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Everything posted by ladyperson7890

  1. actually i learned that they change the words when they "translate" it into english...this is one the the many reasons i want to learn Japanese... -Ladyperson7890
  2. anime doesn't effect me grade wise...it effects my w/ the language they speak, Japanese anime has driven me to learn Japanese so bad that i have my friend Masumi talking to me in Japanese at school...sometimes she gets mad at me...lol but w/ the drawing...i used to draw dbz characters...but i can't draw so i quit lol
  3. most of the kids at my school dont know what trigun is when i ask them...or InuYasha...or anyother except for dbz..but i dont ask them about that... but my friends Shadow&Midnight, Matt, and Wendy and her sisters... love to watch InuYasha on adult swim...so they know what im talking about when i say Trigun or Blue Gender or InuYasha or Cowboy Bebop or Slayers...or even sometimes we discuss dbz... but other than them no one knows what im talking about...(besides my parents)especially my cousins...but thats another story...:demon:
  4. actually im 13 and in about the same boat as Yalborap... and at night i have to record InuYasha ,Blue Gender, and Trigun if i want to watch it later...(since school started i have to go to bed early) and every once in a while my mom and dad will watch teh shows w/ me. lady who tried to sue = evil....... i call people evil 24/7 so to let you know im just jokin around... -Ladyperson7890 :stupid:
  5. I don't know about other people...but i could watch InuYasha and Excel Saga over and over again... it's just that they're so Hilarious...InuYasha and Excel Saga= about the opposite of eachother, no? anyway...i love the action and the character's personallity's...that's what makes a good anime...lol (remember...this is MY opinion) -Ladyperson7890 :stupid:
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by yalborap [/i] [B]It's because it's animated, and on CN, even if it's AS.But hey, at least none of us have to live with that woman, right? [/B][/QUOTE] very funny:laugh: , and a great point of view on the subject im still mad at people for seeing anime the way this lady sees it... but hey it'll all be over soon...i hope...lol -Ladyperson7890 :stupid:
  7. i think the longest i've ever gone w/out anime would be about 1 week... ever since i've watched it...which would be like 3-5 yrs old... it's not like i did it purposly...there was always some sort of anime on TV... -Ladyperson7890 :stupid:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kyonen [/i] [B]Has anyone heard that phrase that goes something like "you could sue a bologna sandwich in today's courts" or something else like that? I always thought that that sounded funny. [/B][/QUOTE] i think my father once told me something like that... okay now im going to put myself in her shoes...at least all i know about her... i think i would be a little disturbed if i saw "violence" on a childrens network...since, when she was a child(if she's my parents age)they didn't have shows like this on tv...and they didn't always have programs on at night(i think most programs were live)and they rarely cussed on tv back then(untill Elvis). And then seeing a little of the backside of a "women/alien" would be a little more disturbing...(if she doesn't watch very much TV) Actually all of this would be disturbing if she didn't watch much TV at all... just wanted to see what it would be like in her shoes of what we know her story is... edit: she was probably the one who was disturbed and not her husband...unless he didn't watch much TV either... -Ladyperson7890 :stupid:
  9. i'd have to say my fav Ranma character is Ranma. i think it's hilarious that when her turns into a girl everybody's after him (shampoo,to hurt...and Kuno,w/ roses) and when he's normal shampoo wants him, akane gets mad when shampoo's close to him...kuno wants to kill him, and i think kuno's sister wants him also... and its funny when he faught Kuno's sister(i think) in a pink leotard as a girl...i dont even remember if he won...lol -Ladyperson7890 :stupid:
  10. I TOTALLY AGREE W/ EVERYBODY!!!! she shouldn't win and she wont!!! and if she does...and AS gets kicked off...i swear my friend and i will find some way to sue her!!!!! :flaming: There are warnings everywhere on CN about the shows about every half-hour or hour :eek: and she said her husband heard about it from men in their 20's!!!! they're about 20!!!! they're not 10!!! :angry2: :cussing: this being said...i'll now listen to some music Spoken in Japanese to calm me down... -ladyperson7890 :stupid: P.S. she probably caught her husband watching it and then he wasnt paying attention to the kids and they were watching it w/ him P.S.S. Jackass is way more Violent and stupid then FLCL could be...(my opinion...remember this)
  11. if it wasn't for anime... 1. I wouldn't be here 2. all my friends would be girls(dont ask) 3. I wouldn't be interested in learning other languages(no matter how much my cousin's make fun of me...(who can't tell the difference between Japanese and Spanish)...(even though we're all at least half Mexican)) 4. I wouldn't have baught my "digivice"...which is kool...[Digimon] 5. I most definetly(can't spell)wouldn't have met my best friend 6. I would have a lot more money to spend on junk I don't need 7. I wouldn't have a life besides Fut Bol... and if it wasn't for anime I would have no sence(spelled right?) of humor... 8. oh yes...and i wouldn't be crazy about my InuYasha fighting game " A Feudal Fairytale" this is all i can think of right now... -nettie
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shadow&Midnight [/i] [B]Ranma 1/2 i like there opening :: goes back to watching it:: It's in japanes and like it. Yaapaa yaapaa....\:D [/B][/QUOTE] lol i agree w/ shadow...*goes to Shadow's house and laughs when she gets the words wrong*:laugh: i like it because it mostly sums up teh whole idea of teh show in teh song :smirk:
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hellfire78 [/i] [B]why did they even creat totaly spies its horrible. [/B][/QUOTE] i believe they created it for the YOUNGER GIRLS...but since im a loner and have no one to tell me to grow up i enjoy watching it. P.S. sorry QA if i sounded rude...i have a habbit of doing that sometimes...and i didnt mean to put down PPG...my two second cousins and i love that cartoon.exc... P.S.S. and this has nothing to do w/ the topic does it?...
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]I got to catch Totally Spies yesterday (YES, your AL mod finally has cable. ^_^) and I thought it was the stupidest thing I ever saw. Sam was cute, but it was so FAKE! It didn't flow like true anime does. It was awful. I hope I never watch that show again.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] hey QA, not to be rude n all, but does it accur to you that some girls actually act that way in real life(except for the spy thing...i think)? and that some people(like me) enjoy watching american cartoons that appeal to them more than PPG does? and as for topic: i like the american cartoons w/ the anime style...and if you dont...you dont have to watch it...or complain about it...(i should take my own advise...):wow:
  15. yay!!! i cant wait!!! but you know what sux...i start school on teh 25th... :cussing: :crying: i can always tape it....but still...:crying: anyway... cant wait only a few more days...*runs around yelling at friends to watch InuYasha*
  16. Other: the Shinintai(sp?) From InuYasha Shinintai = called 7 man army before they were killed by some army... 1. they killed millions of ppl and 2. InuYasha can barely scratch yet damage them [and they think Naraku brought them back to life w/ the shards...which means...more points for Naraku! :devil: ] but thats only half of the damage caused by the shinintai...and that one dude...w/ the snake bone sword...KOOL!!!:love: -nettie
  17. 1. Shippo's powers [InuYasha] 2. one of Kikyou's soul catchers [InuYasha] and 3.er...can't think...oh! and that one gun that Excel found that was made on Mars(or some planet) [Excel Saga] -Ladyperson7890 :stupid:
  18. my other fav Inu part was at the very end of the movie: kagome and Inu are in her time sitting under Goshinboku...{inu playing w/ Buyo} and they're talking about about how kagome could talk to him through time w/ the tree... kagome asks if he wants her to make him lunch...and he says " make that yellow stuff " Kagome: " the fried eggs?" Inu: " no ,they were too hard" {kagome has on a hurt face} kagome: " you mean the instant food?" Inu: "yeah, thats the only thing that was good..." Kagome: [gets up and stares down at Inu w/ rage :flaming: and yells] OUSWARI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! / SIT!!!!!!!!!! my fav...:rotflmao:
  19. lol i never knew there were so many Inu fans...but i'm a quiet person so i'm naturally a loner...anyway, unlike everyone else...my Fav character is Kikyou!!!! yes i know she's evil but just think about it...put yourself in her shoes...she loved Inu first..i mean...it's not fair and that Naraku ruined everything for them...and then comes Kagome... since it's not on Adult Swim at the moment all we (moslty just me) can do is fantisize :love2: about what happens after episode umm... 48!!!! (48 = BEST EPISODE!!!!) i think...later nettie:angel:
  20. i'd have to say my fav character is Lina...of course... and my fav part was when Goury was talking to some girl....i dont remember who...and she said something about a fiance' and he said something like: Is that a kind of pickle? :nope: i also watch Slayers on I-channel :demon:
  21. lol the first anime i remember seeing was sailor moon before and after school...and i rememeber singing the theme song and everything... but the anime that got me (yrs later)hooked was...i still cant believe it...pokemon... :ball: i remember collecting a whole bunch of cards...and then saying to my dad " dont waste your money on buying this crap for me anymore..." and then i went to Digimon...
  22. :haha: my fav part was when InuYasha was at Kagome's house and she was trying to study...so Inu is down stairs and Kagome's in her room,then she hears Inu yell and he comes running upstairs w/ his tongue sticking out breathing through his mouth. :flaming: Kagome's mother comes in and says "I gave him currey, I think it was too hot."(i can't spell) and then Kagome says under her breath "But you keep it to yourself when you have a hole in your stomach." i guess you had to be there... :sweat:
  23. lol i luv the story so far. you're way better at this than i am and plz finish it and dont leave us hanging here waiting 50yrs for the next chapter. =-P
  24. oh yeah i forgot my fav ham-ham...Stan is the one i luv the most out of all of them just incase you didnt know...stan = sandy's bro STAN IS SO KOOL!!!
  25. well...i luv hamtaro too much to get annoied at how cute they are and beyblade is just a show where they play a sort of game w/ what they call beyblades...which makes it a pretty kool show indeed... i guess you could say it's kinda based on real life of kids doing what they like http
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