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yogi bear

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About yogi bear

  • Birthday 05/07/1988

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  • Biography
    Otaku at heart pretty good philosopher
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  1. If more people in the world were like you I swear it would be a better place :D
  2. Does anybody at this board have anything rellevant to say anymore. :confused:
  3. yogi bear

    Mad TV & SNL

    The Simpson incident was pretty funny, but noitce how Snl rides the backs of popular trends and people it seems they get the flavor of the month put them on their show in hopes that more people will watch them I think with out that single formula they problaby would bomb you can say that mad tv with our with out a famous celebrity on the show it was still good. (but I'll admit Madtv is going downhil a tad bit.)
  4. yogi bear

    Mad TV & SNL

    I just saw the begining season of SNL (including the Simpson incident), and I saw the new season of Mad tv and I compared the 2 and I thought way has SNL been on for so long its so horrible. Compared to madtv SNL is the crapiest thing on late night that forces you to go to bed early :flaming:. A few exceptions are the weekend update with Tina Fey and Jimmiy Fallon who just left :( and Horatio Sanz (the big guy who could never replace Chris Farley) what does anyone else think?
  5. yogi bear

    Mad TV & SNL

    I watch reruns on Comedy Central , but it all went down hill when cast members like Debra Wilson, Will Sasso, Alex Borstien, Nichole Sullivan, Mo collins and Phil Lamar left.
  6. Who the in hell would woud'nt be afraid of someone behind you threatining to kill you, It's not a natural death thats just straight murder. I happen not to be afraid of death and I'm not afraid "inside" as you put it I have already come to terms with it as a part of life, but I think people are afraid of what comes after their death, complete darkness, Heven or hell, Aala...take your pick :)
  7. Do'nt worry... you did... you did good...Oh screw it :sleep: Just kidding, but what made you come up with that theory be cause last time I checked blood came out of me.
  8. That would have (mattered) :D to me a week ago other than that :sleep:
  9. I was just thinking that in America there are so many radio stations for different types of international music, I dont understand why I have'nt heard any Jpop yet. :( So Iwas thinking If the U.S. had a radio station only playing Japanese hits what wolud you like to hear? I'll start Iwould love to hear The Pillows (FyI:They did the OST for FLCL) My favorites are Crazy Sunshine, Ride on shooting star and Juliet. It really would be cool to see mixes like Linkin Park and Okui Masame. :devil: KILLER
  10. When I saw the much anticipated ending for Big o I was very disappointed do'nt get me wong I love big black Megadueses as much as the next guy but the ending was so confusing it gave me so many questions like [spoiler]what was above Paradigm City? way did It all get erased during the fight with Big O and Big Duo? and exactly why did Angel become an new Megadues named Big Venus? but the most confusing part was at the very end of the episode it ended like the series started with so many cliffhangers[/spoiler] could there be another Big O in the works, or just a ripe tomato gone bad? :( [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]I merged your thread with the other Big O thread and added 'spoiler' tags, heh. Try and work on your post quality, please. Paragraphing, punctuation and spelling goes a long way -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  11. My fravorite vol. is poison man and the one when jounouchi's old friends come back in town but I really like Yami it's amazing how many things he can turn into a game of death.
  12. Has anyone ever been to it before or is anyone going to the 2004 tornament.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WW2 [/i] [B]Well "the other guy" is called Big Boy. Yeah, his single "I like the way you move" is pretty catchy, especially after you hear it a few times. But I still like Andre's song better.:D [/B][/QUOTE] Actually it's spelled (eh'em) Big Boi
  14. Well now I know it's not just me, so what gets you through an entire day of school much less a full year. Me personally I just space out untill 3:10 or ilegally listen to my cd player, once I had a big project to get through school I drew an entire mirual on my arm it was pretty cool.
  15. The title explains all my high school is like a prison there's nothing intresting or challenging to my standards. (which are pretty low) A perfect example we have teacher who gives out dention like candy for the most stupid things we can't do things like have our text books face down thats an automatic detntion, or we cant say the words lie, boy, girl, steal, or one of my 2 favorite words Shut up and that just one my classes.
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