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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. [color=blue][size=1]Sorry it took so long to get up. Well, those who signed up already can start posting, and the sign ups are still open to whoever wants to join. Okay, lets get this started!! Oh, before I get started, all the continents are hooked up by bridges. These bridges are protected by human guards. We all meet on the longest and most protected bridge, Atlantic Bridge. Then, we travel from there towards the north on the most dangerous bridge, North Haven Bridge. If you still don't understand, PM me. --------------------- IC: A young girl was slowly driving along the Atlantic Bridge with her stereo on full. The pedestrians all stared as she drived by. She saw traffic ahead and wondered why. Then, suddenely, there was the sound of gunfire. "Uh-oh. That can't be them, can it," the girl puzzled. She hopped out of her car and stared into the blank sky. Steadily, a shape grew in size as it neared. It was one of the Demon Planes, planes that the terrorist group "Demonic Populace" used to attack towns and bridges during the wars. She winced as the gunfire snapped a cable, but it was quickly repaired by some troops nearby. In the distance, she heard men calling for cannons. [i]Cannons?! On a bridge?! The idiots!![/i] she thought to herself. The cannons range as the plane decended faster and faster towards the water. The girl quickly entered her car as ocean water rained down on the bridge from the impact of the plane. The traffic soon lightened and she headed towards the rest stop along the bridge. It was called "The Tropicana". She parked her car in its vast parking lot and walked inside. "This is where I'm supposed to meet somepeople..." she said to herself. A waiter asked her if she wanted a table. She declined and sat in the waiting room. ---------------------- OOC: Okay, now either of the two who signed up should walk in soon. Oh, and we'll be given weapons here by the man who's sending us towards the north. But not until everyone's at the rest stop.[/color][/size]
  2. Kitty

    The Gunfighter;

    [color=blue][size=1]I'll join!! Name: Nikkie Nogard Age: 18 Gender: Female Weapon: A double sided broad sword. Let me get back to the gun. Race: Human Bio: She lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents were always busy. Eventually, they were killed, as were her aunt and uncle, forcing her to live on her own. She learned to stealthily steal what she needed to survive getting her kicked out of several towns. But she stopped in Razzaria for a while, getting lots of money and a nasty reputation. She was invited to join the gunfighters for her abilities of stealth and her mastery of her sword and guns. Rank: Cadet Description: She's about 5'9", has long brown hair in a ponytail, and green eyes. She wears a black overcoat over a dark blue t-shirt and blue jeans, and she has sandals on her feet. She keeps her guns hidden in her coat and her sword by her side. Element: Air Allies: Hasn't made any yet. Hope that works!![/color][/size]
  3. [color=blue][size=1]..... O.O.... Did I miss something? I missed something... In my completely unimportant opinion, I can't tell the difference between the first and second one.............. I've never heard of.... whatever it's a wallpaper of. I'm lost. Well, might as well rate it. My 'score': 8/10 Nice shading, but add just a [i]little[/i] bit more color to make it better. And..... uh..... that's all. ~Totally Lost~ P.S. For those of you who care (I doubt that there are any), this is my 500th post!! I'm a member!!! *does a happy dance* Lalalalaalalala....[/color][/size]
  4. [color=blue][size=1]I like them. They do seem a bit misshapen, but it happens. The colors are cool.... and..... uh..... I'm gonna skip the rest and just rate it. My score for "Fire and Ice": 8/10 Wanna know why? I'll post why if you ask nicely. ~Art Critic In The Making~[/color][/size]
  5. [color=blue][size=1][b]Solar:[/b] What I'm normally thinking about is dinner. It's at least three hours after dinner that I begin to feel sleepy, so I'm pretty hungry..... [b]Crusader:[/b] My guess as to whom the hooded guy is would have to be either a superior in my life (my parents, teachers, etc.) or a vision of death. Oh, and I do fight and think about fighting a lot..... I'm a violent person. Anymore ideas? I'm completely open to suggestions or comments about my dream and those described. ~Kicks A** DBZ Style~[/color][/size]
  6. [color=blue][size=1]I apologize if this topic has already been done, or has been discussed before, but I wasn't paying attention, so here's my stab at it. I've had dreams that I want to decifer, or know the meaning of them. They make absolutely no sense, but I enjoy the flying part. It feels like swimming, for one reason or another, and in other dreams of flying, it'll feel like running fast or gliding. But every time I dream of flying, I dream of someone. He's wearing a hood so I've never seen his (or her for that matter) face and he (or she again) seems about my height. I walk up to him/her and we engage in this DBZ style of fighting. I kick his/her *** and then I'm sent into this swirling and seemingly endless apiss(sp?). THEN I see the guy I like. Normally by then I wake up. Now, I've had this dream only four times, and it comes once a week on no specific day. It just... kinda happens like all dreams. Well, if anyone wants to try to give me their opinion on what it means, or just to critic my sanity, post now!! ~Dreams Of The Positively Insane~[/color][/size]
  7. [color=blue][size=1]*does a happy dance* Hip-hip-hooray!! This RPG can finally get started!! Okay, hopefully, you won't be the [i]last[/i] person entirely, but merely the last person to sign up before I start this. Remeber, this sign up is still open to whomever sees fit to join us. I'll be starting this up either later tonight or early tomorrow. I'm so glad people signed up!! *does, yet another, happy dance* ~*keeps doing a happy dance*~[/color][/size]
  8. [color=blue][size=1]Call me stupid.. well I AM stupid... but I think all these "graphics" look the same. They're either different colors or cropped a [i]little[/i] bit different. But, I'm not the BEST critic, so don't pay too much attention to lil' ole me. Anywayz, my "score": 8.7/10 Boring but colorful. Done before but somehow revamped to make it seem... somewhat interesting and new. Dunno why, just is. ~Amatuer Critic~[/color][/size]
  9. Kitty


    [color=blue][size=1] *stares wide eyed* Woah..... That's a HELL of a lot better than any of my finished products!! Anywayz, this time I'm gonna skip the whole "explanation thing" and just give you my rating. You wanna know why? 'Cause I'm runnin' outta time here!! 7/10 If you want to know the reasons for my rating, I'll post 'em later, but now I gotta go. My mom's about to explode. ~*runs for cover*~[/color][/size]
  10. [color=blue][size=1]In all honesty Ruby, I don't quite remeber leaving.... *walks out into the blizzard* Ahem-hem. Sorry about that. Anyway, your sign up is perfect. I have no quarells with any information in your post. Now, I'll post my sign up. Name: Age: 17 Home Country: The good ol' US of A Appearance: A scrappy looking girl about 5' 2" with long brown hair pulled into a ponytail. Green eyes brought out by her pale complection. She wears a light blue t-shirt with a dragon logo in the center, frayed blue jeans and sandals. Demeanor: Very quiet and anti-social. Her determination and disreguard to those around her can make her rush into things without thinking them through, but she will protect those she feels are important to her. Don't count on her for much until you get to know her, or else she'll leave you hanging. What You're Bringing: Backpack filled with items with some magical powers or importance, a laptop, and a book with blank pages. Oh, don't forget a pencil or two. Purpose of traveling to the North: Merely to end the chaos for her friends and family. Also, it's kind of like a "Find Yourself" journey for her. (Her parents' idea). Other: She does have two other items that she rarely shares with anyone. One is a picture of a young her, a cat she's holding, and a young boy (known only by Reveille). The other is a bracelet with a key to something. She denies that she knows what it belongs to, but it has something to do with the boy from the picture. Okay, that's my sign up. We'll need at least one more person. Three should be enough to keep this alive. Of course, MORE than one more person would be great, but I'll start this after at least one more person is interested enough to join. ~US Citizen~[/color][/size]
  11. [color=blue][size=1]In all honesty, I don't consider myself to be an Otaku. I do know plenty of Anime 'Vocab', but not enough to understand everything. I watch plenty of anime as well, but not NEARLY as much as others. I'm limited to what's on TV. I normally watch DBZ (even though it's old), Kenshin and other things on Cartoon Network. Does anyone here watch Tech TV's 'Anime Unleashed'? That's where I watch a lot of different animes like 'Boogiebop Phantom'. Anywayz, I'm close, but not a full Otaku yet. I'd say.... 'bout another couple months before I become an Otaku. Dunno... maybe longer or sooner, it all depends. ~Likes To Read Manga Out The Yin-Yang~[/color][/size]
  12. [color=blue][size=1]I like it! I've tried writing poems similar to yours, but they end up too sappy for me. Then I write ones 'bout violence and death. They always cheer me up. :D Anywayz, that poem is enjoyable and a good average length. But, I'm not the [i]best[/i] poetry critic out there, so don't go by what I say to fiercly..... (did that make sense at all?!) ~Runs Around In Squares~[/color][/size]
  13. [color=blue][size=1]It might be just me, but I'm a little lost about this. I haven't even read the posts all the way through, and I'm totally bored. Plus, why is there a poll about Yu Yu Hakasho when this is a fan-fic (maybe not even that) about Inuyasha?!?! I'm lost, but then again, I'm always lost. Tell if I'm not the only one!!! ~Dazed And Confused~[/color][/size]
  14. [color=blue][size=1]Just here to pipe in!! I, myself, haven't read it, but I did give it to my dad for Christmas. It's been three days and he's more than halfway through. That's fast, or at least I think so. This book does interest me, and I hope to read it as soon as my dad has finished it first. I look forward to it, but being the thirteen year-old I am, I must say I won't be able to completely comprehend it to it's fullest, but my loss, wouldn't you say? ~Uses Books For Dental Floss~[/color][/size]
  15. [color=blue][size=1]Quite enjoyable... oh, who am I kidding? That was wet-your-pants funny!!! Speaking of pants, I'll be right back *runs away oddly* *runs back with new pants* Poor Marik. Dunno why though... Yami and Yugi are idiots, but you probably know that. Where's everyone else, though? Are they coming soon? If not... well, I don't really care. That's all I have to say. ~Changes Pants After Laughing~[/color][/size]
  16. [color=blue][size=1]Well, this Christmas I got a lot of clothes. Why does everyone think a girl needs clothes? I leave my house to go shopping once every three months!!! Anywayz, to answer the ALL IMPORTANT question, I got zip from Santa this year. My parents kneeled down and begged me to forgive them for lying!!!!!! Has anyone else had their parents admit the truth about the ole fat man in red? I feel lonely... *curls up in a ball and rocks back and forth*[/color][/size]
  17. [color=blue][size=1]The end of Earth has been talked about and predicted by many from all over the world. Death is a mere unknown fate that all has to face. And yet, there's that ONE little b**** that tries to escape it, creating chaos. A young boy, no more than 15, lives a top a mountain in Russia. It's not very high up, and he has plenty of things to live off of, but he feels that death need not find him for he is worse of than dead. He has a magical book that can permanently banish death from all those who hear the spell. So, being the genuis he is, he somehow takes control over TV satallites(sp?) and says the spell, making everyone hear it. Big mistake. The skies lose their color and clouds and become no more than battle grounds for war. The oceans become the birthing ground for minidevils and demons. The land is home to both human and animal, but neither want to share. Now that there is no death, everything is trying to rule the Earth or take back their home, and SO, no body can. There IS a counter spell, but the 15 year old boy has dissappeared and taken the book with him. He no longer lives on his mountain top, but hides himself to the north. Those still sane enough send several people strong and smart enough to make the trip to the north, now named CH, or Central Haven. The one place where no war can enter, for the boy, now in his twenties, has placed a spell so that anyone with intentions of fighting can enter. Now, anyone willing to escape the chaos must sign up. There is no limit to the number of people who can join, and even after this starts up, people can join. Here's what you need: Name: Age: Home Country: Appearance: Demeanor: What You're Bringing: Purpose of traveling to the North: Other: I'll post my sign-up later.[/color][/size]
  18. [color=blue][size=1]*eyes are watering while rolling on the floor laughing* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Poor blob... He really should get some thanks by that evil James. Where did Santa go? I didn't get any presents from him this Christmas!! JAMES FORGOT TO LET HIM GO!!!! *runs around in circles* I like the snowman cameo. (In all honesty, I had to read everyone's posts before mine, so I can just SAY I knew who that fat snow guy was!) Where was I?!?!? Eh. I'm not important enough. The next movie thingee looks good!!! Why are they always so long? Anywayz, I loved the movie. ~Always Getting Lost Under The Bed a.k.a. Kitty~[/color][/size]
  19. [color=blue][size=1]Sounds fun!! Name: Nikkie Nickname:-- Age: 16 Gender: Female Eye color: Green Hair color: Brown with golden ends in a ponytail Appearance: 5'8", light blue t-shirt w/ a dragon pic, blue jeans with ripped ends, sandels, and a braclet w/ a key to something. Demeanor: Very quiet and anti-social. She is very determined when she wants to be, and is usually impatient. Pokemon: Name: Blaziken Attacks: Sky Uppercut Flamethrower Blaze Kick Slash Name: Flygon Attacks: Hyper Beam Dragonbreath Crunch Sand Tomb Name: Absol Attacks: Bite Slash Razor Wind Future Sight Name: Salamence Attacks: Dragon Claw Crunch Dragonbreath Fly Name: Walrein Attacks: Sheer Cold Blizzard Aurora Beam Ice Ball Name: Manectric Attacks: Thunder Bite Spark Charge Other: She has an older sister and two older brothers. Being the youngest, she has been pushed around and so she dislikes being told what to do. She has beaten everyone she's battled with pokemon so far. She knows more about pokemon than most people because she's traveled all over the different regions. Hope that's okay.[/color][/size]
  20. [color=blue][size=1]I have to say, I put "It's okay, things are just turning around." For me, life hasn't been easy, and it probably isn't easy for anyone. But for me, it's been kinda crappy. My parents split a long time ago, my mother's a total *****, she married a freak, and just last year I was failing four out of six of my classes. Now, it's... okay. My grades are all B's and A's (miraculously), my parents settled everything at court (I live with my dad!!), and I finally got a GOOD boyfriend. Life seems okay, but things always change. It can go from good, to bad, and bad to worse in a matter of days. That's why I'm keeping a lookout. If anything bad happens...... I'm gonna be soooo pissed, but who wouldn't be? That's all for me. ~Meow..... -.-~[/color][/size]
  21. [color=blue][size=1]Before Kitty left the school, she noticed someone had stopped by, probably because of Smyth. He wasn't in plain view, but he was there. She shook it off, though. She was bored and didn't want to stay at school any longer. The bubble of rain was summoned again, and she stepped in. She flew away as the calmed storm merely swayed her bubble side to side. When she returned home, her parents looked startled. "You weren't out there in the rain this whole time, were you," her mother asked. Kitty shook her head and entered her room. She sat down on her bed and rummaged through her bag. She pulled out a book and began practicing again.[/color][/size]
  22. [color=blue][size=1]OOC: Oh, sassy are we, Annie? ---------------------- IC: "Pitiful am I? If I'm so pitiful, why do you waste your time with me? Why not just leave me be? If you hadn't summoned me out of the bushes, I wouldn't have bothered you at all. I was after the man, not you. You may have a bounty, but I don't know a bidder after your head at the moment." The woman did not move. [i]She's a stubborn one, this one. I might as well rid of her.[/i] Katzurugi slowly pulled her sword out of it's sheath. The woman tensed, but did not strike. Katzurugi slid out of range of the woman's sword and held up her own. "As a samurai, you should be ashamed. You don't fight at all like one. You yourself fight like a ruthless killer. Why do you so dispise them?" This, obviously a silly question, made the woman only angrier at how annoying Katzurugi was being. The man, still against the tree, seemed to be watching intently. [i]I'll leave them with a final thought before I go.[/i] "If you ever want to find me again, ask for 'Kitty'. You'll find me," she taunted. She winked behind her cloth and jumped into the trees, and slowly walked towards the town. If this samurai really had anything against her, she'd follow. But Katzurugi didn't worry about that. She decided to stop by the bar, to check in on bidders.[/color][/size]
  23. [color=blue][size=1]Katzurugi looked at the two in the clearing. She hadn't expected two fighters in the forest. Know if one escaped, they could spread the word of a killer nearby. This would be hard. "What is your name?" the woman asked. Katzurugi was silent. She decided to respond after a few minutes of silence. "What a strange question to ask a ninja you foolish warrior. But it is not strange or foolish to ask [i]you[/i] for your name. Well, what is it?" The man, however, decided to answer first. "I am Noriyuki. A--" "I did not ask for your name, you old man. I wanted hers." Katzurugi waited for the woman to answer.[/size][/color]
  24. [color=blue][size=1]Kitty was surprised that he had bowed, along with the fact that he'd heard so much about her. She wasn't used to people thinking so highly of her. She slowly reached out her hand to shake his. He smiled at her, but she only stared with disbelief. He noticed her face, so he tried to snap her out of it. "Are you okay?" It worked. She snapped back and returned to her normal blank face. Before she left, she noticed that she hadn't asked for his name. As she turned for the door, she asked him, "What's your name?" "Smyth. What's yours?" "Kitty," she said as she walked down the hallway. She waved behind her and walked down to the bottom floor and left the building. [i]Smyth, huh? Hmm.... It'll be an interesting day tomorrow...[/i][/color][/size]
  25. [color=blue][size=1]OOC: Here comes the big spell!! *laughs evily* ----------- IC: Kitty knew that this spell was advanced, but that had never stopped her. She skipped most of school, but was still two years advanced in her abilities. This spell took a long chant, but it'd pay off. It took her at least 2 minutes to finish chanting it, and that's a long time for a spell. Like her earlier tracking spell, it appeared in the formation of a raven. It was a swirly blue and white, merely floating in front of her. She know held up a piece of paper from her backpack. It was blank and small, but it would track the source down for sure. The 'raven' flew at the paper, and it landed on the floor. Suddenely the paper was engulfed in a sphere of water and air, as was the entire floor. Doors flew open, windows opened up and down, papers and things inside the rooms flew everywhere, then they all fell back into place. The people in the rooms didn't seem bothered at all. The water/air sphere then flew up through the ceiling (as had the earlier tracking spell) but now brought Kitty with it. It now engulfed a hallway on the fourth floor, opening doors and windows, and pulling things inside the rooms out of their places, but as they returned, the sphere followed to a certain place. Kitty followed to see it engulfing a boy that looked quite flustered at the sphere. Kitty then chanted the last bit of the spell, making it dissappear and the paper fall on the floor as the boy fell to his bed. She picked up the paper and put it in her bag. She was silent, and the boy stood up impressed at how Kitty had tracked him down. ------------------- OOC: I have a lack of imagination. *stares blankly*[/color][/size]
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