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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. Kitty

    Rogue Trader

    Kitty stuck her head out the window and waved at Jericho. Jericho just looked at her with a dull expression on his face. She stuck her tounge out and popped back into the car. Kitty: That jerk. He's so rude to me. What'd I do? Flash: I dunno. What'd he do? Kitty: Never mind. Hey look, Jacen's got his gun out. Pull over already! Flash: No backseat driving! I hate parrellel parking. Kitty kept yelling at her to hurry up and park, and Flash kept telling her that she shouldn't be such a pain. When they finally parked and got out of the car, they had their weapons out and walked towards the others. Jericho: 'Bout time you two showed up. Jasen says he saw Shin. Good thing you've got your weapons out. Kitty's face turned cold. She looked into the restuarant. She hoped that this was the place where she would get her revenge, she would kill Shin. Jasen looked worridly at her and back into the restuarant. Jasen: Don't go in yet. We think that there's a lead to Zemdi in there. We can't screw it up. Kitty: How 'bout I kill them too? That way I'll get two prizes. Jericho: No. We need him alive. Besides, the bounty will be bigger alive. Flash: Is all you care about money, Jericho? You could at least show some symapthy towards Kitty and all she's been through. Kitty: Sympathy is pointless. It won't help anyone, and besides. I don't want it from Jericho. The others were quiet. They kept waiting for the man to come out. Finally, the man emerged and Kitty walked towards him. Jericho tried to stop her, but she managed to avoid him. Kitty: Who are you? Daren: Why I'm Daren Teckimoray. Who are you, ma'am? Kitty: No one. Just a face in the crowd. Now, can I ask you for a favor? Daren: We just met, but alright. Kitty: Those are my friends. Could you perhaps tell us some information? Daren: About... what? Kitty: I don't know. They have several questions. I'd really appriciate it! Daren chuckled and allowed her to take his arm. The others saw how good an actress she was and decided what questions to ask. When they reached the others, she let go of him and held her gun up to his head. He started trembling and the others began their questioning.
  2. I have one cat. His name is Skipper and he is HUGE. He's only 3, too. My other pet is my.... brother. He does tricks like a dog, and he eats dog biscuits. He also plays with dog toys. You could call him my bro, but I prefer to call him Snuffles. ~A girl who's pet is related to her~
  3. Kitty, unlike the others, didn't hurry through breakfast. When she finished, there was almost nobody left in the cafeteria. She let out all of her pokemon again (even Charizard) and sat down alone in a corner. Out of nowhere, Matt came and sat down next to her. Matt: So, are we like friends? Kitty: I dunno. I don't have many. Matt: WHAT?! Well then you need a bud on the island. How 'bout Ki? Or Dayu? Or me? Who's gonna be your buddy? Kitty: I dunno. It doesn't really matter... Matt: Well I'll be your bud. You can't go off on that island alone. Who knows what's there. How 'bout Dayu? Kitty: I dun-... Okay. Just, leave me alone 'till we land, okay? You're voice gets kinda annoying after the first 3 minutes. Matt stuck his tounge out, but Kitty laughed. Matt realized she was joking, then tried to hide his embarrassment by laughing at himself. He walked over to Dayu, still laughing, and started to talk. Kitty: I wonder what my group'll be? Hmm...
  4. Kitty

    Rogue Trader

    Flash:.. I don't think it's a good idea to take a detour. Kitty: Hey, it won't be the end of the world. Besides, they probably don't want us there 'cause they think we're idiots. Flash: They do? How do you know? Kitty: I don't. Jericho kept callin' us stupid or idiotic, so they probably think we're idiots with a car now. Flash: You're probably right... Let's go! Flash and Kitty went in the opposite direction of the Gorry, and headed towards some abandoned warehouses. They pulled out their spray cans and graffitied away. Flash: I wrote: Speed Moon. What'd you write? Kitty: Speed Moon? Oh! For Flash Crescent. Very nice. I didn't write anything. I more drew. It's a picture of a cat with a shotgun and a magnum. Not bad, eh? Flash: Woah... You're good at this! Kitty: I did it a lot back in elementary school, ya know, before the good ol' bounty days. The girls giggled and did some more "art". After about an hour, they decided that the warehouses didn't need anything else, so they headed back towards the Gorry. During that hour, Jericho and Jasen....
  5. Kitty

    Silent Gun

    Lethal walked into the "Inn Mate" and sat down in a table a few feet from a bunch of rich looking people. Over the menu that hid her face, she saw Ronny in the middle showing some "lady friends" some new rings and telling stories about how great he was. [i]Hmph. He must like the mafia a lot if he dresses like THAT after hours.[/i] Waitress: What will ya have? Lethal: Pasta and an iced tea. Take your time. Waitress: Thank you. I will have it ready soon. Lethal thought up a plan of how to lure Ronny away from the crowd. She walked over to him and told him that a powerful man wanted to speak to him in a different restuarant. When he asked why she was there instead of the man, she said that she was to be his escourt. He snickered and then followed. After 5 minutes, she led him into an alley. Ronny: You sure that we's in da right place toots? Lethal: Don't call me that. I am not your "toots". I am your assialant. Prepare to die. She pulled out her katana and shoved it in his stomach, then pulled it out and placed it in his heart. He died before the second stab, but she just wanted to stab him again. She threw the body behind a dumpster and wiped the blood off herself with a hankerchief. [i]That was too easy. I didn't need too long to do this job. I've got two weeks of vacation. Haha. Sweet, sweet vacations...[/i] She walked off to her house to wait for her boss's next call. She couldn't wait for her pay.
  6. Name: Tila Ukimona Age: 17 Gender: Female Build: Medium Description: Long dark blue hair in a ponytail, green eyes, and light skin. Out fit is like Yufi's (FF7) except all blue. Race: Human Bio: Her family was loving, but when she was accused of murdering another child in her village, they tried to kill her. She ran away and trained in solitude. She is very disliked, making her a loner. She rarely gets any friends, and even then, she doesn't seem to care for them much. Class: Champ Weapon: Has two daggers and a broad sword. She keeps her daggers hidden, but her sword at her side. (Is that okay?) To defeat the enemy: Skill Love is the essence of: Weakness Your friends mean to you: Comfort ~~~~~~~~~~ Hope I'm in!
  7. Even more ashes lay around Tina as she looks at her blade. The vampires had all attacked Tina at once, but she dodged and then killed them with one sweep of her blade. Those in the bar who weren't vampires stared at her. They were about to call the cops when she walked out. [i]Pathetic. They don't know that I saved their lives. I should ditch this job. Yeah, then I could kill for fun, humans and vampires. Well, then I wouldn't get payed... damn...[/i] Tony: Nice job. What should I pay you? How's about... 16,000 for 8 vamps? Tina: That'll be good. I was wondering. Do I get a vacation? Tony: When you're working with me, you have to wait for at least a year before your first vacation. You've only been with me for eight months. Four more and then you can take a vacation. At least you aren't killing 24/7. Tina: I guess... I must be going. I hope he hasn't gotten himself eaten. Tony: Who? Tina: My cat. Now, my money? Hand it over. Tony handed her a bag full of twentys. She took it and walked towards home. She had forgotten to bring her car. Tony dissapeared again, and watched her walk home from the top of a building. Then he jumped out of sight.
  8. Kitty

    A Piece of Mind

    Kitty sat down after interogating several people for no reason. She sat alone and watched the others who she knew had gotten the letter. She decided that she was probably needed to help sort out who got the letter. [i]But I think I'll stay back for a little bit...[/i] Some of them looked at Kitty, but turned away when she eyed them with a scary look. Kitty: This is gonna take a LONG while. I hope this letter guy doesn't need our help right away. Come to think of it, I don't see what we are supposed to help with. This is so confusing... Kitty shook her head and put her head in her hands. She kept thinking about how she was going to find the Piece of Mind. Then Siaga came over and sat down next to her. Siaga: What're we gonna do? Kitty: I dunno. All I want to know is who this guy is and why we got the letters. I don't think I should've though. Siaga: He must've had his reasons. Come to think of it, how are we sure that the piece of mind isn't a girl? Kitty: 'Cause... 'cause... Actually, I don't know. I haven't a clue. I guess we're too used to saying "guy" or "dude" or something. I could be totally wrong though. Siaga: Lets go back with the others. Kitty: *groans* Do we have to? Siaga only smiled and pulled Kitty towards the others, Kitty grumbling all the way.
  9. I haven't seen it either... But that wallpaper is still awesome! I think there should've been more people though... Like Asuka, or Rei. Them and their EVAs. That would make it more colorful.
  10. I must say, it is quiet good. It's clear and a lot better than anything I could've done. My rating: 9.7/10
  11. *claps* Very good! I like this one because I can clearly see everything on the banner. It may be a little fuzzy, but I'll call it texture. 10/10. (Besides, I like Tomo!!) ~YAY!!~ EDIT: Call it what you want, but in my book... IT'S FUZZY!!
  12. Kitty

    Silent Gun

    Suddenly the phone rang. Lethal picked up the phone and heard a familiar voice. It was her employer. She grinned as he began to speak. Man: Hello again. I have another job for you. Lethal: What is it for this time? Did another one of my family members forget to pay the I.R.S.? Man: *chuckles* Very funny. I happened to find out that someone is trying to find the murderer of your uncle, and that is you, right? So, you're gonna have to find a way to slip under this guy's nose and do another kill. Lethal: What will be my pay this time? I won't keep doing this for a lousy 20,000 anymore. Man: Very well. Double or triple price? Lethal: I'll decide when you tell me my prey. If it isn't that hard, I'll go normal price. Man: Well, the man you are hunting now is very sneaky, but very blunt. You must find Ronny Vivaro. Lethal: Isn't that the guy who owns the car dealership for Honda in this town? What'd he do? Man: That is of no importance to you. Anyway, I hear he will be somewhere at the bar called "Inn Mate". Catchy, ain't it? Lethal: Fine. That should be worth 30,000. My deadline, Mr. Employer? Man: *chuckles* Within the next two weeks. I think you deserve a little break now and then. I'll notify you if the deadline changes. Good bye my dear. The Lethal hangs up and collects her weapons. She leaves quietly and gets excited for the next kill. [i]Why does he always call me 'my dear'? That bastard will pay if he keeps it up...[/i]
  13. Kitty lay on her bed with her Shelgon, Absol, Umbreon and Skitty quietly played toghether. [i]What are these things?[/i] Kitty was messing with her pokenav and noticed that a little light was flashing. Kitty: Huh? What is that for? Kitty pressed some more buttons and suddenly a map appeared. It was a map of the ocean, the island, the mainland, and her position. Kitty: Woah.. They've really done a good job with this. Hmm, what else can it do? I'll find out later, I'm tired.. Kitty put the pokinav away and started to drift off to sleep.
  14. This one is better because Koga's brighter. The background is good too. So.. First Koga: 8/10 Second Koga: 9.8/10 I still think it's too dark, though.
  15. OOC: Sorry it took so long! ~~~~~ A girl was sitting on a bench. She was panting as if she had ran a mile. A woman named Luna joined her on the bench. Luna: What's wrong Kitty? Haven't you had fun training? I thought you'd enjoy using guns. Kitty: I do. But I don't need training anymore. I've been using guns for years. I had my first when I was 6. Why can't I just leave now? Cloe may need some training, but not me. Luna: That's what you think. I can't let you go just yet, but you'll be rea- Kitty: I'm ready now. I even know how to hot wire a ship, or a hover car, you name it! I am perfectly fine on my own! Luna: Where will you stay? Who will take care of you? Kitty: I don't need anyone. I don't need you, I don't need Cloe, all I need is me. You should know. Luna was silent. Kitty got off the bench and walked back into the building. After a couple minutes, she came out with a bag and her beam sword. She stood in front of Luna. Kitty: Can I have a gun? Luna: I believe you can. A smile spread across her face. She stood up and held out two guns. Kitty knew that she could only have one. Luna: Will it be the old fashion pistol? Or the new and improved laser shotgun? Kitty: I'll go with the shotgun. Luna handed it over, still beaming. Luna: Remember. You are always welcome here... Kitty mumbled a thank you and good bye. She walked off, her bag over her shoulder, and her weapons hidden. She was on her own... ~~~~~~ OOC: Your posts must be at least 5 lines long, no spam, and please keep all questions to PM's. That is all. Enjoy!!
  16. Okay, sorry it took so long. I'll start this thing sometime today or tomorrow.
  17. Kitty saw many heading down, so she summoned all of her pokemon back into their pokeballs. She went down to the Mess Hall quickly and quietly so she could get a seat that wasn't surrounded. She found a good spot in the center table. She quickly put her pokeballs down and went with a tray to get some food. Lady: Hello miss. What would you like? Kitty: I'll have a soda, and... do you have any pizza? And I'd also like a bowl of fruit and water. Lady: How many slices of pizza? Kitty: Just two. When she had gotten her food, she headed back to her seat. She noticed that Dayu was opposite her, and Matt was next to her. She sat down and released her Shelgon. She gave her pokemon the bowls and started to eat quietly. She noticed that Dayu was still looking at her so she decided to talk to him. Kitty: What are your pokemon? Dayu: Finally you talk! Anyway, my pokemon are- Matt: Don't you want to know MY pokemon are? Dayu: Don't interuppt me Matt! So, as I was say- Matt: I interuppted because I wondered if she wanted to know MY pok- Dayu: Well don't ask until after I ask! I was saying- Kitty laughed and ate her pizza while watching Dayu and Matt argue about nothing. [i]Maybe being in a group wouldn't be SO bad...[/i]
  18. I think that it is too dark, too plain, but other than that, it's pretty good.
  19. Kitty

    Rogue Trader

    Kitty and Flash were walking around the house when all of a sudden, some keys and a picture of a car popped out of the wall. esap: Jasen has given you permission to drive this car. Here are the keys. Flash will drive. You are to go to the restuarant: "The Gorry". Kitty: :cussing: That little brat! I'll kill him! I want to drive!! Flash: :p Too bad! He gave ME the keys, so you sit in the passenger seat. Kitty: :angry2: Well, shouldn't you find the car, idiot? Flash: HEY! Well, I guess so... Lets see, it's blue, it's a comaro, and it's supposed to be outside right now. Sure enough, when they walked out, the car in the picture was right there. They hopped in and started to drive towards The Gorry.
  20. Kitty noticed that Matt had pulled Dayu away and was talking to him, but they were still looking at her. She turned towards her Charizard and began to rub his stomach. Some of her other pokemon returned. Now she was surrounded by her pokemon. Kitty: Hey! Watch it. What's up? Skitty: SKITTY! Charizard: CHARRR!! Absol: Abbsoll... Umbreon: UMBRE! UMBRE! Shelgon: Shelgon. Shel shel. Kitty: Quiet down! I can hear you just fine. Anyway, I'm not going to feed you much more, you've already had a lot to eat. She sat down on the deck and patted her pokemon while they ate. Again, many were staring nervously at her Charizard and then they turned to face the Venosaur and Torkoal. They all were worried about being crushed, or at least going deaf with all the noise. [i]I can't wait until this boat ride is over. I want to see those new pokemon. Please PLEASE don't make me be in a group.[/i]
  21. Kitty

    Silent Gun

    Man: That'll all be worth at least 220,000,000. Is that all you have to sell? Lethal: Yes. Man: Here is your pay. By the way, how much did that guy owe you, Lethal? Was it more than this. Lethal: It would've been, but I guess his life was worth the extra. Man: Goin' soft are we? Well, you can still torture him in hell if you like, the devil won't mind. For the first time in a long while, a smile spread upon her face as she took the bag full of money. She knew that she was going to hell, but she didn't care. [i]As long as I get paid for it, going to hell isn't bad at all...[/i] She walked out of the store and hurried home. ~~~~~30 minutes later~~~~~ TV: ... So if you don't have car insurance, come down to-- Lethal: Those people are idiots. I'm dissapointed that those fools aren't on my list of people to kill. Not many would be upset. Lethal put away the money and all her weapons. She went into the kitchen and got some dinner, after all it was 4 am in the morning. After her dinner she took a shower, and then cleaned her weapons. [i]I do this all the time for someone I don't know. I wonder why my employer never shows his face to me... Who is he? Damn...[/i] She turned the TV back on and watched a commercial for a house alarm.
  22. Kitty stood there as the boys talked she slowly drifted back to th edge of the boat, but Dayu noticed and quickly followed. Dayu: Why ARE you by yourself? I mean, why don't you just hang out with the others? Your pokemon are, aren't they? By the way, which ones are your pokemon? Kitty: I'm by myself because I want to be. My pokemon are Charizard, Dragonair, Skitty, Absol, Shelgon, and Umbreon. Is that all? Matt: What's with you? Your kinda weird, but cool at the same time 'cause your pokemon are wicked awesome. Dayu: Hey! What about my pokemon? I've got an Absol too, ya know! Matt: Well I've got a... Kitty didn't pay attention. She started edging away from them again, but only to be followed by Dayu's Torkoal and her own Charizard. She sighed and began to pet them both. She noticed that a boy was alone on the other side of the boat. [i]Why didn't those two bother him? What's so special about me? Oh no... Here they come. I don't like talking. Haven't they realized that yet?[/i] ------------- OOC: This is my 200th post! YAY!!!
  23. I like the kitty ones.... I like kittys, so sue me?!? =^0_o^= ~A cat freak... OHH!! A KITTY!!!!~
  24. [i]Hmph. Tony was right, but then again, isn't he always...[/i] Tina: If you wish to live, I suggest leaving... Now. The vampire stood above her with his sword against hers. He had wide eyes. Tina: What, has this never happened before? I may be like you in a way, but I don't need others to live. That is the pleasure of being like me. You pathetic creature... Come. We shall leave those in here alone, we don't want them to learn anything, do we? The two walk outside, swords out. Clyde begins to relax, wondering how this girl had become so well trained that she could have blocked his attack. Clyde: You could block my attack because you are as swift as a vampire, but you failed to counter be- Tina: 'Cause I didn't want too. You are a good challenge, and there aren't many like you left. I will let you leave, but we will meet again, and I shall be your slayer. Clyde: Poor thing. You've sided with the humans, have you? What made you do that? Was it your heritage? Tina: You people smell funny. I should've brought air freshener. Clyde just snickers and starts walking away. Tina sheeths her sword but doesn't move. She watches him leave and returns to the bar, anticipating many attacks from the group of vampires that had viewed that attack.
  25. Tina slowly entered the alleyway, making sure no one saw her. She saw a man with a large brown trenchcoat on. He was also wearing a bandana. [i]Why would he wear that? Oh well, it probably doesn't matter...[/i] Tina approached him and he chuckled. Man: Long time, no see? Have you found any vampires without me? Tina: Yes. It really isn't that hard, you know? They are multiplying very fast indeed. Man: Always so mysterious. You should get a boyfriend. Tina glared, the man chuckled again and started looking around the alley. Man: As you know, we normally meet here. Before I tell you where the vampires are, I'll tell you where we will start meeting. This place is too old and disgusting. I think we should go somewhere else, don't you? Tina: Sure. Now stop wasting time Tony, I haven't got all night. Tony: Of course. You and I shall meet in the diner six blocks from here. We will meet on the top of the hotel as well, but mostly the diner. Tina: A public place? What's gotten into you? Tony: I think that'd suit us better. The vampires are all at bars this time of night. I'd go to this one in particular... Tony hands Tina a picture of a bar. She takes it and puts it in her pocket and walks of. Tony suddenly dissapears. Tina hurries, her sword hidden in her jacket. [i]That Tony. Always exiting in an "exciting manner". He will hurt himself one day by doing that... Heh heh. Foolish Tony, his day will come.[/i]
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