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Everything posted by inuyashaluver12

  1. I would like to be a sorceress or a wavemaster.I'm not sure it is kinda hard to decide.I really played the game but I really want get my hands on that game so bad!:p I would be a wave master.Cuz that way I can use magic like anytime I want.:)> [size=1][b][color=darkblue]Posts merge. -Shy[/color][/size][/b]
  2. I agree with masterdramon but guyz got to be more careful of what they say to us.That is all I'm sayin.
  3. Gurls can do anything boyz can.God they should remember that.
  4. Alright poeple listen up I 2 fav sagas G Gundam, & Gundam Wing(but gundam wing might fighting though).These sagas are the best of'em all!:):p
  5. Ok I'm 11 yr old gurl.I've dueled every guy in my class I beat every single one of'em.Who said gurls can't duel or can't be better than guyz. I hate all guyz who think gurlz can't do anyting, like duel
  6. Hamtaro is ssoo cute!I mean it might a bit childish but you gotta admit it. BeyBlade rox!I got BeyBlade ps game it was awesome! My fav ham-ham is Snoozer so what he sleeps alll of the time he is very cute. I can't help it.:> People tell me your fav ham-ham. I also hav a fav BeyBlade team the BladeBreakers.My fav characters are Ray and Kai.
  7. emme888 i agree vash the stampede is the best gunman who eva lived :p tasrai u are so right he might not seem like the best but he is.
  8. i hope everone has a list of their fav characters cuz i do.e-mail me a nd tell me who is ur fav gundam fighter.0:)
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