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Everything posted by Kitty
Kitty was playing with her other pokemon now, but she continued to avoid the others' looks at her. She was blushing a lot, because this had never happened to her before. Normally people ignored her. Shelgon: Shel! Shel!!! Kitty: What is it? Another pokemon? Where? Shelgon ran off into the trees and Kitty collected all her pokemon into their pokeballs, then decided to follow. After a couple of seconds she found Shelgon in front of a knocked out pokemon. Shelgon was standing proudly and started to urge Kitty into catching it. She used her pokenav first. Dexter: Novira the grass pokemon. Kitty turned it off before it told her the description, then threw the pokeball at it. It was caught easily. Then it dissapeared, but Kitty was going to do the PC box thing anyway. Kitty: You must've been very powerful, or at least surprising. Shelgon: Shel! Shel! Kitty walked back to where her other pokemon were, then switched her Absol for her Novira, then started to play with her pokemon again. She still didn't look over at the boys because she was still embarrassed, and was, by now, a light pink all over her face.
Cool banner! I like the pics you used, too, and the font is okay. Just, make it stand out a little more. I can see it, but everyone else who's looking over my shoulder right now *turns head and shoos everyone else away* can't read it. But, I like it. And that's all that matters. ~A girl who's opinion doesn't matter... HEY!!!!!~
Man: Hello. Can I help you young lady? Girl: I'd like to know when the bounty hunters are arriving. I need to know so that I can greet them right. Man: Why does their arrival matter? Well, since you are so sweet. Okay, Kitty. They're arriving at 6 pm in 2 days. I'd get ready soon. Is one of them your sweetheart? Kitty: Um...:blush: Man: Alright, now. Run along. Have fun at your friends party! Kitty waved and walked off. [i]Finally. I'm leaving this dump for good. I better leave before the bounty hunters arrive or I might get into some trouble. Good thing I'm meeting with him tonight.[/i] When she got to her house she packed a bag full of one change of clothes and a bunch of food and water and maps. She put the bag over her shoulder and walked off to her secret meeting place. ------- OOC: Whoever my "friend" is will be waiting there. Anyone can be my "friend", so it won't matter who. (Not a bounty hunter, though!!)
Kitty was quiet. She didn't want to tell someone that she just met anything personal. Irvine took the hint and stopped listening for an answer. She kept thinking about where she was going to go. She wondered how she would get money and such. Then she decided that she would stay with Irvine until she got enough money to go her own way. After a while, Kitty walked up towards where he was sitting. Irvine: What is it? You need something? Kitty: Where is the next stop? I might want to check it out, if you're wondering why I want to know.
The phone began to ring and Lethal quickly picked up. Lethal: Hello? Man: Ah, eager are we? I've gotten the checks and the bags of items. They will do nicely to pay off his debt. Your pay ment is in the same box. Now, before we hang up I'd like to tell you that- Lethal: Not another assignment! I thought I'd be finally getting my vacation! Man: You didn't let me finish. You will get your vacation. I've gotten a reserve for the next two weeks. I'll call you with your first assignment on the day after your vacation ends. Have a good time. Lethal: Thank you sir. I'll have a great time. A vacation. Finally. Thanks again, sir. Man: You're welcome. Good bye my dear. She hung up the phone and smiled with delight. She quickly went outside and opened the box. There, sure enough, was a check for 500,000 dollars. She went to the trunk of her car to make sure that the bags were gone. They were and she went back inside. She started to relax and turned on the TV. [i]What should I do with my new payday? I know. I'll get a pet. I've always been a little lonely here. Finally, a vacation and a pet. This is turning out to be a great day.[/i] Lethal couldn't stop smiling. She watched several shows about detectives and assasins, but couldn't help yell out "amatuer" everytime the assasin did something that could only happen to a complete idiot.
OOC: Hey Dark Storm? Pretend your post was before T Man's on page 7, okay? That way it'll make sense. ---------- Kitty was giving treats to her new pokemon. Ilubiro was quiet and tried to sit alone, making him a very good pokemon for Kitty. She paid attention to the other pokemon, too, but she was paying more attention to Ilubiro. While Kitty was feeding her pokemon, Dayu got up and walked over to her. Dayu: Why do you like to be alone so much? Kitty: Because that's all I'm used to. I don't have many friends in my town, but I used to try really hard to get some. Now that I've given up making friends, I've become a very powerful pokemon trainer. It's that simple. Dayu: Well, we're friends, right? Kitty: Like I told Matt, I don't know. I've never had any friends other than my pokemon. Dayu: So far, we've been acting like friends, I mean, after all. You did come with me- I mean us... Dayu got a nervous smile on his face then walked back to where Matt and their pokemon were. After he left, Kitty looked at the ground. Then she smiled gently and continued to pet her Ilubiro. [i]So I finally have some friends. I hope I don't embarass myself trying to be a good friend. Oh well. This might be harder than I thought.[/i] Kitty started to think about what she would do, then got up and walked over to where the others were sitting. Her pokemon followed and sat down, too.
I missed that episode. *curses at her mother for making her go to bed early* I hope I get to see a rerun of it or something... Anyway, I like the banner, even though I don't know the subject. Good job. 10/10. ~A girl who likes getting mad at her mother~ P.S. Not many will understand this joke except Stuart~
Nice job! Especially with the animated text instead of an animated picture. Again, really good job. 10/10. ~Awww... Papa Smurf is... so ugly!!~
Kitty stopped, then turned towards the other two. Matt's new pokemon made Kitty raise an eyebrow, but nothing more. Dayu looked at her questioningly, apparently he wanted her answer. Kitty: I agree with Dayu. But first, let's see how many you two have. Dayu: I've got- Matt: I've got him, see?! It's a new pokemon! Take that! I've finally got one!! Dayu: You aren't supposed to interupt me. Anyway, the one I have is Spinkter. That's it. Kitty: I've got Airophin, Ilubiro, Vinely, and Grond. The others stared at their feet. Kitty couldn't help but feel a little bit of sympathy for them, and tried to give them encouraging words, but she didn't know what to say, so all she did was stare at them. Then she quickly turned away and switched her pokemon so that she now had her new ones, and her Shelgon and Absol. They all let them out of their pokeballs and started to play with them. Like always, Kitty edged away and sat a couple yards away from the others.
lol *lots of laughing* That is the weirdest thing I've ever seen, and weird things make me laugh. *still laughing* It takes a lot to make me laugh. *hasn't stopped laughing...* Okay... I'll try to stop now... *can't stop now* ~It takes a LOT to make me laugh. *sees a squirell eating something* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..... You get the point...~
Kitty reluctantly didn't open fire, but she did open the controls. She looked over them and within a minute, she had learned all there was to know about it. She smiled some more as they approached a certain street. Kitty: Can you pull over? I need to get something in that house. Flash: That place is yours? I would've thought that you would use all the money you had to get a better house than this. Kitty: I'm not rich. I have a bounty, I don't bring them in. Flash: Oh yeah, I forgot... Jasen: Okay, but hurry, we don't want to lose Jericho. Kitty got out and hurried inside. The place was very neat, but she went upstairs. Inside her room, there was nothing neat at all about it. There was trash, old magazines, and clothes all over the floor. Kitty went to the closet and picked up a cell phone, a bunch of keys, and then changed into a different outfit. Jasen: What's with the new outfit? Why are you wearing a skirt? Flash: I never thought I'd see the day when you wore a skirt. Kitty: Shut up and drive. Everyone here knows me as a nice girl who wears skirts. This way, no one will let a bounty hunter take me in. Jasen: I guess that's a smart move, you just look so weird. Kitty stuck her tounge out and went back to looking at the controls as Jasen drove off.
Tina glared at Andrew as he left. [i]A human as my boyfriend? Absurd. He would never be so lucky.[/i] Tina got into her car and realized that she had fooled the greatest slayer around. He thought that she was a weakling. Tina: If he thinks that I'm a weakling, then I can be lazy. Good. A vacation. Finally... Tina drove off towards her home only to see the light on her answering machine blinking again. She reluctantly walked over and began to listen. Message: Hey Tina. I'd like to give you a break, but you know I can't. I will meet you again soon. Meet me at 4 pm. That's when your new assignment will be handed to you. Tina: Once I get it, I'll give it to Andrew. I may not get paid, but at least I'll get a break. Hey Katu. How are you? Katu: Meow! Meeeeow! Tina smiled and began to watch TV. Katu sat in her lap and curled up. He started purring and Tina pet him quietly. [i]Silly little Katu. Little do you realize...[/i]
Kitty noticed a pair of blue eyes looking at her from the trees. She quickly let out her Shelgon and readied for a battle. Out popped a cute little purple and blue creature that looked like a dog, but it was the size of a tiger. It lowered it's head and began to make a low growling noise. Kitty pulled out her pokedex and it said: Dexter: Ilubiro, the psychic pokemon. Kitty: Ilubiro? Okay. This one's mine. Shelgon, tackle. Shelgon went for a tackle, but the Ilubiro easily dodged it. It's eyes began to glow and Shelgon began to get dizzy. Kitty: Shake it off. Go for a headbutt. Shelgon managed to rid itself of the effects of confusion. It started to charge, and when te Ilubiro tried to avoid it, Shelgon turned abruptly and did a head-on colision. The new pokemon was trying to get up, but before it could, Kitty threw a new pokeball at it. It shook only once, and then the pokeball disappeared. Dayu: How many new ones have you caught?! Kitty only smiled and walked on. Matt grumbled. Matt: Am I the ONLY one who HASN'T caught a new pokemon?! Man!
Tina suddenly awoke, seeing Andrew fly into a bunch of crates. [i]Hehe... Just as I hoped. He doesn't know my plan, but he will know that I'm no longer unconcious. I should find a good vantage point.[/i] Tina saw a crane about 20 yards from the action. She smirked and jumped up, stilling watching the battle. Alistair: Ha. This battle is one you cannot win. Do you wish to give me your soul now? Or will I take it the fun way? Andrew: I won't let you become more powerful. This ends tonight! Andrew charged, but missed as Alistair easily jumped to the side. Tina watched his movements carefully. [i]He's no amatuer, I'll give him that. But his movements... they are repeating. Every time after he attacks, his dogding motions are the same. That is his one flaw. He's to lazy to change his retreat. Ha. I've got him now.[/i] Alistair: Come on. Is that all you can do? Is the legendary Bloodlust Andrew just a lucky weakling? Hurry. Show me the power you've used to kill so many vampires! Andrew: Not yet. You don't deserve the right. Alistar: You fool! Then you shall die! Tina: He's mocking him. Why? There's something about Andrew that just isn't right. What is it...?
Kitty looked at Irvine. She didn't know what to expect from him. She put away her beam saber and started to search the pirates for money. When ever a couple woke up, she'd kick 'em down. After she had collected a lot of money from the pirates, she went back to Irvine. Kitty: You got room for one more? Irvine: Sure, but do you really wanna come? Kitty: Don't judge me. I know I want to come. Now, which one is yours? I don't want to stay here much longer. Irvine: You really don't like it here, do you. Anyway, I'm an escort so I'm in that one. You better hurry up. You don't want to be the last one on. Kitty nodded and walked over towards the ship. After she got in, she found a seat empty in the corner. She sat down and waited for take off.
What are our weapons? Can we make them up or do you give 'em to us? ~Again, sorry if this is spam~
Lethal wiped the blood off of her dagger and her sword with some sheets. She had decided to hide Trevor's body a lot better, since he was a very important man. [i]If someone finds him dead easily, they'd know who did it, but if the think that he died of something in his own home...[/i] She had disguised his death to be an accident, then hid the body in the basement. She made it look like he fell down the stairs and got his puncture wounds from some broken glass. All the sheets with his blood on them were also carefully hidden. Lethal had gotten the money from him, so she decided to leave. Lethal: Thanks for the checks, Trevor. Not to mention the 16 bags of stuff. Heh heh heh. She walked out and put even more item-filled bags in the trunk of her car. She then drove away towards her home. She put the checks in an envelope and put them in a box on the porch. She waited for the call, and her pay.
Kitty, by now, had caught a water pokemon that looked like a cat with a dolphin tail and wings called Airophin. She also caught a little weed pokemon called Vinley. Last, she caught a rock pokemon called Grond. Kitty's new pokemon all went to the PC box, but she could easily access it through her labtop. Kitty: Ready to go you guys? Dayu: Yep. Matt: Uh-huh! This is gonna be sooo cool. You catch anything guys? Dayu: No, but I will at the grasslands! Kitty: I caught a few. But I'll catch more, you can be sure of it. Matt and Dayu waved to the others so they knew the were leaving. Kitty just ignored the others and kept walking. Dayu and Matt rolled their eyes and soon followed. ~~~~ OOC: Sorry if I copied Ki's labtop thing. And sorry if leaving now isn't okay.
[i]He better not mess things up. If HE catches this guy, I won't get paid... damn it. I'd better hurry up and find this guy.[/i] Lethal continued to look around the bar, and finally sees a group of people. She waits to see who's there, then gets up. Teo: Where you goin'? Lethal: Stay back, okay? This is mine... Lethal walked over to the table full of people. [i]So the name of this guy is supposed to be Trevor something. Let me check the list.[/i] She pulled out the piece of paper with his usual stops, and sure enough, his name was at the top. His name was Trevor Biliza. He was at the center of the group of people. Trevor: Excuse me, but who are you? Lethal: I am an escort. I work for a man who is very pleased with what you are doing, and he wishes to speak with you. Trevor: Then why didn't he come here, instead of you? Lethal: He was very busy, but he managed an opening. If we leave now, we will be able to catch him. Please sir, he is very busy. Trevor: All right. What is this guy's name? Lethal: You don't want to ruin the surprise, do you? I'll give you a hint. He is a VERY powerful and rich man. He is very excited to meet you. Trevor quickly got up and let her lead the way. She lead him towards another restuarant, but took a detour, but Trevor was too eager to notice. Lethal took out her dagger again, and turned towards him. Lethal: Will you pay him back? Trevor: What? Who? Lethal: I am an assasin hired by a rich and powerful man who you owe money to. Will you pay him? Or will I have to get the money by killing you? Trevor began to shake and he tried to make a run for it, but Lethal threw the dagger into his leg, tripping him. She dragged him back into the shadows of the alley way, then asked him again. Trevor: Fine, fine! I'll pay him whatever he wants, ju-just don't hurt me! Lethal: You owe this man 5 million dollars. Will that be cash, check, items, or your life? Trevor: Fine, I'll tell you where my money is. Lethal quickly picked him up and dragged him to her car. The streets were empty in this part of town by this time, so no one noticed. SHe threw him in the car and drove off towards his house. Lethal: Where is it again? *smirks*
Andrew: Hey Tina, could you give me a lift to the docks. My other ride just left. Tina: Why are you going there? Andrew: The vampire that challenged me is waiting there. Come on, I've got to hurry if I don't want to miss him. Tina: Fine, but will you need a ride back? Andrew: Probably. Can you? Tina: I don't care. I'll stay just in case you can't handle the vampire. Andrew raised an eyebrow, but Tina just stared at him through her shades. She got in the car and waited. As soon as he was in the car, she started the car. Tina: You might want to use the seatbelt. It never bothers me, but a human might not like my driving skills. Andrew looked at her nervously, then put on his seatbelt. As soon as they were on the road, Andrew felt car sick. She was driving very fast and went in all the lanes. Andrew: Stay on the right side of the road, lady! Don't kill us!! Tina: I won't. I've become a very skilled driver. You wouldn't be able to outrun me in a car chase, that's for sure. A smile spread across Tina's face as she said this. She began to speed up even more, then did a very sudden turn at the docks, making Andrew nearly hurl. When the car stopped, Andrew was stumbling for a few minutes because he was dizzy, then regained his posture and took out his sword. [i]This ought to be good. The famous slayer, Andrew Zemdi versus one of the most powerful vampires, Alistair. If Zemdi here loses, I'll kill Alistair and get a lot of money. Hmph, you'd better tire him out, Andrew...[/i] Tina stayed in the car, her sword out, and waited for the battle to start.
Kitty also took out her pokenav and looked on the map. There was a big jungle to the left, a volcano to the right, and mountains behind a grass land straight ahead . [i]The mountains probably have ice, the jungle grass and poisen and whatever, the grassland would be good, and the volcano probably has fire. I want some more fire pokemon, but we should stop at the grassland first.[/i] Kitty: Lets go towards that grassland. After that, do you wanna go right? There's a volcano there where I wanna catch some fire pokemon. There might be some dark pokemon there too. Well? Dayu: Sure. That's fine, but we aren't going [i]in[/i] it are we? Kitty: *laughs* Don't be stupid. I might be daring, but I'm not about to go risking my life for fun. Besides, I don't think many pokemon could stand it in there either. Dayu: *laughs* You're right. Should we hurry? Hey wait, is anyone else gonna come with us? Kitty: You can ask if you want. I don't want to leave the beach just yet. Tell me when we're ready to go, 'kay? Dayu nods and walks off to ask the others. Kitty looks towards the ocean and decides to let out her Dragonair to find some new pokemon.
Jasen: Well, Zemdi is said to be staying at a resort on the planet Ikaira, and he's leaving next week. He'll be staying at a private residance, but it should be able to spot since it's on a cliff overlooking the beach. Kitty: I LOVE Ikaira. I've got so many buddies there! They let me use their cycles all the time! Flash: They let YOU use THEIR cycles ALL the time? They must be as insane as you are! Kitty stuck her tounge out and went back to the couch. Jericho: Well, we should leave now. That way we might have a chance of getting him. Flash: I agree. Let's go. Jasen: Come on Kitty. Esap, lock the house doors, I'm leaving again. Prepare the ships. ~~~~~~~~ OOC: This is my first post as a Junior Member!
Very nice job. It's a lot better than what I could've done.. *Steals it and says she did it* lol. ~A girl who is SO totally jealous~
Very... nice. I'd like it as a background image, and it is still very cool. Very nice job. (If you drew it.) If not, then good job finding it.
Tina sat on her couch thinking about what to do today. Then she decided to go looking for vampires that could survive the day. After all she had killed several "super" vampires a couple of days ago. [i]Where would they be? Maybe I should go back to the blood bank and ask around. Yeah, that's what I'll do.[/i] Tina walked up and said goodbye to Katu and walked out the door. She decided to walk to the blood bank since it was such a wonderful day. Once she got there, she noticed several people leaving, but they were all just humans. Downstairs she started interrogating some vampires. Tina: So, do you know where this vampire is? Vampire1: Who, Clyde? My pal says he saw him goin' towards some junk yard. Why he'd go there is beyond me. That place rarely has visitors. Vampire2: You know, you're cute. You may be a day walker, but you wanna go on a date with me? Tina: No. I'm sorry, but I don't like full vampires. No offence, but I'll stick to my own species thanks. Vampire1: *laughs* Nice try Bucky. You ain't too popular with the ladies. Bucky: Shut up Gus. You should know. Gus: Well I... Tina had left before the end of the conversation and had gathered enough information on the whereabouts of Clyde. [i]So far, 7 vamps outta the 10 I asked said they heard he was going to the junk yard about a mile from here. That is very strange... I wonder... Maybe Zemdi's already there. Damn it. He might kill him before me... I'd better hurry then.[/i] Tina walked out of the blood bank and walked home. She got in her car and drove towards the junk yard, hoping she hadn't missed too much of the action.