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- Birthday 10/01/1988
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Sore wa himitsu desu! ^_~
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[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=2][COLOR=Indigo] [b]OOC:[/b] Wa-oh! Wa-oh! It looks like there's a brilliant Slayers lover on the loose here! XP But anyway, I hope that what I have here is good enough for me to be in this role play. I know the bio is lacking, but since it was optional I decided to put something small there. If I must elaborate more on that certain, or any other part in this sign up. . . Let me know, and it shall it done! -thumbs up- ^^ [b]Name:[/b] Batei Momoto [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] Over 2000s (Looks around 20 or higher) [b]Race:[/b] Ancient Dragon [b]Appearance: [/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/NineTailsWolf/art-007.jpg[/IMG] [b]Personality: [/b]A fiery Aries with a determination as intense as his ferocity in battle, to succeed in whatever goal he conjures up. Batei's visionary profile has helped him over whatever obstacle that's stood in his way. With an attitude that can be understood as one backed with confidence, Batei also carries some form of mysteriousness behind him. [b]Class:[/b][u]Civilian[/u] [b]Weapon:[/b] A rapier that has ancient runes engraved in its blade, right down near its hilt(handle). (Rest of its description shown in picture) [b]Magic:[/b] Batei is said to be one of the weirdest Ancient Dragons seen around. Although he excels mostly in using both his weapon and body as one, he also is a force to be recon with when he is in use of Black Magic. [b]Bio:[/b] An [b]extremely[/b] mysterious person, hardly anyone knows about his past, nor his ambitions. Those who know of him, call him by the name of ?Shinriku Gou?, the Ancient Dragon whom powers are unheard of. Being the wanderer that he is, he answers to no one, nor does he control anyone. Being of this human form of his, he now goes by the name ?Batei Momoto?, he always laughing at the last name, because it seemed one that a human would normally have. But having this name, he is somewhat known in a few parts as a bandit. Taking stealing from the rich, and stealing from the poor. As long as it is something for him to do, he?ll do it. [/size][/font][/color]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=2][COLOR=Indigo] [b]OOC[/b]: -skuddles around aimlessly- Ugh! FINALLY! FINISHED! I had so many ideas for Slayers characters and was about to use my Onakagi...but then got another idea and went with it! I hope it works out.. . -crosses fingers- ^^ ~~~ [b]Name[/b]: Mizu Kodomo [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Class[/b]: Warrior/Semi-Sorcerer [b]Magic[/b]: Shamanism (Surrounded around Magic that uses the Water Element. Hence his name meaning ?Water Child?) [b]Weapon[/b]: [b]Akuchigiri (Red Destiny):[/b] Dual kodachi said to have been cursed by Ruby Eyed Shabranigdo, both of these weapons bodies are ruby, when in activation. Having somewhat of a passive effect, these blades hunger for blood. And if this hunger is not met, it slowly kills the caretaker wielding them. [b]Needles:[/b] Mizu?s projectiles. [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/NineTailsWolf/cutehakufanart.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/NineTailsWolf/b08.gif[/IMG]~~Mask Worn While In Battle [b]Personality[/b]: A guy that seems to be extremely calm during any type of situation. A gentlemen, and one that sways away from trouble, although trouble always finds him. But in those bloody battles that are fought, there seems to be a change in personality. Having somewhat of an evil aura swaying around him, but what can always be noted is the sudden seriousness in his eyes. [b]Bio:[/b] Mizu is a boy that comes from a long line of swordsmen and shamanist, ranging from many types of magic. It is said that the generations of the Kodomo go down as early as the battle between Shabranigdo and Sweefede, but of course, it is only rumored. While the years have rolled down to him, there was a certain weapon passed down from generation to generation (Each child having only one off-spring). This weapon was known as Akuchigiri, a cursed duel kodachi that one of the Kodomo had foolishly taken and tainted even further. The curse of the weapon is that if its thirst for blood is not satisfied in a certain amount of time, the blades begin to drain the life from their caretaker. Like all curses, there is away to break them, and this weapon holds no exception. In order for this curse to be up-lifted, Shabranigdo must be fully destroyed. This is the curse that sways over the head of Mizu, it being passed down from both his parents of whom were killed by these blades. He was an only child when growing up, and was trained by his father in how to use duel weapons. His mother on the other hand, would be the one to thank when it came down to his mediocre understandence of magic. But seeing both his parents die in front of him fueled some form of anger and determination in him. So, with the skills he has been training to build up, he has been known to travel the world in search of the pieces said to have come from the Ruby Eyed King. Mizu?s mission? Of course to up-lift the curse that has been bestowed upon his family. [/color][/size][/font]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] The small footsteps could be heard in the distance, they being loud enough for even Teepo to notice that Kasai was coming up the path with that Dog-Deku nut being held under one of his armpits. The small cloak that he wore swaying in the upraising wind that came by. Both his eyes would lie on the boy deku who seemed to be sitting in front of the Chief?s house. The boy looked as if he were waiting for someone. So, as Kasai walked passed him, he would ignore the boy?s attempts to try and get his attention. Not even knowing that he was suppose to listen to what the young deku wanted to say. While walking pass the guard, Kasai smacked him in the head with his straw hat. [b]Kasai[/b]: Stand up straight, and be on guard better. I don?t want another thief to come and steal something. [b]Guard[/b]; Y-y-yes sir! Nodding in satisfaction, Kasai continued to walk into the hut. That was, until Teepo stood right in front of him. Being a bit confused, Kasai took a step back. [b]Kasai[/b]: What is it that you want? From there, Teepo went on to explain what they needed to do. Go and get some Jusakin for two ?elders? named Erie and Ryu. It seemed like an easy task that Kasai could have been able to do on his own. And now, they are sending him with this deku whom he had not received a name from! That was when Teepo gave out his name to Kasai. Teepo Yggdrasil, one of the deku?s who were following his Kasai?s footsteps. Knowing this now, Kasai could come to ease with his thoughts. Now knowing that this boy was very skilled and probably could be relied on. With a small nod, Kasai spoke: Alright then?Teepo, we shall be leaving immediately, unless, you wish to go to the store and but some supplies? [/color][/size]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] OOC: This maybe short, but its just a small intro so we can get to business. ^_^ ???: So, you two, are the ones? A voice was heard deep within one of the many forests that the Deku lived in. In this certain area of where the voice came from, two Lizalfos stood, one cradling an oddly shaped deku nut under its armpit. From behind a tree, walked a small deku, who was known as Kasai Mokuzai in his village. The little cloth that he wore slowly flowing in a small wind that was picked up by the trees. The eyes of this deku quickly scanned the area, seeing the oddly shaped deku but being held by the Lizalfos. Kasai: So you [b]are[/b] the ones?if you can understand me, hand over the Deku Nut, or else I?ll be forced to take it from you. Kasai was only answered with a swing of one of the Lizalfos?s weapon, the deku quickly moving out of the range of the weapon. The eyes of Kasai seemed to be one with enjoyment, taking a few steps forward with one hand hovering over his Wakizashi. Once that hand clasped around the hilt, Kasai swiftly turn around, doing a full one-eighty. The sword was masterfully pulled from the sheath, and swung vertically, cutting the Lizalfos who attempted to attack him in the chest. The Lizalfos fell to the ground, defeated, the small Deku sheathing his Wakizashi before turning around to look at the other Lizalfos. Kasai: And then, there was one . . . And yes, there was only one Lizalfos left, who was about to unsheathe his own weapon, until he was promptly defeated. Being taken out by the sharp ends of Kasai?s Kozukas. It fell to the ground with a load thud, the oddly shaped deku nut rolling over to Kasai who picked it up. A long stare came from Kasai, he thoroughly examining what he was sent to pick up. The elders had sent him off to grab a small deku nut that two Lizalfos had taken from them, within this nut; there was supposedly a deku who was in the form of a dog. That was what the elders told Kasai, and also added that it would take more than a cycle of the Great Deku Tree?s life before this dog-deku would be seen. With a sigh, Kasai slowly turned, in the direction of where he came from and began a small walk. It was back to where the elders would be, giving them back the dog-deku but they spoke of. And maybe, this time, they would have to get even better guards to protect something as valuable as this. [/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] I hope what I have done is acceptable. [b]Name[/b]: Kasai Mokuzai (Fire Wood) [b]Age[/b]: Around 275 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Deku [b]Class[/b]: Knight [b]Background / Biography[/b]: A Deku boy born into one of the greatest tribes within the woodlands of Hylian. Kasai was always blessed with the praise of everyone in the tribe ever since he was a little scrub. His family and the elders of the tribe put Kasai into the Combat and Teaching Academy of all the Deku tribes. All of the Deku have to be placed into either the combat or teaching sections of the academy at four Hylian years. But since the tribe had many elite warriors, they sent this boy to that scroll earlier, one year earlier. When after taking a small test, to decide which side of the academy the boy would go to, they weren?t surprised to see this boy excelled in combat. He was both a very smart tactician, with the mix of swordsmen. After around three to five years, the elders would notice how much he excelled, becoming a better combatant ever seen in their tribe. So, they advanced his training, to give him something harder to do. But what they threw at the Deku was always repelled back at them, for his skill grew with both training and knowledge. He progressed so quickly, that the villagers even thought that the boy was some sort of reincarnation of an evil demon, who lived within him. But these thoughts put onto him were dismissed, once the elders simply told them that his progression had stopped and was going at a normal pace. And so it did, for the Deku was pulled away from the Academy and stayed at home, where he would learn a form of fighting with a blade, something the Mokuzai was known for. So, as the years passed by and Kasai becoming better with the wooden stick his father gave to him so he would be able to train with, his father would tell him about the blade passed down from generation to generation. It was a blade that was made by one of Kasai?s ancestors, who requested it to be built by a mighty Goron blacksmith. Although Kasai?s Ancestor had to get the material needed to create the weapon, he did, and then, passed it along to his Deku scrub. And it went on, and on, and on, until it became a tradition among the family. But the problem was, the blade that Kasai?s Ancestor had, was lost a long time ago, so now it was an accustom for the father to give their blade to the child, and that was exactly what Kasai?s father was going to do. It would be done in a great celebration, that night, when Kasai would be able to graduate from learning the family?s weapon style. The celebration came, and went by smoothly, and after this, many years had passed. Kasai grew to become a very loyal and calm Deku, knowing there were people out there that probably had the power to take him down. So he went on to attent to his skills to become even better with his swordplay, but despite all of this, he would hear about another Deku who was progressing almost as well as he did. Kasai caught the last name of the Deku, it being Yggdrasill . . . [b]Appearance[/b]: A small Deku with a semi-slim face, the hair upon his head being an ice blue color. Strapped onto his forehead is a white headband with the family symbol of the Mokuzai implemented in the middle. The deku boy stands a short 4?6? and wears a dark blue fairly large sleeved jacket. The sleeves on these jackets are well rounded, and on his hands wear a pair of lighter colored red gauntlets. Upon the jacket Kasai wears, are many white designs, and for footwear, only red boots. On his head, he wears a simple straw hat, and over the jacket, is a short cloak that is connected with a vine chain. [b]Primary Weapon[/b]: Kasai wields a normal sized steel Wakizashi (since a normal sized katana would be to heavy. So basically, this weapon substitutes for a real Katana! ^_^); his father gave it to him once he graduated from learning the family?s sword style. [b]Secondary Weapon[/b]: Like most Deku, Kasai has the ability to fire Deku Nuts from his mouth at the power of a bullet. But, instead of using normal Deku Nuts, he uses a projectile weapon called Kozukas. [b]Items[/b]: Along the sidings of his cloak, are around 15 Kozukas, and he also carries a bottle full of water. [b]Spells[/b]: [b][u] Kasai Mokuzai[/b][/u]: Like his name?s meaning Fire Wood, Kasai is able to summon up a flame that revolves around his blade. With this, his attacks have a burning effect. [/color] [/size]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] [b]Name[/b]: Romokaru & Tategami [b]Age[/b]: 12 [b]Hair[/b]: White [b]Eyes[/b]: Blue [b]Race[/b]: Puppet [b]Job[/b]: Martial Artist. [b]Occupation[/b]: None [b]Weapon[/b]: Himself [b]Abilities[/b]: [b]Light Foot[/b]: This isn?t so much as an ability, simply pure speed that both Romokaru and Tategami have (Romokaru of course being faster than Tategami because he is shorter than she is.). This allows them to by pass the speed limits that humans have, making them more faster and agile. Romokaru is able to use spiritual energy, in any means ?chi?, but it is mostly used to blow things back with an invisible force. (Hence, chi) Tategami can summon ice cold chi, so when she attempts to blow someone back, they are most likely being hit by an icy force that can also be used to keep an opponent in place. The two also have an endless amount of combos they can use physically, combining them with different methods in the use of their chi. [b]Attack Only Romokaru Can Use[/b]: [b][i]?Gizmo=Gia=Gias! To you born of dew, I command. Accept your destiny and seal your powers!?[/b][/i] This is a spelled used by Romokaru; it can release or seal the true power within a doll. He has no idea of how he knew such a spell, but uses it to his advantage when fighting a doll stronger than he. (It?s the spell Doll Master used to bind Rue so he couldn?t move, and he used it before Rue fought Valen to release Rue?s true abilities.) [b]Appearance[/b]: [b]Romokaru[/b] [IMG]http://img1.photobucket.com/albums/1003/NineTailsWolf/Album%202/art-003.jpg[/IMG] [b]Tategami[/b] [IMG]http://img1.photobucket.com/albums/1003/NineTailsWolf/Album%202/art-016.jpg[/IMG] [b]Personality[/b]: Romokaru is very calm and energetic; with a smile on his face most everywhere he goes. Hardly anything can put this boy down, but for his counterpart Tategami it is a different story. She is seems to have no type of emotion and is a fighting machine, her skill in hand-to-hand combat surpassing the short and quick Romokaru. [b]Biography[/b]: Romokaru was awaken five years after the event of Valen, he being awaken by something that would surprise many. When this boy was created, he was created with a purpose to break the seal that bond Valen if he were defeated and sealed once again. But the awakening of him was unnatural, the boy being released by some sort of ghost at the name of Tategami. She was once a puppet, solely created to awaken Romokaru and guide him through his journey to unseal Valen. It is unexplainable of how a simple lifeless puppet was given a soul by Valen, but she did the first task of what she was created to do?what her ?duty? was to do. The problem was, something wrong happened while trying to awaken the boy, turning his dying loyalty to Valen into utter hate and a ?will? to be freed from Valen?s grasp. His new desire was to break the seal from Valen, not to save him, but to destroy him to show what a puppet can do. But the problem was, he had no type of idea of what he was capable of. That?s where Tategami came in, she explained to the boy that she was now his guardian and will show him her form of hand-to-hand combat. She also told him how only certain people were able to see her, without her needing to posses someone to do so. Romokaru was of course, one of the people that could see the girl, since that?s how it went. It was lucky for both Romokaru and Tategami that the boy was located on a snow-bounded mountain. On that mountain was where the girl would teach Romokaru the abilities he was given to fulfill his duty. The boy would do this for around four years, now being a quick little guy with unmatched physical strength in the mountains. He would then move out of the mountain, traveling in the direction he seemed fit to where Valen would be located, since it [I]was[/I] his duty to return Valen to this world, he would know exactly where he would be. Only problem was he not knowing exactly how to break the seal, but that would all be figured out once he got there. So now, both Romokaru and his ghostly partner Tategami now go out, to break the seal of Valen, and destroy their creator. [/size] [/color]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] Rakurai in his small squad of bandits flipped the machina-buggy over, and then put all the supplies that flew out of it back into it. Rakurai returned to his position on the small look out, a loud sigh coming from him,? Well, let?s return to base neh?? ?Hold on boss,? Funrai spoke, while walking over to the dead worm, and then examining the teeth of the worm. ?What are you doing Funrai?? Jinrai asked, already ready to leave. ?If we could knock out those small teeth that line the inside and the outside of the worm?we could probably either sell them for a lot of money?or we could create stronger weapons with them?? ?Then go ahead then,? ordered Rakurai, while laying down on the look out, arms behind head and looking up into the sky. Groaning, Jinrai, Kenrai, and Banrai jumped out of the buggy, and walked over to the worm, where they started to knocked out its teeth and put them into a small bag. ?Hell, we better get this done before sun down?I don?t wanna be this far away from the base during night time?? muttered Kenrai. It took Rakurai?s little squad a long time to salvage the teeth of the demonic worm, the sun almost about to set and nighttime almost coming. But they did it, although it took longer than they had expected. Running into the driver?s seat, Jinrai stepped on the acceleration and off they went, in the direction of their base. ?Just think of what the boys?ll say once we tell them that we defeated the worm that has been givin? us problems!? Kenrai spoke, while closely looking at the teeth they got from the worm. ?Yea, yea, things should move more smoothly now. Unless them Archabad guards come with an elite force,? assumed Funrai. ?Meh, let them come,? Rakurai said, sitting up to watch the sun, as it turned the sky a yellowish orange color while it descended down the hills of sand,? We?ll simply send their souls to the neither world and plaster their bodies inside their city.? ?Whoa, Rakurai, calm down,? Jinrai said, eyes still on the road,? Hah, we?re not that brutal!? ?True, true, but if they got me angry enough I would do that?? Now, the buggy was climbing up one more hill of sand, behind that hill would be the base that everyone in the buggy spoke about. Finally, the buggy came to the top of that hill and the beautiful base of the ?Forgotten Cause? could be seen, standing in its glory. If it were in the daytime, there would be a cloaking devise set to cloak that huge base of theirs. ?Hm?? The buggy went driving down the hill and to the entrance of the gate, it opening once they were close enough. Rakurai would suspiciously look up and to the side, at the look out posts there that had no one standing watch. The buggy went forward again, driving pass the many doors of houses that stood within the city of the base. ?Something?s not right?? Rakurai muttered softly to himself, as the buggy stopped at the central square of the base. At the central square, was where all the meetings of the group were held, and this was the place where they?d come together to trade goods they got amongst themselves. Suddenly, a huge light came right upon the buggy, Rakurai and his small group shielding their eyes with their arms, trying to scout out what was going on. ?Ah, Rakurai,? a voice came from the blinding light, but Rakurai or his group in the buggy couldn?t see who was talking,? You are finally here?? The huge light shut off, and the lights around the base lit of giving Rakurai the chance to notice who was speaking, and who were around him. Around him, sat all of his men, and behind them, guards from Archabad holding weapons at each of their heads. Rakurai?s eyes quickly scanned the area, to lock eyes with the one who first spoke; he could easily pick that person out from the group of guards, this one person wearing a different code of armor. ?Damn you?? mutter Rakurai, putting a hand on Kali-Yuga. ?Don?t move,? ordered the Archabad Knight,? for if you try to make a move to attack any of us. One of your precious members shall die?? Feeling defeated, Rakurai moved his hand from where Kali-Yuga sat, and crossed them over his chest,? What?what do you want??? ?[b]You[/b] is what we want. At first, we were planning to kill your group, and then take you down to Archabad to stand trail. But, I?ll make a deal with you?? ?What?s your deal??? ?We take you captive, and leave your group alone. Once you stand trail and are sent to jail for life, we demand that your group splits itself. So if we hear anything about a group of bandits stealing from trading carts again, we?ll know its not your own...And if it [b]is[/b] your group, you?ll be a dead man?? ?And if he refuses?? interrupted Kenrai, frowning upon the Knight. ?Then we simply slaughter your group and take Rakurai?? the Knight smirked,? The cards are now in your hands?what is your decision?? ?I?gah?I guess I?ll have to go with you?? Hearing his answer, the Knight snapped his fingers, a few guards walking over and removing the four members of the buggy out of the way. From there, five more guards came and grabbed Rakurai, strapping his Kali-Yuga onto his back and then proceeding to put some sort of thick hand-cuffs on his wrists. From there, the chain on the cuffs would turn into some sort of energy, making Rakurai?s wrist clamp together. As hard as the boy attempted to struggle, he couldn?t move his arms from the position it was in. ?Don?t try to struggle,? the Knight spoke, slowly walking down a few steps to get to where Rakurai was,? For it automatically sets itself to calculate your strength and becomes even more than that to restrain you?? The crowd of bandit members around them yelled, shouting out how they didn?t like this was happening and even swearing at them. But this didn?t matter to the Knight, all he simply did was put Rakurai in the back seat of the buggy, and stood up on the look out post. Some other guards with him took the remanding seats, and they were off, out of the base and going toward Archabad. And once they were on the hills of sand in the desert, a large explosion came from the base, Rakurai?s eyes widening as he saw his base destroyed in one huge explosion?or so [i]they[/i] would think.[/size] [/color]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] Rakurai sat cross-legged on the small lock out post on top of the small machina-buggy, frowning as he watched the worm sink right back into the sea of sand,? Damn it,? he muttered, getting to his feet to grasp the railing around him. ?Ya think its gonna come get us?? Jinrai asked, while still driving the buggy. ?What the hell kind of question is that?? snapped Funrai. ?Of COURSE it?s going to come at us! But the thing is, we don?t know when, or how!? Kenrai spoke, looking back as well, to see if the worm was coming. ?Bah!? Rakurai grunted, while being handed a pair of binoculars,? If it comes, let it come! That thing has been stolen from us for the last time!? All four of his men looked up at him as he spoke, he, looking out to see something move a few inches behind him,? Kenrai! Tell Jinrai when to move! We can?t defeat this thing if we are just sitting here like children! Funrai and Banrai! You two man the machina?s machine guns!? Rakurai threw the binoculars into the backseat of the buggy, before picking up Kali-Yuga and smirking,? Oh, and Kenrai, you?d best be ready to aid us with potions, because we are not leaving until one of us are dead!? His men gulped at this, they had never tried to defeat this beast, for the other members of the group tried and died while trying. It was only once that Rakurai came to defeating this enemy, that was until the worm did something weird with the sand around them, separating them. Rakurai could feel it coming, the furs on his hands slowly standing as the battle sensation came over the half beast boy. The grin that was upon his face grew, eyes seeming to burn with the heat of the anticipated battle. ?Here it comes! Stir to the left Jinrai! NOW!? [b]*Engaged in battle with Giant Sand Worm*[/b] Party- Rakurai- Level 6 HP 295 MP 40 Commands Attack, Rod Arts, Black Magic, Item Gunner 1 (Banrai)- Level 4 HP 205 Commands Attack, Machina Acts, Item Gunner 2 (Funrai)- Level 4 HP 204 Commands Attack, Machina Acts, Item Bandit (Kenrai)- Level 4 HP 206 Commands Item The small buggy was quickly moved to the direction of which Rakurai told Jinrai to turn, and to the side of them now was the large sand worm. Swimming in the sand as if it were a snake swimming within water. This battle began with the worm, it doing some sort of spell that made some sand coat its top layer, maybe to bring down the amount of damage that was going to be dealt to it. ?Jinrai! Pull in!? Rakurai yelled, and once he said this, the small buggy came closer to the worm, giving Rakurai the amount of space he needed for an attack. Leaping off of the small look out, Rakurai landed a crushing blow with his rod onto the worm?s eye, blinding it for a bit. Pushing off from the hard shell of the worm, Rakurai landed right back into that small look out post. Gesturing with one hand, the young half-beastman boy commanded Funrai to attack, he taking aim and firing a round of shots at the worm. As the small bullets of the machina?s machine-gun hit the worm, some of the sand that was protecting it was knocked right off its slimy large body. Even more of the sand would be knocked off, for Banrai shot a few more rounds at it. Kenrai simply sat there, having nothing to do but watch and be ready to throw his companions a potion if they needed it. The worm couldn?t do anything at the moment, it still being blinded by the attack that was sent by Rakurai. Unlucky for the worm, for the buggy swooped in and gave Rakurai to do another attack! The half-beastmen launched right off the look out, and this time landed right on top of the worm?s slick body. Rakurai had to bore his feet into the worm, just so he could get a clean hit by slamming the top of Kali-Yuga into the worm?s second eye, this would keep him busy so they would have time to remove the layer of sand on top of its body. Sweeping in once more, the buggy got close enough to the worm for Rakurai to jump right back onto the look out, in which he did. Once again, Rakurai gestured to both Banrai and Funrai, who both seemed to be loading some sort of weird bullet into the machina?s machine gun. Kenrai once again, sat there watching like an innocent child, having nothing at all to do but just wait. Now, the worm would attempt to ram itself into the buggy, but as it came straight at the five, the buggy stopped sharply. The worm now going right pass them and now where on the left of them. Jinrai hit the acceleration once more and caught up with the worm, both of the gunners rotating their weapons so it would be facing the worm. But Rakurai, he?d be launched into the rail that sat in front of them, then to the one behind him because of the sudden stop and then go. Coughing a bit, he?d look down at Jinrai,? Ya mind tellin? a me when your gonna do that?? complained Rakurai, as he picked up Kali-Yuga once again. ?If I did that, we?d be dead,? argued Jinrai being ready for anything the worm was going to do. The battle continued, the buggy getting closer so Rakurai would once again land a blow to the worm?s body, this time, a bit of blood flew from the worm. Now, it was Banrai?s turn, he using a special flaming bullet to send a flaming shot right through the worm. Then, Funrai did the same thing, but sent a bullet that consisted of a water element, which seemed to take out more damage. Kenrai looked as if he was ready to do something, but the worm disappeared in the sea and sand. Rakurai looked around, wondering where that huge monster ran off to, maybe that had won the battle? But it was wrong for him to get ahead of himself, so, he gripped around Kali-Yuga tighter, before concentrating, to try and hear where the monster would strike next. His eyes, would shoot open, he looking down yelling,? Its under us!? But before Jinrai could react, the buggy was flipped over, flying high into the air. The spins the buggy were doing were uncountable, it, hitting right into the sand kicking up some of it. Once the sand in the air came back to its sea, the bandits were seen, laying on the ground looking as if they were knocked out. This would only last for a few seconds, Rakurai getting to his feet the fastest of the five, only to see the worm swimming right at them! Mouth wide open, showing its unbelievable sharp fangs. ?Rakurai!? Kenrai yelled, throwing a grenade toward him,? Hit it into its mouth!? Looking up at the thing coming at him, Rakurai wouldn?t hesitate, swinging his rod right at the thing; he?d knock the small contraption into the worm?s mouth. It only took a few seconds, before the grenade within the worm exploded, defeating it! [b]*End of battle. 126 exp gained, 50 gil gained, 0 items acquired*[/b] [/color] [/size]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] OOC: It may of taken long, me, printing out everything and readin' it..but I did it! And now, am ready to enter the game! ^_^ IC: A vast sea of sand stood in front of the young boy who held a rod in his right hand, he sitting on top of some sort of machina. The machina the boy stood upon seemed to be one that would resemble a wagon (or small desert buggy), but had many metals things sticking from it in the shape of barrels (guns). The boy sat on some sort of platform that came out of the machina, bringing him around 1 more foot above the ground (plus the machine itself). ?Sir Rakurai!? came a voice below the boy, he looking down at one of his men who drove the machina. ?Yes what is it?? Rakurai would reply, with a bit of an annoyed tone to his voice. ?We have spotted something which seemed to come from Archabad and is heading toward Port Azure.? ?It seems to be carrying many supplies sir,? spoke another one of Rakurai?s men, who sat to the side of the man driving the machina. ?Should we attack?? asked the two, looking up at Rakurai who motioned for them to proceed. The machina went forward, easily weaving its way through the sandy hills of the Gargara Desert. They came closer, and closer to their destination, only to see that it was a man on a wagon, which seemed to have numerous supplies on it. The machina stopped once the driver slammed on the breaks, now, Rakurai and his men hiding on one of the hills. Rakurai took out some binoculars and threw them to the two in the front seats of the machina,? Look closely at our target, I don?t want this one getting away like the other ones did.? Rakurai looked down at the back seats, at two of his other men who seemed to be sitting there enjoying the ride,? Get ready for battle,? muttered the half-beast-boy before clenching his hand tightly around Kali-Yuga, his trustworthy pole. ?It seems to only be one man and two Chocobo pulling the wagon, shall he proceed with an attack?? ?Yes! Banrai, Kenrai! Man the machina?s machine-gun! Jinrai, you keep driving this thing, and Funrai, you and I will be the first one?s to attack!? As Rakurai spoke these words, the two bearing the machine-guns took aim, and began to fire upon the unsuspecting wagon. But the rounds that were fired weren?t aimed exactly at the wagon; the small bullets that came from the gun trailing off to the sides of the target, making sand kick up into the air. This would stall some time to give Rakurai and his gang the time to get close to the wagon. Upon getting in range, Rakurai leaped from where he was and landed a few inches away from the wagon, Funrai a ways behind him. When the two got close enough that they could touch the Chocobo, Rakurai?s nose twitched before he swiftly stopped and leaped back. It was too bad for Funrai though, as he got to the wagon, the man sitting on it quickly jumped down and hit Rakurai?s companion in the back of the head, instantly knocking him out. A low growl came from Rakurai, as he saw the man slowly remove the cloak he was currently wearing to show that he was nothing but some sort of guard. Another guard jumping from out of the back of the wagon and quickly running to meet with the other guard. ?Hmph, so this was some sort of trap to capture us eh? When will you Archabad learn that the you can never catch us!?? Snarled Rakurai, the grip of his rod being tighter,? Heh, its kind of childish for an Emperor to send two guards to come after a bandit leader as myself.? Rakurai paused and thought for a second, before chuckling lightly,? Oh, I forget, your Emperor [i]is[/i] a child.? ?Don?t bad-mouth the emperor scum,? yelled one of the two guards. ?He hadn?t send us, we had to disobey his orders and come out here to stop you ourselves. Failure for us is not an option.? ?Well then,? Rakurai began, a sly smirk appearing upon his young lips,? It looks as if I must whip you to get you to leave. Come, let me show you where to stand in the world!? [b]*Engaged in battle with 2 Archabad Guards*[/b] Party: Rakurai- Level: 6 HP: 295 MP:40 Commands: Attack, Rod Arts, Black Magic, Item Rakurai starts out the battle by attacking one of the Archabad guards, dealing him a critical hit that takes down more than half of his HP. That same Archabad Guard counters and deals a small hit to Rakurai, not bringing his HP down by much. The second Archabad Guard uses potion to bring the first Guard?s HP up. Rakurai attacks with his rod defeating the First Archabad Guard. The second guard attempt to attack Rakurai, but he misses the fast beastmen. Deciding to use a technique, Rakurai uses a ?Rod Art? extend. He slams his rod into the ground and then brings himself up on it, his legs facing the sky as his head faces the ground. The rod lights up before extending, bringing Rakurai high into the air. The second Archabad Guard uses the waiting to heal himself with a potion, bringing his HP back to full. The rod is lifted right out of the ground, and Rakurai comes rocketing down to deliver a devastating blow to the Guard, defeating him. [b]*End of battle. 25 exp gained, 10 gil gained, 1 potions acquired*[/b] Rakurai stands triumphantly above the knocked out bodies of the two Archabad Guards, with a huge grin on his face and doing the peace sign. But that would end, when remembering his other members who hadn?t helped him in the battle he was just in. Turning around, Rakurai would eye the three members who were behind him, just watching in amazement. Not bothering to say anything about their lack of helping him, Rakurai snapped his fingers, indicating that they could now come and take whatever was in the wagon. The three men jumped out of the machina-buggy and rushed to the wagon, Rakurai walking over to Funrai who had just regained consciousness and was rubbing the back of his head. ?Heh, sorry Funrai, I smelt something bad and didn?t have time to tell you.? ?Its alright Rakurai,? Funrai spoke, wincing at the pain in the back of his neck,? Damn, the hell did they hit me with? The wagon itself?? Rakurai simply patted his man on the back before standing, looking at the wagon, from behind the wagon, he could hear his two men calling out to him telling him that he should come see what was in the wagon. Not hesitating, Rakurai ran to the back of the wagon, and as he was about to look into the back, the wagon was shattered right in front of him. Being enveloped by the mouth, of a huge worm. The worm came rocketing from out of the ground, devouring the wagon and its contents. As this happened, Rakurai and his four group members swiftly ran and jumped back into the machina-buggy, the driver stomping on the acceleration and they going off. ?Damn it!? Rakurai yelled as he watched the huge worm descend into the sea of sand,? Now we?ve gotta deal with a demonic worm!? [/size][/color]
[size=1]Sorry it took me so long to come and post, I was trying to come up with a job that a character like this can take. Hope I am accepted and if this is not suitible, please tell me my flaws. ^_^ NAME: Rakurai GENDER: Male AGE: 16 APPEREANCE: Rakurai isn?t as tall as most beastmen; he stands around 5?6? and has a normal body build (not too muscular and not skinny). His clothing isn?t anything special, consisting of green colored pants with white bandages strapped at the ankles. There is a rip in the back of his pants, giving his red tail a place to stick out. The shirt he wears is the same shade of green as his pants, but at the wrists there would be some yellow cloth outlining it, but white bandages cover it. On the back of his hands, there lays the fur, indicating his beastman half, the color of the fur is a reddish color, the same shade of red as his tail. Over this, he wears a cape, well, it could be considered a cape, but the thing doesn?t even reach down to the boy?s legs. The cape?s length isn?t all that long, just extended above his upper back, yes, a small cape. The front of the cape drapes down each side of his shoulders, the thing keeping it together being some sort of piece of silver jewelry. His hair is a darker red than the fur on him, it just spiking around in ever direction. On his forehead he wears a white headband, with only two designs of flames on the side of it. The length of the headband is long enough to be seen when its blown in the wind. (So let?s say, around, 5 to 7 inches long? The hang time I mean, after its tied on his forehead) This boy wears no type of footwear, since to him that would dishonor the beastmen, but just like on his hands red fur is shown on the top of each foot. HOMELAND/TOWN: Forest Of Eternal Rain BIOGRAPHY: A boy who hails from the Monsoon Continent, Rakurai is someone who would be known as ?A lost cause? around the small village of the beastmen and women. The reasoning for this would be because of the boy?s heritage, his father being one of the mightiest beastmen, and his mother, a simple human. This would make Rakurai only a half beastmen, and giving him most of the abilities of beastmen, but also indicating that he would need to work harder to progress in the fighting skills of the beastmen. This would be even harder on the boy, for most of the people didn?t like him and basically shunned him. This would then lead to the boy growing cold feelings for them, but hide this by acting as if he didn?t give a damn to what all of them thought of him. But he knew that they couldn?t deny that the skills that were hiding within this boy were outrageous, he being as good as any of the children his age, and even better. His skills in using a pole (bo-staff, stick, spear, anything with a stick) exceeded any of the beastmen children. As he grew up in this unknown world, he always training with his pole, the beastmen and women around the village grew angry. Angry that a boy who is only half of what they were was mightier than their own children. And he had such an attitude, one that seemed so careless, but they could feel the hatred in this one. But Rakurai was a good help when it came for them to go out and hunt for food, he always coming back with something large to eat. Despite this, the villagers wouldn?t accept him for what he was; only his father would do such a thing. When he was around 14, Rakurai wanted to leave the village, to go out and explore the world, not wanting to be in a place where he wasn?t accepted as an equal. But his father denied him of such a privilege, saying that he shouldn?t go anywhere but within the village or out to hunt. He said he must stay, and not dream about leaving, stay, and live for the hunt. This hadn?t pleased Rakurai, but he accepted what he had to do and stayed and continued to hunt with his father and his little gang of hunters. But it was not until one hunt, which Rakurai would never come back to the village. What happened, was he and one of his father?s closest friends went deeper into the jungle, in chase of a great monster spoken throughout the village. Once the two of them cornered and were ready to kill it, they would be ambushed by another set of beastmen who killed Rakurai?s father?s friend. It would seem that this were planned, for when his father came to see what had happened, the beastmen (who were noble ones of the village) said that it was Rakurai who ambushed him and killed him. Rakurai himself was shocked, and protested that this hadn?t happened. But it seemed as if his father had some sort of grudge against the boy, for he took the side of the noble beastmen. Angry, and hurt, Rakurai left the beastmen village and traveled over seas (after getting some supplies and creating a small boat for himself) and ended up at the Gargara Desert (Of course stopping at passing through the Crimson Heights.) In this desert, Rakurai found away to survive, finding a few caves that were buried under the sand, and for food, he?d hunt the monsters in the desert. Also, after recruiting people from Port Azure, he became a bandit who is known throughout the neighboring towns. The name of his bandit group name? ?The Forgotten Cause? the title he had upon his head while living on Monsoon Continent ALIGNMENT: Chaotic JOB: Martial Artist (Division Bo-Staff) ABILITIES: A1: Rod Arts: Allows for special moves with a rod. A2: Black Magic: Allows user to use black magic S: Roar- When Rakurai becomes weak, his beastmen ability is unleashed, he, roaring loudly at the opponent lowering their strength, speed, and accuracy. WEAPON: Rod Weapon Name: Kali-Yuga A normal sized rod that Rakurai uses, nothing special about it except that it is the most balanced weapon he has, but of course it has a long range.[/size]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] This seems interesting. ^_^ [b]Name[/b]: Enrai Raikiri [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Cursed[/b]: Curse Of The Drowned Wolf [b]Eyes[/b]: Crystal Blue [b]Hair[/b]: Black [b]Weapon[/b]: Lotus Fan [b]Style[/b]: Tekken-fu . [b]Techniques[/b]: [b]Ikkatsu[/b]- A lightning attack modified so it won?t be as powerful as normal. Transmitting lighting from within his body into his hand, it course through the fan that he holds. With a swift swing of the opened fan, it sends a shock wave at the opponent in the form of many claws. If this was done to a nearby building, and if Enrai wished it, the power would only leave nothing but a crater that looks like a wolf?s paw. [b]Hiraishin[/b]-Another lightning technique modified so it won?t be as powerful as normal. This time, Enrai transmits concentrated chi into his fan, and once he swings his weapon, a ball of pure energy is released from it. From there, it launches straight toward the target. [b]Seiteki[/b]- A simple attack, with a swing of his fan, Enrai can trap his opponent in a force field of static electricity. [b]Hyakurai (Hundred Thunderclaps)[/b]- When angry enough, or when wanting to see how long his opponent will last, Enrai uses this technique. After setting up with the Seiteki attack, Enrai chants a few things, and then the Seiteki starts to react. Soon the Seiteki begins to gather up energy, and once the energy is collected, Enrai says the final part of the hymn: ?Here, taste the wrath of the heavens!? Of course, he adds in a few things into that. From there, the opponent within the Seiteki is bombarded with strikes of lightning. No one has survived past ten shocks. [b]Personality[/b]: Generally cheerful with no type of worries. At times (meaning all of the time) he is a pervert, and at times is somewhat weird. [b]Appearance[/b]: [IMG]http://img1.photobucket.com/albums/1003/NineTailsWolf/saipic.jpg[/IMG] [b]In Wolf Form[/b]: When in this form, he is of course smaller, but for some reason doesn't normally walk on all fours. He stands on his hin-legs, he still wearing the same clothing he wore as a human but they are small enough to fit his cute little body. Hair color is the same as well. [b]Bio[/b]: To make a very long story short, when he was young woman always surrounded him, he grew around them so much that he forgot about his father who didn?t get any type of attention. Seeking revenge, his father threw him into a cursed river, thinking that the curse itself would turn him into a hideous wolf beast. But instead, it only turned him into a cute little wolf cub. As the years went by, Enrai decided to move away from these women who have grown age, to find more fit for him. The women he left, simply being too much like family for him to be serious with any of them. So, he and his skill left his old home, and now he lives in a little shrine near the Tendo Dojo. Now living in this city, his perverted ness has spread throughout town, and most young girls watch out for this handsome pervert. ^.- OOC: This is a brief profile, I didn?t mention on how he learned the things he did, so if I need to make it longer please PM me. [b]Goal in Life[/b]: To hit on every pretty woman he can spot! Oh, and marry a few of them. ^.^!! [/color][/size]
[SIZE=1] [color=blue] Neo Norway Sitting in a local restaurant of Neo Norway was a man eating nothing but a bowl of ramen, his snow-white hair was the only thing sticking out in the crowd. Well, probably next to something that looked like a pole wrapped with some sort of cloth. Pushing his small tinted glasses up a bit, the man would raise an eyebrow as he saw many people running to one certain spot. Something interesting must be happening at that spot, for many people were gathered around a building, which had a sign hanging over it reading ?Arcade?. Standing up and slapping some yen (yes yen) onto the table, he?d grab a small bow that held the cloth onto the pole like thing and picked it up. Slinging it over one shoulder, he?d began to walk to that area, only to stop a few inches from the door to see that the area was swamped with gamers! What the heck were they doing? Pushing pass people, the man would finally get to the area where everyone was looking, seeing what he saw, a slight smile came upon his lips. They were watching a virtual fighting video game. Where the people stood on some sort of platform, strap themselves up, and throw punches and kicks. ?Fascinating,? was the word that came from him as he watched the next fight begin. It was a match between some ?little? girl and another guy whom was large in stature. Pushing his glasses up once more, this unknown man would lean to the left and ask a nearby person,? Who do you think?ll win? I have my doubts on the girl, but?? ?What do you mean?? interrupted the person he was talking to,? That?s the Gundam Pilot Allenby Beardsly! Of COURSE she?ll win!? And as the guy was done speaking, flashy lights would be seen coming from the game. Then, in big bold letters were the words Winner! Player 1! The crowd started to cheer for the winner, Allenby, as she took off her helmet and did a quick peace sign. The man with the small tinted glasses would blink a few times, the guy to the side of him leaning in and speaking,? See, all the opponents she?s fought, and they are easily defeated by her. Some people may think it is unfair to fight a Gundam Fighter but I think its, eh?? In the middle of his sentence, the guy with the glasses would step into the other pod with a smile on his face,? I shall be your new challenger, Allenby Beardsly?? ?Eh?? Allenby would turn to look the guy up and down, then smile,? If you think you can handle it! I won?t go easy on ya!? ?Easy is a word that would lead you to an easy defeat,? he?d mutter, his voice becoming more serious as his smile disappeared. ?Don?t get too cocky!? While the girl was talking in game, she would notice that half of her life gauge was already taken out, by a single sweep of a hand. Landing back from the unexpected blow, Allenby would get into her fighting stance, looking at the stranger weirdly. The crowd grew silent around them, the mysterious man?s smile growing back before saying,? You shouldn?t leave yourself off guard during a match.? [/SIZE] [/color]
[SIZE=1] [color=blue] Pilot Stats Name: Tsuki Tsumuji Age: 24 Nationality: Neo Hong Kong Height: 5?9? Weight: N/A Description (written or pic): [IMG]http://img1.photobucket.com/albums/1003/NineTailsWolf/enishi1.jpg[/IMG] Mobile Trace Suit Design: Nothing special, just a dark blue suit with black straps going across his chest, its in the fashion of a Chinese Gi. Bio: There?s not much to say about this boy, he hails from the outskirts of Neo Hong Kong, his father being the type of man who would train their son up for something. That?s what he would do, be trained in a sword (Kenjutsu) art of his families Chinese ancestors. Learning how to attack both airborne and groundbed, the style concentrated around not going at your opponent too strong, keeping room for them to attack so you could easily counter. And it had a little section upon Kempo. But at the same time as this, the style would teach the student how to get straight to the point while fighting. After a few years (around 5 to 6) of training with his father, he would reveal to the boy that his mother lived in Neo Japan. That was why his name Tsuki was the Japanese way of saying Moon and Yue (what his father wanted to call him) came from the Chinese way of saying Moon. Anyway, he was then sent off in a ship to meet his mother in Neo Japan, she not being the weak type. His mother was a fighter, strong but at the same time cute, when first meeting her, he could have swore that she was in her 20s. Tsuki even blushed when his mother hugged him! After the greetings and living with his mother for a year, he would demand that he?d be taught her family?s sword (again Kenjutsu) art! She couldn?t deny her boy?s cuteness, Tsuki would say at times, and thus was taught her Kenjutsu art. This art was way different from the type of teachings his father would give him, this style was more like an Itto-Ryu fighting style. The boy would learn the pressure points, and vital points of a human, and learn how to strike them quickly. That?s what the style revolved around, moving at a fast pace and swiftly sheathing/unsheathing a sword quick. After learning this, he?d go back to his homeland and spend around two years trying to perfect a style of his own. It was not until this year where he would accept being a Gundam Fighter for Neo Hong Kong; it would be a good way to attempt to try out the techniques that were made. Personality: Being blunt, he's a man who hides his real intensions with a smile on his face. Crew Members: Nataru- A young girl who follows Tsuki around, she helps out when upgrading or repairing the Gundam. Gundam Stats Gundam Name: Tendo Gundam Nationality*: Neo Hong Kong Head Height: 15.7 tons Base Weight: 6.1 tons Full Weight: N/A Armor Materials*: Gundarium alloy super-ceramic composite rare metal hybrid Armament: X2 Beam Katana X1 Heat 3 Pieced Spear X1 Beam Dagger (on right wrist, pops up) X30 Beam Kunai Special Techniques: Half Moon Full Mon Cresent Moon Bloody Moon Cycles of the Moon Gundam Ability Points (You have up to 250 pts. to use) Normal as in Normal Mode Attack as in Attack Mode Normal Power: 30.22 Attack Power: 24.11 Normal Speed: 27.86 Attack Speed: 47.31 Normal Offense: 34.65 Attack Offense: 53.17 Normal Defense: 31.52 Attack Defense: 25.02 Normal and Attack Search: 28.87 Normal and Attack Adaptation: 29.99 Normal Mode Total: 183.11 Attack Mode Total: 208.47 Gundam Design (optional but preferred) Attack Mode Picture: [IMG]http://img1.photobucket.com/albums/1003/NineTailsWolf/Gundam2.jpg[/IMG] Normal Mode: In Normal Mode this Gundam seems to have even more armor, it consisting of a very flattened metal sheet. A rare type of strong metal that is as flexible as cloth, it is draped over his shoulders like a cape, consisting of the same colors of him. [/color][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=blue] From there, the old man read off the next name on the list," Let's see..Uhh..Monten..."Friedrice"...Korabishi?" "Nani?" the young lad seemed to be the shortest one in the crowd of people who were there. The old man would repeat his name two to three more times before Monten jumped into the air to show himself," I'm right here!" Landing on the ground now, he would walk over to the old guy only to be handed some yen. Smiling and doing a polite bow, the young boy made his way out of the room and out of the palace. His sandals made little sound on the ground beneth him as he walked, his hair seeming to sway with the wind that would come ever now and then. Approaching the gate now, the guards would let him out and he would wave good-bye to them. But unlike most of the guards, these one waved back with a smile yelling out things such as: "See ya Monten! Good Luck on your journey!" Or: "Thanks for helping us in our training session today Monten! I feel that I could do a lot better in battle!" The smile on this young boy's face would grow hearing the comments coming from the guards. Now, being in the crowd of people around Nabuto Town, he would need to dodge many of the on-coming people. It's like trying to navigate yourself through a bunch of running horses! Was something that Monten would say to himself quietly. He would be pushed every which-way before being knocked into the [I] General Store. [/I] His hand would be slide into the sleeve of his kimono before he'd scratch the back of his head, eyes a bit bewildered at how he was transported into the Store. "Uh..May I help you lad?" asked the Clerk standing behind the counter. "Yeah, I would like," Monten began but stopped once he reached the counter. Not being able to see the clerk, he'd take a few steps back and order," I would like a Straw Hat please." "That'll be 100 yen." Nodding to the clerk, Monten would jump on the counter to reach him and pay him 100 yen. This would leave the samurai kid with only 200 yen. He would acknowledge the clerk once more with a smile before taking the hat and making his way from the fields and into the lion's den! (As in he going back into the crowd) But to his surprize there weren't as many people there, probably down the street maybe. Shrugging while putting his straw hat on, he would make his way pass the Weapon Store and Inn before getting to the gate. Not even looking back, he'd easily open the gate and look on at the other people he would be traveling with... ------------------------------------------------- [B]Name[/B]: Monten "Friedrice" Korabishi [B]HP[/B]: N/A [B]MP[/B]: N/A [B]Status Adnormalities[/B]: None [B]Funds[/B]: 200 yen [B]Location[/B]: The Exiting Gate Of Nabuto [B]Items[/B]: Straw Hat [/size] [/color]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=blue] Several guards would be seen inside the palace gates, just a bit to the side of the garden rushing toward a young boy who seemed to be calm. They would slash downward at the boy who'd react by blocking their blades with the sheath of his katana. The boy would feel the pressure being pushed down upon him, so he would ease his way back, breaking himself away from the guards and stood a few yards away from them. He seemed to be in a stance, standing sideways from his opponent with hand hovering over the hilt of the katana. It was then that the palace butler came speaking to him. "Monten "Friedrice" Korabishi?" The butler asked, looking down at the little boy. Breaking the stance he was in, Monten looked at the butler before blinking," Yes?" "It seems that people have started to arrive, if you wouldn't mind, come with me." Nodding to the butler, Monten looked back at the guards who he was help train. With a wave he departed and began to follow the butler, who was walking in a rather quick pase. The little boy would place his arms within his kimono as he followed, having to take long leaps to keep up with the butler every now and then. "What's the rush?" Monten would ask him after taking a few more leaps to catch up. "I must show you where you must wait and hurry back to the gates, for more people will be coming. Its hard work ya know. Here you are sir." Finally, the butler would lead Monten into a room where he would spot someone with blue hair and another guy who had some dots on his forehead. He could tell by the way the dotted one looked that he was probably some sort of martial artist, but the thing that would cross his mind was what type of style this man kept within his skill. Anyway, the butler would nod before disappearing in a white cloud of smoke, leaving the little boy and the other people in the room. [/color] [/size]