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Everything posted by Kitty
Kitty was still a little red, but she stopped and turned towards Matt. She threw him some BC and then went back to the girls. The others were still giggling at her. Kitty: WHAT?! Can't a girl help someone out? Ki: *giggles* Yes a girl can, but you?! You make it so... so... *giggles* Kitty: That's it. I am NOT sittin' next to you three on this thing!! Minako: So who ARE you going to sit next to? *giggles* Kitty just stuck her tounge out and walked ahead of them. Matt, behind the others, was red in the face. Kitty starts to think: [i]Why do I even try making friends...[/i]
I like Haruko, duh. She's hilarious, powerful, and can kick anyone's a**. She's a girl with power, and I like that in an anime. I also like the cat. What's the name of Naota's brother's girlfriend? Well, she found the cat. I like that cat. Even though he isn't a very big character, but he's cool. (Or is it a she... :p) Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~
Kitty: So guys? Do we have ANY idea as to why Jericho is stupidly heading off to? I mean, he shouldn't just go searching blindly through space. Zemdi probably isn't there, either. Jasen: I'm not sure. Maybe he's searching for info on Zemdi, or maybe some of his henchmen are there. Shin: Who knows? He seems like the lucky type. He does have [i]some[/i] skill, I'll give him that. But he probably just lucks out on a lot of things. Kitty: I thought that too. He never leaves a good first impression. He does have skill, though. Trust me. Flash: Wow Kitty! I thought you hated him. Kitty: Yeah, I hate you, too. Keep it up and I'll go back there!! Jasen: Not here, please? Shin: Not in MY ship!! Wait until we land, idiots. Kitty: Who you callin' an idiot!? Flash: You, dimwit!! Kitty: You're the dimwit, idiot!! Kitty and Flash continued to call eachother names and yell at the other while Jasen helplessly tries to make them quiet down. Shin just gets annoyed and tries to ignore them. Shin: Quiet!! Geez, you two!! How old are you? You act like 3 year olds! Kitty and Flash just stick out their tounges and look away from everyone for the rest of the flight. Jasen, who by this time is doing this: :sweat:, is laughing to keep the mood light.
[size=1][color=blue]Name: Bowser.. duh... Home World: I think it's Mushroom Kingdom. If anyone knows for sure, tell me please!! Description: Can I be the blue version of him from Super Smash Bros. Melee? I like that version of him.. And don't forget the horns and spikes!! I'll try to get a pic soon.. That's it. Help me out with the home world... PLEASEEE!!! Okay, gotta go. Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~ PS. THIS IS MY 400TH POST!!!!! YAY!!!![/color][/size]
Nice job. I like the red and how the pics fit in. I can't really tell what some of them are, but it's still good. The text is also well done. Now, time for ratings!! Oh boy!! My rating: DMC2 Banner: 8.6/10 Good job. Keep 'em comin'!!
AWESOME!!! I'd give it a 9.6/10. The transformation and powers from DBZ was a nice touch, but the only bad thing was... NO MO!!!! I LOVE mo! I'm really excited about the next episodes. And if you CAN'T get your new series on the internet, I might buy it on DVD. Laterzez!! ~Meow...o_O;~
Kitty: Wait.. did he put it on board?! Shin: What? Kitty: My new cycle! Hang on, I'm goin' to the cargo bay. Shin: Okay. You know where it is? Kitty: Yeah. Kitty got up and walked to the cargo bay. She saw a tarp and pulled it off. Underneath was her new cycle. She sighed with relief and put the tarp back on. She walked back to where Shin was and sat down.
[color=blue][size=1]Name: Kitty Nogard Age: 17 Appearance: Long blue hair in a ponytail, green eyes, slightly tanned skin, and is 5'6". She wears a light blue t-shirt that says "Beware of attack cat. You're lookin' at her", blue jeans with dragons crawlin' up the sides, and boots. Team: Ohkami's Bio: She's always liked cats (:p). Her family is a broken one since her parents split up. Ever since, she's been very quiet. She is still very vicious in battles, and can be very rude to people who bug her. If you aren't careful, she'll kick your ***** in no time. Very few see her soft side. Zoid: Hellcat... I think that's how you spell it. Other Zoid info: It's BLUE and SILVER!!!! Not pink and black... It has the team logo on the left hind leg. Oh, and it's got very good weapons that I'll reveal in the RPG. Ultimate X: Sure!! Organoid: Light blue with dark blue and silver streaks on it named Tiger (Guess why :p) --- I'm givin' my self, well, I GAVE myself, an organiod. Deal with it. :p ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=blue]Name: Kitty Age: 18 Species: Demon Origin: Nogard Valley Goal: Finding her father. But in regard to the Last Angel, unknown. (It'll become clearer in the RPG :p) Bio: She is a cat demon who's parents are both demons as well. Her mother was killed by demon hunters, and her father has dissappeared ever since. This all happened when she was 6. At the age of 5, she had become a master swordswoman (hehehe). She now acts as an assasin for hire. She will always kill her target unless she has good reason not to. To humans, she is known as a vicious and cruel murderer. To other demons, she is very menacing. Relations/Allies: Very few. She prefers to work alone, but when she needs help, she calls on the best of the best. Weaponry, if any: Katana, throwing knives, her claws, her tail. Appearance: Think Rei from Evangelion, then add cat ears on the top of her head, a tail, claws, green cat eyes, and longer and darker blue hair. ---- I'll fix it if need be. Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
[color=blue][size=1]Name: Kitzumi Nogard (Dragon backwards :p) Nickname: Kitty Age: 16 Element Given: Wind Elemental Power: I can FLY!!! Weeeee!! Personality: Very quiet. She is rude, spiteful, and even vicious to most people, but to her friends, she is kind and very carefree. But she is almost always quiet. Background: Her family is normal, except her parents split up when she was small. She lives with her father and her cat now, but she enjoys it. She excels in history and any type of art, but is average in everything else. She is considered very mature around family, but they haven't seen her 'other' side. Appearance: Long brown hair with golden highlights near the bottom which is normally in a ponytail, green eyes, and slightly tanned skin. She wears a light blue shirt that has a picture of a cat on it, blue jeans with a dragon crawling up the side, and sneakers. She's 5'6" and only 84 lbs. ------ As for the other thing, it's comin' soon. Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;~[/color][/size]
Is it ready yet? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? PLEASSSSSEEEE hurry and finish it!! I can't wait!!!! ~Lalala~ PS. Just so you know, this post's purpose is to let you NOT edit your last one. Do you understand?
Okay, most people try to kill me when I talk about this, so it's a good thing this is online. When I was little, preschool through 6th grade, I got mostly A's. Several times I got B's, but that's normal. So back then I was a pretty good student. That all changed when middle school started... Now I get mostly B's and C's. If I hadn't scratched my Intro to Algebra grade up to a B minus, I would've had to repeat it!! I did NOT want to do THAT!! So, with LOTS of hard work for the last four weeks of school, I managed it. I think I got a couple of A's, too... So, to answer your question plain and simple, I think I might've gotten a BIT stupider, but that's what happens. Oh well. Darn. I'm still just your average girl. That sucks. I wanted to be special!! :bawl: The thing is though, I'm smarter than ALL of my friends. I find that VERY creepy... o_O;; ~Laterzez!!~
Kitty was looking out the window admiring space, when she heard some men arguing a few yards away. As the men dissappeared, she saw a dog trot towards a girl, then the dog became a human girl, too. Kitty was taken startled for a moment, then realized something. Kitty: She's... like me somehow. Maybe if I go over... Kitty hesitated, then started to walk over towards the bench. The two girls talking quieted and watched Kitty slowly approach them. When Kitty got to the bench, the others looked at her questioningly. Kitty: What are your names? I'm Kitty. Ki: I'm Ki! This is Airin. I'm a- Kitty: A morpher. I saw. I control wind. You? Airin: Who, m-me? Oh, I control darkness, but I can change into any thing I want. Kitty smiled and sat down, too. Ki started talking to Airin again, when suddenly Kitty held out her hand towards them. Kitty: I have plenty. Go ahead. Airin: How'd you know that I needed Bit Credits? Kitty: I heard you talking about it a second ago. Ki, do you need some?
Name: Kitty Age: 117, but looks 19 Gender: Female Race: Demon Weapon(s): Katana, throwing stars, her claws, her tail Appearance: Long blue hair in a ponytail, outfit like Kikyo's (sp?) 'cept all blue, green cat eyes, cat ears, claws and tail. No shoes. Skills: Sword magic, speed, strength boosts Attacks: Ice Fury- Lots and lots and lots and lots of ice in the shape of throwing stars/daggers that are very sharp. Wind Slash- Her hands/claws are surrounded by fierce wind, then she slices whatever with her talons. (Close enough) Fire Tail- No, her tail does NOT catch on fire. Well.. okay it does, but it acts like a match. Whatever her tail touches while using this attack burns like a candle. (Very nice description, no?) Sneak- She crawls on the walls and attacks from behind. She only does this if the person doesn't know she's there. (Obvious...-___-) ------ Tell me if anything's wrong with it and I'll fix it up. I can't wait for this to start!! Laterzez!! ~Meow... o_O;;~
For a second, I thought you ppl meant Yugi and Joey from Yu-Gi-Oh.. :sweat: Anywayz, as for Blue Gender, I rarely watch it now. I missed the premier so I had almost no clue what was happening until my cousin filled me in. The characters are okay, but they seem.. I dunno. They just seem WAY to whimpy to me. I can't stand Yugi's girlfriend, the village girl. She's just so lame. That's my opinion of the romance/nonviolent scenes. Now, ONTO THE VIOLENCE!!! I like fight scenes with people in giant robot suites, and not only because I like the Gundam series. To think that Yugi's the main char. and he's such a pathetic fighter in the beginning. Does he get better? I haven't been paying a lot of attention to it. Well, the others are good, but still wimpy. I miss Gundam!!! :bawl: :bawl: ~I want chicken, I want liver, meow mix, meow mix, please deliver!!~
I GET BOWSER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh... hehehe... I get Bowser... :sweat: ~A girl who LOVES Bowser~
Kimi walked slowly down the mountain. She had heard about several other pokemon who weren't effected by the Psy-5. She had thought about joining them, but was now having second thoughts. Kimi: If I join them, I'll be able to fight the Psy-5. But then, I won't be able to do just what I want. Well... As she reached the bottom, she saw several figures deeper in the forest. Her eyes turned into slits as she watched carefully. She still wasn't sure whether it was a good idea to be a part of their group. Then, one of them started coming towards her. She readied herself for an attack as it came closer. Kimi: Is it a fight you want?!
I've been having the same problem as the first two ppls, so I think I'll only rate what I DID see. Here's my rating: Your art: 7.4/10 It's pretty good, but still a little sloppy. Just my opinion, though. ~Laterzez!!~
[color=blue]"Dammit! I lost him... Oh well. I'll find the loser." I kept mumbling about how I had lost the one guy who'd be a challenge to me in this hic town. I had watched the other guy go into a shop, so I quickly followed. He had purchased a potion, then turned to leave, but he bumped into me. "Hello. You know where your opponent went?"[/color] [color=red]"No. He must've walked off while I was unconcoius. Why do you want to know?"[/color] [color=blue]"I don't need to tell you. Anyway, thanks for your so-called 'help'. I'll be leaving now." I walked out of the shop and walked into the street, but I noticed that he was following me. I continued to walk until I saw another person with a large axe. I turned into the alley he was in, and hid in the shadows, my follower stopped just outside the alley, and laid against the wall. I continued to watch the man with the axe, as I thought of how to challenge him.[/color]
This one's really good. The pic is definatly well done, and the text is very easy to read (many have been having problems with text). The background is good, too. So, here's my rating: Reid Banner: 9.4/10 Very good job. Keep 'em comin'! ~Laterzez!!~
[size=1][color=skyblue]Name: Kitty Nazumi Age: 16 Year: 5th Gender: Female House Preferance: Ravenclaw Good/Evil: Good Wand: Dragon Heartstring, Redwood, 9 inches Pet: A cat named Skipper (male) Personality: Quiet, distant, and can be quiet rude. To friends she can be nice, but still she's very quiet. Biography: She's an only child who's parents are both magical. Her grades are above average, but aren't perfect. She hates almost all the teachers because they try to get her to acheive her best, but she just doesn't want to. She dislikes almost every other student, too. There are many rumors about her, but not many are confirmed. And she's a chaser on her castle's Quidditch team. Appearance: Long brown hair with golden highlights at the tips which is normally in a ponytail, green eyes, slightly tanned skin, 5'6", and 85 lbs. She wears a light blue shirt that says "You wanna die? Okay, come over here...", blue jeans with a dragon crawling up the side, and sneakers. In school, she wears her robes over this. ----- I'll fix it if anything's wrong with it.[/size][/color]
Nice pics. I like the text, too, but it's hard for other people to read. I know this because people are reading/looking over my shoulder... ARGGGHH *scares them off while wielding a gigantic fish* That ought to do it! I can read it though, but the text is still kinda of hard to read. So, here's my rating: Brolli banner: 8.6/10 You're doing a really good job with these. Keep 'em comin'!! ~Laterzez!!~
Blood doesn't bother me at all. If it's mine, I'm a little upset about how stupid I was to start bleeding in the first place, and if it's someone else's blood, I feel sorry for them. The only time I'll cry when I'm bleeding is if it's like a broken bone, a HUGE gash, or something like that, but it hasn't happened yet. To make a short summary: I'm not scared of blood. Never have been, probably never will be. That's it, so laterzez!! ~A girl who IS NOT afraid of blood~
I said it first. He shouldn't have copied it in the first place if he was reading carefully. Besides, I've been in plenty of RPGs like this before, and I like the wind/air thingee. It should be mine, and that's my comment.