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Everything posted by Ninja-Magus

  1. Well... I got my WACOM tablet today, so I thought I'd color up Shiden ;)! [b]Go here if the image doesn't work: [url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/5748551/[/url][/b] [img][/img]
  2. Just a few sketches I did today and yesterday. I'm not going to finalize Valcri or Evene. Valcri looks silly on purpose :P. Shiden *will* be finalized. [b]Crits are welcome of course, as long as it's not crits on Valcri's anatomy![/b] If the images don't work, go here- [url=http://www.deviantart.com/view/5740115/]Valcri[/url] [url=http://www.deviantart.com/view/5740144/]Evene[/url] [url=http://www.deviantart.com/view/5740182/]Shiden[/url] Valcri (she looks silly on [b]PURPOSE[/b]) [img][/img] Evene [img][/img] Shiden [img][/img]
  3. Heh heh... started the picture yesterday, finished it today ;). No, that is not his penis hanging out of his pants... it says "Pokemon", lol. [b]If the image doesn't work, go here: [url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/5604112/[/url][/b] Everything done by me. Maximo pencils to complete CG. I did the entire BG by mouse >_
  4. Thnx guys. And what do you mean you use it as your AIM buddy picture O_O? It's not like it's some random image I found on the internet... lol. That's a picture of me that I edited in Photoshop O_O.
  5. This contest failed misserably last time it started (back in late summer I think). I dunno if I wanna enter this O_O
  6. Got her/him/it done finally :P. I thought I would try out some greenery and some space... just a mix of things. BG was completely done by me and my mouse >_< Colors by me: [url]http://ninja-magus.deviantart.com/[/url] Line Art Oni: [url]http://opticneuralinterface.deviantart.com/[/url] [b]If the image doesn't load, go here [url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/5224811/[/url][/b] [img][/img]
  7. Just a new design for Den. I took Ninjor out of the story and combined his attitude and design with Den. Puts more coolness behind his gothic character. His shorts (yes they're shorts) are actually baggier than shown here... I just didn't have a reference when drawing them. He was a full picture down to the feet... but his lower body was horrid so I cut him in half :P. Don't worry, the completion of my Aliens pic is soon (if you dunno what I'm talkin about, that's even better). [b]Go here if the image isn't working: [url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/5217786/[/url][/b] [img][/img]
  8. Thnx again guys :). It really would be a dream come true to be considered a professional artist and make money at doing what I love to do ;D!
  9. Ha ha ha ha... thnx a lot :)! I'm not a professional at all. Just a 17 year old kid that dreams of becomming one :P!
  10. Gj Dan :)! Coheed and Cambria is one of my favorite bands ;). As for the image error, I edited the post to provide a link to my DA entry of the same image. The picture took me about 8+ hours to color.
  11. Ya ya... it's been some time since I've posted an image. But I've been kinda lazy, and I've been out of a webhost. The guy that hosted my previous stuff is in the process of getting things working again, so you'll have to bear with me on this Angelfire crap. I hope I don't get my user deleted again for exceeding bandwith limits over 25 times in a month :D!! [b]If the image isn't working, go here [url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/4856651/[/url][/b] Line Art by [url=http://www.artisticways.com/]Yrindale[/url] Colors by Me [url=http://ninja-magus.deviantart.com/](My mini-website)[/url] [img]http://mbnet.fi/zenbie/uploaded/yrin_drag.jpg[/img]
  12. Hey there everyone... it's been quite some time since I've posted some art up... but no one really cares now do they? Didn't think so ;). I needed to do some practice since I've been procrastinating for the past 2 or 3 months... lol. Full credit goes to [url]http://b33lz3bub.deviantart.com[/url] for the line art. Full credit to me for the colors. I just played around w/the colors cause I wasn't sure what I liked best... so I put out 3 different color combos: Blue Version- [url]http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/4594509/[/url] Green Version- [url]http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/4594529/[/url] Black Version- [url]http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/4594574/[/url]
  13. Hurray! A reply! heh. Seems if something isn't anime in most of the forums I post at... I don't get replies -_-. Thnx for the comment :)!
  14. This project has been done for about a month now, but I just got pictures taken of it and put online. Make sure to remember that you can click on the two links below to see detail shots. Original is 20.5x30" [url=][img][/img][/url] Details~ [url=]Upper Body[/url] [url=]Lower Body[/url]
  15. Ha ha ha! Yay! 100/10! I think thats pretty hard to achieve :P. I'm going to print this colored version out and send it along with my line art version to Shonen Jump for some contest. I doubt it will mean anything to them, but I'd still like to have people look at it.
  16. Ha ha ha... I had a lot of fun adding the blood :D!! I had it only on the face, and I thought that wasn't enough so I went back and added more on the scythe. Twas a fun picture to work on :P
  17. Thnx everyone :D! Lol... that manga is old stuff :P. Tokyopop is comming up with their next contest in January, and I'm working on the story for that right now. I think that's the major reason I got my butt kicked is because I was rushed (didn't find out about the contest until the near end of the last month of the contest) through it. I'm hoping that my next one will be something worth considering for them. Thnx again :P~
  18. Geez! Finally got this thing done... dunno how long this took me, but I know it was easily over 10 hours. I'm very pleased with the results :D! Hey, I don't think it's that bad for a 17 year-old. [url=][img][/img][/url]
  19. Actually... I could take out the skull in the background completely if it was too distracting. I was told by a few others that that wouldn't be a bad idea. What do you say? [IMG][/IMG] Leaving all that space open won't really be too much of a bother because I'm going to keep it darker shades, so it won't draw your attention away from the kid.
  20. Thnx for the comments Dan. The flame will be back on the CG version... I wanna do it completely on the computer.
  21. Wow... I finally got this freakin picture inked O_O. I put a skull in the background to add to the darkness. I guess it has been sometime since I've posted an image. CG will be soon hopefully, and one last thing, I changed his name from Ninjor to Shiden if I haven't said that already [url=][img][/img][/url]
  22. Ja, I considered the new name idea, and I believe it needed changing too. There will be a Ninjor character, however, it won't be this person. I'm thinking I'll have Ninjor be the best ninja ever to exist, but he doesn't fight, he's the narrator (me)! New name: Shiden Meaning: Purple lightning, flash or swordflash. [i]Japanese[/i] I know that a scythe isn't a sword, thus couldn't have a sword flash, but Shiden still sounds good.
  23. Well, I'm glad that someone's parents find the image cool as well.. heh heh. I need to hurry up and ink it, I'm getting distracted too much by Neverwinter Nights -_-.
  24. Heh, I just got a reply about that on the forum I was just at. Its an upside down cross tattoo, not a patch/band aide. It will be more clear when I ink and CG it. Thnx for the replies~
  25. Maybe I did stress his scythe (thats what the "little staff thing" is properly called :P) accessories a little too much. I would be kind of hard to utilize w/the amount of hand space he has to use it (even though its not that small of a hand space). Thnx anyways~
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