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Everything posted by EowynElf
Sorry sorry sorry! soo sorry! It has been like, a page an a half since i posted. I have been really busy. hehe oh well i will try to make up for it with a really long post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [color=Limegreen][I] Tani pushed herself up onto her elbows, and cringed as a sliver of pain shot through her joints. "what happend?" she thought to herself. "I guess this stupid curse effects my endurance too. I should have been able to hold that longer" Heaved herself onto her feet and used her staff as a leaning pole.[/I] "Did you find her?" she called. "No" came an aggrivated answer from Moriko. "shoot. Where could she be?" Tani muttered to herself. [I] a thought came to mind.[/I] "Hey...did anyone check near the flames? Dragons like flames right? She might be [i] In[/i] the flames, ya know? I mean, if i were injured and my power was best with flames, i'd find a fire." "Maybe" Moriko said doubfully. "I could be wrong. I seem to be having an off time lately..." she said, a laugh becoming a grimace as again her cursed wound caused her pain. She slid down, and sat, holding her staff across her knees with one hand, and holding her chest with the other. She shot some of her magic through herself, and releived herself a little. "I am fine, stop fussing over me!" she said to katumea, who was nearly dancing in paninc around her and asking stupid questions.[/color]
[color=LimeGreen] Tani sighed again. "Well..at least let me hold my own burden." she said, indicating the sword Rann was holding. "And no treating me any different than you did before! No sympathy! I am who I am with or without this stupid cursed wound, and i wanna be treated normally." she stated and took the sword. She had only agreed because of the way he had looked at her.[I] Oh Stop![I] she thought to herself.[/I] This is a Rebellion for the Lights sake! Not a time to be falling head over heals over some guy that Barely know!But his hands on my face and his smile, his looks, his heart...[/i] She shook her head and looked at the ground again so as to hide her scarlett face.[/color]:Blush: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [color=orange]Thank you soooo much Mr. Evean! It makes it a lot easier to read your posts! I am soo grateful! thank you thank you thak you! *hugs*[/color]
[color=Limegreen] Tani sighed, flinched, then sighed again. "Hey," she said, walking next to Moriko. "I heard about the sword. everyone has. I'm sorry. I wish I could help." she said, giving Tani a sad look. Tani sighed frustratedly. "Please, don't worry about me. I will be fine. I don't wanna make this whole group go searching for a thing just for me. My original plan was to just silently go along. Please, don't treat me any different than before this stupid sword. By the way, you can stop examining your sword it's not the Healing one. I remember reading about the Two pairs, and hearing that they were all Broken. I don't expect to ever find the Partner, and I am gonna make Rann switch his plans if it takes my life away." Moriko just shrugged and sheathed her sword. Tani walked over to Rann again, determined to reset the course. "Hey, feeling okay?" he said as she walked up to him. "No," she said truthfully. "But it doesn't matter. I have two things to say. The first is a thank you. I noticed you in your dragon form, protecting me. Of that i am very grateful, it means alot that someone cares." she quickly hugged him then blushed. "Sorry, elvish thing. Next. You are going to stop this search for the Healing sword this instant. I am fine, I will be fine, and I don't want everyone worrying about me. It is the good of the Rebellion that i care about, not some silly cursed sword. So, even if it kills me, i will not let you lead the group on, to search. We have other things to do!" She stubbornly placed herself infront of him, planted her feet, and folded her arms across her chest. I wince of pain made her close her eyes for a sec, but wasn't enough to stop her. "Now lead the group somewhere else! [/color] ------------------------------------------------------ hey Evean character, i was wondering if you could Enter when a new person is talking. I keep getting confused, with who is doing what. I hope i don't offend you or anything it is just a request.
[color=limegreen][I] Tani wandered away from the group. The fighting was over, thankfully, and everyone was resting. Rann had changed back to his Human form, and she wanted to thank him for having come to protect her when she had fallen. It meant alot. But he was over by Pheadra, and she wasn't going to disturb them.[/i] "If anybody needs me, they can contact me by mind." she said to herself. checking that nobody was watching, she faded into the forest, for a walk. [I] My cloths need to be washed, she thought to herself and went to where the river passed through the forest. She took off her lavender shirt, now stained red in the chest, and started washing. When she finished with all her cloths she decided to take a little swim herself, and wash the blood off from the old wound. A pang of Pain lashed through her as water touched her chest, cutting off air. Eyes watering in pain, she quickly scrambled out. the pain was still there, almost as if the blade had never been removed and the wound healed. Small lavender sparks danced around a cut that should have been removed, momentarily taking away the pain. She gasped and looked confusedly at her chest. the wound was still there, small, but still there. What about Moriko's healing? Tani thought as she redressed and hurried to where she had been stabbed, pain making her stumble her way from tree to tree. Finally she arrived, and found the blade. turning it over in her hands she read the small print, eyes widening the further she read. It thus said: [/i] Blade forged in darkeness, wreathed im black flame, the one stabbed with this blade will be forever in pain. The wound ever healing, ever breaking, unable to be healed fully so the bearer shall suffer. Suffering so, as to make one wish they were dead, ever healing, ever breaking, pain in relief, with pain around the next corner. [/color]
Hey sorry folks for not posting for a while. I have been horribly busy, with reading, drawing, and creating my character for a YYH RP. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=limegreen] Tani shifted nervously from foot to foot, out of the way of fighting. She didn't really like violence. Ingrosed in her thinking, she didn't notice the crunching of footsteps behind her. "Hahaha!" came the triuphant call. With a groan Tani fell to her knees, clutching her chest where a blade had just been. [I] healing,healing, i can do this,[/I] She couldn't concentrate. the world was swimming and she didn't comphrehend. Blackness came.[/color]
[color=Limegreen] [I] Tani waited immpatiently. Her normal patience had long left. Pheadra was supposed to have met her with the others in normal form long ago.[/I] "Where is she? I bet she just took off with them all as jewels. I hope not. Maybe she is just delayed." She muttered to herself.[/color] [color=orange][I] Tani! Hey! Hello?! It's Pheadra. I'm kinda in a little jam. Or rather a net. [/I][/color] [color=limegreen][I]Tani took a surprized step back, then reached out with her mind to locate where Pheadra was. "I'll come" was all she replied as she set out.[/I][/color]
[color=limegreen][I] Tani saw the girl coming. She motioned to Pheadra, who was busy looking at the rebellion-jewels. Since Pheadra didn't reply or make any sign of having seeing, she walked over to the girl alone.[/I] "Hello. I take it you wanna be part of the Rebellion?" Tani said, then after a pause added,"Wolf Hanyou". Though, the girl appeared to be human. "Yeah, I suppose. What is that Mermaid doing to all the members?" I glanced at Pheadra, And lowered her voice a notch. "She turned them into jewelry. So she could take them with her out of the city. Personally, I don't trust her enough yet to let her turn me into a peice of jewelry. I find my own ways, and I wish i could use them on others too." The girl nodded. "I'm Mori-Sora, by the way. May I ask, how did you know i was A Wolf hanyou?" I smiled. "It just comes from your mind to mine. Though, I swear, i didn't read anything else. I keep forgetting to keep the mind sheild thing up." [/color]
Hi! It's Katana! My account isn't working at the moment, so I'm on Eowyn's here. :D Me be sleeping over. ----- Roya glared at the mermaid. [i]"You think I wanna go next-WOAH!"[/i] Tani picked up the small black cat. "Hurry up." Phaedra nodded and performed her magic. The cat skrunk down to a a bright green emerald on a gold chain. An image of the black cat appeared in the center of the stone for a minute, but faded. Evean stepped forward, ready to become some sort of jewelry. For the fourth time, Phaedra placed her hands on a Rebellion's shoulders. Soon, Evean was gone and replaced with a large pearl. Phaedra picked up the jewel and placed it onto the braclet. "Your next, fox," said the mermaid, looking at Moriko. "PLEASE!" she begged to Tani, "Plllllease take me with you in any form! Don't let me become some jewel set into a ring!" The elf shook her head sadly. "Sorry, no can do. I may be good with magic, but things like this...uh...I need more training." "I hate you," mumbled Moriko, turning around to the mermaid. In a few moments, she became a sapphire. "Matches your eyes," teased Tani to the gem. She felt Moriko yelling at her, ticked off.
[color=green] "Umm...I think I will Pass. I can manage to slip by." said Tani, and backed away. She touched her forehead, and slowly started to fade from sight. before she completely vanished she took her finger away, disengaged the magic and returned to normal form. "I really don't like jewelery anyways. Material things...not really needed. Plus you did say you heard them in [I] stories [/I] so meaning that you might not be able to do it and might just kill us all for the heck of it." Pheadra glared at her. "Fine then. I have seen it done once. It drained the person of most of their energy, whatwith all the magic envolved, but she did it. And the person that she did it to returned to normal later on. [/Color] *~~~^*****^~~~* hey sorry for all the short posts. I am busy with two other RPs and yeah.
[color=green][I]Tani crouched on top of a building, peering into a crowd of humans soaked to the skin with all sorts of liquid. Her lavendar eyes shone slightly, as she looked to see if anyone with her illusion potion working on them was in the crowd. Nobody. She was turning to go when she heard a familliar voice.[/I] "I swear, Here sent was just here! then all of a sudden it vanished!" [I] Tani crept over to look down into an alley. Standing there was Reena, Rann, Evean, Roya, Moriko, and somebody she didn't know. judging by the looks, one of the few last mermaids left on the planet. She moved to the back of the building jumped silently down to the ground. Most average people would have broken their necks and made a clatter doing it. Not an elf though.[/I] "Hey. Whats up?" she asked coming up and leaning casually on Ranns shoulder. [I] Rann whipped around, hand on sword, then sighed.[/I] "It's only you. Where were you? Evean says your sent just vanished." I laughed and pointed up. " I was gettin a better view." [/color]
[i] Tani sighed. She had an idea but it would take till the next evening for it to be ready. She could make up a potion that would put the [/I] Illusion [I] of the group being normal city Humans. Any human though that looked hard enough could see past, for a brief few seconds and that could mean disaster.[/I] "I know one." Tani said, "though, It will take till Tomorrow evening." "Well, we might be able to wait that long. but we might not. Whats your plan?" Asked Rann. "Well, I could brew us up a potion, that will put the [i] Illusion {/I], mark it is just an illusion, of any who drinks it,Human. We would be taking a chance, because if a real human looks hard enough, they can see past it for a brief few seconds, and even a few seconds can mean disaster, and once they look past it one time, they will look past it easier. So we would have to kinda stay away from human contact." Replied. "course, i would need some help to find all the right ingrediants too. I have some here," she touched one of the pouches hanging from her belt, "but I still need a few." "Well, that will have to do. I suppose it is better than going in there as we are." Said Rann. "Great," I said, "If no one has any objections, we should start gathering the rest of the ingrediants. I only need a couple. Moriko, I need you to gather some Heartsbane, its a plant, found in the woods on the west side of a tree. Rann, you can get the Linderson roots, they shouldn't be to hard too find, since the plant grows next to ponds and lakes, they are green with black and red berries, at this time of the year. be sure not to eat the berries, they are poisonous, and the thorns on the plant, arn't much better. Reena, you can find me some Hearts[I]Fang[/I] not to be mixed up with Hearstsbane. It is a weed, found by Dying trees, greenish leaves, and black thorns. be careful with it, and only bring back 3 leaves. No more, no less. And last, Roya, I need you to gather a peice of a humans clothing. I picked you for this since you can disguise yourself as a cat. The rest of you will help me here."
"[I] I'm glad at least one person isn't mad at me[/I]" [I] The thought drifted into Tani's mind. Before realizing it wasn't actually spoken, she responded.[/I] "Why would I be mad at you?? Why would anyone be mad at you?" she asked. Rann just looked at her confused. Her eyes grew wide. "oh..you...Your..." she turned a deep shade of scarlett. "I'm sorry. Nobody was left to teach me the arts of the mind reading, so i kinda taught myself, and well, it sometimes works without me realizing it. I am soo sorry I didn't mean to enter your mind." Suddenly stopping she put a finger to her forehead. Her lavender eyes glowed momentarily as she took her finger away. "I really am sorry. I put up a ward so i won't do it again. I just...slipped." Rann laughed. It was the first laugh she had heard out of him. "It's okay. It wasn't that big of a thought. Tell me more about this mind reading stuff. What other talents do you have?" Tani smiled mischievously. "Can't tell you that. you'll have to find out on your own. Anyways, if you don't mind, why would I be mad at you, or any of us?
[I] Tani stopped singing, sensing Ranns mood. She quietly walked up to him on her silent elf feet.[/I] "Whats wrong?" she asked touching his shoulder. [I] Rann just shrugged.[/I] "Come on! talk to me or I will find it out my way." She said, walking infront of him and setting him with a lavender gaze. Rann Sighed. "your way huh? What would that be?" "Mind reading, of course. Don't try to change the subject. you have been all weird since we all arrived, adn havn't said anything to some of us. And whats with the sword, I often noticed you fingering it." she replied, as Rann walked around her. [I] 52 bottles of wine on the wall. the song drifted to the front, quiet now, but her elfish ears heard it as if the singers were right next to her. She Fingered the stoned set in the wristband, and waited for Ranns reply.[/I]
"Stupid Branches! they make it soo loud! I'll probably be dead before i can explain myself to anyone that i see." [I] She sighed deeply and worked her way through a bush. her and her friend, Moriko, had somehow lost each other. she came out of the bush into a clearing , and didn't even notice the Two other beings standing before her as she brushed leaves off her shirt. [/I]
Name:Tani Age:appearing around 13 really 333 Sex: Female Race: Woodland Elf Alliance: The Rebellion Weapon: Uses magic which reflects the color of her Auroa, Lavender Appearance: Tani Almost human looking except for the pointed ears extra height (5'9)and lavender eyes. Her waist length hair is braided down her back, a lavender ribbon threading through it. Tani wears a plain white shirt, tucked into a lavender belt. From that belt hangs a few herbs and healing medicines along with her spare dagger. she wears Pants under a riding skirt, and her boots are laced up ankle high. On her arms are glove like things, the bottom ending at her wrists and the top extending to end at her knuckles. they are kept on my a string tied to her middle finger. around the wrist on each of those, there is a bracelet holding a Lavendar gem. If worst comes to worst she can sacrifice herself and use those gems and unleash a deadly force. Bio: Tani grew up in a woodland forest with her mother and a few other elves. When the humans came and tore up the forest to build, her mother was killed and the other elves lost. She searched in vain for them, and when she didn't find them, she set off with the little belongings she had to try to find some work. She is soft hearted, will help anyone that needs it,even a human, and tries hard not to hurt anyone or anything.
My summer was okay. I tried to watch as much anime as possible, but since I only get it for an hour each day on toonami... I read alot, of course, and I drew some pretty good pictures in my opinion. hehehe I like your little signiture.
YAAYY! Thanks for the responses. I have only read the first and I do think i will continue on in the Manga. No i havn't seen the Anime series, but I heard of it and i am dying to see that tooo.
My parents are divorced...they split when i was 9 I think, and the two years that followed were the worst years of my life. I still can't talk about some things without either scaring my self or starting to cry. I live with my dad and stepmom and my 3 syblings and I am not allowed to see my mom. *sadly looks at feet*
Hey fellow Otaku's. I was wondering if anyone has ever read the manga for Fushigi Yugi. I have read the first one PREISTESS and I wanna read the second one ORACLE. anyone wanna talk about it with me?? What is your opinion on it? should I keep reading? and does anyone know a site where i can order the second book?
Okay I was listening to anime music one night (Inuyasha CD) And I was thinking, what if Adam could make a section of his site that listed the lyrics and the fingerings on for some of the anime songs. I myself have tried-in vain- to figure out the keys of Fukai Morai on the keyboard, but i just can't seem to get the right tone. So what do you think? I feel i need a little bit of feedback before i propose the subject to Adam. Please reply Sincerely, Eowyn:D Official Number 3 of the Otaku Agency
hey I like it! It is pretty darn good for a ten year old! when i was ten my drawings were the most scariest thing on earth. Hehehe. If i had advanced as far as you did at ten i would have gotten where i am now earlier. Keep up the great work and always try hard, never give up, and try not to waste paper! hehe
ooooo I absolutely hate it when somebody that is totally skinny and good looking starts complaining about how fat they are. GRrrrr the stupid freaks should realize they are next to perfect. oh and another of my pet peeves is my brothers voice. he is constantly talking and talking...and his voice is soooo annoying.
Oh yeah i got somethin my dad does. Okay.we will be sittin watching a movie. eating popcorn relaxing. and then a song that my dad knows will come on in the movie and he will get up and start doin a really scary dance to it. He can't dance. and the scariest thing about it is that he is old, so it burns me when i see him dance like that...oh and he trys to sing along..ohh my my my... my mom. my mom. well...i will draw something, and then when i finish it it will stay in my notebook. when i talk to her over the phone, sometimes she'll ask about any of my drawings. so i tell her. "I'll take Em!" is what she always says. it gets annoying a little, and i feel bad if i don't give her anything, cause she is my mom and she lives in a seperate house all alone and can't see us so wants something to connect with us. It is more of sad and stuff but yeah. My step mom...she is just wierd. she has the strangest mood swing things. Like one night, she got home from work. i was down stairs typing a story and i suddenly hear upstairs "nobody vaccuumed! why not jeffery? (my dad) i told you to have one of the kids vaccuume!" and she got all upset about it. my dad had told her that he had done other things like install this parking thing in the garage so that she parked in the same place, and she freaked out asking if she was a bad parker or something.