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Everything posted by SparrowHawk2005

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FrenchButterfly [/i] [B] I am anti-social cause I refuse to talk unless needed.Loner,yes cause I like being by myself,isolation is the key to not getting hurt. Outcast,yeah I am one too...always have always will.I am a pyro,I love playing with fire...got two lighters in my room.:devil: On the case of being a loner I have few trustworthy friends...Stephen-known him since kindergarden,we are best friends.Zach-known him since we were little,he is another best friend.Thats all I can really think of. [/B][/QUOTE] ya pretty much the same thing... except i got ya beat on the pyro thing... just in my room (no i don't smoke nething) i have a box (3ft x 2ft x 1ft) and it's about 3/4 of the way full of matches. hehe ^^ always good to be prepared. (dun use lighters.. i like that old sulfuric smell) ^^ lol
  2. do u like have a problem with us or something? most of us rn't too bad ya know. we don't need ppl starting ne problems. so if u r going to reply to this PMit to me.
  3. i d/l'ed it, but i dunno ne1 else that has it. so i'm trying to find some ppl. lol ^^ (and no i'm not trying to get ne friends) i got lots online lol (at times too many... but ne way. just reply if u have it.
  4. ya, they r good. i've got my alarms set to watch them on fri. the gorillaz are really good too.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B] being a loner (true) Being a nutta, psycho, mad git etc...... (also true) ....um....er....having a la...erm...no Being a skitzo (kinda) being a wise guy/Con artist/talk my way through a brick wall (yup) [/B][/QUOTE] sounds like we got alot in common ha@us that and with sammy bout being the smartest in my class, (well MOST of my classes)
  6. whoohoo! soccers winning! lol :cross:
  7. i have yahoo and msn... (need new s/n's!! grr~_~) yahoo: s_moon_13 msn: [email]vaporeon_m@hotmail.com[/email] (handle: sabishii hitokage) and if ne1 can properly translate what my handle means.... u'll get a prize! :rolleyes:
  8. well, i srry for ya, but just get over it. the sooner the better. or u could just take my advice... don't worry about going out with them... just... no nmd. that mean too. oh forget it... just try to forget about her, and find some1 else. that's what i did.
  9. i might, but i'll have to think about it, most RPG's start to get good, and then they close... so i'm kinda sick of them. but i'll think.:sleep: :flaming: :devil:
  10. well, they r on the right track... CN is starting to show new epis. of Z starting on Sept.10th. so they're gonna finally stop showing freeza and cell!
  11. i dunno for sure, but if they don't stop showing re-runs of freeza and cell, their not going to get ne where. they were estimating 2003, but they still have too much DBZ left, so i'm pretty sure it's going to be quite a while (if ever) B4 GT will come out.
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