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Everything posted by Kitty
Very nice banner, but it's too small. Fix that and there it is! Perfect! ~A Tenchi Fan~
Hehe! That's a cool... whatever it is. I may not know what it is, but I do know that it's a really cool... thingee.
I like it. I know a lot of people who draw stuff like that, but they don't draw like that. Do you understand? Well, if not, they draw the same subject, but in a different manner. Do you understand, now? ~Good. My brain hurts....~
Art First time colouring with Photoshop -___-
Kitty replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in Creative Works
Great job! It's a lot better than anything I could do. I'd give it a 9.7/10! Keep it up! -
I think it's pretty good! At least, compared to MY Goku drawings... Well, keep it up! ~A bad Goku artist~
First off, you should post this somewhere else. Second off, you go to recruitment and either start or join a sign up. Take one of mine for example: Dragon Gem. I posted a sign up sheet in the recruitment forum, then when I decided that there were enough ppl, I brought it to the Adventure Arena. Got it now? If not, PM ppl to understand it. ~Hope this helps!~
How many ppl till we start? This is gonna be cool! Sorry if this is spam!
Lethal got in her car and drove off towards the adress on the photo. When she got there, the cars were gone and the lights were off. She would've left, but she decided to check the inside. She slowly opened the door and walked through the rooms. She noticed a bunch of rare and valuable items. [i]These might be worth some money to my employer. I should take 'em. Lets see, where's a good bag?[/i] She opened a closet and found a travel bag. Lethal: Ah! Perfect. Lets see, I'll take this... and this.. how 'bout this? It's got to be worth something. And this... and these... and a couple of those... This went on for another 10 minutes throughout the house. When the four bags she had found were full she put them in the trunk of her car and decided that she needed to check one of the stops on the list. She got in the car and sat in the driver seat talking to herself. Lethal: Lets see. It's midnight on a Sunday... where would he go? A bar or one of these shops? I'll go to the bars first. Lethal started the car and headed off towards the first bar on the list: "Ole Faithful Whisky". [i]They sure have some interesting names for these places.[/i] When she got there, she saw several cars out front. [i]Some kind of party? Hmm.. maybe he's here. If he is, this'll be a very quick payday. Hehehe..[/i]
Very nice! I'd say that the text is very visible and the picture is very good, so is the background. 10/10! ~A girl who likes banners~
As I said before, it's really good. I'd give this one a 10/10. The flame effect is really good, and Kenshin is a great character. ~A Kenshin fan~
Inu Yasha Banner: 10/10 Rem Banner: 10/10 I like 'em both. I might steal them! ~MWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!~
I noticed that in liminality. I didn't see the episode with the broken man, but my friend gave me the low down of it. I have no clue what so ever about pretty much else.
[i]Teo. What's he doing here? Well, who knows. All I know is that I have a vacation coming up. I just hope I don't get any more assignments for a while.[/i] As she got towards her home, she waited to hear the phone ring from outside, but it didn't happen. Lethal: Damn it. It's been two hours since my kill. He should've called by now! That stupid- The phone began to ring. Lethal didn't know who it was, but she hoped that it was her employer. Man: Hello again. I hear that you've already finished off your prey. How was it? No bumps? Lethal: Not one hitch. It was way too easy. Now, for my pay? Man: In the envolope on your porch. Lethal: Hang on a sec. Lethal put the phone down and went outside. Sure enough, the envelope lay on the porch, just as he had said. She walked back inside while opening it for the check. She picked up the phone. Lethal: Thank you. Well, my vacation? Man: You'll have to put it on hold. Your next victim is a presidential candidate who is trying my patience. Lethal: Why? What did they do? Man: I don't care about the race, but this man owes me lots of money, but has failed to pay. Just like- Lethal: My uncle. Why did you give him money? Man: I didn't. I sold him some things, and he gave me an I owe you. I need you to drop in for a visit. Inside the envelope, there is a picture of his house and a list of his usual stops. Lethal: Yes, I see them. After that do I get my vacation? Man: Yes. This deadline is soon. I want my money Lethal. You will give me my money, correct? Oh, your pay will be 500,000 this time. Lethal: That's quite an improvement? How much did that guy owe you? Man: 5,000,000. If you are successful, your range of pay will become between 300,000 and 500,000 or something like that. Will you do it? Lethal: Yes sir. I can't wait to get my money. His head and the money? Man: His way of death is up to you. I do expect the money though. Make sure it's soon, my dear. The man's voice dissapeared and Lethal hung up the phone. She couldn't wait for her up in cash. [i]I've been working for this guy for about 2 years. I've been paid a total of at least 6 million for all the jobs I've done. By getting this upgrade in pay, I'll probably pull 2 more million in six months! I'd better not screw this up![/i]
Kitty was trying to make Lox go back into the forest, but he wouldn't leave her side any longer. Ki tried to help, but she failed, too. Kitty: Please Lox. You've got to leave. We can't have you endangering the last of the humans. I'm sorry, but you've gotta go! Lox: Meow... Ruff! Ki: We can't understand you! Please leave, we can't keep you anymore! Lox just watched them try to get rid of him, but he wouldn't leave. Win: Any luck? Kitty: No. What about this Oni guy. Why are you lettin' him join? Win: *sighs* Why is that the only question that you people are asking? Kitty: 'Cause we don't trust him and yet you do. If you can't explain it in an agreable way, we won't trust him no matter how much you do. Ki: Your reasoning is so political. Why? Kitty: Dunno. Didn't ever look at it that way. Win was quiet. Kitty looked at him for a minute, then went back to trying to persuade Lox to leave.
Kitty: You shouldn't have joined with us in the first place then. Flash: Huh? Kitty: Jericho and I are very popular among bounty hunters. It'll be a long time until we're caught, if ever, but in the meantime... Flash: You get yourselves in to trouble. Do you do it on purpose? Kitty: Heck no. I wouldn't want tons of people after me, but it's just the way it is. I can't help it, 'cause troublemaking is a way of life for me. Kitty laughed and stuck her tounge out. She saw Jericho walking towards them, but because of the pain in his elbow, he started to stumble. Kitty went over to help him up, even though he objected. Jericho: Let go of me! I don't need any help from you, so let go! I can walk fine on my own. Kitty: Alright. If you really want to... Kitty dropped him on to the floor and laughed in Jericho's face. He pulled her down and laughed in her face. Then they started arguing again, when Flash interuptted (again). Flash: You two act like you're married. Kitty/Jericho: FLASH!!! Kitty got up and ran after Flash, who was still laughing her head off, while Jericho stumbled to get up. Kitty would've caught Flash, but she stopped just in time to avoid hitting Jasen instead. Jasen: What are you doing?! Kitty: Never mind. Where's the money? Flash: Kitty! What is it with you two and money?! Jericho: Quiet. What information did you get?
I'd say that with text it looks better. Before it was too plain. First Brolli: 8/10 Second Brolli: 9/10 Brolli is just to weird for my taste. That's why I didn't give you full credit.
After they had all looked around a little, Kitty got bored and started to punch some walls. Teakyon: Stop it! They might here that! Kitty: They're on the other side of the city! How can they hear me? Shiro: They probably have really good hearing. Kitty: FINE! Geez.. This is boring. Teakyon: Maybe so, but at least we're safe for now. Kitty: If they come here, can I get rid of 'im? Teakyon/Shiro: NO! Kitty: Not the other cyborgs, Garis! Please? Shiro: You can try. We dunno if you're strong enough. Kitty: Pa-lease! I won't need to even touch my armor for me to beat that guy. The only reason I couldn't last time was 'cause he shot me before I saw him! That was unfair. I'll get him this time! Teakyon: I hope so... Shiro: Well, if they DO come here without Garis, where else will we go? Kitty: I dunno. This place is new to me. Teakyon? Teakyon: Hmmm...
Kitty didn't reply at first. She saw how nervous he looked. She smiled and answered kindly. Kitty: At first I didn't think I wanted to, but I guess so. Kitty smiled again and Dayu smiled with relief. She picked up her Skitty and started to pet it's fur. Dayu stood for a while, then sat down, too. His Absol came towards him and sat down next to the bench. Dayu began to pet him. ~~~~ OOC: Sorry if it's short!
Tina decided that she should rest at home for the remainder of the day. [i]There, no one will try and attack me. I'll be safe while I rest up. Huh? What is that?[/i] Tina saw a dent in a car and a man walking away while clutching his arm. She recognized him. It was Andrew Zemdi, a very powerful slayer. She kept her distance, but followed. After about 2 miles, he stopped and turned to face her. Andrew: Why are you following me? Who and what are you? Tina was silent. She didn't trust him, not yet. Andrew: Answer me. Are you human? Are you a vampire or a day walker. Tina, still, didn't reply. This made Andrew annoyed, so he walked towards her. Tina's sunglasses hid her eyes, making it nearly impossible for Andrew to recognize her. Andrew: For the last time. Who and what are you? Tina: Who I am is of no importance right now, Andrew. All that you need to know is that I am a greatly feared slayer. You will know more when the time comes. Besides, this is my house. Tina pointed towards the building that they were standing in front of. She walked up a few steps, but Andrew followed and grabbed her arm. He wanted answers. Andrew: That isn't good enough. Tell me more. Tina: Why should I? Andrew: I know you don't trust me, but take off your shades. Tina hesitated, but decided it wouldn't matter, so she obeyed. She removed them to reveal two glowing green eyes with slits for pupils. Andrew released her and smiled. Andrew: Ah, Tina Urizuka. The famed day walker. Your almost as famous as myself. Tina: Flattery will get you no where, human. Andrew: I may be human, but I am just as good as you, maybe better. Tina: I doubt that. I would kill you, but I want a vacation. You'll do the slaying while I take a break. Andrew smiled as Tina went inside and shut the door. He knew he had gained an ally, even if she was very secretive. He walked towards his home, still holding his arm.
Kitty kept looking around the boat at different people. She saw Dayu looking at her for a brief moment, Matt was walking around, Ki and Austin were talking, and the others were playing with their pokemon. [i]This boat trip hasen't been so bad. I guess the island might be a little more interesting. This could be fun...[/i] Kitty walked up to Dayu. Kitty: Hey Dayu? Did you find out anything about this Pokenav? Dayu: Me? Well, it can be a communicator. That's all I've found out. How about you, what'd you find? Kitty: A map of my position, the island, and the mainland. I also found a couple other things, like it can change sizes. But that's about it. Dayu: This thing is really interesting. Apparently they really want us to make sure we aren't lost. Do you think that there are dangerous things on the island? Kitty: Probably, but that doesn't mean that we are going to get into dangerous situations. We'll just have to be a little careful is all. Dayu: You're right. I shouldn't worry. Kitty: Hope that helped. She walkes back to where she was sitting and plays with her Shelgon while her other pokemon relax and play with others.
Kitty: Dunno. Jasen was interogatting him somewhere in this house. And we aren't in a hospital, dimwit. Flash: You sure he hasn't turned him in? Kitty: Well, no. You could go look for him. Jericho: Well you have fun. I'm getting outta bed. Flash: Jericho! You still have no brains! You can't leave until someone gets the bullet out! We can't, and you won't be able to use your arm with it in there! Jericho: Fine. Call a doctor and ask for a house call. Kitty looked at the arm and noticed that the bullet wasn't too deep. She walked up and pinched his arm. He yelled at her after a little scream of pain and Flash scolded her. But Kitty was throwing the bullet between her hands. Kitty: You can leave anytime you want. I've done this countless times before. All you need is a good pinch and "pop". It's out. Jericho: You aren't such an idiot I guess.. Flash? Can I leave now? Flash: Kitty! We can't let him leave! He still needs a sling or something! Kitty: He doesn't need a sling. All he really needs is a lot of courage and a thick elbow. He can handle it, can't you knuckle head? Jericho: Stop calling me that idiot! Kitty: No, not until you lose the idiot stuff, dimwit! They kept argueing like this for another 20 minutes, but by then Flash had left and come back. Flash: SHUT UP YOU TWO!!! Okay, now that I have your attention, Jasen got some info and has left to get Daren's bounty. Jericho: Good. Now we'll have another lead on Zemdi and- Kitty: A lot more cash to spend! Yes! Flash shook her head and walked out. Kitty followed, but stuck her tounge out before she left the doorway. Jericho: That girl is such a pain...
Allenby: Huh? What? Wait!! Where did those two go? Huh? Allenby noticed something that looked like a sewer entrance. She hopped in and saw Shadow and Eva 01. Allenby (and the noble gundam) waved excitedly. Ki: Hey. Have you come across a mutant? Allenby: What is that? I don't think so 'cause I just came down here. Shinji: You're an excited fighter, aren't you? Allenby: *giggles* I've been called excentric before. I just have so much fun! The noble gundam starts jumping up and down, but Ki quickly tells her to stop. Allenby pouts and sticks her tounge out. Allenby: Party pooper. Ki: We've gotta find a way outta here. Shinji: Allenby, where did you come in? Allenby: Right up... Hey!! Where did it go?! Shinji/Ki: What?! It just dissapeared?! Allenby: Yeah.. It's gone... Hey, do you hear that? A rumbling noise is coming from another direction and Ki and Shinji both get into fighting stances. Allenby just stares. Ki: What're you doin'? Get ready! That's probably a mutant! Allenby: What? Ewww... Oh wait! A battle yay!! Allenby gets into a fighting stance, too, but she keeps giggling. The others ignore it and prepare to face whatever's coming.
Kitty walked back on to the side walk and punched the wall of the restuarant in frustration, then she fell to the ground with an odd look on her face. Jasen had tied up Daren and shoved him in the car Flash and Kitty had used to get there. Jasen went over to Kitty and helped her up. She had wide eyes and her fist was red. [i]I lost him again! Damn it! I can't ever kill him! Why?! Why...[/i] Jasen: Come on, let's check on Jericho. Kitty: ... Yeah... let's go... She was quiet on the drive over there and Daren kept threating that he could have the entire police force on them in one minute, but they knew he was bluffing. When they finally reached Jasen's place, they got out and went inside. Jasen took care of Daren and Kitty went to find Flash and Jericho. She saw Flash in the hallway and went over to her. Kitty: How is he? Flash: I've stopped the bleeding, but I can't get the bullet out. It's just above his elbow. What happened with you? Kitty: He.. I.. I couldn't kill him. I missed again. I-I... I couldn't kill him. I'm too weak. Flash: No you aren't. At least you aren't goin' soft. You did get him, right? Kitty: His shoulder. I guess you're right. They walked into Jericho's room to find him unconcious, but still alive. Kitty: Stupid knuckle head. You're the infamous Inblade, and you couldn't see that bullet coming. Flash: Neither did you! Kitty: Yes I did. I moved before it even hit him. Don't you remember? Flash's eyes widened, then she nodded. They sat down on opposite sides of the bed that Jericho lay on and stayed quiet.
Tina had gone a week without blood. She needed some soon, so she decided to go to the Blood bank. She was waved at by some of the people, but she ignored them. Downstairs, she sat and waited for someone to get her a drink. She was so tired, she looked around the room. There were other day walkers and vampires in here, too. Someone behind the counter came up to her. Bartender: Can I get you something ma'am? Tina: Just a shot of blood. Hurry. I don't care which. Bartender: Day walker, eh? Ah, your monthly renewal. Here you go. Why do you take so little? Tina: Because I've become stong enough to not need a lot. Tina swallowed in one sip and felt almost completly renewed. She was still feeling weak, but she would feel stronger at night fall. Suddenly another day walker approached. Man: Haven't seen you in a while. How long's it been? A month? Why don't you visit every once in awhile? Tina: Alex, I told you. I don't have time. I'll be leaving in a couple of minutes. Just thought I'd stay and get some more info on how things are going. Alex: Not much is happening. I've heard talk that you were challenged by Clyde, eh? He's still in shock, well, as these guys say. Alex pointed at a couple of vampires laughing in the back. Alex was smiling, but Tina kept a straight face. She got up to leave, but Alex stopped her. Alex: How did you learn to block Clyde? Tina: I wouldn't tell you. I can't tell anyone. That is my secret. I must be going now. I need to check on my cat. Goodbye Alex. Tina waved and walked out, leaving Alex with a sarcastic look on his face. She wouldn't tell anyone, not even her best friend. She was sworn to secrecy. [i]As long as I keep it a secret, I won't have to worry about Tony or Clyde. If they find out, though...[/i]
Jericho suddenly fell to the ground cluching his arm. The shot had gone straight in. He was sitting in a puddle of his own blood. Flash grabbed him and put him in Jasen's car. She picked up Jasen's keys and drove towards his house. Kitty threw Daren to Jasen, who caught him, then fired straight at Shin. She barely missed his cheek, then he hid behind the car. Kitty ran towards it, now with her beam sword out. Kitty slashed at the car and it fell in two. Shin sat before her, now his gun was pointed at her. Shin: Good bye crazed chick. Kitty: No you don't! She ducked just in time and pounced Shin. She held the beam sword at his throat and her gun at his face. He was conered. No where to run. She saw his gun and kicked it away, but this gave Shin a moment to escape. She shot this time.