I would like to be a sorceress or a wavemaster.I'm not sure it is kinda hard to decide.I really played the game but I really want get my hands on that game so bad!:p
I would be a wave master.Cuz that way I can use magic like anytime I want.:)>
[size=1][b][color=darkblue]Posts merge. -Shy[/color][/size][/b]
Ok I'm 11 yr old gurl.I've dueled every guy in my class I beat every single one of'em.Who said gurls can't duel or can't be better than guyz.
I hate all guyz who think gurlz can't do anyting, like duel
Hamtaro is ssoo cute!I mean it might a bit childish but you gotta admit it.
BeyBlade rox!I got BeyBlade ps game it was awesome!
My fav ham-ham is Snoozer so what he sleeps alll of the time he is very cute. I can't help it.:>
People tell me your fav ham-ham.
I also hav a fav BeyBlade team the BladeBreakers.My fav characters are Ray and Kai.