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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. Kitty

    Crystal Wars

    [color=blue][size=1]Kitty walked through the streets, her hands behind her head. She looked around and noticed several villagers(townsfolk, whatever) were watching her. [i]Must be my tail. Why is everyone so freaked about that?![/i] After a couple minutes of this, she got tired of it. She pulled down her hands and they fell to her side, then suddenly her tail began to flare. It caught on fire and the surrounding people screamed and hid in terror. Kitty: Yeah, that's it!! Run away!! Stupid people... She continued to mumble about this (her tail STILL on fire folks) as she walked down the street. As she turned a corner, she noticed two people. A girl with a fireball above her head, and a boy next to her. They turned towards her and waved. Kitty smiled and ran over. Boy: Hello. Apparently, you're one of us, right? The name's Kyp. What's yours? Kitty: Kitty. Oops. I better extinguish this. Her firey tail suddenly jolted around for a second, then the flames poofed away. The girl smiled as she held out her hand. Kyp was still a little shocked at Kitty's ears and tail, but he didn't comment. Girl: Hi Kitty. My name's Ki. Would you care to join us? Kitty: Why not. I ain't got anything else to do. She sat down next to Kyp and examined him. She wondered what his abilities were. Kitty then grabbed her tail and watched as smoke rose off into the air. Kyp laughed as Kitty used her hand to get rid of the remaining smoke. She looked up at the sky and waited for the others to arrive.[/color][/size]
  2. [color=blue][size=1]When Kitty saw people heading into the halls, she grabbed her bag and let Skipper loose again. She headed into the halls and headed towards Charms. She was the first one there, again. She took a seat in the back and stared at the walls. Ginny was busy at her desk getting ready for the next class, so she ignored Kitty. She didn't mind though. The next person to enter was a boy who she hadn't noticed. She watched him grab a seat somewhat close by, then watched as somemore students filled in. Skipper suddenly darted in making a group of girls scream as he brushed their legs in the process of reaching Kitty. The other students all laughed, but Kitty ignored them and put Skipper on her desk. A Slytherin next to her leaned over and stroked Skipper. Girl: Cute cat. Didn't you train him to stay in the common room? Kitty: You can't train a cat. They usually only care for themselves. This guy's just lazy. Skipper: Meeeeeeow. Kitty smiled and the girl sat up straight in her chair again. Suddenly, Ginny stood up and began telling the students what their plans for today were. Kitty: *whispers*Hmph. This'll be a GREAT class. I'm already bored. Ginny: Excuse me. May I help you Miss-- Kitty: No. I'm fine. But you COULD get a bowl for him. She pointed at her cat, making everyone laugh except for the teacher. Ginny then took 10 points from Slytherin, making the Slytherins groan, then went back to describing the plan for today.[/color][/size]
  3. WAAAA!! IT won't work on my computer right now!!!! WAAAAAAA!!! I wanna see it... Well, if it's as good as the others (oh GOD I hope it is!!) it'll probably get this score: Episode 10: 10/10 I wanna see it!!! Boo hoo.... ~WAAAAAA~
  4. [color=blue][size=1]As Kell began to drink the glass, Claudio nodded at Kitty, who nodded back and immediatly left. She headed straight for the vet to check on Lily and Luminous. When she reached it, she noticed the lights off and the closed sign in the window. Kitty: They must be at home... She turned quickly and ran towards the house. The lights were on, signaling that he was home. She opened the door and saw Lily laying on her cat bed, and the others playing with a new cat. It looked like a skunk, but she knew better. She walked in the kitchen to find Luminous making a small dinner. Luminous: Long day? You seem upset. Kitty: Kell told Claudio and me that Renie has been attacked by some bandits. They're piggin' out at her farm and they injured her. We should go. By the way, who's the new kitty? Luminous: Hmm? Oh, Skunk? A member of the Snakeskin Bandits brought him to my shop. Kitty smiled, then went upstairs to their little furnished room. She put on her katana and cloak and grabbed Luminous's stuff, too. She then ran downstairs and tossed 'em to him, then headed outside, Luminous on her heals. Luminous: Who we gonna tell? Or are we going there ourselves. Kitty: The mayor. He probably knows since Lorien found Renie, but we should ask if he needs our help. Who knows, we might even be stuck at home. They laughed, then headed towards the biggest house in town. The mayor's.[/color][/size]
  5. [color=blue][size=1]Kitty watched as the man readied kill Tain, but she also noticed Tain pull out a small dagger. She watched carefully as Tain ducked, sliced, and dogded the man. When the man was on the ground unconcious, Tain smiled, drunk as always. Kitty walked over and knocked him upside the head. Tain: Hey! What was that for?! Kitty: You really should watch your drinking you idiot. Now, lets make sure this guy pays for his drink, shall we? Tain stared with a blank face, then Kitty bent down and pulled out the man's wallet. She waved it at Kell, who nodded. She pulled out a small amount, then put it back. She got the broom and started sweeping. Tain was still staring with a blank face when he sat back down. Kitty: You have to pay, too, you know. Tain: Aww... Kitty just raised an eyebrow and went back to sweeping, and giggled every time Kell walked by.[/color][/size]
  6. Kitty


    [color=blue][size=1]I'd have to say that I'm... i think it's Arachnaphobic... i could've spelled it wrong though... Anywayz, that means i'm afraid of spiders. I like water, but too much, like goin' too far out in the ocean, will spook me out. I'll hide somewhere far away to make sure i don't have to get too close to water. I'm like a cat too!! :p So, in other words... I'm not afraid of much. There. I think that answers that. Laterzez!!! ~=^o.o^= ~[/color][/size]
  7. Kitty

    Par Ninkil

    [color=blue][size=1]Linwe got up early and quietly got ready to leave. She thought about leaving alone, then decided that she really did need Soahc's help. [i]They will NEVER know...[/i]Linwe walked through the camp finally reaching the office that she had been in the day before. She hesitated, then knocked. She waited for a moment, then Soahc opened the door. Soahc: You're up early. Were you going to leave without me? Linwe: Well.. I need-- um, er-- I don't know where the Seere are. I... Soahc: You need me to help you, don't you? It's not the end of the world to need someone you know. Linwe was quiet and turned away. She tapped her foot, then spoke with her head still turned away, surprising Soahc. Linwe: You coming or not? Soahc: Oh! Right, heh heh. I'll just need to tell Theondell. I'll be quick. Hang on... He went back into his office leaving Linwe outside. She was very quiet. She hated admitting that she needed something. It wasn't something she was very good at, either. She was too used to being independant. When Soahc was finished, he exited the office and started ahead, Linwe following behind. After they had walked for about a mile, they decided to make sure they didn't leave anything behind before they continued.[/color][/size]
  8. [color=blue][size=1]Name: Kitty Nogard Race: Deamon (is it a demon?) Age: 18 Gender: Female Item: Cat doll, all types of meds, pens/pencils, notepad Weapons: Throwing knives, katana, her tail, and her claws/fists Appearance: Long blue hair, green eyes, blue t-shirt, blue jeans, black trench coat, and boots. Not to mention her cat ears and tail. --- I'll fix it if somethin's wrong with it. Laterzez!![/color][/size]
  9. [color=blue][size=1]I'll sign up as a friend, too. Name: Kitty Nogard Age: 16 Gender: Female Description: Long blue hair with silver streaks in a ponytail, green eyes, a blue t-shirt, saggy jeans, slightly tanned skin, pointy ears (XD), and blue and silver wings. Background: She has been very modest and shy ever since her mother left. She seems to appear and dissappear out of a room/building/whatever without being noticed, starting rumors that she's really a ghost. She's also very quiet even with good friends. She lives with her father and 2 cats, Lily and Skipper. She has always loved cats. She's a very good artist, but never admits to it. ---- I'll get back to you on the apprentice thing. Laterzez!! ~=^o.o^= ~[/color][/size]
  10. [color=blue][size=1]My dalmation... she died a couple of months ago. Her back was caving in, so we put her to sleep. I'll miss her greatly. She was a very loyal dog and I won't ever forget about her. Her name was Pickle. I called her that when I was 3, then it caught on. She used to eat peanut butter out of my hand sometimes. Good bye Pickle. ~Pickle 1993-2002~[/color][/size]
  11. [color=blue][size=1]Kell: Alright everyone, lunch break. Kitty and the others walked out of the kitchen. They put their aprons up, then headed in different directions for lunch. Kitty headed home to eat her pre-made lunch. When she reached it, she quickly went inside, grabed her food, but hesitated. [i]Maybe I should eat somewhere else...[/i] Kitty grabed a bag and stuffed the sandwich and drink into it. She headed outside and locked the door to the house. On her way back to the hustle and bustle of town, she noticed Sariyah again. But now he wasn't so cheery. Kitty ran over to him and smiled. Kitty: What's wrong? Someone treat you like royalty? Sariyah: No. The Snakeskin Bandits are coming by in a little while. Kitty: Great. Thanks for lettin' me know. See ya around. Kitty waved, and continued to walk back towards the inn. She stopped by Luminous's store, then shook her head and continued towards the inn. She quickly finished lunch, then started back to work when the lunch break was over.[/color][/size]
  12. [color=blue][size=1]I actually liked it when Krillen died. He's just an annoying little guy who's there for morale support and nothing more. He's REALLY useless in my opinion. Anywayz, onto my fav saga. I'd have to say that I enjoyed Evil Kid Buu saga and the Majin Buu saga. I like Evil Kid Buu because you learn of Buus' (all of them) origin and such. The fighting's really good, too! ^_^ I like the Majin Buu saga because that stage of Buu is sooo funny. I like his childish behavior and such. Overall, though... I'd have to say the Majin Buu saga. It RULES!! That's it, so laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
  13. [color=blue][size=1]What you do is go to the Avi/Banner request forum in the art & design section. You post what pic you want, what words you want, and whatever else. If you have the pic put it in there too. Make sure to be descriptive and specific. Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
  14. [color=blue][size=1]Okay, this one has a few problems that I'll point out in a sec. That's Subaru, right? She looks... strange in that piccy for some reason... o.o;; Subaru Banner: 7.6/10 A basic banner. Very basic... The background does NOT suit the text. The text itself is hard enough to read withOUT the colors screwin' with it. In other words, the color of the text is contrasted by the color of the bg. So... it's hard to read -__-; Finally, as I said before, the piccy of Subaru... well... it's not very fitting of her. Very... odd... 0.0;; So, that's it. Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
  15. [color=blue][size=1]After Kitty had finished sweeping the floors, she put the broom away and checked the time. She had another hour and a half before lunch, so she decided that cleaning dishes would make time go by faster. On her way to the kitchen, she stroked Bombolurina and smiled as the cat purred. She walked off and got an apron. When she reached the kitchen, she saw Suuchin and Stephen. Stephen: Hey, Kitty. How's your morning? Kitty: Very... rushed. Suuchin: Woke up late, huh? How do you get here on time, though? Kitty: So you came in late again? I guess I'm just closer or something. Stephen and Kitty laughed, but Suuchin was busy thinking. Kitty finished tieing(sp?) her apron and went to the sink. There weren't many dishes, but it would pass the time. Stephen went back to cooking and Suuchin went back to eating breakfast.[/color][/size]
  16. [color=blue][size=1]Kitty: You're late you idiot. Inuyasha: It's not my fault!! Kitty: Oh yeah? Then who's fault is it? Inuyasha: Um... uh.. Where's Kagome? Kitty: Who? You told me to meet you here. That's all I know. Inuyasha started sniffing around while Kitty laughed at him. He stood up quickly and glared at her. Inuyasha: What're YOU laughing at? Kitty: What do you think, dimwit? Inuyasha: That's it!! I'm sorry I ever invited you. Kitty only smiled. She stood for a second, then dissappeared again. Inuyasha, Kyp, and Obiwabon all looked around for where she had gone. The next time she appeared she was standing on Inuyasha's head. He stumbled for a minute as he realized where she was, then started to claw at her feet. She jumped around as if she were on hot coals, when she finally clawed his hands, making him stop. Inuyasha: Get off!! Kitty: No. I like annoying you, you little halfling. Inuyasha was quiet. Kitty jumped off, then hit him upside the head. Kyp and Obiwaban were watching with intent to see if a battle erupted. Inuyasha turned towards her as he rubbed his head. Inuyasha: What was THAT for?! Kitty: Everytime you're reminded that you aren't a full demon, you act like it's the end of the world, so you get all upset. You should know better than to act like a toddler. Oh wait... you probably don't, do you? Kitty laughed and dissappeared again. Inuyasha was red in the face by now, and Kyp and Obiwaban were backing away slowly. Kitty appeared walking down the street waving for the others to follow. They were hesitant, but they did follow. Kitty turned a corner and saw a woman sitting on the edge of the road. Kitty: Hey you!![/color][/size]
  17. [color=blue][size=1]Kitty looked up. It was the 'mayor' so to speak. She never treated him better than anyone else, though. She smiled and leaned on her broom. Kitty: Let's say it was rushed. Sariyah: How so? Kitty: Woke up about 15 minutes ago. I'm not very... 'good' at waking up in time for work. I just don't like the mornings I guess. Sariyah smiled and walked off, Kitty laughed at herself as he did, then went back to dusting. She thought of what to do on her lunch break, even though it was 2 hours away. [i]Maybe I should go visit him...[/i] She stopped for a second looked out the doors and saw the townsfolk walking around outside. She laughed again then went back to work... again.[/size][/color]
  18. [color=blue][size=1]HILARIOUS!!!!! I like that one!! All Mo, all the time!! MO!!!! I love Mo... HEre's my rating: New DC: 1.0/10 WAit... is that a one or a ten? I can't count... GREG IS STUPID!!! I'm not greg, you are!! ~Meow... MO!!!~ PS. The real rating is : 10/10. I'm an idiot... :< Meh.[/color][/size]
  19. [color=blue][size=1]Kitty walked in holding Lily in her arms. Luminous hurried over and Kitty placed Lily on the counter. Luminous: "What happened to her? She doesn't look good at all." Kitty: "I'm not sure. Maybe she ate something that didn't agree with her. I've got to hurry. How much will it cost?" Luminous looked over Lily and then nodded. Kitty tapped her foot impatiently, then she started towards the door. Kitty: "Look. I've got to hurry to work today so here's this." She put some money in the tip jar and handed him some more. Luminous: "Wait. Um, where should I take her when I'm finished?" Kitty: "She'll be fine here." Kitty smiled and walked out the door as Luminous watched. Lily mewed quietly, then went to sleep. Outside, Kitty headed towards the inn. She was going to be late today if she didn't hurry. She started running, making several people stare. She raced through the doors and went straight to work.[/color][/size]
  20. Kitty

    Fav SongS

    [color=blue][size=1]Faint- Linkin Park- This song's very good. I like the loudness and the video, too. In The End- Linkin Park- I like this song because it's lyrics are kinda true. Sometimes the means don't justify the end, or vice versa. Somewhere I Belong- Linkin Park- I think the video's cool. Again, it's just like the others. Loud... :D Swing, Swing- The All-American Rejects- I like the video to this song, too. I memorized the words after hearing it 2 times, which means it's catchy. Basically, it's my fav pop/rock song. Actually... I dunno what type it is... o.o Slim Shady- Eminem- Actually, I'm not so sure if that's the title. Anywayz, I like this one cuz it's funny, catchy, and... well, it's one of the few rap songs that I actually like to listen to more than 5 times without it getting annoying. That's it, but I like SOOO much more. (Lot's more Linkin Park XD) Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
  21. I like this guy, but I'm waaaayyy to shy to actually tell him. I have no idea if he likes me except for the fact that he's always trying to talk to me, then walks away. Is that a hint or just a mistake?
  22. [color=blue][size=1]This is how I phrased my opinion once. I might as well tell you: "If the world were to be a happy place, no human would live here. All that would remain was wildlife. No nuclear plants, no apartments, no gangs, no guns, no endangered animals, no trace of humans. Unfortunatly, that world was left behind millions of years ago." Today all that awaits us is a hell, if what we've created isn't hell enough. We're just destroying the world, one house at a time. We take land and make waste out of it. It will house us, but leave animals helpless. If you people think that I'm one of those 'Save the Animals' protesters, I'm not one of them. I've never protested, but I will say that animals need homes too. Wait... we are animals. That's why we act so barbarically sometimes. The way people act these days is sickening, even horrifiying. People are judged by looks and money. Rarely will a person ignore those factors and love someone for their personality. I, sadly enough, like looks as well. I can't say that I'd fall in love with a creepy lookin' guy, but I will treat all my friends the same, no matter what they look like. Before I go, I'd like to add one more thing: "Hell is filling up fast. If we don't die soon, we'll be stuck in Heaven." That's all. ~Meow~[/color][/size]
  23. [color=blue][size=1]That one's okay... but I noticed that when it said 'Death' and 'Rebirth' that there was a little something happening on the right side of the banner.... Well, here's my rating: Riku Banner: 8/10 This one's pretty much just average. It has animation, text, and a piccy... but I like LOTS of piccys. Or at least a bigger piccy that stays on the screen longer. And not to mention that little glitch, too. So, I'd have to say that it's not the best I've seen, but it is pretty good. That's it. So... Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
  24. [color=blue]Kitty walked out of DADA class as Professor Zhou finished talking. Kitty had done exceptionally well with her partener, Daphne. She hated parteners, though... She walked towards the Great Hall to eat a quick lunch. She sat down and reread her schedule for after lunch. [i]Care of Magical Creatures 9:00 Defense Against the Dark Arts 11:00 Lunch 1:00 Charms 3:00 Potions 5:00 Dinner 7:00[/i] Kitty: So I have Charms after lunch, huh. I'm gonna be taught by that newbie teacher? Great. She looked up at the teacher's table and saw Professor Weasley eating lunch. Kitty noticed that she wasn't too much older than herself. She wondered why she was teaching at Hogwarts. After she had finished, she left the Great Hall. She went out onto the grounds and sat near the lake. She leaned against a tree and saw Skipper. She was pleased that he had managed to get out. He trotted over towards her and curled up in her lap. She stroked him and and looked at her reflection. [i]I can't wait for Quidditch. I'll finally be able to fly again. Poor Skipper... stuck on the ground. He wouldn't like to fly though. I guess he's fine here.[/i] She sat near the lake for the rest of lunch.[/color]
  25. [color=blue][size=1]I think Yu-Gi-Oh is just like Pokemon. It has a lot of publicity, merchandise, and series. It'll get REALLY big (if it's peak isn't right now) then slowly die down. Just to say, Pokemon still has many fans, but not as many. The same will probably happen to Yu-Gi-Oh. The cards are very popular. Not only is it a good way to promote the show, it also gives kids a card game that is very easy to learn. Well... at least kids can learn it... Anywayz, the cards also give non-fans 'cute' creatures. I know this because a cousin of mine hates everything about Yu-Gi-Oh except for the cute monsters. Who'd a thunk it... o.o;; So, that about sums it up. I'd also like to add that Dragonball Z is another good example of how Yu-Gi-Oh is going to end up like. Dragonball Z used to be a REALLY popular and famous show. It was popular enough to have a TCG made. But it's fame is slowly dieing down like Pokemon, even with it's few dedicated fans. Wow... I'm GOOD at this!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
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