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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. Kitty


    [color=blue][size=1]War is never good. But what I've noticed is that they are almost always started because one religion says one thing, and another disagrees with that. Like the current 'war'. I'm not positive, but didn't those terrorists ram the WTC with the planes because they thought they could go to 'heaven' for sacrificing themselves? Or.. something like that. Well, everytime I see it on the news, I change the channel and try to forget it. My uncle died on Sept. 11, so it's not my fav thing to hear about. No terrorism is justified, trust me. I'm absolutly positive that no war is a good war. Innocent people dieing because someone thinks that they are inferior or they're just in the way. So many lives are taken, so many wasted. Different people need to learn how to comminucate with other contries without killing people. That is all I have to say about the topic. ~Peace out...~[/color][/size]
  2. [color=blue][size=1]Does she ALWAYS wear that? If she does, how does your roommate react to that? lol. So §corpio's my sweetheart, right? Okay, a couple more questions: 1. Do we get to converse with non-player characters, too? (This might have been answered, but I'm just dense) These are for Raiha: 2. How much do we get payed? (tee hee XD) 3. And are my hours correct for my work day? (10:00-4:00) Okay... that's it. Tell me soon. Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
  3. Kitty


    [color=blue][size=1]Kitty was looking out of the window, trying to avoid looking at the girls who were a little ways away. Matt and her were both red, but Kitty was glad she wasn't sitting where Airin had to sit. She noticed that the man had fainted, then she laughed out loud, startling Matt. Matt: What's so funny? Kitty: What Airin did. Matt: What'd she do? Did she make a funny face or a joke or something? Kitty: You remember who she's sittin' next to, right? Well, she used her power to make him faint. Or maybe she was going for something else... Oh well. At least he won't bother her. Kitty turned back to the window and noticed that they would be landing soon. She looked down at New Earth and wondered what it would be like. She spaced out for so long that Matt waved his hand in front of her face. She blinked and then blushed, turning her face red again.[/color][/size]
  4. [color=blue][size=1]I'm gonna make this simple. Without all the hassle of me bein' funny and making this HUGE intro, I'm gonna go straight to the ratings for ALL of those recent banners and matching avis. Here they are: Big O: Banner=8/10 Avi=8/10 Don't like the color, too dark. .Hack: Banner=7/10 Avi=7/10 Again, the pics are too dark, and they look very odd... o.o Cowboy Bepop: Banner=8/10 Avi=9/10 These are average. I just don't like 'em that much. FLCL Banner: 9/10 Very nice color and pic. Only problem is the text. Not my fav at all. Please Teacher: 7/10 Pink... eww... I don't really know anything about that show, either. Random Image: Banner=7/10 Avi=8/10 The banner's text is hard to read against the background. The avi's average. There... that's done. So, there you have my ratings, and my reasons for those ratings. Enjoy 'em. They took a LOT of effort... (not really XD). Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=blue]Okay, all my friends yell at me when I talk about this, even over the phone. Luckily for me, all those who get angry at me are on a computer, hopefully, far far away... So, I'm 13 in a week. Big surprise, really. Everyone's angry at me for getting older, but it's not my fault!! Well, actually it is... -___- So... onto the weight and height stuff. I'm between 5'1" and 5'4".... I haven't checked in awhile... I weigh only 84 lbs. Okay people. Is that normal? I eat a LOT of junk food, but I also eat healthy food. I'd say I'm a little thin, but it's not my fault!! Wait... that is, too... Darn metabolism... -___- SOO... hopefully no one wants to kill me for being sooo small and petit, yet very strong (I can kick two people's a**es at one time, even when they weigh twice as much as me. Trust me, I've proven it). That is what gets my friends so angry at me that I have to resort to hiding. Okay, laterzez!! I gotta go back to hiding in the trash can, in the garage, miles away... ~Meow... Is that a... ewww.. o_O;;~[/color][/size]
  6. [color=blue][size=1]Kitty continued walking through the small town looking everywhere for the one who had called her there. She started to get frustrated and angry, making the humans around her run in fear as she looked at them. Kitty: HEY!! I'm not that scary... Stupid humans... why did I even bother. Where is he?! Kitty turned another corner, but stoped suddenly and looked up. She saw someone on top of a roof talking to someone on the other side of the building. She jumped up to meet him. Kitty: Hey you!! Kyp: Huh? Oh-- Kitty: You seen any half demons around here? I'm lookin' for Inuyasha. He told me to meet him here. Kyp: Nope. I'm Kyp, what's your name? Kitty: If you see him around town, tell him that Kitty's looking for him. Kyp: And you're Kitty? Kitty: Duh. So, why are you here?[/color][/size]
  7. [color=blue][size=1]Kitty: Where is he?! He's late!!! Darn him... She continued down the street when someone stopped her. The boy looked very young and he had several other boys behind him. Obviously, these boys were in a gang and they thought Kitty could get them some fame. Kitty raised an eyebrow, then tried to walk past them. Boy: Hang on!! You need a pass to get into the town since you're a demon. If you don't have one, we get to kill you. Kitty: I doubt you could lay a finger on me you little brat. Out of my way, I'm here to meet someone. Boy: Nope, sorry lady. Kitty: Fine... She stood there silently for a second, then dissapeared. The boys looked frantically around searching for where she went. Suddenly, Kitty's hands were around the lead boy's throat. He sweated nervously as she whispered in his ear. Kitty: Try this again and I'll take your head off of your shoulders. Good bye... She let him go and continued walking. He fainted after she had turned the corner.[/size][/color]
  8. [color=blue][size=1]Kitty's eyes were wide now. She didn't want anyone to know about her organiod, and now that there was another, she didn't want to stick around. Kitty: I don't think we should stick around. This guy's a nutcase... Kai: Don't be so rude. But, I guess you're kinda right. He does act a little... strange. Ki: Well, we can't just LEAVE him here! What if the Geno Saurer doesn't accept? What if this guy DOES win? We're sticking around okay. Kitty mumbled under her breath. She didn't like how the new member was acting like a complete idiot and challenging almost everyone he saw. She looked around for the organiod and Lightning Siax. She spotted them a little ways away. Kitty: I'll be back in a minute Kai. Tell Ki. Kai: Why'd you tell me? She didn't answer his question. She didn't want to be stalled anymore. She quickly dashed towards the Siax and got infront of it. It slid to a halt right before it ran into her. [/color][/size]
  9. [color=blue]Kitty left the Care of Magical Creatures class very quickly and quietly, just like everything else. She went through several halls finally reaching the DADA class. She looked around and noticed that she was the first one there. Kitty: Idiots. Very slow idiots. I'm always the first one to my classes. Why are they so slow? Professor Zhou: Or maybe you're too fast, possibly. Kitty: I don't like it when people spy on me even if it's one of my 'superiors'. Zhou: Ah... Okay, well will you come in? The professor smiled as she walked by. She glared back, but Zhou continued to smile. She found a seat towards the back and somewhat leaned towards the right. She continued to watch Zhou as the other students arrived. She started talking about him under her breath. Kitty: *whispers* That guy's completely insane. But then again, so are a lot of people here. I can't stand it... Just as she said that, Zhou looked at her then turned away again. Kitty found Zhou a very puzzling professor.[/color]
  10. [color=blue][size=1]Sounds like a good RPG, D Warrior! I'll sign up!! Name: Kitty Harituko (her REAL last name is Nogard, but she'll learn that in the RPG I guess...) Age: 19 Race: Elf Gender: Female Occupation: Works at the inn. Thanx to Raiha for the hours. I get a GOOD salary!! XD(10:00-12:00am 1:00-8:00pm) House: Brick House. Not as big as a mansion, but not an apartment. How 'bout a 2-story version of a hotel with less rooms. That's big enough. Looks: Long dark blue hair in a ponytail with light blue streaks, green eyes, long ears (XD), and slightly tanned skin. She's 5'11, so she's taller then a lot of guys she works with at the inn. She wears a light blue t-shirt with a pic of a cat on it, long jeans with holes in the knees, and black boots. She wears a black cloak sometimes, and has her katana in it's sheeth at her side. In her cloak are many throwing knives. Bio: Her family was a group of traders who traveled all over the world. They stopped at a lot of towns, but stayed for a while in a town a little ways off from where Black Haven now is(:p) for 2 and a half years. Ever since she was 3, her parents left her alone in that town, so she was taken to be a foster child with an elderly couple (how original XD) so she never really trusts people easily. She does, however, trust her three cats. One is Skipper(boy), one is Lily(girl), and one is Draca(girl). She usually brings them everywhere, except when she fights. She doesn't have many friends, and a lot of townsfolk think that she's a demon because of her ears, but then her foster parents remind them that the founder is an elf, too. She's quiet (obvious XD), rude and vicious towards her enemies/rivals, but is kind and sweet towards friends (especially her sweetheart, but I don't know who he is yet). Sorry, that wasn't really short, was it? Oh well.. I wanted to be a demon, though... I a cat girl!! Me-ow!!! Hehehe... oh well. Am I in? Just so you know, the elderly couple is STILL alive, but she moved into a different house after she turned 16. So, the foster parents live in Black Haven. Okay, I think that's cleared up. ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
  11. [color=blue][size=1]A deer was quietly grazing in a small clearing in a forest. As it began to move to another spot, a bit of rustling was heard in the bushes. The deer suddenly lifted it's head up and moved it's ears. It slowly returned to eating as it calmed down. More rustling occured as the doe suddenly jumped to the right and tried to sprint away. But it was too slow. A creature grabbed it by the leg and made it unable to run. ??: To slow. Remember little deer, everyone's death is caused by a superior source. Guess who's your supperior. Cats!! Lunch is served!! Suddenly several types of cats appeared. Some were as small as house cats, while others were as big as tigers. They surrounded the doe as it helplessly moved around. It looked on as the beast around came in for the kill. But the creature that had spoken left before the death blow, and it slowly moved towards another clearing with a lake. ??: I hope they don't eat too much and leave out the little ones. Oh well. No human has entered today. No fun. I wanted decent prey. Darn it... Oh, hi Dransa! Dransa: Meow... ??: Don't call me that name!! I told you to call me Kitty. Remember Dransa, I'm much more powerful than you. If you tell a soul I'll kill you. Dransa: Meowww, meowww... Kitty: I don't care if only other cats can understand you, I won't let you tell anyone! Go join the others for lunch. The doe shouldn't feed more than 10 of you... The cat walked off as the demon, Kitty, started to slowly enter the lake. The deeper it got, the colder it got. Her tail stood up straight and her ears shook a little as it got exceptionally cold, but she stayed in the water. She wanted fish for lunch. She dove under, then jabbed a little to the right with her eyes closed, then reached the surface with a small fish in her hand. She swam back to shore and ate quietly. Kitty: I'll be leaving soon. That half-demon wanted me to see him. This better be good. I guess I must tell some of the others before I depart. Kitty spat out the fish bones and went back into the forest. She reached a little cave and ducked as she entered. As she reached the end, it was quite dark, except she could see two pairs of gleaming eyes a few feet from her. She moved her hand along the ground as to make sure she could sit, then fell as she tried to sit. The two cats seemed to chuckle as she rubbed her back. Kitty: Ow... Shut up you two. I just wanted to tell Noki to watch over the others since I'll be gone for a while. Good-bye Hita, you too Lunima. She walked out of the cave and headed out of the forest for the first time in several years. She went into town, ignoring looks from several civilians. ---- OOC: Sorry if it's long. I just like to be descriptive. :p[/color][/size]
  12. [color=blue][size=1]BOWSER!!!!!!!! I LOVE BOWSER!!!!!!! Well, I also love Kirby too, but Bowser takes the cake!! He's just so... AWESOME!! For that, I'll add a bonus to your rating. Here's the rating: Bowser(:luv: ) Banner: 10/10 I would've given you a 9/10 if I didn't like Bowser, but I added one whole point to make it special!! Keep 'em comin'!! Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~ PS If §corpio is reading this, read this, too: I love you more than Bowser. [/color][/size]
  13. [color=blue]Kitty woke up at around 5 in the morning. Everyone else in her dorm was asleep. She looked around for a little, then sat back on her bed and stared into the sky outside her window. Kitty: The sky... It looks just like him. Come here Skipper. Suddenly a cat jumped out from under her bed. It was grey with small black and brown stripes, and the paws and a bit of the tail and face were white. Kitty had once said that his markings were like the sky, unpredictable and beautiful. At this time, the sky reflected on his fur, making it appear like silver water, rippling under her hand as she slowly petted him. His eyes were gleaming when he turned his head towards her. Kitty: You look stunning. Hmm.... Skipper: Meeeww. Meowww... For the first time in a long while, a smile spread across Kitty's face. She was thinking about how she had found him, in the middle of an alley all alone. Just like she had felt back then. After about 10 minutes, Kitty slowly got off of her bed and got dressed. She then walked down to the common room, Skipper by her side. She thought about what she'd do in her spare time, and when practice was going to start. She sat down where she had the evening before and stroked Skipper as he curled up in her lap. Kitty: You remember Alan, don't you? Skipper: Mow. Mew meoowww. Kitty: Would you like to see him again? He might be coming down any second, you know. He always was an early riser... Kitty began to drift off into her own memories of previous encounters with Alan in the mornings. She knew that he dated older girls, but he had never asked her. She didn't mind at all though. When she snapped back to reality, she noticed that Skipper had left her lap and was sniffing around the common room, searching for a trace of another cat. Kitty smiled again as she thought of Alan's cat, too. Just then, Alan appeared in the common room and sat down across from Kitty.[/color]
  14. [color=blue][size=1]OOC: I won't wait any longer. Sorry Ayokano. And sorry it took so long to everyone else! IC: Kitty was quiet. She joined Team Ohkami a while back when there were only two other people. Now that there were four people, she got a little annoyed. She didn't know what to do with so many people. She was used to being almost completly alone. Tical: So, who are your teammates Daigo? Daigo: Well, the team leader is Ki, over there, Kai behind her, and waaayyy over there is Kitty. Tical: She seems distant. Oh well. What're we gonna do now? Daigo: Um... Anyone wanna give the good man an answer? Kitty was still quiet, and the others didn't seem to hear him. They were to far off. Kitty looked back in her Hellcat, then turned away again. Not even she was sure where they were going. So far, it seemed like Ki was the only one who DID know. Tical: Did they even hear you? Daigo: I guess not. They've turned off their communicators or something. I wonder why? Tical: Well... let's hurry!! Daigo and Tical do just that. They hurry to catch up with the others, even though they seem to be ignored. Kai: Hey Daigo. Where'd you go? Daigo: You weren't even paying attention?! Ughh... What about you two? Kitty: No. Ki: Nope. Sorry, guess you slipped off too quietly. [/color][/size]
  15. [color=blue][size=1]Nice job for a chibi. I don't know who he is though... Anywayz, I'll rate it for ya: Chibi: 8.7/10 For a MS pic, it's pretty good. Keep it up!! Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
  16. [color=blue][size=1]I'm tired from chasing Dragon Warrior, so I'll skip the intro. Here's the ratings: First Kenshin: 7.5/10 A basic banner with a good pic and text. Like Lan said, the place where the piccy and the b/g meet is NOT very good. You gotta fix that... (which you did)... So, here's the next one... Second Kenshin: 8.3/10 I like the piccy!! :D Anywayz, the text is still iffy, and the b/g is iffy, too. But, it's still pretty good. That piccy so coooollll.... *stares into computer* ... *still staring* ...*drools...* ... *snaps back to reality* Oops! Hehehehe... darn Budwieser... I'LL GET YOU D. WARRIOR!!!! *continues to chase Dragon Warrior* Laterzez!! Get back here!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
  17. [color=blue][size=1]I'm kinda bored, so I'll just skip the intro and get onto the rating for your newest banner. Here it is...: Animated Banner: 8.9/10 The text that says 'Wondershot' is just... ewww. I don't like the color. The pics are okay, but it's hard to tell what they are. The animation that changes the banner is good, but still needs some work. That's all for my constructive critism... So... Um... *coughs*... Oh right!! Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
  18. [color=blue][size=1]Nice job. I like the piccy! Yay!! A piccy in the banner!! Here are my latest ratings: Kite 1: 6.9/10 To basic. You needed a better type of font, and the background is... white... o_O;... SOO... ON TO THE NEXT ONE!!! Kite 2: 8.0/10 Right on the nose for a good banner. The background is COOOLL!! I also like how the text seems to go well with it, even though it didn't before. Well, this has the makings for GREATNESSS!!!!! Oh... did I... *gulps*... YELL that? Oh no... I'm SOO nuts right now. I shouldn't have drinken that Budwieser. *starts chasing Dragon Warrior for advertising it* YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!!!!! Oh.. laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~ PS. *still is chasing Dragon Warrior*[/color][/size]
  19. [color=blue][size=1]Oh boy... Articuno, Suicune, Charmander, Torchic, Skitty, Absol, and.... Meowth and... Umbreon. Yeah... I THINK that's all of 'em... oh boy... That's a lot to me... Well, at least I got it outta my system!! So... That's it. Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
  20. [color=blue]Kitty quietly got up to leave. She had only eaten 2 plates, but that was enough for her. She hated being bothered, even by her housemates when she ate. She was so quiet, that no one noticed her exit of the Great hall. She reached her common room and sat down. She hated everyone. The only reason she was in this school was so she could use magic and her broom. Slytherin boy: Done already? Kitty: No. Duh, idiot. What about you? Slytherin boy: I wouldn't be talking to you now if I was not, would I? Well, I'd like to know why you're so uncomfertable talking to the other Slytherins. They seem nice enough. Kitty: Not now. I'm going to bed you pile of filth. With a motion of her wand and a little spell that the boy didn't hear, a pile of mud suddenly covered the boy. Even through the mud, Kitty could see that he was red in the face. She ignored him and went up to her dorm. She still hated everyone, but he was exceptionally annoying. She reached her bed and layed down. She stared out the window and wished that Quidicth(sp?) season would hurry up. The only thing she liked about the school so far was being able to fly as a chaser for Slytherin. Kitty: I should sneak out right now. I could go flying, be free from all these... people. I can't wait for practice to start... With that, she drifted off to sleep within a couple of minutes. She began to dream about her classes and flying the next day. ------- OOC: Terra, that isn't your character, just so you know. He's just a non-player character I wanted to humiliate for no reason. I hope I cleared that up.[/color]
  21. [color=blue]Nice job for an effect banner. But in your sig you give credit to Nomad. Just thought I'd let you know!! So, this one's text is RED instead of white. I find that a little better because I find B&W to be quiet boring. The effect is good, too, but still somewhat plain. I'd suggest after the text affect, a pic appears behind, but that's just me. I like pics. So, here's the rating: Effect Banner: 8.2/10 Still to plain. Oh well, the effect is okay. Nice job. Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color]
  22. [color=blue][size=1]Well, the only advice I can give is the advice I follow. Either act like the way he calls you, or just ignore it. If that DOESN'T work, try talking to him 'bout why he thinks you're mean. If that STILL doesn't work, do what Tical suggested. Play video games, listen to music, read, watch TV, or do something to take your mind off of him. If ALL of those things FAIL, I have NO clue how to help you. That's it... Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
  23. I like your latest-- um.... what is it? Is it a banner or avi? Or neiter? Ugh... I can't do anything like that... -__- Well, that one's okay. But here's my rating: Newest thingee: 7.6/10 It wasn't really anything more than simple. Sure, it had some effects, but still it was too plain. Well, that's my opinion. Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~
  24. I know what you're going through. It's happened to me. My mother dated him for a while, then she went ahead and MARRIED him when I told her that I hated him!! Now she ignores MY feelings about this freak and I have to visit her over the summer!! It sucks right now... But on the bright side, I'm goin' back home to my dad's place in a week. I can't wait. This place is hell... ~Meow... o_O;~
  25. Very nice comercial!! Just to be me, I think you should add a cat character to the DC series. Anywayz, I like that one... Hehehehe... I'm leaving now. *walks into kitchen and starts drinking Budwieser* Mm, mm good!! ~Meow... o_O;~
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