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Everything posted by Morinaka
I get what your saying Drix but what i'm trying to say is that if peeple stopped trying to fit other people into catergories and stereotypes then racism and biggotry wouldn't be as previlant (sp?) as it is. The biggest stereotype here in england at the moment is the immigrant (called asylum seekers here) one. Just because a dozen immigrant's happened to be illegal and claiming benefits all the perfectly legal migrants who work to pay the bills are seen as illegal. This stereotype has caused all sorts of problems in towns and communities in england. Even huge violent riots and murders in some places. The ignorance and stupidity of people not willing to look beyond it caused problems. That's my opinion and your welcome to challenge it :)
I personally don't hate racists, i feel sorry for them. Racism is basically reinforced (sp?) stereotypes. Anyone smart enough should see right through them and laugh at the people stupid enough to believe in them.
It has to be Gundam Seed for me, I've seen upto episode 40 of it and gets better and better. You just get sucked into the plot line on a emotional level. The fight scenes between the MS's are great, they rely more on skill than the MS design. Fav MS out of SEED is the X-10 Freedom that Lux gives to Kira.
That's great, and from i've seen from other posts your talented writer/poet. Couldn't see any grammer errors or bad spelling. Just copy and paste to MS Word or something if you really want to check. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next part :)
120gb hard drive. still got 25gb left. got enough games.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bishie [/i] [B]Since then i've become an internet-junkie ^__^ I swear if suddenly computers dissappeared I would go insane..really i would. Im 17 now and my hour a night slot has kinda ...died heh O_o Im usually on for 9-10 hours at a time now. [/B][/QUOTE] Same here. I only really started using the net back in 98 (I'm 17 now) when i got my top of the line P2 400MHz (still works) with 56k v92 modem!! My 2 hour a night rule got chucked out when i got cable internet *kisses RJ45 socket on wall* :love: whenever i'm awake the computer is connected to the net :) I mainly use it for site browsing, deleting spam from my e-mail boxes, chatting on IM's and mIRC and downloading anime (70GB now). Only other thing is playing online games, mainly Unreal Tournament.
I personally think its these ambulance chasing lawyers that don't help. :devil: Give them an inch and they'll go a mile for quick money at the expense of big business. I agree with everyone on this thread, these people are just too stupid to admit when they're wrong, and cloricus it is spreading to england as well :( Lawyers advertise on TV here every 15 minutes and it's always some stupid case that they won as an example, "I sat on my office chair the wheel came off, i fell back onto the floor severly (sure ;) ) injuring my back knee, and I won £7000!!" I personally think it was the guy's fat *** that broke the chair. I don't hate lawyers, hell, my sister is one and she's one the nicest people you could meet. :angel: Everything in moderation people :)
i've watched the gundam seed fansubs upto episode 39 (there's 52 total) and think its great. The story doesn't get really good until about episode 14-15 but i'd still recommend it. Gundam Wing is good as well, can't say i've watched any of the others, i've heard that 0083 is a great one though.
I personally believe there is an afterlife but no god. This current existence is yours to live as you wish, a gathering of experinces and memories that you take to the next the level of existence. The human conciousness is basically energy flowing through certain parts of the brain fuelled by memory. Since energy can't be created or destroyed it has to go somewhere and I believe that pattern of energy changes into a different form. I'm not sure where I got these beliefs from, none of my close relatives or friends are remotely religious in any way. It's just what I believe, I don't preach it or anything but I think it's important to have something to believe in. One question that always bugged me, would there be aliens in the afterlife?
Don't worry, you'll make yourself ill doing that. They're probably taking time to make sure you don't have something. If they do find something i hope it isn't serious. Good Luck from me :)
As a laid back and chilled-out kinda guy i couldn't care less whether your gay or straight, at the end of day were all human and we should all get along and make the planet a half decent place. Anyway, the only reason the goverment (dunno if its called that in USA?) won't have official gay marriages, as in having the piece of paper that says you're married, is that it will cost them money. Here in England and i'm sure USA as well married couples get tax breaks, extra benefit and so on. Extra gay marriages will cost them more money in that respect. I didn't say a Christian Gay Marriage (as in a church wedding) because the heads of the church will never let that happen. I think people of any race, religion or sexuality should be able to publicly express there love for each other in a official ceremony. I agree with ravenstorture's post, mainly the bit about goverment and religion being mixed together, you'd think it was still victorian or middle ages in that way. Sorry if that sounded a bit jumbled, just how my brain works when i type :D
Anime Things you hope that dbz characters would say.
Morinaka replied to SS5 Gogeta's topic in Otaku Central
All the names of SSJ3 Gotenks moves are stupid lines. -
Anime The Official Dragonball GT Dub Thread.
Morinaka replied to Jinzouningen17's topic in Otaku Central
GT is OK but you have to remember that it is a fan-series and not part of the DB universe. It wasn't written by Akira Toriyama, and it shows. If you've watched it (all of it) you'll know that the characters are totally screwed up personality wise. Everyone just seems to slack off and let Goku have the limelight, even Vegeta. How could they get rid of Vegeta's pride. That and Pan's constant crying made GT annoying. I did enjoy GT even though the story was stupid at some points. Hey, but what can you expect for a fan made series. -
Being a English person i'd say there are not that many words you should worry about. I did laugh when i read the bangs = fringe thing further up, never heard that before. The people up north are really friendly (Manchester and Liverpool) and so are the Irish so don't worry about that. Not sure about London though, haven't really been there. So long as the weather holds out you should have alot of fun :)
I recommend Neurofen (i think that's the right spelling), usually works for me within 30 minutes. If you can't get that then turn off everything electrical and put on some chillout music or whatever you find relaxing.