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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Alright. Apologies to Gavin for not posting as soon as we both would've hoped. It took me longer than I would have liked to write that post (curse you Microsoft Word! Dx), but it's finished now, and a bit long in my opinion, but whatever. I went ahead and assigned the team members their 'jobs' for the missions somewhere towards the end of my post (for whoever wants to check). If anyone has a problem with anything in my post, go ahead and let me know and I'll gladly fix it. I just hope we can get moving again.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE=1]Blowing her nose, Tech sighed. Before walking out the door of the lab, she dropped her used tissue into a small gadget on her belt, a soft sound of something being quickly incinerated coming from it seconds later. She walked towards the Legionnaire?s runway where her team was probably waiting for her in one of the many jet hangars. She thought quietly to herself as she tried to remember the hangar number. It was a relief to be getting back out into the field, having been stuck at Headquarters waiting for any news to come from the team members out on the mission in South Africa for far too long. Augur had informed her earlier that she had been assigned to the Red Team for its next mission. However pleased she may have felt to be on a mission again, her suspicions about the new infection that inflicted her team leader kept her worried. She had learned from her Augur that Pygmalion, also inflicted with the strange illness, would also be going to London. [b]?All I need.. Like this cold wasn't bad enough? I?ve come up with antidotes and vaccines for twenty-nine different viruses and minor diseases, yet I cannot get rid of my damn sniffles!?[/b] Tech whined quietly to herself. Colds always made her feel drowsy and dismal, and her normally perky attitude almost completely dissolved in all her used tissues. [b]?Must?ve caught it from one of the Labbies,?[/b] she mumbled, blowing her nose again. ?Labbies? was her nickname for all the members of Legionnaires that spent most to all of their time in the laboratories. Tech had been one of the Legionnaires running around doing tests on the surviving victims of the last mission, and while there was progress, none of the information made much sense. But while she was wary of being so close to the two of them, she also found it an excuse to examine their behavior out of the medical lab. Equipped with practically everything and anything she would need for taking notes on the two of them, she felt well prepared. And still, stepping up the stairs seemed oddly difficult. However, she was surprised to find the jet entirely empty. She blinked a few times, asked the pilot what jet the red team was assigned to, and sat down to stare gloomily out the window when he confirmed that she was on the right flight. She had always been impatient, but she was also anxious and worried about her team mates. Not only for herself, Saturn and Era, but for Augur and Pygmalion themselves. What was this illness? How does it spread? And if it does, what will happen to them all? Asking herself questions seemed to pass the time, and before she knew it, the red team was in London. It was raining hard, as Tech expected -- examining weather patterns with the Legionnaire?s satellite is a small hobby of hers, but since they were in London after all, she would?ve expected it anyway. The car ride was pleasantly quiet, which annoyed her slightly. Though she was tired and sick, she still appreciated conversation. That?s about the time the cabbie spoke up, asking Augur a question. She could sense his tension when after he answered, the cabbie continued to pester him, claiming to have a relative involved with the bank Augur and the rest of the red team were using as cover. Knowing he?d have little way to reasonably reply, Tech interrupted and used her vast knowledge of world companies and stock exchanges to come up with an answer. Her response was acceptable, and the cabbie quieted down. Though she wanted conversation, such interest in their affairs from a stranger was dangerous. The team was dropped off about a block and a half away from their actual destination due to ?new security rules?, though she was sure the man was just being spiteful for not getting the answers he wanted. Quickly getting soaked, and certainly getting sicker, Tech grimaced as she had to walk through the pouring rain. Once inside and past the security, Tech, Augur, and the rest of the team were standing in front of Prime Minister of Britain, who looked like he needed to lay off the coffee and was due for a good nap. He waved his arm towards a row of chairs set up just for them, and the five of them took their seats. [b]?I?d like to thank you for coming,?[/b] the man stuttered nervously, rubbing his hands together and glancing about the room as if waiting for someone to come out of the walls and kill him right then and there. [b]?All of us know why you?re here, and I?ll butt out of your plans. But as for what you?ll be doing with me, I?d like to be kept in the loop on that one. Other than that, there?s really nothing else to say. The police have no leads, my personal officers are patrolling this and the surrounding buildings, and I?m stuck her panicking.?[/b] [b]?Don?t worry, sir. Sitting before you are men and women picked for their essential skills for this mission. You will be well protected,?[/b] Augur reassured him, standing up and patting him on the shoulder. The Prime Minister seemed to relax a little bit, a small smile forming on his face. [b]?But I cannot lie to you,?[/b] the team leader continued, making the nervous man?s smile falter, [b]?We, ourselves, are sure of nothing other than that there is someone after your life. Our job is to protect you as best we can and search for clues.?[/b] Augur made sure to leave out the part about the Prime Minister?s certain death he had foreseen, which the rest of the team thought was a good idea. After that, Augur assigned Tech the job of going through the buildings where they would be guarding the ?Mini? (Tech?s ?code-name? for the Prime Minister, though she was the only one using it) and searching for any planted bombs, unauthorized surveillance tools, and any other curious technological terrorist tools. Saturn, accompanied by Pygmalion, were given lists of all politicians that British Intelligence thought were possible accomplices to the plotting against the Prime Minister. And Augur and Era would remain in constant company of the Prime Minister. [b]?? so we?ll be staying in this building for now while you start your search. Remember. Anything suspicious should be investigated and reported,?[/b] Augur finished. Tech nodded, confirming that she?d understood her directions, and walked out of the room, blowing her nose loudly.[/SIZE]
  3. Kitty


    [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]This idea is AWESOME! *lunges at Dragon type* Glad I got here before it was taken. xD Well, I can't finish the whole thing 'cause I have homework and some other things to do. I'll finish it soon. [EDIT 1] - Changed the name of my badge (*cough*WHITE*cough*), and switched out Latios with Altaria 'cause Latios just makes my team own a little to much. ;D (Kidding. :P) And I noticed that silverwolf posted before I did, though I didn't see it. I'm still gonna go for dragon pokemon, since White never said this was first come first serve. ^_~ [center][b]Trainer Information[/b] [B]Name:[/B] Raya [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/frlgemtr/frlgemtr084.png[/img] [B]Personality:[/B] Raya is bubbly, sweet and energetic, but with a devious side to her as well. Pulling small pranks are one of her favorite hobbies, so long as they're all in good fun. Always fun-loving and goofy, she giggles and seems carefree even during battle, throwing many of her opponents off guard. But despite her cute girl attitude, there are few that have ever earned the Fang Badge since she took over the Blackthorn City Gym. [B]History:[/B] [Edit] [B]Gym Information[/B] [B]Gym Location:[/B] Blackthorn City [B]Badge Name:[/B] Fang Badge (shaped like the open mouth of a dragon; patterned with four fangs) [B]Pokémon Type:[/B] Dragon [B]Pokémon List:[/B] [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs304.gif[/img] Dragonite [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs189.gif[/img] Salamence [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs118.gif[/img] Flygon [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs122.gif[/img] Altaria [/SIZE][/COLOR][/center]
  4. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]I think it's great. *nodnod* If I could shade like that, I.. well, I don't know what I'd do, but I'd be very happy. His face is so cool (gotta love the pirate trademarks -- a scar and eyepatch!), and his outfit is well drawn, too. And while looking slightly human, he also looks very cat-like, which is impressive. And the rapier and dagger (or sword? I can't tell from the angle) are awesome, too. My only issue, as I mentioned over AIM, is his shirt. It looks a bit awkward, and I was confused at first about whether that was just his shirt being puffy, or if he had a beer belly. Other than that, I see nothing wrong with it. Well done. :'D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Ray was used to attention. Back in the Capital City of Haydeseu as a hunter, she'd gotten the publicity and gold and the other stuff that came with the peoples' attention. It had never bothered her then. But now, in front of practically the whole kingdom, her knees felt weak ad she couldn't even wave to the crowd below like the three warriors before her had. She just meakly hobbled over beside the young man that had been introduced before her. Ray watched in silence as the king finished his announcements. She never was one to pay close attention, but when she heard they were missing a warrior she was puzzled. Why hadn't they told her before? This was her first time meeting with the other three, and she wondered if she was the only one not let in on the full story. But their confused faces rid her of the thought. Then, the four of them were hurried down the stairs and out into the courtyard to walk down the path and out of the city, the crowd's noise and the band's music filling their ears. It took almost half an hour to get out of the sight of the city, and Ray was tired. She hated walking. Riding was much better. She was a bit embarrassed that she was the only one that seemed to want a break, so she stayed quiet. Suddenly, the only young man in the party spoke up. "Hello, I?m Andro Piot. I?m pleased to meet you three ? may I be so blessed as to receive your names?" he asked. Ray raised an eyebrow, somewhat skeptic of the man's behavior. He sounded quite like a gentleman, but she'd heard it before. And very rarely did their motives turn out pure. But she gave him the benefit of the doubt, being one of the five -- or four, as it had turned out -- warriors of prophecy, and awarded his question an answer. "My name is Rain Avella, as you heard, but I prefer Ray. Besides, the last person to call me Rain is dead now, anyway." She glanced around with a curious look at the shocked stares from the rest of the company before realizing how what she'd said sounded. "Oh no, I didn't killed him! I'm just saying that I don't really go by the name much anymore.." She mentally punched herself, feeling her face warm up as she blushed at the stupidity of her first impression on the others. The other two young women answered his question as well, and sounded much more dignified and mature than Ray had. Sulking, she fell behind the others, bringing up the rear. There was another long stretch of walking, where the three in front of her talked amongst themselves and a good deal of pleasant laughter was shared, before she felt herself bump into one of the other girls of the company. "Oh! Sorry.. Wasn't paying attention," she sighed. It turned out Ray had run into Naminé. The way she responded was very polite, making Ray feel even more awkward. She didn't fit in with the others, and she was being strangely quiet and shy, when normally she's the loudest and most friendly in a group of people. [i]"Maybe it's this whole.. weight of the world on my shoulders thing. I hate pressure,"[/i] Ray thought to herself, grunting quietly. Then she realized that the four of them had come to a halt, and wondered why they'd stopped. Looking up, she saw the large trees that shadowed the path into the Vedalia Forest. Yavella spoke first. ?Do we know how to make it out of this forest? Perhaps a directional to lead us to the nearest town for provisions?? ?A very good question? I have no idea,? came the reply from Andro. The warriors were quiet, but only three were thinking about what to do. Ray, on the other hand, saw no problem with walking straight in. It took the others a moment to realize that she had disappeared from behind them and was already on the path inside the forest. "Where are you going?" came the expected shout from Naminé. "Into the forest," Ray called back. "But.. we don't have a plan! Or food, or water, or a map, or.. or anything! We don't even know how big the forest is," Yavella yelled after her, but Ray wasn't planning on stalling anymore. As stupid as she knew she must have seemed just charging in with no idea of what she was doing, her gut instinct was telling her it was the best thing to do, and her gut hadn't let her down yet. [i]"The others can plan,"[/i] she thought, [i]"and it will be my job to start moving."[/i] Pulling her bow off her shoulder and gripping it tight in her hand, she continued down the path, slowly starting to feel more excited about the new adventure than she had all day. --- OOC: To the rest of you, I hope you don't mind the way I had my sulky character interact with the rest of yours. But if anyone has an issue with sending her straight into the forest, PM me or tell me in the Underground, and I'll edit it. And I have no problem with you dragging her back out, either, lol.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [size=1][color=#006aaf]Relax Retri. I don't know if anyone's posting this second, but most of us are probably trying to get to it. I've been busy with family visits and homework (even though it's frickin' winter break!) and I had to finish my history in the sign up, which I just got to yesterday. I'll post by the 2nd of January at the latest, though I'm sure I'll have plenty of time tonight and tomorrow. And I agree with you. This is an awesome idea, and I hope it doesn't die because of lack of participation.[/color][/size]
  7. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]I would ask you where you've been all this time, but you already told me, so I won't bother. xP But as most of us probably were, I was awaiting your return, oh-so-wonderful-and-sexy Dragon Warrior. :P And you did it in humor and funniness, as is your way. And really, I never expected a western-style story from you. ;D My favorite part was probably their time in "Joko Loco Poko's Saloon". That just made me crack up. I can't wait for the rest of the story now. (And I'll have to talk to White about making a cameo... *sneakysneaky*)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Rain Avella [Goes by "Ray"] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]History:[/b] The Avella family resided in a small city in west Haydeseu. Ray (born "Rain Imoko Avella") was the second of five children, and the only girl in the bunch. This is most to blame for her very boyish attitude. She was closest to her older brother, Dhiro. He was five years older than her, and he took care of her when their parents were busy, as he did all of his siblings. About three months after her youngest brother was born, Ray's father was killed in a beast attack. She was seven, and this was the first real important death any of the children had to deal with, though Marx, still a baby, was too young to understand. Ray went through a period of about six weeks, where she avoided everyone and spent everyday in the woods where her father was killed, looking for the murderous monster. Her father had been a hunter, using a myriad of devices to catch the animals that lived in the Praer woods beside their small city. He had let her try out his bow a couple of times, letting her practice with sticks. When she went into the woods, she brought his arrows. On the last day of her temporary depression, she ran into the beast. She was an accidental expert. She hadn't even thought of how she was going to kill it when she started going out there, but she grabbed an arrow, aimed it, and released it. The rest of her shots were unaimed, but true to their mark. When she'd opened her eyes, the beast lay squirming and howling on the ground with both its eyes shot out, its nose poked with several arrows, and its neck and chest bleeding. The last arrow went through its heart, killing it quickly. Returning back to her home happy for the first time in almost two months, she brought back two of the beast's fangs and handed them casually to her mother, asking if she'd sew them onto her headband. After that, Ray continued to use her father's bow and arrows, practicing with fruit on her brothers heads (even though they protested somewhat) for both still and moving target practice. She also became stealthy enough to sneak around them and shoot trick shots from trees above them without them noticing. She trained this way for over five years, and had become so skilled, some of the other city residents would ask her to show off at festivals, and go hunting with them (even though she was only twelve). Then, when Dhiro planned to move to the Capital City of Haydeseu, she decided to go along. Marx was now a toddler old enough for schooling, and the twins were both eight and already in schooling. They said good-bye to their mother and set off for the Capital City. Ray and her brother were not used to city life, and it took them a while to adjust. Well, actually, it was more like the [i]city[/i] had to adjust to [i]them[/i]. Ray served as sort of a beast catcher and was seen practically everyday riding a large creature down some of the less busy streets of town, while Dhiro spent most of his time taming anyone from drunks to famous criminals as a mercenary. These were very unusual jobs, and to be brought so much attention by two out of towners was a big deal. After about two years, they'd raised enough money to move out of their small abode and buy a large home towards the center of the city, where most of their 'jobs' were. Now fifteen, Ray had become the youngest professional beast hunter in Haydeseu's history. She was even paid more than some of the more famous hunters. However, she somehow managed to avoid getting a big head, and people would ask her in the pubs she went to with Dhiro why she hadn't used her fame to her advantage. Her brother credited it their humble beginnings, but she believed it was the idea of her father. But she didn't like dwelling on his death, so she often agreed with Dhiro's theory for her 'audiences'. The beasts did eventually adapt to her use of plain, metal-tipped arrows. That was when she consulted a popular wizard, where he gave her three bracelets filled with magic. He couldn't specify for her, because not even he knew what was in them. All he knew was that it would become whatever she needed it to be at that moment, and would never run out. After his price was met, she left with her bracelets. But she never used them. Or at least, she didn't for a long time. She was fearful - genuinly [i]afraid[/i] - of what powers they held, and refrained from using them as long as she could. In fact, it was another five years before she did. Ray used the magical bracelets once. It was during a hunt down one of the less populated sects of the Capital City, when she felt she was about to be killed by th wild, bloodthirsty creature, and ended up blowing the beast to bits. Of course, the incident would've been big news, had not King Tratus and the other rulers of the sections of Dae'mora announced a search for the warriors of prophecy. The news caught her attention, and she was startled when she was told she was being summoned to Traeda City. She parted with Dhiro, and brought along with her the weapons she'd grown close to, her new (even after five years) bracelets, and a photo of her family, back when she still lived in her small west Haydeseu town. [b]Personality:[/b] Ray is very tomboyish, as you can tell by her nickname, which she chose herself. She enjoys playing around, and is very happy and bouncy most of the time. She hates having to be lady-like, and would rather go running around than have a formal dinner at home. Of course, she knows how to be civil and proper and no matter how much she detests it, she accepts the fact that it is necessary to be so at times. However, she does as best she can to keep the number of times she has to be to a minimum. She also gets upset when people think little of her for being a girl, when she is actually one of the most skilled archers Dae'mora has today. [b]Appearance:[/b] Ray was named Rain for her practically translucent, crystal blue eyes, and as she grew older, her long, flowing blue hair fit her name as well. Ray wears a gray tanktop, blue gloves, a small, navy blue skirt, gray sandals, and keeps her hair out of her face with a headband that is decorated with embroidered waves and two large beast fangs. Her legs have many cuts and scrapes from her climbing and jumping between trees, but they don't bother her much. She stands at a height just above average (around 5'9"), and is very light and skinny, which makes getting to high, hidden places easy. She also wears a couple of bracelets that seem to be full of something like water that she uses to enhance her arrows with. [b]Class:[/b] Archer ------- OOC: Amazingly enough, I'm [i]still[/i] not finished with the History section. xD I wrote too much for this. ~.~ Oh well. Hope I get in! (This idea is awesome, by the way. ;'D) EDIT: Finally finished! Had to get it done before posting in the Arena thread. >.
  9. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]OOC: This might be confusing, so just to let you know, my post is set [i]before[/i] Revelation's. --- Bianca waited quietly outside the cafe, leaning against the window as the sunlight faded away and the streetlights buzzed to life. Sammy had walked her home several times before, but now it seemed like a huge deal. She was quietly flipping out, hoping she wouldn't embarrass herself or say the wrong thing or hurt his feelings. And she knew he was angry about Leah, and probably wouldn't want to talk about it, but she wanted to know what had happened. [b]"Hey,"[/b] Sammy spoke into her ear, making her jump. She turned and saw him laughing. [b]"Sammy! Don't [i]do[/i] that!"[/b] Bianca shouted, though she was giggling while play hitting him. As he fled from her strikes, he stuck his tongue out at her and she gave him a glare. [b]"But it's so fun. And besides, you do it to me, too, you little sneak"[/b] Sammy replied, tickling her sides. [b]"Yeah, yeah,"[/b] she yawned, waving passively. [b]"C'mon. If I get home late, I'll get in trouble again."[/b] Grabbing Sammy's hand, Bianca rushed off towards her home, pulling him after her. [center]~~~[/center] About a block and a half away from Bianca's house, Sammy began chasing her around like he normally did, poking at her sides and making her squeak. Laughing and giggling, they ran around the sidewalk until they were two houses down from hers. Bianca, who was wearing Sammy's jacket because she was lacking her own, slowed down until she had come to a complete stop. Sammy kept walking before checking behind him and seeing her leaning against a street lamp. [b]"Why'd you stop?"[/b] he asked, walking back towards her. [b]"What did she say? When you ran out after them, what happened?"[/b] Bianca knew he had wanted to avoid this, but it was bugging her. She needed to know. [b]"Oh.. Um.. Well,"[/b] he stumbled, not really sure of what to say. He scratched his head before sighing. [b]"I.. I yelled at her."[/b] He winced when he saw Bianca's shocked look. She was about to say something when he quieted her with a hand. [b]"I know, I know. I shouldn't have. But there was no other way to get through to her. And I didn't yell the whole time. I calmed down as I blew off steam at her. But.. I scolded her for blaming all of this on you, her for being a hypocrit, and for thinking we don't want her to be happy."[/b] Bianca was quiet. She was afraid Sammy might have, in his anger, yelled at Leah just to make her feel as bad as he did for this whole thing, but she was glad he hadn't. And another part of her was happy for hearing that he had defended her. The two stayed quiet for quite a bit when Bianca suddenly realized she was right outside her house and she needed to get home. [b]"Well, I'm just glad you--"[/b] [b]"Didn't bite her head off?"[/b] Bianca paused for a moment before letting out a laugh. [b]"Yeah. That,"[/b] she chuckled. [b]"I've got to get inside. Oh, here's your jacket back."[/b] As she began to pull it off her shoulders, he put his hands on her shoulders. [b]"Don't worry about it. You can give it back tomorrow,"[/b] he smiled. [b]"You ought to be going inside, and I've got to meet Michael back at the Cafe. I'll pick you up at 7:30 for school, so make sure you're awake."[/b] He swiped gently at her nose with a wink. [b]"Yeah, yeah,"[/b] she replied, sticking her tongue out. [b]"See you tomorrow Sammy."[/b] She walked over to him and put her arms around his neck. He bent down and hugged her back, kissing her on the cheek as he pulled away. [b]"G'night."[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]I don't have finals, but I'm still being loaded with other stuff. *sigh* But I had the time to get this finished this afternoon, but just never got around to hosting it. Anyway, here's my entry. (And I actually made the deadline this round! Amazing! >.
  11. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]I didn't vote because I knew I was leaving. ^_^;; I would have voted for myself anyway. But it was fun while it lasted. Good luck to the rest of you and I hope someone from Green Team wins! ;D *waves*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Bianca was still a bit shaken from what had happened with Sammy, but at the same time excited and worried. But she knew she couldn't concentrate on that right now. What was most important was finding Leah. It was annoying not having a car, though she had recieved her license a couple years ago. She walked from the beach to Web Connect, the internet cafe, to The Signal. But Leah was nowhere to be seen. Bianca was already half way to Cafe Lite when she paused to take a rest. All this walking was beginning to get to her, especially since Timber Valley was such a large city and the usual hangout spots were at least twenty blocks away from each other. Spotting a local bench, Bianca headed over to it. [b]"Where are you Leah? Seriously.. Making me walk all over town.."[/b] she mumbled as she walked towards it. She saw someone sitting on it, and quieted down, but when she saw the face, she stopped. [b]"Leah!"[/b] Leah turned towards her, and revealed a tear-streaked face. But when she realized who it was that said her name, she got angry. [b]"Oh, it's [i]you[/i],"[/b] she growled, standing up and walking the other way. [b]"No! Leah, wait up!"[/b] Bianca called after her. She ran up and grabbed onto Leah's arm. [b]"Please don't be mad at me. I can't help it! I didn't even know until thirty minutes ago! And don't blame Sammy either..."[/b] [b]"Well if it isn't [i]your[/i] fault or his, then who's [i]is[/i] it?!"[/b] Leah shouted back. [b]"I- ... I don't know... But you can't honestly believe either of us would want to hurt you! And I didn't even think you liked him anyway. You always seemed much more interested in that Alex boy,"[/b] Bianca continued, still not letting go of her old friend's arm. The comment about Alex made Leah blush furiously, but she grew madder still. [b]"Shut up! Just shut up and leave me alone!"[/b] she cried, forcefully taking her arm back while more tears streaked down her cheeks. She turned and ran off, leaving Bianca frustrated and confused behind her. Bianca attempted to catch her, but ran out of breath in front of Cafe Lite. Deciding she'd give talking to Leah another shot some other time, she headed inside and almost immediately saw Sammy talking to someone at the counter. Sammy spotted her, and the two of them instantly became pink in the face. He waved at her to come over to them, and she slowly approached. [b]"Hey B... Oh. Um, this is Alex."[/b] Alex didn't seem to notice the awkward pause while Sammy had spoken, and shook Bianca's hand, but he looked disappointed. [b]"I ran into Leah outside. She's real mad. She ran off after I tried talking to her.."[/b] Bianca mumbled, looking down at her feet. It was a completely horrible feeling knowing that one of her oldest and closest friends now hated her guts. [b]"Yeah.. She chewed me out, too."[/b] [b]"I still don't get it,"[/b] Alex added, making the other two look at him. [b]"I mean.. While we were down at the beach, she seemed happy. Then I mention you and she got quiet. We even kissed a couple times, and [i]still[/i] she's having troubles getting over the two of you being a couple."[/b] [b]"Oh, we aren't a couple yet--"[/b] Bianca blurted out. When she realized what she had said, she felt her face get extremely red, and couldn't even bring herself to look at Sammy because she was so embarrassed. [b]"So.. Any idea where she went?"[/b] Alex asked after a while. Bianca shook her head. [b]"Well.. I'm going to go see if I can find her. Hope you don't mind me leavin'.. See you Sammy. Bianca."[/b] He made a motion to Sammy with a sort of 'Good Luck' message to it before rushing out the door. [b]"Care for a seat?"[/b] Sammy chuckled nervously, offering her the chair Alex had previously been sitting in.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Bianca sat across from Sammy, legs still folded, and her mouth hanging slightly open. As he spoke, she was flooded with guilt and confusion. But at the same time, she understood. Every question that popped into her head was answered just as fast. She was so close to him, she even knew the way he thought and why he thought it. It was beginning to excite her. The thought of someone being madly in love with [i]her[/i] was romantic and exhilarating. And then, she began to worry. [i]"What will this do to him? To me? To.. us?"[/i] Bianca thought quietly. The serene calm of Cemetary Drive just made the silence even more awkward. It was hard to think, and even harder to keep her eyes away from Sammy. She stood up suddenely, deciding that being outside would be better for her to think. She took a few steps, but turned back and attempted to sound positive when talking to him. [b]"Sammy? Um.. I'm going to go.. outside. I'll be back. Wait for me... okay?"[/b] Sammy lifted his head and nodded. But the look on his face, so serious and full of worry and doubt and hope and sadness all at the same time, melted away her false calm. Without another word, she stepped across the stones and past the old park equipment and through the iron gate. She stood for a moment before collapsing onto the weeds. [b]"Lets see if I have the story straight. Leah hates me because Sammy is in love with me, and he's upset with me because I didn't tell him about Quincy even though there's really nothing to tell, and Gabby's going to compete with me for Quincy, when I don't even know who I like anymore because of all of this, and all the while, I'm oblivious to everything everyone's doing and have to find out now... Wonderful."[/b] Bianca sat up and rested her head in her hands. She rubbed her eyes as she moaned in annoyance. She had always managed to avoid all the drama that was a high school social life with Sammy and Leah, and now one hated her apparently, and she couldn't look the other in the face now without feeling horribly guilty. [b]"Now.. do I go back in there and face the weirdness now? Or do I walk away and screw things up even worse than they already are, like I'm so good at doing?"[/b] she sighed. She stood up slowly, wiping off the remaining grass from her pants, and reopened the iron gate. She walked in and headed towards where Sammy had been sitting. When he came into view again, he was standing, but other than that, had not moved at all. As she approached, Bianca's pace sped up. She ran towards him, starting to call something out to him, but only getting out, [b]"Sammy, I-"[/b] before tripping on one of the rocks and falling forward. [b]"Careful!"[/b] Sammy shouted, rushing over to catch her. As she fell into his arms, she looked up at him and felt herself turn a bit red. They stared at one another for what felt like a long time, and when their gaze was finally broken, they both coughed awkwardly as he helped her up and returned his hands to his pockets. [b]"So.. Sammy.. What I was saying was.. This is a hell of a lot of stuff to find out in one sitting."[/b] [b]"Yeah.. I know. Sorry,"[/b] Sammy sighed, lowering his gaze to her feet. But she hit herself in the forehead for sounding so mean and then took his hands out of his pockets and held them in front of her. [b]"What I mean is... I'm not sure what's going to happen, now that I know. I just need a little bit more time to think about things. I'm going to go find Leah and see if I can get her to stop being mad at me, and then I'll meet back up with you for the meeting after school. We can talk afterwards."[/b] When she finished, the two of them were silent. She was still holding his hands, but what was really startling was how she'd never noticed how cute he looked with his hair in his eyes like that. The feelings of confusion and excitement, that had never really left, resurged through her, and the rush led her to pull his face towards hers and kiss him. It was short, and just a touching of lips, but it felt so nice. So right. When she opened her eyes again, she saw Sammy (barely) standing in front of her, blushing a mad red color, and obviously trying to speak but having a hard time making anything come out. [b]"See you later then.. I guess,"[/b] Bianca mumbled, turning away and heading towards the way out.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Sora was growing more and more confident as the Emerald Tower came closer and closer. After all, what did he have to be worried about? He had rescued princesses before. Seven, in fact. And all at the same time, too. But as he thought, he began paying less and less attention to his teammates and where he was going. When he'd finally stopped to take a breather (after all, walking/running for who knows how far can really take it out of your feet), he called out, [b]"Hey guys! Hold up one second!"[/b] Sliding down against a tree he had randomly found, he took of his shoes and stretched his legs for a moment before putting them back on and standing back up again. He looked up, expecting to see everyone waiting for him, but there was nobody there. [b]"Um.. Guys?"[/b] Sora's confidence was quickly melting away. He was alone, and a forest had sprung up out of nowhere. [i]"I wondered why there was a tree in the middle of a field.."[/i] he thought for a moment. But no matter how freaked he was, he wasn't going to show it. Riku would never have let him live it down, and Sora wasn't going to relax even if he wasn't there anymore. He took a deep breath and grabbed one of the daggers that hung from his many straps and started out running. He could barely see the tip of Emerald Tower (or it looked like the tip of Emerald Tower, anyway), but it was good enough for him. He would run that way until he couldn't run anymore. Sora leapt through bushes, jumped from branches, and swung around tree trunks on his way. The path had disappeared long ago, but he hadn't expected it to stay long anyway -- that would've been too easy. There was still no sign to where the rest of his team had disappeared to. Hopefully, they hadn't been split up. That way, if he ran into one, he ran into them all. But he wasn't sure. As he was speeding through the foliage, Sora heard someone shouting. He couldn't make it out, but he thought for sure he recognized the voice as Yuna's. [b]"Yuna? ... Yuna, is that you?"[/b] he called back. He paused, waiting for the voice to echo back. [b]"Sora? I'm over here!"[/b] Following the sound of Yuna's calling, he managed to jump through the trees and literally run into her. Her armor kept her from feeling any of the impact, but had landed Sora on the ground. She held out a hand with an apologetic face on and a slightly embarrassed look on her face and helped him back up. He dusted himself off while telling her to think nothing of it. [b]"So, you got split up, too? I stopped for maybe ten seconds and you were all gone,"[/b] he sighed. [b]"Yeah. The trees kinda just.. appeared. They weren't in the distance or anything, or not that I noticed anyway. Then, I took a second to rest from walking with this heavy armor on, and you were all gone,"[/b] Yuna explained. Sora nodded, though he still had no idea what was going on. But since they both had experienced the same thing, it was almost a sure guess that Kuja and Mario were stranded in some other part of the magically appearing forest as well. [b]"Leave it to Mog to cheat us out of our goal again,"[/b] Sora sighed. And they had been doing so well, too. The four of them had made it almost to the Emerald Tower when the trees decided to show up. Mog was a clever little fellow, creating all these weird obstacles for the Legends. [b]"Don't worry Sora. We'll get to the tower. C'mon. This time, don't look away for a second, or you could be rearranged by the trees like last time,"[/b] Yuna encouraged. Sora nodded. [b]"We'll outsmart this challenge, and the next one after that!"[/b] And with that, the two ran off in search of their other two teammates.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Bianca was still a bit red after her embarrassing bump into Quincy before class, and the fact that she had been seated next to him wasn't helping her return to her regular color. The silent reading was nice, aside for the fact that she wasn't really reading. Her mind was only concentrated on what Quincy had said, and whether or not it meant anything, and if he knew she liked him already or not, and what her chances were with him, and what she would do if he turned her down, and so many other things all at once, she was beginning to get dizzy. The questions and doubt and worry flooded her mind, while her eyes constantly stole glances of him as he read his book quietly. And then, she began to wonder what he was thinking about while he calmly sat there, so peaceful and thoughtful, probably enjoying his book and not even knowing she was right there staring at him. Then she noticed she had been pretend-reading for the past ten minutes without flipping the page, and nearly ripped the page out as she turned it, hoping against hope that Quincy had not noticed. Bianca, taking a deep breath, waited as the thoughts in her head slowly quieted down until she could hear the murmurs and coughs of the rest of her class again. She turned the page of her book again (not wanting to forget again), and took another quick look at Quincy. However, this time, their eyes met. Their eyes were locked for what felt like forever, but was probably only a few seconds before each turned away. Bianca's head, having just quieted down, erupted into thought again. And she knew that her face was [i]still[/i] red.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]For the new job classes, it's obvious that some classes will be more desired than others (such as the generic knight class). So.. Is it first come first serve? Like, the first to post declares their choice and gets it? Or do we discuss it through PMs or the Mog House who will get what?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]I'm just really surprised [i]I[/i] didn't get voted off. >.< Sora's lost his buddy. D:[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]As Brandi went another way for the next class, Leah and Bianca continued together, and Leah planned to use the time for some 'fun'. [b]"Well, then I'm sure [i]you've[/i] already picked someone you'd like to go with,"[/b] Leah chuckled casually, grinning at Bianca, who returned the girl's grin with a glare. Leah perked up a little more, always amused when B became defensive. It meant plenty of blackmail material, if anything else. [b]"Oh? And what if I have?"[/b] she replied carefully, eyeing her friend. Leah's grin was beginning to spread, giving her a devilish look that Bianca did not welcome. [b]"C'mon B. You can tell me [i]anything[/i],"[/b] she winked, though the statement (and the wink) were less than reassuring. Bianca didn't really want to tell Leah, as she knew she would 'accidentally' repeat the name a bit too loud, allowing news to travel through the gossiping girls they were passing at the moment. [b]"I thought I might want to go with..."[/b] [b]"Oh spit it out already!"[/b] [b]"Fine! Quincy, alright!"[/b] Bianca shouted. The girls passing them at the moment turned to stare at the two girls for a moment before whispering as they continued. Bianca's mouth was hanging open at the sheer stupidity and misfortune of that particular action, and at how bad her luck was. [b]"Well shit,"[/b] she mumbled. Leah, however, was having a hard time walking she was laughing so hard. Wiping several tears away, she managed to spit out an apology, but Bianca was too pissed off at herself at yelling her answer to even care about Leah's laughing. The two reached their next class (English) and set their stuff inside. However, the class bell wasn't going to ring for another five minutes, so they thought they'd wait outside the classroom and talk some more. [b]"So what if he says no, huh? What am I going to do? Plus, by now, he's probably heard I want to go with him, so he'll be practicing how to turn me down gently,"[/b] Bianca rambled on in an unusually nervous fashion. [b]"Then you can go with Sammy,"[/b] Leah suggested, though Bianca had a difficult time determining whether she had said it as a genuine suggestion or just to bug her. [b]"For a date or as friends?"[/b] Bianca replied, raising an eyebrow. [b]"Which would you prefer? Or [i]rather[/i]... Which would--"[/b] [b]"Hey ladies,"[/b] came the familiar voice of their good friend. The two girls had almost forgotten that they had practically every class together. [b]"Well speak of the devil,"[/b] Leah chuckled in whisper, but Bianca swiftly jabbed her in the ribs. A clear signal she wanted her to shut up. [b]"Ow!"[/b] she cried quietly in protest. [b]"What's this? A secret from [i]me[/i]? You know, I'm bound to find out eventually. Even if it is 'girl talk', I'd like to be kept in the loop, y'know?"[/b] Sammy teased, grabbing them both into two simultaneous headlocks, though he was a bit gentler with them. [b]"Pssh. Good luck,"[/b] Bianca replied, blowing her bangs out of her face before sticking her tongue out at him. And with that, the class bell rang, and the three quickly ran into their seats before the teacher noticed.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. Kitty

    Ronin [Rated M]

    [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Tenshi Ayo [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Faction:[/b] Ronin [b]Personality:[/b] Ayo is a very quiet girl. She's not shy, she just doesn't feel there is any reason for her to speak up most of the time. Her actions explain better than her words, in her mind. She is also very patient. It takes a [i]lot[/i] to get her even the slightest bit annoyed. Ayo also hates attention, and is more likely to avoid any conflicts that will attract crowds, unless she feels she must take part. She always acts in a formal and very polite manner. It is near impossible to find her being casual, even when alone. [b]Appearance:[/b] Ayo is about 5'7", and is very light. Her startling red hair, when let down, reaches down to the small of her back, but she normally keeps it up in a bun. Ayo has fairly light skin and faded gray eyes. Underneath her black traveling robes that reach all the way down to her feet, she wears a crimson red kimino with decorative angels embroidered on it. Though many find it odd that she wears such formal wear even while walking down muddy roads in the rain, she finds it necessary. To be caught in a formal situation in nothing but casual walking clothes would be a disgrace. She wears a belt over her kimono for a place to keep her sword and sheath. [b]Weapon:[/b] Ayo carries around a single sword. It used to belong to her father, but she took it after he died. It has a name, though she only says it when she's in the mood to kill. It was dubbed 'akumu' (Japanese for 'nightmare'), though it used to be named 'engo' (Japanese for 'protection'). The hilt of the sword is a pair of feathery wings, and is a golden color. It is a slim sword, though reaches a good distance. Though Ayo only carries with her one weapon, she knows how to use throwing knives and muskets (though she feels both are cheap weapons in a fight). [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Ayo was one of (if not) the best traditional swordswomen, Lord Hoji ever took into service. Her mastery of so many swordsmanship styles was what made her desirable to her Daimyo, and a threat (or a death sentence) to whomever is unlucky enough to be her opponent. She fights with traditional sword fighting styles, but with her own 'accent', you could call it. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Ayo was the daughter of a samurai. His name was Hogosha Kane, and he was in the service of Lord Myoushu. Ayo's mother was afraid Kane would be upset that she did not bare him a son, but he seemed just as pleased, or even more so, to have a girl. When she was old enough, he made sure she learned how to use the sword. Girl or not, she would be the next great swordsman for his Daimyo. She was raised in a loving but very formal environment, and was taught both how to fight and be a lady. But she was still a kid. She would play with other children, cause trouble, get caught, be punished, then do it all over again. Though she was a girl, she was treated as one of the boys. Ayo's life was perfect. But things were not perfect for long. Ayo was twelve when her father was killed in an assasination attempt on Lord Myoushu's life. Ayo had never been shy, but after her father's death, she began to grow reclusive rapidly. Her mother tried to act like everything was normal, but that was just slowly making things worse. Ayo continued with her training, as she felt it was the only thing she could really count on, with her mother broken to pieces, her greedy Lord caring for no one but himself, and her friends doing nothing to help her. At the age of sixteen, she left her mother and Lord Myoushu behind. She had not officially become his samurai, and she doubted that he'd have even accepted her, and if he had, only for her to become his play thing. She left with only four things. Her father's sword, 'engo', her black traveling robes, the kimono her mother had just recently finished, and her favorite sandals. The moment she left, she dropped her last name, not wanting to dishonor her father by abandoning his Lord. Ayo was found four months later in the dominion of Lord Hoji, deprived of sleep and practically starving. She was invited in by one of the young mistresses roaming the halls of his manor and given a room. The next morning, she stumbled out to the temple to pray before going on her way when she literally bumped into Lord Hoji himself, though she did not know he was in fact the Lord of the manor. He saw her sword and asked why a woman was carrying around a sword. She told him her father had trained her to use it, and he laughed and asked her who her Lord was. When she answered that she didn't have one, he offered her a home in his manor, and she accepted happily. The last thing he asked her was what her family name was, but she told him she no longer had one, he said he'd just have to give her a new one. He called her Ayo Tenshi. She didn't question him, and the new name stuck. Over the next few years, she became one of his best and most dedicated warriors. [b]Character Snippet:[/b] The manor was quiet. It was the early morning; only a few others were awake. Ayo stepped out of her small room, dressed and ready to go. She would make a brief stop at the manor's shrine for a few minutes of prayer before going on her way. The manor was beautiful. Every aspect of it, indoors and outdoors. But Ayo was concentrated more on the outside. She stepped onto the stone path and walked the length of it, observing in awe the wonderful garden. As she stared into the water of the pond alongside the path, she felt herself run into something. Her attention snapped back to what was in front of her and she realized she had walked into a man. [b]"I'm terribly sorry,"[/b] she apologized, bowing low. [b]"No need, young miss. It was my fault. Tell me.. Are you new here?"[/b] the man asked. [b]"Um.. No. I was merely staying for the night. I thank you and your Lord for your hospitality,"[/b] she replied. Ayo bowed again before stepping past him. She had her robes on, but the end of her sheath must have been poking out for the man called her back once more. [b]'Do you carry.. a sword?"[/b] Ayo turned to face him and nodded in response. This man was nice, but she was steadily growing tired of his company. [b]"But are you not a woman?"[/b] [b]"Yes, I am a woman. And this is my sword. It belonged to my father. I shall use it until I cannot fight any longer,"[/b] she explained. The man let out a soft laughter, stroking his chin as he thought. [b]"That is most honorable. But, if you are a warrior, then who do you serve?"[/b] [b]"I have no lord,"[/b] Ayo replied quickly. [b]"Well, I am a Lord. Would you care to serve me?"[/b] he asked in a strangely casual way. Ayo was taken aback by this. This whole time she had been conversing (and growing annoyed with) a Lord. Lord Hoji raised an eyebrow at the long pause. When she snapped out of thought, she bowed again. [b]"It would be my honor, sir."[/b] [b]"Welcome to my manor. My name is Gasuke Hoji. Oh! That reminds me. What is your name?"[/b] Lord Hoji asked, realizing he had not gotten her name. [b]"Ayo."[/b] [b]"Simply Ayo? What is your family name?"[/b] [b]"I have none,"[/b] Ayo replied, though her voice quieted as she thought about why she had dropped her family name. [b]"Well.. Let me see your sword, Miss Ayo,"[/b] Hoji smiled. Pulling it out of its sheath, Ayo handed him her sword and he examined it. The hilt was a pair of angelic wings, and the blade was smooth and sharp. He handed it back to her with a kind grin on his face. [b]"Your sword's hilt. It has a pair of angel wings. Therefore, you are now Tenshi Ayo. 'Angel'. Now, I must get back before my tennants wonder where I have run off to. I hope to see you around the manor."[/b] With that, Lord Hoji walked down the rest of the stone path and up into the hallway. Ayo watched him go, staring in both a respectful awe, and slight worry. But she shook it off and continued on her way to the shrine to pray before she returned to put her stuff away in her new room. -- I've got most of the sign up done. It's just too late for me to finish, since it's 11:30 my time, and I need to wake up in six and a half hours. I'll edit the remaining parts ASAP. EDIT: Okay, so it's after midnight. At least I got it done. =P[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [color=#006aaf][size=1]I, for one, think this is a cool idea and I've been having fun, so I will [b]not[/b] be dropping out (just to reassure those with any doubt). It's just been kinda messed up by *cough* a certain few people. v.v And with more people leaving, it's getting stressful for our hostess. It's unfair to do that to her. D: *pats Citrus*[/size][/color]
  21. Kitty

    Art for Zan

    [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Gift for Sean! ^o^ Happy birthday!
  22. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Sora, still new to the experience of being mushroom-enhanced, stumbled about awkwardly for a good three minutes before he could walk without bumping into anything or tripping over his own large feet. When he'd finally gotten used to the experience, he let out a sigh. [b]"There.. Not so hard.."[/b] He continued on his way for a bit before seeing the large Mario grow even larger. And as his eyes scaled the now quite-tall teammate of his, Sora spotted a platform above the bright red hat. A platform with a fairly noticable mushroom on top. And so, he hatched a plan. He took a few steps back before breaking out into a sprint. He planned to run up Mario's side before he noticed the platform or Sora himself, leap off the top of his hat, and then grab that mushroom. In his head, he had made a pretty little diagram. The phases were, "Run", "Climb" and "Eat". No matter how elementary school this 'diagram' was (with most likely had stick figures and bad handwriting), he grinned proudly, even though he was the only one who could see it, as he sped onward. [b]"Hey Mario!"[/b] Mario turned his head slowly, as the new size prevented him from moving all that fast. [b]"Yes-a? Who-a is it?"[/b] Without an answer, Sora began sprinting up the side of the now-large italian plumber (feeling slightly insulted that he was shorter than Mario, who was most likely the shortest player with legs) until he reached his hat. Then he took a couple of practice bounces before leaping towards the platform. He grabbed the edge with his left hand, and began to pull himself up. When he was safely on the grassy platform, he laid down and let out a sigh of relief. [b]"Thanks bud,"[/b] Sora grinned. Before waiting for Mario's response (or even recognition), he stood up and walked around, trying to find the mushroom he'd thought he had spotted. And then, he saw it in the mouth of a very angry goomba. [b]"Not another one of [i]you[/i],"[/b] Sora growled, remembering his last encounter with an unfriendly goomba. But he knew how to handle it. Pulling out his keyblade, he threw it and, amazingly, hit his target. [b]"Ha! I could be a better pitcher than Riku, I bet!"[/b] Putting his rivalry aside (for but a moment), he grabbed the mushroom that had fallen to the ground after the goomba poofed away. Again, he grimaced as he shoved it down his throat before his next unusual growth 'spurt'. [b]"Yummy,"[/b] he shuddered.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1][b]"Well.. I guess we've pounded you enough. I'll go,"[/b] Bianca said. [b]"Well.. My name is Bianca Traise, but you can just call me B if you want. I was born and lived in New York City through the end of middle school, then moved here the summer before my freshman year of high school. I like drawing, reading, hanging out with friends, playing games, and going to parties. My closest friends are Sammy and Leah, but I'm also friends with Alex and Michael and some others."[/b] [b]"I've never heard anyone call you 'B' before,"[/b] Daine noted when Bianca had finished. [b]"Well, they used to. Back in my freshman and sophomore years."[/b] [b]"Why?"[/b] Jason asked. [b]"I dunno. Sammy's old pals came up with it. Ask them. Come to think of it, it's only Sammy and his friends that actually call me that anymore.."[/b] Bianca trailed off. [b]"Um.. How 'bout you go next Daine?"[/b] Jason suggested, turning to Daine.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Bianca frowned when she looked down at her list. She didn't know Daine very well, though she'd been paired up with her once before for a science project earlier in the year. This Jordan kid, however, she didn't know at all. She glanced around the room, unable to determine which face was the mysterious boy on her list. And worse, Quincy wasn't grouped with her. But what was most disappointing was that she wasn't even paired up with a friend. She looked over towards Sammy, who was talking with the teacher. He glanced at her and she waved. He smiled and waved back before Mrs. Flohr barked for his attention (even though he was standing right in front of her). [b]"Oh well,"[/b] she said with a sigh, [b]"I'll live."[/b] She walked over to Daine, who she knew and recognized, and sat down next to her. [b]"Hey Bianca,"[/b] Daine smiled, recognizing her old acquaintance. [b]"Hey. So... Do you know this Jordan guy? I've got no clue who he is,"[/b] Bianca sighed, looking around some more in an attempt to pick out a guy who had no group. [b]"Um.. I think he's Jordan."[/b] [b]"Point him out. I still don't see him."[/b] [b]"Over there by Alex. With the brown hair."[/b] Bianca's gaze traveled over the many faces gathered together and recognized Alex's almost immediately. Next, she examined the faces near his for brown hair and spotted one boy. She motioned for him to come over and he did quickly. [b]"Are you Bianca and... Daine?"[/b] The two girls nodded. [b]"Grab a seat,"[/b] Daine said kindly. He grinned before quickly turning around and pulling one of the desks closer. [b]"So.. Who wants to start?"[/b] Bianca asked, slumbing in her seat.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=#006aaf][SIZE=1]Sora had watched in awe as his teammates grew in size. He had always felt sort of small, and this was not helping. And worst of all, Riku had already found a mushroom. Before him! [b]"Gah.. Stupid Riku.."[/b] he growled. That was it. With Mario being the only other teammate of his left without a mushroom, he placed his keyblade on his belt and followed the italian man in the blue overalls. However, this was Mario's homeworld. He was already comfortable with the way things worked, but Sora was clueless. When he shrugged at one of the ugly mutated mushrooms that was waddling their way, Mario explained to him what exactly the weird creatures called "goombas" were and how to squish them. Immediately, he tried it out. [b]"That's fun!"[/b] he cheered, grinning back at Mario. He ran over to another Goomba and stomped on it as well, flattening it until it dispersed into a small cloud of pixels. [b]"But wait a minute.. How does getting rid of these little guys get me a mushroom?"[/b] He turned to ask Mario his question, when he saw his teammate grab his own mushroom. [b]"You have [i]got[/i] to be kidding me!"[/b] Sora cried in frustration. He was growing impatient and angry, being left behind. With his attention on other things, a goomba waddled up to him and bit his leg. [b]"OW!"[/b] The sudden pain sent him soaring upwards, only to be stopped by a painfully hard brick a second later. He floated back down to the ground, the broken pieces of the brick falling around him. He took a second to recover when he realized his skull was still in one piece. [b]"Lucky me,"[/b] he grumbled. He sat up slowly, rubbing his aching head. [b]"I'm never going to find a mushroom.."[/b] he sighed, resting his head on his fist. He reached down to pick up a brick to throw at an approaching goomba when he saw it. It was a mushroom. The top was red with white spots and it had eyes on it. He grabbed it and examined it. [b]"Isn't it supposed to make me bigger when I touch it? Or do I have to.."[/b] He grimaced at the thought of eating such a thing, having no idea what it would taste like. And who knew the side affects? (Other than growing bigger - that's a given.) But he would rather risk a stomach ache than let his team down. [b]"Bon appétit,"[/b] Sora grumbled before opening wide and stuffing the odd fungi in his mouth. Swallowing loudly, he felt strange for a moment before spontaneously growing larger. [b]"Wow.. So this is what it feels like to be tall."[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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