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Everything posted by Moro

  1. i already beat it. I thougt it was easy. Ganons Puppet was a bit hard but not that hard. Ganon was easier that OOT gannon!
  2. ......Ryan....YOU DON'T USE WATER POKE'MON!!!! I did with Shelder and it made Arcanine faint and run away. -_-"
  3. Moro

    Boys Only?

    I say what boyz can do, girls can do better....espeacialy dueling.
  4. Moro

    Boys Only?

    DARK MAGCIAN GIRL!!!?? hmmm you should go buy a Kaiba Deck (with blue eyes) or Yami deck (with Dark Magican). I am still looking to find a Dark Magican Girl. but have basicly everything else.
  5. got every single ball and weakened him enough but just can't catch!!:demon: :demon: anybody got anything to help?
  6. Moro

    Boys Only?

    well girl stand up!! I was beatin' aguys butt with my Obelisk and was about to win when this guy said: "Yu-Gi-Oh and Zelda are for boys only!!" Then I said "Look over there bozo's." I pointed to a bunch of girls wuppin' guy's @$$es and girls looking at zelda comics i printed out for them.Im 9 and wupps guys butts in Yu-Gi-Oh because im a [I]real[/I] rare hunter.:flaming: :flaming: i hate guys who think they know EVERYTHING:flaming: :flaming:
  7. i'd really have to go with Sora just beacuse he's nimble and in the blink of an eye he's gone so he has more abilities than Crim well then again i don't watch it that much since i only see it when i goto my grandmothers O_o.
  8. well then why is his attack power unlimited? :-P man im smarter about Yu-Gi-Oh probably than both of you and im only 10.....
  9. im a REAL rare hunter i have Exodius,Obiliesk (or whatever his name) and one i can't seem to remember the name....it was a god too...what was his name.....
  10. no remember the god that Marik or his name summoned the god card?? thats it.
  11. the most rarest cards in my deck are my egyption god cards, Exodia, Obulus the tormenter and one i forgot it was the thunder god i think...
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