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[SIZE=1][COLOR=blue] Upon walking into the volcano area, he would feel the intense heat from all around him. So, naturally, he created a barrier around him that would protect him from such an intense heat. Making his way toward the temple now, he looked down to see the ladder. Not taking the ladder, Hiro would simply fly down to the bottom and land to see the door a few meters away from him. Getting into the entrance now, he glanced around to see a door to the left. Appearing in front of it, it opened and he walked into there. Now he was in a room with lava on the ground, pillars sticking from the lava, he looking around for a few seconds before taking a step forward. Once this had happened, the room rumbled, from the huge whole in the ceiling something dropped down. Landing on the pillar in the middle of the lava was a Goron, not just any old one, it was Darunia! Standing now, the mighty Goron would look upon the form of the boy before asking,? Who are you? And how did you get into the Fire Temple? This is a sacred place in only I and a select few can tread.? Hiro hadn?t replied. ?My brother Gorons! Come!? No one had come. ?What is going on?? ?Heh, let?s just say, that you won?t be visited by many Goron in a while my friend?? ?What!? What have you done to my brothers and sisters?? ?Forget about them for the moment, your concern should be concentrated on me. My name is Hiro, and I have come for something that you have,? he would say, removing a hand within his cloak and pointing toward Darunia. ?Me? Give YOU something? After you have beaten my brothers and sisters? Whatever you want, you?ll have to take it by force!? Closing his eyes now, he muttered,? You are the Sage of Fire, which means that I?d probably have to be more cautious when fighting you?? Cocking a rock hard eyebrow, he watched as the boy began to float into the air, He preparing himself by gripping the air and in that hand, a huge hammer had appeared. It wasn?t the same hammer that Link had had, this was one given to him once he became the Fire Sage. Hiro opened his eyes, looking down at Darunia, he gripped the air as well. In that hand appeared a scythe, a scythe that looked as if it were made from pure dark energy. It being black with purple spots around it, the blade being sharp and long. (Think Magus from Chrono Trigger) Swooping down from in the air, Hiro would await only 2 seconds before swinging his arms downward so the scythe could be directed to Darunia. That Goron rose his arms upward, both the weapons clashing together, that was once Hiro had began to push down to try and get the Goron on his knees. But of course that wouldn?t happen, in physical strength a Goron would be stronger than a Gerudo. Hiro would push off of the hammer, flipping right behind the Goron only to see a flames of the hammer directed toward him. Darunia had swung toward him, but it hadn?t connected, Hiro appearing a few feet above him and slashing downward with his scythe. This had hit the Goron, leaving a deep gash across his chest, the dark matter in Hiro?s hands disappeared. Now, he would use his own fighting skills to finish the job. He quickly jumped back to dodge another swing of the hammer, and then he would attack by conducting a fierce combo on the unguarded Darunia. Once this combo was finish, the Goron stumbled back and was about to fall within the lava, but Hiro wouldn?t let him. Placing a hand on Darunia?s stomach, he would use some psychic ability to lift the heavy Goron into the air. Of course this wasn?t as easy as he thought it would be, for Darunia would keep struggling, but it hadn?t mattered to him, he was about to get what he needed. Everything around them had darkened; purple electrically jumping around the figure of the Goron. And then, from the forehead of Darunia, came a small red gem in which had a fire burning within it. Grabbing the gem with his right hand, Hiro directed Darunia toward a wall and thus blew him into it,? Thank you Darunia,? he would speak before levitating into the air and heading toward the exit,? You have ensured the release of Ganodor..." Leaving that room now, he laughed to himself before noticing another Goron at the entrace of the temple...he was standing with another girl. Looking down at them he wondered, were they here to try and defeat him? [/size] [/color]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=blue] OOC: I'm gonna post once more time before anyone else does. It seems it's only a 3 person Rp at the moment, maybe we should await other people to post after I do? ^.^ IC: Chains were upon most of the Gerudo, some of them rooting in the dungeons for disobeying the laws of Hiro. Many pure black figures of monsters walked about the Gerudo Valley, at the peak of the valley sat a mini-castle, which had evil emitting from every inch of its structure. Inside it, Hiro sat in his throne, resting his head on his right fist as he sat, until a Gerudo ran into the room. ?We have the locations,? she would say before throwing a map toward Hiro. The map stopped right in front of him before unfolding itself and he looked upon the locations. ?Hmph, good work. Tell the people of the valley they can rest for the day, I?ll have some of my monsters guard the place,? he would reply before walking out and stood in front of his castle. With a smirk over his face, he levitated into the air, shifted himself so he would be pointing toward Death Mountain. His form and body had disappeared in a show of dark purple light, he appearing right in front of the Goron Village. Entering now, the mysterious boy would look down to see a few Goron?s rolling around, the children having fun, some working. One of them had stopped and walked over greeting him, but the only reply he would get was a hand. Forming around the hand was concentrated energy, it only taking a second to gather before that Goron was blasted. The beam wasn?t able to go through its hard skin, but was strong enough to leave a light dent in him. ?What?s going on?? asked a Goron who was coming from the side, once seeing this he would call out, summoning more Goron?s to come. ?Where is he?? Hiro asked them. ?Who do you speak of?? one answered. ?Your leader, the Fire Sage?Darunia?? ?Why do you want to speak with him?? ?Why must you ask questions? Bring me the Fire Sage, or prepare, for battle?!? declaring this, Hiro would slide his right hand down to the hilt of one of his daggers. The Goron?s surrounding the young boy, who would seem to stand there without a care, his long cloak somewhat flowing in no type of wind. Everything was silent as this was happening, the female Gorons (if there is any) running into their houses with their children and quickly moving a bolder in front of the door. Dead silence was over the boy and the crowd, until one of the Gorons stupidity cried out, a battle cry I would say. Running toward Hiro, that Goron would swing a large rock fist toward him. It would seem Hiro had disappeared, the Goron looking around until he found him. Hiro stood on one of his knuckles, and then raced down his arm unsheathing one dagger before slamming the dull blunt edge of it into that Goron?s neck. Flipping off of that one, he wouldn?t land on the ground, just hovered above it. He did a gesture with his left hand, challenging the rest of them to come at him. And as he suspected, they did, some ran, others rolls, some jumped into the air trying to attack him, but most all of the attacks had failed. A large wave a psychic energy swept throughout the crowd, and in the matter of seconds, all the Gorons who had decided to fight him were dented into the wall. Hiro hadn?t known why he would always unsheathe his daggers; he never ended using it at all. Walking up to one of the fallen Goron, he knelt down and grabbed that one by the throat. Easily lifting him into the air, he would tilt his head to the side and ask,? Where is the Fire Sage? Tell me, or everyone here dies?? ?He?he?s in the Fire Temple! Please, don?t kill anyone, just do what you need to do and leave!? Dropping the Goron now, he would now land on the bottom floor, then, carry onto walk toward the temple. Where he had sensed what he had needed? [/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=blue] It was a sunny day outside, this was the day that Link and the others were suppose to go to Hyrule Castle right? Well, he hadn?t known that, not even them, the Gerudos had known about that. They having the time of their lives, being free from the clutches of evil and Ganodorf, and went about their lives still sharpening their skills. Having children every now and then somehow, and they always being females in which would become great warriors to protect their lands. A sunny day I had said right? Well, that day had quickly turned dark as a black cloud hovered above the Gerudo lands. Everyone in that village would look up at the all of a sudden dark day, and in a flash of lightning a figure floated above them all. From where they stood, everything on that figure was darkness except for its right eye, which was a crimson color. Another thing that was noticed was its cloak which was blown with a dark wind,? Hello my fellow Gerudos?? spoke the figure looking down upon all of them. None of them had answered, just looked upon each other knowing that the figure was a male and the only male that had been born was Ganodorf. After a few more seconds of whispering one of them had called out to the figure asking,? Who are you? You could not be a Gerudo! The only male Gerudo was sealed a few years ago!? after that was said; voices arose from the crowd of females, agreeing with what had just been said. ?So?you want to know who I am? Heh, well, to put it bluntly?I am your new master?? ?New Master? What is THAT suppose to mean?? ?Heh, simple?? replied the figure,? either you give up your freedom and your land?or I have to take it with force?so?its your choice, the easy way? Or the hard way? It wouldn?t much matter to me, I know the outcome of each one?? With this, the figure would heard the unsheathing of many weapons sweep throughout the crowd. A sigh coming from him as this happened,? Well?it looks as if we are going to have to do it, the hard way?? and with those words said, he brought his hands out of his cloak, and then rested it on the sheaths of his daggers. A loud battle cry came from the Gerudos once he had swooped down from the air, they instantly following his movements as this happened. He went for one Gerudo who would seem to be standing there awaiting him, and with a swoop of his left hand, he swung his dagger right toward that one. That Gerudo easily blocked the attack, both of their weapons ringing throughout the valley. But at the same time as this, he would push forward, sending a wave of psychic energy toward everyone. The Gerudo he fought being blown into a nearby house and leaving a dent there. Landing on the ground now, he would duck down as a spear?s head went sweeping above his head. Now, using force with his legs, he would push off upward to slam the blunt edge of his blade into that unguarded Gerudo?s side. Once this happened, he quickly lifted himself into the air to dodge the many incoming weapons that were targeted at him. Landing up top a house, he would sheath both of his weapons and then take out a few kunais, holding them between each finger. Flinging them toward most of the Gerudo, he would watch as half of them fell on their knees from an injury. Now launching into the air, he would acrobatically do aerial flips with his legs straight and landing in the middle of a crowd of Gerudo. Easily evading their attacks, the unknown figure would ram a fist, knee, palm, and elbow, into many of them around him. In the course of 5 minutes, he had defeated everyone in that valley, and stood proudly with his arms crossed over his chest. Those midnight blue eyes of his would look down at most of the Gerudo, who would seem to try and stand, but fell back down from injuries. With a grin across those vile lips of his he would speak,? Hah, you foolish Gerudo. You shall bow down to your temporary master, for now on call me by the title Master Hiro?? that grin had widened once he heard the reaction of the rest of the Gerudo,? But shortly, we will be visited by Lord Ganodorf?!? OOC: This is just the beginning, I have to find a few things before I can destroy the seal on Ganodorf so the guy who Role Plays him, sit tight! You?ll be coming out very soon. Oh..and I ask that no one control my character please, every reaction could shift my way of planning things. ^.^ [/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=blue] Another Rp I've wanted to join, I hope this information will be enough. Name: Hiro Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: Standing as tall as Older Link wearing blue puffy pants and a blue sleeveless shirt. Under the shirt he wears a long white-sleeved shirt in which sleeves are well rounded. The blue and white clothing is both decorated with many golden symbols and a neat gold outline, but over most of this his long cloak covers. His hair spikes upward (think Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho) and is red/silver. An Eye being midnight blue, the other looking the same color but when looked at differently in the light it is crimson. On his forehead wears a golden headband with a blue gem in the middle of it. On his arms he wears blue and golden arm guards, the guard on his right hand having a jewel in crested to its forehand. Bio: A boy created from Ganodorf?s last breath before he was sealed away by the sages. He was made for one purpose and one purpose only, to release the seal on Ganodorf. But upon being created (looking the age of 14 or so) he hadn?t known what his purpose was and set out to find it. Wandering around the fields of Hyrule and learning many things, and now to his knowledge his ability to easily use weaponry and magical abilities. (Meaning he is a Gerudo) Weapon: Two daggers sheathed on each side of him, the sheaths being the same color of most of his clothing and an unbelievable amount of kunais. Magic Powers: Unlike Ganodorf, he developed the ability to use psychic abilities. (Meaning he can levitate/warp, lift things, blast things with concentrated energy, etc.) [b]Din?s Rage[/b]: A technique summoning the darkness within Din, it creates a black flame (the hottest type of fire) around the user in a sphere. By command it can be used to expand or become smaller, also can be used as some type of barrier. [b]Nayru?s Heartbreak[/b]: A technique the summons the darkness of Nayru, instead of creating barrier around the user it creates a barrier around the opponent. The barrier is filled with water so it would be best to knock the wind out of the opponent before using this technique to drown them. Barrier can easily be broken. [b]Farore?s Shifting Current[/b]: A technique used to beckon the darkness within Farore, not as powerful as the other techniques but could be used as a good combo with Nayru?s Heartbreak. It makes the air around everyone but the user thine so it would be hard to breathe. [/size][/color]
Sign Up Outlaw Star: Future Prospects [12+ for swearing and violence]
Shanghai replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][COLOR=blue] Here is my sign up, bah, I wrote out something long for his bio but then my computer acted up and I had restart. It didn't save anything and I don't want to write something as long as I did so I just summarized it. I hope with that little flaw in my sign up I am still accepted.. ------------------------------------------------ ?So, this is where their headquarters?? asked a boy who stood sat on a large desk. ?Yes, that is their headquarters, I want you to go there and take everyone out. Don?t leave anyone standing, I don?t care how you handle the job; kill everyone and anything that stands in your way. This is the last time I want to hear about their syndicate,? Replied a fairly large fat man wearing a black coat suit. ?Have my wong ready when I return?? ?If, you return!? interrupted another man standing next to the fat one,? We?ve sent many an assassin after them, and they always come back in a bag!? Not answering, the young boy would jump off of the desk, landing on the ground and heading out the door, lifting something over his head, and pulling something up above his mouth. As the door closed, the man standing next to the fat man looked down at him,? Why are we sending him? It?s only a child! How could you except a child to do something thirteen assassins could not do before him?? ?Be quiet! That kid you speak of is non other than Eizou, a young assassin who stands in the ranks that rival Twilight Suzuka! He is a Shinobi, there is no way he could fail this?and besides, I have no type of money to waste trying to track Suzuka down and then pay more for her to do this, so I hired Eizou! I heard he was around here, so it was easier to track him.? ?How could someone like him stand in the rankings of Twilight Suzuka? He looks too young to?? ?Have you not heard the saying, don?t judge of a book by its cover? His skills must be good!? ?Hmm?? It was nighttime outside; the moon was out lighting up the night sky, until a few dark clouds slowly waltz over it, covering its glow a little. Inside a very tall building sat some people wearing black baggy pants; some having tattoos on their body, some looking different, but the thing that almost all of them wore was a red headband. It was easy to pick out the leader, he being the largest of them all and had women hanging over him. Back to the bottom of the building, guards stood at the entrance of this building, gazing out at the streets in front of them. One of the two guards winced a bit as he say something shiny coming from the darkness of the streets, and before he could make it out, a kunai sat in the middle of his head. That guard dropped down to the ground, the other one turning only to be hit in the side of the head by yet another kunai. Walking from the alley was him, Eizou, wearing his white Shinobi outfit and with a Kodachi sheathed by his waste. He wore arm guards of course and a metal plat that matched his guards sat in the middle of his forehead. (Picture [url]http://www.photobucket.com/albums/1003/NineTailsWolf/9ad34e48.jpg[/url]) Now, he would run into the building and hide behind a few pillars. Swiftly running behind each one, he?d occasionally look behind one to see a few guards standing around guarding something and then promptly kill them. Back to the top of the building, the large leader laughed as he and his members told many jokes, some being funny, some being dirty, and others that weren?t even funny. But they would still laugh! But their laughter quickly came to a halt as the door that lead to them opened, and one of the guards walked in. ?What the hell are you doing?? asked the leader before taking a bit out of some meat that sat in front of him,? You?re suppose to be guarding the door!? ?I?m?. sorry?? the guard whispered. ?What?? That guard had fell over, and standing behind was Eizou with a bloody Kodachi being held in his right hand. Everyone in that room quickly stood, since they were on a planet, most of them took out some guns and readied to grab some caster shells. But before anyone of them could even take out one of the shells, they fell to the ground once Eizou did a gesture, writing out the kanji word for ?Death? in the air. Shurikens were stuck in the heads of most all of the people in the room, except for the leader. Cleaning the blood off his blade with rice paper, Eizou would sheath his sword before he started to advance toward his target. Backing away from Eizou, the leader of the group backed away watching Eizou closely. A few sentences of trying to persuade him to not kill him was thrown out, but was ignored. In the matter of a second, the young Shinobi ran toward his target and launched himself into the air. While in the air he sat right in front of the light on the ceiling before dropping down and ramming his Kodachi through the leader?s head. After jumping off the big guy, cleaning his blade and then sheathing it, he would throw a piece of paper on top of him, which had his symbol on it. Name: Eizou Age: 12 Race: Terran (human) Gender: Male Occupation: Hired Assassin Affiliation: Neutral Appearance: [IMG]http://www.photobucket.com/albums/1003/NineTailsWolf/9ad34e48.jpg[/IMG] Weapons: Basic Ninja Weaponry (Kunai, shurikens, explosive tags, etc.) x1 Kodachi. Spacecraft: None (But still gets around) Biography: Basically, a boy growing up in a shinobi clan. Looked up to his older brother who was basically the strongest person in the clan and was only a few years older than he. Then, an unknown shinobi clan comes and kills most of the people he knew, he and his brother breaking most of the defenses until they got to the leader named Chigatana. After a long battle came, his brother would send a vicious blow to Eizou. When he asks why his brother replies by telling him that he would have to beat him before he would speak. That's his story, at the age of 10 he becamse an assassin after swearing an oath that he would become strong enough to kill his brother. [/size][/color] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=blue] [B]Name[/B]: Cronus Kanzetsu [B]Age[/B]: 3 [B]Race[/B]: Ryouko [B]Race Information[/B]: The Ryouko is a race of people who are said to be much like the Saiya-jin race. Instead of transforming into a huge monkey they (the Ryouko) transform into huge dragon like creatures. This race of genius warriors was taken over and ruled under an Icer known as Cooler (Frieza?s brother). Cooler would send out squads to take over certain planets on his side of the universe, but he would notice after every battle how strong these people would become. Some of them having great power that went to their heads, others with the same power going and try to kill Cooler, but were promptly executed. Anyway, this race is basically a race of fighters. (More detail in the History Section of this Sign Up) [B]Character your Replacing[/B]: I don?t think that I should be allowed to replace a character sense my character?s race is one I created. [B]Signature Technique[/B]: [I]Hirameku Kunai[/I]: This attack is similar to the ?Destructo Disk? but with a bit of a change in Ki out bringing, it can be used to stick into an opponent. This attack is simple, all that happens is Cronus creates Ki in the form of a kunai, shuriken, large kunai, etc. and launches it toward his opponent. Most of the time, the attack can go through anything, but as I stated before, in the slightest change in Ki out bringing, it can be used to stick into anything. [B]History[/B]: Cronus comes from a planet ruled under Cooler which creatures known as Ryouko. Ryouko is a race of genius warriors that are able to transform into a large dragon, he being the son of one of the High Priests of this planet. Legend has it that only 1 Kouryou are born every 100 years and by fate, this boy was dubbed one. (Well now you don?t even know what is going on, so I?ll explain some more) On this planet, people are put into categorized groupings starting by birth. There are three main headings for the groupings. The Hiryuu type (Ones that transform into flying Dragons) and the Doryuu (Two words meaning Ground Dragon and transform into non flying dragons.), but one title stands above all else, the highest status that a Ryouko can be born as a Kouryou (Meaning Rain Dragon and Hidden Genius, plus its transformation may differ.). The rankings go in this order, from lowest status to the grand status: Ryuu (Novice Dragon) Ryuuza (Above Novice Status) Ryuushuu (Expert) Ryuuou (Dragon King) Ryuujin (Highest Status meaning Dragon God) There are many other status that Ryoukos can acquire but those 5 are the main ones. There isn?t much to say about Cronus (he just being born and all) but that he was the second born person in his family to receive the status of Kouryou, the first person in his family being his older brother named Kenshuo. The planet was surprised to see there was another person with the status of Kouryou among them, when legend had it that only 1 was born every 100 years. Hearing the news of this, Cooler had gone to the planet of Ryuuguu (the planet which the Ryouko reside) and had immediately had him sent by spaceship to a planet. He was only a few months old when he was sent, going to the planet known as Namek, but on his journey he was dramatically (emphasizing this word) knocked off course and landed on earth. Upon landing on earth, he was found by an old man who had taken him in, and once he was able to walk (age the age of 1 and a half) began his training with this man. The training that began and still is going on is the art of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. So he is training to become a Shinobi, but as the same time as this, he is learning about how to sense chi and control Ki. Since he comes from a genius race, of course he picked up on this quickly and created his own signature technique, but as we speak, his training still is going on. [B]Appearance[/B]: At this day and age of course he would be very short, but wears a small scarf that fits around his small stature. He wears a long Chinese Gi, which consists of the colors red (Main color) and black (outlining). His hair is just growing it, the color of it being jet black as his eyes are a brown color. The pants he wears is black pants that a Shinobi would wear (meaning it is a bit puffy) and wears leg wraps down by the ankles. Shoes are of course black but have a red outline that flows into many designs, those shoes being ones that a martial artist would wear. [B]Personality[/B]: At this day and age you couldn?t really tell his personality, but as you see him, he is most of the time happy like any little child would be. But as the same time of this, the potential that would be sensed within this boy is unlimited. His happy but cool and calm attitude hides the hidden genius that lurks within. [B]Powerlevel[/B]: 135 (doesn?t have a powered up version yet, hasn?t be taught how to power up) (If you want me to change anything in my profile please PM me so I can fix it.) [/size][/color]
Sign Up Tenchi Universe: Adventures of the Galaxy Police
Shanghai replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][COLOR=blue]Name: Hayaku Midamaru Age: 28 Gender: Male Affiliation: Wandering Bounty Hunter Rank: N/A Weapons: One plasma (beam) sword, explosives, thread, etc. (small weaponry like the explosives, etc. are in the little pockets of the belt) Powers: Hayaku has an advance form of psychic ability which he hardly uses; it is often used when he is in a thin situation. Other than this, he sticks with his own abilities in fighting. Vehicle: Medium black motorbike with 4 machineguns (two in the front and two in the back) and can only seat one person. A small ship that can only seat about 2. (Used when descending toward a planet, chasing, others. Think Spike?s little ship from Cowboy Bebop if want a visual.) Appearance: [url]http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/hayato-fullmvc2.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/hayato-sg.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/hayato-ride.jpg[/url] History: A young boy left at the steps of an old sensei who lived in a mountainous village, Hayaku would learn many forms of fighting. His father being a man who came from an unknown race and his mother who was a petty human, whom he was told died after he was delivered to the sensei. In this time of training, this young boy would often show the signs that he would be a great warrior (or killer) who had to be set in the right path. But as the training went by, he strived for more challenges (after defeating most of the warriors in that village of course). Once his training was completed, he left there to join an underworld mafia gang and there met his partner in crime and rival, Kitsuensha. These two were both deadly in their own ways, and together killed many people. After an incident had happened, the mafia group had fallen and he obtaining a scar from Kitsuensha. He became a wandering bounty hunter, in search of Kitsuensha. Personality: Plain and simple he loathes the idea of sharing his feelings, so he is mostly cold to most people. Quiet and determined person, Hayaku looks after himself and when going after a bounty, he doesn?t seem to care about the well being of other people. Other: Kitsuensha Picture: [url]http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/sol-fn1.jpg[/url] [/size][/color] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=blue] Ah it was the unfresh smell of the city in the air, mixed together with food like pizza, hot dogs, etc. It wasn't the first time this young boy who sat upon an old tree had smelled these smells. He was starting to get used to the unfresh air of the city, how he sometimes wished he would go back to Japan and live upon the mountains training. But he had no choice but to stay in the city, so he can finish all the manga he's reading of course! As I said, this boy sat upon an tree(maybe an oak or maple), eyes scanning the pages of a "Rurouni Kenshin" manga he had gotten into. He loved how these samurai fought back then after the bakumatsu. He had finished the series when Kenshin had defeated Aoshi, and the next had just started. With a calm expression on his face, his eyes would be pulled from the manga only for a few seconds as he saw a leaf dropping down only to be cut into 15 pieces in a flash. Chuckling a bit, he would keep his eyes on the manga," Do you think you would be able to preform the techinques in this manga?" he would ask his friend. [/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=blue] Ah here is my profile. ---------------------------------------------------- Name: Hokuten Age: 16 Gender: Male Weapon: A martial art known as Higashiyori. It is a style that Hokuten created during his mastering of Taijutsu (The unarmed ninja fighting style). He had taken some of the techniques used in Tai Chi and created this fighting style. Element: Wind Appearance: [IMG]http://www.hunterhq.com/character/images/main_kura.jpg [/IMG] Background: Hokuten, a boy who has enough skill to fight his opponent while reading? He was born to a Japanese father and Chinese mother. After their mysterious disappearances he was taken to his grandfather (coming from his dad?s side) and at the age of 4 started to learn Tai Chi. During his Tai Chi training, at times, he was entered into a few martial arts tournaments just to test out his skills. Being in the championships he would always seem to ?disappear? before one of his import matches and thus was kicked out. After mastering Tai Chi, his grandfather had died shortly and he was sent to China where he would learn Taijutsu from his mother?s grandfather. At this time he was about 9, he quickly learning and thus mastering Taijutsu at the age of 14. Upon doing this, his master had died (weird eh?) and so he was left alone and untamed . . Personality: A nice and calm person with a kind heart, this leads to him not fighting to his fullest in battles in concern of his opponent. In battle (if the opponent is strong will not read book, if he thinks he can take him will take out book) he calculates every move and doesn?t attack if not certain the opponent will be damaged. Shy but in battle sly like a fox.[/size][/color]
Ah! People leave me an open spot with Wind! I thought we could each have two elements? Meh, well yeah leave me a spot with Wind because I need to do some homework before I can fully put my all into a bio. This seems fascinating. . .
OOC: Mia, never control my character again, I thought I made that clear the first time I posted that no one would control my character? Especially when someone didn't even spell his name right. . . .Please, do not do that again. . . -.-; IC: Shukuchi hadn't run from Mia just yet, just giving her a cold glare after she gave him the message," Next time," he spoke, his right hand tensing a bit," Watch where you walk. . ." And with those words, he calmly walked away from Mia sighing to himself. People these days don't even watch where they go, she is lucky she got off with only a few words. He was very angry at the moment, his pride broken. He could remember his mother telling him that he would be a Card Captor one day, and out of all the cards he would catch, his prize card would be the fight card," Harru you called?" Shukuchi asked, as he stood in front of Harru.
OOC: BAH! I just posted a very long post and it didn't come in! Crap, gah, well let me just say what happened. Basically, Shukuchi walked into the class late and the teacher asked him why he was late and he says "That is none of your concern" then they started talking somemore and the teacher said they would talk after class. Skukuchi went to his seat, and kept glancing at Naisha, he thinking of challenging her for the fight card.
OOC: I've been gone for a while but now am back...unexpected leaving...Anyway...it looks like the card I was waiting for was captured...already...>.< Shukuchi stood unseen somewhere close enough so he could see what was going on, with a frown on his face he sighed a bit," Damn it..." he thought to himself before revealing his excistance(sp?) to everyone," The Fight Card...an opponnet in which I missed to battle...! Shimatta..." He had known that he felt a card, but his skills in sensing where their exact location was needed some work. He was so bad at it, it ha searched basically everywhere before stumbling upon this place, only to see that the card he had dreamed of catching, had been capture by someone as worthless as Nisha. In his thoughts she was merely a capture who had no type of skill, but for some reason she had the luck to capture a few cards," That card should be mine..." With those words escaping the boy's lips quietly, he made his way over to the group with an unwelcoming look on his face.
OOC: Hold on..what's going on now? What Clow Card is this actually? I'm getting confused..>.<
"Hmph.." Shukuchi pulled down on his gloves that he wore before leaning forward a bit, the smirk had disappeared from his face before he was ready to dash forward to follow Harru. But some thoughts had ran throughout his mind. What card is this? Is it a powerful card? Will I be able to capture it? He had heard of a card that had extreme skill in fighting, but hadn't known if it was fast at all. Not saying anything, Shukuchi tapped his foot on the ground, as if he were trying to get dirt off of the back of his shoe. From there, he launched forward, arms freely hanging behind him as he followed Harru.
Skillfully flipping out of the tree, he landed next to Harru with his eyes closed. A light smirk could be seen playing across his lips once he opened his eyes and looked at him," The real question is, can [B]you[/B] keep up?" this was going to be good, getting a new card instead of having this useless one he had right now. Plus he had a new partner, maybe this was strict type of partnership, but he hadn't known. Moving his right hand forward, he gestured for Harru to lead the way.
Shukuchi had frowned a bit seeing that the card was captured already, but then that boy Harru had came up the tree he was sitting on asking him if the two should team up. Should they? A few minutes had passed before he had answered him, those icey blue eyes of his now located onto Harru," Fine, let us join forces..." That frown on his face quickly disappeared, using his right hand, he reached into the bag he was wearing. Opening and unclipping a few things before bringing his hand up to show him that card in which he had. After doing this, he quickly put it away and awaited for his reaction.
OOC: Meh...I should stop acting like I'm a mod in this thread and just Rp. >.< IC: After everything, a sigh came from him before sensing something. It was...a Clow Card...? Picking up a small bag and strapping it onto his side, he headed in the direction of where he could sense it coming from, but then, he slide to a stop once noticing there were already some people over there. [I]"Kuso...!"[/I] thought Shukuchi before heading consealing the air around him, he didn't want anyone to sense him so he always did this,[I]"Are those the girls from class!? What are they doing here? Tsk, I must get that Clow Card, it would be better than this useless card I have..."[/I] Stealthly, he sprinting toward a tree, and climbed up it, sitting on a branch now he hide himself from there. Although he wanted that card, he didn't want anyone to know that he wanted it. So, he would sit there, with kind of a smirk on his face as he watched.
OOC: Should people [I]really[/I] be controling other peoples characters? Well if you got their primission then go ahead..but no one control my character, he does his own thing and I'm the only person who'll know how to Rp as him... And one more thing... Why would the enemy show themselves so quickly? I mean this as in using your magic in school. x.x IC: When it was time for a bit of a break(right?) Shukuchi walked outside and sat down on the ground with his eyes closed, but this had stopped once he heard something happening. Opening his right eye slightly, he had seen that people were fighting," Pathetic.." thought the boy as he closed his eyes once more. Those silver locks of hair slowly blew in a nearby wind that came, he not speaking a word as this was happening, the boy would of gotten up to go stop them, but why would he waste his time with something like that? Instead, Shukuchi sat there, arms firmly crossed over his chest, and he had an unwelcoming face.
Heh, well it does look as if our characters look alike. I will be willing to change mine although I was going for a Yue look (if you couldn't figure that one out that I don't know what to say), but if you're not willing to change your description, I will.
Name: Tenken Shukuchi Age: 14 Key/Staff/Magical weapon: A pair of fingerless gloves used to capture Clow Cards. (You shall see how it works once the rp starts ^.^) Description: Shukuchi has long snow white hair that extends down his back (Like Yue), his ice blue eyes resembling that of the once ruler of the moon. (-coughYuecough-) His attire consists of black pants that are tight at the ankles, his shoes are ones that a martial artist would use, of course it is black with a blue outline. He wears a closed Kung-Fu jacket that is black and blue, the buttons on it being black as the outline is blue. Bio: Hardly anything is known about this boy who bares the eyes of Yue. He comes from a family that works/lives at a local(sp?) resturant, he is very mysterious. There is not much he isn't good at; he excels in sports, is musically inclined (plays Violin), mostly has a calm and cool composure, also his skills excel even further for he is a martial artist. But at the same time as this, he bares an ice cold side that won't let anyone get close to his feelings. It is like a barrier that shields himself from the rest. I hope that was good enough!
"Geez, soon I will be able to know where I am going in this school, it'll be as if I were sparring some...bo....dy...?" Rue blinked a few times as he had opened a door but didn't know where it lead to, but in this room were two girls (Nariko and Aoi) that he hadn't seen before. Well of course he hadn't seem them, this was his first year. How could he be side-tracked to come into the room with only two girls when he wanted to find the tournament area. The thought of he walking into the girls locker room came to mind , had he passed through the girls locker room and came to this place!? Sigh a bit, he put his hands forward and laughed nervously, he could feel these girls fighting spirits and they were high compared to his own that he always tries to hide," Uhh, if this is a place only for women I'm sorry," he says before getting ready to turn around, he was hoping one of them wouldn't ask him to spar.
Rue once again sighed as he walked out of her office, but before Ars and he had went their seperate ways, he quickly snacked his wooden katana away and put it on his belt. His belt was like a samurai's obi, something used to hold their swords in place," I'm happy I didn't get in trouble, but in some ways I think I should of," mutter the young samurai to himself as he kept walking. He had forgotten which classroom he had to go to, opening a few doors only to see that it wasn't the real one. This school was basically huge, and the thought of holding a fight tournament reminded him of a story that his older brother had told him. How he went to a school where they held a tournament and his team always won. His oldest brother was a strong man, no one that should be messed with. He was the one who basically taught him the basics and advancements of fighting. While his other brother taught him about tactics and other things like that.
Seeing one of his men fall so easily, the boss of the thugs slowly pushed two of his men forward. Rue still looked uneasy about fighting, but his skill would so come out when he became serious and now wasn't the time. Releasing some air now, one of the thugs thrusted a leg toward Rue who would seem to disappear at an unbelievible speed. His movements were so quick, not even I the writer could see it! (Lol) In the matter of seconds both of the men fell to the ground with Rue standing above them tightening the band that kept his pony-tail in check. Turning slightly, he looked at the three boys he just beat," I'm sorry," he apologized. It was amazing how such a nice boy could pull off such fighting techniques. Seeing this, the last thug quickly turned and ran probably going to class or something. The boss stood there, looking at Rue with a bit of fear in his eyes.
"But, I don't want to fight," Rue whispered to himself as he looked on at the 5 thugs who were now unarmed and ready to fight him. "Well, once we're done with this punk, you guys can expect to be beaten!" yelled one of the five thugs with a smirk coming across his face. Glancing back at the others he spoke," I'll take care of this kid!" With those words done, it was time to fight and Rue tried to speak out words that would have them not fight, but they weren't going through. It was as if he were talking to a ham sandwich or something, so all he could do now if fight! And without his wooden katana, he was a samurai forced to do combat like a martial artist! Well, there must still be away he can fight without revealing his sword style right? But it would be brilliant to see a samurai use a sword art with only his fists. He wasn't the type of boy to do this, so, it was time to put brain over muscle...or he could just fight. Everything happened in a quick flash, a fist being send toward this first year's face. To Rue, it would seem as if this guy was moving slow, he taking a few steps forward and placing his index and middle finger on two of the knuckles. Now, using the opponent's own force against him, he pushed that fist to the side to let him fly toward the ground. Once this happened, the thug was skilled enough to place his hands onto the ground for support as he swung himself. Doing so he sent his heels toward Rue, who simply moved his head to the side to dodge it. Now since that foot was gone, Rue did a twirl before ramming his leg into the thug's support arm and send him spinning into a locker. Standing up straight now, that was one down, and the words that came from this kid's mouth is," Konoha...Senpuu.."