especially after he had just gone through such an embarrassing ordeal already. When she turned back towards him, she saw his eyes open for a moment. [b]"Are you okay? Hey, come on, wake up!"[/b] she urged, but it was no use. He was unconscious again in seconds. [center]~ [b]3:41 PM[/b] ~[/center] Mo had chased after Syrus once the long, tiresome fight with Kristos had ended. She had known him for quite a while, and she had only seen him that angry on a handful of occasions. The truth was, she was actually more afraid of him than of Kristos while they battled. She was afraid that if she tried to do what Aizen had done, she would've ended up receiving Syrus's frustration and anger. She was actually jealous of Aizen for being brave enough to do the right thing, while she stood by and watched, simply wishing that Syrus wouldn't get hurt too bad. [b]"Dammit, [i]dammit[/i],"[/b] she cursed at herself, hitting herself on the head several times. While she had been thinking, she had lost sight of him. She sighed before leaning against the wall of the corridor and sliding down onto the floor. [b]"Not like he'd want to talk to me [i]anyway[/i],"[/b] she mumbled. She sat on the floor for a good twenty minutes before she finally decided to stand back up. [b]"I'll go see if Alex is alright, instead,"[/b] she nodded to herself, running off. As she went, she was slightly startled by the emptiness of the hallways until she passed by Strom. She tried to stop, but ended up stumbling, tripping, and falling onto the ground. He heard the noise and walked over to help her up. [b]"You okay?"[/b] [b]"Yeah. No problem here,"[/b] she replied, putting on a fake smile as she brushed herself off. Her face was slightly pink, but she wasn't worried enough to avoid eye contact with Strom. [b]"Do you know where they took that Alex kid?"[/b] she asked him. [b]"Probably the infirmary. Why?"[/b] he inquired, raising an eyebrow. [b]"Can't find Syrus, so I figured I go check on him."[/b] [b]"Don't get caught, then,"[/b] he scoffed. She cocked her head to the left, a confused look on her face. [b]"Nobody thinks very highly of him around here, you know. He may get a bit more sympathy ? though I'm very doubtful about that ? for being Kristos' punching bag, but not much else. If you're seen with him, you'll probably destroy your reputation and lose all your friends,"[/b] he explained. [b]"Well, I can see why Syrus doesn't like you. You're a jerk."[/b] She turned to walk away, leaving a stunned Strom behind her. Though he didn't know her that well, he would never have imagined Mo saying something like that to anyone. He grabbed her arm and spun her around to make her face him again. [b]"I wasn't being a jerk. I was being [i]truthful[/i],"[/b] he said, matter-of-factly. [b]"I didn't ask you to be truthful,"[/b] she spat back, pulling her arm back from him. They glared at each other for quite a while before she went off running again. She tried to push all thoughts of losing her friends out of her mind, repeating to herself that Strom was simply being mean, and that she shouldn't listen to him, but the thoughts remained. She reached the infirmary, was directed to where Alex was being treated, and waited outside of the door. She held her fist an inch from the door, split between her worry of losing her friends and her determination to prove Strom wrong. But she stood still for several minutes before finally sighing and knocking on the door. [b]"Come in,"[/b] she heard the voice say from within. She opened the door to reveal a bruised Alex sitting up in a small bed reading a book. He looked up to see her and seemed to freeze up. [b]"A-Are you okay? I don't want to be interrupting you, or anything,"[/b] she stuttered, scratching her head nervously. He didn't look all that happy to see her, but he shook his head and nodded to a chair beside the bed. Mo sat down slowly and turned the chair to face him. [b]"So... I hear you're the man to see if anyone wants to commit social suicide."[/b] Strangely, he laughed rather loudly at the comment, taking Mo by slight surprise. [b]"I hope that's not why you're here. You're quite the social butterfly from what I've seen of you."[/b] [b]"Nope. I haven't spiraled into a deep enough depression for that. I just came by to see if you were okay. You seemed to take an awfully bad beating today."[/b] He placed a hand on his bruises as she spoke. [b]"I'll be fine. They're letting me out in a couple minutes. They can't do anything to get rid of the bruises, but I'm okay for the most part,"[/b] he replied. [b]"That's good... Oh, I don't know if I've introduced myself yet! So, um.. Hi. I'm Monique. You can call me whatever you want, though,"[/b] she giggled. [b]"How about gorgeous?"[/b] he chuckled. The sincerity in his voice took her by surprise, and a slight blush popped up in her cheeks. She stuttered for a bit before he chuckled louder and told her he was only kidding. [b]"It's nice to finally know your name, Monique."[/b] [b]"Well, I'm still in my sparring class clothes, so I'm gonna have to go now. Glad to hear you'll be doing fine, Alex. Bye!"[/b] she waved as she left the room. Outside of the infirmary, she used her spell so she could jump down to the ground level quickly, as the changing room was right underneath it. Back in uniform, she headed off to find Syrus again. She hoped he had cooled down by now, and would be willing to talk with her. She wanted to make sure he was okay, too.[/indent][/size]
[size=1][indent][center][b]Wednesday, 33rd of Estembre, 10:08 PM[/b][/center] [b]"Mmmhm..."[/b] Monique mumbled as she rolled over on the soft carpet and blankets she laid between. She rubbed at her eyes for a moment before staring up at the sky. She sat up quickly, and it took her a moment to realize she was alone. She figured he must have left a while ago, and she wasn't bothered at all. She got dressed as fast as she could before grabbing her books and jumping off of the ledge to her secret hangout spot. Before landing, she repeated the spell, gripping her magi tightly in her pocket, letting her jump a few times before landing softly in front of her dorm. She kicked the door open lazily, yawning as she walked in. She was a bit surprised at how exhausted she was. She had slept for a while already, and she thought she'd be incredibly energized out of sheer happiness. She kicked off her shoes, dropped her books on the floor, and fell onto her bed with a loud 'fwump' sound. She reached up and grabbed her pillow, sighing into it. [b]"I bet you aren't thinking about her [i]now[/i], are you Syrus?"[/b] she asked, even though he wasn't around. It wasn't very long before she had fallen asleep. [center]~[/center] [i]'Hello?' Monique called out, but no one answered. She stood alone in a dense forest, only a few streams of light making their way from the sun in the sky to the leaf-covered ground. She looked around and finally spotted her rapier at the base of a tree. She ran towards it, but she didn't get any nearer. She tried running faster, but everything else moved faster with her. She stopped to take a breath, and was suddenly flying backwards. A loud crash was heard as she was sent through a few trees, now being whipped about uncontrollably. Though the noise made her wince, she didn't feel anything. Looking behind her, she saw she was being pulled by a faceless boy in the Academy's uniform wearing a strange emblem where the school crest normally went. Confused, she initially tried to pull herself away, but when they neared a tree, she realized he was the one hitting the trees. 'Who are you?' she tried to ask in a loud enough voice for the boy to hear, but nothing escaped but a whisper. She tried again before he disappeared in a large burst of flame. She stopped flying backwards and started to fall. But now she wasn't in the forest. She was in the air, falling down towards a lake. She clawed around in her pockets for her magi as she chanted, 'Pluma Pes!' over and over again, attempting to stop in the air before hitting the water. The fast approaching surface of the lake made her panic, and her magi fell from her fumbling hands and down into the abyss below her. Monique hit the surface momentarily, but it didn't feel like water. It felt more like feathers, and suddenly she was in a lake of black feathers. She giggled as she waved her arms in the same fashion a child might move his or her arms in the snow to make a snow angel. The feathers were soft and gentle against her skin, and she felt like she was floating slowly until a sharp pain in her stomach got her attention. Letting out a shriek, she stared at her abdomen to see her own rapier protruding from it. Looking up, she saw Syrus, Clyne, Aizen, and her other friends, professors, relatives, some enemies and even a few people she did not recognize. The feathers beneath her changed from black to red as her blood oozed from her back and stomach. Pacis landed at her feet and began speaking, but she couldn't understand him very well. She only caught a few words at the end before feeling herself being lifted out of the feathers. Her eyes rolled back into her head and all she saw was white....[/i] [center][b]~[/b][/center] [b]"AAH!"[/b] she shrieked, hitting her head as she leaped off her bunk. She looked at the top bunk to check if she had woken her roomate before remembering that her roomate had been kicked out the previous month. She still was unclear on the details, but plenty of rumors had surfaced, though most were very unplausable when she heard them. She panted for a moment, holding herself up by pressing on her knees. She glanced at the clock, which read 1:13 AM at that moment. [b]"Holy shit... What was [i]that[/i] about?"[/b] she breathed, rubbing at her stomach as the image of her rapier sticking through it flashed through her head. She decided she need to talk to someone about the strange dream she had just had, and figuring all the instructors and her friends were asleep, she thought about who she would go wake up.[/indent] [b]ooc ::[/b] Alright, freaky dream-ness. Anyone can feel free to hear a knock at the door that will be Monique. She'll probably ramble on about nonsense for the most part, so prepared to be confused and annoyed. It's about 1:00 AM, too. ;D[/size]
[size=1][indent][center][b]Gardens - Dusk/Early Evening[/b][/center] [b]"I'm Garrek, by the way..."[/b] the boy added. Monique paused to look at him before pulling her hair behind her ear and continuing to pick up her dropped books. Her cheeks were tear stained, and she didn't even bother hiding it anymore. During her Advanced Summoning III class, she had talked with Cissy and ended up crying and being excused early to calm herself down. Now, still after all her classes were over, she found herself incredibly sad, the original reason lost beyond all chance of being remembered. [b]"I'm Monique,"[/b] she replied, sniffing as she spoke. [b]"You okay?"[/b] Garrek asked, handing her the last book she had dropped. She chuckled a bit, but shook her head. [b]"I don't know why, but... it's like... I'm mad at Syrus, but not mad at him at the same time. I want to be, but I can't be, and it's been giving me headaches all afternoon"[/b] she sighed. Looking up, she realized that Garrek either didn't understand what or know who she was talking about, and instead closed her eyes as she placed a hand on her forehead. [b]"Nevermind. I'll be okay. Thanks for picking up my books, and sorry for running into you. I'll see you around, Garrek."[/b] She brushed past him before he could say anything but a short 'Bye', and was soon out of his sight. She headed for the library to do her homework, and find some seclusion. But as she turned a corner, she saw Syrus walking towards her. She wanted to turn and walk away, but she hesitated and he saw her. [b]"Mo! [i]There[/i] you are!"[/b] he smiled, jogging towards her. She made sure he couldn't see her face very well as he approached, dropping her long bangs into her face and looking towards her feet. [b]"You disappeared this afternoon."[/b] [b]"Yeah, sorry about that."[/b] When he reached her, she refused to meet his eyes and walked by him and into the library. He was confused, but followed anyway. [b]"What's up?"[/b] he whispered. [b]"Heard about your fight,"[/b] she replied quietly. [b]"Oh really? What version did you hear?"[/b] [b]"About ten different ones. Did you really beat up a gang of thugs single-handedly?"[/b] she asked him. [b]"I only knocked out one guy. Kristos and Strom and I all beat them up,"[/b] he explained, a hint of spite in his voice when he said Strom's name. [b]"Well congrats."[/b] [b]"You seem upset. Something wrong?"[/b] he asked, tilting his head at her. She shook her head, faking interest in the books on a shelf she had walked in front of. But was persistant, and asked her a couple more times before she finally spoke. [b]"You just met her!"[/b] she replied rather loudly, attracting the attention of some of the other students nearby and one of the librarians towards the entrance. Syrus was taken aback by what she said, and was silent for a few minutes. Monique had walked over to a table, sat down, and opened one of her notebooks before he spoke again. [b]"Who do you mean, Aizen?"[/b] he asked as he sat down in the chair next to her. She glared at him for a moment before returning her gaze downward. [b]"I'll take that as a 'yes', I guess... But what do you mean?"[/b] [b]"I just--... I don't know. You know what? Nevermind. It's not a problem. I'm just over reacting is all,"[/b] she began rambling, smiling and waving her hand passively. Syrus frowned, opening his mouth to speak before being beaten to it by Monique. [b]"Really! I'm fine. Everything's fine. I'm just tired, I guess. Let's get out of here,"[/b] she continued, still speaking rather fast. She picked up her things quickly, grabbed his hand, and pulled him out of the library behind her. [b]"W-Where are we going?"[/b] he asked, figuring it better to not remain on the subject of why she was upset for now. [b]"To the best place on campus,"[/b] she replied with a grin. [b]"[i]Pluma pes[/i]!"[/b] After giggling a bit and running towards the wall of the corridor, Monique kicked off and was airborne, Syrus hanging on tight to her hand. His eyes were wide with anxiousness, and Monique laughed some more. [b]"Still don't like flying?"[/b] [b]"Flying is fine. It's hanging from just your hand that freaks me out,"[/b] he retorted, kicking his legs in an attempt to run on the air like she was. [b]"Oh, calm down. Here,"[/b] she rolled her eyes playfully before grabbing his other hand and hoisting him up to her level. [b]"[i]Alius quoque[/i],"[/b] she whispered in his ear. Momentarily, he was walking on air beside her. He stopped, keeping his grip on her hands firm, stopping her as well. [b]"How'd you do that?"[/b] [b]"It's the second part of the spell. Instructor Garle taught it to me today!"[/b] she smiled. [b]"Now c'mon! I'm letting go now, but keep up with me, okay?"[/b] She let go of his hands and 'ran' ahead of him, making sure he could see up her skirt if he wanted to. Syrus struggled a bit at first, not nearly as used to walking on the air as Monique was, but eventually got good enough that she didn't have to run back to help him every couple steps. They climbed through the air for another five minutes before they reached the spot she wanted to show him. It was on top of the eastern tower of the academy, and it was obvious that she had personalized it. There was a fuzzy black carpet she had a friend make in her spare time, a few bean bag chairs, which she admitted to sneaking from one of the Professor's quarters, a small table, some hats and scarves of hers, and couple notebooks she dedicated to doodling in. She pushed Syrus into one of the chairs, which he sank into quickly, dropped her books on the table and sat down next to him. [b]"Is this where you go when no one can find you?"[/b] he asked, chuckling a bit. [b]"Not necessarily. But this [i]is[/i] where I go when I don't [i]want[/i] to be found,"[/b] she answered. They sat in silence for a bit before she shifted in her seat so she could drape her legs across him. Twirling some of her hair around her finger, she sighed. [b]"I didn't mean it."[/b] [b]"Hmm?"[/b] [b]"Back in the library. It's been bothering me a lot today, but I didn't really mean it. Honest. Don't dwell on it, okay?"[/b] she lied. [b]"Please?"[/b] He was silent for a long time, and she was starting to worry about what was taking so long.[/indent] [b]ooc ::[/b] No idea what that was. It's just BLAH. Left it for you to finish, BK. Feel free to take it anywhere from here.[/size]
[SIZE=1][INDENT][B]Name:[/B] Jinx [B]Species:[/B] Lynx [B]Colouring:[/B] Silvery gray with white spots. [B]Disposition:[/B] Very humble and pleasant, and almost always relaxed. [B]Anything else:[/B] Jinx is fairly unlucky when it comes to success. Her lack of ability to catch anything has turned her into a herbivore, for the most part, as she will eat meat when it is given to her. Though she is not proud of being 'cursed', she talks about it a fair amount.[/INDENT][/SIZE]
[size=1][indent]Monique walked out of the changing rooms carrying her books and scratching her head. She had just gotten [i]another[/i] talking to, courtesy of Shavers, for constantly slacking in class. She realized she was late to the study group that [i]she[/i] was organizing and thought about running to the cafeteria, but decided to take it slow. After all, she'd fallen over several times already today. Speaking of her clumsiness, she began thinking about her spar with Alex. After her first advance had been deflected, she had barely managed to defend herself. But her second charge hit him squarely in the chest, and he was sent backwards. She giggled to herself as she thought about it, as he had looked fairly silly regaining his composure. Several of his attacks had missed, either because she saw them coming, or she tripped while trying avoid them. In the end, it was her clumsiness that let her land the final hit. After using one of her favorite spells, she leaped into the air, and Alex waited for her to land, but she never did. Taking advantage of his momentary confusion, she landed two hits on his shoulders, even though if she had swung where she was aiming she would have missed. She landed with a thud behind him, and when she stood up, the two were both rubbing their shoulders. Monique snapped back to reality when she entered the cafeteria, bumping into several girls who were walking towards the doors moments after she had walked through them. Monique was popular, but she had higher standards for friends than those who actually were considered the 'popular group'. Spotting Clyne, she rushed over and hugged her friend around the neck. [b]"Hey!"[/b] [b]"You're late,"[/b] Clyne responded with a smirk. [b]"Blame Shavers. Anyway, where's Syrus?"[/b] Monique immediately asked. Clyne rolled her eyes, but explained anyway. [b]"The girls you bumped into were torturing a girl, and he went off to talk to her,"[/b] she said, a bit amused at the look on Monique's face when she heard he had gone off after another girl. But Monique recovered quickly, pulling her bangs behind her ear and giggling. [b]"He sure likes to be the hero, doesn't he? Oh well. I'm getting myself some lunch,"[/b] she explained before getting up to head for the lunch line. A few minutes later, she returned to the table with a plate full of fries and ketchup. Clyne took a look at it and asked her in surprise. [b]"That's all you eat for lunch?"[/b] [b]"Yup. Nothing else is really good anyway,"[/b] she grinned, eating a few fries. She opened her book and started quizzing herself with Clyne as a few more of her friends showed up, but there was no sign of Syrus until after she had almost completely finished her tray. [b]"Hey there you, I heard you ran off all of a sudden. I was afraid you weren't going to come back!"[/b] she smiled when he finally walked in. She leaned forward in her chair and rested her chin in her palms as he sat down. [b]"Heh, nah. You kiddin' me? I only had half a sandwhich and a few fries, I can still eat a horse,"[/b] he replied, attempting to steal some of Clyne's pretzels. When he failed, Monique gladly shared what was left of her fries with him. When she was told that Aizen, a girl she had never spoken to, but seen before, would be joining them, she felt jealous. But when she realized she was the girl that Syrus had gone after to comfort, she got a little mad at herself for feeling that way. Nobody who got picked on by the 'bobble heads', as she liked to call them, deserved to be, and she was happy Syrus had invited her. When Clyne invited another boy, who Monique had never met before though the others told her they had classes together, she was startled by Syrus' reaction. Though she laughed when Clyne beat the two boys to shut up, she felt guilty that he seemed so upset. She wasn't sure why, and decided not to think about it, to avoid getting a headache. The table was quiet, especially on her side, except for the voice of Clyne asking questions, and one or two voices of the others answering. While the others slowly got louder and more comfortable, with the exception of Syrus and Strom, Monique found herself lost in thought, something very uncommon for her during lunch. [b]"What about you, Mo?"[/b] [b]"Hmm?"[/b] she asked, blinking back to reality. [b]"The question. What do you think about it?"[/b] Clyne repeated, raising an eyebrow. [b]"Oh, um, I don't know..."[/b] she mumbled in response. [b]"You weren't listening?"[/b] Clyne sighed. [b]"Wasn't this your idea, anyway?"[/b] [b]"Yeah, um, you're doing a better job. You take over,"[/b] Monique replied. Clyne, unable to protest in time, watched helplessly as she stood up, grabbed her books and rushed out of the cafeteria. Outside, she repeated 'Thank you' under her breath for not tripping on her way out. She had only just started walking towards her dorm when she bumped into Aizen, tripping and dropping her books. [b]"O-Oh! I'm sorry. Do you need help?"[/b] the timid girl asked quietly. [b]"No, it's fine. Syrus and the others are still waiting for you in there."[/b] Aizen, unaware of who Monique was or that she had been at the study group, watched in confusion as she continued walking away. When the green-haired girl and the cafeteria were out of sight, she finally stopped and took a few deep breaths. She had liked Syrus for quite a while now, and already he was paying so much attention to this new girl that it upset her, even though she didn't want it to. Aizen looked like a nice girl, anyway. [b]"Okay, that's enough! Time to focus! Class starts soon. I'll just go to my room, switch out books, and go to class a bit early! Professor Algreis won't mind,"[/b] she told herself as she went. [b]"Then I can vent with Cissy,"[/b] she added, giggling a bit.[/indent] [b]ooc ::[/b] DRAMA. xD Enjoy. :P[/size]
[SIZE=1]I have too many venom renders on my computer to pass this up. xD I can change anything, [strike]and if you'd like a matching avatar[/strike], just let me know. :3 [right][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requests/DoublehexBanner2.png[/IMG][/right] [b]edit ::[/b] Whoops. Totally forgot that you requested an avatar, too. xD Well, here it is. Did it in five seconds, so sorry if it's horrible. >_< [RIGHT][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/Requests/DoublehexAvatar2.png[/IMG][/RIGHT][/SIZE]
[size=1]OH MY GOD. O____________O *luffsalloveryou* Missed CAF sooo much! ;3; Well, instead of resurrecting Ayame (even though she's oh-so-much fun, lawlz), here's a new character! Sorry so much is left unfinished. I have to go now, but I just wanted to claim my weapon and template. xD;; [indent][b]Name[/b] - Monique "Mo/Momo" Guerrier Tyriest [b]Age[/b] - 17 [b]Student Template[/b] - Free: The Clumsy Flirt [b]Weapon[/b] - [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/RandomPicchus/Rapier.jpg][color=#515151]Rapier[/color][/url] [b]School of Magic[/b] - Summoning [b]Minored School of Magic[/b] - Elemental [air] [b]Abilities/Spells[/b] - [list][*][i]Cado Pennae[/i] : After the proper symbols are drawn in the air with her rapier, this spell summons a large gryphon, whose name is [url=http://tinyurl.com/ymlvcy][color=#515151]Pacis[/color][/url] (art © [url=http://rage1986.deviantart.com/][color=#515151]rage1986 @ devART[/color][/url]), but is affectionately referred to as Cissy. She can summon the creature himself, or simply call his spirit into her rapier, which changes the metal of the hilt into feather-shaped gold and enhances the power of the blade ten-fold. Mo has a habit of summoning him just to ruffle his feathers. Despite how annoyed the creature may get, he is still dedicated to her. [*][i]Pluma Pes[/i] : This is a very simple spell, and only saying the name enables Mo to "walk on air", just as the spell says. She can fly until she either calls the spell off herself, loses her concentration, or becomes unconscious, any of which can occur while she's still in the air.[/list] [b]Personality[/b] - Mo is a happy girl that enjoys nothing more than hanging out with friends and enjoying herself, and she is especially dedicated to making her friends happy. However, she can be extremely shy when it comes to those she doesn't know very well, and almost never starts talking to a person unless they talk to her first. Mo can also act differently depending on who it is she is around. She is quite flirtatious around guys she has her eyes on, as one can well imagine, and otherwise playful to different degrees around everyone else. She enjoys nothing more than teasing her friends about whatever she can, which is why one of her passions is coming up with and using silly nicknames. Mo is also, to her dismay and embarrassment, [i]extremely[/i] clumsy. She often drops or spills things on herself and others, walks into practically anything, pushes things (which are generally valuable) over, and is regularly seen on the ground for one reason or another. She dislikes being teased about it, and while she is well aware of her clumsiness, she likes to pretend she doesn't have it most of the time. [b]Appearance[/b] - [url=http://tinyurl.com/y5nwud][color=#515151]Here[/color][/url] [b]Uniform[/b] - [url=http://tinyurl.com/y4o5mg][color=#515151]Here[/color][/url] [b]Snippet[/b] - Mo skidded as she sharply ran around a corner, her bag whipping around after her. She flew past other students, bumping her shoulders into a few of them as she went. She muttered the same thing over and over again, frantically under her breath until she quickly came to a halt in front of two large doors. [b]"I am [i]so[/i] late,"[/b] she whimpered one last time before taking a deep breath and pushing open one of the doors. Inside, an older man who had been speaking about something that the day's lesson had reminded him of was suddenly quiet at the sound of someone coming in late. The students that had been paying attention to the 'lesson' looked up, and those who hadn't been looked up to see why everything had suddenly gone quiet, soon leaving Mo standing in the doorway with everyone in the classroom staring at her. [b]"Um... Hi, uh, Professor,"[/b] she finally managed to say, though her eyes remained glued on her teacher. [b]"Glad to see you could join us, Ms. Tyriest. Please take a seat. Today's lesson is very important,"[/b] he said in a very dull tone. One of the other students made a sarcastic remark, erupting the room in laughter and snickering, leaving very few to notice Mo trip as she climbed up the stairs to take a seat in one of the elevated rows of desks. It seemed like forever before everyone was dismissed, and she had to stay behind to be lectured about her tardiness. When she finally left the classroom, she walked out the doors and into the chest of another student. Looking up, she recognized the boy as one of her classmates. The look on his face wasn't one of anger, but it startled her none the less, and she immediately pushed herself off away and kept her eyes away from his. He merely blinked at her as she backed away. [b]"Sorry, sorry. E-Excuse me,"[/b] she mumbled, practically bowing in apology as she started to run off. Next for her was lunch, so she eventually slowed down to a walk, not having to be worried about being late anywhere. She returned to her dorm room to switch her books before leaving to find someone to hang out with for a while. On her way out, she spotted a familiar face. [b]"Addie!"[/b] she cried, running towards her friend. [b]"I told you to stop calling me that, Mo,"[/b] the boy responded without even taking a glance around to find out who had called him. He knew she was the only one who called him by that nickname. When she caught up, he looked down at her and poked her nose. [b]"My name is Adam. Repeat after me, now. A. Dam."[/b] She stuck her tongue out at him, but stayed quiet. The two walked down the corridor together in silence, the boy returning to the book he had been reading while Mo looked for a way to get his attention and annoy him at the same time. [b]"So what'cha readin'?"[/b] [b]"A book."[/b] [b]"Well I can [i]see[/i] that,"[/b] she replied. She didn't do anything for a moment, but quickly snatched the book out of his hands and hid it behind her back. [b]"Hey, give that back,"[/b] he sighed, though he had a grin on his face. He tried to reach around her, but she spun away under his arm, giggling as she ended up behind him. [b]"C'mon now, Addie. You can do better than that."[/b] [b]"Hand it over before you get hurt, you goofball!"[/b] The advice was too late, as Mo tripped moments later, falling flat on her back. Adam helped her up, grabbing his book back while she wasn't thinking about it, and asked if she was alright. She insisted she was, and started walking faster than her friend so he wouldn't see the blush on her face. The rest of their walk together was a friendly and casual one until the two separated at the gardens, though the whole time the only thing on Mo's mind was how 'Adam must think she was a clutz, not that he wouldn't have known before anyway'. Sighing, she rubbed at her cheeks in a futile attempt to get the pink to go away before heading off in the direction of her next class. She would be ten minutes early, but she detested being held back to be 'talked to', almost as much as she hated being so clumsy.[/indent] [b]edit ::[/b] Everything's up now. :3 Hope you don't mind reading it all, lol.[/size]
[size=1][indent]Turbine was well aware that she had done very little in the winning of her first badge. She hadn't shouted much other than Fu's name, but the little black bird seemed in control most of the match anyway. Fu glided in front of her trainer happily, flipping and rolling around in the air as she went. Turbine chuckled quietly to herself at the giddiness of her Murkrow. The two of them hadn't stayed around to watch Matt's battle with Brock, Turbine figuring her business in Pewter City was done, and Fu following obediently. If they had stayed much longer, Turbine would've grown angrier at the fact that she hadn't battled Brock himself, but merely an aid. She waved the thought from her mind, not wanting to dwell on it too long. They walked by the trainers they had defeated the previous night for training before going to the gym on Route 3 before reaching a PokéCenter beside the mouth to a large cave. Entering the building, Turbine was almost immediately harassed by a man offering a flopping fish for some money. [b]"I can catch my own Magikarp with my eyes closed, hands tied behind my back, and at the top of Mt. Silver they're so common. So no thanks,"[/b] she replied angrily. Guys like him tried to pass off rip-off deals to new trainers all the time, and even long-time trainers like her brother fell for their tricks (though she attributed that to his stupidity). [b]"Unlike my moron brother, I'm not going to fall for that,"[/b] she mumbled to herself, walking up to the nurse at the counter. [b]"How may I help you today?"[/b] she asked. [b]"I just want my pokémon refreshed before I head into Mount Moon,"[/b] Turbine replied, Fusha landing on the counter as she handed her Fuwante, currently in her pokéball, over to the woman. [b]"No problem. It'll be a couple of minutes. Feel free to read a magazine while you wait."[/b] The nurse took the two pokémon as Turbine walked over to a magazine rack. Several were merely gossip magazines, talking about the latest movie stars and who they had been seen with, and others were scientific papers about varying theories. The one that caught her attention had a small picture of her on the cover. She grabbed it and flipped through the pages vigorously until she found the small column on her. It was an interview with one of the reporters and, of course, her brother. The article was about her brother attempting to dispel the rumors, which made her lighten up a little. He may be an annoying doofus, but she had to admit that he stood up for her a lot, whether she liked it or not. Placing the magazine in her bag so she could finish reading it later, figuring that one off the rack wouldn't be missed, she walked back over to the woman who had just returned with her pokémon. [b]"Here you go. Back in perfect health!"[/b] [b]"Thank you very much."[/b] Turbine reattached Fuwante's pokéball to her belt and Fusha landed on her shoulder before she walked out of the building. It was still the afternoon, but it was beginning to cool down. She rubbed her arms a bit to warm them up before walking into the cave. It wasn't as dark as she expected it to be, but she still had to take a moment or two to let her eyes adjust. She hadn't taken two steps before she was confronted by a wild Paras. Uninterested, she didn't even bother commanding Fusha to get rid of the creature as the two of them walked around it. It followed at her heels for a while, despite her attempts to shoo it away. [b]"Leave me [i]alone[/i] already, dammit,"[/b] Turbine growled, already losing her patience. As she finally scared off the tiny bug pokémon, a young boy surrounded by a flock of Zubat ran by. Hearing his cries for help, Turbine chased after him. [b]"Fuwante, go!"[/b] she shouted, tossing her latest pokémon's ball in front of her. The balloon creature floated around happily before she was ordered to help the boy. Sucking in air, the enlarged pokémon glided underneath the boy and, once he was firmly seated on the tuft of cloud on her head, faded away before reappearing at Turbine's side. [b]"Fusha, get 'em,"[/b] she instructed. Turning to the boy, she helped him onto the ground and told him to get out of there. Fusha promptly frightened the Zubat away and returned to Turbine's shoulder. [b]"Um, miss?"[/b] Turbine looked down to see the boy tugging at her glove. [b]"I thought I told you to get out of here. Zubat's are bloodsuckers, you know."[/b] [b]"I can't get back outside to where my big brother is. There's a man who won't let me by. I went looking for another way out, but I got lost and now I'm back here at the entrance again..."[/b] Turbine rolled her eyes, knowing she was going to help the boy out, but she was annoyed all the same. [b]"Well, I have to get to Route 4, too, so I might as well help you out,"[/b] she sighed. She started walking, though she was pretty much clueless as to where it was she was going, and turned back to see the boy had not moved. [b]"Well c'mon!"[/b] [center]---[/center] [b]"We're lost."[/b] [b]"I'm well aware of that. I think we're close, though."[/b] Turbine, her two pokémon, and the boy whose name was revealed to be Jack, but was constantly referred to as 'kid' by the irritated trainer, had been walking, climbing, and fighting throughout Mount Moon, but had yet to find the man blocking the exit. Turbine had found some items along the way, varying from extra pokéballs to strange candies that she kept just out of curiosity. She had also fought several trainers along the way, using Fuwante instead of Fusha to give her new pokémon some experience. The balloon creature had done very well so far, and she wondered how experienced it had become prior to being caught. [b]"There he is!"[/b] the boy shouted excitedly, tugging at Turbine's hand and running forward. [b]"It's about damn time,"[/b] she grumbled following after him. Just as the boy had described during their exploration through Mount Moon, the glasses-wearing man refused to let either of them by, claiming that if he let them through, they'd just steal one of his fossils. Turbine quickly grew impatient, and burst out angrily when he wouldn't let her say anything at all for several minutes while he rambled on. Lunging forward, she reached out for the man's shirt and pulled forcefully so that their noses were only an inch or two apart when she started yelling at him. [b]"Oh, just shut UP already! We don't care about your goddamn fossils, or whatever it is you're obsessing over. Keep them for all I care! I wouldn't have even noticed they were there if you hadn't flipped out at me for trying to walk by! I just--... [i]We[/i] just want to get by you so we can get out of this cold, damp, Zubat-infested cave and get to Route 4 and move on, okay? Okay."[/b] She had cooled down towards the end of her rant, and was no longer shouting, though her grip remained strong on his collar. [b]"You're lying!"[/b] the man retorted, spitting a bit in Turbine's face. That was the last straw, and she angrily tossed him into the dirt of the cave floor. [b]"Alright, that's it. I'm sick and tired of you. I could get arrested on a charge of assault if I just beat the living crap out of you, like I want to do [i]real[/i] bad right now. So I'll just have my pokémon do it for me. One-on-one,"[/b] she ordered. Almost immediately, the man got back on his feet, pushed up his glasses, and released a Grimer. Fusha began flying forward, but Turbine returned her to her pokéball and sent out Fuwante instead. [b]"I'll show you who deserves that badge,"[/b] she grumbled under her breath, clenching her fist tightly. [b]"Stay back, okay kid?"[/b] Jack, who had been standing behind her, nodded and took a few steps back, though he made sure he could see all the action. [b]"Fuwante! Um... Try body slamming it!"[/b] she suggested. She hadn't fought a pokémon like Grimer yet, and was unsure of how to fight it. Unfortunately, her first attempt was unsuccessful, as Fuwante's body merely got stuck in the ooze that made up the opposing pokémon. [b]"Dammit,"[/b] she cursed, biting her lip as she tried to think of what to do next. Before she could shout out another suggestion, the glasses-wearing man barked his order. [b]"Use your sludge!"[/b] In response, the Grimer pulled a part of itself off, turning it into a ball, and threw it, full force, at Fuwante. Fuwante was so close that the force of the sludge actually separated her from her attacker. Turbine had, by then, thought of a plan, and shouted out to her pokémon. [b]"Confuse it, Fuwante!"[/b] she called. Obediently, the balloon pokémon's eyes locked with those of the living sludge, and soon it was acting very peculiar. Fuwante flew around it, getting it to swing for her, but only hit itself in the end. [b]"Finish it off with, uh, I don't know. Some ghost move!"[/b] she cried. She blamed her lack of knowledge of techniques on her never having battled with pokémon until two days ago, though she couldn't help but feel embarrassed that she couldn't think of something for Fuwante to do. Nonetheless, her last instruction gave Fuwante enough of an idea of what to do that the man's Grimer was defeated with her last hit. He apologized relentlessly, even offering one of his fossils as repayment so she wouldn't beat on him anymore. [b]"Fine,"[/b] Turbine sighed, grabbing one of them with little interest. She planned to sell it later for money when she got the time. Grabbing Jack by the hand, she walked him out of the cave, Fuwante gliding behind them in the same oblivious manner as she always did. After adjusting to the light of the sun once again, they spotted Jack's older brother and the two of them parted ways. She tried her best to seem pleasant, and was surprised when Jack had so many good things to say about her when walking off with his brother. She let a small smile spread across her face before Fuwante floated into the back of her head, reverting her back to her quiet and generally grumpy self. [b]"Next stop, Cerulean City. And this time, I'm not going to settle for one of Misty's aids,"[/b] she said to herself as she began walking towards the city. [b]"You'll help me, right Fuwante?"[/b] The balloon squeaked happily as it flew in circles around Turbine's head for a while. [b]"Alright, cut it out. You're making me dizzy."[/b][/indent] [center]---[/center] OOC: [i]Looooong[/i] post. o__o;; I hope the length will make up for me being gone for the past two weeks (or was it three? x_x). Apologies to you all, and sorry if Turbine being all by herself is a bad thing. D: But yeah. Life is better, and I'll be on more frequently now. xD[/size]
[size=1]I apologize for my absence, and in advance for the extreme length of this post. >___>;; (Blame Doublehex. He made me do it! xD) [center]---[/center] [indent]Turbine half-whined, half-demanded that the three teens head towards the PokéCenter once they had made it to Pewter City. Between facing off a group of thugs while still on a moving car and having to deal with a huge swarm of Beedrill, Turbine and Fusha had had enough. She complained a few more times before realizing that she hadn't wanted to join the other two in the first place, and turned and walked towards the PokéCenter without them. She did it without so much as a 'good-bye', too, somehow sure that she'd bump into them again, whether she liked it or not. The two of them were in and out of the PokéCenter in a matter of minutes, and Turbine huffed quietly to herself about how impatient the other girl must have been to not want to drop by the building for a couple of minutes. Then again, who was she to talk? Fusha, still out of her pokéball, flew towards a small garden, Turbine picking up her pace a bit to catch up. Inside the garden fence of colorful bushes was a man watering perfectly-maintained grass and flowers, a small walkway, and a bench. Fusha fluttered down in front of the bushes and began pecking at them. Turbine entered the garden after her pokémon, receiving wary glances from the gardener as she walked along the pathway, and sat down on the bench to observe. Fusha pecked curiously, as if looking for something inside of the wall of plants. It only took a couple of minutes for her to be hit back after biting down lightly on the arm of a Roselia. Turbine giggled at her pokémon's startled tumble backwards and embarrassed squawking. They spent another half hour or so sitting in the peaceful place, appreciating the calmness of it more than anything else. They finally got up and walked towards Route 3 to the west of Pewter City. The two of them ran into several wild pokémon, including rather angry Spearow, a couple Mankey, and even a Jigglypuff or two. Turbine didn't catch any of them, finding them either too spirited or pink for her liking. They also were challenged by several young trainers looking to train their pokémon so they could take on Brock. But to both their and Turbine's surprise, Fusha continued to out-maneuver and over-power her opponents. [b]"You're getting really good at this,"[/b] Turbine told her partner, still surprised at the winning streak the little black bird had going. [b]"I bet we can take on Brock, too, no sweat,"[/b] she grinned. Despite the brave talk, she held very little confidence in Fusha. Her improvement from her first battle with the wild Pikachu in the Viridian Forest, no matter how great, far from guaranteed a victory against the gym leader. The continued battling past sundown and were headed back towards the city around two in the morning when something strange floated into Turbine's head. Blinking for a moment, she saw a pair of yellow, upside-down hearts attached to string in front of her face. Looking up, she saw these strings were attached to what looked to be a balloon with tape and a cloud on top of it. When the balloon floated down to be eye level with her and blinked a few times itself, Turbine figured it was actually a pokémon. She looked over at Fusha, hovering beside her quietly, and back at the pokémon. She thought a for a moment before pulling an empty pokéball off her belt. But at the sight of it, the strange balloon creature decided to flee. [b]"Worth a shot, anyway,"[/b] she sighed, returning it to her belt and continuing on back towards the city. [center]---[/center] The bed in the PokéCenter was much more comfortable than the bench she had slept on the previous night. Turbine had gone to bed almost as soon as she got a room. Fusha was in her pokéball when Turbine got up, and was let out soon after. The two strolled into town to grab some breakfast before heading to the gym. Despite her lack of confidence, Turbine was determined to go there today and at least try for the badge. She saw glimpses of other trainers from Pallet while walking around, but put no effort into acknowledging them at all, even if they spotted her, too. Whether they thought she was strange or rude, she really didn't care, though, at times, she felt like she was being watched and followed. But she shrugged off the feeling, blaming it on her anxiousness for her upcoming battle with Brock. She finally found a small restaurant and ordered some pancakes and a bag of 'pokéchow', she called it, for Fusha. They ate quickly and headed for the gym. There was a crowd of people outside, and she figured there must be a battle going on. Pushing her way through the group, she headed for the door and forced her way inside. Sure enough, she spotted Brock facing off with two kids from Oak's meeting. Looking around, she saw the boy she had met yesterday and chuckled. [b]"Surprise, surprise,"[/b] she smiled with a sarcastic tone, Fusha fluttering her feathers as she recognized the boy as well. She saw him look over, but he didn't say or do anything further, so she figured she'd explore the gym while waiting her turn. While walking around, she noticed the rock and ground-themed setting of the building. Not watching where she was going, she bumped into a young boy. [b]"Sorry,"[/b] she mumbled, continuing on her way, but the boy yelled for her to wait. [b]"You're here to face Brock, right?"[/b] he asked, his face so serious it made Turbine laugh. [b]"Shut up and answer the question!"[/b] [b]"Well I can't do both, now can I?"[/b] she asked, growing tired of his big-boy act. [b]"But yes, I'm here to face Brock. What of it?"[/b] [b]"I'm his best disciple! You've gotta take me on first if you want to fight him!"[/b] the boy challenged. Turbine rolled her eyes and started to turn away when the boy threw out his first pokémon and shouted at her again. [b]"You aren't going anywhere 'till you beat me!"[/b] [b]"[i]Fine[/i],"[/b] she replied in an annoyed tone. She nudged her head and Fusha obediently flew off her shoulder and in front of the young boy's Geodude. The dark pokémon had little trouble dodging the attacks thrown her way, but was unable to do much damage. It took several minutes for her to finally land a blow that did a good amount of damage. [b]"Heh. You should know flying-pokémon don't do well against rock or ground pokémon,"[/b] the boy grinned in a smug tone. His know-it-all behavior only made Turbine madder at him. He may have been younger than her, but she was not past beating him into a pulp for annoying her this much. [b]"That's true. But my Murkrow's a dark pokémon, too,"[/b] she replied. Almost immediately, Fusha disappeared in a familiar black mist, leaving the boy and his pokémon to look around hopelessly. But before she could reappear to finish her attack, the Geodude was sent flying by a fierce hit from a spinning funnel of wind. When the dust settled, Turbine was the winner. The boy angrily returned his fainted partner and rushed off to have it healed. Fusha flew back to Turbine's shoulder with a curious look on her face to match her trainer's. [b]"What was [i]that[/i]? That wasn't you, was it?"[/b] she asked her pokémon, who replied with a shake of her head. To answer her question, the balloon pokémon from the previous night floated into her arms. [b]"[i]You[/i]?"[/b] she asked in surprise, [b]"I thought someone was following me... But I thought you didn't want to be caught."[/b] The creature simply spun around in her arms in response, making gleeful squeaks. Figuring it wouldn't hurt to give it another try, she pulled the empty pokéball she had tried to use before and held it up to the balloon pokémon in her arms. In a flash of red light, her arms were empty and she now had a second pokémon on her roster. She heard a beeping coming from her backpack and pulled it around to find the source. In the supplies from Oak, she found a small red device. Opening it, she saw a page of information on the pokémon she had just caught, how old it was, its gender, moves it knew, and its name. [b]"Useful little thing. So... Fuwante, huh?"[/b] she read aloud. Putting the device back in her bag, she released her new pokémon from its pokéball and patted its head. She heard several cheers from outside and glanced towards the window to see half of the onlookers celebrating while others looked disappointed. As she turned her head, the two boys who had been facing off with Brock walked by with happy expressions on their faces. [b]"They must have won,"[/b] she reasoned. Walking back towards where Matt was standing, she asked him if he was going to face the gym leader next.[/indent][/size]
[size=1][indent][b]"Are they still behind us?"[/b] Matt asked anxiously, gripping the steering wheel tighter than necessary. [b]"Sounds like it to me,"[/b] Turbine yawned in reply, still drowsy after having just woken up. She didn't bother turning around to check as the sound of the thugs' shouts and the motors of their cars were getting louder and louder as they came closer. Fu was sitting in her lap, shaking in fear at the boy's driving. As the car went over a bump, Turbine began complaining. [b]"Can't you keep this thing on the path instead of going through the grass and dirt?"[/b] [b]"Lets see [i]you[/i] do any better!"[/b] he shouted angrily. [b]"I would, but if we stop to switch, those gigantic monkeys will catch up to us in no time. No offense little guy,"[/b] she added, noticing the hurt look on the fire pokémon's face. [b]"That, and I wouldn't drive in this state anyway."[/b] [b]"What do you mean?"[/b] he asked curiously. [b]"I just woke up, dammit! I hadn't been up three minutes before you had to go and piss that guy off!"[/b] she argued. [b]"I didn't do anything! He's just an idiot! And you didn't have to come with me, you know,"[/b] he retorted. [b]"What else could I have done? If I had stayed there, those perverts would do who-knows-what with me!"[/b] [b]"You have a pokémon now. You could have fought them off or something."[/b] [b]"Oh, give me a break. She's just a baby! She can't fight off six guys' pokémon at once!"[/b] [b]"Why don't you stop complaining and start trying to figure out how to get those thugs off our tails!"[/b] [b]"Christ, now I remember why traveling alone is so much better!"[/b] [b]"You think I like this anymore than you do?!"[/b] While the two of them bickered back and forth, their pokémon had noticed the thugs approaching. They glanced from one another back to the advancing cars nervously, wondering what would happen if their human partners did not start cooperating soon. The three of the six men, now only a car-length behind the two teens, threw their pokéballs into the air. Out of them came a Mankey, a Machop, and a Machoke, all of whom landed on the back of the car with a loud thud, rocking the two teens in the front seat. Turbine and Matt whipped their heads around simultaneously before letting out two loud shouts. [b]"SHIT!"[/b] they cried in unison. [b]"Concentrate on the road, dammit!"[/b] Turbine ordered before standing up in her seat. [b]"Are you [i]insane[/i]?!"[/b] Matt yelled, though his eyes remained on the road in front of him. [b]"Fu! I've got an idea!"[/b] she said to her partner as the two of them watched the other pokémon advance. Whispering something into the dark pokémon's ear, she grinned as Fu took off from her shoulder and head-on into the Machoke who immediately fell off the back of the car. [b]"One down, two to go,"[/b] she muttered. She had caught the first one by surprise, and hoped it would work again. Fu returned to Turbine's side before swooping towards Mankey as it had towards Machoke a moment ago. The Mankey was prepared, and dodged the attack, leaving Fu to fumble through the air until landing in the face of one of the thugs. [b]"Fu!"[/b] Turbine shouted worriedly, but the black bird flew back onto her shoulder unharmed. Matt, having turned around to watch briefly, knew he had to help too. [b]"Hey, uh, girl!"[/b] Matt shouted, suddenly realizing he didn't know Turbine's name yet. But she knew he was referring to her and looked back at him.[b]"You awake enough to drive yet?"[/b] She blinked for a moment before nodding. Fu reattached herself to Turbine's shoulder as the girl sat back down and took over the wheel the moment Matt jumped up. [b]"Alright guys, my turn,"[/b] he grinned.[/indent][/size]
[SIZE=1][INDENT]It was long past nightfall when Turbine finally emerged from the Viridian Forest, but not on the other side. She held Fusha in her arms as she dashed towards the PokéCenter she had seen during her last two walks through Viridian City. The two had run into an angry Pikachu and were easily beaten, having no experience battling prior to the encounter. Murkrow, being part flying type, was hit hardest by the electric attack they both received, and she could think of nothing else to do but retreat, despite the dent in her pride she received by doing so. She finally made it to the building, but the lights were off inside. Not knowing what else to do, she began pounding on the door, calling for anyone who would help her. It took a minute or two for a pink-haired young woman to finally open the doors, dressed in a nightgown and holding a small candle in her hand. [b]"Is everything alright?"[/b] she asked in a concerned tone. Turbine, not knowing where to start explaining, simply held up her pokémon for the woman. She gasped and quickly ushered the new trainer inside. [b]"Please, wait out here, miss. Chansey and I will take care of her from here,"[/b] the woman instructed. Turbine raised an eyebrow before realizing the 'her' she was talking about was Fusha. She hadn't really paid attention to the gender of pokémon, never having thought of it as important. After her Murkrow was taken into the emergency room, she sat down on a bench to wait. Growing bored sitting around and looking at the door, she got up and explored a bit. The first thing she noticed was a row of doors on the other side of the building, but only one had a sign that read 'occupied'. [b]"I guess staying the night at a PokéCenter would be better than in one of those tents Oak handed out,"[/b] she reasoned. She was surprised that more people hadn't made it to Viridian by now, but then again, she did get to bypass Route 1 unlike the rest of them. Continuing her survey of the building, she found bookshelves, phones, some vending machines, and a computer. When she walked toward it, the screen turned on, startling her a bit. A small box came up on the screen requesting her name and ID number. Pulling the tag she had received earlier from Oak out of her pocket, she typed in her name and the ID number it had on it. There were several options that came up on screen, and the most peculiar one was dubbed simply 'Someone's PC'. She was about to select it when she heard the woman's voice again. Logging off, she walked back over to the desk. [b]"Your Murkrow is going to be just fine,"[/b] she smiled, placing the bird pokémon in front of her. [b]"Would you like to spend the rest of the night here?"[/b] [b]"No, that's okay,"[/b] she replied as Fusha flew onto her shoulder. [b]"We have something to do. But thank you, uh..."[/b] [b]"Oh! Joy. My name is Joy,"[/b] the woman smiled. [b]"Thank you, Joy."[/b] Turbine and Fusha left the PokéCenter and headed back into the Viridian Forest, payback on their minds. The electric rodent had caught them by surprise the first time, but this time they were ready. They wandered around for hours, hitting dead ends, finding weak bug pokémon, and sneaking past trainers who had fallen asleep waiting for someone to come by. By the time they found the Pikachu that had attacked them earlier, it was almost sunrise and the building that would lead to the other side of Route 2 and the next city. [b]"Alright, Fu. Lets get 'im,"[/b] Turbine whispered before her partner flew off her shoulder. The two pokémon stood in a quiet stare-down for a few moments before the yellow mouse sent a shock towards its opponent. Fu pushed off the ground quickly, barely missing the jolt of electricity, and dove back at the Pikachu. The creature reacted too slowly and was hit in the side by Fu's beak. Turbine let out a proud cry, but knew that they hadn't won yet. Before the wild pokémon could use another attack, the black bird suddenly disappeared in a puff of black mist before reappearing behind it and biting down on its ear. The Pikachu cried out of pain, and was too frightened to attack back. Seeing that the wild pokémon wouldn't be able to do much more, she thought about catching it, but decided against it. Instead, she instructed Fu to knock it out with a few more hits from its beak and place it safely in some bushes for it to recover. The sun was almost fully up by now, but the two of them were more in the mood to go to bed than to have some breakfast. [b]"You okay, Fu?"[/b] Turbine asked her pokémon with a yawn. She re-perched itself on her trainer's shoulder before cawing affirmatively, though her eyes dropped a bit from fatigue. [b]"Guess you're tired, too."[/b] Turbine walked through the doors of the building at the end of the pathway to see a large carpeted room with plants, tables and chairs, and a bench or two. She walked over to one of the benches and laid down, immediately falling asleep while Fu nested happily in her arms. It was about six in the morning when she fell asleep, and two hours later an old man came in on his way to show his grandson and granddaughter something in the forest. The young girl pulled on his sleeve and pointed at the sleeping trainer. [b]"Oak's sending them out pretty soon, I see,"[/b] he muttered to himself. His granddaughter didn't understand, but was too excited about wherever it was he was taking them to ask him again.[/INDENT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][INDENT][b]"Windbag,"[/b] Turbine grunted skeptically about Oak after a boy, whose name she did not know, was the first to get up, grab the things at the door, and walk out. Turbine and the others remained silent, sitting or standing in solemn contemplation. Pulling up the pokéball containing her Murkrow, who was now affectionately dubbed 'Fusha', towards her face, she let out a sigh before standing up and walking towards the door. It was as if everyone was holding their breath when she hesitated in front of the table. Turbine glanced over her shoulder at the others behind her. She could tell most of them were thinking: 'She's not going to do it. She doesn't even seem to like pokémon that much, anyway.' But she picked up the supplies that had her name on them and walked out the door. She didn't do it to prove them wrong; hell, she wasn't even sure they cared at all anyway. But she did do it because it sounded entertaining. She had been so damn bored for so long, she couldn't resist. And something about having a pokémon of her own made her brighten up a little bit, even if only she could tell. [b]"There's nothing here for me to do now. I'm out of here,"[/b] she announced quietly to herself. She pulled her cell phone out of her bag in a swift motion, but hesitated to actually dial. When she finally manged to make herself press the buttons, she held the phone up to ear and waited impatiently for the voice on the other end. [i]"Sis! It's been ages! Why don't you call more often? Well, anyways, what's up?"[/i] came the obnoxious, fast-talking of her older brother. She didn't say anything for a bit, and the silence sparked more chatting. [i]"Hello? You there still? C'mon now, don't be shy. You know you can tell me anything, right?"[/i] [b]"Stop it, Soya. I'm in Pallet Town and I need a ride,"[/b] she said, a hint of anger in her voice. [i]"Pallet Town?"[/i] he asked surprised, [i]"Since when did you leave Lavender Town?"[/i] Turbine hung up on him, knowing he'd be there soon. While on the phone, she had walked to the northern border of the small town. She turned back to see more and more people filing out of the lab, every one of them with the supplies in hand. She remembered the tag and pulled it out of her bag to examine it. It didn't look out of the ordinary, but the way Oak described it, it seemed to do a lot. [b]"Is that you, Sis?!"[/b] The hairs on her neck stood on end at the sound of her happy-go-lucky brother arriving. Following the load thud of his Tropius landing, she heard the sound of his chuckling before feeling a familiar hand on her head. She looked up at him with an expression that would frighten most, but he took as nothing more than a playful 'hello'. He embraced his younger sister before she could stop him, and when she finally managed to break away, she silently hopped onto the back of his Tropius and stared at him. [b]"Chipper as always, I see,"[/b] he teased, sticking his tongue out. Climbing up in front of Turbine, he patted his pokémon's neck to signal it was okay to push off the ground. Once up in the air, he turned towards her. [b]"So where to, Sa--"[/b] [b]"My house. And don't call me that,"[/b] she added, glaring at him like she always did when he forgot to call her by her alias. He sighed, rolling his eyes, but said nothing else. [center]---[/center] The trip was only a few minutes long, as Soya's Tropius was an extremely fast flyer. Turbine hopped off in Viridian City, as she didn't want to go back to Pallet because she figured most of the others would still be milling around, and she didn't feel like milling around, too. [b]"Why were you in Pallet, anyway? The only reason I can think of is to see Oak, but you've never been into pokémon before, so that doesn't make much sense, so there has to be..."[/b] he rambled. As he continued talking, she reached into her bag and pulled out Fusha's pokéball. Releasing it, the small black bird flew towards her brother. When he finally noticed it, he became silent, glancing from the small creature to his sister below. [b]"Oh, I see... Good luck then, Sa--"[/b] he began, but caught himself. [b]"See ya, 'Turbine'. Call me if you need any help or advice, or when you finally loosen up enough to stop going by that nickname."[/b] And with that, he was gone. She stared up at the sky for a while, Fusha landing on her shoulder during the silence. She rubbed her arms after a strong breeze made her realize how cold she was. She looked around to see a PokéMart and began walking towards it. [b]"Something hot to drink sounds real good right now, don't you think Fu?"[/b] she asked her companion.[/INDENT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]It's hard to keep up with everyone posting so much. @_@ But that's a good sign. x3 A note to those who described Turbine's entrance, though: my character's not wearing a dress or warm clothing; she's wearing shorts, a tight shirt and her sneakers, as well as a scarf for the cold weather. Not a big deal really, but I wanted to point it out. ^_^;; [CENTER]---[/CENTER] [indent]Turbine slammed the door behind her upon entering the lab to keep the wild pokémon from following her in. However, this attracted the attention of the others in the room, who all turned to stare at her. Oak stepped forward to greet her, but she was not in any mood for pleasantries, and instead walked towards the seat with the most empty space between it and the next person. Others arrived slowly, and even though more than ten people were present by her count, Oak seemed to be waiting for more still. She rolled her eyes impatiently, finding it typical that her being early to a meeting for once resulted in it taking a long time to begin. Not only was she curious as to why she had come in the first place, she was now wondering why so many others had been invited. [b]"He is a [i]pokémon[/i] professor, so no doubt this will have something to do with those things. But I'm not a trainer, and by the looks of it, nobody else in here is one either. At least not yet,"[/b] she determined quietly to herself, scanning the room. Those around her varied in age, but most were as old or a little older than she was. Noticing she was no longer as cold as she was outside, she removed her scarf and folded it neatly before resting it on the thighs of her crossed legs. Hours passed, but she didn't move much other than to get up to grab a drink a couple times. She did not speak with any of the others, and mostly sat around impatiently for Oak to get on with whatever it was he had called her here for. When the last boy arrived and announced himself briefly, the Professor [i]finally[/i] began to speak. Turbine listened intently, and was surprised, which is quite unusual. She'd never given thought to being a trainer, and from her actions earlier, she was sure most others hoped she wouldn't become one. Her impatience often got the better of her. But surely, if the pokémon followed her because she wanted it to, it couldn't be that bad. When Oak led them all towards the nursery, Turbine remained in the back, her scarf once again around her neck. She was baffled as to why she was invited, and wanted desperately to ask Oak herself, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She sneaked her way through the group of people to be one of the first to step onto the field as Oak explained some more. She was surprised at the variety of terrain he had there, and before she could take another step on her own, she felt herself being pushed along by the group of excited soon-to-be trainers. When she finally got out of the way, she found herself in front of a tree with leaves so dark green they appeared black. [b]"Okay... Where are all the pokémon, anyway?"[/b] she asked aloud. As if that line were its cue, a small black bird pokémon tumbled out of the tree and dove forcefully into her stomach. She almost fell over backwards, but managed to balance herself and catch the creature. Raising an eyebrow, she pulled it up to her eye level and examined it. [b]"A Murkrow, huh. Looks like only a baby, too."[/b] Despite her lack of pokémon experience, she was very knowledgable about the different species. The baby creature cawed angrily as if upset that she held it in such a way. [b]"Knock it off already,"[/b] she sighed, a bit annoyed. It obeyed, but turned its head away indignantly. [b]"And people wonder why I've never done anything with pokémon before. They're so... energetic. But I suppose if I'm supposed to do this, having a pokémon like you wouldn't be so bad."[/b] It opened one of its eyes and looked at her curiously. Pulling the pokémon into her chest, she carried it to one of the aids and asked for a pokéball and proceeded to capture the black bird. [b]"A Murkrow? I didn't know we had any of them living around here..."[/b] the aid said curiously, scratching his head. Turbine juggled her knew pokéball between her fingers as he spoke, rolling her eyes. [b]"[i]Anyway[/i],"[/b] he chuckled, [b]"You can go back to the meeting room now."[/b] She thanked him, though in an impatient tone, and turned to walk away. As she made her way back to the meeting room, she stared quietly at the small device in her hand, still a bit confused, but a bit pleased nonetheless.[/indent][/SIZE]