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- Birthday 05/13/1984
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hmm... me personally, I think you should cut the size of your deck down, and clean out all but a few of those tribute monsters. Putting more than 3 tribute monsters is difficult, and putting in more than 4 is asking for trouble. ummm... yeah, that's all I'm gonna comment on. I hope my deck doesn't get skipped over.... again.
Hey everyone. I posted my deck up here a long time ago, but at that time I hadn't gotten any cards from the three most recient Boosters yet, lol. Well I've updated it a little bit in the last few weeks since I started playing again and I wanted to know what you thought of it, and what might be some great additions/replacements to it. [b]Monster (19)[/b] Jinzo Summon Skull x1 Yata-Garasu Goblin Attack Force x3 Spear Dragon x1 Gearfriend the Iron Knight x1 La Jinn x2 7 Colored Fish x1 Harpie's Brother x1 Whitch of the Black Sangan Marauding Captian x1 Exiled Force Cyber Jar Sinister Serpent Magician of Faith x1 I'm in the process of getting some more 1900 lvl4 to replace my now out dated 1800 lvl, and another Marauding Captian... for now. [b]Magic (16)[/b] Monster Reborn PreMature Burial Dark Hole Raigeki Tribute to the Doomed x1 Harpie's Feather Duster Heavy Storm Nobleman of Extermination x3 (just until I get 3 MST) Change of Heart Snatch Steal Graceful Charity Pot of Greed Forceful Sentry Card Destuction (for use with Appropriate) Mainly just trying to get 3 MST for now in that area. [b]Trap (7)[/b] Mirror Force Imperial Order Call of the Haunted Trap Hole Disturbance Strategy (also for use with Appropriate) Appropriate x2 Still need to get some better traps. I'm looking to get rid of the Trap hole for Ring of Destruction if I can get ahold of it.... or anyother trap that may do better for me for that matter.
Well Blue Devils won this year.... finally took their throne back. They took all the captions except for Drumline, which went to Cadets. Cavie's got 2nd. Vangaurd finished out of the top 4 for the first time in a LONG time. I think Phantom Regiment took em out. and While you ment to say Classmen, "Glassmen" is a known Drum Corp if you keep up with Corps, They're pretty good. This year was the first year in a LONG time they finished out of the top 10.... I believe.
lol, well it's Do or Die time. I built a pretty damn strong deck a while back and used to play with it, but it's only up to Pharoh's Servant. I stopped just as they came out with Labryth because I quit my job and had no money to keep playing. Well now, there are 3 new booster packs out, lol, and I'm going up to my old lone start with my "dated" deck to bet for cards, lol. If I win some good new cards, then I'll get back in the game, but I've been trying to get rid of my cards for a while, so if I lose eh, meh, no big deal.... I'm to damn lazy to sell them anyways.
yeah, but it just doesn't fit the game. Project ego sounds futuristic, but it's not. Fable fits the game much better.
just right off the bat not really paying attention to the rest of the deck, I'd say get rid of Gaia, Ryu-Ran, Curse of Dragon, and Preformance Sword right now. Those cards are to many tributes for to little power. Plus that's just a lot of tributes to have in a deck.
OH..... ok.
how is 16 monsters to 24 magic/trap one off from a 1:1 ratio? it's a 2:3 ratio, so I can only assume you mean one "third" off from a 1:1 ratio......?
yeah OU usually stops by once sometime in the middle of the year, and during Drum Corp season the Caviliers stop buy Birdville Stadium and use it to practice. (This past Friday and Saturday)
yeah, it never seems to work for me, I have tried it out before, and I always end up with no monsters, and a ton of magic trap cards that do me no good.
hmmm, let me dig some stuff up, I should be able to find something. [i]edit:[/i] well, here's some pictures... This is from my junior year, that's how long it's been since they've updated the site. These are just a "few" pictures though, they really didn't do jack with the site. I should be able to find some audio... and possibly video from some of my friends. If you want to see the band, you could probably e-mail Mr. Mathews (the middle picture) and ask him where they're competing this year. But... I dunno if he checks his e-mail... so. [url]http://www.birdville.k12.tx.us/001/index.htm[/url] click the box, and look for Extracurricular and then look for Varsity band on the right.
eh, it can work, it's just a bit high for me.
[QUOTE]...........THE Blue Devils?..... that must've been awesome. I envy you. if only our band director was that good.[/QUOTE] [quote]OMG. Are you serious, Tobiass???? The Blue Devils ROCK!! They've like won grand champion at DCI like 10 times in a row. They came to my high school and they were AWESOME....::ENVY::....[/quote] yeah, our school has been very fortunate to have great directors, infact he's not our only "known" director. Sometimes it really slips my head as to how good our music program is. I went to Haltom High, and they have such a strong program. Our head director Greg Hull, is amazing (a little crazy, lol, but amazing). He's pulled our concert band up to the very top many a time (I forget the actual title for the top concert band in the state of Texas....). Our 2nd band director, Van Mathews, is the marching director (and probably jazz soon) who is head of Brass for BD. Our Percussion Instructor is Ben Maughmer, which, any percussionist it the Texas area will almost certainly know him by name. He is head Snareline tech for the Cavaliers. My friends on the snareline are really freak'n good. One of them graduated a year before me, and 4 others this year with me. They had by far the best hishschool snareline in the country those two years in a row, and one of the top 2 or 3 lines the previous 2 years. haha, and the old director that I said was there for my freshmen year, yeah, when he left he went to the University of Houston, and is Head of Brass for the Cavaliers. So yeah, we have an incredible staff at our school. I'm not making it up either, I'm sure you can find the facts somewhere. Our school district is birdville independent school district, so you might could find the high school info there... lol. Yeah, you may envy me.... but I had surgery on my top jaw, and now my top lip is half numb (the surgery was almost 5 weeks ago, so I think it might be permanent) so I may not even be able to play my trumpet again....) yeah, if that happens, then I'll be the one in envy.
that's a high ratio of magic/trap- monster cards.....
I would rate that, but I have no idea what half of those cards are since I stopped playing before the two most recient boosts came out. *is still waiting for deck way at top to be rated* lol