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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. I get the issues a month early, so I have already read July and August. As you well know, Anzu manages to escape.:angry2: The second puzzle, as Shadi says, is this "The shadow game... Concentration or Death." The game is like Concentration, where you find pairs one at a time. But since there are nine plates, Yugi must find out what the ninth plate is, without flipping any tiles. Obviously, he gets it right by saying that the middle is the mouth of Ammit, and the pairs are eyes, ears, nostrils, and hands. By the way, this is timed. He gets it right and Ammit releases him.:flaming: Jonouchi (Joey), in the meantime, was being chased by the zombie.:) He falls out the window to land on a ridge.:therock: He sees Anzu (Tea), and starts crawling to her. But unfortunatly for him (not for me) the zombie follows to keep chasing him. The final game is when Yugi and an illusion of "mean" Jonouchi, are trapped on a part of the platform surrounded by a bottomless pit. They throw the puzzle on the ground, and the person has to walk two steps that way. Jonouchi "roles" first. Yugi steps and now it's his turn. Then Yugi, to the surprise of Shadi, passes his turn. Jonouchi roles again. To more steps for Yugi. (if only he died here!!):nope: Then he passes AGAIN!! Then to the surprise of Shadi, ONCE again!!, Jonouchi dissapears. Friendship saves Yugi, and after this is explained to Shadi, his statue is broken, sending the millenium key to Anzu. Then she wakes up, and then Jonouchi tells her to walk back onto the roof, and then they give the item to the zombie professor, too. All is well, right? Right. Then Shadi makes a silent exit, saying, "We'll meet again!" (as if he wouldn't!!)
  2. I'd have to say my Cosmo Queen. I don't really care about the rarity. All I really care about is the game play and helpfulness of the card. Unfortunatly, I didn't have my Cosmo Queen yet when I went to my first tourney. I came in 3rd (:() Too bad... Anyway. I got the card by trading my cousin for a Petit Dragon (She is in love with cute cards). She got it at McDonalds. :rotflmao: Later I got one from a friend who just wanted to give it away. He said he got it in a booster pack, but I didn't think you could get 'em that way. Can you? ~A girl with no sense of guilt~
  3. I've beaten the game several times on several memory cards. The game doesn't prove much of a challenge to me. But I do enjoy the combat system. I think it's easier, while a little babish, too, it isn't that bad. I can't wait for the new Budokai installment, DBZ Budokai 2 for the PS2, coming in November.
  4. Kitty

    No clue

    Thanks. I thought they were canceling. I guess they're just gonna stop showing new episodes then, huh?
  5. I really enjoy the manga of YGO.:) It's a lot different than the American TV show.:rolleyes: I like it because it isn't censored, :demon: it isn't just about the cards,:grumble: and the danger is cooler.:naughty: I really enjoy that about the manga in Shonen Jump! (monthly)
  6. I'd have to say crim. I may not have watched too much of the show, but I've seen at least 5 of the battles between crim and sora, and crim is the better man. Definitly.
  7. I wanna see Helba beat BT with her custom wand!!! That would be awesome!!!!
  8. [COLOR=skyblue]I have NO clue about pretty much anything and everything that's happening on the show .hack//sign. :confused: The reason I know about it is 'cause I got the game, .hack//infection (part 1). But I still wanna learn about the show, too. Too bad it's being canceled on Toonami though...:bawl: Oh well....:cussing: [/COLOR]
  9. Is Dragonball GT EVER going to air on Toonami? It has showed the beginning through the Buu saga, and then it just stopped. This is REALLY annoying. Why won't they show it? Anyone else noticed this? :flaming: :mad: :devil:
  10. Is it for PC? 'Cause if it is, then I know someone who can help. That is, if he's willin' to help. (He can be an ***** sometimes) >:(
  11. Of course he's dead wrong!!!! YGO is cool!! Dragon cards are a fav of mine, too. Maybe we could duel. Later!
  12. Kitty

    Dragon Gem

    ???: [I]There was nothing there... All the humans seemed lost... Yet they kept searching for a sign of their lost masters. But none could find a trace of the human race. Why had they done it, why did they kill the innocent humans instead of us...[/I] Rage: Why don't we just move on. You know there is no way that those lowly humans could have survived that! Even some of our own kind burned to death in that blue fire! Now, because we no longer have "masters" to tell us how to live, we can begin a new! We can- Leader: No. We weren't domesticated. We called the humans masters because they were kind to us here. This is a planet where new chances arise everyday. Those who want to leave will no longer be a part of the Kenji tribe. Well Rage... Rage: Grr... Fine. I am not stupid. I am only trying- ???: You are trying to kill the dragons confused enough to join you! You can't go out there! What if those-those THINGS come after us again! And what if they miss again... what race will be destroyed by accident this time? Rage: Anniy! I-I didn't mean- Anniy: Quiet! I don't want to hear any more ideas about leaving here again! Rage: Will people STOP interuppting me? Please!!
  13. Well, I started only a few days ago, so I know that I'm in for a long haul with bein' a newbie. But it really doesn't bother me at all. Bein' a newbie ain't all that bad, but many people think so. Why, I will probably never know, but oh well. I'm to lazy to care about bein' a newbie or not. Later! ~A newbie, and proud of it!~
  14. Sorry to all those boy YGO fans out there that think highly of us girl duelists. I get kinda carried away sometimes. By the way, my dueling skills are still kinda bad since I don't get much of a challenge from the people I know. I wish I had more of a challenge *sighs*. Anyone care to duel?
  15. You know what I've noticed? That most of the people who play the game are guys. I mean, I'm a girl and I can beat a ton of people! (most are guys):smirk: I don't think that just 'cause some girls aren't into this stuff, it doesn't mean the rest of us aren't! A lot of boys need to understand that. But unfortunatly... they don't. In one ear, and out the other. :flaming: ~A pissed card gamer~:mad:
  16. How to you people get the banners on to your posts? I started a couple of days ago, so can you help me out?:( Please tell me how to make 'em, or at least where to get one?!:worried: :help: :confuse2:
  17. Kitty


    This may sound stupid, but I just got DBZ: Legacy of Goku II with out ever playing number one.:( I need a suggestion for a site that'll give me some hints on how to play. And does anyone have a place to get an online guide for any of the dot hack games? I really can't find ANY!! :twitch: Please help?!?!? ~A Gamer Girl~ (A very FRUSTERATED gamer girl) :cussing: Here are some smilies that I like: :flaming: :devil: :flasher: :help: :stupid:
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