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Saiyan God

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Everything posted by Saiyan God

  1. i just want 2 know how people can just sit and watch little animals who only say their names thats just boring no offense 2 all u pokemon fans of course
  2. ya that is a bit sad i mean wen u cant make an anti-something faction u know the world is seriousy messed up
  3. i thought i was making fun of myself :::sacrifices pikachu 2 god of dbz::::
  4. but pokemon is evil it takes control of people and makes them repeat their name constantly until they end up even weirder than me (and thats saying summit)
  5. this is now an anti-pokemon terrorist force or summit like that anyway
  6. yeah destroy them all (u can see where this conversation is goin)
  7. i would force feed krillin 2 a pikachu so the pikachu became so stupid it exploded if it is possible 2 make something stupider than a pokemon i mean
  8. i beat em how is a mystery 2 us all especially me
  9. Clouds is the coolest ff char actually maybe Red XIII is but u cant vote 4 him so im goin 2 vote 4 cloud anyway
  10. thats a really cool pic i cant draw at all so im not goin 2 say that i can draw it better
  11. i won the first time i played but then i retryed so Freya wins after all a coral ring is better than 1000 gil [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]i just edited your spelling and deleted your other 2 posts saying you cant spell... and watch your mouth--kuja[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  12. at least there is a chance they will show DBGT in the US i mean just think how much of a small chance i have of seeing it over here in the UK
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