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Crazy Ace

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Everything posted by Crazy Ace

  1. false- We dug oup our lawns TPBM would rather be a pirate than a ninja(I had to ask )
  2. false- black people don't do the chicken dance T P B M is going to lie no matter the answer
  3. false- they all taste around the same to me TPBM has been assaulted by a japanese kid on golden inline skates with a bent golden bat
  4. there are no people like that in the bahamas so I wouldn't really have a solid opinion. From what I've seen they seem like people who need lives and will eventually committ suicide
  5. false-i love nuclear weapons. they inspire so much fear most paries are afraid to use them knowing there is a possiblity that he/she will die TPBM thinks byakugan is better than sharingan
  6. The sooner I fall behind, the more time I have to catch up This has guided me through school. Use it wisely
  7. false TPBM thinks france will beat italy btw the last place i did this game has over 19000 replies
  8. false-im a hip hop person TPBM wants to visit North Korea
  9. I tried this before in another forum I'm in You say a statement about the person below you and the person below you says whether it's true or false and starts a new statement. For example: User 1 TPBM is going to the prom. User 2 True. TPBM is going to Italy for summer. User 3 False. TPBM...and so on. Okay, I'll start: TPBM really likes basketball.
  10. It would have to be ninja for me. As tempting as being a pirate is, I think a ninja's life is best for me. If I were a pirate I would die of alcohol poisoning pretty quickly or plundering 5 ships at one time. Ninja skills are pretty awsome and i like the weapons
  11. Crazy Ace


    [QUOTE=Aaryanna][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Hmmm...considering this: [COLOR=RoyalBlue][INDENT]HIV infection rates in the Caribbean are the highest in the world outside of Africa, with an estimated prevalence of 2.1%. By the end of 2003, UNAIDS estimates that approximately 430,000 individuals were living with HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean, compared with 330,000 individuals at the end of 1998; this same report cites that the true number living with HIV may be as high as 760,000.[/INDENT][/COLOR]Then the infection rate there must have been horrendous back in the 80's. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] the caribbean is like over 20 countries. The Bahamas is small and while it was relatively bad here then its pretty good.
  12. Crazy Ace


    [QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Actually infection rates have increased not decreased. Part of the problem is that about one third of those who are infected do not know that they are. As a result even more people are getting infected since they don't know they have HIV yet. Just take a look at this that I found here: [URL=http://www.avert.org/worlstatinfo.htm][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Worldwide epidemic statistics[/B][/COLOR] [/URL] [INDENT][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]During 2005, some 4.9 million people became infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS. The year also saw 3.1 million deaths from AIDS - a high global total, despite antiretroviral (ARV) therapy, which reduced AIDS-related deaths among those who received it. Deaths among those already infected will continue to increase for some years even if prevention programmes manage to cut the number of new infections to zero. However, with the HIV-positive population still expanding the annual number of AIDS deaths can be expected to increase for many years, unless more effective provision of ARV medication begins to slow the death rate.[/COLOR] [/INDENT] The biggest problem is lack of education on how serious HIV/AIDS really is. Also there are ways to be infected beyond unprotected sex, mother to child or sharing needles when doing illegal drugs. [B]Contact with an infected person's blood [/B] If sufficient blood from an infected person enters the body of an uninfected person then it can pass on the virus. [B]Use of infected blood products [/B] Many people in the past have been infected with HIV by the use of blood transfusions and blood products which were contaminated with the virus - in hospitals, for example. In much of the world this is no longer a risk, as blood donations are routinely tested. [B]Retribution [/B]makes a good point lets not assume that [B]Pixie_rich[/B] is at fault without truly knowing what happened. And [B]Cygnus X-1[/B] some states, like Utah, do not have sex education in their schools. They teach their kids to just not have sex instead of informing their teenagers of the danger. No education on the dangers of unprotected sex whatsoever. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] dude when i said that the infections had gone down I meant in the Bahamas.
  13. "The sooner I fall behind, the more time I have to catch up" I'm always late or procrastinate with things. I still get all A's though so things are working. I hope I can say the same thing next year in college.
  14. Crazy Ace


    I'm surprised to see that quite a few people don't know much about HIV. AIDS was a big problem here in the late 80's and early to mid nineties but now the rate od infections here has dropped drastically. From primary school straight throughout grade 12 here we are always being educated and given information on HIV/AIDS. AIds and everything to do with it is basic common knowledge. Pixie are your really sure you have HIV. Who knows, maybe there was some mistake. If you do have it I wish you the best. Why don't you take a vacation down here if you are feeling down. Peace
  15. I am in my last year of high school and now that I look back at it I feel like time has flown by so fast. Have anyone of you ever felt like this before? I'm telling you guys now that even though you may not like school and yes it does suck and is boring but now that I look back at my time in school from grade one untill now, there are alot of memories and good times so enjy them while you have them. I go to a school where alot of the kids have been there since pre-reception and even though some of them have been there all of their lives and should be sick of the place really feel bad about about leaving.
  16. There's nothing spectacular about me except my height. I met my last girlfriend beacuse of it. I'm 6'7 now but I haven't grown since I was like 15(I'm 17 now)
  17. Oh I didn't know there was an Anime Network. I live in the Bahamas and Boomerang comes with the basic cable package so I wouldn't know about ordering channels. Alot of people here use the dish but since they live here they don't have to pay Dish Network for the service. You can get like 500+ channels here after buying the dish. The only thing you have to pay for is the programming of the dish card.
  18. Well I would like back Gundam Wing. I think it was the best in the series because the plot was easy to follow but captivating at the same time. I wanted Yu Yu Hakusho back but now they brought it back. I go to basketball practice at 7 in the morning on Saturdays and I saw in on at 5:30 after Gundam Seed. It was the first time it came on then and it started right where they left off [spoiler] Saturday's episode was when Sensui killed Yusuke [/spoiler]. .Hack//sign is another I want back because I liked the deep story line. I can remember Outlaw Star and it had a nice blend of action and comedy to keep the watcher tuning in. Anyone other than me think that CN should make an anime channel that resembles boomerang? With that most of your prayers would be answered.
  19. I joined atfer stumbling upon this website whiole looking up on .hack//sign. I looked around and saw that this was mainly dedicated to anime, most of the people were around my age, it had good rules and no weird people and there is a lounge jus to talk about anything.
  20. When I finish my schooling I hope to be either an Aerospace engineer or a Nuclear engineer. I love physics and math and so advanced classes in both and I believe engineering is a exciting job where you can apply principles, solve problems and make money.
  21. Bush looks severely constipated and motions to one of the secret service agents the shape of a device he wants to use to relieve himself.
  22. My favorites are very simple but I guess they have true meaning. [B]Life is a game, play to win.[/B] How true. Life just seems to be a never ending saga where we learn new things all the time, get deelyr involved in once we enter depending on if we feel its necessary for us to get ahead, everyone has their own style of doing things and everything we do now will determine how we will end up in the future. [B]You reap what you sow.[/B] Just about everything that happens to us is a direct reflection of ourselves. Bad things usually happens to people who allow thesemlves to be put in those situations and the same for people when things happen in their favor.
  23. I watched Gundam Wing like 5 times over and Cowboy Bebop as well. Its hard for me to watch other anime because no one over here sells the Dvd's and cable over here only has like 50 channels so all I have is Techtv and cartoon network on hand to watch anime
  24. I live in Nassau Bahamas. It ok but I'm tired of it. I know that ALOT of American tourists come here becaue they love they weather and water and sun but personally I'm tired of it. I can't wait till i graduate high school and go to college in Canada. I wonder if the winters are as bad as people say?
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