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Everything posted by Kitty
Name: Kimi Species: Salamence Age: 16 Appearance: The wings are a powdery blue instead of red, and she has a scar on her right frontleg from a fight. Other than that, she's just like all the others. Bio: Kimi was the oldest of her siblings, so she was always looked up to. But when she evolved into her next form at a young age, she started to become violent towards others in her group. She left when she was only a shelgon, and fought many to become a Salamence. Ever since then, she's rarely had any friends and she is feared by any who've heard of her. She is very vicious and cruel, but to the ones she trusts, she can be very kind. Moves: Crunch, Dragon Claw, Fly, Headbutt, Hyper Beam ---------- Is that okay?
This one is nice, too. I like how you did the lighting in the top corners (or was that already in the pic?) and the pic of Goku is really good. The text is kinda iffy, but I'll let it slide. Here's my rating: Goku banner: 8.9/10 Not the best, but still pretty good. Keep 'em comin'! ~Laterzez!! :cross:~
Theondell would've killed Soahc and Linwe by now, but Linwe was managing to hold him back. Linwe: What's wrong with you?! Idiot!! Pay attention!! She smacked him with the blunt end of one of her swords, making him look at her normally, but then he went back to struggling to kill all those around him. Soahc: Theondell!! Snap out of it!! Remember your honor!! Linwe: Honor won't stop him! Honor isn't a real thing, it's just an illusion to prevent people from doing what they want. Soahc: We'll talk about this later! Listen Theondell!! You have to stop! Linwe: Enough!! This time, she took her sword and cut him. He yelled in pain as he went unconcious. Linwe handed him to Soahc and started to kill again. From struggiling to keep Theondell controled, her arms were covered in blood and gashes. Soahc grabbed her arm and ran back to the medical tent. Linwe: What'd you drag ME here for? Hey, don't touch me you stupid-- Soahc: You're injured. Let them fix you up! Linwe: No, I don't need help. I'll be... fine... Linwe was falling unconcious. She had lost blood and was very exhausted. Soahc caught her and put her on a bed. He decided to go back out to the battle, but just then, Tursi came in carrying Legion.
That's not the question. The question is which anime character do you most look like? You add the reasons why, the differences, or what you need to change to be identical. That's what you're supposed to post in here. (I'm not a mod, but I thought I'd let you know)
Thanks for all your comments and suggestions. I'll post my revised version of my last picture later. Here's a recent one that I think is good enough to be on the internet. Comments, critism, ratings. Laterzez!! ~:cross: Lalalalala~
Linwe was faring quite well. She hadn't been hit once and continued to slay many at a time. The snipers always missed, and those up close were no match. This was what Linwe had wanted to do when she came here. She finally had a smile on her face. Linwe: Ha, like that'll hurt me? Take this you annoying little-- She was cut off when an arrow finally hit her. She stepped back a little, and looked at the arrow in her arm. The Serhes soldiers stepped back, too, grinning. They thought that she would fall over and be an easy target now. But she pulled it out and killed 3 men with one sweep. She was really happy now. Not only was she getting to kill, she actually had a challenge. Rarely did someone manage to hit here, let alone the fact they were using arrows. Linwe: So, a sniper tried to kill me? Die now!! She continued to swing her swords, never missing her mark, and finally managed to reach the sniper. He was to scared to move, so Linwe killed him quickly. Now that she was at a vantage point, she looked around and noticed that Soahc was no longer on the battle field. Linwe: Where'd he go? Stupid!! How dare you try to strike a warrior like me while I had my back turned!! You dirty little... She continued to kill, enjoying the blood bath. But she kept worrying about Soahc.
Kitty was the first one there, so she started grumbling even more. Kitty: He wakes me up at 8:30 and then doesn't even bother to get there before me!! Darn it. I hate wakin' up early... Kitty climbs up a tree and sits down and watches for Matt or Tyler. She sees Tyler walking from somewhere and shouts out to get his attention, only to be ignored. Kitty: Idiot! Can't he hear me?! Dang it!! TYLER!!!! Tyler: Huh? Kitty?! What're you doin' here so early? Kitty: Matt called and told me to meet you guys here. Tyler: He didn't tell me you were comin'. Wait, where is he? Kitty: He isn't even here yet! He gets me up really early, then doesn't even show!! How annoying! Ughh.. Matt: Hey guys! Kitty/Tyler: Finally!! Matt: I've been looking all over for you guys! Where were you? Kitty: I've been here for 15 minutes. Tyler just showed up. Well, aren't you going to tell us what we're gonna do today? Kitty hopped out of the tree and walked over to where Matt was standing, and Tyler followed her. Kitty still had an angry expression on her face, but she was kind of happy to be at the park without so many people there.
Ring, ring... Ring, ring... Ring, ri- Kitty: What? Matt: Hey Kitty. Me and Tyler were gonna hang today, you wanna come, too? Kitty: Uh, sure. Whatever. What time is it? Matt: About 8:30. Kitty: Next time, don't call so early. I usually get up around 11. Well, I'll see you in like, half and hour? Matt: Sure, okay. We're goin' to the park. Bye. Kitty: Yeah, yeah. Whatever, bye. Kitty hung up the phone and got dressed. She rushed downstairs, and grabbed a pop tart. ??: Where are you goin' so early? Kitty: Dad, don't try to spook me in the morning. I'm too drowsy for it to work. Anyway, I'm going to the park with some guys. Dad: Okay, but be back by dinner. Kitty: Yeah, yeah. Later. Kitty walked out the door with the pop tart in her mouth, and headed towards the park. She was still complaining about how early it was all the way there.
A few miles away, Linwe is walking along at a steady pace. She keeps wondering if anyone's going to notice she left. Then, Soahc popped into her mind. Linwe: Oh, right. He's probably running around that stupid base of his looking for me right now. Pathetic. I shouldn't have gone there. All it did was annoy me. After another 20 minutes of walking, she decided to rest. She found a tree and sat down under it. She thought about what method of attack she'd use on these people. Linwe: Wait a minute, why am I even going? Soahc: To kill them, perhaps? Tursi: Hello Linwe. We noticed that you had left. Linwe: I don't want your "company" Soahc. I travel and fight alone. Soahc: And by bringing me along, would it cramp your style or something? Linwe: Buzz off. She starts walking away, but Soahc follows. Tursi starts trotting in the other direction. Linwe: If you're going to follow me, you might as well lead the way. I'm not quite sure where we're going. Soahc: Alright, then! Soahc grins at Linwe, but she turns her head. Linwe falls behind, but still follows.
Interesting... that's the only word that comes to mind. The background is interesting, and so is the face. But, what's that thing on the right? I may be just completly ignorant, but I can't tell what that is. Well, here's my rating. Thingee(the only thing I could call it): 7/10 I'm just not sure about it. I don't like it overall, but it is very well put together and... interesting... ~Laterzez!! :cross:~
HAhahahahahahahahahaha!!!! *keeps laughing while trying to ignore the many people watching her* Umm... well, I really like the pics of those guys! They're soooo funny lookin'!! I really like that wallpaper!! I know!! *saves piccy then steals it and puts it on her own desktop* Yay!! ~Laterzez!! :cross:~
I really like the background pic, and the frontground(what?) pics are good too. The text is good and I like the little squares on the side. I don't know why, but I like little designs like that. Anywayz, that's pretty much it. Here's my overall rating: Newest FLCL banner: 9.6/10 I'm just picky. LAterzez!! ~:cross: Lalalalalala~
Okay, so apparently we don't have to be people from the show. If that's the case, here's my sign up: Name: Kitty Race: Demon Weapons/Powers: A katana, the ability to comunicate with felines, and can summon 5 wind dragons Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality: Distant, rarely talkes to anyone(quiet), vicious, and rarely shows a soft side Bio: At a young age, she killed her family since they tried to make her move into a human village. She is now a wandering demon, not really caring about anyone but herself. She forged her sword herself and has never cleaned it, making the blood on it poisonous. She decided to live in a small forest near a lake, and kills anyone who ventures into it. Description: Long blue hair in a ponytail, green eyes with slit pupils, and is about 5'6". She looks like a human except for cat ears & tail, and blue feathery wings.
I'm almost identical to Asuka when I have my hair down. It's kinda like they designed her character after me!! It's weird!! HEre's proof. (Look in the attachment!) ~Laterzez! :cross:~
Okay, right now my scanner's busted so I'll have to replace it. But, I don't want to wait to post this picture, so I'll use my digital camera. So, if it's a little dark, I apologize, but here it is anyway. I don't have a title either. Compliments AND critism please, ratings if you want. Laterzez! ~:cross: LAlalalalala~
Sorry, but I've never seen the series. I'm so sheltered... *crys* Anyway, I've heard enough of it to think that Asuka/Shinji or Rei/Shinji would be the best couples. I can't read the spoiler tags, so that makes it even HARDER to understand the show. But, still, I'll put my vote with Asuka/Shinji 'cuz arguing couples are normally the best. Simalar couples are kinda weird in anime, but what do I know? ~Laterzez!! :cross:~
I'm turning 13 soon, but that isn't really making me worry about my future just yet. I'm waiting for high school right now, where I'll be able to learn Japanese as a second language. I'm going into 8th this year, so I'll be stuck learning Spanish >.
Nice job. I'd give it an overall of 8/10. Keep it up! Make sure to draw some more Zero pics, I like him!! Laterzez! ~:cross: Lalalalalala~
Hey, don't you already have a thread for banners? Well, this one's good too. The only problem is that it's kinda hard for people to read the text that says: Wondershot. I can read it, but others can't. So, here's my rating: Newest banner: 9.7/10 Keep 'em comin'! Laterzez!! ~:cross: Lalalalalalalala~
Me like Animal!!!! Oh, and Gonzo. Definatly Animal and Gonzo!!
You must be really good. Or at least a LOT better than me. I can't even get past the level to get Mia!! I suck... Oh well. I'll just have to get a friend to beat this one for me. Then I'll use the stats he got me to beat the next game!! Mwahahahahaha... *coughs* Yes, well. Laterzez... ~Lalalallalala~
Ohhh... pretty colors... *stares and drools...* Oh! *snaps back to reality* Sorry, not having a brain kinda makes me stupid. So, your banner's really good, except for the fact that it's humongo. You wouldn't be able to use it here, so what's the point of posting it here? Besides, I won't have a reason to steal it now... Oops!! :blush: *coughs* Hehe... well, here's my rating... Banner: 9/10 Keep 'em comin'. Laterzez!! ~:cross: Lalalalalalala~
After all 7 pirates were on the ground unconcious, Kitty picked up 3, while Irvine got the others. Kitty: Where's the nearest police station? Irvine: About a block in that direction. Irvine was pointing back to where the ships were. They began to walk and noticed many people staring at them. Kitty just glared at them, while Irvine tried to ignore it. Kitty: What's with those people? It's not like they've never seen someone dragging pirates to a police station. Irvine: I know, but the fact that you're a 15 year old girl might make them a little confused. Kitty just snorted in disgust and kept walking, Irvine still following.
I'm known at my school as bein' a bad *** babe who will kill anyone who's brave enough to annoy me for long (I had a rage problem when the rumors went out). In company with family, I'm known as a timid little teen who's to shy to even talk about her day. With friends... I'm just a suger high girl with a cute face, but a menacing temper. As you can see, I don't act the same around everyone. Oh, for those of you who want to know, when I'm around strangers, I'll give 'em the finger if they look at me for more than 15 seconds. Well, that's me! Laterzez! ~Lalalalalalala~