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Everything posted by Ninja-Magus
The first design of Ninjor was MUCH to plain and boring for me to let it be. So I decided to soup him up... alot :p! I finally got myself some 11x17" paper so I can draw larger and add much more detail than I used to. I figured I needed it when I recently started drawing keeping the 8.x11" paper side ways all the time, and I would run out of room for the top and bottom of the picture! What better size to choose than this, because this is the size most pros use for their comic pages (before ruling to a slightly smaller size as you know). [url=http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden][img]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/new_ninjor.jpg[/img][/url]
I believe your faces could be considered professional work, but your bodies are sub-par and do not live up to your face work. All I can say is practice =\. Try to fill the bodies out and give them depth. Its hard to explain, but I'm just not picking up any life out of the body like I am the faces.
Ya, like I said, I had to write the story while I was drawing, and was not a good idea to do that at all, because I didn't know what I was going to do on the next page almost all the time =\. I started it in mid August, but thats not gunna happen again. I'm starting the story for the next contest now. And I've taken 2 hours just to write the first 6 pages. Then I'm going to show it to people, tell me what they like/don't like, then fix it, then ask again. I want to make sure the story works.
20 to 40 in this 2nd contest, yes... but I heard that there was a 17 year old that won the first one. I've already started the story for my manga now, because I really really really need to focus on a story thats gripping, and makes you want to read the next issue if there was one. I'm thinking about planning a whole month on just the story. I'm up to page 5 in text right now, but I'll go back SEVERAL times to make it better and better. I also need to work on BGs, because the story I'm going to use now happens all in the big city. Another contribution to my failure last time was the size of paper I used. It was like... smaaaalll. Very limited area. I'm using full 11x17 paper now, so I can add tons more detail to the art, especially with city shots.
If you think about it, my story about religion should have HELPED. They said they want stories that are unique in the rules... and I bet I'm probbaly the only one that had something religious. Oh well... my next story is going to be about a character of mine being hired to kill a president of a crim syndacite.
How did you see several peoples' entries? Did you just know a bunch of friends that entered? Or is there somewhere online that you can see who entered what... If there is somewhere online that has to do with this competition, even if somehow you can see what judges thought about some, please, post a link here!
My website is down.... again... and its really starting to piss me off. Its down 80% of the time. Anyways, I did to CG, and they ARE able to print out CG. There is absolutely no difference if you draw an X or O on paper, as long as they're both B&W, they'll both print. What I'm getting to is that its not abot having a problem w/the CGing, its just they probably didn't like the fact I did all the B&W shading on computer. BUT, "Fowl Play" looks like it might have been done using computer, and I also heard a winner from the first one also used computer. I think the biggest reason was my story.
Klin, its impossible. Check the link I gave in my first post, it shows all of the winners. I am not disappointed that I didn't win, seriously. Having not won just makes me even more inspired to win the next one! I also have bigger paper, more skill, and MUCH MUCH MUCH more time to work on it. Believe me, I think I might be able to place in the top 10 next time, because I'm gunna work my ******** a** off to do it. Here is my entry. [url]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Page1%20copy.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Page2%20copy.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Page3%20copy.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Page4%20copy.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Page5%20copy.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Page6%20copy.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Page7%20copy.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Page8%20copy.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Page9%20copy.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Page10%20copy.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Page11%20copy.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Page12%20copy.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Page13%20copy.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Page14%20copy.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Page15%20copy.jpg[/url]
I told you guys I entered in a manga contest for Tokyopop about two months ago, and it seems I didn't win. I never got an email from them, so I didn't get my hopes up. I'm not disppointed in myself, but rather disappointed in the winners. You can see samples of their art for their self portrait images here. [url]http://www.tokyopop.com/news/mangatalent/index.php[/url] A huge reason on why I didn't win was probably because I heard about the contest 2 months late (the contests runs for 3 months), and I had to throw a story together WHILE drawing.... heh heh (not a good idea :P!). I know my art is a lot better than some of theirs, but I like how Shatia Hamilton's and Nicholas Liaw's work looked, the rest I thought were pretty poor. I guess I'll make the story for the next contest in a few months being about killing the judges because I didn't make it in the top ten for this one :flaming:!
.... a 10 year old kid is sexy? Scary... but thnx :p
I start out with circles, then go straight to details. Unfortunately, I cannot show you something I drew when I was 14, because I started drawing when I was 16 =\. Yes, I've been a serious artist for 15 months. Not very long.
Hmm... sorry, but I really don't see it, so I dunno where it would be from -_-
Thank you for the comments/crits. I see the problem w/the arms, and its that his bicep is a tad too long, and his forearm is a tad too short. I should have switched the lenghts and I think it would have made it look better. I'm still an amateur though, so I'm learning as I go. Thnx again~
Workin on some new characters for Gedden... I came up w/this kid. He resembles me and Ninjai at the same time. Only thing is, is that Ninj0r is darker than Ninjai :p! [img]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Ninj0r%20copy.jpg[/img]
Thnx guys. I'm 17 years-old, and it took me about 2.5 hours to do it I believe. Check out [url=http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden]my website[/url] for more pics and my profile.
Yeah.. I'm pretty sure most of you have seen my pic of Aldaran before, but I added a BG for some fun. I'm still thinking about how I'm going to make the BG work on my current pic. [url=http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden][img]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Aldaran%20Raining.jpg[/img][/url]
What is he from? He's an original character from me. He's in my comic Gedden. He's the main character, a protagonist, whose feelings and actions are based off of what I'd do in the situations I put him in.
This is the newest version of Den, and is also a larger size of Den in my newest pic. Den was done on 8.5x11 paper, but the BG is on 14x14 paper. So, the ending pic will have a large BG behind him. The line above Den will not be in the picture either. Its just a little boo boo :p [img]http://www.kungfoogamers.com/~gedden/Gladiator%20Den%20Detail.jpg[/img]
Lol... and I love how Sky3 didn't say anything about my picture ;)... thnx a lot mod :(. NE ways, thnx teh comments, and I will work with making a more humanly rested/leaning look than just a retarded tilt look ^.^...
Ack! I finally got it colored. I dunno how long I spent on this.... I just know I'm VERY pleased w/the results. Remember, put your brightness and contrast to 100 on yer monitor if its too dark. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Nahal_in_Tyre_copy.jpg[/img] Check my site Deviant site. [url]http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/3010736/[/url] [color=teal]Post edited. That last comment may have offended some members/vistors reading. -Syk3[/color]
He is tilted on purpose, cause yes, he's leaning on the wall... I'm hoping that when I color it it will show it better
I looked a real picture of Aldaran, and saw that MY version was quite different than the real thing... so I decided to use "My Aldaran Version" as the design for my character Nahal. This is him in the city of Tyre.... when the pic is colored I'll explain a tad more about the pic. If my angelfire is being gay (which it is every now and then), just use the DA link below the pic. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Nahal_in_Tyre.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/2986956/[/url]
When I first started working w/advanced shades a few months ago, I work with the "Flow" thingy up top... but working with the "Opacity" is much better, believe me. Thnx for the comments!
I believe this is my best CGing yet, considering I didn't use the dodge or burn tool once! [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Aldaran_Color_copy.jpg[/img] [color=teal]EDIT:[/color]Here is the link to the picture. [url]http://images.deviantart.com/i/2003/36/1/5/Aldaran_in_Color.jpg[/url] [color=teal]Please do not double post. There is an Edit button at the bottom of your posts to prevent this. I also took out that one comment you made, of which some people here may take offense to. -Syk3[/color]
The colored version is up, make sure you check it out to help my self-esteem! lol