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Everything posted by Ninja-Magus

  1. Thnx guys... sorry about the confusion Spikey. There are no clouds. When I color it, you will be able to see the hand more. It just may be a tad hard to tell of it at the moment. Thnx again!
  2. If I don't win, so be it. Those were the last pages, so thats at the end of the manga, so if they really don't want any cliff hangers, then I won't win =\. At least I'll be able to say I did something.
  3. This is a fan art of Aldaran from Shidima. A dead story created by Dreamwave Prod. I will color it soon... I might do more of a cel shade to it too. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Aldaran_copy.jpg[/img]
  4. Lol... thank you... go ahead and steal em, I got plenty more copies where that came from ;)!
  5. I still don't know how I'd fair w/the other aritsts though..... I didn't get the chance to see what the past winners' work looked like.
  6. As I said, if I get in the top 10, and you buy the Rising of the Stars manga, you'll find out about the story :p
  7. I entered a 15 page submission to the "Rising of the Stars" manga competition for the summer. I'll show you 5 of the pages. The last 5, my best drawn and laid out pages. I improved w/every page I did, thats why my last ones where my best. You will see only the last page has a page number. For the printing, I went back and added page numbers to all the pages. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Page11_copy.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Page12_copy.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Page_13_copy.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Page14_copy.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Page15_copy.jpg[/img]
  8. Thnx for the comments guys. And Klanime, I know what yer talkin about, cause one of my friends said the same thing. We came to the conclusion that it might be his croth area. He should have some more space for his "package" to breathe, a w/the lack of space there, it looks kinda womanish.
  9. Just got back from a summer camp, and I had no computer there so these sketches are done in pencil shading. Probably the first you've seen from me, other than the charcoal pictures a few months ago. Badar from Gedden [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Badar_Sketch.jpg[/img] Nahal from Gedden [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Nahal_Sketch.jpg[/img]
  10. You saw my 2 previous images, but I just put them all together. Here are my 3 entries. Enjoy ;)! Image 1 - [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Feing_copy.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Feing_copy.jpg[/url] Image 2 - [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Magus_Sunset_copy.jpg[/img] [url]http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/anime/Magus_in_the_Sunset.jpg[/url] Image 3 - [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Den_Blast.jpg[/img] [url]http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/anime/Den_Blast.jpg[/url]
  11. You cannot enter pictures if you did not sign up, and I believe the sign ups have ended... at least over a week ago. Sorry to burst your bubble. But if you DID sign up, have fun ;)!
  12. Well.... it seems I can't use the edit feature, so here is my 2nd entry. First entry is on the 1st page. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Magus_Sunset_copy.jpg[/img] [url]http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/anime/Magus_in_the_Sunset.jpg[/url]
  13. Here is my entry. If you have problems seeing it, turn your brightness to 100 on yer monitor. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Feing_copy.jpg[/img]
  14. Hmm... I forgot that the contest started today, and I entered in an Art Battle today w/someone in another forum. So..... when is this picture due? That way I know by when I have to submit my picture.
  15. Sara: I tried to make them look human!! My inexperience drags me down, *sigh*. I believe I've already told u guys this, but I've only been drawin for 1 year and 1 month, so that tells you I have a lot to learn. WW2: If I believe correctly, I think they're both wrapped in belts... cause in the episode "Diablo", when he does that crazy *** octopus thing, his right arm is in belts.... maybe they both are, but I do know that his left arm is his robotic one. Thnx for the comments and crits!
  16. I postponed Gedden, cause I dun think I'm good enough, so I'm drawing and coloring a picture a day in hopes to get good enough to the point I feel that I'm ready to do Gedden. I'm improving quickly (I'm not bragging), so when I do page 1, it looks different than page 3 because I've already learned that much more of what and what not to do =\. The first picture of Vash you saw from my wasn't my drawing, just some CG practice, but this one is my drawing, cause u can tell from its level of suck. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Vash_the_Stampede_copy.jpg[/img] [url]http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/anime/Vash_the_Stampede_by_Me.jpg[/url]
  17. Nothin I can really say about this, other than it was a request from a friend. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Akisu_copy.jpg[/img] [url]http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/anime/Akisu_in_the_Sky.jpg[/url]
  18. I want to be put into the manga/anime section. I wanna draw!!
  19. Aaahh.. I understand what you're saying now.. thnx Spikey, I'll keep it in mind. Ruby, I start out w/a stick figure, then go straight to details. The piping stage is actually rather useless =\. I was also told to do ALL the skin of the body first, but I heard that from Marvel... and I honestly think Marvel is kinda of lame =\. They have "skin tight clothing" most of the time, and don't really draw clothes on them.... they just do the muscles and change the color and say its their "skin tight clothing". Anyways what I was trying to say is I do all the details at once, because drawing the skin is a useless waste of time. I'll draw a guidline though (hardly even piping =\) when I apply clothing just to make sure I keep the anatomy underneath in mind.
  20. The ribs?? They're not even showing O_O... I'm kinda confused Spikey :(. Ruby, I use no style. I use my style :p. I don't want my work to look like every other anime, but if I have my own individual style (and I become famous, which I dunno about X_X) people would be able to recognize that that was my art. And Shippo..... lol, thnx ;)
  21. Please, do post what reason you do not give it a 10/10. I know its not a perfect picture :p, but if you tell me things you see that aren't right, that just helps me all the more!
  22. This is a pic I entered in another fun contest, but its actually the concept art of Mel in Gedden...... I needed to get ideas out, and I think I like this look. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/gedden/Mel_copy.jpg[/img] [url]http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/anime/Dens_brother_Mel.jpg[/url]
  23. Sorry, I'll just remove it.... no one wants to see my crap sig anyways =\
  24. Ha ha ha, yes it was at Otakuboard.com actually ;)! Thank you for your comment, but as we both know, a lot of people don't care... so they don't even look, especially reply if they DO look, because they're lazy, or just don't like the picture =\. Well, I think its neat! lol.... YOU'LL ALL BE SORRY WHEN I'M FAMOUS!! CURSES!! lol
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