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Bunni Chan131

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About Bunni Chan131

  • Birthday 01/31/1989

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  1. Raven rushed forawrd with the rest of the people in the group. She gasped in surprise as she saw Ryth throw a log into the side of a dragon's head, making it even more angry. She sucked in her breath as the dragon whipped it's head to the side, blasting Ryth backwards towards her with a fireball. Ryth stood, knees shaking, brushing his chest and trying to clear the black smudges on his clothes, but another attack drove him to the ground. Raven dashed forward, grasping her sword hilt and thrusting the blade into the claw that held Ryth helpless. The dragon, seeing pain was all it would get from the girl and the warrior, it turned to face the rest of the group, who had dealt with the rust monsters and was focusing on the dragon. Ryth lay on the ground, his head resting in Raven's lap. The clench of the dragon had pushed Ryth into a painful agony, his chest squeezed under the tremendous weight. Blood dripped from his lips, the side of his face bruised badly. His breath came in short, quick gasps. Raven shed a tear for her fallen love, pulling his wing to her cheek and wiping the tear away. She pulled his head closer to look into his agonized eyes. His consciousness gave him the feeling of the kiss, but his pride did not allow him the pain. Raven pulled away, blood staining her lips as Ryth smiled weakly. He fell hard against her, fully unconscious. Raven looked up, crying and hoping Ryth would live. The party was leading the dragon was gone. She pulled him close, wrapping his wings around the pair of them as the cold night set in.
  2. Observes the skirmish from a safe distance and keeps trailing Lacroix to make absolutely sure he does not lose that rock or whatever it was. Even if her sister had given up hope on Hunter returning, she had not. Perhaps she was just blindly hoping, but it was enough just to reassure herself that one day, she would be reunited with her love. The real Hunter was still in there somewher, and even if Eve pretended not to know, Raven knew somehow that she did. *sighs as she lags slightly behind the group* Oh bittersweet irony, to riped apart from the one you love the moment you get them back. Oh well, sshe had her sister back and for now that was about al the happiness she needed. She hurried to catch up with Eve and placed her hand back in her sisters.
  3. Now with her memories back and a better idea of why she had been summoned here, Raven began to think about the question at hand. heaven...or Hell. If what Hunt...er..Ryth had said was true, and they did infact have to visit both, did that not make it irrelevant as to which one they ventured to first? Raven had never been to hell, least of all that she could remember, but she didn't fancy it a pleasant place. She had been absent due to uncontrollable circumstances during thw first battle with Nilithokir (sp?), and she did not really understand what was going on, but she knew she'd rather go to hell first and get it over with. But before she could voice her opinion to Eve, her sister was gone. So she wandered aimlessly amidst the crowd, observing all the new faces and one familiar one. She stopped and stared at the man called Ryth for quite some time. If Eve was here did this not mean that this man was also Hunter? Ryth: What are you staring at? Raven: *abit taken aback* oh...umm...nothing its just that you...you remind me of someone. I'm sorry to bother you
  4. First off that is a lame reason to sue. I mean, ultimately, the guy had a choice, he could have gone to subway, or if he had to go to McDonalds, he could have gotten a salad. But I did read in my health magazine that obese people cost taxpayers, like, 40 billion a year in medical expenses related to their obesity. Thats, like, alot! Maybe instead of having McDonald's cut down on their greasy food, there should be some kind of law that overweight people cannot eat there. Like on rides where it says "You must be this tall" Well thered be a weight maximum.
  5. Raven observed the scene from above, in her tree, eavsdropping on the conversation, but not really understanding what the strange group of people were speaking of. She too had heard the lilting notes drifting down from the room above the tavern where she worked, finding herself drawn to them. Raven didn't remember much about her past, but the flute playing had somehow brought back faint memories, not in her mind, but to her ears. Her ears recognized the soft, sweet playing as something she knew she'd heard before, but that she could not quite put her finger on. So she decided to observe the group of strangers a little longer, hoping to get back any other type of memory her sensses could recall. But none came. One of the strangers in particular, caught her eye, until she realized that this man was no stranger. Hunter! Her old love. That she definately remembered. But one thing confused her. The woman, whom also seemed familiar was calling him Ryth. "Ryth...Ryth..." She played with the name but no memories came back, not even a glimpse of recognition. Maybe this was not the same man. Yet still, she felt strangely drawn to him, and the woman, and she did not know why, but she was going to find out. She jumped siletnly out of the tree and approached the strange group of people. She put on her best freindly smile and bowed politely. "Hello my name is Raven. I couldn't help but overhearing your conversation. I would like to join you. I know a little swordsmanship and I'm skilled in magic. Probably not a skilled as any of you, but I promise I can be of help to you. I have no where else to go." Raven did not reveal her real reasons for wanting to come along, which was that she felt somehow drawn to these two people, she did not think that was relevant at the moment She merely stated her case, smiled and awaited her judgement. (OOC) Changed my name again, I know, but I really wanna have something to do with you and John's character, and Raven's the only one who had any connections, no matter how small. PS. Legacy syas to inform you of his temporary inability to update due to forces outside of his control. Please be patient.
  6. CHanged myname again, its Rine. Don't ask where I got it cuz I forgot, but John won't let me be Raven or Bunni, so I thought up a new person. Thanks sis, your the best.
  7. Age: 586 (looks 15) Eye color: Blue Hair Color: Blonde Strengths: Earth Magic, light magic, love magic Height: 153 centemiters (about 4'11) Weight: 99 lbs Weaknesses: Water Magic Abilities: Can talk to trees and animals and plants, can also get trees and animals to fight for her and do her bidding Spells: Fighting Spells Vine-wrap (thick vines envelope the enemy, rendering them paralized and cutting through their flesh) Seika (sey-i-ka) - creates a bright flame that Robin can use to attack people (only she can touch it and not get burned) Ninjitsu - (japanese for "the art of stealth") increases users agility and invisibility Charm - makes target infatuated temporarily with the user enough to fight for her/him against his own team-mates Fun and Pointless Spells Bishou - makes target drunkenly happy and giddy Decription: Robin is short and slim, and she hates being teased about her height. She has long blonde hair which she lets fall straight and deep blue eyes. She loves nature and trees and talking to animals and plants. She can sometimes be kind of clueless. Bio: She lives in the city of Ashenhire, and she joins the group from there. Bear with me cuz I'm new at this and really have no clue what I'm doing Equipment: Sword (Meitou, made of pure silver, with blue gems on the hilt, Dagger (Lycanis, given to me long ago by a man from my past), wear a green, mini-skirt, sleevless tuni tunic and go barefoot, and a simple green hooded cloak which I only wear sometimes. I really have no clue what I'm doing, so if I left something out, or I'm not doing it right, just please bare with me sis, I haven't figured out my whole story yet. ^_^ Lots of love sis. Bye
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