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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. Kitty

    Silent Gun

    A girl stood in a hall way. Her face was hidden by her hair, and she had her hand in her pocket. She waited and waited until finally someone started to emerge from the room she was standing in front of. When the man saw her, he froze. Girl: I've come to collect something. Can you guess what it is? Man: I-I didn't know you'd be coming! Please! Help yourself. Girl: This time I won't be taking an item. You'll be paying for it dearly. To long have I let you off the hook, but not tonight. You have been behind schedule for too long. I will kill you, then take all your belongings to pay off your debt to me. Man: Please! Don't kill me Lil- Girl: You may not call me by that nickname. Only a few may. You will call me Lethal... Die now. The man began trembling and fell to the floor he backed away, trying to escape. Suddenly he froze, his eyes began rolling back into his head. Lethal had thrown a dagger into his heart. He leaned against the wall, then he fell to the ground in a puddle of blood. His blood. Lethal: You have payed the ultimate price, but still you owe me more. I will take all you owned. Hopefully, when I see you in hell, I won't need anything more from you, you pitiful man... Lethal walked into the room and took all that looked expensive. She put it into a bag, and walked out. She removed the dagger, then spat on the body and left the building. [i]To think he once called me his niece. What an uncle... That bastard...[/i]
  2. Awesome! I'd give it a 9.5/10. It didn't get full marks 'cuz I'm picky.
  3. I think all of your banners are great. I like 'em all. I especially liked all those with Majin Buu, but that's just 'cuz I'm a DBZ freak and I luv Buu! I'd that one a 10/10 (especially when it's animated)! ~A DBZ Freak. Wow, dejavu! I think I said that! WOW!! Dude...~
  4. Kitty was still avoiding the group and was watching her Charizard eat bowl after bowl of his favorite food. She knew that it wouldn't stop until it became REALLY full. She laughed to herself and watched the horizon anticipating land, but saw none. Kitty: How long am I gonna be stuck on this boat? I hope that I can go solo on the island. I don't like being in big groups. But these guys seem kinda nice... Charizard: CHARRR!! Some of the others stared and looked nervous. Kitty gave a reasurring look, and the others laughed nervously, then continued in their conversations. Kitty looked at her Dragonair and waved. It jumped in into the air and dove deep underwater. Kitty wondered what it was like down there. Kitty(thinking): I wonder. What kinds of new pokemon are on the island? Can my pokemon, even at their levels, handle it? I hope so... They shouldn't have TOO much of a problem... Kitty looked up and saw the others playing with the pokemon. She thought about joining them, but stayed where she was.
  5. Kitty

    Rogue Trader

    Kitty grumbled something about how Jericho treated her like she was a little kid, and then looked at the ground. Flash looked around and wondered how they were going to find Jasen's house. Kitty: It can't be that hard to find. It's only a mile from the gas station. We can make it. Flash: I dunno... Kitty: Don't let Jericho get to you. He's just a jerk with no brains. Flash: Yeah, I know what you mean... Wait, we are talking about Jericho right? Kitty: HEY! Flash stuck out her tounge and grinned. She started walking towards the gas station casually. Kitty took a spray bottle from her pocket and started writing: KAT RULES! She then hid it and ran after Flash. They soon made it to Jasen's home without being seen, and then they relaxed and began talking. Flash: How come it took you so long to follow me? Were you pouting? Kitty: No. I was being an artist. Flash: You used the spray can?! Wow! I totally forgot! What'd ya write? Kitty: I wrote: KAT RULES. Flash: Kat rules? Why'd ya write that instead of Kitty? Kitty: I was parinoid... I didn't want to get caught... So sue me! Flash was grinning and rolled her eyes. Kitty kept saying that it was Flash's fault that she became cautious, and that she did it 'cause a lot of bounty hunters here knew her name. Flash just giggled and watched Kitty's reactions.
  6. Tina stood quietly, her sword in her hand, with blood on it. All around her were the ashes of vampires who had been standing only seconds before. Tina quickly sheethed her sword and began walking away. Tina: This hell hole needs some human domestication. They'll put houses and hotels all over this place. Heh... It wouldn't be a waste that way. Tina quickly put her sunglasses on so that nobody would see her cat-like pupils and bug her. She went back to her house and sat down in the living room. She had lots of vampire, dragon, and cat decorations all around her home. There was only one picture that was above her fireplace. It had her as a little child on it. Tina: That picture disgusts me. Why do I keep it? Hmm... She noticed a light flashing on her answering machine. She walked over and listened. Message: Hello? Tina? Well, I have a new lead for you. Right now it's 9, so come around 11 at the same place. I'll tell you then. Tina: Good, more death. I enjoy a good slaying. It's 10:30 now. I should get going. See you Katu. Tina was talking to her cat. He mewed softly and dozed back to sleep. Tina headed toward the alley off town square.
  7. Name: Tina Urizuka Alinement: Good Race: Day Walker Gender: Female Weapons: Tons of different guns, a katana (rarely used and is called Cat's Fury), throwing knives, and a large blade like Cloud's. Age: 23 Description: Long blue hair, green cat eyes, and a bunch of scars on her left arm. She is usually wearing jeans and t-shirts which are dark blue or black. She wears sandals, is 5'9", and has light-toned skin. Bio: Hates traveling with others, but does whatever it takes to survive. She only cares for herself, and enjoys seeing pain in others. Even if they are her allies, she won't do anything to help unless she has good reasons. As a child, she was ignored and shunned by everyone she knew. Those who tried to rid the town of her got killed with simple toothpicks. Many fear her, but this gives her the sense of power she loves, so she acts menacing a lot. When she wants to, she will be a very nice person, but this happens only to close friends. And even with them, it is hard to see the light side of her. She does hate the vampires, making her a good ally(sp?) to those select few that she will help. ------ Hope I'm in!
  8. I like both ideas. Like Ruby said, I think that 5-Five Love is indeed like Tenchi, but it would still sell good as a manga and anime. I would enjoy to see them both. ~A fan of fan fiction~
  9. Kitty

    Rogue Trader

    Flash and Kitty managed to sneak through the back entrance unnoticed, but then saw a lot of police officers patroling the back, but they didn't see the girls. Suddenly there was an explosion, and the cops quickly left. Kitty: Thanks to who ever for that distraction, now to get outta here... Flash: We've got to check that explosion out! Kitty: Why? We could get caught there! We have to escape! Flash: But someone could've been hurt! We have to check! Kitty: Man! I didn't think you were so caring at all! Flash: Hey!! Kitty stuck her tounge out and walked ahead, while Flash held back for a moment. She then quickly followed Kitty. The explosion was at the gas station. From what they could see, it was an accident, and no one was hurt. They began running towards a cafe for cover. Kitty: I told you so! Flash: You didn't tell me anything! Kitty: I knew there was no use in checking! We could've gotten caught because of all your sentimental crap. Flash: I never! Well you can- She stopped talking immediatly and looked around at the people in the cafe. They were all staring at them, Kitty especially. Kitty: What? What!? WHAT?!? All of a sudden, some men in a corner pulled out their guns and pointed them at the girls. Kitty noticed Jericho, and he was watching the men intently. Suddenly he flipped a table, sending them to the floor, and then ran for it. He pulled Kitty and Flash along for about a block and then let go and rested. Jericho: You dimwits! You were warned about all the bounty hunters here! You two shouldn't have barged in there with no disguises on! Kitty/Flash: Shut up jerk!
  10. Hey Scorpio!! That's my squirel!! Leave him alone! And, those numbers are the level of my pokemon. Not bad, huh? Now, die EVIL!! *points at Scorpio who is about to grab the squirel* DiE! *giant lightning bolt outta nowhere hits Scorpio*
  11. I love ALL your interviews. I'd give all of them except the Pegasus one a 10/10. I'd say that the pegasus one isn't all that funny. So, 6/10. It's gotta be funny to make me laugh. *sees someone chewing gum* Ha ha ha ha ha ha! That's ha ha so ha ha funny!! Ha ha! ~A girl who laughs uncontrolibly at the slightest thing. *sees fat ghost trying to eat little brother* hahahahahahah!!!~
  12. When Kitty had fed her pokemon, she decided that it would be better for them to hang with other pokemon on deck. She took all 6 and when she got to the top, released them all. The boat nearly toppled when Charizard landed. Everyone stared. Charizard: CHARR!! Ki: That thing better make sure it doesn't barbeque anyone on board! Others: Yeah! Kitty: If I put him back in his pokeball, when I release him on the island he will barbeque us all. Austin: Just make sure he doesn't flip the boat. The others then returned to what they were doing. Kitty's Dragonair went into the ocean, swimming along side the boat. Her others played with some other trainers' pokemon. Her Charizard however, just stayed sitting and stared at the pokemon underwater. Kitty stood away from the others and watched her pokemon.
  13. Eve had packed and was ready to leave, but she came back to Kitty's room. Kitty was surprised, and Timer began to chirp loudly at the sudden knocks on the door. Kitty: Eve! I thought you'd left. Eve: Come with me! Kitty: What?! And pass up a glorious place like this? Kitty was pointing at her tiny hotel room. Obviously she had no reason to stay, but she wasn't sure she'd like finding Sether agian. Eve: Please? You and I can become good friends, and we can make sure that Sether doesn't pull a stunt like this ever again. Besides, didn't you say that you two are partners? Then why don't you act like it! Kitty: But.. I just... Eve: Come on, I bet Timer would enjoy a change of scenery. Kitty: Well... Okay.. I'm all packed anyway. Come on Timer, we're going to Canzalo! Kitty scooped up Timer and put him on her shoulder. Eve and Kitty quickly left the building, avoiding everyone. They quickly got a taxi and drove towards the airport. This took them five minutes.
  14. Kitty

    My New Sig

    Good job. I made one like that once. Except I accidentally erased it. I was SOO angry. Anyway, great job! ~A girl who deletes things on accident... DOH!!~
  15. Kitty tried to comfort Eve who was crying. She didn't know what to say, until Eve suddenly spoke. Eve: I *hiff* know what you're thi-thinking. He di-did leave me *hiff* behind! I didn't th-think it would be s-so soon. Kitty: Um... Well if it makes you feel better, he left me less than a day after we met. Eve: R-really? Th-then why is he so k-kind to you? Kitty: You call abandoning me twice kind? He even ignored Timer! I can't believe him. Leaving me then leaving you. All to save his own skin... Eve's sobbing seemed to fade as she sat next to Kitty on the couch. Suddenly the phone rang and Kitty picked up. Kitty: Hello? Voice: I know where he's going. Kitty: Why wou- Who are you? Voice: That isn't important. You need him right now. Hur- Kitty: Alex? Alex: How did you know? Kitty: You hired him. That's why. Now, how do you know where he's going? Alex: I keep tags on all my workers, if they like it or not. Kitty: HEY! You pervert! I- Alex: Not like that! All I do is make sure I know where they are going, staying, you get the idea. After another minute or so, Kitty hung up the phone. She was smiling kindly at Eve, who had now stopped sobbing. Kitty: Hey Eve, I know where Sether is going. You still wanna find him? Eve: Of course! Where?
  16. Kitty was watching the TV, while Eve was cooking. Eve seemed to be in a different world, as if the cooking was an excuse to be alone. Kitty: Hey Eve... I know this might sound odd, but what would you do if Sether left you? Eve: Hmm? If he... left? I don't know. I'd just start traveling alone again... How about you? Kitty: He's already left me behind once... If he does it again, I won't try to find him. And if I do see him, I'll try my best to avoid him. I don't like the abandoning type. Eve: How sad. You two seem so good to- Kitty: Don't even go there. I don't... you know... That's just disgusting. You'd be better off with him. But he'll probably leave you... Why don't you go back to your room. I don't think he'll be too happy when he learns that he was the main topic. Eve: You're right. I hope he isn't asleep! That way I won't have to worry about waking him up on accident! Eve giggled and turned off the stove. She gave Kitty a plate and then walked out smiling. Kitty stared at the plate. It looked good, but she didn't want to eat. Kitty: Where's Timer? I'd better find him. I hope Eve isn't dissapointed... Eh.. Who cares? She ain't my best friend or nothin'.
  17. I liked your Gohan banner so... I'm using it. If it isn't okay, I'll change it. But if it is... THANK YOU!!!!! ~A dbz fan~
  18. Back in her room, Kitty was sitting on her bed, giving her pokemon some treats. She kept apoligizing to Charizard and Dragonair, since they were too big to be released just yet. Kitty: I'm so sorry. Hey! Silly Shelgon! Watch it! A lady walked in. Kitty was startled, but not nearly as bad as her pokemon. Some looked like they were ready to strike, the others just hid. Lady: I'm terribly sorry. Can I get you or your pokemon anything? Kitty: Just give me a soda and a burger. Bring these to them. Make sure you bring these for ALL of them. I'll save some for later. Kitty handed her a list with the types of food for her pokemon. The lady walked out and returned shortly after. She handed her a plate with her food and soda on it, then gave her a bag, full of pokemon food. Kitty: This trip ain't so bad. I just hate talking so much, though. That's why I'm down here with you guys. Hey! No pushing!
  19. Kitty

    Rogue Trader

    Kitty: This isn't good. They have security guards all around this hotel! If the cops get the word to them... well... Flash: Don't panic! We won't get caught. I hope we get out... Kitty: Now you're falling apart! We'll definitly get caught now! Wait... that can't be him! No! Not now! Flash: Who?! Why not now? Wait, what's going on Kitty?! Kitty didn't respond. She suddenly pointed at a man walking across the room towards the clerk. She was still very quiet. Flash: Who is that? Kitty! Tell me! Kitty: It's Shin. He's here and I don't want to make a big scene, but I want to kill him, too. Flash: Kitty... We'll have to escape and kill him later. Kitty: When I kill him, promise me that you'll stop anyone trying to interfere with me. Make sure I get the kill. Flash was silent, but she nodded. Kitty was now cold and still, her eyes were very still upon Shin, who was now going back upstairs.
  20. I'm not sure, but in my house, I've seen a white-luminesent thingee. It's usually standing behind me at night, and when I'm at the computer. I've also seen a ghost(demon) during the day. I was standing in the kitchen, and it was there. But this time it looked like a cat with dragon's wings and large claws. The eyes were odd, but they didn't have color. I saw it standing/floating for about 10 seconds, but I saw it in great detail. ~A girl who loves floating cat's with wings. Why did appear like a ghost, though?...~
  21. Kitty saw Risuke. She had finished talking with Professor Redwood and the others. She began to miss her gym as well. She knew that fighting was not a smart thing, since she had nothing to gain. But she still was pretty bored. Kitty: Hey Risuke. I'll fight you. Some of the others stared. They looked happy that there was going to be a match. Those no longer paying attention were walking of in different directions. Kitty noticed that mostly gymleaders were not paying attention. Risuke: Sure. I gotta warn you, though. I'm not very easy to beat. Kitty: Let me ask you one question. Do you know anything about my gym? Like, my pokemon, or my strategy? Risuke: Not yours, but that's okay. I won't need to. Kitty: We'll see about that. Go pokeball! Out popped Kitty's Umbreon. It squealled with excitement. It knew that there was going to be a battle. Risuke: Not bad. I got an Umbreon too. Hmm.. who to use? Kitty: Choose your pokemon. This isn't going to take long.
  22. "The World" ----------- Name: Kitty Gender: Female Weapon: Twin katanas, daggers, throwing knives. Description: Sky blue hair, blue eyes. 5'8". Wears blue jeans, a dark blue shirt, and her sheeth. Class: Twin Blade Real World ---------- Name: Aurora Urikaza Age: 14 Gender: female Description: Wears mostly dark blue and sandals. Green eyes, and long dark brown hair that is usually in a ponytail. 5'8". EDIT: Sorry! I fixed it, though
  23. I've gots a hover board! It's light blue! Its... pretty... shiney... brain hurts... ~Who are you?~
  24. Kitty


    My screenname? I... um... I... um... I think it means... um... something like... a dragonball/z/gt fan, um.... an anime lover, umm... a girl, and 17. Um... what does 17 mean... ~A girl who doesn't know what her own name means. Ouch.. My brain hurts trying to think about that...~
  25. Kitty

    Cold War

    Kitty was now at the airport. She had been assigned a mission in China. She kept grumbling about how her day off had been ruined. Clerk: May I see your passport and your ticket? Kitty handed them over, and they were approved. She then walked through the terminal. [i]Great... I'm gonna be stuck on this trip for how long? Ugh.. I won't see Noki for a long while... I hope that they remember to feed her.[/i] On the plane, she continued to think about her cat and how rude the office was by making her work on her first day off in months. She then began reading a really interesting column about the threat that was always on the news. Kitty: Great. These idiots are going to try and rule the world with an iron fist. Heh.. More like a nuclear bomb. I won't let though. But I don't really care. Why did I take this job...? What're you lookin' at? Can't a lady talk to herself on a plane and not be scary lookin'? The man was quiet. She knew that he was afraid of her. She started watching the others on the plane, and there was almost no talking. They began to talk again when Kitty acted like she wasn't watching. [i]I hate this job. If it wasn't for the killing and the money I'd be at home right now. Damn it...[/i]
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