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A sigh came from Rue as he stood in the boys bathroom. A scuffle had broken out between he and a few boys, they were doing something that he hadn't approved of, but wasn't going to say what it was. He assured them he wouldn't tell, but then the boys wanted to fight, badly and there was no way for him to excape. He was outnumbered, it was 5 to only one boy who wield a wooden katana. As the boy's made cruel jokes about he and his katana, he didn't say anything but "Guys, I won't tell the teacher's what happened, I don't want to fight!" But these words that came from his lips hadn't work, and now here he was, standing in front of blood thirsty boys. Now, all he had to do is fight them in away that non of them would get hurt seriously. These boys' stood in a pack, huddled neatly in front of Rue, their eyes locked on him as if he were a deer. Two of the boys' broke from the pack's huddle, racing over toward Rue to send their fists toward his face. Atlas, he was too fast to be caught by these boys eyes, his body and figure disappearing only to reappear a few inches away from their fists. What was going to happen next?
A young looking boy stood in the crowd before school had started, listening and watching an announcement that came. His team the KNIGHTS were fighting against the Card Game Masters, this could be a problem. Removing his arms from his kimono like sleeves, he crossed his arms and rested them by his belt, his left eye closed as he watched the clock tower. After this announcement had finished, Rue sighed to himself as he made his way into the school,? So the Card Game Masters she said my team will be fighting, I hope that my brothers will not show to watch me.? As the young boy walked through the crowds of students, his dark pink (yeah you read right, dark pink!) colored eyes fell onto two girls that were walking together. Looking a bit nervous he tried not to start anything with the two, so he kept walking, but as he passed them he could feel their aura. They could probably feel his as well, but he was walking too fast in the crowd to be caught by eyes. ?So, right now, I have class of course,? his mind raced with thoughts of the battle, he could feel himself being a bit?excited?
Can I still join? --------------------------------------------------- Name: Rue Year: 1 Team: None (But willing to join Little_Serenity?s group) Label: Nice Guy, Shinsengumi type kid Description: He is seen wearing a pair of black jeans that has a design of a silver dragon flowing down the left side of it. He wears a long sleeved black shirt that is well rounded at the sleeves and wrists making it easy for wind to enter. (So its like the top of a kimono but in an up to date shirt look.) Over this he wears a dark purple short, short, sleeved jacket that is black and has a hood on it. The lining of this jacket is black, the design of a wolf being on the right side. The jacket only extends down below his rib cage. On his hands he simply wears a pair of black fingerless gloves, the kanji sign of ?death? is in the middle of these gloves, being silver. Oh and his shoes are fully black, it has a design of a silver phoenix on it. His weapon is a wooden katana. Bio: His childhood wasn?t really what people would call a good one; every day and night the same things had taken place. When things had changed, they became harder to do; now you may be wondering what this guy did as a child huh? Well the where a bouts of his mother and his father is a mystery, so he grew up with both his brothers. Their name?s being Ryu (oldest brother) and Rei (Second oldest brother). Day and even sometimes under the night stars he would be trained in martial arts. His oldest brother Ryu, who was like a demon from hell, was the one who taught him a sword art and a bit of Kung fu. He would take him to climb up a mountain within a day, then at night he would leave his little brother Rue to climb down in a period of time or else he wouldn?t get his lunch. His second oldest brother Rei, who was like a wise and calm person, taught him a bit of Ninjitsu. He would take his brother to a calm and quiet place to train, keeping his skills up. By the age of 8 Rue had won 1st place in a Martial Arts junior tournament. The only time he had to rest was when he was at school, or when he had to eat, sleep, etc. Now his brother?s had enrolled him into this high school just for him to learn more and for the fighting (thanks to his brother Ryu.). Among his entrance of this school, he is very quiet and some kids pick on him because they think he is defenseless. He choices not to fight most of the time, but when he does, it is as if he were another person. He protects most kids that get picked on and his very wise for his age. (I think that's all I'll put down, lol)
OOC: Just to let everyone know..I may be gone for a few days, so I give BlueGender the permission to Rp as Sephiroth for a while. BlueGender..make Sephiroth look good.
OOC: Hey! What happened to this rp? It can't just lay and die! People! Start Rping! --------------------------------------------------- Being on earth once again was Kougetsu walked among the humans. He didn't have that much of a grudge on humans and yet he allowed himself to kill most of them, that was the will of his master and his master was a person he would never disoby(sp?). Making his way into an arcade he watched as some of the human children played a fighting game, one of them winning mostly all of the bouts. "What is this game called?" Kougetsu asked one of the children. "What!? You don't know what this game is? Its "Animantic Bout"!" answered the boy. "What is it about?" "Basically, its a fightin' game with all types of anime character! You should try it, but I don't think you'll win agianst the guy playing, he's like a mad machine or something!" "Fascinating..." were the last words that came from the young boy's mouth before getting ready to walk over toward the game," This boy who plays this game..must have a "pure heart"..."
Hot, hot, hot! Phew it was very hot out in the desert, how the hell could someone wear all these things when its so hot outside!? A figure was seen walking, walking, just walking along that wasteland of nothing but sand. In closer inspection you could see that it was none other than that wanderer known as Kero Kanzaki. This boy wasn?t sweating at all, and he wore a brown cloak and had a scarf on! Was he cold? Or was he just crazy? Well whatever the reason, the boy kept walking yawning every now and then. He stopped, his eyes looking up into the sky at both of the suns,? Wow it sure is hot,? he would say to himself before drinking a bit of water he had on him. Screwing the cap back onto the jug now, his hands went back into his cloak as he kept walking. Suddenly, Kero quickly turned around and pointed an Uzi down at the ground and was ready to pull the trigger! Before he could fire, he was flung high into the air, a thing that looked as if it were a sand warm leaping from out of the ground. ?Holy hell,? Kero would say to himself as he looked down toward the beast. Thinking fast, he pointed a Revolver at the beast before he took aim and fired! The gunshots could be heard far away, it was outside a town. Landing on the ground now, he kicked up some of the sand, his cloak brashly swaying to the side as made a break for it! ?Man, oh, man, what did I do to get that thing so upset?? he asked himself while still running.
The heartless which stood around the ground had exploded once again, they being cut in 5 different places. As many as the girl would bring, was how many that would die trying to protect the "True owner of darkness." A bright light had come, seemingly out of nowhere, as it faded black feathers could been seen all around the group. It was as if they were in a cherry blossom field, the blossoms being carried by the wind, but this was with black angelic feathers. Stepping forward, was the one and only Sephiroth, an evil grin crossing his face as his eyes located onto the figure of Cloud. He didn't think of putting a hand on the hilt of the masamune, in the matter of moments, this would be all over.
OOC: Aww....I wanted to make Sephiroth's entrance! I was simply waiting to see how everyone would react before I would do anything. -sigh- Well, alright, I'll let it slide this time, but, next time, let me control him alright?
"Freedom you say?" a voice was heard from in the sky, the voice sounding familiar to only a select few of the group. (Sora, Cloud...) Suddenly, the wind had changed, and within the matter of a second, the heartless which stood in front of the group and Kiara(Sorry if I spelt it wrong >.
A green and yellow blur could be seen, quickly climbing up a huge mountaintop. Looking closer at the fast little thing you would see that it was just a young boy, who was also carrying two large buckets of rice! A grin could be seen on this young boy?s face as he climbed up the mountain; he was carrying this rice for a small village that he lived in. Landing in front of the entrance of the village, he began to walk, his eyes looking around at all the villagers who greet him. ?Hey Kamataro!? one had said. ?Yo, what?s up Kamataro?? ?Hey, hey, hey, little dragon Kamataro, how?s it going?? Other greetings like those came as he made his way into a small café that he worked in with an old man named Kyushu. ?Oh Kamataro you?re back so soon? Go and put the rice in the back,? said the old man. Listening to him, he walked into the back of the room putting the buckets of rice down. Stretching out a bit, he turned and walked into the kitchen, where he changed clothing swiftly, and waited for a customer to odder something he would cook.
I haven't done any martial arts yet, but I'm going to begin next month doing the style that Bruce Lee had known. Oh and Narius, doesn't Muay Thai also concentrate on working on the stomach and ribs to block attacks?
One more question. How will the Gym battles be done?
Hitotsu had stood in front of his master, kneeling of course, presenting him with a dozen pure hearts," Seeing how they appeared..." he began before looking up at his master," I took the chance of getting these pure hearts as they were busy..." He sat there silently waiting for his master's reply, would he scowl him, or would he award him for doing good?
I watched the trailer a few times, reading the words that were in it, and I think that the boy in the hood and trench coat like thing is Sora, and the one with the black band over his eyes is Riku. I think the only reason Sora's hair looks silver is because of the lighting of the video. Another reason I think that one is Sora is because at the end, the one with the band over his eyes said "He looks just like...you" Then shortly after that it showed Sora...its just my thoughts or "Theory"
Name: Hiyruu Age: 11 Description: [IMG]http://www.hunterhq.com/character/images/main_kura.jpg[/IMG] Pokemon: Hitmonlee Bio: Every since he was a child he was fascinated with pokemon and how they lived. At the young age of 5, he already knew basically all the tactics and abilities of the pokemon who were known, taking a special interest in Fighting Pokemon. His father always researched about pokemon and gave him some of the knowledge. So when he was 8, he got his first pokemon, Hitmonlee, who wasn't like most Hitmonlee's. Having a power kick, this boy taught him how to use his fists a bit so the rivalry between Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan would end...of course it wouldn't seeing only his pokemon knew such things opening the door for more abilities. Now he is going around the world to become a great pokemon trainer and show that brains can stand against brone(spelling?)
Sorry it took so long, I couldn't find any information about why Sephiroth would be in KH. So this is what I have. Name: Sephiroth Age: Unknown Which series he/she is from: FF7 Weapon: Masamune Appearance: [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/sephirothsheart/sephiroth2.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Unknown in the KH series.
Hey save me a spot in the rp as Sephiroth...I'll put up his info later.
A badguy. Name: Gakito Age: 12 Gender: Male Territory: Lightning (Cloud Village) Side: Bad Physical Description: Short bluish platinum hair, some of it goes down his left eye. He wears a dark blue short-sleeved jacket and long dark blue pants. Under the jacket is a black sleeveless shirt that has the Japanese word for ?Wild Dog? imprinted on it. Wears blue and black arm guards/gauntlets. Bio: Hailing from the fields of Cloud Village, Gakito was a boy who was much hated by many. He was very strong for his young age; some people say the strength came when a great Wolf demon was sealed within a young baby?s body. As he was growing up he trained all the time in the art of Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, his father was the ruthless man who taught him this. Day in and day out he always trained not having time to play or be with his mother for a short while. When he did have a few minutes to play, his father would scold him for this, the village children were often taken away when they came near him. As the days went by, he most of his emotions would leave him only giving him the ability to hate. At the age of 5 something had happen that left the boy to fend for him?
Name: Kamataro Class: Android Weapon: Mind and body. Instrument: Flute Description: Wears a green pair of pants and a yellow sleeveless Kung-fu jacket, which buttons are green, has black hair that goes down in two bangs to the side of his head and is collected back in a short ponytail. He looks like a little boy with yellow and green arm guards. Name: DT-4 Weapon: Metal claws, charged hands, sharp wings Description: He is the same size as he was in his human form, his body purely being green like a dragon. His eyes are red and has yellow outlining his dragon-like wings. His head looks as if he wore a straw hat that had two flaps down the sides. Has a few signs imprinted on his body.
Hitotsu had sat down in the vision of his master, his head bowed to him as he spoke," You don't care what I do you say? Well then, master, I have decided to not go upon earth to gather "pure hearts" just yet. I suspect Cardian has gone down there to do so." He stood up now to face his master, his calm eyes staring at the figure of him. Letting out some air, he crossed his arms behind his back before continuing," If you need me, I think I will be down on earth doing..."human things"." With those words Hitotsu changed into his human form before bowing and disappearing to surface on earth.
Another Major General. ^.^ Name: Hitotsu (true form) Kougetsu (human) Age: Looks about 17 Gender: Male Attack(s): He has various sword and hand techniques Description: In his true form he looks older, around the age of 20 and 23, much more handsome than in his 17 year old state. His black hair is longer, going down his back and stopping before his butt, and he wears a white Chinese gi. Secret Identity: Kougetsu S.I. Description: In this form he looks 17 and wears a blue pair of pants and a white long sleeved shirt. Over this he wears a blue and black jacket. He has short black hair and brown eyes, plus he wears little tinted glasses (like Enishi from RK) Personality: He is very claim and polite, cunning and skilled. Quick thinking and has a sense of justice.
Gaming The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords + and Navi Trackers
Shanghai replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in Noosphere
Lol, thanks for clearing that up for me, but I ment for my question to be a whole new thread. Meh, well I'll probably get the hang of it after experimenting with things. -
Gaming The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords + and Navi Trackers
Shanghai replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in Noosphere
I am new here and have been reading a lot about that game coming out for the GC and I'm not quiet clear on one thing. Would to actually need a GBA in order to play the game? Or could you just use 4 controlers?