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Radical Ed

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Everything posted by Radical Ed

  1. this has been bothering me on who is the most popullar character on yu-gi-oh? SETO is mine!:)
  2. wave master hands down i just like magic!
  3. Great episode and quite creepy i give it a 9/10 great episode poor Tsukasa got the crap beat out of him poor thing...
  4. I pick sora because...well i just think he's funny,but so is mimiru.
  5. Crim of coarse could beat Tsukasa *hate 2 admite it* i didnt see that episode,but it sounds like poor Tsukasa got beat.
  6. I think that cat (sorry can't remember his name) knows where the key is that's why he stoped Tsukasa,Mimiru,and Bear so they didnt find out and Aura probabley (sorry can't spell good) knows where it is 2 so the cat just uses the guardian.
  7. my rarest card is the blue eyes white dragon my friend will soon give me 2 god cards and a toon world,but my favorite will always be my blues eyes. *smiles and looks at her card* ah cute little dragon.
  8. first time i saw dothack it was sweet,but then i wondered how they did play it i mean i thought it was just a key board and there ya go,but now this is getting more confusing! Subaru crying and everything now it seems more like vertual reality ah this is confusing me,well anybody who finds out what it is pm me it will clear things up now i'll think of this all nite ah man.
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