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  1. I bought the entire series as well and have probably watched it 3 times, but the thing that many people don't understand is the whole Caster Gun thing and what exactly it is because they cut out the episode that explained it from T.V. due to its content.
  2. they didnt cancel it, they just finished the series.
  3. there a novel.....to spoil your fun, its complety different, not a book of the other stuff, but of something different....
  4. Who here likes it? It my favorite anime, EVA i like Suzuka and Gene the best
  5. oh, well i want sure if i was right..... Question, i guess...: Why did B_T choose the name B_T
  6. has anyone here ever heard of it? it takes place after the video game seriers, which is before .hack//SIGN. Its about two twins who win the character madels of Kite and BlackRose after they ahave been execuited from the game.
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