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Crazy Ace

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Everything posted by Crazy Ace

  1. it sounds good but i might enter but i need to know what time of day it is because i arrive home from school around 4:30
  2. i think that would suck alot. It would be too cheesy and i doubt it would get good ratings, that is if these rumors r true
  3. cool really has no decription and yet it has many descriptions i guess. Its something that if u really think about defining u will see my point. I dont even wanna try.
  4. dude what r u doin with the other alias is that really necessary
  5. is this post even worth stayin open, I would say what i think but if u think realisticly i dont have to
  6. damn , i would just say i didnt know or say nothing at all but u guys kinda go all out. I thought they just gave them names that sounded good and i never really thought about their name meanings. I think they shold have gave them names that refer to the character's characteristics
  7. just another guy in midlife crisis with no real friends I guess. He probably thinks its noble or something but i find it chessy. ALot of peeps find it hard to let go of things and others dont like change and want to keep things llike they always were. I guess he is that sort of person which have both of those characteristics
  8. On saturday there was a boat collision in our waters. 4 peeps died and one of em was one of my close friends from grade 1. Its was on the news and they said his name but i didnt believe it.I called his house and his mom said it was true. anyone ever lost a friend
  9. once after using a sponge i put it in the microwave to dry. It got all smoky in the house and my parents were less than pleased. I did that again with a towel
  10. Im broke as a joke and im goin to work next summer. Over in the bahamas the government gives out jobs to student at the major corporations and all ya gotta do is sign up at school
  11. i hate when peeps bring up back to school. Its just brings down my day. I go back on Sept. 1 going to my first year in senior high. I dont like it but i do good enough. I graduated Valedictorian of the Class of 2003 in H. O. Nash Jr. High in the bahamas.
  12. i turned 14 in november and in schools in the bahamas when its someone's b-day we give them punches in accordance with their age and one for good luck. I avoided my punishment this year but i never cease to deal it
  13. they are probably tryin to make the scene a little more epic and dramatic i think. I personally think they were kinda corny
  14. no it isnt, and btw is .hack//sign edited in any way because i dont have any of the dvds and i am wondering if its butchered like the other animes on CN
  15. like i said in the other post wit crim these rpg's give players these whack outfits and btw someone needs to tell bear to put on some clothes. I dont wanna see some guy paradin in a game in some mini-skirt
  16. i found the show kinda annoying but still oddly funny
  17. if i were bear i wouldnt waste my time with BT. Such a shame he befriends some hag who needs friends but since for her they are rare she goes to middle aged men in online games
  18. the shoes are kinda odd and i admit look kinda off center but c,mon, its a rpg game and u know in those the wardrobe can be funny looking in some games
  19. CN can be a horrible channel, I wouldnt be surprised if they butcher .hack//sign like they do to all their good programs
  20. Im goin to my first year of senior high. Im goin to a school where i know hardly anybody because its a private school that im goin to on a scholarship and the only peeps i know would be the students who are in grade 11 and 12 who came from my junior high
  21. does anyone else think the poses that were made when they went through the portals were kinda corny and unnecessary
  22. i am a pretty healthy kid and what is mononucle- i forgot the rest and how does it affect the body
  23. my brother had a heart mumur, prolapsed mitral valve, a swollen aorta, and marfan's syndrome and he plays sports all of the time
  24. i have no pets and i dont really want one right now
  25. i wouldnt mind em. Players should get stronger if they dont wanna be player killed. I probably would be a PK if i was in the game but only to people i hate of if i need to be amused
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