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About Sculptor

  • Birthday 10/31/1987

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  1. Outlaw Star is one of the only good Anime thats showing in the UK at the moment. Although saying that its been repeated like 5 times already... Actually I think it finished over the weekend :P. Oh well. Anyway I'm pritty sure the version of outlaws star showing on the Toonami Channel in the UK is the uncut version. I mean they show ep 23! hehehe great series!
  2. Hi, For a while now I've been annoyed at the lack of anime on UK television. There are only two channels that have any significant amout and they are the Toonami channel (Formally CNX) and the Sci-Fi Channel. The problem is that Sci-Fi does'nt advertise the anime anymore (They've been showing anime in the morning and I only just found out!) and Toonami just keeps repeating DBZ/GT, Tenchi and Outlaw Star. Toonami is a Cartoon Network channel so whats happening with all the anime their showing on Cartoon Network in America? Do other people in the UK feel the same or is there another channel I've over looked with more anime on? Also I just realised that the version of Outlaw Star shown on Toonami is the unedited version (at leased I think so).
  3. You think you've got it bad? What about us over here in the UK. Not only do we get everything last (well most things) i.e. anime, films, tv, games, consoles etc etc... but then the lact of anime over here! There have been about 15 animes shown (and I have done alot of channel hopping (I have cable too!)) since I started watching anime about two years ago. Most are shown once and never again and others are repeated to a point its not funny (They only seem to repeat the best episodes to which makes them some of the worst because youve seen them so many times!) Anyway yes you can go and buy anime and everything (even here) but I'm not made of money.
  4. I think I may have found my soulmate... I'm not sure though, although I've been out with girls before this one just seems different and we get on so well and have so much in common...
  5. Although I have never seen a ghost. I do believe in them (I'm also superstisious so I got one of my cats mid way through reading the thread.) My theory for ghosts is as follows: You cannot destroy energy only change its form. I have seen aura photographs before and I believe that the energy inside us that creates these auras remain after we die. The fact that only some people see ghosts I think is because some people recognise the energy and so their mind (hoping to better understand) creates an image of the said apperition depending on memories and the "feel" of the entity. Just my thoughts and that would also explain why many people who have seen one have seen anouther. Shudders (my cat's gone now...) creepy
  6. I believe that there we all have phychic powers. I believe that phychic ability is stored in an rarely used part of our brain. Some people use this part more than others and some never at all. Think about it. With all the unexplained stuff in the world phychic forces is one of the more likely exlinations. Heck it could even explain ghosts and past lives. I really don't know this is just a basic theory but I like to keep an open mind about this sort of thing.
  7. If the Matrix really was the reason for doing it then it mush have been the last straw. I meen The Matrix alone won't cause you to do something like that. They probably watched loads of really violent movies when they were really little and the Matrix pushed them over the edge and if this is true (and I guess its just a lame excuse) then they must be pritty stupid (I mean 85% of the killing happens in a computer system! If they wanted to recreate that then go on something like GTA) Anyway there would'nt be a problem if they could'nt arm themselves in the first place.
  8. What is it called (IP address and port?) and what type of MU* is it?
  9. I perfer MUDs and MUSHes. As far as I know there are no .hack MU*s though of course there are tons of Anime MU*s so there may be references to .hack in one of them
  10. My brother makes it easy for me. He started his own "wrestling company" a few months ago so my parents are more worried about him breaking his or one of his friend's necks than me watching Anime. I have to say though in the passed year or so (after many long years of waiting) my parents don't seem to have any problem with me watching pritty much what I want. But then I think I'm the good kid ;)
  11. I like anime because of the plots, the action, the emotion, and the style. Anime can definatly be an artwork sometimes.
  12. When I was a kid (like 6-8 I think) my dad got me some videos of this series. I think it was called Ulesiesor something like that (I'm not even sure if its anime now as my memory is really bad. Then came the POKe'MON fad *Shudder*. It was only later that I came across DBZ (Seems that it got alot of people hooked on anime) then Gundam Wing. Now Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop (drawing as my #1 fave series of all time!), Outlaw Star, Akira etc.
  13. The MGS series should be made into a anime. Gundam Wing should have a new game using the Z.O.E engine I mean Z.O.E is amaizing but the first time I saw it (and again when I went on the Vs Mode) I said "They should make this into a Gundam Game" (Not that it is'nt great as it is). Yeah a Bebop game using an engine similar to MGS would be great. As long as your able to recreate Real Folk Blues (Part 2). Me and some friends are thinking about making a Cowboy Bebop Plugin for Escape Velocity Nova (Amaizing game from Ambrosia)but ship graphics would be very difficult to recreate so were not promising anything. But if (and thats a very big if) we get it finished I'll post a link to download EVN and the Plug-in. Oh yeah Devil May Cry would be a great anime! And FF animes (I haven't seen any in the UK :( .)
  14. Twighlight Suzuka is pritty cool but then most of the time she just runs her opponent through stylisly. But then Theres Vicious he's cool and he gets abonus for being the big baddy in Cowboy Bebop... Do ether of the Ninja's in MGS/MGS2 count? They're cool. Auron from FFX is cool to.
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