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Everything posted by Kitty
Good job. It's a lot better than anything I could've done. Again, good job. The pasting of the pictures is a little choppy, and the font ain't to good either. The biggest problem was definatly how the text was in an odd place. Still, good job for your first banner. My scoring: 8.2/10 ~How do I know this? When did I get so critical? Cool.~
Awww... That ones even better because it's got a background. It doesn't have any pink either. (I found out that that's what gave your first banner a 9/10). Anywayz, this one's still cute and very good. I'd like to congradulate you. You've gotten a 10/10. Everything I look for in a banner is there. Trust me, I'm picky. Good job and keep 'em comin'! ~Wait... who am I? Who are you?! What are you doing here!?!?!~ PS. AGGGHHHHH!!!!!
I get blue, 'kay? [color=blue]I was still half-asleep when they attacked. There were lots of wolves, or at least 10. I had been traveling a long way, and right now I didn't want to be bothered by a bunch of wild dogs. I got out my sword and readied myself for an attack, now fully awake. "Damn dogs. Take this you pack of mongrols!!" My sword chopped through two wolves' tails, making them run. I didn't want to kill them, so I only hurt them. The others soon followed the injured wolves and I put my sword away. "They woke me up. Damn it. Now, where am I again? I've been traveling for 5 days from Amarosi so by now I'd be..." I trailed off too tired to keep thinking about it. I wondered what time it was, and saw that the sun was just above the mountains. I knew that it was probably only 7 in the morning. "Well, I should be near a new town by now. Stupid wolves. I think I will kill them next time. They were lucky..." I decided to keep walking, so, slowly I packed up my things and started to go towards the nearest city.[/color]
Character: Name: Kitty Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Long brown hair w/ highlights at the bottom, green eyes, and is 5'7". She wears a light blue shirt that says "Stay back, my condition is contagious", blue jeans, and sneakers. She has a necklace with a cat charm on it, and a watch. Personality: She's very quiet and laid back. She's also a tomboy. She rarely talks to anyone even her friends, but can be very kind, but to her enemies, she is very vicious. Background: Her family ignores her giving her time to do whatever she wants. If anyone bothers her she will literally throw them across the hallway. She is very into art. The only one she talks to at home is her cat. Digimon: Digimon class: 1 Reremon/Fresh/Bubbles, Metamorphises Viximon/In-Training/Killing stone Renamon/Rookie/Diamond storm, Rapid kick, Power paw, Flaying kick Kyuubimon/Champion/Dragon wheel, Fox tail inferno Taomon/Ultimate/Talisman Spell, Talisman of light, Talisman star Sakuyamon/Mega/Dragon Helix, Spirit Crusher, Talisman Sphere, Twin Blades of Beauty, Amethyst Wind, Crystal Sphere, Scepter Dash Please tell me the bio merge digimon. I can't find it. The pictures are at your site so just look there. I don't think my computer will let me show pics on this site because it's a pain in the butt.
I didn't want to talk anymore. I stayed quiet all the way back to my house. Even when they said good night, I only waved my hand a little and went inside. It was cold outside, so when I got to my room, I was still a little chilled. I locked my door and layed down on my bed. Kitty: Why me? Why anyone? Why are we being bothered with these horrible thoughts that no one will believe but us? Why can't they just leave us out? Why...? All these questions were buzzing in my head. I didn't want to do anything, I didn't want anyone to be burdened by anything. I just wanted to be left alone. I didn't want to save the world. But, then I thought of all the things that would be lost if these Yeerk things actually did take over or something. I wanted to know more, but I wanted to be left out. I couldn't make up my mind. I hit my pillow in frustration. Several times, in fact. Then, after half an hour of pondering the reasons for why we had to save the world, I began to fall asleep. Kitty: If I sleep, maybe I can forget about this. Maybe we'll all forget. I... My eyes drooped as I went to sleep. Even my dream was about these Yeerks and this new power. I saw an animal. I touched it, but I didn't stay me. I became it. I felt a strange crack in my back as I seemed to shrink. It began to hurt even more, then it stopped. Tears down my cheeks, I saw a tail. I suddenly woke up. Kitty: Wha-what was that?! What time is it? I looked at the clock. It was only 9 am. I decided to get up and eat. After my breakfast, I was going to see the others.
These Daily Comic episodes are really funny! Keep 'em coming DW! I especially like episode 5, the one with the koalas, and definatly the one with Ricky Martin playing scrabble. It's perfect! ~An insane fan of really stupid things that move. A perfect fan for Daily Comic~
I like making cliffhangers for people. I like to annoy them. Mwahahah... You get the point. Anyways, back to the RPG. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They started down the corridors towards the exit. Kitty was in the very back with Shin while Jericho was still being dragged along since he couldn't walk very fast. Jericho: I can walk now! Let go! Flash: Stop being thick-headed you dult. You're just gonna slow us down. You can walk again after your little robot heals you up. Jasen: He's very quiet that robot. So, where are we gonna find Zemdi? You guys know of any people who we can get leads from? Kitty: I'm not sure, but we should go check out my friend's place. You know, the one who gives me his cycles? Flash: Sure, why not. As long as you don't drive. Kitty stuck her tounge out as they got to their cars and stuff. Kitty hopped in the back seat and Flash and Jasen got in the front. Jericho got in the back, too, since his injuries would make it hard for him to drive a motorcycle. Shin decided to take the motorcycle and follow the others. Shin: Before we leave, why did Kitty sit in the back? She was complaining in the hallways about how she wanted the front? Kitty: I forgot about the rocket launcher in the back. Shin: Oh. Wait... you gave her a rocket launcher?! Jericho: Jasen! Are you stupid or something!? This girl will blow up everything! Jasen: Heh heh... Kitty: Hurry up and get going. I don't want to miss 'im. He's almost always going somewhere. With that, the group took off towards Kitty's friend's place to try to find some info on Zemdi. ~~~~~~~~~~ For those of you who are wondering, Kitty's still wearin' her dress. Just thought I'd tell you.
That hurt my eyes!! *runs around blind while smacking into walls every seven steps* Anywayz.. I like the patterns and the colors. Even though it looks like blue, black, and a little white. Here is your "score": Newest Pattern Thingee: 9.7/10
There was a gun pointed at Shin's head and Joseph's head. Kitty: You, he's mine. Joseph: Ah, tsk tsk. He's never been 'yours'. I'm the one who-- [i]Bang[/i] Kitty: Good bye. Shin, your turn. Joseph's body fell to the floor. Kitty's gun was now pointed at Shin's head. He stood there, startled at the sudden turn of events. The others watched as Kitty prepared to shoot. But before she could get a clean shot, Shin pulled out his gun and aimed at her. Shin: Sorry crazy chick. You aren't the one who's gonna kill me. Kitty: Try me. I'm not like Jericho Inblade. I'm not a softie who doesn't want to kill. I'm the one who wants to see your death, even at the cost of mine. Shin: You know, you were a good obstical, but this will end here and now. Good bye. Kitty: I didn't know you too well, but you were a good challenge. Farewell. There were two shots. One from each gun. ~~~~~ OOC: Oh! Cliffhanger!! I've gotta know how it turns out!!
Hehehe. That guy is cute! I like the banner a lot. You should add something more though, but I can't put my finger on it. Hmm... anywayz. Banner: 9/10 Very good, according to my standards. They get higher every day. Why, I don't know... ~I'm confused... Who are you?~
I've got one. It's the same as my s/n here, too. So... go there! And sign my guestbook. PLEASE!!! [url]www.myotaku.com/users/dbzanimegrl17[/url] Go ahead. Click there...
Tina got up. She decided to leave the nightclub since both battles were over and that no one was left to fight except a guy she just met, a girl she didn't know, and a pitiful Andrew laying on the floor. Andrew: Hey Tina! Could you give me a lift? Tina: Why did you ask me? Is there a chance that you know Paul, too? Why didn't you ask him? Besides, there is nothing for me to gain by attempting to help you. Andrew: Uhh... What does that have to do with anything? Just help me up and drive me to a hospital or something. That's all I ask. Tina: I can't stand the hospital. All those pitiful people. Why would I take you there? Andrew: 'Cause I'm injured!! Just do it, okay?! Geez! Tina: Why? Ask Paul. Andrew: Paul? He's here? Tina: You aren't that smart, are you? You're just lucky. Andrew: That's it! I'm never gonna help you again. Tina: I won't need your help you idiot. Andrew put his hand on his face and started to groan of annoyance. Tina smirked and started to walk towards her car. Paul and the girl were laughing at how Andrew and Tina had argued like a couple, and Andrew was yelling at Paul to get him to the hospital. Tina drove off towards the place that Tony had told her about. [i]I deserve some pay tonight. That place was too dull.[/i]
Kitty started to laugh at their short conversation. She began to wonder if she should stop annoying him by calling him Sergie. She then looked back to the dust cloud. [i]They couldn't have come already. It's only been a day, not even that! Was the old man lying? Damn it. I hope those bounty hunters aren't here yet, I'm not ready for the 'party'. I can't leave until it's over.[/i] She hopped out of the tree and started to walk towards a store. Kitty: Hello? I was wondering, do you know what that dust cloud is? Clerk: You'd have to ask a person who is closer to it to find out. All the way out here, we can't tell. So, why did you want to know? Kitty: I don't want a fight brewing. Clerk: You want to fight, eh? Well, those bounty hunters are comin' tomorrow, so you could fight some of them. Kitty: Tomorrow? But the old man said they were gonna come in two days! Clerk: Which old man, the one who owns that small house? Why'd you be talkin' to him? He's just a lyin' old man who wants to fool violent kids into goin' to jail. Kitty: How'd you know? Clerk: He got my brother. You ought to leave town Kitty, he'll turn you in if you ain't careful. Kitty: I can handle myself. Besides, I've got a party to attend to. Clerk: A party, huh? Who's hostin'? Kitty didn't respond, she just walked out of the store and headed towards the 'party'. She knew that telling the host's name would instantly get every bounty hunter in the area on the hunt for them. She had to keep quiet. She decided that before she left town that she'd kill the old man. [i]That idiot will pay for lying to me. I'll get him good. Wait, how did that clerk know so much? Hmm... I'll stop by his place, too. This town is sure gettin' odd.[/i]
These pics are okay, but they make me think about things that make no sense, stuff like oranges dancing and water things killing people. Don't ask...-_- Anyway, I'd give your pics the following: First pic: 8/10 Banner: 8/10 Second pic: 9/10
Nice job with the background. I also like the pic, and the text is okay, too. As for the color of the background, is that purple? And I took the quiz too. I got the same as Stuart, weird huh. ~An evil, backstabbing, bastard (HEY!!)~
It may be just me, but I like all your banners of the Shichinin-tai, even if I have a little problem with the color or something. Anywayz, I'll give your last one a 10/10, and all the others of the Shinchinin-tai a 9/10 or 10/10. (You can tell I'm too lazy to check over all your banners of these people, right?) ~A lazy person, and proud of it!~
[i]He's right. He's soft, he's always been soft. He's never done what I've done. But... but then... how does he get these stupid bounties? What is wrong with me trying to kill Shin, he's trying to kill him? Damn it. These people are too different. Flash was right, this group thing was a bad idea. But... Damn it![/i] Kitty walked past the others quickly, after she turned a corner she began to run. The others were startled, so it took them a minute to start following. Kitty kept winding through corridors, hoping to lose them. Kitty: If they won't let me kill Shin while I'm around them, I'll leave them behind and kill all those who get in my way. Where is Shin?! In the meantime, the others... Flash: Damn it! Where did that girl go?! Jericho! You brain dead idiot! I can't believe you made her self-concious around us! Jericho: I did what? How? Wait, she's self-concious around us? What's going on? Flash: You made her think that we don't want her to kill Shin, so she's going to leave us behind to kill him. Who knows what she'll do after she manages that. Jasen: Jericho, you really aren't good at this girl thing, are you? Jericho: HEY!!
Tina was jumping along the rooftops. She hadn't done it in a while, but she was quite good at it. She stopped on top of the bar where everyone was. [i]Damn, I'm late. Most are dead or are in a battle. Interesting, Andrew is here. There might be a good fight to watch tonight.[/i] Tina jumped down to the sidewalk and stepped in. There weren't many left, just two pairs fighting and a man that Tina recognized from before. Paul: You're late lady. Too bad, you could've had some fun. This place was all vamps. Tina: How unfortunate. Lets see, Alistair and Andrew, and Alex and Michelle. Paul: You know her? Tina: I've heard about her, but I don't know her personally. Besides, this gives me a chance to take a break. I can sit down and watch these people try to kill eachother. Care to join me? Paul: Alright, this should be good. You wanna jump in if they get into too much trouble. Tina: Only if the one in trouble is Andrew. Other than that, I won't care. Paul: You like him? Tina: Don't be stupid. I'm a day walker. To love a human is very rare. I will stick to my own species, thanks. Paul: Why only Andrew? Isn't Alex a challenge, or at least Michelle? Or is it that you- Tina: I want to kill someone. Alistair and Clyde will do, but Clyde is off in the sewers somewhere. I'll have a good clean shot at Alistair. Paul: ****! That bastard's still alive. Tina: You thought it was over? It will take a blow from my blade to kill a vampire, not a gun. Don't be a fool you idiot. Come, there are good seats over there. Tina walked off, a grumpy Paul following.
After a while, Kitty decided that the boys would've forgotten about what Matt said by then, so she came over again. Dayu smiled and Matt tried hard not to laugh at him. Dayu: What?! Matt: No *laugh* never mind! *laughs* Kitty: Hey. I got another one. Matt: Another one!?! Matt got frusterated that he was the only one in their group that hadn't got more than one new pokemon. He stomped off to find some more. Dayu: Hey. Well, what is it? Kitty: It's called Novira. I don't know much else except that it's a grass type. Dayu: Why not? You should ask Dexter, that way you'll know more about your pokemon. Go ahead, pull out your pokenav. Kitty did so and pointed it at Novira. It repeated the basic info, then told the description. Dexter: This pokemon is considered a legend, and is able to use the ground and plants as weapons. This pokemon can be over trusting, but it is very powerful. Dayu: Wow, your new pokemon is a legend. Lucky! Kitty smiled and began to play with her pokemon again.
Kitty: Where'd everyone go? I hope somebody's found Crim, 'cause goin' back to a root town. I hope it isn't crowded. Kitty warped back to Mac Anu, and noticed that the crowd was even bigger. She decided to go to the Carmina Gadelika root town before she was trampled by a bunch of newbies. When she got there, she bumped into someone with spikey blue hair and a crimson outfit. Kitty: Sorry. Who are you? Nitsu: Kitty! Don't do that to Crim!! Kitty: Crim, huh? You seem popular with the ladies. Nitsu's a crimson by now. Look at her. She'd match your outfit. Nitsu: KITTY!!! I haven't known you for even a day and already you're turning out to be a pain in the butt! Kitty: Hey, it's what I'm good at. Finally! No more worries about being trampled by a bunch of newbies. Kitty walked off to check the root town out since she hadn't been there in a long while. Nitsu was still a crimson color, and Siroken was laughing a lot by now. When Kitty had spent enough time checking it out, she came back to find the others preparing to leave. She hurried and decided to join them.
Flash: Did you get Shin?! Kitty: It wasn't Shin you idiot. It was three guards. I didn't think that Jericho let any escape. Oh well. Everyone started to continue walking again as Jasen and Flash help Jericho who was still very tired, but wide awake. The others noticed that Kitty wasn't looking around anymore. She was staring straight ahead as if no one but her was there. They all stopped, and then Flash waved her hand in front of her face, then Kitty glared at her as she snapped back to reality. Flash: What were you dreamin' about? Kitty: Nothing. It doesn't matter. Jericho: I've got an answer to your question Flash. The others were startled when he spoke out of the blue. They forgot he was still concious for a moment. Jasen: Well? What is it?
Cool. I might as well sign up since I loved the books. ~~~~~ Name: Kitty Age: 16 Favorite Morph: Tiger Personality: Is very quiet since she doesn't have many friends. When people try to befriend her, she edges away trying to avoid them. To her friends, she can be very funny and kind, but to her rivals and such, she is down right vicious. Background: She is the oldest of two, making her very much ignored by everyone. She doesn't mind, however, because this gives her more time to do her favorite thing. Art. She draws lots of things, especially cats. She is also a very good baseball player. (You heard me, baseball, not softball). She has a very active imagination, as she is almost always "spaced out". She usually imagines her alone in a world with only animals as her friends. Appearance: She has long brown hair with bangs and light highlights at the bottom which is normally in a ponytail, and green eyes. She wears a dark blue shirt that says "Don't come near me, I might bite", blue jeans with holes in the knees, and sneakers. She is about 5'7" and is skinny. ~~~~~~ I'm not very good at this RPG post thingee, but I'll try!
Kitty slowed down to get behind Flash, then began looking around with a big smile on her face. She took out her beam sword and her shotgun and waited for Shin to appear. Flash: You gonna kill him this time? Kitty only glared at Flash, spooking her into moving up towards Jasen. Kitty went back to looking around every corner and turn to check and see if Shin was there. Jasen: That girl is so creepy. Especially when she's wearing a skirt and has a shotgun and a beam sabre. Jericho: She's almost worse than me. She doesn't have much self-control but I- Flash: Act just like her. You know, you two are so much alike. You both are empty headed, quick to anger, very violent, and you don't really care about plans. All you guys do is barge into a place with tons of people guarding, then you shoot them with whatever you've got! Jericho: I'm not like her! Jasen: Okay, prove it. What is one way, besides your gender, that makes you different. Jericho was quiet while he thought about it, but Kitty seemed to be off in another world. She didn't care about anything but killing Shin right then. Then, when she was checking a corridor, she froze. The others froze too, annoyed looks on their faces. She raised her gun and shot 3 times.
- The World - Mac Anu - A girl had just finished stockpiling some items, then decided to go to the chaos gate since the town was getting more crowded by the second. She was being pushed this way and that in the crowd when she finally had to knock 10 players down to get out of her way. She calmly walked away while the players got up, sticking their tounges out at her. Girl: They're so stupid and annoying these days. Geez. She continued to walk when she noticed a blue haired boy about to use the chaos gate. She hurried and shouted. Girl: Hey! You there! You need someone in your party? Boy: Huh? Oh.. well... I'm going to the hidden forbidden holy ground, even though I've never gone there. Are you sure you wanna come uh... what's your name? Girl: My name's Kitty. And I don't care about where you're going. As long as I can have some fun. What's your name?
I think it's funny, but I think a lot of things are funny.. but I try to deny that... Anywayz, I like your site if that makes you feel better. The banner's okay, just a little disturbing. But that's funny! Wait... I'm confused now... ~A girl who's brain hurts...~