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Flamme Immorale

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About Flamme Immorale

  • Birthday September 8

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  1. Better graphics? That's a bit of an understatement when you compare the two games. The second largest complaint about Xenosaga was the graphics. This game series will be going on for the next 5 years, at least. You can't really expect them to stay in a stone age if the bronze has become available.
  2. [url]http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~nanko/news.cgi?id=2003071611[/url] Am I ever glad they changed styles with this game. I mean, look how SEXY those graphics are. Can't wait for this game to come out. My theories need something more to base them on! There really isn't much to say about the news report though. Just that you can use your Episode 1 data with E2.
  3. Like I said, judging a skill is an opinion based on good or bad. Not based on who your favorite is. If you bring who is a better character into an arguement, you are not discussing what the afore metioned topic is about. So therefore, the topic is who do you think is the best skilled gun fighter. Not who is your favorite.
  4. [quote]Perhaps as long as there are stupid people there will be war.[/quote] A comment about the stupid people: They don't start wars. They don't have the power. It's the mental geniuses who start them and fool the less inteligent tho follow them blindly. Of course, without those same geniuses, there would be no technology to BETTER our world. We wouldn't even be in a stone age if not for them. Pacifism is not possible. Domon said it himself, it is human nature to fight. If one nationed believed it could strive without developing weapons of, at least, protection, it would fall. Gundam Wing is an anime. As difficult as this is to say and hear, anime is not real life. (Someone hold me.. ;_;)
  5. It was a good anime, but I would never calssify it as the best. Every character except Spike and Jet were horrible. Ed was annoying and never really funny. She was the Jar Jar Binks of CB. Ein.. well, he was algiht for a dog. Faye was an annoying *****. Her whole "rip off Spike and Jet" attitude got old fast. It shows that the guys who made CB weren't trying very hard when I watched Wolf's Rain.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GoKents [/i] [B]Its not about who is best, just who is your fav.[/B][/QUOTE] It really isn't. Marksmanship is a skill. All skills can be judged. If one does a better job, they are the best. Judging "good and bad" is a matter of opinion, but it is not a matter of favorites. I would have to go with Vash T.S. on this one, ladies. I mean, like the first reply said, he can go without killing anyone in a shootout. When he had to kill Legato, it wasn't anything to do with his skill since it was the only way to save Meryl and Milly.. Millie... how ever the hell you spell it.
  7. My parents aren't white trash, really. They accept that fact that other cultures (even ones that made horrible mistakes in the past, America isn't a Saint nation) have their own thing and are not about to "dislike anime." They may dislike certain animes, but not because they are Japanese animation.
  8. Eh.. Legato was a pansy. Here's my simple little destktop featuring the face of Kiba, as a wolf, from Wolf's Rain. I'm still looking for Wolf's Rain icons... [img]http://www.digitalbrain.com/vicidian/web/desk07-03.JPG[/img]
  9. Xenosaga had good graphics? Ugh.. gah.. did they have a meeting about this? Damnit.. Why didn't anyone tell me?
  10. You might wish to add a [url]www.[/url] to the address if your browser cannot find the server.
  11. Oh, no.. I'm sorry. I must have worded it wrong. I meant, in the REAL world, mobile suits would not be practical weapons of war.
  12. Newtypes are actually the cause of everything in Gundam X. And their powers are not impersonations. They have the same abilities as the newtypes in the UC series, except in the end Newtypes don't really exist. Perhaps the only flaw that made me hate the series. The only two series that didn't have newtypes are Gundam Wing and G-Gundam. In a technical sense, however, Hero and Zechs were newtypes. The only two pilots who could control the Zero system. The only difference in a newtype series was Gundam SEED. They weren't "evolved" men. They were genetically altered. Something much more believable, I may add, than a rapid evolution over the course of 80 years of space colonizaation. I'm sorry, but I don't understand what your first parapgrah's point is. Ir's probably something I should notice esaily... Is it about the practicality of mobile suits?
  13. Best. Anroid. Anime. Evar. Seriously, that's all I can really say. Jiro is really the first android that actually becomes a human being. Self-preservation, the ability to love in all forms, a conscience, self-awareness.. a non-cliche persona.
  14. Three replies for such a ******* masterpiece?! Egads, folks... I love Wolf's Rain! I can't wait for my DVDs to get here. Damn shipping time from Japan. Anyways, to the topic.. It's a perfect story of a quest to paradise. When I first started watching, I had no idea where they were going with it. Especially Cheza. I was figuring she was going to be the silent figure throughout the whole story, never actually playing a true role, only a speculative role. The slow character development was probably my only problem with it. The characters were all great once I finally knew whom they were and now are. The slow progression of Kiba to the leader of the pack was a nice touch too. I would have expected him to just be plopped in there like every other leader in an anime. And the fact that he isn't perfect really adds to the idea of a real wolf pack. Tsume always guiding Kiba in the world of man he was naive to. Always brining him back to reality when he sucombed to Cheza's scent. It also seems to be the first anime that actually made me cry, as much as I don't really enjoy admitting it. I felt a connection to the characters, and when they hurt it made me feel sad. Especially episode.. 10? with the Blue incident. Oy, when I thought what was going to happen I felt sad. And the music is splendid! I listen to the OST so often. In my opinion, it is Yoko Kanno-sama's best work ever. It really went with the series, an eloquent dance of happiness and sorrow... Enough of that now.
  15. I suggest you start with one of the AU series. They seem to do much better with newbits to Gundam. Plus, the story is complete in less than several hundered episodes and many movies. Hm... It all really depends on what your looking for; a one night stand or a long-term commitment through thick and thin? If you have the cash, import Gundam SEED. It's much more believable in the big picture than even the earlier UC Gundam series. It still has all the action-packed fight scenes everyone loves, but mobile suits are more practical. Plus the characters and story are much more nicely done than any AU series and quite a few UC. If you aren't a big fan of subtitles nor fluent in Japanese, just stick with Wing. Hell, as long as it's been on DVD over here, the prices should have dropped and you can probably get it for rather cheap.
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