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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. OMG!!!!! HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!?!?!?!? Great job! Keep doin' 'em like that and you could be a professional in no time! My rating: 10/10 Wooohooo!!! ~Lalalalalala~
  2. OOC: The bartender in this part will be in black text, 'kay? ~~~~~~ IC: [color=blue]I finally got to another town after walking for about 20 minutes. I looked around and saw hotels, houses, a bar, and other shops. I looked towards the bar and noticed some people outside. I ignored them and went into the bar. As I walked through the bar, many stared at me. I didn't know why, after all I wasn't showing anything outragous or noticible. "What?! Stop staring you barbarians! I ought to slaughter you right now!" They all turned away, but a couple still stole a few glances towards me. I was incredibly annoyed by their stupid behavior. I decided to kill them after a while. I went up to the bartender and asked for a small shot, but big enough to quench my thirst.[/color] "That's all, now, that'll be 20 gil please, ma'am." [color=blue]"Sure. Hey, do you know 'bout those two fighters out there? What's goin' on?"[/color] "Who, them? They were pickin' on this guy who just came to town. He's dead meat now. There's 2000 gil to the winner." [color=blue]"Interesting..." I put the gil on the table after finishing my drink. I went outside and walked a little ways. Then I turned around and watched the fight from a distance. [i]I get winner...[/i][/color]
  3. Very cool. I like the kalidiscope(sp?) effect. I like the pic of Vegeta, too. Keep doin' 'em like this and you'll be a pro in no time! Here's my rating: Your first banner: 8/10 ~lalalalala~
  4. All of 'em are very good. The colors all match the pics, but the text is a little to odd for me. Nice job and keep 'em comin'!
  5. *stares in disbelief* How did you get so good?! o_O;;; Anyway, those are very, VERY good drawings. I'll probably never be able to draw anything that acuratly without tracing, so you've got a LOT of talent. Keep it up. Here's my rating for your art: First pic: 10/10 Second pic: 10/10 Very good! Bravo, bravo! Keep 'em comin'! ~lalalalala~
  6. VEry good. You balanced the greyscale perfectly (I don't know what I just said o_O; ) and the picture is very good, too. I think that the phrase "Moderator Cowboy" was very creative and suites you well. Again, very good, and it's a lot better than anything I could do in greyscale. My rating: MC Banner: 9.7/10 ^ That's if you wanted to know my opinion. Laterzez. ~Lalalalalalalala~
  7. Wow. That's a long time. Please hurry and make more before you leave! I like these. They remind me of me for some odd reason. These animated stories are very good. Keep it up. ~Lalalalalalalalalala~
  8. Very nice. It's not perfect, but it's still pretty good. My art style is very simalair. Keep it up, and you'll be very good very soon. Here's my rating ;): Drawing: 8.8/10 Keep it up!
  9. Kitty

    Bloodstained Port

    OOC: Next time Wind Master, you should PM me instead of posting it here. But, I'm really sorry for the delay. Here's my post: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IC: Kitty looked around to see what was there. She wasn't very impressed and decided to stay with Irvine. [i]After all, this guy might have come here before. He might know of some really interesting places. I think I'll leave this place with 'im, too.[/i] Kitty: Hey, Irvine? Irvine: Yeah? Kitty: Where are you going on this planet? Are you stayin' near here, or are you gonna travel the space station? Irvine: Well, I was thinking of leaving for a while. Why do you ask? Kitty: I'm stickin' with you. I don't know this place, but apparently you do. I'm going to leave with you, too, 'cause this place is very boring by the looks of things. Irvine: Okay. That's fine with me. Kitty: Where are we gonna go?
  10. I like it. The background is very nice and so is the text. But the pics are to odd looking. When you cut and pasted them, that made them look odd. Try again, but this one was still good. My rating: Banner: 7/10
  11. After Tina had stayed with Katu long enough, she decided to go outdoors. She got in her car and drove off towards a store. She felt the feeling of boredom, then suddenly she thought of Andrew. She wondered if he was still mad at her for the other night, but she shook it off and tried to ignore the feeling of sympathy. She hated the weak. She grabbed some magazines off the shelf and a bottle of soda and put them on the counter. Cashier: Hello. Why are you buying these tabloids about vampires? They're just a crock ya know. Tina: I don't care. They amuse me. Cashier: Okay. That'll be $5.75 please. Tina handed him 6 dollars and got her quarter and walked off with the bag of her stuff. Tina: Maybe there'll be some info in here. She got in her car and drove off.
  12. Haha. That'd be a good use for him. Got any more scary goblin dude drawings? When you do, you should post them here so the mods don't close this thread. ~Sorry if this is off topic but.... I LIKE MONKEYS!!!!!!!!! DIE LEMURS!!!!! Heheh. Lemurs are fake wannabe monkeys... heheh... wannabe monkeys... heehehe~
  13. Very good. What else can I say? I like Koalas! Here's my rating: Your thingamajig: 9.8/10 I'm still VERY picky. Keep up the good work DW! ~Lalalalalalalala~
  14. No can do. Those brains are ICCKKY! You know why? 'Cause I heard that his henchman used to eat 'em, but then Dr. Frankenstein made him spit 'em back out. I may be weird, disgusting, odd, and all around stupid, but I'm not going to touch those brains! ~A girl getting desperate! I need my brain!!!~
  15. Very nice, but very creepy. I don't like goblin thingees, so I'm not sure how to score it. It's shading is VERY good. I like how you do it so well. Anywayz, here's my rating for your art work. DW's Pic: 8/10 I'm tellin' ya, without my brain I get smarter everyday. Hurry up and find it! I don't like being an intellectual!!! ~A girl who likes to complain~
  16. Nice. Funny, weird, and nice. What's left to say? Here's my rating: DW's Banner thingee: 8/10 I'm getting harder to please without my brain. You'd better find it soon! ~A girl who's skull is full of oranges, bananas, apples, pears, and a couple other fruits. Lalalalalalalalala~
  17. Acording to your personality, keep your current banner. But, the new one is still pretty good. If you want to switch, go ahead. I don't really care. I'll I'm here for is to judge the banner you put up. So, here's my scoring for your newest banner: Banner: 8/10 Very nice image, very nice design, very nice background. I just am picky. Laterzez.
  18. The chances are very slim, I admit. But still, it's just for fun, kinda. We "marry" cuz we like each other online, and online we try to be ourselves, right? So, if we DO meet OFFline, then if we were honest ONline, we'd still like eachother. Call me crazy, but that's a very reasonable logic in my opinion. (Even though the logic IS my opinion...) ~A girl who married online~
  19. Very nice. A lot better than something I could do. Anywayz, lets cut to the chase. My score for your new stuff: Banner: 10/10 Avi: 9.7/10 I get verrrrryyy picky. Keep up the good work. ~A very picky person~
  20. Very cute. The banner is very well done and I like the picture. *squeels* So cute! Anywayz, here's my scoring: Banner for Leh: 9/10 Pic: 9.8/10 The only reason you didn't get full credit was cuz I like bein' picky. Laterzez. ~A very picky girl~
  21. Kitty

    Rogue Trader

    They all got out of the car. Kitty ran into the house before the others and waited to find her friend. Kitty: Hello? Is anyone in here? Or can I blow it up and steal the merchandies? ???: Ah, Kitty. Nice to see you again. How's bein' a runner? Kitty: Nice to see you Matt. Anyway, you still got any cycles? Matt: I haven't sold a single one since you left. I thought I'd leave a choice for ya. Kitty: You always did like to save things. Hey, you met them before? Kitty pointed at the others who just walked in. Matt seemed to get a little nervous when he saw Jacen and Shin. Kitty reassured him and went with him into the back where the cycles were. The others were left alone in the front part of the house. They noticed several bizarre items lying all around. Jericho: Kitty sure has some weird friends. Look at this thing! It's just a skull made out of... aggh!!! Flash: What!? Jericho: That skull is made of snot! Flash: You sure?! Jasen: It looks like it. That's nasty. Why would anyone keep [i]that[/i] in their home? Shin: Interesting. Look at these books. ~~~~~~ OOC: This is totally off topic but.... this is my 300th post!! YAY me! I've only been here for less than a month! Cool!
  22. Keep those Daily comic's a comin'! I can't wait to see the next one! Hey, has Mo seen my brain? Tell your characters to keep lookin' 'cause these pears and apples are startin' to hurt. Laterzez! ~A girl who wedges fruit in her skull to replace her brain. It doesn't seem to be workin' to well though... Lalalalalalalalala~
  23. Tina quietly opens and shuts the door to her home. She has a bag full of money she got for killing several vamps that night. She patted Katu on his head and walked into her room. She put the bag in her closet and decided to deal with it later. She went in the bathroom and washed her face. She had a couple of gashes on her arm that were bleeding and half of her sleeve was torn off. [i]Damn vampires. They tried to tear off my arm. Ouch! Damn it, it's still sore. I've been up all night and part of the morning. I need some sleep.[/i] Tina left the bathroom and fell onto her bed. The next time she woke up it was already noon. Tina: Hey Katu. How ya been all night? Katu: Meeoowwwww. Mow. Tina: Heh. Nice work. Want some food? Katu: Mow! Meow! Katu hopped off the couch and followed Tina into the kitchen. They both had a good lunch and they watched some TV together. Tina usually spent time with him during the day so he didn't feel lonely. Tina began to stroke him and he began to purr. Tina smiled and watched the news.
  24. I'm married! My fav couple is definitly me and §corpio, and Sky3 and Mei. I've never met him, but I might. I'm gettin' his pic soon, too! Anywayz, I blush every time I talk about this. I... I proposed to him. Well, I brought the idea up. He actually asked, but it was mainly my idea. He can get most of the credit though. There. I think that answers your questions. Ask §corpio (my honey) if you wanna know more 'bout our marriage. Laterzez! ~I'm married! Yay!~
  25. Very good!! *falls out of chair laughing* *people stare* Umm... attack of the dust bunnies? Heh heh... *people start screaming and running in fear* That was easy. Anyway.. Very nice touch. Does Mo have a brain? If not, he'd be a great pal for me. I lost mine a while ago. Have you seen it? It's blue with poka-dots that resemble the faces of anime characters. No? Well, keep me posted! ~A girl who lost her brain.... I FOUND YOU!! Wait... that's just an apple... Oh well. It's already wedged in my skull. Lalalalala~
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