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Everything posted by Kitty
[color=blue][size=1]A chill went through Kitty as a spell was cast over the boarding wing. She had just stepped through the doors into the building, but had anticipated finding nothing. She was wrong. She also noticed that the storm was calming down as the cloaking spell arisen. [i]The one who was adding to the storm is now hiding his tracks. Hmm....[/i] She looked around the bottom floor, but there was nothing. She decided to try a spell, a very good tracker indeed. She stood quietly and chanted a few words, summoning a formation of wind. It looked like a small raven. It suddenely flew towards the ceiling and went right through it. She waited for it to return. It returned to her after about a minute, then it flew towards the stairs. It signaled for her to follow. She followed it through many hallways and stairwells, leading to certain hallway on the third floor. It vanished into thin air in a gust of wind. There was a choice of four doors. She opened each one carefully, but the first three were empty. She reached the fourth and walked in. No one was there. The one who had cast the cloaking spell was very good, no doubt. It had even fooled her tracking spell. Kitty gave up on using her normal spells. For the next one, she took a book out of her bag. She laid against a wall and flipped through the pages, until she came upon a spell that was fool-proof. --------------------- OOC: Hey, inti? What floor ARE you on?[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Katzurugi walked out of the bar stuffing her pay into her kimono. She began walking off towards the market to buy some food, but smelled fresh blood all of a sudden. Quietly, she jumped to the roof of a building nearby and ran across several to reach the edge of the town. She saw the bodies in the distance, and a man walking on the path to the forest. "Hmm... Possibly a challenge. This should be fun..." She jumped from the roof and ran into the cover of nearby trees. She then ran up a path and headed into the forest. She put the cloth over her face. She wasn't worried about killing now. Not many would be in the forest, and he is only a wanderer as he was never seen in town before. She listened for his footsteps, but they never came. [i]Maybe he heard me... Or maybe he's in a different part of the forest....[/i] Katzurugi then ran through the trees silently and approached a clearing. She hid behind some bushes and then waited for a person to come out. She did hear footsteps, but they didn't belong to the man. A woman walked into the clearing. Katzurugi immediatly recognized her. She had quite a bounty on her head. She could pull in a lot of money if she attacked. She pulled out her sword and waited for the woman to near her in the bushes. They were both silent. The woman obviously knew someone was there, so she waited, as did Katzurugi. Finally, the woman turned towards the bushes. "Come out from your pitiful cover and fight me!" Katzurugi jumped from the bushes and landed behind the woman. She headed her sword straight for the woman's throat, but was blocked by her sword. They stood at a standstill. The woman smiled, but Katzurugi made no face behind her cloth. She knew that this woman would be a challenge, so she backed away and attacked her from the ground up. Her sword hit the ground, but instead of pulling it back, she pulled it upwards, cutting only a little of the woman's clothing. "Hmm.... I'd expect to see you dead by now," Katzurugi finally said as her sword reached her side. ----------------- OOC: Okay Annie. Your turn! ;)[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Name: Shiva Age: 18 Species: Cat Demon Weapons: Double Edged Broad Sword, Katana, Throwing Knives, and Talismins(sp?) Abilities: [i]Dragon Summoning[/i]~ Throws her throwing knives in the formation of a dragon head and then places a talismin on it. After a short chant, a dragon with the power of a random element rises (head first) and lasts for a long time. [i]Blizzard Sword[/i]~ The broad sword is surrounded by a torment of ice and snow, and when cut with it, you are cut with the sharp blades of ice and immobilized by the snow, then incased in a block of ice. [i]Element Sphere[/i]~ A very small but powerful attack. She can summon any element (except her weakness) into spheres around her hands and can shoot them in balls or rays. Beware, this can't be blocked with a shield. Appearance: Long blue hair in a ponytail, bright green eyes, cat ears and a cat tail with silver fur. She wears a t-shirt with the Yin-Yang symbol on it, and jeans with sandals.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Katzurugi had been waiting outside of the "farmer's" home for a while, when he finally walked out. It was obvious that he was drunk, as he couldn't stand straight and talked in a strange voice. Of course, night had fell, or else she wouldn't be going in for the kill. She had her cloth over her face, and she jumped down of the roof above the man. She stealthily walked up behind him and then cut his head off in a single sweep of her katana. It fell of his body and landed in a sack she held open. The body fell to the ground and she picked it up and threw it behind some crates. "You're bringing me a lot of zeros once I give your precious little head to the bidder," she said to herself and the head of the man. She was glad it went by fast. A struggle could have blown her cover. She hopped onto the roof and headed towards her home in the town. Before she jumped to the ground, she took off the black cloth and hid it in her kimono. She held the sack over her back and hid her weapons as well. She jumped onto the ground and looked for anyone. No one was on the rode nor were any lights on in the houses around hers. She smiled and walked in the door. She tied up the bag and layed(sp?) down on a bed and awaited the morning when she'd hand over the head at the bar.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]As Kitty neared the source of the storm's magical boost, she realized she was heading towards the school. She wasn't very surprised though. She landed and her bubble evaporated. She headed inside and went upstairs towards the library, thinking that the person adding to the storm might be practicing for some reason. She entered quietly and walked between the rows. She had anticipated at least a couple people, but in the end only saw the librarian. The librarian was quietly reading, but looked up when he heard Kitty's footsteps. "Hello. Do you need some assistance?" he kindly asked her. She looked at him strangely, not used to faculty being kind to her. She nodded and asked him, "Did anyone come in here recently? And if they did, were they practicing any magic?" "As a matter of fact, one student was in here only a few minutes ago. But she didn't use any spells. I do notice something magical adding to the storm from the school, though. Unfortunatly, I don't know where exactly it's coming from." Kitty thanked him and walked out. She tried to find the source, but it was quite hard. She concentrated, but it still didn't work. Whoever was adding was either in a very deep trance, or was carefully cloaking their position. However, she didn't give up, and she walked up a flight of stairs and began searching another floor.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]As Katzurugi jumped along rooftops, she looked down and saw several people with weapons. As she passed, she decided that tonight she'd get a decent fight when she tried to kill them. She jumped down off the roof of a small inn and wandered towards the bar. There were always people willing to pay decent amounts of money for the head of someone in there. She made a few look at her as she stood out with her weapons openly in her hands. She glared at them, making them turn. She didn't appreciate looks from total strangers. As she entered the bar, she caught a bottle thrown at her. She turned and threw it at the origin, and continued walking towards the counter. The bartender looked startled, but began smiling and waved to the others. The music and talking started up again and he turned to face her. "Hello Katz-" he started to say. "I told you, don't call me that. I'm Kitty here..." She didn't know why she had told him her real name, but as long as he kept quiet, she wouldn't care. "Hello 'Kitty'. What do you want today then?" Now she lightened up and smiled at him. "I don't want anything now. Tell me, have you seen any big bidders yet?" "Yes as a matter of fact. He's over in the corner. He's been awaiting your arrival for a while now," he told her. She merely laughed gently and walked towards the bidder. She sat down across from him and he handed her a picture. "Have you seen this man before? He's been stealing supplies from me and claims to be nothing but a mere farmer. I came here because this is where my last shipment of gunpowder went missing," the man said. Katzurugi's eyes widened as she heard 'gunpowder'. "Wait, you're trading gunpowder? If that's what he's stealing, he could be planning a rebellion to the government, or an attack on someone imparticular. Do you have any clue if he is?" The man sighed and nodded he pulled out another picture. It's quality wasn't very good, so it was hard to make out what it was. It was a building. Not a fancy one, but a regular building. She was about to ask more questions, but he held his hand up to silence her. He then told her how much he was willing to pay to see this man's head on a platter. She smiled and walked out, the picture in hand. As she walked down the road, she said to herself, "Sorry pal, but tonight's your last night. Say good-bye..." She turned a corner and disappeared.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Now Kitty stood outside in the heavy rain, strong winds, loud thunder and sudden lightning. [i]It's getting closer every second... And now something magical is definitly adding to it...[/i] She walked out the door to her house and stood in the middle of her driveway. She summoned a water bubble, absorbing the rain and giving her strength. She then floated towards the school to find out the source of the new power in the storm. OOC: I know it isn't very long, but it doesn't have to be... right? And there really isn't anything real big for Kitty to do. Eh.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Oo!! Is it too late to join?! Name: Katzurugi "Kitty" Montague Gender/Age: 21 year old female Weapons: Throwing stars and a katana Bio: Was left out on the streets at a young age by her mother since she couldn't take care of her. "Kitty" resorted to pety theft and gambling to get enough money to raise herself, so by the age of 12, she was a wanted criminal to many towns. She was taken into an ex-samurai's home at the age of 13, and underwent severe dicipline(sp?) and training to become a very powerful succesor to the samurai. But the night before she became his official succesor, she was chased out of the town by several angry townspeople, making her an outlaw. She now travels as a ninja because she hated the rules of a samurai. Now she is a ruthless killer, but a good companion at times. Description: Has long brown hair and bright, piercing green eyes. She normally wears all dark blue or black under her blue kimono, and sandals. Wears black cloth over her face when she goes into kill someone. She's 5'9" and weighs a little over 110 lbs. I hope that's okay!![/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Name: Katzurigi "Kitty" Montague Gender: Female Age: 20 Bio: As a little girl, she ran away from home because of her abusive father and insane mother. She lived on the streets for most of her life, giving her useful skills and strength, and was soon chosen to be a soldier in the virus-filled city. She refused their proposal, but was forcefully sent there anyway. Since it was the dictatorship that sent her there, she vowed to kill every member on it slowly, one by one. -------------------------------------- If there's anything wrong with my sign up, let me know.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Eh. I might as well be good. I usually am, anywayz. Name: Katzurugi Age: Unknown. Looks around 17, though. Gender: Female Race: Angel Appearance: Long, flowing, light blue hair with golden eyes. Wears either a long flowing white robe with a belt, bright white wings, and sandals, or a dark blue t-shirt and blue jeans with sneakers to fit in (or does that matter?) Weapons: Has a shotgun (why would an angel need a gun?), a long katana, and a small pistol. Skills/Abilities: Fly (obviously), shoot bursts and rays of air and electricity (hope that's okay), and uh....... walking through walls. Attitude: She is very kind towards Montien and others around her, but she knows when to stop being nice and act really b****y towards someone. Hope that's okay. If I need to change anything, let me know. Laterzez.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]As Kitty finished her food, she quickly packed her bag. She decided to outside and practice against the force of the storm. It was closer now. At least 14 miles away. She went inside the house and put her bag in her bedroom, then went outside through the window. "Damn... It seems so powerful. The wind is a lot faster and stronger than any average storm..." She shook her head and concentrated as she felt the wind blow against her. After a few seconds of steady breathing and concentration, she muttered a short spell, and the air's force lessened. She then smiled and chanted a longer one, this time stopping the force completely around her. She wasn't in a bubble, but the wind was being forced around her. "Kitten? Get inside kitten, the storms getting out of control. Come see the news!" she heard her father say from her room. This made her lose her concentration. The wind regained it's force and hit Kitty so hard it nearly sent her flying. She quickly climbed back inside through her window and shut it. She followed her father in to the den and stood next to the couch as her parents sat down. "...This may be one of the worst storms this city has ever seen. Of course, buildings, and small homes will survive the storm without much damage, but small vehicles left in the street along with some trees might be lifted off the ground and thrown about during the storm. Our team of experts believe that the storm should end between midnight tonight and two in the morning. You might not get a good night sleep tonight, folks at home! And in other news--" Her father turned it off and got up with her mother. Kitty got up to go outside and her parents went into the kitchen to clean up dinner. "Hmm... I hope our kitten doesn't have too many tests tomorrow. She might not get enough rest to stay awake through them all," she heard her father say as she reached the door. All of a sudden she felt bad about skipping school, and decided she wouldn't skip. Tomorrow at least.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Nice job Kinetic! I love Trigun, and the pic of Vash is awesome! The colors and font are wonderful, too. I also like how you did the background and all those funky shapes. Well, lets rate this thing! Vash Banner: 9/10 The only flaw is that the pic of Vash is a little vague(did I use that in the right context?) so it's hard to see his hands. Other than that, great job! That's it for me! Laterzez!! ~Meow....-__-;~[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]To be honest...... I don't like Sailor Moon that much, nor do I enjoy watching Disney Princess movies anymore. I think the last time I watched one, I was only 4.... Scary. Anywayz, back onto your pic. It is nicely done, and it doesn't make it hard to tell who the Sailor Girls are, as they are easily distincted when viewed upon. The hard thing to find is which princess is which, or at least for me it is. As I mentioned, I haven't watched those movies in 9 years, so I'm pretty much lost. The dresses alone don't explain who they are. Let me rate this then tell you which ones I know, just for fun. Pic: 7/10 Overall, I just don't care for the characters. The art is well done, but has flaws, as you admitted. That's about it. Let's see if I got this right, shall we? Mercury: Snow White Moon: Cinderella (sp?) Mars: ...... dunno. Jupiter: Um.... Belle? Venus: Lets see here........ I got nothin'. That's itzez. Laterzez! ~Meow...... >_
[color=blue][size=1]Kitty heard the lightning and thunder outside start to grow louder as she practiced. She stopped for a while and looked through the window in the garage door. "Hmm.... sounds at least 20 miles away.... Damn it's a big one." Suddenely the door from the house opened and Kitty reacted quickly, but recovered in time to miss her mother. Her mother stood startled in the door way for a moment, then shook her head and smiled. "Practicing for a test, sweetie? Well, take a break and have some dinner." "Bring it out here. I don't want to eat in the house tonight," Kitty said. Her mother looked puzzled. She was about to ask why, but the thunder stopped her. She sighed and nodded. Kitty turned as she shut the door, and began practicing again. Her stomach growled, so she decided to stop and wait for her mother.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Kitty began walking into the rain, becoming soaked within minutes. People who walked by with umbrellas all stared and pointed as she walked by. One boy came up to her and offered her his umbrella, but she ignored him and tried to walk on, but he grabbed her arm and held her back. "Hey! Wait a minute! Why don't you want to stay dry? Hello? Are you listening to me?!" He let go of her arm as she turned towards him angrely and stared at him. She sighed and took the umbrella. The boy's face lit up, thinking he had convinced her. "Next time, leave me alone." She dropped the umbrella in a trash can next to her, and walked on. She didn't stay to watch the boy fish it out, she just continued walking. After a while, she reached her home and entered quietly. She looked at her watch, which now read 7:13. Her mother walked up to her and took her bag. She looked disappointed as she saw how wet Kitty was. "Really, Kitty. You shouldn't just walk around in a storm like this! You could catch a cold or an even worse disease." Kitty walked into her room and changed into dry clothes. She went back into the living room to see her father reading a magazine on the couch. As she approached her bag on the table next to him, he said, "Hello kitten. How was school today?" Kitty's eyed widened, but said nothing. She grabbed her bag and went to the garage. She pulled out her book and began practicing for fun.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Kitty kept sulking as she lead the girl towards the main office, but she had no specific place to go so why not? She sharply turned a corner, making the girl stumble before catching up. "Here it is." The girl seemed surprised that it had been so close to where she was in the first place. "Thank you.. uh... what's your name?" "Huh? Oh... Kitty..." Kitty looked at the ground wondering why anyone would want her name. "Kitty? That's a nice name. My name's Rune. I have to go now, so see you at school." She walked into the building, leaving Kitty outside. She was under a landing, so she wasn't getting rained on. She smiled to herself as she walked away thinking, "See me at school? I'll probably skip again tomorrow." She decided that she'd wait under the landing 'till the rain stopped, or fell lighter.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]After several people walked by asking Kitty stupid questions, like where's the shoe store or the costume store and stuff like that, she got up to leave. She hated places with so many people. "Who cares if I get wet in the rain? This place sucks." She picked up her bag and walked towards the doors. Many stared at her, and several people even tried to convince her to stay inside. She didn't care. She walked through the doors and was hit by a gust of wind so strong, it made her take a few steps back. After she regained her balance she thought to herself, "What the hell? Is this storm a typhoon or something?" After about 5 minutes, she was soaking wet. Her hair, her clothes, and her backpack, too, were all soaked through. But she didn't care. She walked for about 4 miles and rested on a bench. She didn't care that people driving by stared at her. All she cared about was.... well, nothing. Some buses stopped at the bench, assuming she wanted a ride. She sat there on the bench while they kept yelling at her to get on the bus. "Who are 'they' to yell at me? They just WON'T shut up," she thought to herself. As the bus driver and the people on the bus screamed and yelled to her to get on the bus, she merely walked away. Not bothering to listen to them anymore. She walked the last 7 miles to her home with nothing but food on her mind. She hadn't eaten at all today. "They better have good food today....."[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]OOC: Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I didn't even know this thing had started! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The roar of thunder rang through the air as rain started falling. Kitty didn't care. She just kept on walking. She had skipped school today for no reason. She just wanted a change of scenery and hated seeing so many people in one place every day. The rain began to fall harder, until it was pouring, forcing Kitty to find a building to stay in to wait the storm through. "Ah, the mall. What luck...." She walked through the doors and saw two people from school. "Schools out already, huh? What time is it?" She looked at her watch, which now said 4:56. She just noticed that she was almost soaking wet. She took off her sweater and shoved it in her backpack. She began walking over to an empty bench and sat down, trying to ignore the sound of the hard rain falling against the windowed roof. She looked around, but saw nothing of intrest. She hated the mall. Too many people.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]I've had Deja Vu before, but normally in things or at places I've never been to before. Say I visited a city in Russia, I'd be more likely to get deja vu THERE than if I were at my school. Anywayz... I do recall a certain time when I had deja vu. It was when I was waiting for the bus right after school. My friend was waiting, too, but her dad arrived and she offered me a ride home. So just as I sat down, I had the feeling of deja vu, even though I was almost certain I hadn't been in that car ever before. There have been a number of other instances where that's happened to me, but I don't remember them as clearly. Well, that's allnez. Laterzez!! ~Meownez... >.
[color=blue][size=1]Okay. I want air and water. If I can only have one, I want air. That's itzez. Laterzez!! ~Meow... o.O;;~[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]I like RPGs like this. I'll join!! Name: Kitty Yo Age: 15 Gender: Female Height: 5'8" Weight: 114 lbs. Hair color: Brown w/ blue streaked bangs Eye color: Green Mage or Normal: Mage General appearance: Normally seen wearing a t-shirt that says something like "Bite Me" or "Kitty with a Mean Streak", baggy jeans, and sandals. Bio: Has always had a 'normal' family. They ignored their elemental powers, but decided to pursue hers. She goes to a mage school and is usually seen alone, but is sometimes seen in the company of ravens or black cats. Even though she has never had any 'bad' family history, she tends to be a loner everywhere she goes, especially school. She refuses to reveal anything about herself without getting to know someone, and she rarely tries to get to know anyone. Hope that says everything!! Oh, one question. Should I add what element I want? And can two or more people have the same element, ya know, besides elders. That's it, so laterzez. ~Meow... >.
[color=blue][size=1]Is that... for ME?!?! Or is it for someone else...? Anywayz, I like it. The only problem is that it's too pink.. I don't like pink... Oh well. I'm just picky. Other than the color it's good. Reallly... REALLY!!! Wallpaper: 8.9/10 ~Meow... @.@~[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=blue]Thirteen wolves fell dead on the ground. Kitty stood there, her hand covered in blood. The wolves left all whimpered as they stood still, then turned and fled. "Pitiful. Everyone I fight is so... easy. Isn't there anything fun for me to do now? Ughh, I'd better get movin'." Kitty wiped the blood of her hand on the grass, then walked away, leaving the life-less bodies of wolves to turn to dust. After about 3 hours of steady running, she decided to stop. As she stood, she looked around searching for any trace of a village or town. Nothing came into view. She shook her head in dissapointment and sat down on the cold ground. "Damn I'm hungry. I should've eaten some of those wolves. This day just [i]can't[/i] get any worse." As she sat there, her ears picked up something. Her eyes widened as she turned her head, this way and that. She searched all around her and across the horizon, then noticed two figures. She saw a woman and a man. [i]Strange, very strange. They both have... wings?! Well... I DO have a tail. Maybe it isn't soo strange.[/i] Kitty hesitated, then decided to watch the two winged-ones, keeping a safe distance until it was clear what they were doing or who they were.[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]I haven't been here for a while.... WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FIX THE STUPID BANDWITH YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!! Sorry... no Mo has gotten me all upset and rude. PLEASE bring Mo back!! PLEASE!!! ~*rocks back and forth while sucking thumb and hugging picture of Mo* WAAAAA~[/color][/size]
Way to go!! I absolutly LOVE the Bowser one... hehe... Go figure >.< Anywayz, I'll rate 'em: Bowser Tennis: 10/10 Very nice. Nothin' wrong... GO BOWSER!! Oops.. I couldn't hold it in. ^_^; Waluigi Golf: 9/10 Just don't like the pic. Sorry. Mario Tennis: 10/10 I don't like Mario, but there ain't nothin' wrong with this one. Luigi's Mansion: 8/10 -.- This game sucked in my opinion. Okay banner, though. That's it... WOO HOO!! GOOO BOWSER!!!! HEhehe... sorry you had to see that... I mean read... Oh you know!! Laterzez!! ~Meow... O_O;;~