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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. Kitty

    Bloodstained Port

    Kitty nodded at Irvine and walked towards a bench. She sat down and looked around some more. [i]I wonder if there are pirates here. This place would be an easy place to get money for a pirate, so where are they?[/i] At that moment, another ship floated in. It landed and a bunch of odd looking men came out. They weren't dressed like pirates, but they were too dressed up not to be. Kitty could easily see through their disguises, and started to walk towards them. Kitty: Heh. Right on cue. Those idiots won't know what hit 'em. Irvine noticed it too and followed Kitty. Irvine: You gonna let me fight 'em too? Or are all these guys just for you? Kitty: Help yourself. They won't stand a chance. Kitty smirked and continued following the pirates, who were completly unaware that Kitty and Irvine were there at all.
  2. That enough §corpio? If so, can we start this soon? This is my first Digimon RPG, so I want to get it started! Laterzez! ~The brainless one~
  3. [color=blue][size=1][b]Name[/b]: Kitty Urazuki [b]Age[/b]: 14 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Element Given[/b]: Wind [b]Power Given[/b]: Can manupulate the wind, can fly [b]Description[/b]: Has long blue hair that goes down to her shins in a ponytail, green eyes, slightly tanned skin, and is 5'6" tall. She wears a light blue shirt that says "Don't come near me, I'm contagious", blue jeans, and a pair of blue tinted sunglasses that she keeps on the top of her head. (She's REALLY into blue. Don't ask why.)[/color][/size]
  4. Nice Avi. I like that it lost all that pink-ness. I think that ones really good. New avi: 10/10 Very nice. By the way, it took me only 20 days to become a junior member. Cool, huh? ~A girl who types a lot in 20 days. Laterzez!!~
  5. Very nice. Pink suits Haruko, definitly a perfect color for her. I like Furi Curi, as I said before, and this banner's got it all. The only beef I have with it is that it's pink. I just don't like that color, but it fits her sooo well. Here's my rating: SGM Banner: 9.8/10 Keep 'em comin'! ~Lalalalalalala~
  6. Kitty

    Par Ninkil

    Linwe kept thinking about her new "mission". She wondered if she should leave now, without Soahc. [i]No one will notice. And if they do, they'll be to afraid to stop me. I'm full. I should leave now.[/i] Linwe got up to leave, but someone pulled her back down. Linwe: Let go. Legion: Where are you going? Linwe: You shouldn't bother me. Let go or I'll be forced to hurt you. Legion: I wouldn't worry about you hurting me. Linwe pulled out her katana and put it at his throat. He still didn't let go, but he did eye the sword very carefully. Linwe: Let go, now. Legion: Just tell me where you're going. Linwe: Back to my quarters. I eat quickly. Before Legion could stop her, she pulled her hand away and re-seethed her sword. She walked away. After a couple minutes, she realized she was being followed she turned a corner and waited. She jumped the guy when they came and took her sword out again. She would've killed him, but she hesitated. Linwe: What're you doing here? Soahc: This is my base. I should be able to go where ever I want here. Linwe: Don't follow me. I could've killed you. I'm going into my quarters now. Go away. She shut the door and layed on her bed. Outside, Soahc was smiling and decided to return to the lunch area.
  7. How many do we need? I might be able to get some new people! Tell me so I can start askin!
  8. Kitty


    um... i like dbz... i like other anime, too... i'm a girl... and i can't wait to be 17. That about wraps it up for me. Laterzez! ~A girl who likes dbz and other anime and can't wait to be 17~
  9. Kitty


    I've punched holes in the wall, punched people, threw items, yelled at innocent bystanders... And this was when I was 7. I had a BIG rage problem. It went away after a month of therapy. Everyone says it's a good thing I'm a good listener. Now I only hit people, but it ain't as bad. ~A girl who had a rage problem~
  10. Kitty

    Rogue Trader

    Kitty: I wonder what Jericho's thinkin' 'bout? It's probably got to be somethin' bad if he's shootin' like this. Flash and the others were still in the building, so Kitty was alone in the car. She sighed and thought about what life would be like if she hadn't left here. Flash had come out to show her the locket, and found Kitty in the car. Kitty wasn't paying attention, so when Flash jumped in the car, it startled her. Kitty: FLASH!! Geez! Don't do that... So, what do you want? Flash: Look what I found. Kitty took the locket and looked inside. Her face immediatly went red. She looked up at Flash who had a big grin on her face. Kitty looked back at the locket, then back to Flash, then at the house. Kitty: Who saw this?! Flash: Shin didn't see anything, and I didn't let Jasen see it. Who's the boy? Kitty: I'm not telling you!! I thought I threw this away! Flash: Haha! You had a boyfriend!! Kitty: FLASH!! Flash started running, Kitty not far behind. The locket had a picture of Kitty and Matt when they were about 14 years old. The others, by now, were all outside and watched Kitty chase Flash around. Jasen went to the car and picked up the locket. He laughed, too, and Kitty went for him. He barely dodged a punch in the chest, but she still got his arm. Flash was still giggling histerically, and Shin was looking on with a look of shock on his face. Shin: Is this what you do all the time? You people are some of the most famous throughout the galaxy, but in your spare time, you act like a bunch of 12 year olds? Kitty skidded to a halt and looked at Shin. He stared back, then Kitty stuck her tounge out and ran at him. Shin: Hey!! What'd I do?! I only said- Flash: Don't ever insult her, she'll go nuts! Kitty punched him in the arm too, then she turned and went for Flash. Flash was the only one who didn't get hit by Kitty. Everyone else (including Jericho) got hit several times in the arms.
  11. Kitty

    Par Ninkil

    Linwe was sitting alone. An officer came up to her. They looked terrified, but they still came closer. Linwe threw them a menacing look, but they kept coming, even though they were starting to shake. Linwe: Brave little fool, aren't you? Officer: I-I have b-been sent by Theondell to b-bring you t-to Soahc. He w-wishes to privatly sp-speak with you. Ple-please f-follow me. Linwe: The leader? What does he want with me? Very well, I won't kill you. Take me there, this should be interesting. The officer led her towards Soahc's office, then he opened the door and signaled for her to enter. After he closed the door, he sighed with relief. Inside, Linwe was standing there, waiting for Soahc to show up. The door opened, and he walked in. Soahc: Nice to meet you. As you may know, I am- Linwe: Cut to the chase, [i]sir[/i]. I want to know why you, of all people, would want me here. Soahc: Of course. Very well, I shall tell you. I have summoned you here to ask you a few questions. I shall start off with a very simple one. Why are you here? Linwe: I like to kill. I thought that if I came here, you'd let me go on the battle field and let me do just that, but apparently... Linwe turned around and looked at the office. She snorted in disgust and turned back to him. Linwe: Apparently all you people do is talk. I haven't had a single kill since I got here. This place is too pathetic. Soahc just looked at her with a calm look, and decided to ask her more questions.
  12. I stared at the new rhino that was supposed to be Matt. The others were staring, too. Kitty: Did it hurt? Matt: [A little, but I think we can handle it.] Kitty: Just like in my dream... Danny: What? Kitty: Nothing. I'm gonna find some other animals. I walked out not looking back. I wondered if I should even had come to VORC. She went over the dream in her head. [i]Maybe I should be a cat of somekind. Like in my dream, but which one...[/i] I walked over to a tiger. I knew that one since we had come here often before, and this one was very nice to me. I called it Z. I went inside and shut the door. I hesitated, but then I finally went up to him. Kitty: I'll give it a shot. Hey Z. How's it goin'? Can I pet you? Z put his head back down and moved his tail. Apparently, he wanted me to pet him. I stroked him a few times, then I put my hand on his paw, and concentrated. I felt something, probably his DNA, coming to me. That was all, then I moved my hand. By now, the others were watching from outside, Matt hadn't changed back, so there was a rhino in the hallway. Matt: You gonna do it or what? I was quiet, but I nodded. I concentrated on the image of a tiger that was in my head. I felt my back begin to break and the bones rearrange. I felt this pain before in my dream, but it was still very weird. I felt my hands turn into paws, my ears moved up to the top of my head, and I grew a tail and fur. Suddenly it stopped. I looked around. I was shorter and Z backed away. Kitty: [This is strange. Don't just stand there! Open the door! I don't have thumbs anymore!] Danny: But, are you sure you can come out like that? Kitty: [There is a rhino next to you. A tiger won't be so bad!] Danny laughed at herself, then she opened the door and let me come out, then shut the door behind me. I was the tiger, but I was still me. The sensation was very strange. Ben: So we've got a tiger and a rhino. Who's next?
  13. Okay, it may be just me, but that picture of Kaede-San is just creepy! He looks like a mix between a cat or dog, and an anime version of Michael Jackson! Eeeeewwww... Anywayz, other than that CREEPY factor, I'd say it looks pretty cool. Laterzez. ~:cross: Lalalalalala~
  14. My dad: He's always been there for me. Even when he split up with my mom. I live with him now, and I can't explain how lost I'd be without all he's given me. He can be a little weird sometimes, but aren't dads supposed to be? Since he IS weird, I look up to him very much! My grandma: Right now, my grandpa is in the hospital after a stroke. He's losing his memory and soon he won't know who my grandma is, even though they've been married for 20 years. She is really brave to watch this happening. She keeps a straight face and I've only seen her break down once. She is a very strong woman and I respect her for it. She is one of my role models.
  15. Kitty

    Par Ninkil

    Name: Linwe Age: 1017 Race: Elf Position: Soldier Weapon type: A small katana with a cat design on the handel, and a broad sword with a dragon design on the handel Weapon names: Cat's Typhoon, Dragon's Torment Magic: Flash of Ice, Tornado, and Fire Spread Appearance: Long blue hair in a ponytail, green eyes, long ears, and slightly tanned skin. Wears a light blue long-sleeved shirt, dark blue pants, and boots. Bio: She was abonded by her family when she was only 17 years old. She never really cared, and went straight to being a solitary wanderer. She trained in solitude for a while, then went back to traveling. She loves to kill, which is why she joined the Ravetis as a soldier. She doesn't like company and doesn't have any friends, so she mainly tries to work alone. She is ruthless and very cunning, making her a good fighter.
  16. I'm 5'2" and I only weight 84 lbs. o.O;; I know, scary huh? It's just that I have a very good matablism. Trust me. The food I eat is like junk, fat, and sugar all the way. I do eat my fruit and stuff, but I'm a food junkie all da way! *cough* Yeah, well.. don't diet. If you starve yourself like my mom did, you'll end up lookin' like a freak for a while. (I've seen some pics of her as a 17 year old, and they is freaky!!). So, just excerise or somethin'. You'll be able to loose pounds, just not in a starvation way. Laterzez! ~Lalalalalalalala~
  17. It may just be that I'm weird and have no brain, but I think that the text is easy to read. I still know a good wallpaper when I see one. Good job and keep 'em comin'. My rating: 9/10 Greyscale ain't my fav type of scale... what? o.O;; ~Laterzez~
  18. I like FLCL! That show is COOL! Anywayz, it couldn't be very much better. All that I would suggest is to change the color of the text that says FLCL. That's pretty much it. Laterzez. *walks into walls repeatedly* *people stare* ~Can I help you?~
  19. *can't stop laughing* Very good! Haha. Wee wee... hehehehe. Anywayz, I really like the drivin' stuff. Mo's even stupider than me! (That is REALLY hard for me to believe.) I can't wait for more, even though I'll have to wait for a while. Well, I hope you come up with some good ideas while you're gone. Here's my rating: Episode 7: 10/10 (like all the others, but I thought I'd let you know) Laterzez!! ~Lalalalala~
  20. o_O; That's amazing! I could never draw like that! All I have to say is wow, and OMG!! Here's my rating: Your drawing: 9/10 I'm VERY picky. That's why you didn't score a 10/10. Keep tryin' though! Laterzez! ~Lalalalalalalala~
  21. Crim is an all around better fighter AND player. He's more experianced, and VERY powerful. Tsukasa's just a wimp. He's got a BIG problem with fightin' 'cuz of da pain thingee, so he's probably not stupid enough to challenge Crim. But, if he DID fight Crim, he'd be a pulp in less than 5 seconds, unless Crim gave him the first shot. (maybe even then, too!) ~Lalalalalala... I like Crim!~
  22. I had a dream once. Well, more than once, but that isn't the point. One dream that I'll never forget goes like this: I'm in my room, then all of a sudden I hear a large crash. I go down into the kitchen (I have a robe on) and I see something eating all the stuff in my fridge. All of a sudden the lights come on (it's a dream people!) and I see that it's my younger cousin. I go over a smack him over the head with a giant ham, then he's unconcious (this'll never happen...:bawl: ) and I drag him outside into the snow. (I live in California, and in the city, not the mountains!) Then I take a knife from the kitchen and give it to my cousin. He starts to walk off (it looks like a gorilla walking) and then he dissapears into the horizen. Then I go back inside and there a dozens of cats. They all attack me with mini machine guns. I die. Isn't that cute?!?!? Cute li'l cats and their machine guns! I'll forgive them for killing me 'cuz they're SO cute!! ~:cross: Lalalalalala. I have no brain people. Deal with it!! Muwahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!~
  23. Kitty

    Rogue Trader

    In the garage where Kitty and Matt are.... After Kitty had chosen several weapons she wanted attached to a cycle, Matt started showing her the models. She had already rejected 7 decent cycles. Matt: This is the best one by far! *points at new cycle* Kitty: Can I get it in a different color? Puke green doesn't suit me. Matt: WHAT?! That color's AWESOME!! Kitty: You still haven't changed. I hoped you had, but oh well. Matt: Fine, you know that you can. You're the only customer I'll accept to have around my cycles. You can choose the color. Kitty: Metallic light blue. Matt: Ain't that just a little conspicuos (I KNOW I spelled that wrong)? Kitty: Nope. Just get it done. Matt: Okay. Come back in about, oh... 2 hours. I'll have all your weapons attached and the paint job done and dry by then. That sound reasonable? Kitty: Sure. I'll be back then, later. Matt: Ya know, you're kinda cute in that dress. Why don't you- Kitty punched him so hard in the arm that he flew 5 feet before he made contact with the ground, and then he skidded another 3 feet. Matt: OWW!! Don't do that! Kitty just walked out and went back to the others. They watched her walk outside towards the car with a red face and decided to follow her.
  24. Good job. Keep it up! HEre's my rating: Inu Pic: 9.2/10 Yay! ~Lalalalalala~
  25. I'd be a blademaster. Plain and simple. I like big swords, and small swords. I'm a blade masta!!!! Somebody stop me!!! *starts slashing with her sword* ~No, really. Somebody stop me! *can't stop swinging sword* AGGH!! I just killed a monkey!! NOOOOO!!! *keeps swinging her sword* Lalalalalala...~
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